Developmental Milestones Birth To 5 Years

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Average Milestones in Development from Birth to 60 Months “Age Milestone Age Milestone Tmonth | Responds to voice months | Transfers objects from hand to hand Adjusts in anticipation of being held Picks up cube defily ‘Thrusts arms or legs in play ‘Tus, when initially im the supine Makes fists position, from back to stomach Makes early stepping movements when standing 2months | Visually recognizes caregiver S months | Vocalizes three different vowel sounds Smiles when someone smiles Raises body to siting position from Makes crawling movements when supine position prone! Pulls to standing position from supine Holds leg up when supine? position Samonttis | Vocalizes two different vowel sounds | 9 months | Imitates vocalization Reacis to disappearance of face Rotates trunk while siting alone | Turns, when initially in the supine : position, to side and thea to back | ‘Attempts to bring hand to mouth 4 months | Inspects own hands) 10 months | Cooperates in game Tums head to sound Raises body to standing position | Uses arms to elevate body from prone ‘Attempts to walk \ position | Sits with support “Smonths | Uses eye-hand coordination in reaching | 11 months | Uses gestures to make wants known Picks up cube Looks at pictures in book ‘Turns, when initially in the supine Walks sideways while holding onto position, from back to side furniture Sifts weight on arms when prone Sits down from standing position 6 months | Smiles at mirror image 12 months | Tums pages of book —— Bangs in play Sits alone momentarily Pulls to sitting position from supine position Jabbers expressively ‘Walks with help 'Prone means on stomach. ®oupine means on back. ‘Note. The ages represent guideposts and are not absolute. ‘Age + Milestone Milestone 13 months’ | Pats toy in imitation ‘ Builds tower of eight cubes ‘Vocalizes four different vowel-consonant ‘Swings leg to kick ball combinations Jumps distance of 4 inches, Stands alone ‘Walks alone 16 months | Scribbles spontaneously Iitates vertical and horizontal strokes Imitates single words Poses question Walks alone with good coordination ‘Walks on tiptoe for four stéps Throws ball while standing | 19 months | Builds tower of two cubes ‘Understands concept of one Uses word(s) to make wants known Understands two prepositions ‘Walks up stairs or down stairs with help ‘Walks up stars, alternating feet 22 month; | Combines word(s) and gesture(s) Names four colors Points to three of doll’s body parts Understands four prepositions Stands on right foot or left foot with help Copies a circle, a plus sign, or a square 25 months | Uses a two-word utterance Goes to toilet alone Imitates a two-word sentences. Hops on one foot Runs with coordination ‘Throws ball overhand Climbs well 28 months | Builds tower of six cubes Skips Uses a three-word sentence | Tes shoes ‘| Walks up stairs or down stairs alone, placing both feet on each step . | Follows three commands Dresses and undresses self | i Source: Ages 1 month through 42 months from N. Bayley (1993), Bayley Scales of Infant Development, Copyright © 1993 by The Psychological Corporation, « Harcourt Assessment Company. Adapted and reproduced by permission. All rights reserved “Bayley Scales of Infant Development” isa trademark of The Psychological Corporation. Ages 48 months and 60 months from Lewis (1991), Northern and Downs (1991), and Shapiro (1991). /

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