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ASSUME cs:code, ds:data

start: mov ax, data
mov ds, ax
;input the number
output p_num
inputs tmpstr, 10
atoi tmpstr
mov cx, 00h;stores the reverse number
mov ten, 10
;iterate to reverse digits
next: cmp ax, 0
jz op_rev;exit the loop if number=0
idiv ten;to extract units digit
mov bx, dx;to save contents of dx
xchg ax, cx;to perform multiplication
imul ten;to insert units digit
add ax, bx;add the acutal units digit
xchg ax, cx;save the reverse number back
jmp next
;output the reverse
op_rev: output p_rev
itoa tmpstr, cx
output tmpstr

quit: mov al, 00h

mov ah, 4ch
int 21h
code ENDS
END start

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