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Volume 48, Number 2, 478488

2005, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Magnesium Sulfate
Prophylaxis in
Evidence From
Randomized Trials
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Cincinnati,
Cincinnati, Ohio

Introduction During recent years, several randomized

In the United States, parenteral magnesium trials were reported that compared the efficacy
sulfate has been used for the prevention of of magnesium sulfate with other anticonvul-
recurrent seizures in patients with eclampsia sants in eclamptic women. In these trials,
for over 80 years. As a natural extension to magnesium sulfate was compared with diaz-
its use for the treatment of eclamptic convul- epam, phenytoin, or a lytic cocktail.26 Only
sions in the United States, magnesium sul- 1 of these trials was multicenter and had an
fate was then adopted for seizure prophylaxis adequate sample size.2 The results of these
in women with varying degrees of hyper- trials were summarized by Witlin and Sibai
tensive disorders of pregnancy.1 In 1990, (Table 1).7 The overall results of these stud-
I suggested that magnesium sulfate is the ies demonstrate that magnesium sulfate was
ideal anticonvulsant in preeclampsia associated with a significantly lower rate of
eclampsia.1 That recommendation was recurrent seizures (relative risk [RR] = 0.41;
based on personal experience and the results 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.320.51)
of few observational studies available at that and lower rate of maternal death (RR =
time. Until recently, this recommendation 0.62; 95% CI, 0.390.99) than that observed
was criticized as being empiric and dogmatic with other anticonvulsants (Table 2). Fur-
because it had never been tested in large thermore, there was a decreased rate of
randomized trials. pneumonia, less need for mechanical venti-
lation, and fewer admissions to the intensive
Correspondence: Baha M. Sibai, MD, University of Cin-
cinnati, 231 Albert Sabin Way, Cincinnati, OH 45267. care unit in women receiving magnesium
E-mail: sulfate therapy.7 Therefore, there is level 1


Magnesium Sulfate Prophylaxis 479

TABLE 1. Randomized Trials Comparing Magnesium Sulfate (MgSO4) Therapy With Other
Anticonvulsant Agents for Eclampsia
Recurrent Seizures
MgSO4 Other
Author Therapy No. (%) No. (%) RR (95% CI)
Dommisse Dihydralazine 0/11 (0) 4/11 (36.7)
Crowther4 Dihydralazine 5/24 (20.8) 7/27 (26) 0.8 (0.292.2)
Bhalla et al5 Nifedipine 1/45 (2.2) 11/45 (24.4) 0.09 (0.010.68)
Friedman et al6 Nifedipine, labetalol 0/11 (0) 2/13 (15.4)*
Collaborative Trial2 NR 60/453 (13.2) 126/452 (27.9) 0.48 (0.360.63)
NR 22/388 (5.7) 66/387 (17.1) 0.33 (0.210.53)
All studies 88/922 (9.4) 216/935 (23.1) 0.41 (0.320.51)
* Phenytoin.
Lytic cocktail.
CI, confidence interval; NR, not reported; RR, relative risk.

evidence indicating that magnesium sulfate mild preeclampsia, a secondary benefit

is the best available anticonvulsant in pa- could be a reduction in the rate of progres-
tients with eclampsia.7 sion to severe preeclampsia.

Magnesium Sulfate Magnesium Sulfate in

in Preeclampsia Severe Preeclampsia
The primary objective of magnesium sulfate There are 2 large prospective observational
prophylaxis in women with preeclampsia is studies describing the rate of eclampsia in
to prevent or reduce the rate of eclampsia women with severe preeclampsia not receiv-
and complications associated with eclamp- ing prophylactic magnesium sulfate.8,9 Both
sia. Secondary benefits also include reduced of these studies were performed at the same
maternal and perinatal mortalities and mor- medical center in South Africa. The clinical
bidities even in women who do not develop criteria for severe preeclampsia in those stud-
convulsions. In addition, in women with ies were similar to those in the United States.

TABLE 2. Maternal Deaths in Trials Comparing Magnesium Sulfate (MgSO4) Therapy

With Other Anticonvulsant Agents for Eclampsia
Maternal Deaths
MgSO4 Other
Author Group No. (%) No. (%) RR (95% CI)
Dommisse Phenytoin 0/11 0/11
Crowther4 Diazepam 1/24 (4.2) 0/27
Bhalla et al5 Lytic cocktail 0/45 2/45 (4/4)
Friedman et al6 Phenytoin 0/11 0/13
Collaborative Phenytoin 10/388 (2.6) 20/387 (5.2) 0.50 (0.241.00)
Trial2 Diazepam 17/453 (3.8) 23/452 (5.1) 0.74 (0.401.36)
All studies 28/932 (3.0) 45/935 (4.8) 0.62 (0.390.99)
CI, confidence interval; RR, relative risk.
480 Sibai

Odendaal and Hall8 studied 1001 women with obvious regarding decision to use magne-
severe preeclampsia; 510 received magne- sium sulfate in these studies.
sium sulfate prophylaxis based on the clinical There are 4 large randomized, controlled
impression of impending eclampsia and 491 trials comparing the use of magnesium sul-
women did not receive magnesium sulfate. fate to prevent convulsions in patients with
Five patients (0.5%) developed eclampsia, severe preeclampsia (Table 3).1013 Two of
2 (0.4%) in the magnesium group (both oc- the trials were single center,10,11 and the
curred before delivery) and 3 (0.6%) in the other 2 were multicenter with large sample
no magnesium group (all 3 developed post- sizes.12,13 Two of the trials were placebo-
partum). Interestingly, 2 of the 3 with post- controlled,11,12 one trial used a no treatment
partum seizures occurred beyond 48 hours group,10 and the remaining trial compared
and thus would not have been eligible for magnesium sulfate to a cerebral vasodilator
their standard magnesium sulfate regimen. (nimodipine).13 All 4 trials allowed the use
In a subsequent report, Hall and associates9 of various antihypertensive agents to control
reported on 318 women with preeclampsia hypertension. The Magpie trial12 included
(mostly severe and remote from term and 10,110 women with preeclampsia and was
not in labor) who were managed expectantly conducted in 175 hospitals in 33 countries
with antihypertensive drugs and without with considerable heterogeneity of clinical
magnesium sulfate. Twenty-six of the wom- characteristics, obstetric care, and availabil-
en subsequently received magnesium sulfate ity of maternal and neonatal intensive care
during labor or because of antepartum seiz- units. In addition, many aspects of clinical
ures (n = 4). Five (1.5%) developed eclamp- characteristics or management were poorly
sia; 2 (0.7%) developed within 24 hours of defined or controlled at time of randomiza-
hospitalization, 2 (0.7%) at 8 and 14 days tion. Some of these women received study
after hospitalization, and 1 developed 4 days medications antepartum during expectant
postpartum. Therefore, only 2 would have management for 24 hours only (no subse-
been prevented by their standard magnesium quent magnesium sulfate in labor or post-
sulfate prophylaxis regimen. In addition, partum), some were discharged home, others
none of the 5 women had serious morbidity received drug during labor and delivery, and
because of seizures. The authors of these some were randomized only during the post-
studies therefore questioned the need for partum period.12 Fifty percent of patients
magnesium sulfate prophylaxis in patients received antihypertensives before randomi-
with severe preeclampsia.8,9 However, it is zation and 75% received antihypertensives
important to note that selection bias was after randomization. Moreover, 9% received

TABLE 3. Randomized Controlled Trials of Magnesium Sulfate in Severe Preeclampsia

Rates of Seizures
Magnesium Control
Authors Sulfate No. (%) No. (%) RR (95% CI)
Moodley and Moodley 1/112 (0.9) 0/116 (0) NA
Coetzee et al11 1/345 (0.3) 11/340 (3.2)* 0.09 (0.010.69)
Magpie Trial Group12 40/5055 (0.8) 96/5055 (1.9)* 0.42 (0.260.60)
Belfort et al13 7/831 (0.8) 21/819 (2.6) 0.33 (0.140.77)
Total 49/6343 (0.6) 128/6330 (2.0) 0.39 (0.280.55)
* Placebo.
RR, relative risk; CI, confidence interval.
NA, not applicable.
Magnesium Sulfate Prophylaxis 481

anticonvulsants before randomization and these women. This study did not include
6% received magnesium sulfate or other anti- intention-to-treat analysis. The overall re-
convulsants after randomization; 17 women sults of the 4 trials listed in Table 3 demons-
had eclampsia before randomization.8 This trate that magnesium sulfate prophylaxis
trial revealed a significant reduction in the in severe preeclampsia is associated with a
rate of eclampsia in women assigned to mag- significantly lower rate of eclampsia (RR =
nesium sulfate (Table 3). This benefit was 0.39, 95% CI, 0.280.55).
primarily found in women enrolled in devel-
oping countries, and no significant reduction
in eclampsia was found in women enrolled in
Effects of Magnesium Sulfate
the Western world (RR = 0.67; 95% CI, on Maternal Mortality
0.192.37).12 However, the number of women and Morbidities
enrolled in the Western world was too few. The trials mentioned here provided informa-
Based on the rate of eclampsia found in this tion regarding maternal mortality, and some
group, with an a of 0.05 and a b of 0.2, of the studies provided information about ma-
11,263 women from the Western world need ternal morbidities such as abruptio placen-
to be enrolled in each group to find a signif- tae,10,12,13 respiratory depression,1013 and ce-
icant reduction in rate of eclampsia in wom- rebrovascular accidents.1013 There were no
en treated with magnesium sulfate. maternal deaths reported in 2 of the trials10,13
The trial by Belfort et al13 compared the and 1 trial reported 1 death among 340 women
use of magnesium sulfate with nimodipine, assigned to placebo.11 This woman pre-
a calcium channel blocker with cerebral vas- sented 10 days after discharge from the hos-
odilatory effects. In this trial, the authors en- pital with signs of pelvic sepsis.11 In the
rolled women at 14 sites in 8 countries who Magpie trial, there were 11 maternal deaths
were given study drugs during labor and for in the magnesium group and 20 deaths in the
24 hours postpartum. All study women had placebo group (RR = 0.55; 95% CI, 0.26
well-defined clinical characteristics before 1.14).12 However, 3 of the deaths in the pla-
randomization.13 The authors found a signif- cebo group were the result of renal failure, 3
icant reduction in the rate of eclampsia in the were attributed to pulmonary embolism, and
magnesium sulfate group (Table 3); most of 2 because of infection. These 8 deaths can
the difference was the result of a lower hardly be ascribed to magnesium whose
eclampsia rate in the postpartum period actions are to prevent status epilepticus
among group assigned to magnesium sulfate and aspiration. In addition, the deaths result-
(0 of 831 vs. 9 of 819 in nimodipine; P = ing from pulmonary embolism and infection
0.01).13 The trial by Coetzee et al11 included could not be attributed to cesarean section
822 randomized women; however, 137 because the rate of cesarean was similar be-
(17%) were excluded after randomization. tween the 2 groups (50% in magnesium and
There were no cases of eclampsia among 48% in placebo).12 Moreover, it is not clear

TABLE 4. Effects of Magnesium Sulfate on the Rate of Abruptio Placentae in Women

With Severe Preeclampsia
Authors Magnesium Sulfate No. (%) Control No. (%) RR (95% CI)
Moodley and Moodley 0/112 0/116 NA
Magpie Trial Group12* 62/4387 (1.4)* 113/4331 (2.6)* 0.54 (0.400.74)
Belfort et al13 8/831 (1.0) 6/819 (0.7) 1.30 (0.463.77)
Total 70/5330 (1.3) 119/5266 (2.3) 0.67 (0.381.19)
* Excluded 28 women in each group who probably had abruptio before randomization.
NA, not applicable; RR, relative risk; CI, confidence interval.
482 Sibai

from this trial how many women had renal ing neonatal morbidities.12,13 The use of
failure before randomization. Overall, the magnesium sulfate in severe preeclampsia
results of these trials demonstrate no benefit does not affect the rates of Apgar ,7 at 5
of magnesium sulfate on maternal mortality. minutes, respiratory distress, need for intu-
Nevertheless, the numbers are too small to bation, hypotonia, or days in a special care
draw any certain conclusions. baby unit.12,13
Table 4 summarizes the data from ran-
domized trials regarding the effects of
magnesium sulfate on the rate of abruptio Magnesium Sulfate in
placentae.10,12,13 Magnesium sulfate is
not associated with a significant reduction Mild Preeclampsia
in the rate of abruptio placentae (RR = There are only 2 double-blind, placebo-
0.67; 95% CI, 0.381.19). controlled trials evaluating the use of mag-
Randomized, controlled trials evaluating nesium sulfate in patients with mild pre-
the effects of magnesium sulfate on the fre- eclampsia (Table 7).14,15 In both trials,
quency of respiratory depression are sum- patients with well-defined mild preeclamp-
marized in Table 5. The use of magnesium sia were randomized during labor or post-
sulfate in severe preeclampsia is associated partum, and there was no difference in the
with a significant increase in the rate of percentage of women who progressed to
respiratory depression (RR = 2.06; 95% severe preeclampsia (12.5% vs. 13.8%;
CI, 1.333.18). There were 3 cases of cere- RR = 0.90; 95% CI, 0.521.54). There were
brovascular accidents among 6343 women no instances of eclampsia among 181 pa-
(0.05%) assigned to magnesium sulfate and tients assigned to placebo. In one of these
6 cases among 6330 women (0.09%) as- trials,14 there was higher rates of postpartum
signed to placebo.1013 The power regarding hemorrhage and 2 instances of magnesium
this outcome is too low for valid conclusions. toxicity among those assigned to magne-
sium sulfate.
Because the number of patients studied
in the 2 placebo trials is limited,10,11 a larger
Effects of Magnesium Sulfate number of patients needs to be studied be-
on Perinatal Deaths and fore the effectiveness or safety of magne-
Neonatal Morbidities sium sulfate can be stated with certainty.
Three of the 4 trials mentioned here provid- Thus, there is a definite need for a multicen-
ed adequate information regarding perinatal ter trial to address the value of magnesium
deaths (Table 6).1012 The use of magnesium sulfate prophylaxis in mild preeclampsia.
sulfate in severe preeclampsia does not Based on a rate of eclampsia of 0.5% and
affect the rate of perinatal deaths (RR = assuming 50% reduction by magnesium sul-
1.03; 95% CI, 0.871.22). Only 2 of the ran- fate (0.25% rate), with an a of 0.05 and
domized trials provided information regard- a b of 0.2, 9383 women would need to be
TABLE 5. Effects of Magnesium Sulfate on the Proportion With Respiratory Depression
in Women With Severe Preeclampsia
Authors Magnesium Sulfate No. (%) Control No. (%) RR (95% CI)
Moodley and Moodley 0/112 0/116 NA
Coetzee et al11 1/345 (0.3) 0/340 NA
Magpie Trial Group12 51/4999 (1.0) 26/4993 (0.5) 1.96 (1.223.14)
Belfort et al13 11/831 (1.3) 3/819 (0.4) 3.61 (1.0112.90)
Total 63/6287 (1.0) 29/6268 (0.46) 2.06 (1.333.18)
NA, not applicable; RR, relative risk; CI, confidence interval.
Magnesium Sulfate Prophylaxis 483

TABLE 6. Effects of Magnesium Sulfate on the Rate of Perinatal Deaths in Severe Preeclampia
Authors Magnesium Sulfate No. (%) Control No. (%) RR (95% CI)
Moodley and Moodley 20/117 (17) 25/118 (21) 0.81 (0.471.37)
Coetzee et al11 38/348 (11) 38/354 (8.0) 1.38 (0.872.20)
Magpie Trial Group12 576/4538 (13) 558/4486 (12) 1.02 (0.921.14)
Total 634/5003 (13) 601/4958 (13) 1.03 (0.871.22)
RR, relative risk; CI; confidence interval.

enrolled in each group to find a significant with severe preeclampsia. This study sug-
reduction in eclampsia in women with mild gests that the rate of seizures in women
preeclampsia treated with magnesium sulfate. with mild hypertension or mild preeclamp-
There are 4 randomized trials compar- sia receiving phenytoin is 0.6% (6 of 1000
ing magnesium sulfate with phenytoin in women).
women with various hypertensive disor-
ders of pregnancy (Table 8).1619 Only
one of these trials had an adequate sample Side Effects and Toxicity of
size to evaluate development of convul- Magnesium Sulfate
sions.19 The results of these studies reveal The use of magnesium sulfate is associated
that magnesium sulfate is superior to phe- with a high rate of minor side effects such as
nytoin to prevent eclamptic seizures in these feeling warm, flushed, nausea or vomiting,
women (Table 8).1619 muscle weakness, dizziness, and irritation
The largest randomized trial was at the site of injections. The reported rates
reported by Lucas et al.19 The trial com- of these effects in randomized trials ranged
pared the use of intramuscular magnesium from 15% to 67%.1214 These side effects
sulfate to phenytoin in women with vari- were the most common reason for the wom-
ous hypertensive disorders (hypertension ans request to stop treatment early in the
only, mild preeclampsia, and a small per- Magpie trial.12 In addition, the use of mag-
centage with severe preeclampsia). The nesium sulfate is associated with major side
phenytoin group included 178 women effects such as respiratory depression1214
who were given either no phenytoin (n = and postpartum hemorrhage.13,14 However,
139) or only a partial loading dose (n = postpartum hemorrhage was not increased
39). There were no cases of seizures with magnesium sulfate use in the Magpie
among 1049 women assigned to magne- trial.12
sium sulfate as compared with 10 (0.9%) Life-threatening magnesium toxicity is
among 1089 women assigned to phenytoin extremely rare with correct dosing and proper
(P = 0.004). Four of the 10 women with monitoring of the patient during magnesium
seizures had clinical findings consistent sulfate therapy. Nevertheless, maternal

TABLE 7. Placebo-Controlled Trials of Magnesium Sulfate in Mild Preeclampsia

Rate of Seizures Progression to Severe
Magnesium Magnesium
Authors Sulfate Placebo Sulfate Placebo RR (95% CI)
Witlin et al 0/67* 0/68 8/67 (12%) 6/68 (9.1%) 1.35 (0.53.7)
Livingston et al11 0/109 0/113 14/109 (12.8%) 19/113 (16.8%) 0.76 (0.42.4)
Total 0/176 0/181 22/176 (12.5%) 25/181 (13.8%) 0.90 (0.521.54)
*Two cases of magnesium toxicity.
RR, relative risk; CI, confidence interval.
484 Sibai

TABLE 8. Randomized Trials of of intravenous loading dose and intramuscu-

Magnesium Sulfate (MgSO4) lar maintenance in the trial by Moodley and
Versus Phenytoin in Moodley,10 and by a combination of these in
Hypertensive Disorders the Magpie trial.12 In the Magpie trial, there
of Pregnancy were significantly higher rates of side effects
Convulsions with the intramuscular regimen (28% vs.
5%), and as a result, more women in this
MgsO4 Phenytoin
group stopped the medication early. The
Appleton et al 0/24 0/23 Magpie trial found no differences regarding
Friedman et al17 0/60 0/43 the efficacy of these 2 regimens in prevent-
Atkinson et al18 0/28 0/26
Luca et al19 0/1049 0/1089 ing seizures. This variation in the route of
Total 0/1161 10/1181 (0.8%)* administration and the total amount of mag-
nesium sulfate used in the various trials help
* P , 0.001.
explain the differences in the rates of seiz-
ures and side effects among those assigned
to magnesium sulfate.
deaths from magnesium overdose have been Recently, investigators from the Univer-
reported from the United States20 and from sity of Mississippi Medical Center sug-
South Africa.21 In addition, magnesium tox- gested using an individually determined
icity from overdose nearly led to maternal postpartum magnesium sulfate protocol
deaths in 2 other reports.22,23 based on patient clinical parameters in
patients with preeclampsia.24,25 The first
study24 included 194 women with mild
(n = 103), severe (n = 55), or superim-
Time, Duration, Dose, and posed preeclampsia (n = 10). Women with
Route of Administration mild disease received a minimum of 6
There is no agreement in the published ran- hours of intravenous magnesium sulfate,
domized trials regarding the optimal time to whereas those with severe received a min-
initiate magnesium sulfate, the dose to use imum of 12 hours infusion in the postpar-
(both loading and maintenance), the route tum period. This protocol was based on the
of administration (intramuscular or intrave- level of blood pressures, need for antihy-
nous), as well as the duration of therapy. pertensive therapy, presence of diuresis,
In all trials except in some of the women and presence of maternal symptoms.
enrolled in the Magpie trial,12 magnesium Women with mild preeclampsia required
sulfate was started once the decision for de- an average magnesium sulfate therapy
livery was made. In some trials, magnesium for 9.5 4.2 hours, whereas those with se-
sulfate was given during labor, delivery, and vere disease required an average infusion
for up to 24 hours postpartum.11,1315 In of 16 5.9 hours. Those with HELLP syn-
contrast, in 2 of the trials, magnesium sul- drome required an average duration of
fate was given for a maximum of 24 magnesium sulfate therapy for 20 6.7
hours.10,12 In addition, in the Magpie trial, hours. There was no case of eclampsia dur-
some of the patients did not receive the drug ing the study. The authors concluded that
during labor, delivery, or postpartum.12 this protocol was cost-effective. However,
Among the trials using the intravenous reg- the sample size is inadequate to evaluate
imen, the loading dose ranged from 4 to 6 g, efficacy for convulsions considering an
and the maintenance dose ranged from 1 to expected rate of less than 1% in this group
2 g per hour. The route of administration without using magnesium sulfate.
was by continuous intravenous infusion in In a subsequent report, Isher et al25
most of the trials,11,1315 by a combination evaluated an individualized protocol for
Magnesium Sulfate Prophylaxis 485

postpartum magnesium sulfate therapy in magnesium levels, serum creatinine, or cre-

495 women with mild preeclampsia (n = atinine clearance. The authors concluded
284), severe preeclampsia (n = 105), that eclamptic convulsions did not correlate
HELLP syndrome (n = 45), or superim- with either body mass index or circulating
posed preeclampsia (n = 61). This protocol plasma magnesium levels. Therefore, ques-
also was based on level of blood pressures, tions remain regarding the optimal time to
use of antihypertensive drugs, diuresis, and initiate magnesium sulfate as well as to
maternal symptoms. It also required these the dose and the duration of administration
women to be evaluated every 4 hours with in the postpartum period.
vital signs and presence of symptoms. Mag-
nesium sulfate was used for a minimum of 2
hours, but up to 72 hours in some of those Recommendation
with mild disease and up to 77 hours post- Most women with preeclampsia, particularly
partum in those with severe disease. Magne- those with mild disease, will have a favorable
sium sulfate therapy had to be reinstituted maternal outcome and go on to deliver
again based on clinical parameters in 6.3% a healthy term infant. In contrast, in approx-
of women with mild or severe disease and imately 5% to 10% of patients with severe
in 18% in those with superimposed pre- preeclampsia, the mother will have serious
eclampsia. There were no cases of eclampsia complications such as pulmonary edema, re-
among these women. Again, the number of spiratory failure, abruptio placentae with or
women included in this study (mostly mild without disseminated intravascular coagul-
disease) is inadequate to draw any conclu- opathy, renal or liver failure, rupture liver
sions regarding efficacy to prevent eclamp- hematomas, stroke, and seizures (eclamp-
sia. In addition, this protocol requires inten- sia).1013 The risks of seizures are severe
sive patient monitoring on the postpartum hypoxia from recurrent seizures or status
ward, which is not practical in most hospi- epilepticus, maternal trauma, and aspiration
tals in the United States. pneumonia. These risks are particularly en-
Dayicioglu et al26 evaluated serum mag- countered in women who develop seizures
nesium levels and efficacy of a standard before admission to a hospital and without
dose of magnesium sulfate (4.5 g loading being attended by a medical provider.25
dose over 15 min followed by 1.8 g/hr) in Prophylactic magnesium sulfate is recom-
183 women with preeclampsia. Serum mag- mended only for women who are hospitalized
nesium levels were obtained within the first because of diagnosed preeclampsia. In the
2 hours and every 6 hours in the subsequent United States, magnesium sulfate is recom-
42 hours. In addition, serum creatinine lev- mended only during labor and for 12 to 24
els and creatinine clearances were also stud- hours postpartum. Therefore, it can be
ied to correlate with magnesium levels. The expected to have a potential effect on reduc-
authors found that most serum levels of tion of eclampsia that occurs only during this
magnesium were below 4.8 mg/dL (thera- time period, which represents only 30% to
peutic level?) in women with a body mass 40% of 452 eclampsia cases reported in 2 re-
index of $36 kg/m2. Nine women devel- cent series.27,28 Thus, it will reduce the rate of
oped convulsions while receiving magne- eclampsia and its morbidity only in those
sium sulfate in the postpartum period; women. Most of the morbidity and mortality
eclamptic seizures developed in 4 women associated with eclampsia is the result of
with low body mass indices. The authors out-of-hospital seizures in unattended
also found that there was no association women, and such events are more frequent
between treatment failures and body mass among patients in developing countries
index or with magnesium levels. In addition, without prenatal care and poor medical
they found no association among serum facilities.2932 Even in those who are
486 Sibai

hospitalized with severe preeclampsia, eclampsia (severe headaches, blurred vi-

maternal outcome will depend on the sion, or epigastric pain).12 In those who
patients condition and how advanced the had imminent eclampsia, the number needed
disease process is at the time of hospitali- to be treated to prevent 1 case of eclampsia
zation.12,13 In these women, the risks to the was 36. Thus, one can conclude that women
mother and fetus will be more related to with imminent eclampsia are the best candi-
the irreversible maternal or fetal condi- dates to receive magnesium sulfate prophy-
tions before the onset of seizures rather laxis. Even then, magnesium sulfate might
than to the eclampsia itself. Thus, there prevent complications related to seizures
is more to preeclampsiaeclampsia than (status epileptics, maternal trauma, or aspi-
prevention of seizures.27,29 ration), but it may not affect serious mater-
The rate of seizures in women with mild nal complications of severe preeclampsia
preeclampsia not receiving magnesium such as pulmonary edema, stroke, liver, he-
sulfate is very low. Based on data from ob- matoma, or renal failure. In contrast, in
servational studies and the 2 randomized, women without symptoms the number of
placebo trials (Table 7), this rate is estimated women needed to treat to prevent 1 case
to be approximately 1 in 200 women. Most of eclampsia was 129. In addition, among
of the women will have preeclampsia at term those enrolled in the Western world, the
or immediately postpartum. If seizures number needed to be treated to prevent 1
develop during labor, they are usually self- case of eclampsia was 385. In these women,
limited, benign, and witnessed without ad- the benefit-to-risk ratio from routine prophy-
verse maternal effects.8,9,11,13,19 If magne- laxis is less compelling. However, in rare
sium sulfate prophylaxis reduces the risk occasions, a patient may have aspiration or
of seizure by 50%, then 400 women need may develop a complication because of hyp-
to be treated to prevent a single seizure with- oxia related to the seizure. Because of this
out possibly additional benefit to either rare event, magnesium sulfate prophylaxis
mother or fetus. In this group, magnesium may be justified in all women with severe
sulfate may potentially be associated with preeclampsia.
higher number of adverse maternal effects Finally, magnesium sulfate will not pre-
than the seizure itself. Therefore, the bene- vent most maternal and perinatal mortality
fit-to-risk ratio does not support routine and morbidity related to preeclampsia. There-
use of magnesium sulfate prophylaxis in fore, irrespective of magnesium sulfate ther-
mild preeclampsia. apy, progression from mild to severe disease
The rate of seizures in women with se- and development of serious maternal compli-
vere preeclampsia not receiving magne- cations during delivery and postpartum can-
sium sulfate is 2.0%, whereas it is 0.6% not be predicted without close maternal sur-
in those receiving such therapy (Table 3). veillance. Thus, the use of magnesium sulfate
Thus, 71 women with severe preeclampsia should not be misconstrued as license for
need to be treated to prevent 1 case of reduced surveillance of these women. Con-
eclampsia that might not be associated tinued close antepartum, intrapartum, and
with untoward adverse effects on the postpartum surveillance is crucial for optimal
mother, fetus, or neonate. Women with maternal and perinatal outcomes.
severe preeclampsia are a heterogeneous
group with substantially different risks References
for seizure. The Magpie trial provided data 1. Sibai BM. Magnesium sulfate is the ideal an-
about the rate of eclampsia according to ticonvulsant in preeclampsiaeclampsia. Am
the rate of perinatal mortality in countries J Obstet Gynecol. 1990;162:11411145.
participating in the trial as well as accord- 2. The Eclampsia Collaborative Group. Which
ing to presence or absence of imminent anticonvulsant for women with eclampsia?
Magnesium Sulfate Prophylaxis 487

Evidence from the Collaborative Eclampsia 14. Witlin AG, Friedman SA, Sibai BM. The
Trial. Lancet. 1995;345:14551463. effect of magnesium sulfate therapy on the
3. Dommisse J. Phenytoin sodium and magne- duration of labor in women with mild
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