GBV in Universities Programme

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Tackling Gender-Based Violence in Universities - Programme

Tues 14 March, 2017

A joint symposium between Newcastle University (Kathryn Hollingsworth and Nikki Godden-Rasul), Northumbria University
(Ruth Lewis) and the British Sociological Association Gender Study Group

9.30-10.00 Registration
10.00- Welcome
Nikki Godden-Rasul (Newcastle University), Kathryn Hollingsworth (Newcastle University) & Ruth Lewis
(Northumbria University)
10.10-11.15 Key Note Panel
Tackling Gender-Based Violence in University Communities in the UK: Challenges and Possibilities
Sundari Anitha (University of Lincoln)
Theoretical Underpinnings of Bystander Approaches to the Prevention of Gender-Based Violence in UK
Rachel Fenton (University of West of England)
Bystander Intervention programme at University College Cork
Louise Crowley (University College Cork)
11.20- Culture, Cultural Conditions, and Gender-Based Violence in HE
Understanding University Rape Culture through Narrative and Complexity
Diane Crocker (St Marys University)
Is it okay to go out with my mates, drinking and on the pull without it being nasty? Lads culture and the
challenge of engaging male students
Mike Jeffries (Northumbria University)
Its on us to stop sexual assault?: Celebrity advocacy, neoliberalism and the media
Sabrina Moro (Nottingham Trent University)
12.30-1. Lunch
1.30-2.45 Legal Frameworks for University Prevention & Responses to
The HEI reaction in front of sexual violence in universities: The Catalan case study
Sara Cagliero & Barbara Biglia (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
From Government policy to University priority: Reframing Gender-based violence in Scotland Equally Safe in
Higher Education (ESHE)
Anni Donaldson & Melanie McCarry (University of Strathclyde)
Gender-Based Violence in Higher Education: Universities Legal Obligations to their Students
Nikki Godden-Rasul & Kathryn Hollingsworth (Newcastle University)
2.45-3.00 Refreshments Break
3.00-4.15 Students Experiences & University Support Mechanisms
Feminist Activism and Gender-Based Violence in Universities
Ruth Lewis (Northumbria University)
Positioning Universities as a Source of Help when Gender Based Violence, Harassment And/Or Hate Are
Experienced By Students
Catherine Donovan, Nicola Roberts, Kate Tudor & Matthew Durey
Universities Supporting Victims/Survivors of Sexual Violence:
Thinking Critically about a Response Approach
Charlotte Jones and Anne Chappell (Brunel University London)

4.15-5.00 Closing Words

Nikki Godden-Rasul (Newcastle University), Kathryn Hollingsworth (Newcastle University) & Ruth Lewis
(Northumbria University)
5.00-6.30 Public Lecture
Alison Phipps (University of Sussex)
Elizabeth Sharpe (Texas Tech University)

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