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IF2 1-5


Ken-ichi KONNO

Antenna Gikeii CO., LTD.

4-72 Miyagayato, Ohmiya JAPAN

Abstract of inter-digitalBPF's working in the same center frequency.

In the case of a micro strip-line resonator of comb-line
A small-size microstrip BPF is developed by using a type, the relation between fg, the resonant frequency of
high dielectric constant (E r = 92) substrate, shield-lines quarter-wavelength of the resonator, and fr, the resonant
between coupled resonators to get smaller coupling coef- frequency of the same resonator with a loaded capacitor, is
ficient and short microstrip-line resonators of comb-line expressed as:
type. The newly developed three stage BPF is designed
and demonstrated at 1.2GHz. This BPF can be produced
at low cost and is useful for portable radio equipment. with Zc < -
fr/fg = ( 2 h ) tan (Zc/Zo) < 1

where Zc is an impedance of the loaded capacitor and Zo

1. INTRODUCTION is thecharacteristic impedance of the microslrip-line.
The ratio of Is, the length of quarter-wave microstrip-
Recently, small-size BPFs using quarter-wavelength line resonator, and IC,the length of quarter-wave coaxial-
coaxial-line resonators made of high dielectric constant line resonator, is expressed as:
material have been developed and used in portable radio
equipment. hi general, microstrip filters are suitable for ls/lc = d-GiGF>1.
mass production than coaxial type, but the size of micros&ip
Bllers, especially narrow bandwidth BPFs, using a high where E r is a relative dielectric constant of the coaxial-line
dielectric constant material is larger than coaxial type and microstrip substrate and E eff is an effective relative
using the same dielectric constant material. dielectric constant of llie microstrip-line.
This paper reports on a small-size comb-line microstrip When the relation
BPF. The new microstrip BPFis developed by usinga high
dielectric constant substrate (relative dielectric constant ( 2 ~ )tan (ZC/ZO)2 d'Z3jG

E r = 92) and shield-line between microstrip resonators and

demonstrated at 1.2GHz. is hold, the length of comb-line type resonator is equal to
The new microstrip BPF can be usectfor radio equip- or smaller than coaxial type. Fig. 1 shows resonant
ment such as mobile or portable lelephones. frequency of a microstrip resonator with a gap at the open
end of the resonator working as lorded capacitor.


The resonator of conventional conib-line BPF that is To design a narrow BPF, smaller coupling coefficient
connected to acapacitor at the open end is shorter than that is necessary. When a high dielectric constant substrate is

CH3141-9/92/0000-0917$01.OO 0 1992 IEEE 1992 IEEE MTT-S Digest
used, the coupling coefficient of microstrip resonators, 5. RESULT
placed in parallel, has large value. To get smaller coupling
coefficient, the distance between the resonators needs to be The measured result of the new three-stage BPF are
larger as shown in Fig. 2. shown in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8. The bandwidth in which R.L.
The new microstrip narrow BPF realizes smaller cou- is smaller than -25dB (equivalent to O.O1dB ripple) is
pling coefficient by using shielded-lines between resona- about SOMHz and the insertion loss is 1.6dB at the center
tors as shown in Fig. 3. The measured value of coupling frequency of 1.185GHz.
coefficient of a coupled micro-strip resonator is shown in The unloaded Q value of the resonators used in the BPF
Fig. 4. It is obvious from Fig. 4 that the coupling coeffi- is estimated about 160. By using 2min thick substrate
cient using shield-line is smaller than that which is not made of the same dielectric material, a three stage BPF is
using shield-line. tested. The measured bandwidth is about 34MHz and I.L.
is 2.3dB at the center frequency of 1.2GHz. A two stage
BPF using a high dielectric constant substrate is reported
4. DESIGN EXAMPLE in reference [3].

Small-size microstrip narrow BPF can be achieved by

using the above methods. Using the layout shown in Fig. 6. CONCLUSION
5, Tchebycheffs three-stage BPF with 0.01dB tipple and
1.2GHz center frequency is fabricated on a substrate 3mm A small-size microstrip BPF has been developed by
high, 7.4mm wide, 20mm long of which material manufac- using a high dielectric constant substrate, shield-line be-
tured by SUMITOMO METAL CERAMICS Co. com- tween coupled resonators to get smaller coupling coeffi-
posed of BaO-Ti0,-Nd,O, (part no. N-90) with a relative cient and short microstrip-line resonators of comb-line
dielectric constant of 92. type. The three stage BPFs are fabricated on substrates
The bandwidth of the BPF AB is calculated as follows. 20mm long 7.4mm wide 3mm and 2mm high and dem-
Dl onstrated at 1.2GHz. The new microstrip BPF can be
produced at low cost and used for radio equipment.

where g, g, are element values of a three stage plot-type ACKNOWLEDGMENT

low-pass filter of O.OldB ripple, k,, is the coupling coef-
ficient between resonator 1 and 2,0.055 from Fig. 4,and The author expresses his gratitude lo T.Kimura for his
the center frequency fo = 1.2GHz. The external Q value, technical assistance.
Qe, of the output and input side resonator is

Qe = go. g, . (fo/AB) = 14. REFERENCE

The tapped-line coupling method [2] is used for coupling [I] G.L.Matthaei, L.Young, and E.M.T.Jones: Micro-
of input and output port as shown in Figure 6. A chip wave Filter, Impedance-Matching Network, and Cou-
capacitor of 3pF is used as coupling capacitor at each port. pling Structures, McGraw-Hill, 1964.
The gap at the open side of resonator works as a loaded [2] Edward G.Crista1: Tapped-Line Coupled Transmis-
capacitor. However, this BPFneeds a0.75pFchip capacitor sion Lines with Application to Inter-digital and
at the open end of the center resonator for frequency Combline Filter, IEEE Trans. MTT., vol. MTT-23,
tuning. No.12, Dec. 1975.
[3] K.Konno: Comb-Line type MicrostripBPFproceed-
ing of the 1991 IEICE Fall Conference.

/ 'grounded
n i c r o s t r i p resonator shield-line
Top vien Side vien
Fig. 3 Coupled microstrip resonators using shield-
GHz line
1.51 I I I I I I

fr=resonant freg.
1.4 simulated value -
W.3. Oan
1.1 - E r=92
i.Oo i i 4 4 i ii 7"
4=gap space

Fig. 1 Resonant frequency of a microstrip

resonitor1 shed-line risonator2
(a) Layout of coupled microstrip resonators using
d w
r--"-tl-.1 7
' 2o
Ku=coupling coefficeent w.3. Omm
h d=3.0
2 1 7 1 s.l.0

Coupled microstr ip-1 ine

1.IO 2.IO 3.10 4.0mm
h: thickness of substrate


(b) Coupling coefficient of the coupled resonator illus-

* simulated value of coupling coefficient without gap trated in Fig. 4(a)

Flg.2 Effect of the distance between microstrip Fig. 4 Coupling coefficient of coupled microstrip
resonators to the coupling coefficient resonators using shield-line


chip' capacitor chip capacitor

Fig. 6 The developedthree stage BPF

Fig. 5 Layout of a new developed three stage BPF

CENTER I 200 000 000 MHz spfirl I o m azo 000 M H ~

Fig. 7 Measured performanceof the developed BPF

using 3.0mm thick substrate Fig. 8 Measured wideband performance of the
developed BPF using 3.0mrn thick substrate


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