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ED250: Test Taking Strategies


Overview of Week Four: Getting Started

Over the last three weeks we have learned what a paraprofessional does in the
classroom, the different laws and regulations that guide paraprofessionals. Last week
we entered the classroom portion of the course. We started off by talking about what is
effective instruction and the cycle in which it plays. The goal of teaching is to have
students learn and how objectives are used to meet goals of an IEP. This week we are
going to focus on classroom organization and how to make the time you have with the
student count.

Course Outcomes:
At the successful completion of this weeks lessons, you should be prepared to:
Describe the use of classroom management for a paraprofessional versus a teacher as it
relates to students success
Analyze the different needs of students and why they would need a paraprofessional
Understand the responsibilities of an educational team

Weekly Guiding Questions

In addition to the course learning outcomes, you should develop a better understanding of the
following concepts:
Why is it now appropriate to consider the teacher a classroom manager, and what changes have
created this change in the teachers role?
What is my supporting role as a paraprofessional in the classroom?
How do curriculum requirements influence classroom organization?
How do achievement standards and testing impact classroom organization?
How does testing of student achievement influence the management of the learning environment?
What is academic learning time, and how can I maximize opportunities to increase it in my
working environment?
How can I decrease transition time?
How can I use observation to monitor student use of time?
What are some of the methods of observation and recording available to me?
How can I monitor my own use of time?

Assigned Reading:
1. Chapters 5 and 9 in your textbook.

1. Participate in the week four discussion: Making Classroom Time Count
2. Midterm Project: How Does the Paraprofessional Affect the Educational Team? Presentation

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