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Have Me
A story by J.R. Mendoza

1 The Girl in Silver Coat

The day is so lovely with the streets full of people walking by. The
traffic is not that heavy for those who are afraid to be late in their
work. Coffee smells from everywhere and a lot are stopping by in
different cafs just to have one. Today is just a normal day except
for Johan, who always makes his life more difficult every day.
He wakes up at exactly seven in the morning, just an hour before
the exact time of coming in for work. He is an investigator working
at the citys police department. He is also a doctor, surgeon
specifically, who operates a human body at night. There are times
when he could hardly remember about his family.

Good morning, dad! a child screams as the door opens.

What the, he opens his eyes and sees his son standing beside his
bed. Ron?

Dad, wake up! Its your birthday! he says as he continues to jump


Johan is single dad. Unlike any other parents, he raises his son on
his own after his wife passed away when she gave birth. Although
being a father is tiresome, he wants to keep a good relationship
between him and his only son.

Okay, he stands up and yawns for a second. Daddy is getting


No, daddy You are the youngest and coolest dad in the world!
the three-year-old child yells proudly.

Johan only smiles and carries his son on his arm. He could
remember the times when he has to sacrifice his job to take care of
Ron when he was still a baby. Being a father and a mother at the
same time is never that easy. Hes twenty-seven but he acts more
mature than his actual age must do.

Daddy has to wash first. Just wait for me down stairs, says Johan
to his son. He puts him down and kisses his forehead. Ron
suddenly turns around and runs away. The sunlight passes
through the window and totally brightens up the room.

Workloads. Johan remembers the tasks he has to finish today.

The office is so busy entertaining a lot of people, especially those

who are in urgent need. Well, every day is a busy day. However, it is
just a normal working day for the woman who wears a silver coat.
Her name is Epiphany. Shes a well-known prosecutor in town and
assigned in an office beside the police department.

Wheres Mr. Carlson? He must be here at this time, she says to the
officer sitting inside Johans office.

Hes on his way. He has something important thing to drop by, the
officer utters. He is lying because he knows that today is the
investigators big day.

Epiphany gazes at him with suspicion. The moment she walks out
of the room, she never notices something that makes the officer to
burst out in laughter. There are hidden folders under the table of
Johan which are pending actions. And most of these folders are
coming from the lady prosecutor.

I want to know if Officer Carlson will work today, she asks the
head investigator assigned to Johan. Her face looks so disappointed
and a bit messy from walking around the office, searching for that

I am sorry, Prosecutor, he utters politely. He is on leave today; but

he will be dropping by to finish those reports which are to be
submitted today.
She raises her brows and fixes the position of her eyeglasses. There
are officers who cannot put away their gazes on her. It is a bit
awkward since the office is filled with men. The police department
is composed of almost ninety-percent males. The investigating office
is occupied with all men. And there she is, wearing this flowery
dress with a black leather blazer.

Johan goes inside the glass door, leaving his son in his parents
house. He promises them that he will be back as soon as he is done
with his assignments. One of the policemen approaches him with a
quick tap on his shoulders. Then, a laughing sound echoes from the

Hey, the lady is here, he says to Johan, as a warning. Epiphany

has been known as the lady. It is not because shes indeed a lady
but shes a very popular lawyer who can win every criminal case
she handles.

Where is she? asks Johan, who prepares himself for some sort of

The police officer points to the office of the head investigator.

Through the transparent glass, the woman who cannot stop talking
is visible to his eyes. He moves forward right away towards her.

I should not have entrusted those reports to him, she yells in


Sir, Johans voice breaks in the tension between Epiphany and the
head investigator. Prosecutor Kingston

Oh, at last, she turns around. The head investigator stands up

with shaking knees. It seems like he is having a hard time talking
with Epiphany. He takes larger steps going out of the office. And he
closes the door for the two to settle what they have to settle.

One month has passed since Johan started working with her.
Everyone thinks that the lady prosecutor is like an angel as she
physically looks like. Nevertheless, they are wrong. The crown of
terror and arrogance is above her head. Her aura of being powerful
causes fear in every person around her. However, there is an
exception. That exception is Johan Carlson.

I will be working on some reports but it doesnt include yours, lady

prosecutor, he says courageously. Every time he speaks like that to
Epiphany, it makes the latter pissed off.

Hey, you promised me last week. Promise is a promise, she argues

with her. Due to the fieldwork in which Johan is involved, a lot of
reports are not being opened.

The glass window is marked with different faces from the viewers
outside the office. Epiphany hastily closes the curtains. This is the
first time where she gets really mad at Johan.

I made a promise to my son. And for me to choose between you and

him, you know who I will choose. My apology, lady prosecutor, but I
have things to finish, he speaks calmly. Epiphany only stares at
him as he opens the door and goes out of the office.

After that serious conversation, she walks out and goes home
directly. It is not something she always expects where she could
rebut and win. The memories of a young girl, crying amidst a heavy
downpour, flash back inside her head. While she is sitting inside
her car, she couldnt stop her tears from falling.

Dad, she says as she remembers her late father. Why did I
become so insensitive?

Her phones battery drains out as she tries to contact her older
sister who becomes her guardian after their parents died due to an

Oh, cmon, she shouts in desperate manner. Bullshit!

The office is filled with talks regarding what happened lately

between Johan and Epiphany. It is like the main topic of the day.
The news has wings in which it spreads out instantly like a speed of
light. They are telling everyone that the threat has gone. The word,
threat, is a very awful description for the lady prosecutor. Many
dont even know the story behind her life and why she ends up that

John, one of the investigators and Johans closes friend, comes

inside his friends room. He sees Johan working with reports like a
pro. Yet, he is not that impressed anymore because thats how his
friend does his work.

Dude, how did you do that? he asks him. Johan lifts his head up
just to gaze at him for a second. You make us all proud of you.

What are you talking about? I will be expecting her to come back
here and try to mess up my day, says Johan who is busy typing for
his report. This would be the final one and I will be leaving.

Oh, yes, happy birthday, Dude. Mom and Dad want me to extend
their greeting for you.
Thanks, John, he stands up and picks up the paper under his

Hey, it is like you finish all the reports including those for the lady
prosecutor. I am thinking if I will

Dont even think about it, Johan warns him. She is not a typical
woman as we usually meet. You should try to step back if you cant
even handle her attitude.

Hey, hey, what are you implying here? he steps forward and leans
his arms in the table while facing his friend. I can do it better than

Later on, the door opens and an old man wearing a black coat walk
in. His features do not look familiar to John and Johan. He might
be a new client.

Excuse me, the old man tries to get the attention of the two men.
Is this Mr. Carlsons office?

Yes sir, Johan answers abruptly. Im Mr. Carlson.

Did my granddaughter come here in your office?

The two friends are surprised of what they heard. The old man is
Epiphanys grandfather.

Sir, she is John wants to speak what his granddaughter did

lately but Johan covers him to stop him from talking.

Sir, shes my client, Johan tells the old man.

No, youre not, whispers John who disagrees with him. You are
The old man coughs before he starts speaking.

Epiphany called me and shes crying. Her older sister, Elise, asked
me if I could claim those reports she assigned to you.

Johan sighs and does not expect that it will end up this way. In fact,
those reports are done and are ready to be forwarded to her office.
Well, he cannot just let go of it and receives the payment for his

Sir, I will be the one to hand these files to her, says Johan who
looks at the old man in misbelief.

Okay, I will tell her.

John approaches the old man and help him as he goes out of the
office. If there is someone at fault, it is not only Epiphany but also

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