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Lonely Planet Publications


Lying 240km south of Victoria across tempestuous Bass Strait, and the last significant out-
post before Antarctica, the island state of Tasmania feels remote. But despite its compact
size (68,332 sq km), Tasmania is home to some of the best walking in Australia. Promoted
as the natural state in tourist literature and even on local car number plates, its an apt
description. More than a third of the state lies within some form of conservation reserve,
including 19 national parks, containing an awesome diversity of environments: highland
lakes, windswept beaches, complex caves, wild rivers, dramatic coastline, wildlife-rich islands,
rugged mountain ranges and dense temperate rainforest. Much of this is accessible via more
than 2000km of walking tracks, ranging from easy rambles to the most adventurous and
challenging walking in the country.

Despite a long history of bad environmental management, Tasmania is famous for its
wilderness areas, among the least-disturbed temperate wild lands on earth. Both the air and
water in parts of the state are claimed to be the purest on the planet, while the Tasmanian

Wilderness World Heritage Area, which covers 20% of the island, is internationally renowned.
Yet, ironically, the preservation of much of the environment Tasmania is now proud of has
been achieved only by protracted environmental campaigns on rivers and in forests, and
in the media, parliaments and courts.

Tasmania is a generally friendly, unhurried and safe holiday destination. Furthermore,

the establishment of fast Bass Strait ferries and low-cost flights in recent years have made
Tasmania more accessible than ever, so there is even less reason for walkers to leave this
walking wonderland off any travel itinerary.

Exploring rugged peaks, waterfalls and temperate rainforests on the classic Overland Track
Looking out across World Heritagelisted wilderness from the high summit of Frenchmans
Cap (p229)
Cooling off in the turquoise waters of Wineglass Bay (p242) after a hot mornings walk
Trying not to get dizzy peering over Australias highest sea cliffs at Cape Pillar (p200)
Gazing across the surf towards Antarctica while walking the windswept sands of Prion Beach

TELEPHONE CODE: 03 www.parks.tas.gov.au www.discovertasmania.com.au

190 TA S MA N I A E n v i r o n m e n t www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com TA S MA N I A 191

ENVIRONMENT tention on near details. Even so, winter days Tasmania 0

50 km
30 miles
Tasmanias coastline, a multitude of bays are cooler and more likely to be wet, espe- To Sydney
and estuaries often interspersed with bold cially in the west and the highlands, where Tasmania Maps
Same Scale as Cape Wickham
headlands, resulted from river valleys and snow is also likely. November to April is Main Map 1 Mt Wellington & the Organ Pipes Circuit p199
coastal plains being flooded by rising sea generally the best time to walk in Tasmania. Yambacoona 2
Cape Pillar
Mt Field & Tarn Shelf Circuit
levels after the last ice age, 10,000 years ago. Late summer (February to March) can be King
4 Mt Anne & Eliza Plateau p211
By contrast, the Central Plateau, which was particularly pleasant, but there may be re- Island 5
Mt Rufus & Shadow Lake
Frenchmans Cap p230
Currie Naracoopa
covered by a single ice sheet, is a sometimes- stricted availability of water in some eastern 7 Walls of Jerusalem p235
8 South Coast Track (West) p239
bleak environment dotted with thousands areas at this time. Grassy 9 South Coast Track (East) p240 Cape Frankland
of lakes. Most of the islands western half To Smithton
(130km) Stokes Pt
10 Freycinet Peninsula Circuit p245
is a maze of mountainous ridges bearing Maps To Melbourne
signs of recent glaciation. The major envi- The best maps for the walks described in this (400km)

Sy ania
ronmental differences across the state are chapter are published by Tasmap (previously



rom asm
National Park

largely due to the interaction of prevailing known as Land Information Services). Tas- To King Island


(To it of
(130km, see inset)

moist westerly winds with these mountains; maps 1:500,000 Tasmania Visitor Map is a


Cape Barren

Hunter Three Island
the rainforest valleys and sometimes-snow- good reference for planning your trip around



Tas ourne
Island Clarke

capped western mountains contrasting with the island; it shows the various national parks Cape



the mild climate of the eastern sun coast. and features road maps of major towns on Woolnorth
Pt Island Cape Banks Strait
The Nut

The diverse flora ranges from the dry for- the reverse. For maps covering individual Stanley

ests of the east, to the alpine moorlands of walks in this chapter, see the Planning sec- Smithton
Rocky Cape
National Park Narawntapu
Mt William
the centre and the rainforests of the west. tion in the introduction to each walk. The Marrawah National
A2 Wynyard Gladstone
Many of the states plants are unlike those maps can be purchased from various out- Arthu Burnie Bridport
George Town
found in the rest of Australia and have ties lets in Hobart (see p193) or ordered direct r Riv
Savage River
Somerset Ulver-
Sorell Tamar River Scottsdale Bay of
Beauty Derby
with species that grew more than 50 mil- from Tasmap (%03-6233 7741; tasmapsales@dpiwe National Park Penguin
Beacons- A8 Lilydale A3
B18 Devonport

lion years ago, when the southern continents .tas.gov.au).

A10 Latrobe field
A7 St Columba
Sheffield 1 Falls
were joined as Gondwana (p25). Tasmanias

Arthur St Helens

Pieman Launceston
eucalyptus trees range from the very tall Books Sandy Conservation Waratah Mt Roland

Cape See Overland Track

Area North & South Maps Mersey Evandale Ben Lomond
swamp gum (Eucalyptus regnans; the tallest Lonely Planets Tasmania guide is an ex-

Savage (p221 & p224) River St Marys
River Deloraine National Park
Mole Creek Karst
flowering plant in the world, which can grow cellent in-depth supplement to the general Cradle National Park G Longford Perth Fingal

Fo er
Hardwicke Corinna Valley re So

to 100m) to the smallest, the shrubby alpine travel information given in this chapter. at

iver uth A4
Bay an R Central Plateau W Es er Douglas-
Piem Cradle
Conservation es M 1 k Riv Apsley
varnished gum (E. vernicosa). For information on national parks and Ahrberg Rosebery
Lake St Clair 7 Area B51
t e ac
qu National

ar Campbell Park
Tasmanias fauna is not as varied as that many shorter walks throughout the state Bay Zeehan National ie Bicheno

Walls of Great Arthurs Ri Town
Park Lake

Lake v
of the rest of Australia and it has relatively look for A Visitors Guide to Tasmanias Jerusalem
Lake er
Queenstown Lake Miena
few large mammals, with its largest marsu- National Parks by Greg Buckman. Tyrone St Clair
Sorell Swansea
Lake A5 Coles
pial, the Tasmanian tiger (thylacine), now Thomas 120 Walks in Tasmania is also a Strahan
Lake 6
Lake King
Echo Bay Wineglass
extinct for some 70 years. Nevertheless, useful reference, covering mostly day walks. Cape Sorell
5 William Tooms
Oyster Freycinet
Frenchmans De Tarraleah Oatlands Bay National
Tasmania is the final refuge for a number Another guide to shorter walks is the glossy Harbour
Cap (1443m) r w en Bothwell Lake Schouten
tR A10
of species that have long disappeared from Day Walks Tasmania by John and Monica Franklin-Gordon
Wild Rivers ive
1 Tiberias Island
r Triabunna
the mainland (the eastern quoll and pa- Chapman. John Chapman is also the author National Park
Mt Field

demelon, for example). The carnivorous of South West Tasmania and, with John Sis- Lake National Brighton
A3 Maria

Gordon 3

Park Island
Tasmanian devil is endemic (and under eman, Cradle Mountain Lake St Clair and Bridgewater Richmond National

Southwest Strathgordon Sorell

Conservation New Park
threat; see p28), while wallabies, wombats Walls of Jerusalem National Parks, which

Area Maydena Norfolk A9

and possums are common, and theres a describe a range of often more challenging HOBART Hobart Forestier
1 International Peninsula
Lake 4 Airport
wide variety of seabirds, parrots, cockatoos, overnight walks. At the time of research, the Pedder
Scotts Huonville
ver Tasman
honeyeaters and wrens. Birds of prey such available editions of some of these guides Peak
Dam Huon Ri Snug
Arthur Cygnet
as falcons and eagles are also readily seen. were a bit dated. For other titles about walk- Range
Geeveston Bay Port
National Park
Southwest Bruny
ing in specific areas, see Maps and Books in SOUTHERN National Park Federation Hartz A6 Island
Cape Pillar

INFORMATION each section.

Peak Mountains
(1224m) National Dover Alonnah
When to Walk The photogenic qualities of the Tasma- Davey
Southport South Bruny
Frequent wet weather is a fact of life nian wilderness and its unique flora and Harbour National Park
Tasman Head
South West Prion SEA
when walking in Tasmania, at any time of fauna have given rise to a plethora of picto- Cape 8 Beach D'Entrecasteaux
South South Channel
year, especially in the west. But if suitably rial and natural history books. For example, 9 Cape East
equipped, walking in the rain can be enjoy- Peter Dombrovskis Wild Rivers is an early
able, with the vegetation colours appearing classic whereas Primal Places by Chris Bell To Macquarie Island
more vivid and the mist focusing your at- is a recent offering.
192 TA S MA N I A G e t t i n g A r o u n d www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com TA S MA N I A H o b a r t 193

Alpine Tasmania by Jamie Kirkpatrick (www.parks.tas.gov.au) for the range of options. Hobart to Port Arthur, and south from Ho- ice Tasmania (%1300 135 513; www.service.tas.gov
is an illustrated guide to the flora of the Application forms can be downloaded from bart down the Huon Valley. Redline (%1300 .au; 134 Macquarie St).
mountainous regions of the island. Tasman- the website. Passes can also be obtained 360 000; www.tasredline.com.au) services the Mid- Tasmanian Map Centre (%6231 9043; www.map
ian Mammals by wildlife photographer from major park visitor information cen- land Hwy, Bass Hwy (north coast) and the -centre.com.au; 100 Elizabeth St) stocks a good range
Dave Watts is an excellent field guide. You tres, Service Tasmanias state-wide offices, east coast. of walking maps and books.
might also want to look at The Fauna of and on board the Spirit of Tasmania (during During summer, TassieLink buses also Many outdoor equipment shops also
Tasmania Birds and The Fauna of Tasma- summer). Tasmanian Travel Centres in Mel- run along some minor roads to popular stock relevant maps.
nia Mammals, both by RH Green. bourne and Sydney also sell passes. bushwalking destinations. Special fares that
Leatherwood Online (www.leatherwood Most popular tracks have a registration enable you to be dropped off at the start of SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT
online.com) is an online magazine with book at the start and finish, which walkers a walk and picked up at the end are offered. You can buy stove fuel and lightweight
good articles and photography. are encouraged to fill in to give the PWS Most track services will only run with a freeze-dried meals, as well as outdoor
more information about track use. The certain number of passengers, so the onus equipment, at Mountain Designs (%6234 3900;
Information Sources books are not used for safety purposes, so is on the walker to book in advance. www.mountaindesigns.com; 111 Elizabeth St); Paddy Pal-
The Parks & Wildlife Service (PWS; www.parks tell someone reliable where youre going, Tassielink also has discount Explorer lin (%6231 0777; www.paddypallin.com.au; 119 Eliza-
.tas.gov.au) has an excellent website with in- or register (and de-register) your trip with passes for people planning to do a lot of beth St); Snowgum (%6234 7877; www.snowgum.com
formation on Tasmanias national parks, a local police station. bus travel. Used efficiently they can save .au; 104 Elizabeth St); Jolly Swagman (%6234 3999;
World Heritage Area (WHA), environment, Many of Tasmanias national parks, in- you money, but they dont allow much time 107 Elizabeth St); and Mountain Creek (%6234
and basic information on some walks. Also cluding the entire Tasmanian Wilderness for getting out walking and they cant be 4395; 75-77 Bathurst St). Paddy Pallin, Mountain
available is Tasmanias Essential Bushwalking World Heritage Area, are fuel-stove-only used for routes specifically servicing walk- Creek and Jolly Swagman also hire some
Guide & Trip Planner (www.parks.tas.gov.au/recreation areas in which campfires are either banned, ing tracks. The shortest pass gives seven walking gear.
/mib.html), with sections on the planning, or only permitted at a few designated sites. days travel in 10 days ($175) and the long- Emergency Position Indicating Radio
minimal-impact bushwalking, first aid and This is a good policy to adopt when walk- est gives 21 days travel in 30 days ($280). Beacons (EPIRBs; p388) can be hired from
what gear you need to cope with Tasmanias ing anywhere in Tasmania. During days of Redline offers its Tassie Pass, from $135 for Service Tasmania (%1300 135 513; www.parks.tas
changeable weather. Total Fire Ban (p25) all fires are forbidden, seven days, but Redlines route network is .gov.au/recreation/epirbs/epirbs.html; 134 Macquarie St;
Tourism Tasmania (%03-6230 8235, 1800 806 846;

even fuel stoves. not nearly as extensive as Tassielinks. hMon-Fri), and also in Launceston, Burnie

www.discovertasmania.com) disseminates loads of and Devonport, for $30 per week.
information about Tasmania, and its web- Guided Walks GATEWAYS The most central option for self-caterers
site contains details of key destinations, fes- Several companies offer guided walks in Hobart and those stocking up for walks is City Super-
tivals, tours and accommodation. Tasmania, including on some of the routes %03 / pop 200,000 market (148 Liverpool St). Otherwise Woolworths
The website of the government-run described in this book. For the Overland Straddling the Derwent River and backed by and Coles have large supermarkets just off
Tasmanian Travel Centres (%1300 655 145; www Track, a few options are available (p218). the forested and sometimes-snow-capped Sandy Bay Rd, 2km south of the central
.tastravel.com.au) is good for planning a travel Tarkine Trails (%03-6234 3931; www.tarkinetrails.com bulk of Mt Wellington (1270m), Hobart is business district (CBD).
itinerary. There are privately run Tasma- .au) For something different, you could try this small the second-oldest, smallest and most south-
nian Travel & Information Centres (TTICs) company focusing on walks among the forests and beaches erly of Australias capital cities. It combines SLEEPING & EATING
in several Tasmanian cities and visitor in- of Tasmanias less-visited northwest. a rich colonial heritage with a splendid Hobart has a variety of accommodation ca-
formation centres in some smaller towns. Tasmanian Expeditions (%03-6339 3999, 1300 666 natural setting, a lively waterfront area and tering to all tastes and price brackets. The
These are noted in Information sections in 856; www.tas-ex.com) Has the most extensive range of good access to the WHA and east coast. most convenient for walkers are in and
this chapter. itineraries. around the CBD and the older suburbs to
INFORMATION the north and west.
Park Fees & Regulations Leaving Luggage The Hobart visitor information centre (%6230 There are no camping grounds any-
Apart from the Overland Track (p214), no Most hostels will let you leave gear for a 8233; www.tasmaniasouth.com; tasbookings@tasvisinfo where near the city. Self-contained cabins
walks in Tasmania require permits or are few days while you are out on a walk. The .com.au; cnr Davey & Elizabeth Sts) has loads of bro- are available at Elwick Cabin & Tourist Park
otherwise regulated. However, entry fees do Backpackers Barn & Wilderness Centre in chures, maps and information for travel- (%6272 7115; www.islandcabins.com.au; 19 Goodwood
apply to all national parks and these en- Devonport (p195) has luggage storage in lers, plus a booking service covering the Rd, Glenorchy; $65-90 for 2), about 8km north of
compass most of the walks described in this secure lockers for $10 per week. All of the entire state ($3 booking fee). the city centre, but the nearest park with a
chapter. There are passes for pedestrians or track-transport bus services operated by Bushwalking advisory staff at the Parks & camping option is Barilla Holiday Park (%1800
vehicles, so make sure that your pass will Tassielink feature an option to have your Wildlife Service (PWS; %1300 135 513; www.parks 465 453, 6248 5453; www.barilla.com.au; 75 Richmond Rd,
cover your needs. For example, if you plan luggage forwarded to your next destination .tas.gov.au; 134 Macquarie St) are inside the Service Cambridge; unpowered/powered site for 2 $17/22, cabins
to visit the Walls of Jerusalem National Park and stored for $5. Tasmania office from December to March. for 2 from $75), 13km from town and near the
by car youll only need a pedestrian pass as Information and fact sheets for all national airport. It has an on-site restaurant.
the car park is just outside the boundary GETTING AROUND parks are also available here. Central City Backpackers (%6224 2404; www
of the park. For visiting walkers, the most Buses run along most major highways year- .centralbackpackers.com.au; 138 Collins St; dm $20-25, s/d
convenient option is the eight-week Holiday round. TassieLink (%1300 300 520; www.tassielink Maps $50/60), in the heart of the CBD, is a ram-
Pass ($30 per person or $50 per vehicle with .com.au) runs from both Hobart and Launce- A range of maps and some walking guide bling hostel with loads of communal space,
up to eight seats), but see the PWS website ston to the states west, the east coast, from books can be purchased directly from Serv- OK rooms, friendly staff and extras such
194 TA S MA N I A H o b a r t www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com TA S MA N I A D e v o n p o r t 195

as baggage storage. There is no parking, cosy watering hole, popular for cheap, fill- 105 Murray St) and Selective Car Rentals (%6234 $45/95) offers very clean amenities and a good
although it is possible to park on the street ing counter meals. 3311, 1800 300 102; www.selectivecarrentals.com.au; 47 beachfront location in East Devonport, just
outside meter hours. Sirens (%6234 2634; 6 Victoria St; lunch $8-13, dinner Bathurst St). five minutes walk from the ferry terminal.
Travellers with a car might prefer to stay mains $16-23; hlunch Mon-Fri, dinner Tue-Sat) serves Tasman House (%6423 2335; www.tasmanhouse
at Adelphi Court YHA (%6228 4829; adelphi@yhatas up creative vegetarian and vegan food in a Devonport .com; 114 Tasman St; dm $15, d without/with bathroom
.org.au; 17 Stoke St, New Town; dm $25, d $60, d with- warm, welcoming space. %03 / pop 25,000 $35/40) is a large hostel with good facilities, 20
out/with en suite $60/70), although Tasmanian The town of Devonport is a popular arrival minutes walk from town (or you can arrange
Redline Coaches airport shuttle provides a GETTING THERE & AWAY point for travellers, being the Tasmanian transport when booking). The building was
drop-off and pick-up service. The hostel is Hobart is within easy driving distance of port for the Spirit of Tasmania car-ferries once part of Devonport hospital and looks
3km from the CBD but reasonably close to most of the national parks and major towns that operate routes to/from Melbourne and it. Camping and hiking equipment is also
the North Hobart restaurant strip. in Tasmania. Sydney. It is a convenient base for walkers available for hire, but the quality may not
The Astor Private Hotel (%6234 6611; www heading for the Overland Track and the be great. Guided walks can also be arranged,
.astorprivatehotel.com.au; 157 Macquarie St; s/d with shared Air Walls of Jerusalem National Park. but there are better operators around.
bathroom $60/85, d with en suite from $130) is a large, Several airlines service routes between Ho- Theres nothing fancy about centrally-
central 1920s guesthouse that has retained bart and the Australian mainland. Virgin INFORMATION located Molly Malones (%6424 1898; mollymalones@
much of its character. There are old-style Blue (%13 67 89; www.virginblue.com.au) and Jet- The waterfront Devonport visitor information vantage group.com.au; 34 Best St; dm $15, d without/with
rooms with shared bathrooms plus brand star (%13 15 38; www.jetstar.com.au) have direct centre (%6424 4466; tourism@dcc.tas.gov.au; 92 Formby bathroom $35/50), above Molly Malones Irish
new and very appealing en suite rooms, and flights to/from Melbourne (from $70), Syd- Rd; hdaily from 7.30am) is open for all Spirit of pub, but it has clean, basic four-bed dorms
rates include breakfast. ney (from $100), Brisbane (from $150) and Tasmania ferry arrivals. It can make most and a comfy lounge. It can be noisy on Fri-
Wellington Lodge (%6231 0614; www.wwt.com Adelaide (from $130). Qantas (%13 13 13; www travel and accommodation bookings, and day and Saturday nights.
.au/wellingtonlodge; 7 Scott St; s/d $90/130-140) is in .qantas.com.au) has direct flights to/from Syd- also sells national parks passes. The foreshore River View Lodge (%6424 7357;
the small suburb of Glebe, next to Queens ney and Melbourne; usually theyre more For walking-related information (in- www.riverviewlodge.com.au; 18 Victoria Pde; s without/
Domain. The four comfortable rooms are expensive than the budget airlines. The air- cluding travel and accommodation) head with bathroom $75/90, d from $105/85) is a friendly,
in a restored Victorian townhouse set in port is 16km from the city centre; theres for the Backpackers Barn & Wilderness Centre old-fashioned country-style place opposite
a shuttle bus (%0419 382 240; $10) and a taxi

magnificent gardens and rates include (%6424 3628; www.backpackersbarn.com.au; 10-12 Ed- a strip of picnic tabledotted greenery. The

breakfast. should cost about $35. ward St; h9am-5pm Mon-Fri, 9am-2pm Sat). It can en suite rooms are good value and the rates
Hobart Macquarie Motor Inn (% 6234 4422, also organise a charter bus to areas not include breakfast.
1800 060 954; www.leisureinns.com.au; 167 Macquarie St; Bus serviced by public transport. Rannoch House (%6427 9818; www.rannochhouse
r $90-125; ps) is a large central motel that Two main bus companies service other .com.au; 5 Cedar Ct; s/d from $105/125) is a homestead
wont win any architectural awards but is towns and, in summer, some walking tracks SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT set among relaxing landscaped grounds in
well equipped. At the time of research, re- to/from Hobart; TassieLink (%6271 7320, 1300 As well as a source of walking information, East Devonport. All five rooms have en
furbishment was planned after which rates 300 520; www.tassielink.com.au; 64 Brisbane St) and the Backpackers Barn & Wilderness Centre suites and rates include a cooked breakfast.
will increase by $15 to $30. Redline (%1300 360 000; www.tasredline.com.au; 199 (above) is an excellent bushwalking shop Located near the ferry terminal, Alice
Hobarts CBD has some good spots for Collins St). with gear for sale or hire (including tents, Beside the Sea (%/fax 6427 8605; www.alicebeside
brunch and lunch, but evening options There are multiple daily services on the sleeping bags and mats, backpacks and thesea.com; 1 Wright St; d $130) offers comfortable,
are generally better closer to the water or major routes between Hobart and Launce- cooking sets). It also offers a day relaxation self-contained units within cooee of the
historic precincts. Salamanca Pl is a good ston or Devonport (for the Spirit of Tas- area, with a shower for those sprinting back beach and a supermarket.
choice for cafs and restaurants. For the mania ferry) and fares are about $30 and to catch a ferry or plane post-walk. A wander along Rooke St will pass quite
most diverse selection of eateries, head to $50, respectively. See p192 for more travel Mountain Designs (%6424 8699; www.mountain a wide selection of eateries. For example,
Elizabeth St in North Hobart, a cosmopoli- details. designs.com; 2 Rooke St) also stocks a full range of Bellas Caf and Restaurant (%6424 7933; 157-159
tan strip of pubs, cafs and restaurants. outdoor gear, including freeze-dried food Rooke St; mains $13-20; hbreakfast, lunch & dinner Tue-
Seafood is on offer everywhere you look Car and stove fuels. Sun) offers focaccias, Italian fare and some
near the waterfront. Constitution Dock has Most car-rental firms have representation EPIRBs (p388) can be hired from the attractive desserts.
a number of permanently moored barges at the airport. City offices include AutoRent- Service Tasmania shop (%1300 135 513; www Next door, Sharkies Seafood Restaurant and
that serve as floating takeaway seafood Hertz (%6237 1111; www.autorent.com.au; cnr Bathurst .parks.tas.gov.au/recreation/epirbs/epirbs.html; 21 Oldaker Takeaway (%6423 1911; 155 Rooke St; mains from $17;
stalls. Nearby, Mures (%6231 2121; www.mures & Harrington Sts), Avis (%6234 4222; www.avis.com.au; St; hMon-Fri), and also in Hobart, Launceston hlunch Wed-Sun, dinner nightly) provides a com-
.com.au; Victoria Dock) offers a ground-level fish- 125 Bathurst St), Budget (%6234 5222, 13 27 27; www and Burnie, for $30 per week. pletely different menu.
monger and an inexpensive seafood bistro .budget.com.au; 96 Harrington St), Europcar (%6231 For food supplies, head for the large Rosehip Caf (%6424 1917; 12 Edward St; meals $6-
(meals $7-13; hlunch & dinner), with an la carte 1077, 1800 030 118; www.europcar.com.au; 112 Harrington Coles/K-Mart (cnr Gunn & Best Sts) or Woolworths (74 10; hbreakfast & lunch Mon-Fri), at the Backpack-
restaurant upstairs. St) and Thrifty (%6234 1341, 1800 030 730; www Best St) supermarkets, less than 10 minutes ers Barn & Wilderness Centre, does healthy
Jackman & McRoss (%6223 3186; 57-59 Hampden .tasvacations.com.au; 11-17 Argyle St). walk from the city centre. burgers, salads, focaccias and soups.
Rd; hbreakfast & lunch) is a deservedly popular Some of the cheaper local firms include The Alexander Hotel (%6424 2252; 78 Formby Rd;
bakery-caf in Battery Point. Lo-Cost Auto Rent (%6231 0550, 1800 647 060; SLEEPING & EATING mains $10-18; hlunch & dinner) is a local favourite
The New Sydney Hotel (%6234 4516; 87 Bathurst www.rentforless.com.au; 105 Murray St), Rent-a-Bug Abel Tasman Caravan Park (%6427 8794; 6 Wright that churns out good counter meals with
St; mains $9-19; hlunch Mon-Sat, dinner nightly) is a (%6231 0300, 1800 647 060; www.rentforless.com.au; St; unpowered/powered sites $17/23, on-site vans/cabins exotic panache.
196 H O B A R T R E G I O N & T H E S O U T H E A S T M t W e l l i n g t o n & t h e O r g a n Pi p e s C i r c u i t H O B A R T R E G I O N & T H E S O U T H E A S T M t W e l l i n g t o n & t h e O r g a n Pi p e s C i r c u i t 197

GETTING THERE & AWAY .com.au) operated by TT-Line. One ferry leaves Mt Wellingtons forested slopes rise directly etation communities, many traversed on
Devonport is 100km from Launceston along nightly in each direction to/from Melbourne, west of Hobart, with the 1270m summit less this walk. Various eucalyptus forest types
the Bass Hwy; Hobart is another 200km with additional day sailings during summer; than 10km from the wharfs, marinas and occur on the lower slopes, with remnant
further south along the Midlands Hwy. one-way fares (per adult) are up to $145 for office blocks of the city. It holds a special rainforest in damp gullies. On the upper
a seat and $215 for the cheapest cabin op- place in the hearts of many Hobart resi- slopes, subalpine forest and shrubs give way
Air tion, depending on season; for an extra $60 dents and, for many Tasmanian walkers, to the prostrate alpine plants of the sum-
There are regular flights to/from Melbourne you can take your car. The third ferry sails the tracks on Mt Wellington are the first mit plateau.
with Qantaslink (%13 13 13; www.qantas.com.au; twice weekly to/from Sydney but at the time tackled. A trip up the mountain is a good Mt Wellington is the eastern focus of the
fares from $110). of writing the future of this service appeared way for walkers who have just arrived in 18,250-hectare Wellington Park. Sections
The airport is 5km east of town. A shuttle uncertain; one-way fares are up to $190 for Tasmania to get out and stretch. of the mountains slopes form part of Ho-
bus (%0400 035 995) runs between the airport, a hostel bunk and $270 for the cheapest On a clear day there are stunning all- barts drinking water catchment area; walk-
ferry terminals, the visitor centre and your cabin option, depending on season; cars round views from the top the city, Der- ers are asked to use toilets before entering
accommodation for $10 per person. The are an extra $60. Terminal locations are in went estuary and Storm Bay, with the the region.
shuttle can meet all arrivals into Devonport. Devonport (Esplanade, East Devonport; ie World Heritage Areas rugged skyline to
Bookings for departures are essential. A taxi across the river from the CBD), Melbourne the west. Crossing the boulder-strewn PLANNING
(%6424 1431) will cost $12 to $15. (Station Pier, Port Melbourne) and Sydney summit plateau evokes a sense of wildness When to Walk
(47-51 Hickson Rd, Gate D8N, Darling that contrasts with the proximity of the There is somewhere to walk on Mt Wel-
Bus Harbour). For all ferry crossings there are city centre. A network of tracks and paths lington at any time of year. Even periodic
TassieLink (%1300 300 520; www.tassielink.com.au) op- limited, discounted advance purchase fares wind their way through the bush picking winter snow can be enjoyable, on a fine day
erates an express service that connects ferry available inquire when booking. out points of interest like OGradys Falls, with appropriate gear, but ice can form on
arrivals/departures with Launceston ($18) Sphinx Rock, Myrtle Gully and the soaring the summit tracks and white outs develop
and Hobart ($45). It also delivers embarking dolerite columns of the Organ Pipes. very quickly. Because of its height, Mt Wel-
passengers from Strahan/Queenstown and
Hobart. TassieLink also runs from Launces-
HOBART REGION The ascent is more straightforward these
days than in 1836, when Charles Darwin
lingtons summit can experience atrocious
weather at any time of the year; if the sum-

ton to Devonport (drop-off only) and then ascended the mountain during his now- mit is shrouded in cloud it is best to stick to

via Sheffield to Cradle Mountain (and on to famous round-the-world voyage on HMS the lower slopes. The walk described here is
Queenstown and the west coast). Tasmanias capital city is well endowed with Beagle; he found it a severe days work. a high level circuit so is best tackled outside
Redline (%1300 360 000, 6336 1446; www.tasredline nearby natural areas and many contain a With your own transport, you could the winter months.
.com.au; 9 Edward St) operates a service from range of day and overnight walking op- drive to the Springs and undertake a shorter
Launceston to Devonport and on to Burnie. tions, from sea level to treeless mountain circuit from there, starting along the Lenah Maps & Books
Its terminal is opposite the Backpackers summits. Not the least of these is Mt Wel- Valley or Pinnacle Tracks. The extensive Tasmaps 1:20,000 Wellington Park Recrea-
Barn & Wilderness Centre (p195) and will lington, rising directly from Hobarts west- network of tracks provides many alterna- tion Map shows the entire Mt Wellington
also stop at the ferry terminal when the ferry ern suburbs. The cliffs and beaches of the tive options for those with less time, in a track network, including the route described
is in, while TassieLink coaches pull up out- Tasman Peninsula, the waterfalls and alpine lazier mood or who wish to avoid the sum- here. It also has some good background in-
side the Devonport visitor information cen- lakes of Mt Field National Park (p206) and mit due to cloud or snow. formation on the history and environment
tre and the Spirit of Tasmania terminal. several other walking destinations (p246) of the mountain.
If none of the scheduled services suit are also within 100km of the city. ENVIRONMENT The Hobart City Councils free booklet
your particular bushwalking needs, charter Mt Wellingtons altitudinal range and fire Hobart Walks describes a number of walks
a minibus from Maxwells (%6492 1431, 0418 ACCESS TOWN history give rise to a wide variety of veg- on the mountain as well as other areas of
584 004) or through the Backpackers Barn & See Hobart (p193). urban bushland. Mt Wellington Walks by
Wilderness Centre (p195). Jan Hardy and Bert Elson might also be
WELLINGTON WEEKENDERS worth checking out.
Car MT WELLINGTON Hobartians have been escaping to the Emily Stoddarts The Mountain A Peo-
Devonport has several cheap car-rental & THE ORGAN PIPES CIRCUIT mountain for a long time. Between 1888 ples Perspective provides just that, from the
firms, such as Rent-a-Bug (%6427 9034; www Duration 57 hours and 1912 dozens of private weekend huts point of view of a range of those living on
.rentforless.com.au; 5 Murray St) and Lo-Cost Auto Rent Distance 13km were constructed on the lower slopes. and around the mountain.
(%1800 802 724, 6424 9922; www.rentforless.com.au; 22 Difficulty moderate
Generally of timber construction, many On The Mountain is a classy large format
King St). Budget (%13 27 27, 6427 0650; www.budget. Start/Finish Fern Tree
were substantial structures with verandas book by photographer Peter Dombrovskis
com.au) and Thrifty (%1800 030 730, 6427 9119; Nearest Town Hobart (p193)
and rustic decoration, some so elaborate (who lived on the mountains slopes),
www.tasvacations.com.au) have representatives at they featured on picture postcards. But by writer Richard Flanagan and ecologist
Transport bus
the airport and ferry terminal. the late 1920s most of the timber huts had Jamie Kirkpatrick.
Summary Walk forest tracks past a waterfall
been burnt or fallen down, and subsequent
and the impressive Organ Pipes, climb to the
summit and return via the alpine plateau and
bushfires have removed most evidence of Information Sources
There are three high-speed Spirit of Tasmania their existence. The Wellington Park website (www.wellingtonpark
some 19th-century ice-house ruins.
vehicular ferries (%13 20 10; www.spiritoftasmania .tas.gov.au) has a range of information on the
198 H O B A R T R E G I O N & T H E S O U T H E A S T M t W e l l i n g t o n & t h e O r g a n Pi p e s C i r c u i t H O B A R T R E G I O N & T H E S O U T H E A S T M t W e l l i n g t o n & t h e O r g a n Pi p e s C i r c u i t 199

park, including some useful pre-visit infor- tentacle-like roots clasping a large boulder. Mt Wellington & the Organ Pipes Circuit 1 : 35,000 0
100m Contour Interval 0
1 km
0.5 mile
mation and a live weather update from the Watch for the junction with Sawmill Track Hunters Track
Mt Wellington summit. An information (the sign faces away from you), then turn left Cabin
centre is planned at the Springs and may and follow this track uphill, past the over- Panora Old
ma Far
be constructed by the time you read this. hang of Sphinx Rock. Continue on Sawmill T The m T

Chalet k

Track, crossing the Lenah Valley Track and


Pinnacle Rd, then angling up to join the Pin

See Hobart (p193). Organ Pipes Track (45 to 60 minutes from

Pipes Track
OGrady Falls). The views have opened up Tower My
GETTING TO/FROM THE WALK now, with Hobart and the Derwent estuary Gul

Mt Wellington
Metro bus numbers 48 and 49 from Frank- below and the towering Organ Pipes above, (1270m)

an P

lin Square, opposite the Hobart GPO, take and only get better as you ascend further. 12

e Trail
Tower nd Fir

you to Fern Tree, where the tracks to Mt Its worth walking north along the Organ le Isla


Lenah Va
Wellington and the Organ Pipes begin. Pipes Track for 10 to 15 minutes to take

Zig Zag

ge Track
Sawmill T
in the full extent of the cliffs and perhaps
THE WALK get a stiff neck watching the climbers who Track Rock
Cabin Rd
The small suburb of Fern Tree has a gen- frequent these crags in summer. ood

ton Track



Lower Sawmill Track
eral store, caf and tavern. From the tav- Return along the Organ Pipes Track and

ac Sphinx Av
ern walk 60m north down Huon Rd to a continue contouring south on this track,

Wellington k

Park Rock

small car park and picnic area; the Fern rather than turning off back down the Saw-

ic k
Octopus ivule

S tr
rt R

Glade Track ascends stone steps into the mill Track. After 10-15 minutes it joins the Tree Falls


trees here. Follow this track, ignoring all Pinnacle Track at a rustic seat with a view

Pinnacle Rd

Rocking Va

side tracks, as it ascends beside the fern- of the Organ Pipes; if the weather is poor Rivulet Track

C ir c

To Hobart

lined creek, crossing it several times, to and the summit in cloud, bear left and fol- 120
0 (6km)

Alternative Falls
ack ne
Route Tr La il
reach Radfords Monument at a major track

low this track down to the Springs (20 to 30


nac en Tr

le ck e
junction. The monument is dedicated to minutes). Otherwise, turn right uphill and Rd W ra Fir

GH Radford who died in a snow storm de- climb ever more steeply. The Zig Zag Track Trac Fing
er P
Radfords ost Track
r Post Monument
scending from the Pinnacle during a 1903 emerges on the summit plateau just south House Finge

Smiths R
Ruin n
Monument H uo
race from the city to the summit and back. of the huge communications tower. The Devils
South Gulch The
Cross Radfords Track and continue on for summit itself, marked by a trig beacon and

Wellington Springs


dfords T

10 minutes, crossing Finger Post Track, to 2 to 3 hours from Fern Tree, is just be- ger


Pinnacle Rd. Cross the road and descend yond the tower in the middle of a parking

Woods Track to the signed junction with area. Below the car park is a viewing platform


Silver Falls de
Betts Vale Track. Turn left (west) here and from where you can take in the expansive Tr


stroll up to pretty OGradys Falls (30 to 45 views of Hobart, and the bays and islands



minutes from Fern Tree). beyond. Its also worth a wander across to Fern


Cross the bridge and continue on Betts the western side of the summit car park to
Vale Track, ascending a damp gully to the a display that explains the significance of
junction with Circle Track. Turn right and the mountain (known as Kunanyi) to the stunted trees and soon reaches the turn-off Track, then turn left (north) and follow this
then right again soon after, to follow Shoo- local Aboriginal community. west to Smiths Monument; bear left (east) contouring gravel path a short distance to a
bridge Track north past the Octopus Tree, its Return south past the communications here. Dr John Smith died after becoming major signed track junction. Turn right here
tower and, ignoring Zig Zag Track, bear lost while descending from Mt Wellington and descend stone steps to a road beside a
right and follow the South Wellington in 1858. The route now becomes a well-de- grassy opening. Dream of the ale you might
WARNING Track, a rough, marked route along the edge fined stony track and leaves the plateau to have enjoyed at the old Springs Hotel which
Cold winds can strafe the summit plateau of the summit plateau. The alpine landscape begin its descent through bush. During the stood here until destroyed in the bushfires
any time of year. Even leaving Hobart on a on this section is wonderful, with odd jum- steep descent youll pass several old ice house that ravaged Mt Wellington in 1967. Cross
fine summers day, it can be a bit of a shock bles of frost-weathered, egg-shaped dolerite ruins, built to make ice in the days before the road and continue descending to the
to feel the need for gloves and fleece jack- boulders littering the plateau. In the gaps, refrigeration. Look out for a short side track Springs picnic area (1 to 2 hours from
ets on the summit of Mt Wellington. It will hardy alpine plants find shelter to grow. on the right soon after starting the descent; the summit). Radfords Track enters the
be at least 10C cooler than downtown Ho- After about 30 minutes, the track begins it leads to the most obvious ruin. When in bush on the south side of the picnic area.
bart (without allowing for the wind). Bring to descend gently, opening up new views operation, the structures were packed with Descend this track for a few minutes (this
everything you would normally bring on a to the south across Bruny Island and the snow, which would become ice over winter, track section is shared with mountain bik-
day trip to an alpine area if you are going Huon Valley, and passing a sign for the Rock- after which it was carved into blocks and ers, so keep watch for them), then turn right
to the summit. ing Stone, a perched boulder on the plateau carried down the mountain on ponies. Con- downhill at the first junction, adjacent to a
edge 100m east of the track. The track enters tinue descending to the junction with Milles large drain. Follow the steep narrow track
200 H O B A R T R E G I O N & T H E S O U T H E A S T C a p e Pi l l a r www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com H O B A R T R E G I O N & T H E S O U T H E A S T C a p e Pi l l a r 201

down to meet a major track just above Silver PLANNING 145) has older-style self-contained units
Falls, a small cascade framed by tree ferns. If you have extra days, the Cape Pillar walk WARNING sleeping up to four, and a nice garden and
Pass the falls and continue down the wide can be combined with the Tasman Coastal While this is a coastal walk, the long Cape outdoor barbecue area.
path back to Fern Tree (45 minutes from the Trail for a four-day extended walk. The best Pillar peninsula cops a fair amount of bad Comfort Inn Port Arthur (%6250 2101, 1800
Springs), bearing left at the major intersec- way to do this might be to first sort out weather, and names like Tornado Flat and 030 747; www.portarthur-inn.com.au; 29 Safety Cove Rd;
tion en route. transport to Fortescue Bay and undertake Hurricane Heath give an indication of what d $140-180) is a motel with flash views over
the circuit walk described here, continue it can be like. The cliffs in particular are the historic site and unremarkable accom-
along the Tasman Coastal Trail around often exposed to violent, gusty winds and modation. Dining options inside the pub
CAPE PILLAR Fortescue Bay to Bivouac Bay campsite on the route traverses their very edge in places; are the Convict Kitchen (meals $12-18; hlunch &
Duration 3 days Day 3, and north along the cliff-girt coast to if a gale is forecast, it may not be the best dinner) and the more formal Commandants
Distance 33km Waterfall Bay or Devils Kitchen on Day 4. time to go. Table (mains $17-28, hdinner).
Difficulty moderate This is just south of Eaglehawk Neck, where Daytime food options also include takea-
Start/Finish Fortescue Bay (p202) public transport is available. ways from the general store and a caf inside
Nearest Towns Port Arthur (opposite), Permits & Regulations the historic site visitor information centre.
Eaglehawk Neck (p201) When to Walk The area is a national park so youll need
Transport private You can walk this track at any time of the a pass (p192). GETTING THERE & AWAY
Summary Walk along the edge of the high- year. However, the few creeks on the walk Campfires are not permitted in the park, Public transport connections to the Port
est sea cliffs in Australia, with bush and heath- only have small catchment areas and often except at Fortescue Bay camping ground, so Arthur area are surprisingly poor. TassieLink
cloaked hills above and the sea foaming stop flowing or dry up later in summer, youll need a fuel stove. (%1300 300 520; www.tassielink.com.au) connects
around stacks below. after a few weeks without significant rain- Phytophthora (p47) is not present in the Hobart and the Tasman Peninsula, but the
fall, so finding fresh water can be difficult southern part of the walk area; to maintain timetable is geared more to school students
during this period. this situation and help prevent the spread of than to travellers. Theres a weekday bus
Visitors to the Port Arthur Historic Site this fungus, clean mud and soil from boots service between Hobart and Port Arthur
on the Tasman Peninsula rarely realise that What to Bring and other gear at the Lunchtime Creek ($22) during school terms, and a 4pm serv-

just a few kilometres away, hidden by bush- Drinking water can be scarce or brackish washdown station. ice from Hobart on Monday, Wednesday

clad hills, are the highest and most spectac- in the Cape Pillar area and youll need con- and Friday during school holidays. Buses
ular sea cliffs in Australia. The impressive tainers to carry water to the recommended NEAREST TOWNS & FACILITIES stop at all the main towns on the peninsula.
scenery on offer can be seen from road- camp sites. Its best to fill up at every op- Port Arthur
side lookouts near Eaglehawk Neck, but to portunity along the route. Youll also need %03 / pop 170 Eaglehawk Neck
fully appreciate the vertigo-inducing dol- a fuel stove (see opposite). As one of the biggest mainstream tourist %03 / pop 90
erite cliffs and sea stacks below, a cliff-top draws in Tasmania, it is a surprise to dis- The small settlement of Eaglehawk Neck is
walk is necessary. The highest cliffs (almost Maps & Books cover that Port Arthur, the location of the on the isthmus that joins the Tasman Pe-
300m) are at Cape Pillar, with the isolated Tasmaps 1:75,000 Tasman National Park infamous mid-19th century convict prison, ninsula to the mainland. It is about 15 min-
Tasman Island opposite, while the slender Map & Notes covers the walk, and also shows is not much more than the historic site plus utes drive north (on the A9 Arthur Hwy) of
Totem Pole (see boxed text, p204) lies off the Tasman Coastal Trail and other walks on a scattering of motels and guesthouses. Just the turn-off for Fortescue Bay (the start of
Cape Hauy. This walk links both these areas the Tasman Peninsula. Peninsula Tracks by before the turn-off to the historic site is a the walk) and near the northern end of the
with a circuit via Mt Fortescue. If you have Peter and Shirley Storey covers 35 popular general store and petrol station. Bring all Tasman Coastal Trail. It has a basic general
little time, a day trip to Cape Hauy provides walks in the area and is worth checking out your camping needs from Hobart. store, but youd be wise to bring all camp-
a coastal landscape taster. if you plan to spend more time there. ing and walking needs from Hobart.
All accommodation options in Port Arthur SLEEPING & EATING
DOLERITE can be heavily booked in summer. Eaglehawk Neck Backpackers (%6250 3248; 94 Old
The dark massive rock known as dolerite is such a ubiquitous feature of the Tasmanian landscape, The spacious and well-equipped Port Jetty Rd; camp sites per person $7, dm $18) is a simple,
capping the highest peaks and backing many coasts, that few give it a second thought. But in Arthur Caravan & Cabin Park (%6250 2340,1800 endearing hostel, with a tiny camping area,
both volume and form it is unlike such rocks in most other parts of the world. 620 708; www.portarthurcaravan-cabinpark.com.au; Gar- in a peaceful location west of the isthmus.
As molten rock (magma), at a temperature of 1100C, it flooded into the crust 175 million den Point Rd; unpowered/powered sites $17/19, dm $16, Eaglehawk Caf & Guesthouse (%6250 3331;
years ago during the initial phase of the Gondwana break-up (p25). The intrusive event lasted cabins $85-95) is 2km north of Port Arthur, eaglehawkcaf@bigpond.com; 5131 Arthur Hwy; d $110-130;
a geological blink-of-an-eye, perhaps less than one million years, during which 40,000 cu km of above Stewarts Bay Beach. mains $7-15; hbreakfast & lunch) is a classy eatery
magma was emplaced, mostly as sheets 300m to 500m thick, termed sills. As the magma cooled Roseview Youth Hostel (%6250 2311; yhatas@ and has three inviting B&B rooms above the
and crystallised to form dolerite, the distinctive columnar joints developed. yhatas.org.au; Champ St, off Safety Cove Rd; dm/d $20/45) dining area. Rates include breakfast.
The thick, massive sills and columnar structure of dolerite facilitate the development of tall, has OK facilities and crowded dorms but Rooms at the Lufra Hotel (%6250 3262; www
steep cliffs with separated towers or pinnacles. In coastal settings, the sea either obscures or a great location at the edge of the historic .lufrahotel.com; Pirates Bay Dr; s/d $75/110), perched
removes the debris or talus aprons that would occur below such cliffs on land, steepening them. site. above Tessellated Pavement, are pretty
Nowhere are such cliffs better developed than in the Cape Pillar area. Port Arthur Villas (%6250 2239, 1800 815 775; standard but comfortable. There are good
www.portarthurvillas.com.au; 52 Safety Cove Rd; d $130- eating options downstairs: a caf (hbreakfast
202 H O B A R T R E G I O N & T H E S O U T H E A S T C a p e Pi l l a r www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com H O B A R T R E G I O N & T H E S O U T H E A S T C a p e Pi l l a r 203

& lunch) and restaurant (mains $15-27; hdinner) was burnt in a bushfire in 2003, but lots of Cape
300 Pillar 1 : 80,000 0
100m Contour Interval 0 1 mile
2 km

and a public bar with traditional pub grub. green regrowth has softened the previously

To Port Arthur(17km); To Waterfall

Officers Mess (%6250 3635; off Arthur Hwy; mains stark landscape. After a steep stony section, Eaglehawk Neck (25km)
100 ra
il Bay (12km)

$10-22; hbreakfast, lunch & dinner) has a pretty the track undulates over several rises, with

an astal
basic general store and caf, but it does planking across wetter sections, reaching the

Mitre Peak

(135m) The Lanterns
serve hot food and takeaways, and theres Cape Hauy Track junction, about one hour Ca Cape Hauy


Fortescue 10 The Candlestick
an ATM here. from Fortescue Bay. The side trip down to 100 Bay Camping
0 Side Trip
Totem Pole
Fortescue Lagoon Tr
Cape Hauy (below), overlooking the Can- Mill Creek ack
GETTING THERE & AWAY dlestick and slender Totem Pole (see p204) Rd START/


Buses from Hobart to Port Arthur (p201) sea stacks is well worth the effort. Monument

ll Cr
pass through Eaglehawk Neck. Take the rocky track to the right (south),

signposted to Mt Fortescue. Vague at first, it Park
Fortescue Bay rises gently for 10 minutes to emerge on the 100 Monument

Tunah Lookout

%03 cliff top at Monument Lookout. To the south Plains

ans Cre

es C
Hidden down a gravel road off the high- the sweep of Munro Bight is backed by bed- Snake


way and right at the start/finish of the walk, ded sandstone cliffs, giving way to dolerite


r ac

Fortescue Bay camping ground (% 6250 2433; (p200) towards distant Cape Pillar, with the


sites for 2-6 people $11) sits behind a sweeping white tower of Tasman Island lighthouse

sandy beach backed by thick forests. It lacks visible beyond. The track continues near

powered sites, but firewood is available and the cliff edge, passing several other look-

Mt Fortescue

r Track
there are fireplaces, gas barbecues, toilets outs. You eventually leave the burnt area Tasman ek



and cold showers. Booking is advised dur- and traverse wetter forest, with tree ferns

unna Cr
ing holiday periods. Fortescue Bay is part of and mossy trunks and rocks, ascending Crescent

the Tasman National Park so the usual park steadily towards the wooded summit of Mt Retakunna

Fortescue (490m; 1 to 1 hours from the

entry fees apply. There are no shops here so

bring in all your own food. Cape Hauy Track junction). Nearby rocks l le
provide a view towards Cape Pillar. ey
idg Falls
GETTING TO/FROM THE WALK Continue beyond the summit and de-
n ad
Bare DAY 2 & 3 Munro
or Bight
With the start of the walk 12km off the main scend south, steeply in places; the leaf E T 300

highway down a gravel road, the logistics litter and mud underfoot can be very slip-

To Flat
of getting to and from the walk from Port pery. The track crosses Retakunna Creek


Arthur or Eaglehawk Neck will not be easy just above Wughallee Falls (45 to 60 minutes Lunchtime Creek
washdown station
for those relying on public transport. You from Mt Fortescue) and heads upstream for Haines 200


can get to the turn-off from the main high- a few minutes to a track junction. Theres a




way by bus, after which youll be facing an good camp site down the short side track to

n Nord

unappealing two- to three-hour road bash the right, on the creek bank among slender Bluff



to reach Fortescue Bay. Alternatively, you eucalypts and tree ferns. If continuing to the Hill
could try to hitch or negotiate a lift from the Bare Knoll camp site, which has no water, Black

owners of wherever you are staying. fill up your water containers here. Head He
ath Perdition

200 Ponds
If you are driving, Fortescue Rd turns left Follow the onward track southwest from 300 Care needed
in windy
(east) off the Arthur Hwy 13km south of Retakunna Creek, climbing steeply to a junc- Care needed in
windy weather
weather Cathedral
Eaglehawk Neck. Follow the road past the tion with the Cape Pillar Track on the side Resolution The
beach camping area to the Mill Creek car of Tornado Ridge (30 to 40 minutes). Turn Point Oasis
Clytie Chasm
Tasman Bight Lookout
park and picnic area at its end. left (south) and follow the Cape Pillar Track Sea
The Blade
for 10 minutes to Bare Knoll and a sheltered To Tasman Tasman
THE WALK camp site among wind-tossed trees. Island (200m) Passage

Day 1: Fortescue Bay to Bare Knoll

45 hours, 13km, 630m ascent, 400m descent SIDE TRIP: CAPE HAUY towards Cape Hauy where the track gradu- You can scramble down a little further to
From the day-use car park, follow the fore- 12 hours, 3km return, 130m ascent/descent ally deteriorates. Continue to follow the get a more impressive view, but the descent
shore path 150m east to Mill Creek camping Head east from the track junction and fol- crest of the headland until you reach a becomes more dangerous as you continue.
area. The track to Cape Hauy and Mt Fortes- low the track down across rock slabs. The warning sign. Just beyond this are dizzying Return via your outward route.
cue are signposted from the boat ramp. trees fade away and views south open out views of the Totem Pole slotted in a turbulent
The track initially follows the waters across the cliffs beneath Mt Fortescue and chasm between the end of Cape Hauy and Day 2: Bare Knoll to Cape Pillar Return
edge, but then swings east and climbs gen- into the hazy distance to Cape Pillar it- the sheer-sided island that marks the con- 45 hours, 12km return, 420m ascent/descent
tly inland. The forest throughout this area self. Climb across a steep rise and descend tinuation of the headland into the ocean. Leaving your camp at Bare Knoll, head
204 W E S T & W O R L D H E R I TA G E A R E A www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com W E S T & W O R L D H E R I TA G E A R E A H i s t o r y 205

lakes, dense rainforests and a treacherous HISTORY

THE TOTEM POLE coast are all compelling features of this Arriving in Tasmania via a land bridge from
It is difficult not to be impressed by the sight of the Totem Pole, a 65m-high vertical finger of beautiful region. One of three southern the mainland at least 35,000 years ago, the
rock standing at the end of Cape Hauy in defiance of gravity and the relentless ocean swells. temperate wilderness regions (the others Tasmanian Aboriginal people lived in the
Seen from the right angle, the Totem Pole looks as though it might just topple over into the are in New Zealand and Patagonia), this then-grassy valleys of western Tasmania
chasm it occupies. The thought of climbing it would terrify most people (just looking at it is a isnt the only link between these regions through the last ice age, the southernmost
dizzying experience), but it has been climbed a number of times. (see right). humans on earth at that time. These val-
In 1997 top British climber Paul Pritchard almost died attempting an ascent of the Totem A large part of Tasmanias western leys were abandoned by about 12,000 years
Pole. Low down on the route he was hit by a falling block, suffering serious head injuries. He wilderness is World Heritagelisted on ago as the forests expanded after the end
survived an epic rescue to be told hed never walk again. He tells the story of his painstaking Unescos register of natural and cultural of the ice age, but occupation continued
journey back to relative mobility in his books The Totem Pole and a Whole New Adventure (1999) places of world significance see www mainly around the resource-rich coast until
and The Longest Climb: Back from the Abyss (2005). .parks.tas.gov.au/wha. The World Herit- the 1830s, a few decades after the arrival of
age Area (WHA) was listed in 1982 and Europeans.
granted Australian legal status in 1983, fol-
southeast with just a day pack, but remem- heads inland for a short time before rejoin- lowing a failed attempt by the Tasmanian ENVIRONMENT
ber to take some water containers with you ing the cliff edge and continuing to below government to dam the Franklin River In the southwest, convoluted quartzite
in order to top up at Lunchtime Creek on the Blade (45 to 60 minutes from Perdi- (below). When Unesco was asked to con- ranges rise from rolling buttongrass plains
the way back for your second night. After tion Ponds). If it isnt too windy, take a few sider the nomination of the area for listing, and are cut by deep gorges cloaked in dense
tunnelling through dense vegetation across minutes to scramble out to the end of this it was accepted on the basis of satisfying a rainforest. The dolerite-capped mountains
Tornado Flat, the track descends steeply exposed promontory for airy views of Tas- record seven out of a possible 10 criteria. and plateaus of the central highlands are
to Lunchtime Creek (20 to 30 minutes). This man Island. The white-stained slabs near After a number of significant additions, often rimmed by columnar cliffs, a dramatic
creek is generally the last reliable water sea level on Tasman Island are fur seal haul- the Tasmanian Wilderness World Herit- backdrop to the many lakes. The WHA was
source when heading south. There is also a outs and, if the wind is right, you may hear age Area today encompasses 1.38 million covered by ice during several ice ages over
boot-cleaning station here where you should them barking. hectares, which is some 20% of Tasmanias the last two million years (to current sea

clean boots and gaiters to prevent phytoph- The main track continues for 15 minutes land area. level at one point) and these glaciers have

thora (p47) spreading further south. to Chasm Lookout, with a steep final climb to This West & World Heritage Area sec- sculpted many highland landforms.
Climb south from Lunchtime Creek this highest point of Cape Pillar, the cliffs tion features many of the most difficult While the most extensive temperate
through low heath, with views west across falling a sheer 280m into the sea. and strenuous walks in Tasmania, covering rainforest lies in the northwest Tarkine
Maingon Bay to the long finger of Cape Retrace your steps to Bare Knoll campsite. high and potentially dangerous terrain on region, rainforest is also well developed
Raoul and distant Bruny Island. The track rough tracks exposed to the worst weather. in and characteristic of western Tasmania
then enters a wonderful patch of forest, con- Day 3: Bare Knoll to Fortescue Bay But their wildness and isolation are also and the WHA. Tasmanias rainforest and
touring east of Purgatory Hill, with twisted 23 hours, 8km, 90m ascent, 320m descent what many walkers come to Tasmania to alpine areas contain a distinctive suite of
crowns of stringybark above banksia and The walk out to Fortescue Bay is an easy experience. plants that evolved on the supercontinent
other flowering shrubs. stroll. Retrace your Day 1 steps to the Tor-
Swinging back to the southeast again nado Ridge Track junction, and then bear
you then cross Hurricane Heath, a mass of left and continue to follow the Cape Pillar THE WORLD HERITAGE AREA THE FIGHT FOR PROTECTION
mauve-flowering tea-tree shrubs in Novem- Track north. The track soon enters for- Few World Heritage Areas (WHAs) have been embroiled in as much contentious environmental
ber. On the far side of this area a narrow est burnt in 2003, although, as elsewhere, debate as the Tasmanian Wilderness WHA. The flooding of Lake Pedder, then part of Southwest
side track heads right (southwest) towards regrowth is progressing. Traversing open National Park, by the HEC (Hydro Electric Commission) in 1972 prompted concern over the levels
a patch of taller vegetation for 100m and a buttongrass country, extended sections of of protection afforded by national park status.
sheltered camp site (one to 1 hours from planking ease wetter areas. The track re- The Tasmanian Wilderness Society (now The Wilderness Society) was founded in 1976 to
Bare Knoll). renters forest near Snake Hill and eventu- provide organised opposition to the HECs planned damming of the Gordon and Franklin Rivers.
A 10 minute descent across an open ally commences a steady descent, winding The Society was instrumental in having the area World Heritagelisted by Unesco in 1982. But
wind-blasted area leads to the brackish Per- down to cross Agnes Creek. About 15 min- that, and a change in state government, did not prevent the beginning of dam construction
dition Ponds. Walkers have camped here in utes later Fortescue Rd is reached, 150m on the lower Gordon. In the summer of 198283 the issue burst onto the national arena with
the past, but this is not recommended; the west of the camping ground. the Franklin River Blockade and the arrest of 1400 protesters. In the 1983 Federal election, the
site is exposed and the sandy soil prone to Australian Labor Party was elected on a promise to enforce the WHAs protection. Despite a
erosion. A narrow corridor through thick legal challenge by the Tasmanian government, the Franklin River scheme was abandoned. This
scrub leads up and across Perdition Pla-
teau to a cliff edge viewpoint. The view along
WEST & WORLD was a landmark decision, further clarifying the constitutional powers of the federal government
over state governments.
the cliffs of Clytie Bight to the Blade pin-
nacle and the inaccessible Tasman Island
HERITAGE AREA After further controversy, many protests and a government inquiry, this time over forestry, the
WHA was enlarged in 1989 and now covers 20% of Tasmania. Despite this, the scale of industrial
is nothing short of spectacular. The track Tasmanias west really is wild. The most forestry has expanded dramatically and the Wilderness Society and others continue to argue for
continues along the cliff edge to a sandy rugged region of Tasmania, formidable appropriate protection for additional areas.
area known as the Oasis, where the track mountains, buttongrass plains, tranquil
206 W E S T & W O R L D H E R I TA G E A R E A M t Fi e l d & Ta r n S h e l f C i r c u i t www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com W E S T & W O R L D H E R I TA G E A R E A M t Fi e l d & Ta r n S h e l f C i r c u i t 207

Gondwana (p25). Many animals, especially What to Bring HISTORY but the high ridges are very exposed to bad
invertebrates, also display a Gondwanan Many walks in western Tasmania traverse Mt Field National Park was created in weather, low cloud can render visibility
heritage. Subsequent evolution has pro- highland areas, so its essential to be prop- 1916. It was an expansion of a reserve cre- poor and the track is not always well de-
duced many species unique to Tasmania. erly prepared (see Gearing Up For the ated around Russell Falls in 1885, making fined, so err on the side of caution when
Such species include conifers like King Billy, Mountains, p39). As the entire WHA is a it (along with Freycinet) one of Tasma- deciding on suitable weather for this walk.
pencil and Huon pine, and invertebrates like fuel-stove-only area (p192), fuel stoves are nias oldest parks. At this time, the park See also the Warning boxed text on p210.
the mountain shrimp inhabiting highland required for all overnight walks. area was a mere 2000 hectares and it has
tarns or velvet worms found in rotting logs. subsequently increased to 16,756 hectares. Maps
Nor are Gondwanan affinities restricted Books However, in 1949 timber interests man- Tasmaps 1:50,000 Mt Field National Park
to plants and animals; Tasmania has more The thin booklet Tasmania World Heritage aged to excise 1472 hectares for logging, Map & Notes shows this and other walks in
geological similarities with Antarctica than includes work by some of Tasmanias best much of which was tall swamp gum, with the national park.
with much of mainland Australia. photographers and provides an excellent 1500 hectares of mixed forest added in
Forests dominated by tall sometimes overview of the WHA and its values. For sci- return. Logging continues in the Floren- Information Sources
very tall eucalyptus trees also exist in the entific detail you could seek out Tasmanian tine Valley, in uncomfortable proximity to The national park visitor information centre
west, the wet climate contributing to a rain- Wilderness World Heritage Values, pub- both Mt Field and the eastern fringes of (%6288 1149), at the park entrance, has lots
forest understorey in many areas. If the area lished by the Royal Society of Tasmania. the WHA. The operations in the Florentine of information on the areas walks, can pro-
remains free of bushfires for 300 years or so, Valley are readily viewed from the summit vide updates on weather and snow condi-
this understorey may eventually supplant of Mt Field West. tions, sells park passes, and contains a caf
the eucalypts as they die. MT FIELD & TARN SHELF CIRCUIT and a good, small interpretive display.
In some alpine areas, the arrangement Duration 56 hours ENVIRONMENT
of dwarf shrubs, small tarns and rich green Distance 12km The upper reaches of the park show plenty NEAREST TOWN
cushion plants brings to mind a landscaped Difficulty moderate of evidence of past glaciation; U-shaped val- National Park
rock garden. In the southwest, many broad Start/Finish Lake Dobson leys, cirques, tarns and jumbles of moraine %03 / pop 170
valleys are blanketed by peat soils with Nearest Town National Park (opposite) debris. Lake Seal lies within an impressive National Park consists of only a few houses

buttongrass, their seed buttons waving on glacial trough, and ice that accumulated on and a pub just outside the park entrance.

Transport private
long stalks. Summary Explore the glaciated uplands of Mt Tarn Shelf, in the lee of the Rodway Range, It is, however, a convenient base for both
Field National Park, traversing snow gum wood- fed a glacier that flowed down the Broad the Mt Field and Mt Anne (p209) walks.
PLANNING land, alpine vegetation and bouldery crests, re- River valley during the last ice age. Russell Falls is only a short stroll away, and
When to Walk turning along the beautiful Tarn Shelf. Few other national parks in Australia if viewing marsupials is your thing, then a
The summer months (November to April) offer Mt Fields diversity of vegetation; tall visit to the open lawns at the park entrance
are generally the best time for walking swamp gum forests with tree ferns near the at dusk will reward you with plenty of pos-
in Tasmanias western areas. The days are Mt Field National Park lies adjacent to the park entrance, temperate rainforest along sums and pademelons.
longer and the prevalence of cool and wet eastern fringes of the WHA and only an the Lake Dobson road, then alpine wood-
weather is generally somewhat less. How- hours drive from Hobart. From the tow- land and moorland at higher elevations. SLEEPING & EATING
ever, the weather can be fickle and change- ering swamp gums and tree ferns around Land of the Giants Campground (unpowered/powered
able at any time of the year, so be prepared Russell Falls and the park entrance, a dirt PLANNING sites for 2 $20/25) is a privately run, self-regis-
for the worst. road winds up to Lake Dobson and the start The national park contains a number of tration camping ground with good facilities
of several fine walking tracks exploring the other walking options, both alpine and low- (toilets, showers, laundry, free barbecues)
alpine forests, moors and boulder fields. land. At the very least, before going up to just inside the park. Bookings not required.
WARNING The one-day walk described here makes Lake Dobson, its worth taking the short Site fees are in addition to national park
The walking in western Tasmania and the a beautiful alpine circuit across the Rodway stroll to Russell Falls from the visitor infor- entry fees.
WHA is often at significant altitudes, and Range, returning along Tarn Shelf. While mation centre, not just to view the waterfall, The Lake Dobson Cabins (%6288 1149; s & d $22)
the weather can be very changeable. This there are no tough ascents or large gains in but also to see the huge swamp gums and are three simple six-bed cabins located near
brings with it the potential difficulties of altitude, parts of the route can still be quite tree ferns along the way. The Tall Trees the lake and make a good base for explor-
low temperatures, high winds, poor vis- arduous. Scrambling and hopping across circuit a short distance up the Lake Dobson ing the highland parts of the park. They are
ibility and heavy rain or snow. Snow is a jumbles of boulders is the order of the day road is also worth a look. equipped with mattresses, cold water and
possibility in the alpine areas of Tasmania at on the ascent to Rodway Range. Fit walkers If cloud hides the tops of the Rodway wood stoves, but lack power. Book at the
any time of the year. Although the Overland can consider visiting Mt Field West, but Range you might consider a lower level visitor information centre.
Track is now quite well constructed, many adding this side trip makes for a long day, circuit along Tarn Shelf to Twilight Tarn, National Park Hotel (%6288 1103; Gordon River Rd;
of the other tracks can be rough and muddy with a more demanding level of difficulty; returning via Lake Webster, instead of the s/d $40/80) is a laid-back pub offering reasona-
in places. Even if just heading off for a day start early from Lake Dobson (see p208). route described here. ble rooms with shared facilities, plus counter
walk, walkers considering walking in the Given clear weather, the views from the meals most nights. Rates include breakfast.
West & WHA should be well equipped for high sections of this walk are absolutely tre- When to Walk Russell Falls Holiday Cottages (%6288 1198;
mountain weather. mendous, but the exposed alpine environ- Walking in the alpine regions of Mt Field Lake Dobson Hwy; d $120) are conveniently located
ment is unforgiving in poor conditions. is normally feasible from October to April, next to the parks entrance. These spotless
208 W E S T & W O R L D H E R I TA G E A R E A M t Fi e l d & Ta r n S h e l f C i r c u i t www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com W E S T & W O R L D H E R I TA G E A R E A M t A n n e & E l i z a P l a t e a u 209

cottages have rather dated furnishings, but GETTING TO/FROM THE WALK through stands of beautiful snow gums. The lake outlet, turn right onto the Tarn Shelf
are roomy and well equipped. From the national park visitor information track is rough and rocky in places before it Track. This track skirts the eastern shores
Waterfalls Caf (% 6288 1516; meals $7-15; centre, drive up the narrow, winding gravel emerges onto a broad shoulder 15 minutes of Lake Newdegate, passing through the stark
hlunch) is a simple eatery inside the visitor road to the car park at Lake Dobson. In from the ski lodges. Extensive duckboards dead trunks of numerous native pines, killed
information centre. winter this road is sometimes snow-covered carry you across wet flat ground towards by a bushfire that started in logging areas
Groceries are available from small stores and may be closed. Rodway Hut. Along the way the Seal Lookout below Mt Field West in 1966. The southern
at Westerway (8km east on the B61) and provides views across the impressive glacial end of Tarn Shelf escaped this fire and liv-
Maydena (13km west on the B61). How- THE WALK trough containing Lake Seal. Ten minutes ing pencil pines protrude from thickets of
ever, it is best to bring fuel and walk-food Leave the Lake Dobson car park and fol- of easy walking on the duckboards brings deciduous beech, which turn golden before
supplies from Hobart. low the path around the southern shores you to a track junction just above Rodway losing their leaves in autumn.
of the lake. Just after the end of the board- Hut (day shelter and emergency use only), Continue following the track generally
GETTING THERE & AWAY walk, bear left uphill onto Urquart Track about one hour from Lake Dobson. The southeast along Tarn Shelf, passing lakes
Public transport connections to Mt Field and follow this to meet the ski field access Tarn Shelf Track descends to the north past and tarns and crossing glacier-scoured
National Park are not regular. From De- road. Alternatively you might take a longer the hut (a snow pole line climbs in the op- ridges to Rodway Hut (one hour from Lake
cember through March, TassieLink (%1300 route straight ahead around the lake, tra- posite direction onto the Mawson Plateau). Newdegate). Turn left at the junction above
300 520; www.tassielink.com.au; 64 Brisbane St, Hobart) versing Pandani Grove, to meet the ski field Continue straight ahead (west) on a third the hut and retrace your steps back to Lake
runs one bus on Tuesday, Thursday and road lower down. Pandanis grow only in track signposted for the Rodway Range. Dobson car park (45 minutes).
Saturday from Hobart to Mt Field ($28); Tasmania and, despite their palm-like ap- The track quickly deteriorates into a route
bookings are essential. pearance, are actually a giant heath. marked with snow poles and splashes of SIDE TRIP: MT FIELD WEST
Unfortunately the service does not run Turn onto the road and climb through red paint. The going is arduous, hopping 33 hours, 6.5km return, 240m ascent/descent
to the top car park so to undertake the several hairpin bends to reach a cluster of between boulders, but the dolerite provides Mt Field West (1434m) is the highest sum-
alpine walks you really need your own ski lodges. Follow the Alpine Tracks sign- excellent friction. mit in the national park. It offers great
transport. If driving, Mt Field National posts along the front of the buildings, where After a short climb the route traverses views on a clear day but makes for a long
Park is 75km northwest of Hobart along the road deteriorates into a rocky walking northwest along the crest of the Rodway outing if combined with the full circuit de-
Range. In clear conditions views extend right

the Brooker Hwy, B62 and then the Gor- track. Views across the eastern section of scribed above. Cross the boggy flats of K

don River Rd. the park are fairly unobstructed as you sidle across the Southwest National Park, and Col, past the small stone Peterson Memorial
north across the Central Plateau towards Hut (day shelter and emergency use only)
Mt Field & Tarn Shelf Circuit 1 : 70,000 0
100m Contour Interval 0 1 mile
2 km the distant peaks of Cradle MountainLake and climb steadily past Clemes Tarn, then
90 Casca
de Rivulet St Clair National Park. More immediately, northwest up the spur towards Naturalist

Twilight Ridge Mt Field West (1434m) is the highest point Peak (1428m). Passing this peak, a generally

Tarn Hut

eek Twilight on the impressive ridge stretching 3km to level walk of 1km or so crosses a beautiful
Cr Tarn
the northwest from K Col. alpine plateau with many small tarns to the

Newdegate lb


Na Lake
Descend to K Col (45 to 60 minutes from summit of Mt Field West. The views across

Mt Field Webster

West(1434m) The Twisted

Rodway Hut), where the boulders give way the heavily logged Florentine Valley into


Lake Newdegate to wet ground carpeted with alpine flora. the WHA present a stark juxtaposition of

Hut 100


Fitter walkers with time and good condi- wilderness lost and wilderness protected.


Tarn Shelf Tra

d River


Naturalist Rodway Newdegate


Peak(1428m) Lake Hayes Range

Walkers Mt Bridges
tions on their side can now make the side Return to K Col by the route of ascent.
ny Tarn (1208m)
trip to Mt Field West (right). Otherwise

Side Trip Blackhouse


follow the muddy, marked track north, ris-



11 Tarn

r ee k

Tarn Tarn 1100 ing towards the bluff of The Watcher and
0 Lake
Shelf 100
Newdegate Pass (30 minutes from K Col). Duration 78 hours

Clemes Tarn
K Col
Tarn Sh Johnston
elf Tarn
Tarn The track is vague in the area of Newd- Distance 15km
Memorial egate Pass and is very easy to lose its best

0 Hut Tiny
Difficulty moderatedemanding

to look carefully for markers as the route Start/Finish Condominium Creek
Lookout Eagle
Tarn Pandani
swings sharply to the east. If you do lose Nearest Towns National Park (p207)

Grove the route, climb to higher ground and look


Mt Field Lake Transport bus (summer only)

National Lake for a section of duckboard. Newdegate Pass

Park Belcher Ski village Summary Climb the highest peak in the south-
is also carpeted with alpine flora, including

private lodges Urquart

10 Track
00 west on an exposed alpine walk with stunning
Florentine M L bright green cushion plants, in places form-

Hu aw START/ bs a k e
nP FINISH on Rd mountain scenery.
old lat
ea To National Park (15km);
ing dams to tiered series of small tarns.
ive 11 u Russell Falls (15km); The route descends steeply east then

r 00

Hut Park Entrance (15km)

southeast from Newdegate Pass, on a defined

Mt Mawson
From most angles, Mt Anne (1423m) looks
(1318m) track, to reach Lake Newdegate Hut (day like improbable terrain for walkers. It rises
shelter and emergency only) at the northern to the east of Lake Pedder, a towering fang
end of Lake Newdegate. After crossing the of dolerite with sheer faces on all sides,
210 W E S T & W O R L D H E R I TA G E A R E A M t A n n e & E l i z a P l a t e a u www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com W E S T & W O R L D H E R I TA G E A R E A M t A n n e & E l i z a P l a t e a u 211

connected to the more rounded peak of NEAREST TOWN Mt Anne & Eliza Plateau 1 : 60,000 0
100m Contour Interval 0 1 mile
2 km

Mt Eliza (1289m) by a rolling plateau car- See National Park (p207).

Celtic Hill
peted by alpine vegetation. Parts of this (771m) Ri

walk offer incredible views across much of GETTING TO/FROM THE WALK 60

Druids Hill

the southwest wilderness, and also of the TassieLink (%1300 300 520; www.tassielink.com.au; (845m)

tremendous glacial scenery of the Anne 64 Brisbane St, Hobart) runs a summer-only serv- 800
Mt Anne

Range itself. ice from Hobart to Scotts Peak, passing the

start of the walk, three days per week. The 40
0 Ascent to summit is exposed
and potentially dangerous

bus departs the Hobart bus terminal (at To Maydena (49km); Southwest 13
This description describes a there-and-back the address listed here) at 8am Tuesday, National Park (62km) National
e 12
visit to Mt Anne. This is a fairly long one- Thursday and Saturday, passing the Mt 00

day effort, involving some 1400m of total Anne track at around 12.45pm, and returns 600 Lak
ascent, so start early (there is a good camp the same day. The one-way fare is $68 and Jud


site beside Condominium Creek at the start booking is recommended. Condominium Creek
Eve Peak
of the track that may facilitate this). Or you For those with their own transport, sim- Eliza
could make the walk a more leisurely 1- ply follow the B61 Hwy (Gordon River Rd) Frances
day outing by staying overnight at High towards Strathgordon and turn left onto the Mt Anne Track
Camp Memorial Hut. Even if you dont unsealed C607 (Scotts Peak Rd), signposted START/

Mt Eliza
make it to the summit, the views of both for Mt Anne and Scotts Peak. The trailhead (1289m)

Mt Anne and the WHA from Mt Eliza are at Condominium Creek is signposted on High Camp
well worth the effort. the left about 20km to the south. Memorial Hut

It is possible to continue beyond Mt Anne,

but walkers attempting the demanding THE WALK

three-day Anne Circuit should be fit, well A well-constructed track leaves the car park

k Ro

equipped and very comfortable on steep, at Condominium Creek and crosses a but-


exposed ground, as well as with scrambling tongrass plain for a few hundred metres to

over boulders, all with a full pack. reach the foot of Mt Elizas long west ridge. 70

The track climbs steep steps onto the ridge,

When to Walk and magnificent views begin to open out
The summer months (November to April) behind. The steps can seem very strenu- Descend slightly and then rise gently to a that the descent will likely be more awk-
are generally the best time for walking in ous with a heavy pack, but some relief is broad rounded crest. The precipitous drop ward than the ascent.
Tasmanias western mountains. See also the gained after 30 minutes. A level section of to Lake Judd is now before you and it is well The route is cairned diagonally left across
Warning boxed text below. track, muddy in places, leads into a dip from worth detouring 100m or so to the east to the boulder slope to a square-cut corner
High and isolated, Mt Anne can expe- where the track climbs steeply again for 10 view the lake. Another gentle descent and close to the eastern extent of the cliffs. Once
rience particularly awful weather. Given minutes to gain the crest of Mt Elizas west ascent leads northwards to a broad col dot- at the foot of the corner youll need to use
the exposed nature of Eliza Plateau (where ridge. From here a steady ascent leads to ted with an assortment of tarns. Cushion- your hands and exercise great care, and if
the track is not always well-defined) and High Camp Memorial Hut (1 to two hours plant communities abound on this col and the rock is wet or icy you are advised not
the extent of steep and dangerous ground from the car park), tucked among stunted are complemented by clusters of stunted to attempt this section. Climb directly up
around the ridges, the walk should only be gum trees below the bouldery slopes of Mt pandani. From the col, a short climb leads for a few metres to reach a ramp, which
attempted in clear and stable weather. Snow Eliza. The small hut has a water tank at the round the western shoulder of Eve Peak can be followed to the left (as you face the
and ice build-up in winter can make the back and a toilet just below. There are a few (1358m). Descend awkwardly across large cliff) and upwards to a sloping platform
summit a realm for mountaineers only. small tent sites below the hut. boulders to reach a broad col beneath Mt on a blunt and very exposed ridge. Make a
Beyond High Camp Memorial Hut the Anne (one to 1 hours from Mt Eliza). The slightly awkward move off this to another
Maps track becomes much rougher and is marked route leading right (east) here is the difficult, ledge (you may need a short rope here; if
Tasmaps 1:25,000 topographic map Anne with cairns. It swings to the northeast and three-day Anne Circuit. The route to the you feel nervous at this point, dont pro-
is the most suitable for this walk. climbs steeply over boulders and rock steps, summit of Mt Anne (1423m) is the marked ceed further) and then walk carefully back
then trends back to the east following a route continuing straight ahead (north). to the right on a wide and sloping ledge.
ridge to the summit of Mt Eliza (1289m). Follow the marked track across the col Now climb through a small notch onto the
WARNING The strenuous climb from High Camp Hut and climb around to the left of an outcrop. eastern side of the mountain and walk along
A good head for heights and confidence on takes 45 minutes to one hour and is re- The track drops down to an extensive boul- a wide ledge to where cairns show the way
steep ground is required for the final sum- warded (in clear weather) by spectacular der field beneath the cliffed south face of up the last scramble to the summit (45 to 60
mit ascent, but the views are good and ex- views of the Frankland Range across Lake Mt Anne. The most difficult section on the minutes from the col). The views and sense
tensive from many parts of the walk even if Pedder. This vantage point is a worthwhile final summit tower above requires confi- of achievement are considerable. Follow
you dont proceed to the actual summit. destination itself and many walkers venture dence on steep ground so you may wish your route of ascent to return to the Eliza
no further. to reassess the situation now, remembering Plateau and back down to the car park.
212 W E S T & W O R L D H E R I TA G E A R E A M t R u f u s & S h a d o w L a k e www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com W E S T & W O R L D H E R I TA G E A R E A M t R u f u s & S h a d o w L a k e 213


MT RUFUS & SHADOW LAKE Information Sources Mt Rufus & Shadow Lake
0 1 : 90,000 0
100m Contour Interval 0
2 km
1 mile
The walk starts at the Parks & Wildlife Serv- Little Lake 0 80
00 0
Duration 68 hours ices visitor information centre at Lake St Clair Hugel Solitude 1
1100 Cradle Mountain-
Distance 18.5km (%6289 1172; fax 6289 1227) and this is the best

Lake St Clair


National Park

Difficulty moderate Hermione

source of local information.


Start/Finish Cynthia Bay Lake

(Lake St Clair; p219) NEAREST TOWN

Nearest Town Derwent Bridge (p219) See Derwent Bridge (p219).

Lake St

Transport bus Mt Hugel

Summary Traverse a wide variety of veg- THE WALK Hu


R iv Watersmeet


etation to and from a grand mountain view- Pass through the Lake St Clair visitor infor- er


ac lley
Larmairremener Cynthia Bay

point, relaxing beside a tranquil lake on your mation centre complex and turn left, at the Route Fergies Paddock



return. sign. All walking tracks. Follow the wide Tr
w Lake
gravel path for 10 minutes to the signed ha Visitor Information START/
Tr ack

Centre & Ranger Station FINISH
Mt Rufus is a readily accessible summit turn-off to the Mt Rufus Circuit; turn left 800 Franklin-Gordon
To Derwent
Wild Rivers Bridge (5km);
at the southern end of Cradle Mountain (west) here. A buttongrass plain, then a 00

National Park 13 Hobart (178km)
Mt Rufus
Lake St Clair National Park, with excellent tea-tree swamp, give way to eucalypt for- 900 (1416m) 1200
Lake Nava
views in all directions, especially of the est and a good track undulating over low

Undine Gingerbread Rive rr
Hut r

high peaks in the park itself. The moun- stony moraine ridges for 15 to 20 minutes

tains slopes feature a variety of vegetation before commencing a steady climb. Passing
types, including eucalypt forest and wood- the upturned bases of several large fallen marked by snow poles). From here there fishing licence. Continue straight ahead
land, rainforest and alpine moorland, and eucalypts, it is apparent just how shallow- is a wonderful view: the Franklin head- at the Shadow Lake Track junction. The
several tranquil lakes. rooted these tall trees are. The tall eucalypts waters and Frenchmans Cap to the west, track traverses buttongrass openings and
Tracks on the mountain and in the Hugel become increasingly sparse and the track the serried peaks of the Du Cane Range subalpine woodland, before commencing a

Valley provide for a range of in-out and enters highland rainforest for a period, beyond Mt Hugel to the north, and the steady descent. Eucalypt forest and rainfor-

circuit walks, depending on mood and the myrtle trunks festooned with lichen. Shadow and Forgotten Lakes in a basin to est alternate, and the rushing Hugel River
weather. Emerging from the rainforest, the track the northeast. is heard, but not seen, for a while. After
The full-day clockwise circuit described traverses an extended level section through Head northwest from the summit, de- paralleling the river for some time, the track
here involves a 680m ascent to Mt Rufus, subalpine forest, spindly eucalypts above scending a broad open ridge towards the descends into rainforest again and crosses
followed by a more leisurely return descent wiry shrubs. saddle between Mts Rufus and Hugel, to the south bank on a massive bridge.
via Shadow Lake and the Hugel Valley (al- Towards the end of this section is a and pass a group of sandstone outcrops There are two options here. Turn left
though the walk could readily be completed signed track junction, 1 to two hours sculpted by aeons of wind and rain. The and follow the river bank downstream to
in the reverse direction). from the visitor information centre. The track swings east and an extended board- Watersmeet, there joining the broad gravel
summit ridge of Mt Rufus should be visible walk section leads to Richea Valley, named path leading right (south) back to the visitor
PLANNING ahead; if its shrouded in cloud it may be for the botanical genus of the pandani and information centre (1 to two hours from
When to Walk best to turn right (north) here and complete scoparia growing there. These heaths are Shadow Lake). Or turn right off the bridge
The summer months (November to April) the Shadow Lake Circuit (see opposite). Tasmanian endemics with a Gondwanan and follow the Larmairremener tabelti Abo-
are generally the best time for walking in Otherwise, follow the rocky track straight heritage (p206), and can produce a spectac- riginal cultural walk; this loop is slightly
Tasmanias western mountains. See also the ahead (west). ular floral display in early summer. There is longer and joins the Mt Rufus Track which
Warning boxed text on p210. The track climbs steeply onto a stony a beautiful grove of snow gums and panda- is then followed, left, to the path back to the
If the weather or mountain visibility is moraine crest and follows this up to an nia at the valleys lower end. visitor information centre.
poor, consider the alternative Shadow Lake open alpine basin; there are now good views Entering rainforest as the slope steep-
Circuit (see opposite). back down to Lake St Clair. The profusion ens, the track winds down to emerge onto ALTERNATIVE ROUTE:
of emergent dead eucalypts on the slopes an open plain, covered with more Richea SHADOW LAKE CIRCUIT
Maps below resulted from bushfire several dec- shrubs. Soon after re-entering forest on the The main route in the previous section is
Tasmaps 1:25,000 topographic map Rufus ades ago. far side of the plain, the track reaches the known as the Mt Rufus Circuit. The Shadow
and 1:50,000 Lake St Clair Day Walk Map The track now heads south, skirting the junction with the Shadow Lake Link Track Lake Circuit is a shorter (four to five hours,
& Notes both show the walk. However, the lip of the basin, then ascends steeply to (right). Bear left and follow the track over 13km), lower-altitude option utilising the
Tasmap 1:100,000 Cradle Mountain-Lake St Mt Rufus east ridge, a broad crest with a stony rise. Shadow Lake appears through well-constructed Shadow Lake Link Track.
Clair Map & Notes also shows the route, alpine grass and shrubs dotted with rocks. the trees ahead. The track skirts the eastern The junctions with this track are noted in
and walkers completing the Overland Recline on the grass and take in the ex- shore to another track junction, 1 to two the previous description. This circuit is a
Track may already have this. This map is pansive view. Follow the ridge crest, first hours from Mt Rufus. A few pencil pines good alternative if the mountain weather is
also the only publication showing the new northwest and then southwest to the large fringe the lake and platypus are occasion- poor, or if youre feeling less energetic.
Shadow Lake Link Track, albeit at a less summit cairn (around 2 to 3 hours from ally seen. You could try your luck fishing
useful scale. the visitor information centre; the route is for introduced trout here, if you have a (Continued on page 229)
www.lonelyplanet.com W E S T & W O R L D H E R I TA G E A R E A F re n c h m a n s C a p 229

(Continued from page 213) PLANNING

Frenchmans Cap can be attempted as ei-
FRENCHMANS CAP ther a three or four-day walk. Many walkers
choose the former option, visiting the peak
Duration 4 days as a long return daytrip from Lake Vera,
Distance 47km and thereby humping only a day pack up
Difficulty moderatedemanding Barron Pass.
Start/Finish Lyell Hwy The alternative is to spend a night at
Nearest Town Derwent Bridge (p219) Lake Tahune, which is arguably the most
Transport bus stunningly located hut in all of Tasmania.
Summary Trek across muddy plains and This allows more time in the Frenchmans
through tangled rainforest to a convoluted Cap area for taking in the surroundings
quartzite massif cradling dark lakes and domi- and a leisurely ascent, and is the option
nated by the most distinctive mountain in the described here.
When to Walk
Along with Federation Peak and Cradle The warmer temperatures of the summer
Mountain, Frenchmans Cap (1446m) must months (December to March) is generally
be one of the most inspiring mountains in the best time for walking in Tasmanias
Australia. Its certainly the most prominent western mountains. See also the Warning
peak in the Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers boxed text on p210.
National Park. The peaks south and east
faces have been carved into vertical cliffs up What to Bring
to 400m high, giving it a tremendous profile As with all of the WHA, campfires are not
when viewed from the Lyell Hwy, and it is permitted in the Frenchmans Cap area, and

surrounded by jagged ridges cradling a se- the hut stoves are not suitable for cooking,
ries of glacial lakes. The walk is rather more so youll need a fuel stove. Despite the huts,
arduous than the nearby Overland Track. carrying a tent or some form of shelter is
The track is rough in places, there are a strongly advised for safety reasons.
number of steep climbs, including the long Tahune Hut is fitted with a small meth-
ascent to Barron Pass and the side trip to ylated spiritburning stove for heating; if
the summit of Frenchmans Cap itself, and planning on using this youre encouraged
the Loddon Plains (the sodden Loddons) to carry your own fuel (one litre will burn
have a justifiable reputation for deep mud. for six or seven hours).

At least 700 million years separate the two Tasmaps 1:50,000 Frenchmans Cap Walk
events primarily responsible for the land- Map & Notes is the best map for this walk
scape you see today. The quartzite bedrock and its notes provide a good outline of the
began life as layers of sand and silt on the areas history and environment.
floor of an ancient sea. After deep burial,
multiple episodes of recrystallisation and Permits & Regulations
folding, and aeons of erosion the quartzite As a WHA national park, the usual park
was exposed at the surface. Todays awe- fees apply and no campfires are permitted
some topography is largely the result of gla- (p192).
cial sculpting over two million years. Phytophthora (p47) is not present in
Avoidable, human-caused fires have much of the area traversed by the track;
caused considerable damage to the area. In however, to maintain this situation and to
1966 an extensive bushfire burnt the area help prevent the spread of this fungus, clean
around Lake Tahune and Artichoke Valley. the mud from your boots and gaiters at
Decades later there are still no King Billy the washdown station at the base of Mt
pine seedlings in places where all the parent Mullens.
trees were killed. In 1980, an escaped walk-
ers campfire at Lake Vera incinerated 6000 NEAREST TOWN AND FACILITIES
hectares of forest and buttongrass plains. See Derwent Bridge (p219).
230 W E S T & W O R L D H E R I TA G E A R E A F re n c h m a n s C a p www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com W E S T & W O R L D H E R I TA G E A R E A F re n c h m a n s C a p 231

GETTING TO/FROM THE WALK crossed to enter the band of forest around
Tassielink operates Lyell Hwy bus services the Loddon River (1 to 2 hours from THE FRANKLIN ADVENTURE
between Hobart and the west coast towns Lyell Hwy). A suspension bridge spans the The Franklin River provides another type of wilderness journey sensational but hazardous rafting.
of Queenstown and Strahan, passing the river, and there is good riverbank camping Experienced rafters can tackle it if theyre fully equipped and prepared. For the inexperienced
start of the track (daily except Monday and just downstream on the far (west) bank. (who make up about 90% of all Franklin rafters), there are tour companies offering complete
Wednesday, $43). Turn left off the bridge and soon the rafting packages.
If travelling by car, note that the roadside track heads out onto the Loddon Plains. The Either way, if youre thinking about it, check out the Franklin rafting notes on the PWS website
car park is quite remote; you could consider track across the sodden Loddons is wide, (www.parks.tas.gov.au/recreation/boating/frankl.html). Several companies offer complete rafting
parking your car at Lake St Clair and catch- braided and very muddy in many places. packages: Rafting Tasmania (%03-6239 1080; raftingtas@ozemail.com.au), Tasmanian Expeditions
ing the bus to the start of the track. Getting muddy to your knees is almost in- (%03-6334 3477, 1800 030 230; www.tas-ex.com) and Water By Nature (%1800 111 142; www.franklin
evitable. Try to avoid walking on the track rivertasmania.com).
THE WALK margins and promoting further widening. To get the feel of the place pick up a copy of Richard Flanagans award-winning novel Death
Day 1: Lyell Hwy to Lake Vera A section of boardwalk, then a gravelly rise, of a River Guide (1995), which weaves together Tasmanian history and myths in a story set on
46 hours, 16km, 450m ascent, 280m descent provide some respite from the mud mid- the Franklin River. Or Johnson Deans exciting narrative, Shooting the Franklin (2002), describing
A few minutes descent into forest leads to way across the plains. early Tasmanian canoeing and the first descent of the Franklin in 1959.
the Franklin River suspension bridge. Be- One to 1 hours from the Loddon River
yond the river the track traverses heathland the track enters a wide band of scrub and
and rainforest, then climbs steeply before it forest, and crosses two wooden bridges wet and eroded later. After following the on the way; tangled rainforest, cascading
takes a short sidle to the crest of Mt Mullens in quick succession branches of Philps lead for 45 to 60 minutes, you re-enter scrub streams and soaring white cliffs. The crest
(662m; one to 1 hours from Lyell Hwy). Creek. There are camp sites here, the best and re-cross Philps Creek on a log. Climb- appears suddenly and the panoramic view
In clear weather, the distinctive profile of just beyond the second bridge. ing steeply northwest into beautiful myrtle is dominated by Frenchmans Cap, its stu-
Frenchmans Cap rises dramatically to the Swinging southwest up Philps Lead, the and sassafras rainforest, you might ease pendous southeast face rising beyond a for-
west. track heads directly for the crags of Philps the effort of this climb by reflecting that ested spur. Imagine the valley below filled
A good gravel track descends steadily Peak; both features are named for JE Philp, there are no more extended muddy sections by glacial ice 20,000 years ago.

southwest from Mt Mullens, then two short who cut the original track in 1910. Very before Frenchmans Cap. A short descent, The track briefly descends back into

muddy plains (mostly boardwalked) are muddy at first, the track becomes merely crossing the Rumney Creek plain, another rainforest west of Barron Pass, then sidles
short, steep descent and then a scrubby below the ramparts of Sharlands Peak,
Collingwood River

00 (1060m)
Frenchmans Cap 1 : 120,000 0 500 2 km plain bring you to Lake Vera hut, beside before rising to traverse a rocky skyline



100m Contour Interval 0 1 mile



Vera Creek (45 minutes to 1 hours from ridge. A short, steep descent leads to green

To Queenstown 400
Elevation (42km) r
upper Philps Creek). Enclosed in a steep- Artichoke Valley. After climbing a series

500 Lye nC

Franklin ll Hwy 500


400 R iv
er neh Car sided glacial basin cloaked in rainforest, of steep steps beneath twin rock knobs,
i ve r

FSrto Park

Loddon Lake 90
Lake Loddon 600 START/
1400 Mt
Plains Tahune Tahune 0 Plains Mt
Mullens Junction lin Lyel Lake Vera is hidden by scrub from the hut. the surfaced track rises slightly further
Lake Lake FRri a l
Peak(667m) venk The light and airy Lake Vera hut accom- and crosses the slope westwards towards

1200 Loddon Loddon Mt Mullens

Vera 800
Vera siteTor

k washdown
800e Cree River Frenchmans River
Footbridge Derwent
modates about 20 people on large platform the gleaming Frenchman. It then descends

yc Cap iv Bridge
Jo400 Barron Barron 600 in R Mt Mullens (28km)
Pass Pass
nkl (662m) 50 bunks. To camp, continue for a few minutes steep flights of steps before contouring

Lyell Hwy Franklin-Gordon Lyell Hwy 0

across the bridge over Vera Creek to sev- around to Lake Tahune hut (one to 1 hours

0m Wild Rivers 600 600 600 ra


500 Franklin Ck
0km 5 10 15 N a t20
i o n a25
l P a r30k 35 40 45

eral trackside openings in scrub above the from Barron Pass), the lake basin remain-

0 Frank
0 li n Ri northeast end of the lake. ing hidden until the last minute. Myrtle

ver 0
30 600 regrowth surrounds the hut and screens
Loddon Ri
Day 2: Lake Vera to Lake Tahune it from the lake, cupped beneath French-
v er 24 hours, 6km, 560m ascent, 160m descent mans east face.

Cross Vera Creek and continue into dense The hut has sleeping space for 16, on



tea-tree scrub past the camp site openings. bunks with mattresses! There is a small camp

ap Tr

South Loddon River


Innovative track log ladders make relatively site overlooking the lake, 30m from the hut,

Frenchmans C


light work of the 20 minute traverse of Lake but the best camping is on or near the heli-


Lake Lake Veras steep western shore. Huon pine pad, 100m north of the hut, down a track


Knob xe de

on RivLoddon River


Side ka R iv
grows here (see the boxed text, p232) and, past the toilet. Note that the helipad may

Trip ic er

Lions P 800

Head 900
DAY 3 just after leaving the lake shore, the track need to be used without warning so tents


Lake Hut

passes between the sawn halves of a large cant be left erected here during the day.


0 0
Hut 90 80 Steep DAY 2


Col 12 Lake

Artichoke Lake (570m)


14 00 00Tahune long-fallen Huon pine log. Note the pale


Climb Vera
y Creek

Valley Sharlands



Frenchmans Livi Peak(1140m) Hut

yellow colour of the wood, the distinctive SIDE TRIP: FRENCHMANS CAP SUMMIT
900 00

n gs

Cap(1446m) Camp


Vera site


0 ps smell (take a sniff close to the wood) and 12 hours, 3km return, 480m ascent/descent

90 Barron Pass




the apparent lack of rot. Continue past Lake Tahune hut, cross the
uth Loddon



Cecily Lakeule Philps


v Lead


The 400m climb to Barron Pass takes one


dry lake outlet, then climb steeply west to-


0 Gertrude

n Peak(1282m) Lake

Philps t o

gs Marilyn
to two hours, but theres plenty to look at wards North Col. Before reaching the col

i 00
232 W E S T & W O R L D H E R I TA G E A R E A W a l l s o f J e r u s a l e m www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com WEST & WORLD HERITAGE AREA Walls of Jerusalem 233

the track swings south, rising across a shelf WALLS OF JERUSALEM the large swathe growing south of the Tem- The Walls can be very beautiful under
on Frenchmans east face, then switchbacks ple. These trees grow at altitudes in excess winter snow, but this is a time for well-pre-
north along a higher shelf. Approaching Duration 3 days of 800m and can live for more than 1200 pared and very experienced walkers when
North Col, a sign indicates the route to the Distance 23km years. Elsewhere on the Central Plateau such route finding can be arduous and difficult.
summit, left and up a short rock wall. (The Difficulty easymoderate extensive forests have been largely destroyed
route straight ahead leads to Irenabyss, on Start/Finish Walls of Jerusalem car park by human-caused bushfires. The pines are What to Bring
the Franklin River, a long and demanding Nearest Town Deloraine (opposite) complemented by stunted snow gums grow- While there are huts in the Walls of Jeru-
side trip.) As the track winds its way towards Transport bus (charter) ing on the exposed hillsides, and large bol- salem area, these are maintained as a re-
the summit there are several short rock walls Summary Visit a compact alpine area littered ster plants and sphagnum mounds on the minder of the trapping heritage of the park
to scramble up, and climb down again on with biblical names, walking beneath extensive valley floors. These latter plants are very sen- and are really only suitable as emergency
your return, requiring a head for heights. cliffs, past glacial tarns and through quiet pen- sitive to trampling, taking years to recover shelters. As with elsewhere in the Tasma-
Keep an eye out for rock cairns marking the cil pine forests. from the impact of an ill-placed boot; watch nian highlands, a good tent is essential. And
route in some sections. The final plod up a where you plant your feet if wandering off youll need a fuel stove as campfires are not
stony slope brings you abruptly to the edge Bordered to the west by the mountains of the hardened tracks. permitted.
of Frenchmans precipitous southeast face Cradle MountainLake St Clair National Bennetts wallabies are very common in
and, as befitting a high and isolated peak, Park, and to the east by the moors and lakes the area, and you may well see an eastern Maps & Books
all-encompassing views. Cradle Mountain is of the Central Plateau Conservation Area, quoll scampering around your camp site at The Tasmap 1:25,000 Walls of Jerusalem
prominent to the northeast, Macquarie Har- the Walls of Jerusalem National Park brings dusk. And if you dont glimpse a grazing Walk Map & Notes is very useful, and there
bour and the Southern Ocean gleam west- combines these features in a compact and wombat, youll certainly notice their large are notes on the back of the map on the ar-
ward, Hobarts Mt Wellington lies among intimate area. The Walls are a group of burrows and cube-shaped droppings. eas history and environment. Cradle Moun-
the folds of mountains to the southeast, and cliff-ringed summits sheltering several small tain Lake St Clair and Walls of Jerusalem
directly below a string of dark lakes is cra- and very beautiful valleys linked by low cols National Parks by John Chapman and John
dled by dense forest. and dotted with lakes and groves of pencil HIGHLAND FILM SET Siseman is worth a look if youd like to ex-
pines. The circuit route described here can Snaring (trapping) of local wildlife in winter, plore more remote routes in the park.
Days 3 & 4: Lake Tahune to Lyell Hwy

be done in two days, but the area is worth a when their fur coats are thickest, was un-

69 hours, 22km, 440m ascent, 1000m descent leisurely exploration over three days. dertaken by high-country shepherds and by Permits & Regulations
Retrace your inward route back to the manual workers attempting to supplement As a WHA national park, the usual park
Lyell Hwy from Lake Tahune. Fit walkers HISTORY their meagre income. Dramatising this life fees apply and no campfires are permitted
might consider walking back all the way to The surveyor James Scott applied the name and filmed in the Walls area, Roger Scholes (p192).
the highway in a day, for others there are Walls of Jerusalem to the area in 1848 and 1987 film Highland Winter tells the story of Camping is forbidden within 200m of the
a number of camp-site options en route, the biblical theme has been maintained in a woman brought up in harsh isolation who Pool of Siloam to allow plant regeneration.
noted in the previous description of the subsequent nomenclature. He noted some has to come to terms with her marriage to Apart from this there are no restrictions on
inward route. good grazing for stock and it was used for a reclusive trapper. Dixons Kingdom hut camping in the Walls area. However, the
this purpose to some degree well into the was refurbished for the filming, and another PWS has constructed a hardened camping
20th century, both before and since, and temporary hut was constructed below the ground, with a toilet, at Wild Dog Creek.
HUON PINE for fur trapping into the 1960s. The Walls West Wall. Walkers are encouraged to camp here,
Huon pine grows only in Tasmania, mostly area became a national park in 1981 and rather than within the nearby central Walls
in wet areas along the western rivers, its was incorporated into the enlarged WHA area, to limit the impact on this popular and
light-green foliage often dangling from in 1989 (see p205). PLANNING sensitive area.
branches overhanging the water. It is one To undertake the complete circuit described The PWS generally discourages walking
of the longest-living organisms on earth; ENVIRONMENT here walkers should have some navigation off the hardened tracks within the Walls
trees dated at over 3000 years old have Even during the Last Glacial, when glaciers competency, as tracks become less distinct area, and has explicitly closed the steep and
been found. were the least extensive of any recent ice beyond Dixons Kingdom hut and Mt Je- unstable gullies cutting the West Wall; if
Huon pine has been sought and cut since age, an icecap nevertheless lay astride the rusalem. An alternative option, both more you must climb King Davids Peak, do so
the 1820s, by convicts from the short-lived western Central Plateau. The landscape of leisurely and staying to formal tracks, is to from Herods Gate.
penal colony on Sarah Island and subse- the Walls of Jerusalem has thus been heav- camp two nights at Wild Dog Creek and
quently the tough piners who explored the ily influenced by glaciation. Most of the explore the Walls on the second day with NEAREST TOWN
western rivers. Its resistance to rot made walls were glacially carved, with gouging by just a day pack, returning to the car park Deloraine
it a fine boat-building timber, and its fine the ice along fault lines creating the valleys. directly on Day 3. %03 / pop 2170
grain and easy working properties were Depressions in the valleys, either scoured This regional centre is on the main highway
desirable for crafting fine furniture. Many by ice or dammed by moraines, have filled When to Walk and also provides a good base if planning
areas of Huon pine are now protected in with water, resulting in a scattering of lakes The summer months (November to April) other walks in the region (eg Great Western
national parks, and harvesting elsewhere and tarns of all sizes throughout the area. are generally the best time for walking in Tiers). The visitor information centre (%6362
is carefully managed. One of the most significant features of the Tasmanias western mountains. See also the 3471; www.greatwesterntiers.org.au; 98 Emu Bay Rd) has
Walls area are the pencil pines, especially Warning boxed text on p210. information on regional attractions.
234 W E S T & W O R L D H E R I TA G E A R E A W a l l s o f J e r u s a l e m www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com W E S T & W O R L D H E R I TA G E A R E A W a l l s o f J e r u s a l e m 235

SLEEPING & EATING THE WALK planks towards the prominent pass known off towards Mt Moriah and then drop down
Deloraine Apex Caravan Park (%6362 2345; West Pde; Day 1: Walls of Jerusalem Car Park as Damascus Gate, from where side trips are to meet the Lake Ball track directly, rather
unpowered/powered sites for 2 $16/19) has a pictur- to Wild Dog Creek possible (see p236). Beyond Damascus Gate than crossing the swampy flat ground at the
esque location beside the Meander River. 23 hours, 6km, 600m ascent, 60m descent the track descends for 15 minutes through east end of Lake Ball. A pole set on a promi-
Highview Lodge Youth Hostel (%6362 2996; A good track climbs from the car park, past a wonderful grove of pencil pines that ex- nent hummock indicates the beginning of
8 Blake St; dm/d from $22/45) has warm, timber- a registration booth, then continues more tends all the way to Dixons Kingdom hut (one the track west around Lake Ball.
floored confines, friendly staff and great steeply, emerging after 10 to 15 minutes hour from Herods Gate; emergency shelter For the first 30 minutes the track winds
views of the Great Western Tiers, even from onto flatter ground amid towering gum only). Reg Dixon began to visit the Walls through beautiful myrtle forest and then
the toilets! trees. The rest of the climb to Trappers Hut, a in the 1930s and built this hut as a base for crosses an awkward boulder slope before
Originally a coaching inn, Bonneys Inn restored 1940s fur trappers hut, is in stages; fur trapping. Mt Jerusalem can be climbed reaching Lake Ball hut (emergency shelter
(%6362 2974; www.bonneys-inn.com; 19 West Pde; s/d steep sections interspersed by flat sections, as a side trip (see p236). only), an old trappers hut. Towards the
$130/175) has comfortably upgraded colonial- which allow you to grab a breather. The There is no formed track between Dix- western end of the lake, views across the
style en suite rooms with full breakfasts. final haul to the hut is steep and bouldery ons Kingdom Hut and the eastern end of water open out and stunted snow gums
Deloraine Delicatessen & Gourmet Foods and most walkers will need about an hour Lake Ball. However, navigating your own are dominant. A small creek is crossed just
(%6362 2127; 36 Emu Bay Rd; mains $5-10; hbreakfast to reach the hut from the car park. course down through Jaffa Vale is easy and before you drop down to the waters edge
& lunch Mon-Sat) is a fine place for late-morning Beyond the hut the track continues to provides wonderful walking, albeit a little at the very western end of the lake (1 to
baguettes, bagels and focaccias with a variety climb, soon reaching a fork junction; bear wet underfoot. It is probably best to bear two hours from Dixons Kingdom Hut).
of tasty fillings. left (southeast) here. The right-hand fork
Empire Brasserie (%6362 2075; 19 Emu Bay Rd; leads to Lake Adelaide, your return route. Walls of Jerusalem 1 : 90,000 0 21100

100m Contour Interval 0 1 mile
mains $10-20; hbreakfast, lunch & dinner), has a se- The trees become thinner and stunted and,

To Mole Creek (45km);
lection of la carte dishes. 20 to 30 minutes beyond Trappers Hut, Deloraine (68km);
Devonport (97km)

Scooters (%6362 3882; 53-55 Emu Bay Rd; mains the track descends to cross a creek above a Dixons
$15-18; hbreakfast, lunch & dinner) is a licensed small lake. The track then undulates across Kingdom Hut
Wild Dog
restaurant with contemporary cuisine and a wonderful landscape of rocky outcrops FINISH Creek 1300Lake

Trappers Adelaide Trappers


excellent seasonal dishes. and small lakes, known as Solomons Jewels,

Hut Hut
Fish River 1200
surrounded by stunted snow gum and pen- Trappers Tiger
GETTING THERE & AWAY cil pine. In the distance King Davids Peak is Hut Lake 800
Jewels Lake Ball Hut
120 600
Both Redline (%1300 360 000; www.tasredline.com visible, its precipitous eastern face dropping 0
George Walls of Jerusalem Walls of Jerusalem

.au) and TassieLink (%1300 300 520; www.tassielink abruptly to Herods Gate. After descending Car Park Car Park



.com.au) travel past Deloraine on their bus gently to cross the marshy valley of Wild

us 0m

Howells Bluff 1200 al
services between Launceston and Devon- Dog Creek on boardwalks, a short climb (1245m) Trac
0km 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
port (p195) and beyond, but bookings are leads to the camping ground, a series of Loane Solomons

0 Jewels ek
required for stops. wooden tent platforms and associated toilet 110



Mersey Forest Rd

and water supply. Gate


Wild D
There is no regular public transport to the Day 2: Wild Dog Creek to Lake Adelaide Vale Sidon

Walls of Jerusalem track and many walkers 34 hours, 9km, 120m ascent, 290m descent Lake DAY 2
Mt Ophel
(1355m) Officers Marsh
Rowallan Zion Lake
opt to access the walk direct from Devon- A short climb from the camping ground Gate
port or Launceston, rather than Deloraine. brings you to Herods Gate and the entrance Herods Gate
Pool of
Tiger Wilderness Day Tours (%03-6394 3212; www to the Walls of Jerusalem. The high peaks Zion Hill


.tigerwilderness.com.au/bush) will take you to the that line the Overland Track (p214) form

King Davids Pool of Gate of


Peak(1499m) Bethesda the Side (1458m)
Walls track from Devonport or Launceston the western skyline. Continuing southeast

Chain Trip East

Walls of West Wall
(from $180 return for two people), and can past a small lake, the track then contours Jerusalem Wall


National Park Gate The Temple


Solomons (1446m)
also organise fuel and gear hire. Deloraine along slopes to the southwest of Lake

Throne 1400

(1470m) Jaffa Side
Radio Cabs (%03-6362 3432; 3/15 East Westbury Pl) Salome. On your right, high cliffs and 10
Gate Trip
Wailing Side Dixons
will drop or collect walkers for up to $110 boulder slopes come down from the sum- 90
Wall Trip Kingdom
per person from Deloraine. Both operators mit of King Davids Peak. The track rises 11
00 as
s 130
m ale Jaffa
will also quote for drop-offs at other walk- across a low ridge from where you can sur- DAY 3 1300 Da V Vale
ing tracks. vey the cliffs of the West Wall and King 90
Mt Moriah
If driving from Deloraine, take the B12 Davids Peak. Continuing from the ridge Lake Ball
Hut 13
through Mole Creek, then the C138 and the track passes some pencil pines on the Lake

finally the C171 (Mersey Forest Rd) to Lake left and reaches a junction. The left-hand

Rowallan; remain on this road, following track leads to a flat camping area just 100m Louisa
Walls of Jerusalem signs to the car park away, set above the Pool of Bethesda. Mean- 11
Adelaide To Lake Meston (5km);
Junction Lake (12km) 1100
at the trailhead. while, the main track climbs on parallel
236 W E S T & W O R L D H E R I TA G E A R E A S o u t h C o a s t T r a c k www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com W E S T & W O R L D H E R I TA G E A R E A S o u t h C o a s t T r a c k 237

The route then crosses low-lying flat SOUTH COAST TRACK Tin was discovered at Cox Bight in 1891, you walk through buttongrass areas. Sea-
ground and fords a sizable creek (which is and Charles King commenced tin mining birds likely to be seen along the coast in-
difficult to cross in flood) to reach a small Duration 67 days at Melaleuca in the 1930s. His son Deny clude terns, fairy prions (whalebirds) and
saddle. The track then descends steeply Distance 86km and his family lived there after WWII, be- short-tailed shearwaters (mutton birds).
through eucalyptus forest to meet the Difficulty moderatedemanding coming the sole residents of southwest Tas- Offshore, you may sight the shy albatross
Junction Lake Track on the shore of Lake Start Melaleuca (p238) mania. Deny built the first walkers hut at or Australasian gannet.
Adelaide. There are some good flat camping Finish Cockle Creek Melaleuca in 1955. Much of the fauna is nocturnal, but you
areas at this junction. Turn right (north) to Nearest Town Dover (p238) Light aircraft, engaged in aerial survey will certainly come across the wombats
find good camping around the northern Transport plane, bus (summer only) work, commonly landed on Cox Bight characteristic square droppings.
end of the lake. Summary Traverse remote beaches, button- beach during the 1940s. A rough airstrip
grass plains and rainforest in the remote south- was cleared at Melaleuca in 1947. Deny PLANNING
SIDE TRIPS: THE TEMPLE & SOLOMONS west wilderness, with spectacular scenery and King constructed the present airstrip in The South Coast Track can be walked
THRONE views of the inland mountains. 1956, facilitating todays frequent scenic in either direction. However, access to
3040 minutes each, 1km return each, 110130m and walker flights into the area. Melaleuca, the western end of the track, is
ascent/descent The South Coast Track is, after the Over- generally by light plane and so subject to
From Damascus Gate, constructed rock land Track, the most popular long-distance ENVIRONMENT weather conditions. To avoid the possibil-
tracks ascend east to the Temple (1446m) walk in the WHA. However, it has quite a The many rocky headlands and shore ity of being stranded at Melaleuca by poor
and southwest, up a steep gully through different character to that of the Overland platforms on the South Coast provide an weather, it is recommended that the track
the cliffs, to Solomons Throne (1470m). Track in terms of both landscape and a opportunity to walk through some major be walked west to east (from Melaleuca to
Both places offer excellent views over the lesser level of development. parts of Tasmanias billion-year geologi- Cockle Creek).
Walls area. The walk traverses the remote southern cal history, with generally progressively While seven days is the recommended
fringe of the WHA, with access usually by younger rocks exposed as you walk east. duration of the walk, it is worthwhile allow-
SIDE TRIP: MT JERUSALEM light aircraft. The coast is deeply embayed They include ancient folded metamorphic ing more time to explore the beaches and as
12 hours, 4km return, 200m ascent/descent with long, sandy beaches alternating with rocks at Cox Bight, 500-million-year-old a precaution against flood delays.

The route heads north from Dixons King- steep and rocky headlands. Hills, their slopes sandstone and siltstone on the Ironbound It is possible to have a food cache stored

dom Hut, rising beside grassy pencil pine sometimes thickly forested, rise steeply from Range, colourful conglomerate at Osmirid- at Melaleuca (which you must arrange to
forest to Jaffa Gate. It then swings east and broad buttongrass plains. Scrub-fringed ium Beach, sharply eroded limestone strata have flown in prior to your walk). This may
climbs onto the southern shoulder of Mt Je- creeks meander across the plains. Offshore, at Surprise Bay, once-molten columnar be useful if you wish to extend the walk by
rusalem, from where a rocky track ascends the many islands are the last land before dolerite at Granite Beach, and sandstone also walking the four-day, 70km Port Davey
northeast to the summit (1459m). The ex- Antarctica. deposited on an ancient floodplain at South Track and start or finish at Scotts Peak Rd,
tent and character of the Central Plateau The South Coast Track is a wilderness Cape Rivulet. or undertake other walks in the area.
can be appreciated from here, as can the walk, lacking any huts, and is much less The soils of the buttongrass plains are
damage bushfires have caused (fire wiped extensively hardened than walks such as peats, composed of decayed plant remains, When to Walk
out a vast area of fire-sensitive vegetation the Overland Track. A number of extensive and can be two or more metres thick. The The South Coast Track can be walked at
on the Central Plateau during the 1960s), rough or muddy sections remain. Depend- small yabbie (freshwater crayfish) is com- any time of the year, although the weather
emphasising just how special forests like ing on your level of fitness and the weather, mon on the plains and lives in burrows is likely to be better and flooded streams
Dixons Kingdom are. the walk can be quite arduous with signifi- visible at the surface as small round holes less of a potential problem in summer
cant ascents and descents. The track does, or mud chimneys. (December to March). Also, regular public
Day 3: Lake Adelaide to Walls of however, have a range of sheltered camp The rare orange-bellied parrot can be transport from the walks finish and more
Jerusalem Car Park sites at beaches, so that if sufficient food is seen around Melaleuca (below), and you frequent flights to the start are only avail-
23 hours, 8km, 60m ascent, 420m descent carried, pleasant rest days can be planned. may flush the secretive ground parrot as able from December to March.
Follow the rough track north from Lake
Adelaide for the next 5km as it follows a HISTORY
series of broad treeless valleys. The going is Shell middens in several places attest to the THE RAREST PARROT
muddy in places and the track can be a little occupation of the south coast by Tasma- The orange-bellied parrot (Neophema chrysogaster) is among the rarest and most endangered of
bit difficult to follow around Lake Loane. nian Aboriginal people for several thou- the worlds wildlife. It is a colourful bird, slightly larger than a budgerigar, with a bright-green
Direction markers are pretty much absent sand years before the arrival of European back and distinctive orange patch between its legs. There are no more than 200 individuals in
on this track, so in snow conditions youll settlers. the wild and most of these breed at Melaleuca in summer.
be hard pushed to stay on the track and The first European to walk the south The bird migrates to spend winter in coastal southeast mainland Australia, where habitat
may need to navigate a general line. Two coast was GA Robinson, who reached the reduction since European settlement has been blamed for the birds declining numbers. A cap-
to 2 hours of walking should see you at Port Davey Aboriginal people in 1830 as tive breeding program, with periodic release of young birds, aims to improve the outlook of
the track junction just above the Trappers part of his five-year Friendly Mission, a the species.
Hut. Descend past the hut and back to the scheme that ultimately resulted in the in- In summer, the parrots can be observed from a hide, named in memory of Deny King, 100m
car park. The descent from the hut takes 30 carceration of most of Tasmanias Aborigi- east of the Melaleuca airstrip.
to 45 minutes. nal population on Flinders Island.
238 W E S T & W O R L D H E R I TA G E A R E A S o u t h C o a s t T r a c k www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com W E S T & W O R L D H E R I TA G E A R E A S o u t h C o a s t T r a c k 239

Maps & Books its Hobart bus terminal, 64 Brisbane St, at land. The most lengthy inland section com-
The Tasmap 1:100,000 South Coast Walk WARNING 8.30am Monday, Wednesday and Friday, mences at Buoy Creek, at the eastern end of
Map & Notes covers the walk and includes Few of the rivers and streams crossed by and returns from Cockle Creek at 1.45pm Cox Bight. From here, a level section pre-
environmental information and brief track the South Coast Track are bridged and most on the same day. The one-way fare is $65 cedes the very sharp ascent of the Red Point
notes. must be forded. Heavy rain can cause riv- and booking is recommended. Hills, the first of a number of high points
The South Coast Track and other regional ers to rise quickly and some can become on the track providing extensive views. A
walks are described in John Chapmans difficult or impossible to cross safely, par- THE WALK gradual descent to Faraway Creek follows,
South West Tasmania and Ken Collins ticularly Louisa River. Day 1: Melaleuca to Cox Bight and the sheltered camp site at Louisa Creek
South-west Tasmania A Natural History High tides combined with storm swells 34 hours, 13km, 110m ascent/descent is only a short distance further east (2 to
and Visitors Guide. The latter includes much can render coastal traverses at the bases of The Track starts on the western side of the 3 hours from Cox Bight).
information on flora, fauna and geology. cliffs at Cox Bight, Granite Beach and near Melaleuca airstrip and passes through old The track then sidles round the Spica Hills
Christobel Mattingleys King of the Lion Rock hazardous; there is a real risk of mine workings before crossing Moth Creek before crossing the extensive buttongrass
Wilderness: The Life of Deny King (2001) being washed away by a misjudged wave. on a log bridge. Cox Bight is a 10km level Louisa Plains on a lengthy section of plank-
provides plenty of insights into the area in walk on a well-defined track south down the ing. The easy mud-free walking afforded by
describing the life of a man who lived most broad valley from the Melaleuca airstrip. the planking allows you to take your eyes
of his life at Melaleuca (see p236). Melaleuca Walk eastwards along the first of Cox off your feet and take in the surrounding
If you fly in late in the day, or choose to Bights broad beaches. There is a sheltered landscape, including the broad expanse of
Permits & Regulations spend time at Melaleuca (the start of the camp site at the outlet stream of freshwater the plains and the ominously steep slopes
The usual park fees and fuel-stove-only reg- walk), a short track heads north from the Freney Lagoon (1km along the beach). Be- of the Ironbound Range ahead.
ulations apply (p192). However, campfires airstrip to two walkers huts, or you can yond the end of the beach, another 2km The Louisa Plains are bounded to the east
are allowed at two camp sites Surprise camp in the open tea-tree forest nearby, on along, Point Eric is crossed on a marked by forest along the meandering Louisa River.
Bay and Deadmans Bay but only within the shore of Melaleuca Lagoon. Drinking inland track. There is sheltered camping on The river is the largest crossed by the track
the designated fire sites. water is only available from tanks, so use the eastern side of Point Eric, with water from and must be forded there is a rope in situ
There are no restrictions on camping on it frugally. When wandering around Mela- Goring Creek, just a few hundred metres to assist your balance. There are camp sites

the South Coast Track, but to avoid the leuca, be aware that an area (denoted with east along the beach. in the forest on both banks of Louisa River.

continually increasing impact on the track signs) around the home and garden of the Light aircraft can actually land on the If it is raining and the river appears cross-
from walkers, you are encouraged to use the late Deny King remains under private lease- flat white sand at the western end of Cox able when you arrive, it may be prudent to
major established camp sites at the various hold to his family. Please respect it as such. Bight beach (subject to tides and weather) camp on the far bank to avoid being held
beaches and rivers along the route. and this is an alternative access point for the up by any overnight flooding.
GETTING TO/FROM THE WALK start of the walk.
STOVE FUEL There is no road access to the start of the Day 3: Louisa River to Deadmans Bay
Stove fuels (gas, methylated spirits or Shel- South Coast Track at Melaleuca the only Day 2: Cox Bight to Louisa River 610 hours, 12km, 900m ascent, 920m descent
lite) are classified as dangerous goods and options are to fly or walk in. Small (two- to 57 hours, 18km, 280m ascent, 250m descent Most walkers consider the crossing of the
so cannot be carried on the light planes five-passenger) single-engine planes fly on Despite its name, the South Coast Track Ironbound Range the most physically de-
that fly to Melaleuca. However, the two demand from Hobart to Melaleuca, subject partly traverses country some distance in- manding part of the South Coast Track,
flight operators (Tasair and Par Avion) both to weather conditions, and are run by Tasair

maintain a fuel store at Melaleuca, so if fly- (%03-6248 5288; www.tasair.com.au) and Par Avion re
Southa CCoast Track (West) 300 1001 : 250,000 2000 200 5400km






100m Contour30Interval 0 2 mile



ing in to start your walk at Melaleuca, you (%03-6248 5390; www.paravion.com.au), both based 00

leuMelaleuca Lagoon Guardian Creek
ela Elevation


See South Coast Track (East) Map (p240)

can arrange to buy fuel on arrival. at Cambridge airport. The fare is $140 per
ca C
M Creek Charles King



Memorial Hut



Airstrip y


person. A minimum of two is required, but Melaleuca


elale ve Ironbound Range 0
er South Cape

an 700

600 Cox Point Deadmans Osmiridium Hills Rivulet Cockle
the carriers generally try to fill planes by Pandora


Bay Prion Beach Granite 600 Lion Creek
leueuca Ceek


Bight Eric Hills
ca Cr re

(69m) Hill
1000 k
Dover 400 e

River National Beach e
combining groups where possible. Bookings rBeach Rock

Melaleuca C

500 Park isa


Mt L o u Mt Louisa

%03 / pop 570 are essential. In the peak summer months Half Woody 0m

Counsel (931m)

Hill(163m) (804m)0km 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Dover is a picturesque fishing port over- there are generally several flights per day, R

Southwest Quartz sa
ver oui

Fa ree
500 Bound
looked by the conical Adamsons Peak. If so even solo walkers can usually make it to


Conservation No bridge R

ra k

400 aLouisa
r ee

ek Hill (130m)
Area 300 difficultoutoiscross

re Black
starting the South Coast Track from Cockle Melaleuca on their preferred day.

Cliff when L flooded


Hills Spica


Creek, Dover (21km south of Geeveston on Melaleuca can also be reached by a four- 200







the Huon Hwy) has a supermarket and is day walk along the Port Davey Track from


Lagoon Co

Cre as

t Track a River

Louisa Creek

the last chance to buy any food items you Huon River camping ground at the end of N Point B Red Point ivies r
w F ew Fall Eric DAY 2 Hills isa Rou (1061m)
s Cre (530m) Lou L Steep ascent Ironbound Range
havent brought from Hobart (p193). Scotts Peak Rd. TassieLink (%1300 300 520; www ek 20
0 New
100 Harbour 1
Beware of waves
during storms 200 0 Louisa 700 800
If passing through Dover at the end of .tassielink.com.au; 64 Brisbane St, Hobart) has a minibus Range Cox 10 Plains

Bight Steep descent


your walk, the excellent Gingerbread House service along this track during summer. New
er C
er C
r eek
in rainforest
r eek gh
bakery (%6298 1502; hlunch), on the corner

Cockle Creek is serviced by a summer- Harbour Bay


Bridge 20

New (469m) 0
of Main and Station Rds, is well worth a only (December to March) TassieLink min- Harbour Southern
Louisa 100 (250m)
Point Ocean Island
visit. ibus three days per week. The bus departs Cox Bluff
240 W E S T & W O R L D H E R I TA G E A R E A S o u t h C o a s t T r a c k www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com W E S T & W O R L D H E R I TA G E A R E A S o u t h C o a s t T r a c k 241

and with good reason. The 900m climb up Day 4: Deadmans Bay to
the western slope of the range is steep and Osmiridium Beach MOBILE SANDS
largely without respite. Given the open na- 46 hours, 13km, 150m ascent/descent The Prion Beach area provides a dramatic example of the dynamic nature of coastal environments.
ture of the country, if it looks like being a Walk 100m east along the rocky foreshore The long spit that impounds New River Lagoon, of which Prion Beach is the seaward side, has
hot day an early start on the climb is recom- to where the track again heads inland grown westwards and stabilised since the sea reached its present level 6000 years ago.
mended. This open terrain does allow you through buttongrass and then forest before Rafts of slumped vegetation and root mats can be seen on the dune faces behind Prion
to stop almost anywhere to take in the ex- emerging on Turua Beach. Walk east along Beach. These attest to periodic erosion during large storms, with the sand mined from the dunes
tensive views while you catch your breath. the sand and round the small headland to probably distributed eastwards.
On a more cautionary note, the range is also the second beach. From the eastern end The position of the mouth of New River Lagoon moves periodically, sometimes quite rapidly.
very exposed, and freezing wind-driven of Turua Beach the track follows the coast Storms during February 1999, and the resultant backing up of the lagoon waters, resulted in the
rain is possible at any time of the year. If around Menzies Bluff towards Prion Beach break-out of the lagoon outlet near the boat crossing, 2km west of its previous position against
the weather is poor and the range shrouded with some fine views through openings in the rocks of Point Cecil. It has subsequently migrated eastwards again.
in cloud, it may be more pleasant passing a the coastal forest and scrub. Note that the
rest day exploring the rainforest along the small stream crossed at the far western end
banks of Louisa River. of Prion Beach may be the last good water If your party is large, several crossings will The spacious camp site here lies in coastal
The track traverses the only alpine coun- before Osmiridium Beach. be required, as the boats will safely hold no forest above the dark limestone strata at the
try of the walk on the top of the Ironbound The route now traverses Prion Beach, more than three people and gear. eastern end of the beach. Surprise Rivulet
Range (2 to five hours from Louisa River) probably the most spectacular beach on the There is a sheltered camp site on the must be forded to reach it, requiring care if
with, in clear weather, views along the en- south coast, a long stretch of sand receding northern side of the Prion Beach boat cross- it is in flood or the tide is high.
tire south coast and out to various offshore into the sea-spray haze with the distinc- ing (2 to 3 hours from Deadmans Bay Soon after leaving Surprise Bay camp site,
islands. Water can be obtained from the tive form of Precipitous Bluff rising inland camp site). Water can be taken from a small the track ascends steeply before descend-
small creek crossed several hundred me- beyond the dunes. Remove your boots and creek five to 10 minutes walk northwest of ing rather more gently to Granite Beach.
tres east of the crest (about 950m) of the give your feet the pleasure of unconstrained the camp site, but it can often be brackish. Traverse the dark sand and rounded doler-
range. walking along the 4km of sand, with the From the camp site, the track traverses ite boulders, with views of the spectacular
the crest of vegetated dunes east to Milford

After this creek, the track enters forest roar and foam of the Southern Ocean your Fluted Cliffs, to the waterfall at the eastern

for the long descent of the southeastern side constant companion. Creek. The waters of this creek are particu- end of the beach. Scramble up beside the
of the range. Some sections are thick with The outlet of New River Lagoon, deep and larly dark, stained by buttongrass, and the waterfall and follow the track 100m east to
tree roots and require care with foot place- wide, must be crossed from Prion Beach ford of the creek can appear much deeper another spacious and sheltered camp site.
ment, and you may have rather rubbery and two dinghies are provided for you to than it actually is. From Milford Creek During storms with high tides, waves can
knees by the time you complete the long row across it. Please ensure one boat (with cross the expanse of sand to the eastern break against the cliffs at the eastern end of
descent. After winding through coastal for- its oars) is left upside down and tied up end of Prion Beach, where steps climb the Granite Beach, making access to the ascent
est and scrub, with glimpses of the sea, the well out of reach of tides and floods on steep scrub-covered dune face. next to the waterfall potentially hazardous.
track reaches Deadmans Bay. There is good each bank for subsequent walkers, after you The track heads cross-country through In these conditions spend time watching
camping here beside the large creek where have completed your crossing (follow the low forest behind Point Cecil to the open the waves to decide if it is safe to proceed,
the track reaches the coast. instructions posted at the boat crossing). Rocky Plains. Tylers Creek is reached after and then time your sprint with care.
crossing a low hill. A spacious and shel-
90 1000

1000 D'1
50 800800 800600(895m)100
South Coast Track (East) 40 600
0 500
800 Reservoir en: t330,0000
900 0 200 203004 km tered camp site lies on its banks a short dis- Day 6: Granite Beach to


200 70 8r0e0c 60Interval 0 100 20 mile


0 100m Contour

0 Mt
iver 00

Lakes ast

eau Southport
tance downstream, accessed by a side route South Cape Rivulet


Wylly(1110m) xR ntr


Ironbound eca Lagoon

New River ToBluff
Precipitous 600

k ive
Cr Cree ek stea


Conservation Area
Range (8km) r
branching left from the main track a short 57 hours, 10km, 580m ascent, 600m descent


Lagoon t re ux

(1061m) Limest uharys C


Mt La Riv 100
ct o

er D
Urq cka Perouse Swallows distance before the creek. Osmiridium Beach You can take some of the sting out of the

Steep descent Pindars 'en


(1161m) Nest Lakes Mt Leillateah



in rainforest M Peak(1253m) tre



(785m) c
50 To Dover (45km); is a short distance further downstream. steep climb of the South Cape Range from

Menzies Boat crossing



0 0 Prion Leave one boat Hobart (133km)


3 Bluff Catama

Granite Beach camp site by telling yourself


Beach on each side


ra n R

Surprise R


0 Oval iv
Day 5: Osmiridium Beach to

Turua (541m)
it is the last major ascent of the walk. Flat

(250m) DAY 4 Lake

Beach Moss
Deadmans Prion 70 100 Glen
Granite Beach Rock Plain, an opening near the summit, is a

Bay Bay 30 0 600

Havelock Lousy MilfordRocky 0

Bay 400

Bluff Catamara
Recherche Bay
Point n River an
Catamar 34 hours, 8km, 320m ascent, 300m descent great place to recline and take in the final

Plains Southwest

Cecil National 200 Catamaran

DAY 5 Tylers SoSou Return to the main track from the Tylers view back along the coast and across the

See South Coast Track (West) Map (p239)

Point Creek 50 Park uthth C 20

0 McDougallsKell

Hen Vivian Osmiridium ape R Hill


C Roc
Creek camp site. The track leaves Rocky various islands.

Ile du Island Beach So ap Roc

(530m) Flat Rock uth C eR


Golfe Prettys ape ivu Beware of waves FINISHBa


Plain Plains soon afterwards and climbs into There are some rather muddy areas to

Surprise Rivulet Ran use inland route Cockle


Point let



DAY 6 during storms


forest. From here eastwards the landscape be traversed across the forested top of the



Granite o Blackhole
Bla Blowhole 0
C ast T ckh 20

Southern South Plainole Creek through which the trail passes changes South Cape Range before descending to a

Shoemaker Point Beach Valley Moulders


Ocean ra
Shoemaker Fluted ck Lion (277m) Hill
Bay Cliffs 200 Rock Coal character from the open plains and beaches small creek, which is the only reliable water

No bridge Bluff
of the west to lengthy forest sections inland. on the range (2 to 3 hours from Granite

difficult to cross South Hill

at high tide or if Cape Big
South Cape Soldier flooded Bay 100 Trumpeter
However, the track does return to the coast Beach). The track then climbs again, briefly,
East Whale at several large bays, the first being Surprise before beginning the long forested descent
Cape Head
Tasman Bay (1 to two hours from Tylers Creek). to the buttongrass opening of Blackhole
242 E A S T C OA S T F re y c i n e t Pe n i n s u l a C i r c u i t www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com E A S T C OA S T F re y c i n e t Pe n i n s u l a C i r c u i t 243

Plain. The forest on this section is magnifi- standards) to the great yellow orb. So when ENVIRONMENT Given the sporadic availability of water
cent, with many of the trunks sheathed in youve had enough of western deluges, or The Freycinet Peninsulas distinctive red- (see Planning, left) you should plan to carry
climbing heath. just wish to avoid them, the east coast is dish-pink granite was injected into the crust one litre or more with you each day. If the
Beyond Blackhole Plain, another short a good spot for drying out your pack and during the Devonian period, approximately water tanks at Cooks Beach hut are empty,
climb and forested descent and you will soaking up some sunshine. And the drier 400 million years ago, and is related to the you will need to carry several litres of water
suddenly emerge into the open on the bank climate and hardier terrain means that the granites of Flinders Island and Victorias for the night also.
of South Cape Rivulet. The rivulet must be walking is generally easier than in the west. Wilsons Promontory.
crossed, which can be difficult at high tide Freycinet National Park is one of the most Due to the drier climate and well-drained Maps & Books
or after heavy rain. The best camp site is on scenic areas and its beaches and granite soils, Freycinets vegetation is dominated by The best map to use is Tasmaps 1:50,000
the east bank adjacent to the lagoon, but peaks are the prime walking destination on eucalypt woodland, heathland and groves Freycinet National Park Map & Notes. For
there is also a site on the west bank that can the east coast, but there are a number of of she-oaks, often carpeted with their nee- a virtual introduction or souvenir of the
be used if the rivulet cannot be crossed. other options (p247). dle-like leaves. Springtime boasts the at- park, look for Rob Blakers photographic
traction of wildflowers, especially in the book, Freycinet. Both are available at the
ALTERNATIVE CAMP SITE heathland areas. park visitor information centre.
If you still feel energetic you might walk still FREYCINET PENINSULA CIRCUIT Local fauna includes the superb white-
further to the camp site near Lion Rock (an- Duration 2 days bellied sea-eagles, black cockatoos, yellow Information Sources
other one to 1 hours east). The sheltered Distance 31km wattlebirds, yellow-throated honeyeaters, Park and walking information is available
camp site is atop the dune above the second Difficulty easymoderate brush-tailed possums, echidnas, Bennetts from the helpful national park visitor informa-
creek east of Lion Rock, accessed by the ob- Start/Finish Walking tracks car park wallabies and all three of Tasmanias snake tion centre (%03-6256 7000; freycinet@parks.tas.gov
vious steps constructed to prevent erosion Nearest Town Coles Bay (opposite) species. The latter may curl up on tracks .au) at the park entrance, just to the south
of the dune face. Water is obtained from the Transport bus during summer, but usually slither away if of Coles Bay.
creek flowing out onto the beach. Summary Experience beautiful coastal walk- disturbed.
ing featuring sandy beaches and granite peaks, Permits & Regulations
Day 7: South Cape Rivulet to then lounge on one of the most scenic beaches PLANNING Youll need a national parks pass for this
Cockle Creek

There are a number of streams along the walk (p192), available locally at the park

in Australia.
34 hours, 12km, 150m ascent/descent route, details of which are given in the walk visitor centre and at Iluka supermarket
Continue eastwards along the beach, over notes, but these should not be relied upon. (p244). Campfires are not permitted in the
a small headland and then along another The dramatic granite peaks of the Hazards Towards the end of summer, or after a long national park; youll need a fuel stove.
beach. Here there are two options. A sign- and the turquoise waters and pristine white dry spell, there may be little fresh water at Much of the areas vegetation is sensi-
posted track climbs high over Coal Bluff, sand of Wineglass Bay are the postcard im- all. Contact the national park visitor information tive to Phytophthora (p47). The PWS asks
with good views in places. Alternatively, ages of Freycinet National Park. But there centre (%03-6256 7000) for the current drink- that walkers help prevent the spread of this
you can scramble over the boulders strewn is much more to the park, which encom- ing water situation or consider a day walk fungus by cleaning mud and soil from boots
below the coastal cliffs to Lion Rock, a vaguely passes the entire Freycinet Peninsula, and via Wineglass Bay and Hazards Beach. and other gear at camp sites before moving
sphinx-like rocky island just offshore. If the a network of walking tracks provides access There is a hut at Cooks Beach with bunks on to the next section of the walk.
tide is high or a storm swell is running, the to the best bays, beaches and peaks. About to sleep about eight people, although it is There are no formal restrictions on camp-
inland route is definitely the better option four hours is ample time to take in Wine- fairly run-down and most walkers will find ing but the PWS encourages walkers to use
to choose. glass Bay and return via Hazards Beach. a tent more comfortable. the major established camping grounds, all
Just past Lion Rock the track reaches the The overnight walk described here makes a Some camp sites are located among ma- equipped with toilets.
last beach on the South Coast Track. This circuit of the whole peninsula, but if youre ture old she-oak and eucalyptus trees. Cast
beach is a popular day-trip or overnight in a leisurely mood you might consider your eyes upwards when selecting a tent NEAREST TOWN
destination from Cockle Creek and the taking three days, with more opportunities site; old trees can readily shed limbs or even Coles Bay
track from here on is well constructed and for exploration and swimming, camping at fall over. %03 / pop 120
obvious. From the eastern end of the beach, Wineglass Bay on the second night. This small coastal town is both dominated
climb the steps up and round the rocky When to Walk and sheltered by the spectacular 300m-high
headland, with its expansive view across HISTORY Any time of year can be good for walking pink granite range known as the Hazards.
South Cape Bay, then traverse the coastal The scenic and other values of the Frey- at Freycinet, but there may be more water
scrub and heath of Blowhole Valley to the cinet Peninsula were recognised early on around in spring, with the added bonus of SLEEPING & EATING
road head at Cockle Creek. and a national park was declared in 1916, wildflowers. Accommodation is at a premium at Christ-
among the first in Australia. French names mas, January and Easter; book well ahead
are prominent on Tasmanias east coast, es- What to Bring for these periods.
EAST COAST pecially around Freycinet Peninsula. They
result from the 1802 survey and scientific
You will need a fuel stove (see p243) and,
while the Coles Bay stores have a reason-
Richardsons Beach at the national park
entrance is the main camping ground (%6256
Tasmanias scenic east coast is known as expedition led by Nicolas Baudin. Freycinet able selection of groceries, you should aim 7000; fax 6256 7090; freycinet@parks.tas.gov.au; un-
the sun coast because of its mild climate is named in honour of a sub-lieutenant on to bring stove fuel with you from Hobart powered/powered site $11/14). Camping here is
and above-average exposure (by Tasmanian the Gographe, one of Baudins ships. or Launceston. basic, but extremely popular, and sites for
244 E A S T C OA S T F re y c i n e t Pe n i n s u l a C i r c u i t www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com E A S T C OA S T F re y c i n e t Pe n i n s u l a C i r c u i t 245

the busy period are determined by a bal- Redline (%03-6336 1446, 1300 360 000; www.tas Freycinet Peninsula Circuit Coles Bay
1 : 110,000Freycinet
0 Freycinet
100m Contour Interval 0
The Park
Freycinet National
National Park 2 km
Nuggets National 1 mile
lot drawn on 1 October. However, during redline.com.au) operates weekday services pass- ToMuirs Beach
Bicheno (37km); Area
Cape Nuggets Park
Visitor Information Centre
the peak period there is very limited, first- ing the Coles Bay turn-off from Launceston Picnic Swansea (60km)
Island Coles & Ranger Station Cape Tourville



come-first-served tent space available in a ($32) and Hobart ($28), via the Midland Bay Cr Lighthouse
small designated backpacker camping area, Hwy and the inland B34 linking road. Richardsons
for those without cars who are unable to TassieLink (%03-6271 7320, 1300 300 520; www.tassie GREAT
Bay Sleepy
drive elsewhere. link.com.au) has services passing the Coles Bay Honeymoon

Iluka Holiday Centre (%6257 0115, 1800 786 turn-off three times per week to/from Ho- Bay
512; www.ilukaholidaycentre.com.au; Coles Bay Esplanade; bart via the Tasman Hwy ($27) and twice Cove Mt
unpowered/powered site for 2 $20/25, on-site van for 2 $50- per week to/from Launceston ($29). The Fisheries START/
Mt (331m)
65, cabins & units for 2 $80-130) is a large, busy and (485m)


well-maintained park with good amenities, ea

400 Mt Amos

20 0
plus a shop (with an ATM), tavern and bak- It is 5km along a fairly uninteresting sealed


100 0
Mt Mayson

ss B

ery next door. Also here is the popular Iluka road from Coles Bay to the walking tracks

Backpackers (dm/d $24/55), a YHA hostel thats car park, but you can follow the shoreline 300 Thouin

light on character but very clean, with a on foot via Honeymoon Bay (1 hours). Point 200

large kitchen. Alternatively, Bicheno Coach Services runs Wineglass

Lemana Bay
Coles Bay Youth Hostel (dm $10, r $45-50) is an- shuttle services to/from the car park up to Lookout
other YHA facility, at the Fisheries, in the two or three times daily Monday to Satur- (21m)
national park just beyond the walking tracks day, depending on demand. A single fare Refuge
Island Promise
Lagoon Lemon
Rock Lemon Rock
car park. It comprises two very basic five- costs $5. Beach
person cabins. Book through Tasmanias ah

YHA head office (%03-6234 9617; www.yha.com.au; 1st Promise Freycinet Creek Lemon

Bay National Bay
fl, 28 Criterion St, Hobart); a ballot system operates Day 1: Walking Tracks Car Park to La

Cooks Beach via Hazards Beach

I nd i g
for the busy summer and Easter periods.


a Cr
Freycinet Rentals (%6257 0320; www.freycinet 45 hours, 13km, 80m ascent, 120m descent Rock

o Cr

rentals.com; 5 Garnet Ave, Coles Bay) has 14 houses/ The track begins just beyond the walker

units on its books, of varying sizes (sleep- registration booth in the car park. Follow Lemon
ing up to six). Summer prices range from the signposts for Wineglass Bay for a few Barrel
O'The Cliff
$130 to $180. minutes to reach a junction. The track to Lulof
For self-catering, there is the small Iluka the left, which youll return along, leads to Rock

Mt Graham
Supermarket or the Coles Bay Trading Wineglass Bay. The good track continuing Mt Freycinet 500


Company store, in Garnet St. The latter also straight ahead is signposted for Hazards


RRegeglelee Freycinet Cre
does takeaway food and has a small snack Beach. Follow this as it contours round the etataCC
eek 500 Peninsula
ek Gates
and sandwich bar overlooking Richardsons base of Mt Mayson (415m). The first 30 Beach


Bay and the Hazards. minutes are flat and easy with occasional al Creek

st e


B ot

Madge Molloys (%6257 0102; hdinner Tue-Sun), views out of the scrubby bush across Great Point DAY 2
ek Tasman
next door, is a licensed, smoke-free, caf- Oyster Bay. The track then climbs across Beach
Saddle Gulch

restaurant specialising in fresh seafood. rock slabs to negotiate a spur. After cross-
The Iluka Tavern has counter meals and ing several more small spurs and dry creeks Side Trip


Jimmys Rivu
dinners daily. you enter a dense thicket of she-oaks, and

Walking Tracks East Freycinet Walking Tracks
another few minutes of flat walking brings

600 Car Park Saddle Car Park

Hazards Lagunta Cooks Wineglass
GETTING THERE & AWAY you out onto Hazards Beach, a 3km sweep of 400

Beach Creek Beach Mt Bay

Coles Bay is 31km down the sealed C302 sand backed by Mt Freycinet (620m). Lagoon Graham

0 0m Bluff
side road from the Tasman Hwy and nei- Walk south along the beach. After 15 Bryans
0km 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
ther Redline nor TassieLink buses service minutes a sand ladder climbs the dune. Beach

this route. You must rely on Bicheno Coach This track leads inland across the narrow
Service (%03-6257 0293), which runs from isthmus that separates Hazards Beach from beside the camping area, but a small trail the north end of Cooks Beach. The track
Bicheno to Coles Bay ($10), connecting Wineglass Bay and 30 minutes of walking leads upstream 100m or so to where better swings inland here, headed for Mt Graham,
with both Redline and TassieLink services will take you there if you are doing a one-day water is available. tomorrows route. To reach the camping
at the Coles Bay turn-off. Bookings are ad- circuit. On the peninsula circuit, continue A signpost directs you out of the camp- area at Cooks Beach walk to the south end
vised; Redline and Tassielink drivers will along the length of the beach (45 minutes ing area and south through open eucalyptus of the beach (20 to 30 minutes) where there
call ahead if you book through these com- to one hour) to Lagunta Creek and a large forest towards Cooks Beach. Dont expect to are good sites set in the shelter of she-oaks
panies to ensure there will be a seat on the camping area with toilet (about two hours find water in the creeks here. About two behind the beach. The toilet, hut and water
smaller bus to Coles Bay. from the car park). The creek is brackish hours of mainly flat walking brings you to tanks are a little further back inland.
246 M O R E W A L K S H o b a r t R e g i o n & t h e S o u t h e a s t www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com M O R E W A L K S W e s t & W o r l d H e r i t a g e A re a 247

SIDE TRIP: BRYANS BEACH of the gully and in one very short section alpine terrain to reach Hartz Peak (1255m). EAST COAST
2 hours, 6km, 70m ascent, 70m descent skirts a vertical drop, which might give In clear weather there are good views of the Leeaberra Track
For views of Schouten Island, just off the vertigo sufferers a hard time. Shortly after southwest mountains, including Federation This two- to three-day easymoderate walk
tip of Freycinet Peninsula, a trip to Bryans this point the track swings out of the gully Peak, but also the scars of industrial forestry traverses the fine eucalypt forest of the
Beach is worthwhile. Follow the relatively and follows the lower extension of Lone in the Picton valley below. Due to its prox- Douglas-Apsley National Park. This is the
level track from Cooks Beach hut through Rock Ridge down to Wineglass Bay (45 to imity to Hobart the walk can be popular largest dry forest in Tasmania, a significant
heathy forest to the west end of the long 60 minutes from Graham Creek; four to on weekends, although it is not served by remnant of the forests that once covered
arcuate beach. 5 hours from Cooks Beach), a crescentic public transport. Tasmaps 1:50,000 Hartz all of eastern Tasmania. From the start at
white beach in a beautiful setting. Mountains Day Walk Map & Notes covers Thompsons Marshes, dry and reasonably
Day 2: Cooks Beach to Walking Tracks At the southern end of Wineglass Bay this and other walks in the area. easy walking leads for 25km south to the
Car Park via Wineglass Bay is a large well-shaded camping area. Any Apsley Waterhole, passing below the doler-
57 hours, 18km, 760m ascent, 720m descent water found here is often of poor quality, WEST & WORLD HERITAGE AREA ite spire of Nicholls Cap en route. The walk
Leave the camping area and retrace your but may be better a little upstream. Despite Western Arthurs Traverse is designed to be done in this direction so
steps of the previous day back along Cooks this, you could choose to spend a second For many serious walkers, the traverse as to prevent the spread of phytophthora
Beach. At the northern end of the beach, night here and lounge away the afternoon of the Western Arthurs is the finest walk (p47). Bus services run within 7km of the
at Regleeta Creek, take the track inland on this beautiful beach. in Tasmania, but it should not be under- start and finish. The walk is covered by
signposted for Wineglass Bay. It climbs Wineglass Bay beach takes 30 minutes estimated. While the start/finish point is Tasmaps 1:50,000 Douglas-Apsley National
gently to the southeast for a little more to skirt, and above the northern end there accessible by public transport in summer, Park Map & Notes.
than 1km through light blue gum forest is a track junction. To the left, a track leads the walk is remote, strenuous and potentially
to reach Botanical Creek. At most times of across the isthmus to Hazards Beach, while dangerous and normally takes more than Maria Island
the year you can find water here. The track to the right a well-constructed track begins seven days. From near Scotts Peak Dam, the Located 10km off the east coast of Tasma-
continues in a southeasterly direction and the steady climb to the saddle between Mt route traverses the Western Arthur Range nia, and accessible by bus from Hobart
steepens considerably for the next 500m to Mayson and Mt Amos. A viewing platform before returning along the adjacent Arthur then ferry from Triabunna, Maria Island
cross a ridge. Swinging to the northeast the 100m to the right of the saddle gives a final Plains. The range has a rugged crest of steep has a significant place in the history of

track rises gently and the ground becomes panorama of Wineglass Bay before the track quartzite ridges exposed to the full brunt the European settlement of Tasmania. The

increasingly boulder-strewn towards East descends steadily back to the car park (one of westerly weather. A high level of fitness, 19km-long island is a national park and is
Freycinet Saddle (just over 300m). Con- hour from Wineglass Bay). self- reliance and good route-finding skills dominated by the summits of Mts Maria
tinue from the saddle for 20 minutes to are basic requirements for this walk, which (709m), Bishop and Clerk. The last two
reach a broad gully just below the col be- repels many walkers who attempt it. For summits are good moderate out-and-back
tween Mt Freycinet and Mt Graham. The
creek here is not permanent. The track
MORE WALKS more details on the route see South West
Tasmania by John Chapman and consult
day-walk destinations with expansive views,
but Mt Maria is somewhat longer. Or you
steepens and becomes rougher during the HOBART REGION & THE SOUTHEAST Tasmaps 1:100,000 topographic map Old can ramble around the old settlement of
steep ascent to the summit of Mt Graham Labillardiere Peninsula River. Darlington, or visit the aptly-named Fossil
(579m; 30 minutes from the creek; three Quiet and rural Bruny Island is just one Cliffs or Painted Cliffs. Tasmaps 1:50,000
to four hours from Cooks Beach). The hours drive and 20 minutes by ferry from Federation Peak & Eastern Arthurs Maria Island National Park Map & Notes
weather can be surprisingly bleak up here Hobart. As well as having some beautiful The distinctive fang-like summit of Fed- details all these options.
at times, and even snow has been recorded. white-sand beaches, penguin colonies and eration Peak (1224m) is an icon of the
Dump packs at the tracks high point and bush-clad hills, the southern coastline of Tasmanian wilderness. This is another THE NORTH
walk across rock slabs to get excellent views the island has been incorporated into South very demanding eight- to 10-day walk. The Meander Falls & the Great Western Tiers
of the peninsula, including the northern Bruny National Park. The best walking in return trip is along the crest of the East- The dramatic escarpment of the Great West-
reaches of Wineglass Bay and the rock the park follows good tracks round the ern Arthur Range, which like the Western ern Tiers rises beyond Deloraine (p233)
walls of Mt Dove dropping almost sheer Labillardiere Peninsula, giving fine coastal Arthur Range features spectacular, although and a number of tracks provide day-walk
into the startling blue water. You should views. This easy-to-medium circuit starts at very difficult, terrain. The most difficult opportunities on the forested slopes, as well
also be able to make out the onward track the Jetty Beach camping ground and takes section of the entire walk is reaching the as access to the sometimes-bleak Central
below, running northeast across a scrubby around six hours. Tasmaps 1:75,000 Bruny summit of Federation Peak itself, and two Plateau beyond. One option within the
plateau before disappearing into a woody Island Walks Map & Notes shows this and walkers have been killed attempting the Meander Falls Forest Reserve, 28km from
gully. Buttongrass, more familiar in Tas- other walks on the island. steep, exposed scramble. Deloraine (no public transport) is an easy
manias western peatlands, occurs on the Only well-prepared, experienced and moderate out-and-back walk through rain-
wetter parts of this plateau. Hartz Peak fit walkers should consider this route. As forest along the Meander River to the base
The far edge of this plateau is reached Only 84km southwest of Hobart, Hartz for the Western Arthurs Traverse (above), of the falls, which descend the escarpment
in about 30 minutes from the summit of Mountains National Park is within the the route starts and finishes near Scotts in two tiers and are at their best after rain.
Mt Graham and the track becomes rough boundaries of the WHA. Following sign- Peak Dam. John Chapmans South West Another option is a more demanding re-
and steep as it descends into the gully con- posts from Geeveston, an access road Tasmania has more details and Tasmaps turn circuit via Split Rock. Youll need four
taining Graham Creek (another ephemeral climbs high up on Hartz Mountain, leav- 1:100,000 Old River topographic map shows of Tasmaps 1:25,000 maps (Quamby Bluff,
creek). The track climbs onto the east wall ing a five-hour moderate return walk across the route. Pillans, Lake Mackenzie, Breona) or both
Lonely Planet Publications
248 M O R E W A L K S T h e N o r t h www.lonelyplanet.com

the 1:100,000 Meander and Mersey sheets access to the alpine plateau and summit of
to cover the area, but neither show the Mt Roland, or there is a more demanding
complete track network. John and Monica circuit via Mt Vandyke. Both day walks are
Chapmans Day Walks in Tasmania de- shown on Tasmaps 1:50,000 Mt Roland Day
scribes the walk. Walk Map; if this is unavailable the 1:25,000
topographic map Cethana covers the area,
Mt Roland but doesnt show all tracks. Tassielinks West
Rising boldly beyond rolling farmland near Coast bus service from Launceston via Dev-
Sheffield, the imposing face of Mt Roland onport passes through Gowrie Park three
is as much a local icon as the more famous days per week, returning later the same day.
Cradle Mountain. A track from ONeils Rd, John and Monica Chapmans Day Walks in
near Gowrie Park, provides easymoderate Tasmania describes the walk.
Lonely Planet Publications
214 www.lonelyplanet.com O V E R L A N D T R A C K P l a n n i n g 215

intruded into the crust in a molten state 175 million years ago and is

Overland Track solidified evidence of magma from the initial break-up of Gondwana
The parks present topography is largely the result of the cumulative
Duration 67 days effect of at least four ice ages during the last two million years. Even
Distance 80km during the most recent, which ended just 10,000 years ago, only the high
Difficulty moderate peaks protruded above an ice cap and glaciers flowed down valleys like
Start Cradle Valley (p218) the Forth and filled the trough now occupied by Lake St Clair. Glacial
Finish Lake St Clair erosion smoothed the landscape and gouged out pre-existing river val-
Nearest Towns Cradle Valley (p218) and Derwent Bridge (p219) leys, depositing moraine debris where the ice melted, while the higher
Transport bus peaks exposed above the ice were shattered by frost action.
Summary Traverse the highest ground in Tasmania, taking in wild alpine You stand a good chance of seeing several of Tasmanias native marsu-
moors, craggy peaks and swathes of luxuriant rainforest on pials along the track. Bennetts wallabies are common around Waterfall
the most famous multi-day walk in Australia. Valley and New Pelion Hut, while the smaller pademelon is happier in the
thick bush around Windy Ridge Hut. Dusk strolls by torchlight (flash-
light) should reveal sightings of ringtail or brushtail possums and possibly
The Overland Track traverses some of the highest and most spectacular a wombat, quoll or Tasmanian devil. The call of the currawong is ubiqui-
terrain in Tasmania. Monolithic ranges of shattered peaks rise above tous the length of the track and these cheeky raven-like birds have even
rolling alpine moorland. Towards its southern end at Lake St Clair, learnt how to open pack zips and clips to seek tasty treats beware!
Australias deepest lake, the track descends into valleys cloaked in wet
eucalyptus and haunting myrtle rainforest. Beyond the already diverse PLANNING
main route, side tracks visit roaring waterfalls, tannin-stained lakes and During summer, the track must be walked from north to south (see Park
craggy summits. Fees & Regulations, p217), but can be traversed in the other direction
The track is arguably the best multi-day walk in Australia and justifi- outside this period.
ably popular, so much so that a booking system has been introduced in
recent years, aiming to limit crowding and environmental damage. The
volume of walkers traversing the sensitive alpine terrain has created a THE WEINDORFERS LEGACY
problem with track erosion similar to the difficulties on other popular In 1910 Gustav Weindorfer climbed to the top of Cradle Mountain, looked across the rugged terrain
tracks in the World Heritage Area (WHA). Over recent years a good deal and announced, This must be a national park for all the people for all time. This is magnificent,
of the track has been hardened, with boardwalks, parallel planks and and people must know about it and enjoy it.
log paths replacing the once infamous mires of knee-deep mud. In addi- Born in Austria in 1874, Gustav Weindorfer is most famous for building the alpine chalet,
tion, and unusually for Tasmanian walks, there are basic but comfortable Waldheim (German for Forest Home) at Cradle Valley in 1912. He came to Australia in 1900
bushwalkers huts at overnight stops along the track (although carrying where he met Kate Cowle (b 1864). They were married in 1906 and spent their honeymoon on
a tent is still strongly recommended). Despite these improvements, the Mt Roland (p38).
environment remains wild and the weather often unpredictable, so the What has captured the imagination of generations is the fact that Gustav had the foresight to
walk remains the challenging experience it has always been. identify the areas natural significance a century ago, and together with the help of friends began
to lobby successive governments to have the area preserved. What is less well known is that his
HISTORY wife, Kate, also played a key role in the preservation of this area. Her passion extended to botany
Cradle Mountain and Lake St Clair were first visited by European explor- and by becoming a member of a field naturalists club she learned about the uniqueness of the
ers in the 1820s, and prospectors and hunters searched the region well into mountains bushland, encouraging Gustavs appreciation of the landscape. The Weindorfers shared
the 20th century. But it was Austrian immigrant Gustav Weindorfer and their time between Cradle Mountain and their farm at Kindred (near Devonport). Their spirit was
his wife Kate who were instrumental in the process of recognition that led tenacious in those days a horse and cart could only get within 15km of Cradle Mountain, and
to the Cradle Mountain area becoming a national park (opposite). In 1931 from there it was a choice between pack horse or walking in order to carry in supplies. It was
fur trapper Bert Nichols blazed the Overland Track and by 1935 it was Kate who purchased some 60 acres of land in 1912, covering the present entrance to the park,
consolidated and being used by independent walking parties. where Gustav was able to build his alpine chalet Waldheim. Gustav and Kate encouraged visitors
to come to their remote home to share in the marvels of Cradle Mountain. In 1916 Kate died
ENVIRONMENT after a long illness, and Gustav lived at Waldheim permanently, devoting his life to preserving
Many of the attributes of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area the mountain he loved. A reserve at Cradle Mountain was declared in 1922 but Gustav, who
(p205) are contained within Cradle MountainLake St Clair National died in 1932, didnt live to see the proclamation of a much larger national park in 1940. Half a
Park. Of particular prominence to walkers is the rainforest and alpine century after Weindorfers death Cradle MountainLake St Clair National Park formed part of the
vegetation. The endemic conifers (King Billy pine, pencil pine) and south- area recognised and listed as World Heritage by Unesco (see p209).
ern beeches (myrtle, deciduous beech) all have relatives in other southern The original Waldheim chalet burnt down in 1974, but it was rebuilt using traditional bush
continents links to the ancient supercontinent Gondwana (p25). carpentry techniques and stands proudly as a humble legacy to potent insight. Just inside the
A distinctive feature of the park is the columnar dolerite that forms doorway Gustav inscribed This is Waldheim/Where there is no time/And nothing matters.
most of the peaks, and this also has a Gondwana connection. This rock
216 O V E R L A N D T R A C K P l a n n i n g www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com O V E R L A N D T R A C K P l a n n i n g 217

There are basic, usually unstaffed, huts the length of the Overland What to Bring
Track but, despite the summer season booking system (opposite), sleep- Given this is a highland walk, its essential to be properly prepared (see
ing spaces in huts are not allocated and hut space for everyone is not Gearing up for the Mountains, p39).
guaranteed, so periods of poor weather can still result in crowded huts. As with all of the WHA, campfires are not permitted in the national
Depending on how much time and energy you have, how fit you are park, and the hut stoves are not suitable for cooking, so youll need a fuel
and how much you want to see, the Overland Track can be walked in as stove. Stove fuel can be bought at the Cradle Mountain Visitor Centre if
little as four days, or you can spend eight or even 10 days. A straight- you havent brought it with you.
through walk skipping side trips will take five days for an average group. The walkers huts are basic; they are not equipped with mattresses, for
Taking in most of the side trips will require about eight days, including example. Hut space for everyone cannot be guaranteed, so even if youre
ascents of Cradle Mountain, Mt Ossa, and perhaps the chance to wander planning on using the huts for sleeping, you should nevertheless consider
through the tarns and snow gums of the Labyrinth. But its best to take the walk a tent-based outing. Walkers are strongly advised to carry some
an opportunistic approach to the side trip options, avoiding rigid plans form of shelter, at any time of the year, for both safety and comfort.
and being mindful of the weather on the day. Only limited supplies are available locally; you should plan to bring
Most walkers walk from Cradle Mountain to Narcissus Hut (65km) everything for the walk with you from a major town like Devonport or
then utilise the Lake St Clair ferry to complete their journey. But the full Launceston.
Overland Track includes the additional 17km section along the western
shore of Lake St Clair. The walk could also be extended at the northern Maps & Books
end; if staying in the Cradle Mountain area the night before starting your The Tasmap 1:100,000 Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair Map & Notes is
walk, you might consider starting your walk at the Visitor Centre and published specifically for the Overland Track, and has notes on history,
following the scenic 5.5km Cradle Valley Boardwalk to Ronny Creek. the environment and the walk itself. The Overland Track One Walk,
Many Journeys, published by the Parks & Wildlife Service (PWS), is a
When to Walk compact reference that can be carried on the walk. It has lots more detail
December to March has generally better weather and more daylight than than the Tasmap map notes and is a particularly good on flora and fauna.
other periods. Late summer can have some of the most settled weather Both these publications form part of an Overland Track information kit
of the year, and autumn (late April) features the colours of the decidu- that can be posted to you ($25) when booking a walk on the track.
ous beech (fagus), popular with local walkers. But despite these general Walkers contemplating shorter excursions at either end of the Over-
conditions, rapid weather changes are possible at any time, including land Track will find Tasmaps 1:20,000 Cradle Mountain Day Walk Map
the onset of high winds, rain, snow, sleet and poor visibility. Such poor & Notes and 1:50,000 Lake St Clair Day Walk Map & Notes useful.
Flowers of the Richea weather is much more likely during the winter months, and the track can Chris Bells book Beyond the Reach contains stunning photographic
scoparia heath are abun- become snowbound; only very experienced and well-prepared walkers imagery of the national park. A View to Cradle by Nic Haygarth details
dant along the Overland tackle the Overland Track in winter conditions. Spring (September to the European history of the region now partly encompassed by the
Track during summer November) weather can be very unsettled and, while calm days occur, national park.
GRANT DIXON winter conditions still blast the area regularly.
Information Sources
The excellent Overland Track website (www.overlandtrack.com.au) covers all
aspects of walking the track. The Cradle Mountain Visitor Centre (%03-6492
1133; cradle@parks.tas.gov.au) at the park entrance about 3km from the junction
with the main highway, is open all year. Here you can discuss your walk-
ing plans with the staff and this is where you must collect your Overland
Track Pass. There is also the small Cradle Information Centre (%03-6492 1110)
at the shuttle bus terminal, 2km outside the park.
At the southern end of the walk, the Lake St Clair visitor information
centre (%03-6289 1172; fax 03-6289 1227), at Cynthia Bay, has good interpre-
tive displays.

Park Fees & Regulations

A booking system and fees for Overland Track walkers were introduced
in 2005, part of a package of management changes aiming to both limit
environmental impacts and to maintain the quality of the walker expe-
rience. Bookings can be made and availability checked via the website
(www.overlandtrack.com), by phone (%03-6233 6047) or in person at
Tasmanias major national park visitor information centres; book early
if planning to visit during the popular ChristmasNew Year period. The
booking system only operates during the main walking season (1 Novem-
ber to 30 April), and only applies to those walking the entire Overland
218 O V E R L A N D T R A C K C r a d l e Va l l e y www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com O V E R L A N D T R A C K C y n t h i a B a y 219

Track in a single journey. A booking gives a fixed departure date, but Cradle Mountain Chateau (%6492 1404, 1800 282 020; www.federalresorts.com.au; stand-
after departure walkers can spend as many days as they like on the track ard r from $240) is comfortable, and some of the more standard rooms have
and choose their own itinerary. During the booking period all Overland terrific views of the car park. Theres a fine-dining restaurant and bistro,
Track walkers are required to travel north to south (Cradle Mountain to and the impressive Wilderness Gallery (%6492 1404; www.wildernessgallery.com.au;
Lake St Clair) and pay a fee of $100 per walker, regardless of whether the admission $5) showcasing incredible environmental photography.
walkers huts or camping areas are utilised. This fee is in addition to the There is a very limited general store near Cradle Mountain Lodge; its
entry fee (Park Pass) required for all Tasmanian national parks. Refer to best to bring all supplies with you from a major town.
the website for further details on the booking system and lots of other
Walkers are information for Overland Track walkers. GETTING THERE & AWAY
All of the national parks within the WHA are fuel-stove-only areas; TassieLink (%03-6271 7320, 1300 300 520; www.tassielink.com.au) operates scheduled
generally campfires are prohibited. bus services between Launceston, Devonport and the west-coast towns of
encouraged Camping is forbidden in the Cradle Mountain day walk area, between Strahan and Queenstown via Cradle Mountain on Tuesday, Thursday and
to limit their Cradle Valley and Waterfall Valley. Elsewhere, camping is permitted Saturday. From November to March there are additional services between
throughout, except where signs indicate otherwise. However, walkers are Launceston and Cradle Mountain on all other days, but the bus only trav-
environmen- generally encouraged to limit their environmental footprint and utilise els via Devonport on the return journey from Queenstown to Launceston.
tal footprint the worn or hardened camping grounds, with associated toilets, in the The one-way fare from Devonport is $33 and from Launceston its $47.
and utilise hut precincts. Tassielink also offers a range of package fares for Overland Track walkers;
for example, DevonportCradle Mountain/Lake St ClairHobart for $65,
the worn or Guided Walks or HobartCradle Mountain/Lake St ClairHobart for $105.
hardened Several companies offer guided walks on the Overland Track, including There are a number of operators who can provide charter services
camping Tasmanian Expeditions (%03-6339 3999, 1300 666 856; www.tas-ex.com) and Craclair direct to the track start or finish. Tiger Wilderness Day Tours (%03-6394 3212;
Tours (%03-6339 4488; www.craclair.com.au). The trips are six to eight days in www.tigerwilderness.com.au/bush) and Maxwells (%/fax 03-6492 1431) run services
grounds duration, cost up to $1500 and include supply of equipment and protec- on demand to both ends of the Overland Track, while in Devonport,
tive clothing in many cases. The most luxurious guided trip is operated Backpackers Barn & Wilderness Centre (%03-6424 3628; www.backpackersbarn.com.au;
by Cradle Mountain Huts (%03-6391 9339; www.cradlehuts.com.au). The six-day 10-12 Edward St) can also arrange charters.
walk costs $2200, but you travel with a light pack staying in unobtrusive
private huts stocked with food and wine. Cynthia Bay
NEAREST TOWNS & FACILITIES Occupying the eastern wing of the visitor information centre building,
Cradle Valley Lake St Clair Wilderness Park (%6289 1137; www.lakestclairwildernessholidays.com.au;
%03 unpowered/powered sites for 2 $12/15, dm $25; cabins $195; mains $5-10; hbreakfast, lunch &
Cradle Valley, near the north end of the track, isnt so much a town or dinner) manages most of the options at Cynthia Bay, at the southern end
village as a collection of tourist facilities strung along the length of the of Lake St Clair. This includes campsites, bunks in a budget lodge, self-
Cradle Mountain access road. contained alpine cabins and a caf/bistro.
If you wish to camp free of charge, Fergys Paddock, about 10 minutes
SLEEPING & EATING north along the Overland Track, has tent sites and toilets.
Waldheim Cabins (%6492 1110; cabins from $70) are a bunch of basic four-, six- Maxwells (%6289 1141, 0428-308 813) runs an on-demand shuttle between
and eight-bunk huts in Cradle Valley, fantastically located for walking in Cynthia Bay and Derwent Bridge. The one-way fare is $10 per person.
the area. Bookings are handled by Cradle Mountain Visitor Centre.
All other accommodation and eating options at Cradle Mountain lie Derwent Bridge
adjacent to Cradle Mountain Rd, outside the national park but within %03
3km of the park boundary. Derwent Bridge is a small settlement on the Lyell Hwy, 5km south of
Cradle Mountain Tourist Park (%6492 1395, 1800 068 574; www.cosycabins.com/cradle; Lake St Clair.
unpowered/powered sites for 2 $30/35, dm $30, cabins for 2 $125-165) is a bushland com-
plex with a camping ground, bunkhouse and self-contained cabins situ- SLEEPING & EATING
ated 2.5km outside the national park. The camping ground includes large Derwent Bridge Wilderness Hotel (%6289 1144; dm $25, d without/with bathroom $95/115;
camp kitchens and shelters for drying out wet gear. mains $13-25; hbreakfast, lunch & dinner) is a chalet-style pub with an impressive
Cradle Mountain Highlanders Cottages (%6492 1116; www.cradlehighlander.com.au; high-beamed roof in the warm bar. The hostel and hotel accommodation
cabins for 2 $110-180) is a genuinely hospitable place with a rustic collection is plain but comfortable and theres reasonable food at its restaurant.
of self-contained timber cottages. Derwent Bridge Chalets and Travellers Rest Cabins (%6289 1000; www.derwent
Cradle Mountain Lodge (%6492 1303, 1800 737 678; www.cradlemountainlodge.com; d -bridge.com; d $120-210) offer a range of comfortable self-contained cabins and
from $230) should by all rights be designated a township, as there are around chalets run by the same people.
100 well-appointed cabins surrounding the main lodge. In the lodge Hungry Wombat Caf (%6289 1125; mains $8; hbreakfast & lunch), part of the
proper, you can eat in the informal Tavern Bar (mains $12-19;hlunch & dinner) Caltex service station, is a well-managed, friendly and clean caf well
or more formal Highland Restaurant (mains $19-26; hdinner). placed to feed the famished.
220 O V E R L A N D T R A C K G e t t i n g T o / F r o m t h e W a l k www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com O V E R L A N D T R A C K 221

500 Lake


1 : 175,000

Overland Track (North)


100m Contour Interval 0 2 miles
Tassielink (%03-6271 7320, 1300 300 520; www.tassielink.com.au) operates scheduled Cradle Information Centre Pallawah
& Shuttle Bus Terminal
bus services between Hobart and the west coast towns of Strahan and Cradle Hill


Mountain (685m)
Queenstown via Derwent Bridge and Lake St Clair (Cynthia Bay), daily Lodge Cradle Mountain Dove River
Visitor Centre &
Ranger Station Conservation
except Monday and Wednesday ($41). From November to March there START (Alt) Area
are additional services between Hobart and Lake St Clair on Monday Falls Nature 500

Recreation Area

Dove Riv
and Wednesday.


If you need to return to Cradle Mountain from Lake St Clair after Mountain
eek access road


walking the Overland Track, to pick up your car perhaps, this is possible



Heath Mt Kate
utilising Tassielink services via Queenstown on Tuesday, Thursday and Alternative Cradle Valley 900

Route Boardwalk
Saturday ($49). k Swift Creek


Cr Conservation

For details of charter services see Getting There & Away under Cradle rs Area

Waldheim rru
Valley (p219).



No camping
at Cradle Mt

k y
(day use area) Lone Gum

y C lle
Crater Falls

nn Va

Ro adle
Ca 0
A free shuttle bus runs between the Visitor Centre, visitor information 10 Mount m 900 40

Lake pb

1 Campbell
Lilla ell 700
0 Rive
centre and start of the Overland Track at Ronny Creek, 5km into the 110 r

0 1200
90 Marions Lookout

park, continuing to Lake Dove. During the busy season the shuttle runs 800 Crater
Dove 10 er 0
Lake 00 Hansons Riv 40
as often as every 20 minutes. If walking during the booking season (No- 700 Cradle
Plateau Hansons
vember to April), remember to check in and collect your Overland Track Suttons Cre Kitchen
ek Hut
Pass from the Visitor Centre before heading to the start of the walk. Side

Most Overland Track walkers finish their trek at the northern end Cradle
Mountain Lake
of Lake St Clair, rather than continuing along the Lakeside Track. 1000 1200
(1545m) Rodway



Lake St Clair Wilderness Park (%03-6289 1137; www.lakestclairwildernessholidays.com

Fu Scott Kilvert

.au) operates a ferry service the length of Lake St Clair, between Narcis- Memorial Hut

sus Hut and the visitor information centre at Cynthia Bay ($22 one Mount

Cradle Cirque Emmett

way). During summer the ferry leaves Cynthia Bay at 9am, 12.30pm Bluff (1432m)

Side Cirque 12

and 3pm, arriving at the Narcissus Hut 30 minutes later, and booking DAY 2

is generally necessary. There may be additional services at busy times. Valley Huts
Ha Cradle Mountain-
There is a radio in Narcissus Hut for contacting the ferry operator to rtnett

Rivulet Lake St Clair


National Park
confirm your arrival. Barn Bluff

Day 1: Ronny Creek to Waterfall Valley Lake

Holmes Lake
35 hours, 10km, 380m ascent, 250m descent 10
Lake How
The Overland Track starts as a boardwalk heading southwest up a grassy

Side Trip Agnew Mcrae h Ck ns
Bluff River nwealt ai

er Fo
Commo Pl

February Cre
valley from opposite the Ronny Creek car park. Bear right after crossing Tumbledown Falls ua

Lake Razorback 00 br
the creek and follow the Overland Track signs, ascending through lush Windermere Falls 9 Fe

Tomahawk Falls No camping

rainforest past Crater Falls, up onto an exposed ridge above Crater Lake, James near lake




then more steeply to Marions Lookout (11 hours from Ronny Creek). 0

DAY 3 ar

11 Windermere Wolfram Mines ra
Sw C
The ascent to Marions Lookout is the largest single height gain on the Hut all (abandoned)

Overland Track (excluding side tracks), so you can easily justify taking Lake
Curran eek
a breather to appreciate the jagged form of Cradle Mountain ahead, and

the view back down into the cirque of Crater Lake. es Cree

River Forth
Jam Mount
The track climbs gently south onto Cradle Plateau; covered in cushion 900
plants and prostrate vegetation this is one of the most exposed sections of 700 Creek Pine
Chalmers Forest
the entire walk and it can be pretty bleak up here in poor weather. After Moor 1100

crossing Plateau Creek, the imposing summit of Barn Bluff (1559m) comes Do Pelion Lake Ayr
into view ahead, and 30 to 40 minutes walk from Marions Lookout 00 Creek Plains Reedy

(888m) ion Old Pelion Lake

brings you to the small, shingle-clad Kitchen Hut, an emergency shelter

Cre Hutek
set at a track junction. See Overland Track (South) Map (p224) New Pelion Hut

Pelion West DAY 4 Ranger Hut
From this junction the Overland Track continues south, initially as-


Douglas Ck
cending to the Cradle Mountain summit track turn-off (see Side Trip: 1000


Cradle Mountain, p222), then descending and traversing the western


side of Cradle Mountain, below a slope that becomes a golden swathe
222 O V E R L A N D T R A C K T h e W a l k www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com O V E R L A N D T R A C K T h e W a l k 223

of deciduous beech in autumn. Almost immediately after entering an Day 2: Waterfall Valley to Windermere
area of snow gums above Fury Gorge the going becomes more arduous. 23 hours, 8km, 80m ascent, 100m descent
Small sections of duckboard and mud are interspersed with sections Returning to the main track from Waterfall Valley Huts, a short descent
across large angular boulders, beyond which youll reach a junction with brings you to a bridge over Hartnett Rivulet. After climbing gently away
a track coming up from the east, from Lake Rodway and the Scott Kilvert from the rivulet, the track follows the edge of a sandstone scarp above
Memorial Hut (45 minutes to 1 hours from Kitchen Hut). a couple of the waterfalls for which the valley is named, then rises and
The Overland Track continues southwest from this junction across a rounds a wooded spur coming down from Barn Bluff. A section of gentle
broad, exposed shoulder forming the western bounds of Cradle Cirque. The climbing, much on duckboards, leads to an open alpine moor looking
going across planks is easy and on a clear day you should have excellent down on Lake Holmes (one hour from Waterfall Valley Huts). From here
views of the Pelion peaks to the south. Continue round Cradle Cirque to you can see the track descending past the western shore of Lake Holmes
another junction where a side track heads southwest to Barn Bluff (see before climbing again to another treeless crest. Near Lake Holmes, a side
Side Trip: Barn Bluff, below). Shortly after this junction the track enters track heads west to Lake Will (see Side Trip: Lake Will, below).
forest and descends steeply into Waterfall Valley. Beyond the imposing Beyond Lake Holmes, the Overland Track traverses a very exposed
composting toilet (a necessary feature at all the huts) is the new 20-bunk plateau with views across the myriad lakes and tarns to the west. At a
hut. A little beyond, at the edge of the trees, is the small old hut (built in rocky crest, Lake Windermere comes into view nestled among patches
the 1950s) with good camping on the adjacent open grassy area. of eucalyptus. Beyond, to the south, the bulk of Mt Pelion West rises
starkly above Pine Forest Moor. Descend steeply on a rocky track for 20
ALTERNATIVE START: DOVE LAKE TO MARIONS LOOKOUT to 30 minutes to reach the shores of Lake Windermere. Camping is not
11 hours, 2km, 280m ascent permitted here, but another 10 minutes of walking will bring you to the
This option takes in the classic view of Cradle Mountain across Lake 16-bunk Windermere Hut set in the shelter of some myrtle. There are a
Dove as you start your walk. Follow the path rising southwest from number of wooden tent platforms in openings near and beyond the hut,
Dove Lake, bearing right at a junction and passing through forest above constructed to limit the environmental impact of camping in the area.
Lake Lilla. Beyond Wombat Pool, the track climbs steeply to join the
Overland Track on a broad shoulder above Crater Lake. Climb steeply SIDE TRIP: LAKE WILL
south now to reach Marions Lookout, as described above (one hour from 1 hours, 3km return, 50m ascent/descent
Dove Lake). A boardwalked track leads to the shores of Lake Will from the signposted
turn-off on the Overland Track near Lake Holmes. The pencil pine
ALTERNATIVE START: CRADLE MOUNTAIN VISITOR CENTRE TO fringed lake is quite beautiful and the views to Barn Bluff dramatic.
12 hours, 5.5km, 100m ascent, 40m descent Day 3: Windermere to Pelion Plains
Follow the wide boardwalk from the Visitor Centre through a patch of 57 hours, 17km, 150m ascent, 240m descent
rainforest then up the open valley of the Dove River to the car park at The longest day on the Overland Track starts with a pleasant 15 to 20
Ronny Creek. There are glimpses of Cradle Mountain ahead and the walk minute walk through scattered eucalyptus forest to a buttongrass plain
is surprisingly peaceful, despite the proximity of the access road. at the eastern end of Lake Curran. There is a short, steep ascent onto an Mt Oakleigh overlooks
open top and then two more small rises are crossed to reach the northern the gentle gradients
SIDE TRIP: CRADLE MOUNTAIN edge of Pine Forest Moor. This waterlogged terrain is crossed dry-shod and of the Pelion Plains,
23 hours, 2.5km return, 340m ascent/descent fairly effortlessly on duckboard and parallel planks to a track junction just traversed on Day 3
Branching just south of Kitchen Hut, the track to the Cradle Mountain before a forested hill. Here a stretch of duckboard nips off to the left (east) GRANT DIXON

summit (1545m) climbs relatively gently at first but soon steepens and
cuts across the boulder-strewn slopes to the right. The track climbs more
directly for the final section to the top, zigzagging up a steep bouldery
gully to reach the shattered crest of Cradle Mountain. Return via the
route of ascent.


23 hours, 5km return, 360m ascent/descent
In good weather Barn Bluff (1559m) offers great views of the moorlands
and glacial valleys in the north of the park. The route to the summit
branches from the Overland Track part way along the exposed traverse
of Cradle Cirque, 30 minutes before Waterfall Valley to the south. A well-
marked track leads around Bluff Cirque to the base of the mountain. The
final scramble to the summit ascends steep boulders and scree. Return via
the route of ascent. Given Day 2 is relatively short, you might consider
returning from Waterfall Valley to attempt this side trip then, heading
south to Windermere Hut later in the day.
224 O V E R L A N D T R A C K www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com O V E R L A N D T R A C K T h e W a l k 225

Lake Ayr 10:0200,000Lake



to a lookout (one minute return). Pelion Plains, Day 3s destination, are

11 00
0 0 4 km
Overland 80Track (South)

11 Lake

Falls Ready Leonis

Plains 100m Contour Interval 0 2 miles
1100 Rowallan
perched across the valley, below the crags of Mt Oakleigh, itself towering
Ranger Hut
DAY 4 above the U-shaped glacial valley of the River Forth.

Mt Pelion

90 New
West The Overland Track enters thick low tea-tree and myrtle forest and


Douglas C

(1560m) Lake
River Forth Frog Hut

Flats Snarers
Hut Creek See Overland Track (North) Map (p221)
Louisa climbs steadily on a boulder-strewn path. Descending the southern slopes
of the hill, the towering pandani make a fairytale scene. After emerging

Dean Lake

Bluff from the trees, the track crosses a small creek lined with copses of pencil

Mt Pelion Lake

Side Mt


Mt Achilles Trip
pines, the bulk of Mt Pelion West now looming close ahead. Thirty min-


(1363m) Pelion Bishop

Mersey R

Mt Thetis 14 Gap

00 Peak
utes of relatively level walking through broken forest brings you to Pelion
(1471m) (1390m)

Mt Ossa d

Lake Poa
(1617m) Lake P
McFarlane Vines
k Creek, a good spot for a break (2 to 3 hours from Windermere).
t all on Chalice 00Lake Beyond Pelion Creek the track traverses thick dark myrtle forest and

ey e 11
a Or


Myrtle Mt Rogoona
becomes quite rough in places, with tree roots prevalent, as it sidles then

Kia Ora Mountain (1330m)

(1378m) Beware of steep

Falls and slippery
slopes near falls 1200 steadily descends around the eastern slopes of Mt Pelion West. Emerg-
River Kia Ora Hut Lake
llace Mt Massif DAY 5 Meston ing into the open again at Frog Flats, the track descends a little further to
Cathedral Falls Cloister

Du Cane
Boulder Falls
D'Alton Falls
Lagoon cross the River Forth on a wooden bridge; at 720m above sea level its

1300 Falling
Fergusson Falls
Hartnett Falls
the lowest point on the Overland Track (one to 1 hours from Pelion

0 Falls Walls of Creek). There are poor campsites here, and leeches and mosquitoes are


Side Jerusalem
often prevalent; continuing on to camp near the New Pelion Hut area

Trip Junction National Park


Mount McCoy Lake


Windy Du
Macs Mt Eros
Ridge Geryon
is a better option.

Mountain Hut (1509m) 1200


Walled Gap
(1330m) Mountain
Acropolis Side Lake Lake
After traversing another opening, the track re-enters the forest. Parts

(1431m) Trip DAY 6 Eros

The Edgar Ling of this section have the roughest terrain on the entire walk, but planned

Labyrinth Orion Pond works may address this. The track climbs through rainforest before en-

900 Lakes


The Lakes (1290m)

Side Trip
tering woodland on the fringe of Pelion Plains. A side track leads north

Valley Lake


Hut Pallas


(1200m) Cephissus
700 Falls Lake
1200 Lake across wet buttongrass to Old Pelion Hut (five to 10 minutes), which was

r R a n g e 12

Payanna 00 Lake
Athena built back in 1895 following the discovery of copper nearby. On a warm

The 12
ns of Jup
The Mount
day there is a good swimming hole in Douglas Creek below the hut.

Mt Gould
Guardians Spurling
Lake The spacious New Pelion Hut is situated another 10 minutes walk
son River


(1390m) iss
us Kellatie
beyond the Old Pelion turn-off. This new hut is the largest in the park,

Lake Ck


Marion (1210m)
Horizontal 100
Riengeena with bunks for 36, and its all-round veranda has great views over Pelion


Plains to Mt Oakleigh (1280m). There is good camping beside the Over-


land Track just above the hut.


Cradle Mt -
Mount Lake St Clair
National Park
(1382m) DAY 7
Lake Day 4: Pelion Plains to Kia Ora Creek



Hamilton C Narcissus
reek Hut
Mt Ida 3 hours, 9km, 280m ascent/descent


Mt Byron
The track climbs gently away from New Pelion Hut, heading south
Mt Cuvier
Sappho towards Pelion Gap through mixed forest. After 20 minutes the track
Gap rr y
crosses Snarers Hut Creek and in another 20 minutes climbs past a small

00 140
0 Lake
Rest Lake waterfall on Douglas Creek. The track begins to climb in small, steep
Coal Oenone Echo
Hill Lake Mt Olympus
Point sections, interspersed by flatter stretches through dense myrtle forest.
Mingundie Hut
Lake Finally the gradient steepens consistently and the trees begin to thin


Little 900 Petrarch


Sugarloaf as you reach Pelion Gap (1126m) and a world of new views (1 to two

Cuvi Lake
er St Clair hours from New Pelion Hut). To the west a side track leads towards Mt


Ossa (1617m), the highest summit in Tasmania (see Side Trip: Mt Ossa,


e R


Sugarloaf Alternative p226). Prickly scoparia carpets Pelion Gap and can produce a colourful

Route Cu


Ri v

wildflower display in early summer.

South of Pelion Gap the slopes are scattered with small snow gums


Shadow 80 among the bleached, dead trunks of pencil pines, burnt in a past bushfire
1400 Lake 0

Waterfall Valley Huts
(see the boxed text, p227). The Overland Track heads southeast, here

00 Windy Ridge Hut

Windermere Hut New Pelion Hut
11 Lake

hardened with wooden cord and duckboard, descending gently into


1200 Hermione Hu

Cradle Kia Ora Hut Mt Hugel l Watersmeet

the mixed light forest and open moor of Pinestone Valley. The imposing

Valley (1403m) St Clair


1000 Narcissus Hut River Fergies Paddock

Cynthia Bay Cynthia Bay wall of Cathedral Mountain lies across the Mersey valley ahead. Steeper


Wild Rivers FINISH

800 National Park 800 Lake St Clair D Riv descents follow, leading to the mixture of forest and open buttongrass

Mt Rufus 00 Visitor Information er e

we r
(1416m) 13 1200 Centre & Ranger
nt that surround Kia Ora Hut (one hour from Pelion Gap). The hut has

0km 10 20 30 40
50 Gingerbread
70 80 Derwent bunk space for 20 and many wooden camping platforms secreted in the
trees nearby. If you look around the hut you may well see the nests of
226 O V E R L A N D T R A C K T h e W a l k www.lonelyplanet.com www.lonelyplanet.com O V E R L A N D T R A C K T h e W a l k 227

welcome swallows under the eaves. These small blue-and-orange birds

flit tirelessly around the hut in spring and summer. Look out also for the DEAD STAGS
yellow wattlebird with its curious neck flaps. This bird is the largest of Native conifers are badly affected by fire. Unlike eucalyptus they do not regenerate quickly and
Australias honeyeaters. youll see large stands of dead stags in several upland areas (eg Pelion Gap on the Overland
Track). Over a third of Tasmanias King Billy pines have been lost to bushfires in just 100 years, and
SIDE TRIP: MT OSSA many areas of other conifers and deciduous beech have also been lost. Many of these fires have
23 hours, 5km return, 500m ascent/descent been human-caused and it is largely because of this that the WHA is a fuel-stove-only area.
Heading west from Pelion Gap, the track to Mt Ossa (1617m) ascends
towards then contours around the southern slopes of Mt Doris to reveal
the tremendously steep northeast ridge of Mt Ossa rising beyond a col. A Glimpses of Falling Mountain (1482m) to the west and the Traveller
rough trail leads up into a gully, from where a steep rock scramble leads Range to the south can be had through the trees as you climb the stony
up to the summit plateau, carpeted with cushion plants, and a short walk trail to Du Cane Gap (45 minutes from the Hartnett Falls turn-off).
to the summit itself. Views are extensive, covering half of Tasmania on a From Du Cane Gap the track descends steeply into a beautiful stand of
clear day, and the Du Cane Range to the south is particularly impressive. Tasmanian alpine yellow gums, spread among moss-cloaked myrtle. In
Return to Pelion Gap via the route of ascent. Mt Ossa is best avoided if rain the mustard colour of the gum bark has to be seen to be believed,
the weather looks threatening or if the summit is in cloud. contrasting wonderfully with the deep greens of the myrtle and the lu-
minous greens of mosses.
Day 5: Kia Ora Creek to Windy Ridge Leaving the yellow gums behind, the trail descends steeply again,
34 hours, 10km, 240m ascent, 200m descent reaching Windy Ridge Hut in 30 to 45 minutes from Du Cane Gap. The
The track crosses Kia Ora Creek on a wooden bridge and large boulder hut has bunk space for 16 people and is set into a thickly wooded hill-
and continues southeast through thick eucalyptus and myrtle scrub. side, with views to the precipitous eastern aspect of the Du Cane Range.
It climbs gently for 30 minutes and then descends very slightly before Secluded camping platforms are scattered beside the track to the north
making a final short ascent to historic Du Cane Hut, set in a small clearing. and south of the hut.
Now an emergency shelter only, the earliest part of the hut was built in
about 1910 by snarer, prospector and guide Paddy Harnett. With his wife SIDE TRIP: DALTON & FERGUSSON FALLS
and young child, he lived here for several winters, trapping local wildlife 1 hours, 2km return each, 120m ascent/descent
for its thick winter fur. The surrounding forest can be a mass of white A steep, roughly-marked track descends northeast through open myrtle
leatherwood flowers in December and January. forest from the signposted turn-off on the Overland Track, leading to
Beyond Du Cane Hut are some of the most beautiful swathes of rainfor- another signed junction. Branch left (northwest) to DAlton Falls; branch
est on the Overland Track. Some 30 to 40 minutes of gentle undulations right (northeast) to the upstream Fergusson Falls. There is an impressive
Spectacular views of through dark myrtle forest brings you to a junction with a track to the left narrow gorge just below Fergusson Falls. The riverbank near the falls is
Du Cane Range are the (east) to Fergusson and DAlton Falls. Beyond this junction, the Overland steep and very greasy when wet; take care, there have been serious ac-
payoff for scaling 1617m Track climbs steadily to the Hartnett Falls turn-off and the myrtle gives cidents here.
high Mt Ossa way to fairly open eucalyptus forest. At their best after heavy rain, at least
GRANT DIXON one of these Mersey River waterfalls should be visited (see opposite). SIDE TRIP: HARTNETT FALLS
1 hour, 2km return, 80m ascent/descent
The track leading down to Hartnett Falls branches from the Overland
Track about 10 minutes towards Windy Ridge Hut from the DAlton
and Fergusson Falls turn-off. Descending through mixed forest, the track
leads through an open buttongrass area to the top of the falls.

Day 6: Windy Ridge to Narcissus River

3 hours, 9km, 150m descent
The track descends very gently for the first 30 minutes from Windy Ridge
Hut. Dense thickets of myrtle give way to open eucalyptus forest (mostly
whitetop stringybark) as the track flattens out. Here and there the track
skirts the fringes of buttongrass plains. Beyond the Pine Valley turn-off
(1 to two hours from Windy Ridge; see Side Trip: Pine Valley, the
Labyrinth & Acropolis, p228), the Overland Track continues along the
flat bottom of the valley, the gums gradually thinning out to be replaced
by stretches of buttongrass spanned by boardwalks. The view of the val-
ley holding Lake St Clair opens out and within another few minutes you
arrive at Narcissus Hut (one hour from the Pine Valley junction). The
lake is visible just a little way to the southeast and a track leads down to
the jetty where the ferry docks.
Lonely Planet Publications
228 O V E R L A N D T R A C K T h e W a l k www.lonelyplanet.com


The signposted turn-off to Pine Valley is about 1 to two hours (5km)
south of Windy Ridge Hut. A good track crosses bridges over Narcissus
River and Cephissus Creek (twice), traversing short plains and rainforest
to Pine Valley Hut (one to 1 hours and 4km from the Overland Track).
If planning onward side trips to either the Acropolis or the Labyrinth, it
is best to overnight at Pine Valley.
The walk to the summit of the Acropolis (1471m) involves a 630m ascent
and is a return trip of four to five hours from Pine Valley Hut. Continue
beyond the hut, through rainforest north past Cephissus Falls. After
crossing the creek, the track climbs steeply to a broad, open shoulder.
The Acropolis southern bluff rears ahead. A clear track heads towards it,
but the final scramble through the upper bluffs can be difficult in places,
and is best avoided under snow or ice. There are up-close views of the
slender dolerite spires comprising the Acropolis distinctive skyline, and
a spectacular vista of Mt Geryons east face, from the summit. Return
via the route of ascent.
The Labyrinth is a lake-studded plateau surrounded by high peaks.
The access track branches west just beyond Pine Valley Hut, climbing
steeply 300m through forest to a saddle. It then sidles west of the Par-
thenon (1200m) to a good lookout over the Labyrinth and towards the
precipitous Mt Geryon (1509m), 1 hours from the hut. Beyond here the
track descends somewhat, then ascends again to another good lookout,
or you can continue around Lake Ophion and on to the shores of Lake
Elysia (two to 2 hours from Pine Valley). Return to the hut via your
outward route.

Day 7: Narcissus River to Cynthia Bay

5 hours, 17km, 60m ascent/descent
Lake St Clair was known as Leeawuleena (sleeping water) by the local
Aboriginal people, and is Australias deepest lake at 167m. The traverse of
the Lakeside Track, around the western shores of the 14km-long lake, has
a reputation for being a little dull in comparison to the rest of the walk,
and many walkers drop it in favour of taking the ferry, especially if theyre
tired or the weather is poor. But in reality the track just offers a differ-
ent perspective to the expansive views of the northern Overland Track;
enclosed rainforest, glimpsed water views and several small beaches.
Perusal of the map may suggest a longer alternative route crossing
Byron Gap and traversing the Cuvier Valley. However, this rough and
poorly marked route is not maintained to the same standard as the Lake-
side Track and should be attempted by experienced walkers only.
From Narcissus Hut the track heads southwest and crosses a swamp on
an elevated boardwalk. Once across the plains the track enters the forest,
reaching the small Echo Point Hut in two hours. The camping area around
it is poor. Continue through forest for another three hours, mostly near
the lake shore, with plenty of tree roots and an interesting mix of trees
and ferns. After crossing the Cuvier River bridge at Watersmeet, a broad
path leads to the visitor information centre at Cynthia Bay.
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