Minutes 2017.1.18

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Minutes from EGSS General Meeting on

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Updates/ News
1. Conrad Leibel, the new VP and MA Rep, will introduce themself to the members of EGSS
and all those in attendance at the upcoming meeting.
- Conrad is excited for their new role.

2. Bassam will do a roundup of the successful events completed in the first term of 2016-17.
- We had lots of successful events last term
- This term, we want to focus on being a bigger presence in the department,
shedding our in transition label, recognizing more people in the
department (because Colleens goodbye was so successful and impactful),
planning an end of term event similar to the Snowflake Gala

3. Bassam will propose objectives for the second term.

- Take up more space in departmentpeople should know who their EGSS
contacts are
- Honour the diverse people who make up the department (via posters?)
- Make the physical space of the department ours
- Clean up the grad lounge and make it more welcomingfeedback from
last term: it feels like another TA office, it feels like an exclusive space

4. Bassam and/or Tiffany will provide the EGSS with an update regarding the GSS Funding
- We got $100, which was less than expected, but were good at being


The big questions will be Who? Where? What? When? How? In short, we will be
finalizing plans.

1. Alyssa Currie will propose an idea for a grad-student travel fund fundraiser.
- Book-quets and wreaths
- Craft night next week (4:45pm, Wed, Jan 25th), bring scissors
- Will sell in Clearihue (Feb 7, 8, and maybe 9) by suggested donation of
$10/bouquet and $15/wreathgoal is to raise $100-200 for grad travel
- Target audience: humanities
- Flowers were free, Alyssa has books and some supplies, she will need a
maximum of $10 for more supplies (from budget)
- Booking a table can be hard but Alyssa will do it
- Alyssa will brainstorm poster ideas for advertising
- Conrad will arrange schedule for person-ing the table

2. Publication Update: We will set exact dates and finalize all pertaining logistics.
- Conrad will email out mission statement
- Journal concerned with transgressions
- Will be print at first then move to print and digital
- English and Creative Writing will elect editorial board
- Conrad will run until end of Aug
- First issue will be out by end of April and will have release event March
- Conrad would like help setting up a wordpress site
- CFP will go out near release event (for future issuescontent for first
issue has already been collected)

3. First Colloquium Update (Conference and Colloquia Committee): We will set an exact
date and finalize all pertaining logistics.
- March 3
- CFP out this week
- Will ideally have review committee
- Reuben new chair of Conference and Colloquia Committee, voted in via
informal election

4. Academic and Professional Committee: Second-Term Event Ideas. More Pomodoros?

- Social media event in March on a Saturday
- Pomodoro events once per week for the last four weeks of term

5. Goat Petting Event (Social Committee)

- March 18 (as long as goats are ready to be seen)
- Posters out by February 28

6. End of Term Party (Social Committee): We will set a tentative date for the end of term
party and discuss logistics.
- Janice will begin to plan, and propose date once location has been set
- Janice will phone Swans to set up Valentines week event
- More details for both events will be circulated as they fall into place

7. Follow up on the creation of a new committee proposed by Rachel in December.

- Figuring out possible members to join committee; working to solidify
group within EGSS
- Officially designated as part of the EGSS
- Figuring out appropriate title

And More (create your own category)

- There will probably be a book binding event March 13 from 5-7pm
- Tentatively planning a tour of special collections for last week of Feb

President: Bassam Chiblak

Vice President: Conrad Leibel
Secretary: Janice Niemann

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