Bio Syllabus

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Bemidji High School

1. Course Prerequisites: Successfully completed Science Investigations

2. Textbook: Biology by Miller & Levine
3. Contact information: Kristina VanWilgen-Hammitt:
***Visit for daily lessons &

What is Biology?
This course introduces biology as a study of living things. It includes the
history of biology, microscope study, the living condition, biochemistry, cell
anatomy and physiology, ecological principles, genetics and issues related to
genetic engineering, bacteria and viruses, systems of animals, and human
biology with the fetal pig as the vertebrate model. It considers taxonomy as
a method of organizing the diverse forms of organisms on this Earth.
Microscopes, dissections and in-lab activities comprise the lab investigation
part of this course.

Grading: The following categories are weighted percentages of the final

Projects & Portfolios 50%
Daily Quizzes 15%
Tests 35%

Percentage Grade Percentage Grade Percentage Grade

100-93 A 79 77 C+ 69 67
92 - 90 A- 76 73 C 66 - 64
89 87 B+ 72 70 C- 63 60
86 83 B 59 & Lower
82 - 80 B-

Portfolios & Deadlines

1. Portfolios are due the day of the test. Late portfolios are worth half
credit. They are not accepted after the 2nd school day past the test.
2. *If you are absent, you have 2 days to make up the lab/work (per
school policy). You will not have access to the work/materials after
that time.
3. Daily Quizzes cannot be made up (unless you are in a school-
sponsored activity. Then quiz must be made up before you leave or
the day after you return.)

Regular attendance to this class is not only required, but essential. If material
missed is part of a lab, material must be made up outside of class time. See
section above for deadline information. Help yourself out- Please be here!

Safety in Lab & Class:

1st Offense- Warning. 2nd Offense- 0pts on the assignment and sent to office.
Unsafe behavior results in no 1st warning, but sent directly to the office (0pts
on lab)

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