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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam -

January 31, 2017

What is the relationship between the mind, its stability and the duties we do? Bhagawan
lovingly explains and motivates us today.

The root cause of all trouble is the uncontrolled, ill-directed mind.

Like when the river Godavari is in floods, it rolls along, causing
slips and slides, and devastates vast areas on both banks.
Discriminatory wisdom (Viveka) and non-attachment (Vairagya)
are the two bunds which tame the mad energy of the flood and
lead the raging waters into the sea, which is, after all, the
destination the waters seek. How can they be implanted? By the
first three primary goals of life: righteousness, wealth, and desire-
fulfillment (dharma, artha, and kama). The practice of dharma is
the art of living. No attempt need be made to run away from the
duties of ones station and status. Remember, those duties have
to be done as worship, as offerings of ones intelligence, skill,
qualities, thoughts and feelings to the feet of the Lord in a spirit of
thankfulness for the chance given, without a trace of egoism or a
sense of attachment to the fruits of the actions.

- Divine Discourse, Apr 23, 1961

The proper fulfilment of duties is part of the spiritual discipline necessary

for getting enlightenment. Baba

31 jnvrI, 2017

sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn

pRSn: : swfy mn, ies dI siQrqw Aqy ijhVI ifaUtI AsIN krdy hW, aunHW ivc kI irSqw hY? Bgvwn, A`j swnUM ,
smJwauNdy hn Aqy swnUM pRyirq krdy hn[

au`qr: swrIAW musIbqW dI jVH, ieh bykwbU Aqy idSwhIn mn hY[ieh mn, aus godwvrI ndI dI qrHW hY ijhdy ivc jd
h`VH AwauNdw hY qW ieh bykwbU ho ky, Awpxy dovyN iknwirAW dy Awly-duAwly dy sQwnW ivc, qbwhI mcw idMdI hY[

ivvyk Aqy vYrwg, ieh auh swDn hn ijhVy h`VH dI pwgl SkqI nUM byAsr krdy hn Aqy A`g-bgolw hoey pwxI nUM aus
smuMdr ivc lY jWdy hn, ijhVy smuMdr nUM pwauxw, aus pwxI dw lkS hY[ ienHW dohnW nUM, ibnw ikvyN igRhx kIqw jw
skdw hY? ienHW nUM , Drm, dOlq Aqy ie`Cw-pUrqI vwly, jIvn dy iq`n lkSW rwhIN, igRhx kIqw jw skdw hY[jIvn dw
hunr, Drm dw AiBAws krnw hY[quhwnUM,Awpxy sQwn Aqy pdvI muqwbk id`qI ifaUtI nUM , nw inBwaux dI koiSS nhIN
krnI cwhIdI[quhwnUM, AwpxI ifaUtI, pUjw krn dI qrHW krnI cwhIdI hY[ AwpxI bu`DI, hunr, gux, ivcwrW Aqy
BwvnwvW nUM, ibnw hMkwr kIqy , kIqy krmW dy Pl dI ie`Cw r`Ky ibnw Aqy D`nvwd sihq, ienHW swirAW nUM,Bgvwn dy
crxW ivc Aripq kro[( 23 ApRYl, 1961 dy idvX pRvcn)[

AwpxI ifaUtI nUM iemwndwrI nwl inBwauxw, aus A`iDAwqimk AnuSwSn dw ih`sw hY ijhVw, Awqm-pRkwS leI zrUrI

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