Investigacion de Ingles

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What is an engineer - ingeniero

A person who can solve problems. An inventor. A creator. All are terms that
accurately describe the characteristics of an engineer. As an engineer, you might
develop the next generation of the iPad or a medical device that helps doctors treat
a disease, or a spaceship that transports humans to Mars, or a system that can
deliver drinking water to an underdeveloped region, Or a new source of energy that
is sustainable and provides clean energy, or a device that can detect chemicals
and toxic agents, or a new earthquake-proof building.
Plumber - plomero

The word plumber, plumber or gasfiter or gasfiter was associated, almost until the
late twentieth century, with the professional who was concerned with water, gas,
heating and almost all fluids and in some regions, also electrical installations.

Secretary: secretaria
Traditionally, the person in charge of supervising matters, especially those that
require confidentiality (that is, the secret), of people of a certain power, such as
monarchs, popes, presidents, and so on, is called secretary or secretary (from the
Latin secretarus1).

This meaning still occurs in several countries of the Anglo-Saxon or Latin American
world with the political positions of secretary of state or with the meaning of
"minister" of an important department of government. general secretary.

Nurse: enfermeria

Nurse is a woman who dedicates herself to the personal and intensive care of a
patient, either in the hospital or health center or in her private home. The nurse or
nurse are people who have followed the nursing career, dictated within the medical
faculties and considered a university career in spite of being shorter and implying
less knowledge than medicine.

Gardener: jardinero

Gardener is the person who has by occupation or trade the care and maintenance
of a garden.

Firefighter: bombero

Firefighter is the person who is dedicated, to extinguish fires. They traditionally

perform their work using hydraulic pumps, which were used to draw water from
wells, rivers or any other reservoir near the site of the accident. The creation of the
first fire brigade in Rome is attributed to the emperor Caesar Augustus.

Mechanic - mecanico

Mechanical is the generic name received by professionals who are engaged in the
construction, assembly and maintenance of industrial equipment and machinery.
Square: plaza

A plaza is a public space, large or small and uncovered, in which usually perform a
variety of activities. There are many shapes and sizes, and built in all ages, but
there is no city in the world that does not have one. For their relevance and vitality
within the structure of a city are considered as urban salons.

Cinema: cine

Cinema is the technique and art of projecting frames quickly and successively to
create the impression of movement, showing some video (or film, or film, or film).
The word "cinema" also refers to the movie theaters or projection rooms in which
the films are projected.

Beach: playa

A beach is a deposit of unconsolidated sediments that vary between sand and

gravel, excluding mud as it is not an alluvial plane or mangrove coast, extending
from the base of the dune or the boundary where the vegetation ends to a depth
Where the sediments no longer move. This depth varies between the beach
depending on the bathymetry, geomorphology and the waves. They are also
generally found in protected bays of the surf and are usually formed in flat areas.
Also on the banks of the rivers, (see Playa de las Moreras in Valladolid, Spain).

River: rio

A river is a natural stream of water that flows with continuity. It has a determined
flow, is rarely constant throughout the year, and flows into the sea, a lake or
another river, in which case it is called affluent. The final part of a river is its mouth.
Sometimes they end up in desert zones where their waters are lost by infiltration
and evaporation by the intense temperatures.

Zoo: zoolgico

The zoo is a space artificially created by man to maintain and display exotic or non-
domestic animals that are not common to urban habitat. The zoo is not, however,
only a place of exhibition, but it is also a space for the preservation and
reproduction of these animals as experts and scientists from all areas work to
recreate the natural environments and allow these animals to live in the best life
conditions. This is especially important for those animals that are on the way to
extinction and that require the help of the human being to increase its population.

Park: parque
A park is a land located in the interior of a town, which is dedicated to meadows,
gardens and trees serving as a place of recreation and recreation of citizens.

If it is a long stretch of natural land and protected by the state, we speak of a

natural park or a national park.

School: escuela
School is the generic name of any educational center, educational center,
educational center, school, educational institution or center of inclusion; That is,
any institution that provides education or teaching.

It usually refers to primary schools or colleges which, together with faculties, form

Teacher: profesor

Teacher, teacher or teacher, is who dedicates professionally to teaching, either

general or well specialized in a specific area of knowledge, subject, academic
discipline, science or art. In addition to the transmission of values, techniques and
general or specific knowledge of the subject taught, part of the teacher's
pedagogical function is to facilitate learning so that the student (student or student)
reaches it in the best possible way.

Museum: museo

A museum is a public or private institution, permanent, with or without profit, at the

service of society and its development, and open to the public, which acquires,
preserves, investigates, communicates, exhibits or exhibits, for study purposes and
Education, art collections, scientific, among others, always with a cultural value,
according to the International Council of Museums (ICOM) .2 The science that
studies them is called museology, the technique of its museography management
and management, Museonoma.

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