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If you could make one change in the way American democracy works, what would it be?

I think we should make it so that you get the day off to vote, or you get a tax deduction or some
incentive to vote.
I would have those in office more informed on the issues.
I would make it required to vote.
Getting everyone informed about how it works.
We could do away with the state delegates, and then work on getting rid of the Electoral College.
That everybody has the right to vote without intimidation.
Terms on elected officials.
I would like for the President of the United States to be presidential material. I would have them be
qualified to be President. I would want to have qualifications put in place. I mean they should be able
to not only think about this country, but to be able to communicate to other countries.
Tighten up how candidates running for office get their money.
Health care - if we live in America we should all have good health care.
Government spending is out of control.
Change the voting process and change the two party system.
Hillary Clinton won by number of votes and Trump won by electoral votes, and I think that needs to be
changed to by the number of votes they get.
Permit more people to vote and less restrictions on who can vote.
Get rid of Donald Trump.
The way it's all calculated. Some machines in some states have problems, and others don't. A better
system of calculating all the votes.
Politicians better represent the people.
Get money out of politics.
How the politicians accept money.
Require civics education to all high school students and new citizens.
Term limits for Congress and senators.
Take the money out of the politics.
Getting big money out of politics.
Get rid of political correctness.
Unite the United States again.
Everybody in America to be treated equally. Everybody that comes to America needs to checked out
and treated equally.
Equal pay for equal work.
Lower wages for people who don't deserve them.
Eliminate the large groups of people that give money to candidates - eliminate the super pacs.
We have to reorganize the democracy.
Need to speak English
Give the less fortunate a chance.
I would require everyone to be truthful.
To get rid of the politicians we have now.
Get rid of the money in politics.
A better informed electorate.
Term limits.
Put respect back for the flag.
Donald Trump not being president.
Freedom for all people and poor people and not just upper and middle class people.
Get rid of all the guns in the world.
We would set some deadlines on the number of times senators could run for the same office.
Take the money out of it.
Change the electoral vote.
Change the welfare system.
I would change the way the voting system works. I dont think that they should put a president in on just
electoral votes.
Get rid of the Democrats.
If they do away with the parties, cause all people are the same.
The Voting System
Getting rid of all the politicians.
No change. When our forefathers made the choices, they made right ones, we shouldnt change them.
Less Bureaucracy.
Set term limits for any government official. No longer have a political career thats crap. Term limits
for everybody.
I would get rid of the Electoral College.
Cut the taxes.
Get rid of Trump.

Make politicians honest.
Change the way elections are.
Less government.
A variety of public officials.
That the president will win with the votes of the people, not the electoral votes.
We get rid of the two party system.
I think our criminal system needs to be changed.
I would want everyones opinions out there. I want the truth out there.
Learn to get along with people and do whats right for the country.
It would be that if a candidate running for office promises to do something through their campaign that
they are held to stick to those promises when they are elected.
Get the media out of it.
Have the popular vote count.
That more people would vote.
Disassociate money and politics.
I think it's the way the candidates hold their debates; the way debates were held, candidates threw
insults at each other. We need to know what they are going to try to do when they get into office.
I think we need to love one another.
Have all the politicians be honest and if theyre caught lying then their fired.
Allow states to have more control.
Our political system.
Put all the jobs back in the U.S. where they started from so everybody would be employed.
All of us get along.
I would do something to not have the influence of lobbyists that we have today.
More educated voters
Anyone who is in office should get out.
I think it would great if the tax payer paid for their campaigns.
Shorten the election time.
To change the voting system.
The press the liberal sections do not tell the truth. They lie all the time. I cannot trust anything they
say. They are one side - straight democrat or straight liberal.

Put religion back into politics.
That the candidate with the most popular votes be considered the winner.
Education system.
Change the voting system.
I would like to see something that would deal with more harsher rules for immigrants who hop the wall
and come over.
Building the wall between the US and Mexico and deporting all the Muslims.
Eliminate lobbying.
Get rid of Donald Trump
Teach more about the government in history class.
Im tired of the big cities determining what this country does. Just because the majority of the population
lives in big cities should not determine what we do as a country.
For them all to work together.
We just need to respect each other and i think that will go along way.
I would set term limits. Theyre distracting. We need to eliminate big money out of politics. We need to
encourage voting based on issues instead of popularity and money.
Make things fair for everybody, not just the Donald Trumps of the world.
To change peoples mind about America and get our country together.
Security at the borders with ISIS.
Id just close down the Democratic Party.
I would get rid of the primary system and vote for a whole other system. I would like to see a change in
the way the president is nominated.
Well i think it would be helpful to limited tenures
Probably end Obamacare.
Take away the money in politics
Educate people so they can be smarter in their choices an dont rely on the media.
You cant vote unless you have photo i.d.
I dont think that it is right for people to be paid to protest. I dont think that is right. I dont like it that they
are bringing in judges that arent registered in a district that they are working in. Like if a judge works in
Chicago, they shouldnt be working on Election Day in Minnesota.
Have the candidates be more honest.
The way we recieve information

Make voting a must.
Shorter political campaigns.
That there would be honesty and integrity in all our leaders.
That the president would be elected by the popular vote only.
I would reduce the size opf the federal government.
Voter registration needs to be validated by a valid government id, such as a drivers license or social
security card.
Electoral whatever it is. When you get the popular vote that vote should win.
I would have more than two candidates because I do not like the two party system.
Equality to all people.
I would say right now, to allow for a third party to play a role and actually be considered a serious
candidate for president of the United States. Instead of it being the Democrats and Republicans being
the only option for people to consider.
The way the votes are counted.
Not letting money rule it; you shouldnt be able to buy democracy.
Maybe in some way change some laws to help people who are innocent.
Pay politicians equal to the average pay in their state.
Balanced budgets of the United States.
Keep people like Hilary Clinton from running
Change the tax system.
Get rid of the electoral votes and go by what the people want.
I think what we have to do is look for a one-payer system so everyone is covered and has the ability to
live a healthy life without fear of being put in the poor house due to medical costs.
Decrease the size of the federal government.
I think that lobbying has to be taken out of our political system and there needs to be term limits.
Take part of the government out of the states and let the states govern themselves.
I would insist that all candidates divulge their financial dealings.
Term limits for Congress.
Less one sided - have more parties involved in decision making.
I would say that i would like to see the popular vote elect the president and not the current system.
Strike down Citizens United.

I think they should have an IQ test before they vote.
Insuring the values of freedom of speech.
Require everyone to vote.
More people get involved and studying the issues
I would shorten the campaign season. I think people who want to run for office are usually the least
suited for occupying the office in our current elongated campqign season.
Not to have someone stupid in the White House. Donald Trump is stupid.
Change education.
Get the politics out of there, and just focus on the issues instead of elections and commercials.
Being fair and kind to one another.
I want Barack Obamas poilicies to continue.
Would like to see someone who is a really good economist running the things that need to be run to get
our country back to where we were not indebted to anybody.
Change the understanding that people have that they need to be involved in the government and cant
just sit by the sidelines
We need to clean up our political system, too many self-serving politicians.
Transparency with our candidates, elected officials, and government in general, and the laws. Its hard
to identify what they are really doing.
Universal health care.
Include all the different parties - not just the Democrats and Republicans. They should all get equal time
on the air, including the debates.
Term limits.
Less federal government and more freedom to the state, and I would also have more industries here in
the United States, building products, bring our factories back home, make our own steel. Have our own
source of natural energies and resources to make it to where our people can go back to working in the
Less gun control.
Campaigns for any federal office would be time limited, funded publicly, and no priviate money would
be permitted.
Put a ban on how much money political parties can spend.
Leave it like it is or change it.
More freedom of speech.
Eliminate the racist attitudes from people, I think people should be judged on who they really are, not
grouped or judged from the color of their skin, or religion, or politics.

I think the president should have to have military experience.
Get everybody an even break and fair chance in regards to race, creed or color.
It would be to shrink the size of the government, the government is getting too powerful and into too
many regulations on us. Every time you turn around you can't do this, or that, always something new
coming up, getting too politically correct.
Change the way the parties select nominees.
I would have voting on the weekend so people could vote. It shouldnt just be on a Tuesday because
people work.
Just that everyone be honest.
More transparency.
To determine a way to ensure voters are informed before they vote.
I'd send everyone in Washington home, since they haven't done one thing for the presidency except
collect more money.
Something to the effect of helping the people of the us.
Term limits for everybody.
I think that we should do what we can to eliminate the unqualified people.
Limit the money that goings in campaign financing.
Try to better things instead of making them worst.
Make sure everyone has a vote.
Take out the millionaires and let regular people run.
For hate to move out and love to move in.
Change the new president
No filibusters.
Wish people knew what they were voting for.
Wish we had more than two parties.
Well we would have Trump gone.
I think I would educate the younger people in what patriotism and democracy really is. The reason why
they need educating is because they didn't live through what al ot of us had to live through, so they do
not know what was done so that they could have this country to live in.
I know we need the Electoral College, but revamp how it works.
Decision making stronger at the local more than the federal level.
I think I would change how voting is done.

Make a change that everybody loves one another.
Everyone needs to be treated the same.
To prove citizenship to be able to vote.
I would flush out all the politicians and start over.
Limit the terms of politicians.
Just the whole health care thing.
I think I would change the way Congress is allowed to vote. Get rid of lobbyist. Kick em out if they are
being paid.
I would change how the two parties control everything.
Lets goverment and less taxes
For all to be created equal
Everybody have an opportunity to get jobs.
Get rid of the Electoral College.
Citizens more in politics then the money.
I would make sure everyone has a say
Get rid of all the politicians in Congress and start over again and also get rid of lobbyists.
Give immigrants amnesty.
Every persons vote count.
Everyone should be a citizen.
We are too controlled. Its not a democracy any more - we have legislated our rights away.
Limit term limits for people in Washington.
Probably the health care; it's gotten out of hand moneywise in every way; what they charge is way out
of hand.
Take the money out of politics.
Get rid of Hillary Clinton.
If running for office the public should know everything about them.
Take out the advertisements.
Our freedom of speech, make sure everybody has their right to not to be told what to do.
Get back of what our Founding Fathers founded this country on.
Deport the illegals.
Get money out of politics..

I would remove the element of media in politics.
Replace all the present people in office.
Create a third party.
One citizen, one vote.
Get rid of people who slip things to get them voted.
The demolition of the two party system and the complete reconstruction of our federal government
Go back to the old ways and not all about what everyone has and can get for themselves.
Would change what it takes to become an eligible voter.
Get rid of the Electoral College.
It would be Congress has too much time in the House - they should a five-year limit
The Presidents and Supreme Court judges should be independent, not from any party period.
Well to do with this past election something has to be done about the electoral and popular votes.
Try to inform voters more.
Education over everything.
Get rid of the Electoral College.
I would get rid of the Electoral College.
That every candidate answers the questions about their agenda truthfully.
Have peace in this world.
Stop hate and crimes.
Everyone should be able to speak their minds and what they feel.
The way of people think about other people such as discrimination and wrong doing.
Get rid of Electoral College.
No candidate can say anything about their opposition, only about their own qualities.
Require everyone to vote.

Tolerate each other better.

To keep our freedoms.
To hold candidates factually accountable for the things that they say. They should care about science
and listen to science. If all the scientist in the world are in agreement, then they should agree with them
instead of combating.
To try and get more people to vote

More freedom for everybody.
All members of Congress are held to the same laws as the rest of the population.
Hilary Clinton in jail and dont let her run again.
Putting time limits on politicians so they cant stay in there forever.
I would say the two party system.
Would change the government trying to change everything.
Everyone get along.
It would be to make sure that everybody who votes is a US citizen. They have to prove they are a US
Change to a popular election.
Bringing the truth to the people.
More lower class people having a voice.
The right to vote.
When it comes to the next presidential election, lets please get someone that is qualified.
Fair voting being balanced out.
Choosing presidential candidates by popular vote.
I think we should get rid of the electoral votes and use the popular votes.
Change the requirements of the age to vote.
Have the millionaires an billionaires pay more taxes.
Going back to proper paper ballots.
Get rid of Trump.
More input from people.
Make more a true popular vote.
No more Electoral College.
Adding a run off voting system in addition to getting rid of the two party system.
I would redistribute how the electoral votes are done.
Require people to vote.
Veterans wont have to pay taxes.
Less regulation.

That every person has to a photo id.
Get rid of the Electoral College.
Run off voting.
When someone is elected and they are healthy they should stay in 12 or 16 years not just 8 years,
should be able to run every 4 years, 4 or 5 terms.
Popular vote over Electoral College.
Practical applications of the real needs of the people.
The Supreme Court should face election also.
One party.
Would be for the candidates not be putting each other down - no slander.
So everybody gets treated the same.
Absolutely nothing because of American Democracy people can protest an election that they are
displeased with.
I would say an inclusion for everyone. The democracy that we have right now doesnt include
everybody, it only includes white males. Id like to see our country understanding that this is a melting
pot of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and culture.
People understanding that we are not a democracy but a republic.
They shouldnt be a two party system.
Term limits in Congress.
Majorr news outlets need to tell the truth.
Listen better and respond better to what citizens are saying.
The right to do whatever you want to do if it is possible.
Not allow special interest groups into Washington.
Improve education levels and style of education.
Remove the money & special interest.
Improve the education levels of the voters.
To make everybody rich.
You would want people to come together.
Popular vote system.
I would limiy campaign donation and monetary spending on campaigns.

If you don't own land, you don't get to vote.
More tolerance and less violations to people civil rights.
To raise minimum wage and give more freedom.
To be more fair.
I wanna see media promote pertinent issues at hand.
Term limits.
Get rid of the fake famous people and get politicians to do their jobs.
Adjust the system.
I would say we should follow the Constitution.
Abolish sodomy.
Where the elected officials should only get two turns in the office.
Hold people accountable.
Background checks on whos running for president.
Everybody votes count.
A different president.
People have more freedom.
It woul be to change the racism against immigrants.
Remove Electoral College.
More transparency in the government, and more opportunities for voices to be heard.
We need to be united without discrimination.
Tax political speech.
No polls.
Helping the homeless.
Term limits.
Go back to the Constitution.
Gun laws.
I wouldnt let them have no more than three year terms.
More accountability.
I would suggest we use a parliamentary system or have a none of the above selection.

Money out of politics.
Shorten how long you have to campaign.
Iwould like to see candidates who didnt lie.
The amount of time for bill to be presented and to be ratified.
Not to be so racist.
Make thing better.
Giving the States more rights. Leaving the democracy up to the indiviual states.
Encourage more citizens to vote or practice their right to vote.
There has to be campaign finance reform.
Get rid of the two party system and getting rid of the Electoral College and make the government
Reduce the size of government.
Do away with Electoral College.
Hold the elected house members to what they promise.
Outlaw racism.
The amount of time we allow in the United States to decide residency and expedite the matters of the
individual applying based on the individuals merits and not their country of birth or origin.
I would make it so that voter i.d. Is required in all states.
Take race out of everything you fill out.
I would get rid of the Electoral College and replace it with the popular vote.
To get rid of the Electoral College.
Less government.
The slander I don't care who is running for President they need to be fair.
Some kind of better health care solution in general but mainly for veterans.
Would let the conservative truly speek, not just liberals.
To serve 2 terms and dont run for Congress after that.
The term limits for our Congress.
Electoral College.
Term limits on the Congressmen.
Turn it from republic to a true democracy.
To make it democratic so all votes count.

I don't like the Electoral College.
Better healthcare.
Get money out of politics.
Get rid of half of politicians.
I would get the governments nose out of regular peoples business.
I would probably say the tax code.
I think the biggest challenge is lack of consensus of factual information.
Take all the special interest out and get rid of political money
More truthful media coverage.
Delete electoral votes.
I would like everybody to unite as one.
Listen to the people more.
Elect someone who knows what they are doing.
The Electoral College to be 1 vote for 1 state.
More equality.
More help to the poor and to the middle class.
Term limits for Senators and money out of politics.
Everybody get treated the same.
Get rid of the Electoral College and go with the popular vote.
Term limits, so we dont get stuck with someone who is not performing.
Keep foreigners where they belong.
Change the length of terms in office.
To focus on own country.
Let the convicts and criminals vote also because they are American citizens as well.
I would change the voting system.
Try to make sure that the voters are informed & the state can show trust in the democracy & accuracy
in voting
Just treat everybody right!
Would change the electoral system.

Making it easier and convenient for people to vote.
Banish the two party system.
Have every one love each other no matter what.
The person we vote for would win.
It has to do with immigration. Prepare the U.S. citizens more for what it means to be an immigrant
coming here to live. If we as Americans were aware of this we would be a better democracy.
Change the voting system.
Requirement to have voter identification. The right to vote is very important and we have to make sure
you are who you are.
Turn limits on all politicians.
Get rid of the Electoral College.
Better educate voters.
Term limits.
Less voter restrictions.
Freedom of speech, more equal opportunity.
Get rid of the people in Washington who have been here too long.
If you dont pay taxes you dont get to vote.
The debate format
The president is elected by the popular votes.
To be able to have more influence on presidential candidates.
Making it mandatory to vote.
Probably more numbers of option of candidates and the two party system.
End the two party system.
More people educated on what democracy is.
The electoral voting system.
To have everybody get along.
Change Lobbyist rules in this country and instead of government for special interest it would be
government for the people.
If you hold an election and someone wins, respect the person who won.
Find a way to have the money more equally distributed so the rich don't get richer and the poor dont
get poorer.

Do a better job of informing the voters.
Get rid of the Electoral College.
Only qualified candidates could run for office.
To get rid of the Electoral College.
The way we elect for president.
I will give local government far more power to shape their own policies on different issues.
The way people treat other people
Less benefits for people who dont do anything.
They need to stop letting the Republicans control people and black people should stick together.
Term limits.
The primary process. Not the best way to pick a candidate. This year definitely displayed that.
Repeal citizens united. Take money out of politics.
To stop racism.
Do unto others what you want them to do unto you.
Make the bureaucracy more accountable to the people.
Unity, for everybody to have unity.
Less money for the politics and more for people.
That we hope the president does what he said
LobbyistsI would make it a crime to lobby.
To respect what citizens vote for.
More attention would be spent on civic education in schools.
Make elected positions unpaid.
Stop media control.
Less discrimination.
Not allow lobbyists to influence members of Congress.
Change the president.
To provide more work.
End partisanship.
The two party system. People should not have to select their candidate from two parties. There should
be more choices.

I would make it a direct democracy instead of a republic democracy.
For everybody to go back to the original Constitution.
Change immigration.
Those who disagree with you arent always racists.
Instead of focusing on the parties focus on the candidate.
The way elections are financed for campaigns.
People understanding that we are not a Democracy but a Republic.
There would be no racism or violence and no homelessness.
There shouldnt be a two party system.
Term limits in Congress.
To have somebody more prepared for the presidency and also get more information for the democracy.
Eliminate the Electoral College.
I would make no change, it is perfect.
Major news outlets, they need to tell the truth in journalism and I think it has a great effect on the world.
To listen better and respond better to what citizens are saying.
Remove the winner take all politics we have.
Do away with the two-party system.
The right to do whatever you want to do if it is possible.
Not allow special interest groups into Washington. And limit terms on senate and congress etc.
Improve education levels and style of education.
Remove the money & special interests.
Improve the education levels of the voters.
Be more fair to people.
To make everybody rich
Popular vote should win.
No racism.
Get rid of the lobbyists
You would want people to come together.

I would make it so everyone would be paying to support the country and supported by leaders and not
be interested in putting money in someones pocket, it takes everyone in a nation to have a nation.
I would limit campaign donations and monetary spending on campaigns
If you don't own land, you don't get to vote.
I pay no attention to the American government.
More tolerance and less violations of people civil rights.
People have more of a voice.
To raise minimum wage and give more freedom.
To be more fair.
I want to see the media promote pertinent issues at hand.
How to inform people more.
Get rid of the fake famous people and get politicians to do their jobs.
Election cycle would be shorter.
I would take the money out of politics.
I would say we should follow the Constitution.
Abolish sodomy.
Where all elected officials should only get 2 terms in office
I wish the system of checks and balances was stronger.
Hold people accountable.
I would put a term limit on everybody in Congress and government.
A different president.
People have more freedom
It would be to change the racism against immigrants.
Remove the Electoral College.
More transparency in the government, and more opportunities for the publics voices to be heard.
Get rid of the Electoral College.
Keep out the lobbyists.
We need to be united without discrimination.
Tax political speech.
No polls.

Helping the homeless.
Two party system: I dont like it.
Change the electoral votes.
I wouldnt let them have more than three year terms.
More accountability.
To live life to the fullest.
It would be fairer distribution of the wealth and power - the rich keep getting richer and the poor still
Having the two parties not working together

I would suggest we use a parliamentary system or have a none-of-the-above selection.

Stricter rules on how they can run and their morals and ethics.
Money out of politics.
Shorten how long you have to campaign.
Class system for workers.
I would like to see candidates who didnt lie in their speeches.

The amount of time for bill to be presented and to be ratified.

Not to be so racist.
Make things better.
Giving the States more rights. Leaving the democracy up to the individual States.
The popular vote should win the presidency.
Encourage more citizens to vote or practice their right to vote.
There has to be campaign finance reform.
All the freedoms that you mentioned should be upheld to the fullest.
Get rid of the two party system and get rid of the Electoral College and make the government smaller.
Remove money from the election process.
I would say make it in such a form that you dont need to be a millionaire to reach top offices.
Reduce the size of government.
Hold the elected house members to what they promise.

Abolishing the Electoral College.
Term limits for Congress.
Getting money out of politics. Making sure that election hype is the truth. When one candidate says one
thing make sure what they say is true. Make sure the truth comes outs.
Outlaw racism.
The amount of time we allow in the United States to decide residency and expedite the matters of the
individual applying for residency based on the individuals merits and not their country of birth or origin.
Dont spend too much of the Federal Reserve and dont start wars with other countries.
I would make it so that Voter ID is required in all states
More open to younger generations as well. Mandates for age requirements
I would get rid of the Electoral College and replace it with the popular vote.
The slander - I don't care who is running for President they need to be fair.
Some kind of better health care solution in general but mainly for veterans.
Honestly not a good time to ask me that question Im half asleep
Maintain the Electoral College.
Whatever the government is doing is the max and I dont have to add to that
If I could change discrimination I would but I can't.
It would be getting the federal government out of everyone elses business.
Better healthcare.
Get rid of the Electoral College. Go with the popular votes.
Get money out of politics.
Get rid of half of the politicians.
I would get the governments nose out of regular peoples business.
I would probably say the tax code.
I think the biggest challenge is lack of consensus of factual information.
Lower gas prices.
Allow people to have more pride in their jobs. Help them to get off welfare.
Freedom of information.
The president or the candidates should make themselves more known. A lot of things are influenced by
the media. I think the media is disgusting, the internet in itself has done good and bad in the United
States. People are on their phones all the time. There is no socialization.

I would like everybody to unite as one.
Listen to the people more.
More honest politicians and more consideration for military retirees.
Elect someone who knows what theyre doing.
The Electoral College to be 1 vote for 1 state each state can vote.
More equality.
More help to the poor and to the middle class.
Term limits for Senators and money out of politics.
Everybody gets treated the same.
To not leave out immigrant opinion.
Everybody equal with no discrimination against any race of people.
Get rid of the Electoral College and go with the popular vote.
Term limits, so we dont get stuck with someone who is not performing.
Keep foreigners where they belong.
Change the length of terms in office.
To focus on our own country.
Smaller government.
Let the convicts and criminals vote also because they are American citizens as well.
Try to make sure that the voters are informed & the state can show trust in the democracy & accuracy
in voting.
Raise the minimum wage.
Just treat everybody right!
Make it easier and more convenient for people to vote
Get the country out of debt
Have every one love each other no matter what their race is. There is only one God and he loves us all
the same.
Give more freedom to the state itself and less big government. Theres a lot of things the federal should
not get involved in.
Requirement to have voter identification. The right to vote is very important and we have to make sure
you are who you are.

Feeling like if I provided input it would be considered.
Better educate voters.
The way America looks at black people - especially police and how they treat us.
Less voter restrictions.
Freedom of speech, more equal opportunity.
Get rid of the people in Washington who been there too long.
If you dont pay taxes, you dont get to vote.
The debate format.
The President is elected by the popular vote.
Make it mandatory to vote.
Get rid of the Electoral College so each vote can count as one vote.
Get rid of two party system-get rid of the Electoral College.
Get the money out of politics. And we need truth and honesty.
End the two party system.
More people educated on what democracy is.
The government has covered everything or washed over everything and I believe its time to step back.
That we should just get along.
To have everybody get along.
Change Lobbyist rules in this country and instead of government for special interest, it would be
government for the people.
Find a way to have the money more equally distributed so the rich don't get richer and the poor dont
get poorer.
Do a better job of informing the voters who are voting.
Only qualified candidates could run for office.
I would give local government far more power to shape their own policies on different issues.
The way people treat other people.
Less benefits for people who dont do anything.
They need to stop letting the Republicans control people and black people should stick together.
Change the primary process. Not the best way to pick a candidate. This year definitely displayed that.
Repeal Citizens United. Take money out of politics.
Practice sharing the love of God.

To stop racism.
Do unto others what you want them to do unto you.
Remove tax cuts and the way veterans are treated.
Unity, for everybody to have unity.
A required service to our country medical or military and require women to register for the draft.
Less money for politics and more for the people.
How the government operates.
That we hope the President does what he said.
Lobbyists: I wouldnt allow them to lobby, I would make it a crime to lobby.
We are not a Democracy, we are a Republic.
To respect what citizens vote for.
More honesty in politicians.
The difficulty to overturn a constitutional amendment.
Shorten the election cycle.
More attention would be spent on civic education in schools.
Make elected positions unpaid.
Stop media control.
Accountability and honestly.
Less discrimination.
Not allow lobbyists to influence members of Congress.
To provide more work.
End partisanship.
The two party system. People should not have to select their candidate from 2 parties. There should
be more choices.
Reviewing the voting system and methods.
I would keep it the way it is and continue to work with the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
I would make it a direct democracy instead of a republic democracy.
I would change the fact that we only have a two party system.
Instead of focusing on the parties, focus on the candidate

Not sure about that
For people to be united as one. Give peace and love to one and another.
Love my neighbors and not judge anyone. Ill let everyone be themselves.
The inequality of pay between men and women doing the same job.


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