Assignment 1

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Week 3: Group Portfolio Task

Name: Angelina Rivers Age: 16 years
Grade: 6

School: Bonadventure P.S. Date: Nov. 5 2013

# of Credits Accumulated: N/A
Sources of Information:
(Assessment done by SERT and teachers.)

Findings from Information Sources and Assessments

Strengths and Areas of Need
Current achievement Learning Learning Skills & Work
levels, and readiness to style/preferences, Habits
learn interests, strengths
and needs
Good at grade 4 spelling Learning Style Self Regulation:
skills Visual and Kinesthetic Sometimes becomes
Good at grade 3.5 learner aggressive during
decoding skills interactions with peers
Lots of gap in her learning Strengths Organization: Less
because of too many Very Artistic attentive and gets
absences. Good expressive language distracted
skills in communication Collaboration: Actively
. and writing participates in group work
Fine motor skills provided that she is in
Great leadership skills and charge.
qualities Responsibility: Shows
Active participation in signs of taking
group tasks when she in responsibility-wants to
charge help kids perform better in
Interest sports.
Horseback riding as Initiative:
outside activity Work independently
Interest in art Conflict: Can get into
Interest in making conflict situations with
bracelets peers if not supervised.
Enjoys making comic
Interested in native culture
Needs to improve spelling
Needs to improve anger
management skills and
need to stay calm.
Needs to develop self-
Needs to improve
Needs to improve reading
skills as it affects math
Needs to improve

Considerations for Considerations for Resources and

Instructional Strategies assessments Supports
(accommodations in (accommodations for
class) tests, assignments)
1. Allowed to work with 1. Allowed to use speech 1. She has an EA 6 hours a
buddy of choice. to text and text to speech day daily.
2. Allowed to use speech 2. She has a SERT meeting
to text and text to speech. 2. Allowed time to take 3 times a week for 20
frequent breaks to get up minutes each time for
3.Non-verbal cueing and take short breaks in guided reading.
4. Option to sit next to the
teacher to help 3. Allowed to give verbal
moderate social responses.
4. Provide options to
choose alternative working

5.Allowed to use a
computer for working
Socio-Emotional Well-Being
Indicate if there has Considerations for Protective Factors:
been a history of supporting emotional personal strengths or
trauma, loss or special or behavioural needs. supports in place to
circumstances to reduce risk factors
1.Her younger brother in 1.Using a communication 1. Skill in track and field as
grade 3 has fetal-alcohol journal to share life events she good at keeping
spectrum disorder (FASD). herself active.
2. Allowed to use tools
2.Her old brother who was such as stress ball. 2. Skills in role playing as
2 years older than her she likes to act out.
passed away last year.
3. Her good relationship
3. Indicators of ADHD with her father helps

4. Social anxiety 4. Saving money to go to

college- ambition to
become an artist

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