) Interpretation, Dis Ssion, Con L Sion An Comments: D Cu C U D

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d) Interpretation, Dis cussion, Conclusion andC o m m e nt s

Based on the survey from three shops above, we can conclude

that the shop which is selling the products with higher price is
shop C. But we can say that all the products are expensive in
this shop because certain products from the shop is reasonable
than the other shops such as SOFTLAN fabric syampoo and
ball point pen.The survey also says that the shop A sells the
most reasonable products among the three shops. The
cheapest product in the survey is the PILOT eraser and
drawing block while the most expensive product is the

e) Identification and Calculation

An item that has a large price difference among the shops is
Eggs (Grade A)
RM 6.30+ RM 7.00+ RM 7.50 = RM 20.80
RM 20.80/3= RM 6.933333
(c) (i) Reliabe sources how todetermine suitablecapacity of air-
conditioner to be installe dba s ed on volume/size of a room
Properly Sized Room Air Conditioners
Many people buy an air conditioner that is too large, thinking it will provider better cooling.
However, an oversized air conditioner is actually less effective ² and wastes energy at the
same time. Air conditioners remove both heat and humidity from the air. If the unit is too
large, it will cool the room quickly, but only remove some of the humidity. This leaves the
room with a damp, clammy feeling. A properly sized unit will remove humidity effectively as

it cools.
To figure out which size unit is best for your cooling needs:
1.Determine the square footage of the area to be cooled using the following formulas:
For square and rectangular rooms, multiply the length of the area by its width
For a triangular area, multiply the length of the area by the width and divide
by 2
Most rooms can be further divided into these basic shapes to determine the square
If the shape of your room is other than square or rectangular, ask your sales associate
to help you determine the square footage.
2. Using the square footage and the chart below, determine the correct cooling capacity.
Cooling capacity is measured in British thermal units (BTUs) per hour.
AreaTo Be Cooled (square feet) Capacity Needed (BTUs per hour)
100 to 150
150 to 250
250 to 300
300 to 350
350 to 400
400 to 450
450 to 550
550 to 700
700 to 1,000
1,000 to 1,200
3. Make any adjustments for the following circumstances:

-If the room is heavily shaded, reduce capacity by 10 percent.

-If the room is very sunny, increase capacity by 10 percent.
-If more than two people regularly occupy the room, add 600 BTUs for each
additional person.
-If the unit is used in a kitchen, increase capacity by 4,000 BTUs.

Consider where you install the unit. If you are mounting an air conditioner
near the corner of a room, look for a unit that can send the airflow in the right

(iii)Number of buttercakes have to sell in or der to buy the ar-


1 Air-conditioner = RM 900

1 butter cake = RM 17

Income earned from 1 butter cakes = RM 1.90

Number of butter cakes that have to sell : 900/1.90

(i) The importance of twodifferent types of in dex number
(a) In stock market

Index numbers are basically economic data information that

reflect the price or quantity compared with standard or remnant
value. It is normally expressed as 100 times the ratio of the base
worth that equals 100.

Index numbers are very important for economic analysis. They

summarize movements surrounded by a group of related variables.
The consumer Price index is one of the most commonly used form of
index number. It measures the changes in the retail prices.

These index numbers also used to evaluate the condition of the

stock market by economic analysis. The up and down of the stock
market were identified using index numbers.
Therefore index numbers are very important n stock market.

(b) In Property Index (PIN)

A PIN (Property Index Number, also known as a permanent real estate index number) is
a numerical code for the legal description of a piece of land as it has been defined for the
purposes of real estate taxation. The formatted code points to the parcel's location on the
county's tax maps.

The best source for your PIN is your deed or tax bill, or other
documents you may have from the purchase of your home. If you are
not able to locate any of these documents, the Cook County
Assessor's website can help you locate a PIN from an address.

Therefore index number is very important in property index

While I was conducting the project,I have learnt and practice lot of moral values. These are
we should be patient when doing any work or project. Ths is to ensure our work is
completed by the time.

We also should always be calm and cool down when any source
that we are finding for is missing. This signs that we are going to get
a conclusion soon.

Furthermore we also should always happy.

So that whatever
work we are doing can be done easily. No tention
I would like to end this with a poem:

Success is not the triumph over regress,

Success is the power to suppress.
Success is not the money or the fame,
Success is, knowing you are still the same.
Success is not the power or the pride.
Success is the knowing how to hide.
Success is not a gift or gain,
Success is accepting and believing in your name.
Success is not a point or goal to seek,
Success is, believing you have never reached the peak.
Success is LOGEN DE LOG

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