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Root/admin Account: rootpassword

User Account: userpassword

Dear New Linux User:

The above-noted simple (and WEAK) passwords are a normal part of EVERY Linux System we produce for
ALL our valued customers. We can NOT build a Linux System without using SOME sort of password, both
for the box's Administration Account (called root in Linux Lingo) and the initial user account (called
user.) This standard policy insures that some (albeit minimal) degree of system security is provided the
End User from the very start. You are free to create as many unique user accounts as you may need.

There is always only ONE root account. (Think about it. You shall soon see or grasp why this is good.)

Please change these stock passwords to unique and STRONG ones (using both upper- and lower-case
characters as well as symbols (such as !@#$%^&*()_+- and =)as soon as you get this unit home, Dear
Customer! This is done by means of the KUser User Manager app, which is located on the System
portion of the Launcher menu (just like the START Menu on the Other Operating System), down on the
lower-left corner of the Desktop display.) You will be asked for the Root password. That password is
rootpassword (no quote marks, just the password itself) , as noted above. Just type it in.

KUser will then appear in its own window. Type your new passwords into the appropriate places therein.
Then press the Enter Key or click the OK Button to finish the job. Congratulations! THIS machine is now

Smart New User's Tip: First CREATE and then WRITE DOWN your NEW passwords ON
PAPER FIRST BEFORE entering them into KUser. You gooph that move, you pay the
price. The only remedy is to REINSTALL the Linux Operating System from SCRATCH,
using the bootable Live-Media System Disk provided with your computer.

Note: Replacement ready-to-boot system disks are available from our own facility for five dollars USD
cash per disk plus postage; we do accept US postage stamps for this purpose. Direct downloads of the
raw .iso and checksum files for making burned-it-myself replacements can be obtained from URL

You should download Mepis 11.9.92 for best results; the lower-numbered, earlier releases are still kept
safe on the server for use on older, slower and smaller machines than yours.

Changing your newly-acquired machine's passwords in this manner will help insure that YOUR precious and
unique work remains exclusively YOURS and that it does NOT fall into the hands of hostile strangers,
irresponsible little children or other unforeseen and importunate parties.

So: Enjoy your new-made Linux-Enabled Reconditioned Computer System in the very best of health,
strength and beauty under Heaven! Awesome Super Cow Powers are now YOURS. Learn them well and
use them wisely. Always do the Right Thing.

Fact: With Linux, NO computer must go to the scrap-heap before its time. And that is all. 0{:-)o[

With cordial respect,

The Science Fair Surplus tech team
Rev. Walking Turtle Charlene Mann (ULC), Senior Systems Engineer
Fitchburg, Massachusetts 01420 USA

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