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Name __________________________________________________ Date________________

Unit 1, Chapter 2: Developing a Visual Vocabulary

The Elements of Art

1. Line is ________________________ made on a surface by a _______________.

Line Orientation
Draw an example of a

horizontal vertical diagonal

Line Quality: Linear Flow and Hatching

Draw an example of a

Continuous Line Broken Line Hatching Cross-hatching

Line Drawing
Draw a Contour (only) drawing of an object. Draw and use hatching to shade your object.
2. A shape is a ______________________________________.
A representative shape references _____________________________ while an abstract
shape has no reference to ________________________.

Convert your object into a solid shape. Break your object down into geometric shapes

3. Texture is the __________________ of two-dimensional or three-dimensional objects.

Types of Texture
Give an example of a physical texture ________________________________________.

Draw a Visual Texture for the example above. Invented Texture: Create your own texture
4. Value refers to the ____________________________________ of a surface.
Value Scale
Fill in a 5 shade value scale. The box on the right should be darker than the left.

White Light grey Grey Dark Grey Black

5. Form refers to 3D objects, with __________________________________________.

Types of Forms
Draw an example of a

Cone Cube Sphere Cylinder

6. Space refers to the area ________________________________________.

Positive/Negative Space
Take a piece of color paper and cut out a shape.

Place the Positive space here. (figure) Place the Negative space here. (background)
7. Color refers to the ______________________________________.
White is _______________. Black is the absence of _____________.
Primary colors are ____________, ____________, and ____________.
Secondary colors are ____________, ____________, and ____________.

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