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Basic Personal Questions Coin Bluffing Game

Ask your partner a personal question such as one of the questions below. Before they
answer you, they will secretly flip a coin. If they get heads, they will answer your question
truthfully. If they get heads, they will lie. Perhaps after asking for more details, guess if
what they said was true or false. They will then show you the coin so that you can check.
You can choose the same question below more than once if you like, but you cant ask
exactly the same question twice so must finish the question differently each time.

Basic questions version

1. Are you from?
2. Are you?
3. Can you?
4. Can your?
5. Do you have?
6. Do you like?
7. Do you live in?
8. Do you?
9. How do you spell your?
10. How many do you have?
11. How old is?
12. What time do you?
13. What time does?
14. Whats your favourite?
15. Whats your s favourite?
16. Whatss name?
17. Where is your?
18. Where do you?
19. Where does your live?
20. Where does your?
21. Whats your like?

If you need to and/ or your teacher tells you to, use the example questions on the next
page to help.

Do the same, but choosing a number at random and asking that question above.

Written by Alex Case for 2016

Suggested questions version
1. Are you from Tokyo?
2. Are you from?
3. Are you cold?
4. Are you?
5. Can you swim?
6. Can you?
7. Can your grandfather speak English?
8. Can your?
9. Do you have a skateboard?
10. Do you have?
11. Do you like strawberries?
12. Do you like?
13. Do you live in Shinjuku?
14. Do you live in?
15. Do you?
16. How do you spell your family name?
17. How do you spell your?
18. How many pets do you have?
19. How many sisters do you have?
20. How many do you have?
21. How old are you?
22. How old is your mother?
23. How old is?
24. What time do you wake up?
25. What time do you?
26. What time does your father come home?
27. What time does?
28. Whats your favourite colour?
29. Whats your favourite?
30. Whats your mothers favourite flower?
31. Whats your s favourite?
32. Whats your name?
33. Whats your best friends name?
34. Whatss name?
35. Where is your father?
36. Where is your?
37. Where do you go to school?
38. Where do you live?
39. Where do you?
40. Where does your grandmother live?
41. Where does your live?
42. Where does your?
43. Whats your school classroom like?
44. Whats your bedroom like?
45. Whats your house like?
46. Whats your like?

Written by Alex Case for 2016

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