P 2 Review 6 A

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Portfolio Review 6 - Photo 2 (revised)

Printing assignments Points Comments

o 8x10 Solarized Print
o choice presentation
o test strip included 10
o 8x10 Double Exposed Print (can substitute as a
sandwiched negative image)
o choice presentation 10
Project Points Comments
A Diptych is TWO different images that are meant to be viewed together as a set.
Each image informs the other to give a fuller story and each set should illustrate at
least 2 special effects PER IMAGE only one technique can be shared within a
particular set.
SPECIAL EFFECT / Diptych 1 *
(Label each in the space provided)


Manipulations Used:

SPECIAL EFFECT / Diptych 2 *
(Label each in the space provided)


Manipulations Used:

Written Assignments Points Comments
Brainstorm / Kruger Poster Proposal
Kruger topic brainstorming, shoot/ Image planning/ Concept
proposal submitted via the Google classroom
Special Effect Diptych artist statement
Select one set to write an artist statement
Include a title and the Statement must discuss the following points:
(1) justification or imagery as an artistic expression of an single
(2) justification of link between images as a set presentation
and theme
(3) artistic considerations for effects used
(4) use of artistic / photo vocabulary
Process CRITIQUE: Special Effects Diptych
Participation in discussion of work, and reflection / post
Specifics are listed in the google classroom and should be posted
with imagery via the seesaw portfolio app for photo 2. 12
Special Effects Planning
(booklet/ brainstorm printing notes) 3
Vocabulary Review quiz - Packet 5

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