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Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority (MPRWA)

Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
TAC Meeting

10:30 AM, Monday, February 6, 2017

Council Chambers
580 Pacific Street, Monterey
Monterey, California





PUBLIC COMMENTS allows you, the public, to speak for a maximum of three minutes on any
subject which is within the jurisdiction of the MPRWA TAC and which is not on the agenda. Any
person or group desiring to bring an item to the attention of the Committee may do so by
addressing the Committee during Public Comments or by addressing a letter of explanation to:
MPRWA TAC, Attn: Monterey City Clerk, 580 Pacific St, Monterey, CA 93940. The appropriate
staff person will contact the sender concerning the details.

CONSENT AGENDA consists of those items which are routine and for which a staff
recommendation has been prepared. A member of the public or TAC Member may request that an
item be placed on the regular agenda for further discussion

1. Approval of Minutes of November 7, 2016 - Romero

2. Approval of Minutes of December 5, 2016 - Romero

***End of Consent Agenda***


3. Receive Report, Discuss, and Make Recommendations on the Re-circulated DEIR/EIS for
the MPWSP - Cullem

4. Receive Report and Discuss the Detailed MPWSP Schedule Including Upcoming Permit
Requirements and the Status of the Test Slant Well and Installation of the Transfer
Pipeline - Crooks

5. Discuss Future Role, Composition, and Alternate Meeting Times for the Technical
Advisory Committee (TAC) and Provide a Recommendation to the Water Authority Board -
Created date 02/02/2017 3:28 PM Monday, February 6, 2017

The Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority is committed to including the disabled in all
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to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting [28 CFR 35.102-
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Agenda related writings or documents provided to the MPRWA are available for public
inspection during the meeting or may be requested from the Monterey City Clerks Office at 580
Pacific St, Room 6, Monterey, CA 93940. This agenda is posted in compliance with California
Government Code Section 54954.2(a) or Section 54956.

Regular Meeting
10:30 AM, Monday, November 7, 2016

Members Present: Member Huss, Member Narigi, Member Reidl, Member Riley, Member
Stoldt, Member Van Der Maaten, Executive Director Cullem
Members Absent: Member Sciuto

Staff Present: Legal Counsel Freeman, Clerk Romero


Executive Director Cullem called the meeting to order at 10:30am.


Clerk Romero called the Roll.



Member Riley requested to agendize an item to talk about future items. He announced that
Public Water Now (PWN) has requested to remove itself as a settling party in the large
settlement agreement regarding the California American Water (Cal Am) Water Supply Project.
Member Riley explained that PWN wishes to withdraw due to Cal Ams data on test wells. He
also requested to agendize a discussion regarding the following issues:

o Cal Ams schedule for addressing water rights.

o Cal Ams test well data is stuck at 92% salinity
o The difference between Cal Ams test well data and production well projected volumes.
o Cal Am made a statement to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) that Cal
Ams the non-revenue water is down to 2%. He would like to discuss where this data
comes from.

Director Cullem responded that Member Rileys concerns are all valid issues, however some
may not be appropriate for the Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority (the Authority) to
discuss if they not supportive of what the Authoritys overall mission and scope. Legal Counsel
Freeman confirmed that water rights are not in the scope of the Authoritys mission. Member
Riley opined that Cal Ams water rights schedule and the test well data are relevant issues for
the Authority to discuss at a future meeting.
MPRWA TAC Minutes Monday, November 7, 2016


Tom Rowley, Monterey Peninsula Taxpayers Association (MPTA), said that Public
Water Now gave misleading and false information during public comment at a recent
Monterey City Council meeting which is confusing to the public and to certain
Councilmembers. He added that Mr. Stoldts presentation given to the Monterey City
Council at the following meeting was very helpful to clarify questions about the water
supply project and provide facts.

Bill Caruthers, gave praise to Dave Stoldt for accurately representing Ground Water
Replenishment during his presentation.


Approval of Minutes

1. Approve Minutes from September 19, 2016 - Romero

Action: Continued

Member Riedl arrived at 10:46am.

Members Van Der Maaten, Narigi, Stoldt, Riedl and Riley asked for amendments to the
September meeting minutes. Member Riley recommended continuing the minutes to the next
meeting after revisions are made and the committee agreed.

Member Narigi requested that the end cost of Ground Water Replenishment (GWR) to the
ratepayer be agendized at a future meeting. He also requested a future agenda item to review
the members of the TAC.

***End of Consent Agenda***


2. Receive Report, and Discuss Draft Revisions to the Water Authority Policy Position Statement -
Action: Received report; discussed; made recommended changes to Policy Position

Executive Director Cullem reported that per the Authoritys request the TAC subcommittee
reviewed and revised the Authoritys Policy Position Statement (the Policy). He referenced a
change the subcommittee made to the policy verbiage regarding the 8 criteria of Cal Ams
project, since it has already been approved and moving forward. Executive Director Cullem
requested that the policy statement be simplified and asked if the TAC had any other
recommendations for revisions.

MPRWA TAC Minutes Monday, November 7, 2016

Member Riley said that he would like the subcommittees draft policy to get comments and
input from each TAC member. He said that the committee didn't have a lot of back and forth in
the policy changes. Member Riley suggested reviewing the length of the Authoritys
involvement in the water supply project, as well as considering having the Water Management
District define the process instead of Cal Am. He reasoned that the Water Management District
is an elected body with a wider jurisdiction for sustainability, long term use, conservation
whereas Cal Am is only responsible for water production and delivery.

Member Stoldt said that its a requirement the California Department of Water Resources that
each jurisdiction must allocate water through a planning process. Executive Director Cullem
said that the Authority has recognized that the process for allocation has to start before the first
drop of water is available and plans to remain involved until the portfolio project begins
production of water.

Member Riley expressed concern about the Authoritys creeping mission statement which has
changed over time due to the CDO (Cease and Desist Order) deadlines. Member Narigi stated
that the current Water Management Districts (WMD) mission is to handle the future water
needs of the Peninsula, and suggested changing the policy to say that after 2021 the Authority
will sunset and allow the WMD handle future water needs. Member Riedl recommended
changing the wording in the policy to say that the Authority recognizes the WMD will initiate a
process to address future water needs, or leave out the part that mentions the Authority being
involved in future water needs. The Committee consented to this change.

Member Stoldt said that the policy says that Cal Ams project earned Water Authority support
since they satisfied the criteria, but later says that not all criteria have been satisfied. He
recommended changing this because Cal Am hasn't met all 8 of the criteria and would be unfair
to hold another project to meet all the criteria. He suggested changing the verbiage to say
projects must make substantial progress to satisfy the intent of the criteria because different
criteria are needed for different projects. Member Narigi asked if Cal Am could provide
information at the next TAC meeting about PG&E (utility company) costs for the slant wells.

Member Van Der Maaten said that the policy goals mention a portfolio of projects but later on
mentions specific projects. He suggested that the policy either be specific to the project or leave
it open for different projects to come in. Executive Director Cullem said the Policy could be
changed to leave it open to different projects and the intent of portfolio is to keep it diversified.
Member Riedl suggested that there be a contingency plan if the system goes down.


Tom Rowley, MPTA, said that over the years the Authority Directors have discussed

MPRWA TAC Minutes Monday, November 7, 2016

was the focus vs. the long term objective. He said the Authority was formed to give input
on several water projects and help get a water project started on the Peninsula. He said
that the true cost of GWR is still needed.

Member Stoldt addressed public comment by clarifying that the Authority was created to give a
voice on the regional desal plant at the time. He added that the Cities were concerned that they
did not have adequate representation so the Authority was formed as a Joint Powers Authority
(JPA) and served as an advisory body to get a seat at the table. He said that the Authority's role
was to look at what comes next after the regional desal plant project failed. He continued that
the cost of GWR has been publicly vetted and been through the Public Utilities Commission
(PUC) process and added that small projects can be more cost effective than big projects.

Executive Director Cullem stated that the recommended changes made by the TAC to the
Policy Position Statement will be presented at the next Authority meeting.

3. Receive Report, Discuss, and Make Recommendations on a Technical Review of the Pending
Re-circulated EIR/EIS for the MPWSP - Cullem
Action: Recommend that the Authority authorize Geosyntec to review the EIR

Executive Director Cullem reported that a request for Geosyntec to do an independent review
of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will cost $10,000. Member Riley voiced concern
about spending more money on consultants and there not being long enough time for
Geosyntec to thoroughly review it. Executive Director Cullem acknowledged that there is a time
crunch for the consultants to review the EIR.

Member Narigi said that the two main concerns about the EIR are to make sure it is as
bulletproof as possible and take care of any legal challenges. He suggested that the TAC vote
today on whether to recommend that Geosyntec reviewing the EIR.


Bill Caruthers, said the Authority should feel free to give California back to the Indians.

Tom Rowley, MPTA, said that at the joint meeting of the TAC and the Authority in
August, there was an objective review of the other water projects. He urged the board to
look at the other competing projects besides Cal Am. He suggested having the Authority
get an update from each project at every meeting and if they are not making progress to
consider that.

Executive Director Cullem summarized the TACs recommendation is that the Authority to be
prepared to authorize $10,000 for Geosyntec to review the EIR when it comes out in December

MPRWA TAC Minutes Monday, November 7, 2016


4. Receive Report and Discuss Pure Water Monterey Project Production Levels - Sciuto

Member Stoldt, General Manager of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District, gave
a presentation on source waters and water recycling. He showed a graph of various source
waters: unused wastewater, Lake El Estero, Blanco Drain, rec ditch, SVRP modifications, and
Salinas Facilities water. He showed a graph of source waters over the year and said that
certain months there will be a reserve. He then gave a presentation on Pure Water Monterey
(PWM) Project Production Levels. He gave an overview of PWM drought reserves, operating
reserve minimum, performance start date, and allotments under the water purchase agreement.

Riley asked about the minimum allotment, and if the default amount means that water would be
pulled from reserves if the PWM doesnt produce enough water. Member Stoldt responded that
the PWM plant will be able to meet the minimum allotment using drought or operating reserves
when necessary, and in times of excess there will be greater levels of reserves. Member Van
Der Maaten asked about the "take or pay" amount of water that Cal Am has to pay for. Member
Stoldt said that Cal Am only pays for the water they deliver. He also said that there is an
insurance policy for PWM to protect the plant from most but not all risks.

Member Narigi asked if there are any concerns about having enough source water available.
Member Stoldt said that there are some risks with agricultural wash water if new technology
comes out that decreases the amount of water used for farm operations. Member Narigi asked
if there is a contract with farmers for them to provide a certain amount of agricultural wash
water, and Member Stoldt said that there is not a specific amount promised. Member Huss said
that there should be enough source water available from the Blanco Drain.

Member Riedl asked if there is insurance to cover the default 2800 acre feet. Member Stoldt
said no, but the operating reserve is a form of insurance to cover a short term water outage.
Member Riedl asked if the graphs of the various source water amounts are the best case
scenario amounts, and Member Stoldt said that the amounts are averages.



No action was taken on this item. A report was received and discussed. Member Huss left the
meeting at 12:24 pm.

5. Receive Report and Discuss the Detailed MPWSP Schedule Including Upcoming Permit
Requirements and the Status of the Test Slant Well - Crooks
Action: Received report

MPRWA TAC Minutes Monday, November 7, 2016

Ian Crooks, Cal Am, gave a presentation of the summary schedule for the Monterey Peninsula
Water Supply Project (MPWSP) and reported that the test slant well continues to pump at 92%
salinity. He reported that the dates for the EIR and California Public Necessity Certificate
(CPCN) dates are provided by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). He added
that after the EIR and CPCN are certified the permit process with Coastal Development through
the City of Marina and the California Coastal Commission will begin.

Chair Cullem asked about the status of the test slant wells. Mr. Crooks responded that the test
wells continue to pump around 92% salinity for about a year. He said the Coastal Commission
permit for the test well expires in February but could be extended. Member Riley expressed
appreciation for the update.




Executive Director Cullem adjourned meeting at 12:31 pm.

Respectfully Submitted, Approved,

Nova Romero, Authority Clerk, Committee Clerk President MPRWA

Regular Meeting
10:30 AM, Monday, December 5, 2016

Members Present: Alternate Member Ellis, Member Peake, Member Stoldt, Member
Riedl, Member Riley, Member Van Der Maaten, Chair Cullem,
Members Absent: Member Huss, Member Narigi, Member Reidl, Member Sciuto
Staff Present: Legal Counsel Freeman, Clerk Romero


Chair Cullem called to order at 10:33am.


Clerk Romero called the roll.



Chair Cullem reported that the Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority (MPRWA)
meeting on December 8th will be discussing the work plan for the coming year and the future
composition and role of the TAC.




Member Riley requested that item #2 be removed from consent and a brief explanation given.

On a motion by Committee Member Riley, seconded by Committee Member Peake, and carried
by the following vote, the MPRWA Technical Advisory Committee approved the Minutes of
September 19, 206:

AYES: 6 MEMBERS: Riedl, Riley, Peake, Stoldt, Van Der Maaten,

ABSENT: 3 MEMBERS: Huss, Narigi, Sciuto
MPRWA TAC Minutes Monday, December 5, 2016



1. Approve Minutes from September 19, 2016 - Romero

Action: Approved

2. Receive Update on a Technical Review of the Pending Re-circulated DEIR/DEIS for the
MPWSP - Cullem
Action: Received Update

Member Riley asked about the cost of the review of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR).
Chair Cullem said that the idea is to limit the amount spent on the independent review of the
EIR contract with Geosyntec to not exceed $10,000.

On a motion by Committee Member Riley, seconded by Committee Member Stoldt, and carried
by the following vote, the MPRWA Technical Advisory Committee Received Update on a
Technical Review of the Pending Re-circulated DEIR/DEIS for the MPWSP:

AYES: 7 MEMBERS: Ellis, Riedl, Riley, Peake, Stoldt, Van Der Maaten,
ABSENT: 3 MEMBERS: Huss, Narigi, Sciuto



***End of Consent Agenda***


3. Receive Report, and Approve Final Draft to the Water Authority Policy Position Statement -
Action: Approved Policy Position Statement with recommended changes

Chair Cullem introduced the Water Authority Policy Position Statement as revised by the
subcommittee. Chair Cullem reported that Member Sciuto suggested shortening the second
paragraph regarding future water supply.

Member Peake said he was perplexed by the entire second paragraph in which the EIR/EIS
addresses plans for a general plan build out, but doesnt mention which EIR it is referencing.
Chair Cullem suggested that perhaps the second paragraph should be removed since it
references future plans beyond the Authoritys mission. Member Riley agrees with removing the
second paragraph due to mission creep.

MPRWA TAC Minutes Monday, December 5, 2016

Member Peake also mentioned that the final version of item #6 mentions the Cease and Desist
Order (CDO) but later on says the CDO has been amended. Member Stoldt recommended
removing the parenthetical next to the CDO item #6. Member Peake and Member Stoldt
suggested mentioning diversification, lowered risk, and allowing each project to move on its
own track below Policy on the New Water Source under the benefits of the portfolio.

Member Riley suggested that since there has been a modification to the CDO perhaps the word
should be changed to "pursue" instead of "develop" strategy.



On a motion by Committee Member Stoldt, seconded by Committee Member Peake, and

carried by the following vote, the MPRWA Technical Advisory Committee Approved the Final
Draft of the Water Authority Policy Position Statement with additional changes:

AYES: 7 MEMBERS: Ellis, Riedl, Riley, Peake, Stoldt, Van Der Maaten,
ABSENT: 3 MEMBERS: Huss, Narigi, Sciuto

4. Receive Report on Updated MPWSP Frequently Asked Questions and Provide

Recommendations for Authority Board Consideration Stedman
Action: Received Report; Recommends that FAQs be posted with a disclaimer

Chair Cullem introduced the item by stating that President Kampe requested that California
American Water (Cal Am) respond to frequently asked questions (FAQs) from the public
regarding the Water Supply Project. Catherine Stedman, Cal Am, gave a brief presentation on
the questions and responses from Cal Am provided at the Authoritys request.

Several TAC members voiced concerns about the Authority posting FAQs with Cal Ams
responses on the website. Member Riley voiced concern about the answer to question #8
which he believes is false.

Member Stoldt added that the answers to questions #9 and #10 are evasive but appropriate
since the costs are unknown. He suggested that #11 be answered by Monterey Regional Water
Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA) instead of Cal Am. Member Peake commented that many
of the questions and answers are technically focused and questioned who the target audience
is, and if a layperson would understand them.

Ms. Stedman responded to the Boards inquiries by saying that Cal Am responded to the
questions as requested and written by Chair Cullem and President Kampe. She added that if
new questions were developed that were geared more toward the lay person, Cal Am would be
happy to answer them.

MPRWA TAC Minutes Monday, December 5, 2016

Don Freeman said it must be made very clear with a disclaimer that the answers are from Cal
Am and not necessarily the views of the TAC and MPRWA. He added that most people don't
read disclaimers.

Member Stoldt said that perhaps different sponsors of the Water Supply Project could answer
the related questions and put the answers on the Cal Am website so it's clear to the readers
who is answering the questions.

Member Van Der Maaten questioned how to decide who answers these questions and said the
public may want to see responses from different sources instead of just one party.

Chair Cullem summarized that the TACs recommendation is that the Authority decide whether
to put the FAQs from Cal Am on the website, and if so:

Have a disclaimer clearly state who is responding to the questions (ie: Cal Am), and
give other agencies the opportunity to give their responses; or

Do not post FAQs on MPRWAs website from outside entities, but instead on the
website of the entity responding the question.



5. Receive Report and Discuss the Detailed MPWSP Schedule Including Upcoming Permit
Requirements and the Status of the Test Slant Well in Light of the Recent CPUC Schedule
Delay on the CPCN - Crooks
Action: Received Report; discussed

Chair Cullem introduced the item and said that the CPUC has announced a potential delay in
decision on the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) until June 30, 2017.
Member Stoldt clarified that the CPUC provided a scoping memo with the projected timelines
and the statutes require that proceedings must take place within 18 months of the scoping
memo. He added that the 18 month period has passed so procedurally they had to ask for
another extension.

Ian Crooks from Cal Am gave an update on the status of the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply
Project (MPWSP) schedule:

o The test slant wells continue to pump at high efficiency with 93% salinity and are
permitted to continue until February, 2018. Cal Am will be working with the Coastal
Commission to extend the permit.
o Production well construction is set to begin in May, 2018.
o The desal plant design is at 60% and will be at 90% in 2017 by the time the EIR is
ready. Slant well and pipeline designs are complete.

Member Stoldt said the City of Marina might offer the coastal permit and not appeal it. Chair

MPRWA TAC Minutes Monday, December 5, 2016

Cullem said that even if Marina doesn't another entity could appeal it.

Member Riley asked for clarification on how much continuous pumping is required of the test
well, and Member Stoldt responded that its not a requirement but a 2 year test period was
recommended. Mr. Crooks said that the test well data is continuous and the stopping data is




Chair Cullem requested that the TAC members consider new dates and times for next years
meetings and Clerk Romero will give options for the members to respond to.

Chair Cullem adjourned the meeting at 11:40am.

Respectfully Submitted, Approved,

Nova Romero, Committee Clerk President MPRWA

Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority Date: February 06, 2017
Agenda Report Item No: 3.

FROM: Executive Director Cullem

SUBJECT: Receive Report, Discuss, and Make Recommendations on the

Re-circulated DEIR/EIS for the MPWSP


Staff recommends that the TAC receive an update from Geosyntec (SPI) on the Intake
Structures /Modeling and on the Brine Disposal elements of the re-circulated DEIR/DEIS,
discuss other elements of the DEIR/EIS as appropriate, and make recommendations to
the Water Authority.


At its meeting of Dec 10, 2016, 2016, the Water Authority Board approved a
recommendation of the TAC to conduct additional technical reviews of the re-circulated
DEIR/DEIS. Subsequently, a change order was negotiated with to SPI and its sub-
consultant Geosyntec, under its existing contract, to:

Provide a summary of changes in the re-circulated DEIR/EIS (including

appendices) relevant to intakes and brine discharge
Provide an estimate of additional level of effort (if any) required to fully
investigate and document (e.g., updating tech memo) substantive changes.

At the TAC meeting, Al Preston and Gordon Thrupp from Geosyntec will be available by
conference call to provide an update. Our Special Counsel will also conference call in.
After the Water Authority Board, the TAC, our Authority Counsel, Special Counsel, and
members of the public get a chance to review the documents, those comments will be
included with the Geosyntec analyses to determine if any additional consultant work is
required and to prepare the MWRWA response to the DEIR/EIS.

A decision to contract for full or amended technical memos (TM) will be made at the
Water Authority meeting of Feb 9, 2017 to allow Geosyntec enough time to complete
them before the close of the public comment period for the DEIR/EIS. The TAC
recommendation will be critical in that decision process.

SPECIAL NOTE- TAC members need to review the DEIR/EIS prior to this meeting, and
the document is huge. However, it is available in down-loadable elements at:
Special attention should be directed to the sections and appendices pertaining to the
intake structures/modeling and brine disposal.


The Authority FY 16-17 budget includes $10,000 for contract studies. Any significant
additional technical reviews of the re-circulated EIR/EIS will probably require a transfer
of funds from Reserve Funds.
Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority Date: February 06, 2017
Agenda Report Item No: 4.

FROM: Executive Director Cullem

SUBJECT: Receive Report and Discuss the Detailed MPWSP Schedule Including
Upcoming Permit Requirements and the Status of the Test Slant Well and
Installation of the Transfer Pipeline


It is recommended that the Water Authority TAC receive a report from Cal Am on the
latest "Detailed" MPWSP schedule including upcoming permit requirements and receive
a report on the test well operation and Installation of the Transfer Pipeline.


Cal Am will present the most recent "Detailed" MPWSP schedule and the status of test
slant well operations. In addition, Cal Am will provide an update on the installation of the
Transfer Pipeline.



Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority Date: February 06, 2017
Agenda Report Item No: 5.

FROM: Executive Director Cullem

SUBJECT: Discuss Future Role, Composition, and Alternate Meeting Times for the
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and Provide a Recommendation to
the Water Authority Board


It is recommended that the Water Authority TAC discuss the future role of the TAC, its
composition, and alternate meeting times; and make a recommendation to the Water
Authority board.


The Water Authority Board has directed that the TAC provide a recommendation on the
role of the TAC for the next year and on its future composition.

In addition, the TAC is requested to consider alternate meeting times and dates.

Currently, the TAC meets at 10:30 a.m. on the first Monday of every month. The third
Monday of the month is scheduled as an optional date. This schedule has created a
problem for some TAC members, so the TAC should discuss and consider alternative
meeting times. At present, the City of Monterey Council Chambers are available on the
2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 10 a.m.-noon and noon-2 p.m.




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