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Name: Kierstan Mullinax

Software Title: Brain POP
Function(s) of Instructional Software (check all that apply):
Drill and Practice Tutorial Simulation Instructional Game e-books/e-references
Features of the Software (check all that apply):
Assessment Monitoring/Reporting (Keeps track of student data and/or generates reports for
the teacher) Allows teacher to create customized lessons for students Multi-user or
collaborative functions with others in class Multi-user or collaborative functions with others
beyond local class Accessible to students beyond the school day Accessible via mobile
devices Multiple languages Safety, security, and/or privacy features
Strengths of the Software: The software if very easy to use and students will be able to access the
materials outside of class. Teachers who have accounts are able to assign different activities within
Brain POP and receive feedback on the students involvement on the assigned items. The site is
also very entertaining in the Drill and Practice games, and the video lessons it offers for students
and teachers.
Suggestions for Improvement:
In order to get full access to the features the teacher must buy an account. It does not delve very
deep into the materials. The activities are more for reinforcing the information, instead of critical
Standards Addressed: See
S7L3. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain how organisms reproduce either
sexually or asexually and transfer genetic information to determine the traits of their offspring.
a. Construct an explanation supported with scientific evidence of the role of genes and
chromosomes in the process of inheriting a specific trait.
Grade Level/Content Area(s): 7th Grade, Life Science
Blooms Level of Critical Thinking Required (check all that apply). See
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Description of how to implement in the class: I would use Brain POPs section on heredity as the
anticipatory set for the unit on the transfer of genetic information. I would begin the class by
showing the students Brain POPs video on heredity (2:49) and then having a short discussion on
the information. I would then go into the quiz feature and assign the class the quiz on heredity and
allow them 10 minutes to complete it. I could then see their grades and reinforce any concepts that
the students may have struggled on. I will then have the students complete the additional learning
tasks on Punnett Squares and how traits are passed from parent to offspring. As my closing for the
days lesson I will have the students go back into Brain POP and they will complete the Punnett
Square activity as their ticket-out-the-door.

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