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/ Vol 27 / April 8 2016

Image Source: PRIA


What Grads Getting Crafty Creating
1 Really Want In 3 With Your 5 An Online
An Employer Resume Persona

What Grads 4 Interviewing Social Media: The

2 6
Need To Know Done Right New PR Platform

HAVE YOUR SAY (07) 555 555
What Graduates Really Want in an
Job seekers are becoming much
more selective in their hunt for
prospective employers than ever
before. In a recent discussion
with Hannah Walker, a soon-to-
be graduate from Bond Univer-
sity, finding a suitable employer
is all about size and atmosphere.
In terms of size, Walker
is aiming for a boutique local
agency to begin her career in a
social media marketing or public
relations role. She enjoyes the re-
laxed and hands on atmosphere,
believing she had the opportuni- Image Source: Julie Fischer
ty for more one-on-one training
It will be interesting to cess in the digital world. Writing
and support. skills are fundamental in landing
see where these trends take the
Quality over quantity is yourself the job of your dreams,
industry in the future; as they are
also becoming a common goal so understanding the complexi-
welcomed by graduates and are
amongst graduates. Emma Barff, ties associated with language and
creating a new form of differenti-
studying Bachelors of Business punctuation are a must.
ation between competitor firms.
at Griffith University, is seeking
a new age workplace. Think Demand: Design
Buzzfeed and workplaces that Emerging Trends: Skill: Multimedia
promote a more relaxed and What Graduates Need Knowing a range of multimedia
comfortable culture, but still skills can really set you apart from
press the envelop in terms of to Know other applicants when searching
their content. for the all important first job. Pho-
Public Relations is a constantly toshop and the ability to edit and
I find those places inter-
evolving industry new technologi- piece together video content are
esting. They offer a new working
cal advancement, employers begin highly sought after skills in cre-
culture that isnt all about mak-
the search for skills to meet their ative industries. Coding is another
ing as much money as possible. new demands. Here are three new
Theres a new business from skill employers are having a hard
areas of demand in the industry time passing up, as it adds another
home group emerging that I and corresponding skills : dimension to your usefulness as
really want to be a part of, Barff
an employee.
said. Demand: Story Selling
This business from Skill: Curation and Writing Demand: Social Media
home trend is a real aspect of The ability to sell your story is Skill: Writing for Digital
marketing and public relations. about more than just writing This seems obvious to most, but
The Gold Coast, where both these days. Its using every possi- capturing your publics interest in
Barff and Walker are located, ble tool in your toolbox to better 140 characters is becoming more
offers two examples; HarHar captivate the audience. Curation of an art form than anything else.
Group and Ps in a Pod. Both is just a fancy word for know your Further, with the ability to become
small firms offer varying services audiences and what theyre liking a viral sensation, organisations are
and both are highly successful in and not liking. By curating this becoming more and more focused
their areas, taking on competi- information, you can better de- on utilising social media as a main
tors with 10x the employees and velop your stories or content to form of direct communication
winning over local clients. suit their interests, ensuring suc- with customers.

Page 2
Creating an Online Persona
Social media is changing the ask for all in one place while their public image. Another as-
Public Relations game. Organi- demonstrating their ability to pect of this constant communi-
sations have shifted their focus design and publish a website. cation is the opportunity to go
away from print to online media. viral. Companies are now using
This shift may soon be reflected witty replies as a way to gain the
in the job hunt. With so many Social Media: The New spotlight and create a stronger
potential employees obtaining a PR Platform fan base.
job is harder than ever, but estab-
lishing an online presence can Public relations professionals 24/7 Engagement
really help a job seeker show- are finally harnessing the full PR pros can now engage
case their talents and abilities in capability of having an immedi- their publics any time of day or
a more modern fashion. Some ate channel of communication night. The ability to post a new
excellent ways to establish an with their consumers and fans. campaign or kick start a new ini-
online persona is through Linke- Its given rise to a number of tiative at any time of the day or
dIn, Blogging and an E-Portfolio. obstacles and opportunities for week, with little to no hassle, has
LinkedIn is the premier PR professionals to overcome an abundance of opportunities
online business-oriented social and take on, and for graduates for companies with a social me-
media platform. A strong Linke- to consider when entering the dia presence. They can quickly
dIn profile will contain a high workforce. Here are three major acknowledge current affairs or
quality photo, powerful call to ways social media has changed developments in their industry
action and detailed summary public relations: or business.
of past experiences. Many busi-
nesses recruit through LinkedIn Constant Two-Way Communica- Citizen Journalism
so by maintaining an up-to-date tion Social media has allowed
profile job seekers really help Social media platforms everyone to become a journalist
their chances of being hired. have give consumers easy access and critic, with thier opinions
Blogging allows writ- to any brand, company or person out there for all to see. Compa-
ers and public relations prac- they wish to complain to or com- nies and public figures are now
titioners to demonstrate their pliment. It is now pivotal that forced to contend with their en-
skills. By simply posting an arti- any public figure or organisation tire consumer base being able to
cle a week, bloggers build their maintain a positive social media post public criticisms or negative
online presence. presence, which usually involves experiences. Much like two-way
E-portfolios are becom- the employment of a team or in- communication, they are now
ing a common way for job seek- dividual to field comments and forced to remain vigilant of any
ers to present themselves, as em- posts that may negatively impact negative output by consumers at
ployers are seek more and more
creativity out of their applicants.
An E-portfolio typically consists
of at least an about me section
(essentially a cover letter), a re-
sume, and sample work. They
can be made on many websites
such as WordPress, Wixx and
Weebly, which are all centred
around user frienliness. By cre-
ating an E-portfolio, a job seek-
er is able to display to potential Image Source: The Talkative Man
employers everything they could

Page 3
Getting Crafty with Your Resume
In the current job market differ- more common form of resume. ee read over recent company
entiating yourself from other po- Dont be afraid to be bold news and case studies to prove
tential candidates can be hard. and creative. If you try some- that you went above and beyond
This has led many individuals thing different and stand out you with your research.
to seek creative ways to separate will be remembered.
themselves from the crowd. So Treat every interview as if it was
what can you do to become the Interviewing Done your first
tallest poppy in the field? Lets say you get called
Right back for a second or even third
Create a resume that stands out. interview. While yes you have
Make your resume pop! As new technology has been established yourself as a viable
Everyone can submit something introduced, the ways in which candidate, do not get compla-
basic that explains education, ex- interviews can be conducted cent or too comfortable. Each in-
perience and skill set, but rather has grown. Each type of inter- terview is a new opportunity to
than just explaining, show what view brings with it its own set of showcase your talents but more
you can do. If you are experi- challenges, therefore, you must importantly a new opportunity
enced with Photoshop why not prepare differently for every in- to hurt your chances.
prove it by giving the employer terview. Whether the interview
a highly creative and artistic CV is a video, phone, face-to-face or Stay calm and collected even when
and Resume? something completely different, you think youre not doing so well
there are some general guide- Some interviews are
Use social media to your advan- lines to follow for optimal per- meant to really put pressure on
tage formance. the interviewee. The way you re-
Every company has a act to these stressful situations
Facebook page and Twitter ac- Do your research shows the interviewer your char-
count thats users, and more No matter the interview acter. By remaining calm and an-
importantly job seekers, can in- you must show you understand swering the questions to the best
teract with. Contact an organiza- the company. Reading over an of your ability you prove that you
tion you are interested in directly organisations website and social are able to overcome the many
by messaging its Facebook page media materials is a good start, hurdles lingering in any poten-
or mentioning its twitter handle but to really wow the interview- tial job.
in a post. Twitter is especially ef-
fective because you have to say a
lot with minimal characters.

Video Resumes
YouTube is another so-
cial media tool you can utilize.
Through a simple video you
can demonstrate to the employ-
er your creativity and skillset.
In fact, Pamela Kroll, teacher at
the University of Maryland, re-
quires all her students to make a
30 second video pitching them-
selves to employers because its
great practice for interviewing Image Source: Refresh Your Step
and videos are becoming a much

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