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Name: Thomas Whited

Software Title: Brain Pop
Function(s) of Instructional Software (check all that apply):
X Drill and Practice Tutorial X Simulation X Instructional Game X e-books/e-references
Features of the Software (check all that apply):
Assessment Monitoring/Reporting (Keeps track of student data and/or generates reports for
the teacher) X Allows teacher to create customized lessons for students X Multi-user or
collaborative functions with others in class Multi-user or collaborative functions with others
beyond local class Accessible to students beyond the school day Accessible via mobile
devices Multiple languages X Safety, security, and/or privacy features
Strengths of the Software: Fun, interesting video that does a good job visualizing the water cycle;
webpage allows interactive games on the water cycle within the classroom, a quiz that can be
customized, fun facts about water, and a simulation link, lesson ideas based off standards
Suggestions for Improvement: Webpage requires a subscription, would be nice to be able to
allow students to access at home.

Standards Addressed: See

S6E3. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to recognize the significant role of water in
Earth processes. a. Ask questions to determine where water is located on Earths surface (oceans,
rivers, lakes, swamps, groundwater, aquifers, and ice) and communicate the relative proportion of
water at each location
Grade Level/Content Area(s): 6th grade
Blooms Level of Critical Thinking Required (check all that apply). See
X Remembering X Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Description of how to implement in the class:
Brain Pop will be used to introduce the topic to students, and provide a differentiated method of
instruction. In a computer lab, students working self-paced will watch the video on the water cycle,
take the quiz, and play with the simulation, and game. The instructor will walk around the room
facilitating learning by asking open-ended questions, pre-assessing their knowledge, and

After this has been completed, in the classroom the teacher will lead a whole group discussion and
demonstration on examining the amount of water in % at each water source. The materials needed
will be: Map of world or globe 5-gallon water container* Measuring cups Eye dropper 5
gallons of water* Small, clear container Water distribution worksheet (found at end of lesson)

The procedure for the lesson will be: 1. Show students the globe or map of the world and ask them
what the blue represents (water). Ask them what percentage is covered by water (75%). Ask the
students if all the water is available for humans to use. 2. Show the students the 5 gallons of water

in the container. Explain that the 5 gallons represents all the water on the earth. 3. Ask the
students to think about the different places we find water. In what area, do we find most the water
on earth (oceans). Tell them that because most the water is in the ocean, we will leave that water
in the bucket. We will be taking out all the water that is from a source other than the ocean. 4. Ask
students to name sources of water. As they give you answers, remove the correct amount of water
for the area (refer to chart in the background section), and place it into the clear container. 5. After
you have removed all the different water sources (other than oceans), ask the students if all the
water you have removed is useable by humans. 6. Discuss the sources, and put the water back into
the bucket with the ocean water if it is not usable by humans (icecaps/glaciers, some of the
groundwater, inland seas/salt lakes and the atmosphere). Show the students the small amount of
water that is left for humans to use.

After the activity, have the students break off into small groups to discuss the ways in which water
is used in their home, and what can be done to conserve water. After 5 minutes of discussion, allow
the students opportunity to share their ideas with the class. The instructor can use this
opportunity to address issues, misconceptions, and relate it back to the standard. At the beginning
of the next class, assess the students about this lesson by asking several recap questions to gauge
the understanding of the students. Brain pop can be used later to allow students to recover
information missed initially.
* Examples of common instructional models include whole group, teacher-led, student self-paced, small
group, or individual learning activities. Use as many of these descriptors or other descriptors as apply.

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