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Natural language Processing based Code Editor

What is a code editor?

A Code editor provides an integrated development environment for software and web development
based on different technologies such as Java, C++, SQL etc.

What about the Code editor based on Natural language processing that I am talking about?

This is totally a unique idea that has not been developed till now but with great progress in artificial
intelligence and natural language processing, it wont take a lot of time for someone to come up with
such an idea and bring it to reality.

So first of all, what is A.I. based Natural Language Processing?

Natural Language Processing (NLP) refers to AI method of communicating with intelligent systems using
a natural language such as English.

Processing of Natural Language is required when you want an intelligent system like robot to perform
as per your instructions, when you want to hear decision from a dialogue based clinical expert system,

The field of NLP involves making computers to perform useful tasks with the natural languages humans
use. The input and output of an NLP system can be

Written Text

In simple words you give instruction in your natural language to a machine and it will
do the job as per your instructions.

Now the main question, what am I trying to develop with Natural Language
Processing within a code editor?

IDE such as Eclipse, Netbeans provides support to almost every technology developers all over the world
use. As a matter of fact every month some new technology is released and not every person who loves
coding or who is in intermediate to beginner level can learn all those technologies in their lifetime.
Approximately 40% people who wants to learn a technology to the core cant decide for themselves,
which technology will be best for them to work on. Most of the technologies may have same concepts in
background, but in front face, all of them are syntactically different.

Here comes in picture the next generation code editor that I want to develop. This IDE will employ the
techniques of Natural Language Processing and will let the user use his natural language such as English
which he uses in daily life to create code snippets regardless of which technology he is wants to work

This Idea I got from the real world and the person to whom it occurred happens to be me. I like coding,
but am not great in it. Whenever I tried to learn a technology to bring my dreams to reality, I either
became frustrated and lost focus because the resource to learn are so much widespread over internet,
that I didnt know which way to follow to master the technology or I came across a better technology or
a newer version of the same technology which is kind of syntactically different from the previous

Damn, those are just too many for person to fall asleep. Can someone explain this
in a more interactive way?

YES, why not !!!!

Suppose you are a naive in programming but aware the basics. You enable voice recognition in the code
editor. Now you want to declare a java class test in java perspective. Heres how the whole process
will go:

YOU say:

Create a class Test with Main


NLP Algorithm runs in background

and maps the speech with English
language which in turn gets mapped
to the request of generating the
required code snippet.

Class Test{

Public static void main(String[]){ Generated Code.

SO who do you think will use your kickass product?

Almost every programmer who works as freelancer, an IT company, school going kids and people who
just like to code because thats what excites them. You can say- Coding is the new literacy. The
population includes billions of people on earth. Apart from that It will be used by software development
and service firms as they have their own implementation of different open source technologies and
product specific APIs.

Okay I got it, your idea is kickass. But there is a hell lot of difference between
idea on paper and its implementations in the real world. Do you think its
feasible to develop such a product?

It wont be easy but yes, of course its feasible to develop such a product in real world. There has been
lot of development related to Artificial Intelligence, especially Natural Language processing. I want to
develop this product in python as its easy and provides very nice offline NLP APIs. A workforce with
right skills and dedication and vision will be enough to get this idea into reality.

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