The General Appropriations Act of 2017: A Budget For Real Change

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This paper begins a discussion on the country's fiscal context. It continues
on to examine the expenditure priorities of this administration,
anchored on Duterte's socioeconomic agenda.

On 22 December 2016, President Duterte signed promoting rural development, investing in social
RA 10924, the 2017 General Appropriations protection programs, and promoting
Act (GAA). Worth Php 3.35 Trillion, the GAA is technology and innovation.
the largest in history. As the administrations first
budget, which is supposedly reflective of the According to the government, the budget is
Filipinos clamor for change, it will be crucial defined by the following characteristics: just and
to the administration as it implements the disciplined fiscal policies; focus on social order
10-Point Socioeconomic Agenda. This agenda and equitable progress; credible and within the
is centered on fighting drugs and criminality, bounds of law; transparent and participatory; and
investing in human and physical capital, local governments as partners in development.1
improving the macroeconomic landscape,
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C 2016 ADRiNSTITUTE for Strategic and International Studies. All rights reserved.
* The views and opinions expressed in this Paper are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Institute.

The Context
Figure 1. Percentage Share of Sectors to Total Budget
President Duterte has inherited a strong economy with robust
macroeconomic fundamentals. Under the Aquino administration, the
economy grew by an average of 6.5%, shedding its sick man image to
become one of the brightest spots in the region. During Aquinos term,
the Philippines obtained investment grade status from major ratings
agencies, cementing its spot as a lucrative investment destination.

Figure 2. Tax Revenue to GDP (2010-2015)

Source: DBM

Budget Principles In crafting the budget, a number of economic

variables need to be considered (e.g., the GDP growth,
The budget plays an important role in fostering economic unemployment, inflation, and interest rates) to ensure its
development and reducing poverty rates. However, to be viability. For instance, high GDP rates produce larger
an effective tool for socioeconomic development, the tax revenues. Meanwhile, an interest rate hike
budget must promote fiscal discipline, allocative increases government revenues, but also
efficiency, and operational efficiency. raises the cost of debt-servicing.

Exercising discipline in government spending is necessary The budget should also be allocated efficiently to maximize
to maintain macroeconomic stability. Government its benefits. Investments in public infrastructure enhances a
expenditures contribute to improving output and productivity; countrys productive capacity, while investments in human Source: DBM

however, unrestrained spending would burden taxpayers. capital increases labor productivity in the long-run. Finally,
To finance deficits in the budget, the government the efficiency in budget implementation is crucial
resorts to domestic and foreign borrowing. to the delivery of public services.2

C 2016 ADRiNSTITUTE for Strategic and International Studies. All rights reserved.

On the fiscal side, the tax-to-GDP ratio has grown steadily from
Figure 3. Debt to GDP Ratio (2010-2019) 12.1% in 2010 to 15.8% in 2015. Although a long-overdue tax
overhaul failed to advance during Aquinos term, the Sin Tax Reform
Act, which was passed in 2013, supplemented revenue collections
by Php 141.84 Billon in 2015 and Php 112.81 Billion in 2014.3

Meanwhile, the debt-to-GDP ratio has been declining gradually

and now stands at 42.7%, giving the government sufficient room
to settle its obligations. When Aquino became president, the
fiscal deficit-to-GDP ratio was at 3.5%; it dropped
to 0.9% towards the end of his term.

Despite the wide fiscal space, the Aquino administration grappled

with chronic underspending. Unutilized funds amounted to Php 303
Source: DBM
Billion or 13% of appropriations in 2014, and Php 390 Billion or
14.9% in 2015. This brings total underspending to an estimated
Php 1 Trillion during his term. The government failed to
Figure 4. Fiscal Balance (2006-2018) reach its deficit-to-GDP targets in the last 6 years (see figure 5).4

While institutional weaknesses and poor absorptive capacity have

always crippled implementing agencies, the delays were also caused
in part by the governments efforts to untangle itself from dubious
contracts forged during the Arroyo presidency. Midway through his
term, Aquino and his budget secretary were slapped with complaints
on their alleged misuse of the Priority Development Assistance
Fund (PDAF) and Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP),
which the Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional,
further paralyzing government operations.

Source: DBM

C 2016 ADRiNSTITUTE for Strategic and International Studies. All rights reserved.

Despite its macroeconomic gains, the Philippines investment-to-GDP
Figure 5. Programmed vs Actual Fiscal Deficit (2011-2015) ratio only reached 20.8% in 2015, below the ASEAN-6 average of
26.5% (see figure 6). For the country to attain upper-middle-income
status, investments should reach at least 30% of GDP by 2022.5
A 2014 World Bank study also revealed that the countrys output gap,
or the gap between the countrys present output and its potential
capacity, is already near zero. This means that over the
medium term, it would be difficult to sustain growth above
6%6 without investing in physical and human capital.

Financing the Budget

In the medium term, the fiscal deficit is set to expand to 3% of GDP

Source: DBM or Php 478 Billion to finance the governments investment programs.
Higher revenues will be necessary to fund the present administrations
ambitious spending program. This makes it crucial for the
Figure 6. Investment to GDP in the ASEAN-6 administration to undertake reforms in tax policy and administration.

Revenue collections is projected at Php 248 Trillion in 2017, 10%

more than the collections in 2016 (tax revenues account for roughly
90% of collections). Despite this, the current tax system is riddled with
loopholes and inefficiencies, which the government hopes to remedy.
The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has expressed
its optimism that the first package of the tax reform program, which is
expected to generate additional revenues of Php 206.8 Billion7,
will pass in the first half of 2017. This is a crucial
assumption in crafting next years budget.

Meanwhile, total borrowings will amount to Php 631.3 Billion to

Source: WORLDBANK finance the Php 478.1 expenditure deficit, and settle the countrys

C 2016 ADRiNSTITUTE for Strategic and International Studies. All rights reserved.

other obligations. The government is targeting an 80:20 Budget Highlights and Expenditure Priorities Roughly 40% of the budget will be dedicated to investments
borrowing mix of domestic and foreign financing, to in education, health, as well as other social services. This is
minimize the risk of foreign exchange fluctuations. For 2017, the government has set a budget ceiling of Php 3.35 a jump from the development expenditures, which averaged
Trillion, an increase of 11.6% from the previous years budget of around 33%, during the Aquino presidency. By 2022,
Php 3.002 Trillion, bringing up government spending to 21% of social sector expenditures are expected to
Proposed Budget Reforms GDP, from an average of 17% from 2006-2015. account for 49.2% of the budget.10

The administration has vowed to pursue a number of budget Figure 7. Budget Dimensions, by Sector (2011-2017)
reforms, emphasizing the importance of sound financial
management, wherein the appropriated budget will be spent as
intended. This requires strengthening the agencies capacities to
prepare the budget, and streamlining processes in the release and
use of funds, in accordance with the Supreme Court decision.

A month into his presidency, Duterte signed Executive Order No.

2 on the Freedom of Information (FOI) for the Executive Branch,
which ideally would provide more transparency in the budget
process. The budget department has also proposed a Budget
Reform Act that, according to Secretary Benjamin Diokno, is Source:BESF 2011-2017
intended to curb the abuses of the President in the exercise
of his budget preparation and execution responsibilities.8
Figure 1. Top 10 Agencies with the Largest Budget Allocation
DBM also proposed a Streamlining the Government Act to review
the different departments and their respective functions under the
Executive, removing redundant offices to improve the efficiency of
operations and accelerate the delivery of services. By the end
of January 2017, neither the Budget Reform Act
nor the Streamlining Act have been filed.

Additionally, pension reform for the military and uniformed

personnel is also sought, since the pensions of retired soldiers
have exceeded the pay of those who are currently in service.
The administration has proposed the creation Source: GAA 2016 & 2017
a pension fund similar to the GSIS.9

C 2016 ADRiNSTITUTE for Strategic and International Studies. All rights reserved.

Meanwhile, 27.6% will be spent on investments in infrastructure The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) accounts
and agriculture, while 6.2% will go to public order for the bulk of infrastructure funding, with an allocation of Php
and safety and 4.4% for defense. 454.7 Billion, while the Department of Transportation (DOTr) gets
Php 53.3 Billion. A total of Php 216.9 Billion will be allocated for
road construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation. One of the
Infrastructure administrations priorities is to connect lagging and rural areas to
The countrys infrastructure quality has often been singled out as growth nodes. The Mindanao Logistics Infrastructure Network, which
a key hindrance to maximizing its growth prospects. Investments aims to improve the road network in the region, will have a Php 31.5
in infrastructure have become increasingly crucial to sustain the Billion allocation. Flood management services will get Php 73 Billion
countrys growth momentum and to cater to rapidly urbanizing to construct and maintain 2,055 flood control structures.
cities. The country lags behind its ASEAN-6 counterparts
in terms of the quantity and quality of its infrastructure. Mass transport networks, such as railways, seaports, and airports will
be allocated Php 24.5 Billion. However, DOTr has a low-absorptive
A few months ago, the government launched its Build, Build, capacity and has only obligated an average of 63.9% of its budget
Build campaignthe countrys largest infrastructure programin for spending in the last 5 yearsa period characterized by delays in
a boost to invest in big-ticket infrastructure projects. In 2017, the implementing infrastructure projects, consequently worsening traffic
target infrastructure spending is set at 5.4% of GDP, or roughly congestion. Moreover, the capital outlay obligation-allotment ratio
Php 860 Billion, doubling the 2.6% spending average in the past 6 hovered around 37.4% from 2012 to 2015, which implies that
administrations. By 2022, a total of Php 8 Trillion will be funneled the tedious procurement process has delayed the
into the sector, making the infrastructure outlay-to-GDP roll-out of transport projects.12
ratio at par with ASEAN neighbors.11

Table 1. Infrastructure Budget

Source: GAA 2016 & 2017

C 2016 ADRiNSTITUTE for Strategic and International Studies. All rights reserved.

DOTr was also grilled in the Senate regarding its request However, the countrys poverty incidence is still higher than One notable aspect in this years budget is the Php 8 Billion
for emergency powers for the President to address the its peers in the region. In the medium term, the government in additional funds to provide free tuition to 114 State
deteriorating traffic situation in the metropolis. An official aims to reduce the poverty rate from 21.6% to 14% in 2022, Universities and Colleges (SUCs). However, CHED noted
admitted that a list of projects, totalling Php 1.3 Trillion, which will lift around 6 million from poverty. The government that the supplemental funds will not benefit the poor, as only
has not been included in its current budget.13 aims attain upper-middle income country status by 2022. 8% of them are enrolled in college. The commission is still
exploring how the fund could be best utilized to directly
The Department of Education (DepEd) gets the largest help the marginalized.15 On top of this, SUCs will also
Human Capital Development allocation among the agencies, receiving an increase of get a higher budget at Php 58.7 Billion, a
Although the past administration has made headways in the 31% this year to reach Php 543.2 Billion. To address the Php 11.3 Billion increase from 2016.
economic front, inclusive growth has remained elusive. The classroom backlog, Php 118.8 Billion will be allocated for its
2015 poverty incidence was recorded at 21.6%the lowest basic educational facilities. The Technical Education Meanwhile, the Department of Health (DOH) received
in almost a decadefalling within the governments target of and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) secured an allocation of Php 96.3 Billion. The Health Facilities
20%-23%. The Gini Coefficient, which measures inequality, Php 6.9 Billion this year. Meanwhile, the Commission on Enhancement Program dropped by 10% and is now down
improved to 0.4439 in 2015 from 0.4605 in 2012. In a span Higher Education (CHED) received an allocation of to Php 24.2 Billion. However, assistance to indigent patients
of 6 years, 1.4 Million Filipinos were lifted from poverty.14 Php 18.7 Billion, a 234% spike in its budget. increased by 43% to Php 4 Billion. Php 1.5 Million will be
used to cover the Doctors to the Barrio program, deploying
physicians to serve in far-flung communities.
Table 2. Human Capital Development Budget
The family planning program also received an allocation of
Php 4.3 Billion. Just this month, Duterte signed Executive
Order No. 12 to implement the Responsible Parenthood and
Reproductive Health Law (RH Law) in full, a crucial strategy
in reducing the poverty incidence. A third of the women
with unmet needs for family planning are poor.
If fully implemented, the population growth
rate could lower from 1.7% to 1.4%.16

PhilHealth received a budget of Php 53.2 Billion. This year,

the subsidy for premium payments was separated from
the DOH budget. A provision to eliminate the No PhilHealth
ID, No Benefits policy was also included to ensure
Source: GAA 2016 & 2017 that all Filipinos will now be covered under the
universal healthcare program.17

C 2016 ADRiNSTITUTE for Strategic and International Studies. All rights reserved.


Table 3. Social Protection Budget Social Protection

The Department of Social Welfare and Developments (DSWD) budget continued to
increase, growing by 16% to Php 128.1 Billion. Its flagship program, Pantawid Pamilyang
Pilipino Program (PPPP), will get a 25% increase in its budget, reaching Php 78.2 Billion.
This will cover 4.4 million beneficiaries.18 The PPPP has been widely credited
for helping ease the countrys poverty incidence in the last 6 years.

The DSWDs budget for the childrens feeding program amounted to Php 4.427 Billion.
This would provide one hot meal to 1.74 million 2 to 4 year olds for a 120-day feeding
schedule to combat childhood malnutrition. Meanwhile, a parallel program administered
by the DepEd for 1.9 million school children ages 5 to 11 received a funding of
Source: GAA 2016 & 2017 Php 4.1 Billion. Studies have shown that stunting affects childhood development,
leading to lower economic productivity later in life. Despite the considerable fund
allocation the implementing agencies have had difficulty in releasing the program
funds on time, defeating the purpose of a 4-month feeding schedule.19
Table 4. Agriculture and Rural Development Budget
Agriculture and Rural Development
Agriculture posted a positive growth rate of 2.9%the first after 5 consecutive
quarters of contraction. However, the sector, which has the lowest labor productivity
and the highest poverty rates, remains vulnerable to weather-related
shocks due to decades of underinvestment.

The total budget for the Department of Agriculture (DA) decreased to Php 45.2 Billion
in 2017, from Php 48.5 Billion in 2016. The drop in this years budget is due to lower
funds for Farm-to-Market Roads, termination of the Bottom-Up Budgeting
program and the PAMANA program, as well as a decrease in funds
Source: GAA 2016 & 2017 for the Philippine Rural Development Program.20

C 2016 ADRiNSTITUTE for Strategic and International Studies. All rights reserved.

Over half of the agriculture sectors budget is geared by more than 600%, increasing to Php 20.2 Billion in 2017, the police force, providing them with equipment to aid
towards rice production. In a move to support small farmers, from Php 2.8 Billion in the previous year. Although Php 15.5 them in their fight against crime. The Armed Forces of the
the Duterte administration has promised to provide free Billion of its budget was allocated for the countrys hosting Philippines (AFP) budget will jump by 17.4%, to
irrigation. The National Irrigation Administrations (NIA) of the ASEAN Summit, Php 2.5 Billion was allotted for the Php 132.9 Billion, with Php 25 Billion allocated to
budget will reach Php 38.4 Billion this year, up from Php Presidents intelligence funda steep increase from the the Revised AFP Modernization Program.
32.7 Billion last year. Php 2 Billion is allocated to subsidize Php 500 million allocated under former president Aquino.
the irrigation service fees previously shouldered by farmers. The budget secretary defended the increase, arguing that One of Dutertes campaign promises was to double the
By 2022, the agency is targeting to the President needs the funds for intelligence gathering in military pay. Recently, a Joint Resolution was released to
irrigate 70% of waterless farmlands across the country to his anti-drug campaign. On top of this, the Philippine Drug increase the pay of the military and the police. In September
ensure food security.21 The quantitative restrictions Enforcement Agency (PDEA) was provided with Php 1.8 2016, Executive No. 3 was issued, which mandated
on rice are set to expire by June 2017. Billion, an increase of 92%. Meanwhile, funds for the increase in combat duty pay and combat incentive
drug rehabilitation totals Php 3.37 Billion. pay of the uniformed personnel.22 This year,
Peace, Order, and the Anti-Drug Campaign Php 12.1 Billion was allocated for this purpose.
The centerpiece of Dutertes administration is his war against The Philippine National Police (PNP) received an allocation
crime and drugs. The Office of the Presidents funding grew of Php 111.6 Billion, an increase of 26% to strengthen Duterte has offered a more conciliatory tone towards the
communist and Muslim rebels than his predecessor. His
officials have already started the initial rounds of peace talks
Table 5. Peace, Order, and the Anti-Drug Campaign Budget
in the early stages of his administration. The Office of the
Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP), which
spearheads these negotiations, was allocated Php 8.1
Billion, a steep increase of 92%. The huge jump, however, is
mostly due to the OPAPPs implementation of the PAMANA
projects, a development intervention in conflict areas,
instead of monitoring the convergence projects
like it did in previous years.

Decentralizing Growth
The countrys economic growth is monopolized by only a few
regions. The National Capital Region (NCR), Central Luzon,
and CALABARZON already contribute 62% to the countrys
GDP.23 Duterte has pushed for greater regional autonomy
Source: GAA 2016 & 2017 to promote more inclusive growth. This year, the countrys
16 regions will directly get 66.3% or Php 2.221 Trillion. Of

C 2016 ADRiNSTITUTE for Strategic and International Studies. All rights reserved.

this figure, Php 486.9 Billion will be earmarked for its Internal Revenue
Figure 2. Budget Dimensions, by Region Allotment (IRA), up by 13.6% from last year. The NCRs share is
disproportionately larger since it includes allocations
for national government agencies located in the region.

The Local Government Support Fund (LGSF), with an allocation of

Php 34.6 Billion, displaced Bottom Up Budgeting (BuB). The LGSF
will be used to fund programs and projects implemented by cities and
municipalities, upon meeting certain conditions such as transparency,
financial stewardship, and citizens participation. The budget secretary
has earlier said that the BuB is unnecessary since LGUs get their
share of funds through the IRA. He also noted that the previous
administration only used the BuB as a political tool.

Source: DBM
Meanwhile, ARMMs budget increased to Php 32.3 Billion, up by
13.2% from Php 28.5 Billion in the previous year, while the Mindanao
Development Authoritys budget rose by 45% to Php 170.4 Million.
Table 6. Decentralizing Growth Budget
Technology and Communications
In May 2016, the Department of Information and Communications
Technology (DICT) was formally established, underscoring the crucial
role that information and communication has in developing and
improving the countrys competitiveness. Under RA 10844, the
ICT functions were separated from the Department of
Transportation and Communication (DOTC).24

For its first budget, the agency was allocated an amount of Php 3.5
Billion, with 85% apportioned to the Office of the Secretary. This is a
paltry figure, considering the mandate it has to fulfill, which includes
the provision of public WiFi to implementing e-governance and
Source: GAA 2016 & 2017 monitoring cybersecurity. DICT is also working with DOF to develop

C 2016 ADRiNSTITUTE for Strategic and International Studies. All rights reserved.

an automated business and citizen registry systems, which enough leeway to engage in politicking. the DPWH budget. While within the bounds of law,
would help cut red tape and speed up processing times.25 these funds may be prone to abuse.
Half of the budget will be spent on the Free Internet Wi-Fi
Connectivity in Public Places, which used to be funded Conclusion Allocating funds to finance the reform agenda is only the
under the Information first step. Ultimately, the administration must utilize the
and Communications Technology Office of the President Dutertes first budget is largely a continuation budget efficiently, and implement the projects timely, for
Department of Science and Technology.26 of his predecessors, maintaining an upward trend in all real change to take effect. Historically, however, key
the expenditure priorities. Unlike the past administration, implementing agencies have limited absorptive capacity
however, the new government has not shied away from and have been unable to utilize their funds on time.
A Pork-free Budget? embarking on an ambitious spending program, targeting a It remains to be seen how the new administration
fiscal deficit of 3% over the medium term to finance can overcome these bureaucratic weaknesses.
The administration declared that this years budget is pork- its investment priorities. Additionally, a tax reform
free. However, critics have decried this claim, pointing out program, which is expected to be passed this
that the budget is still peppered with lump sum allocations. year, will raise additional revenues.
Senator Panfilo Lacson recently alleged that some
lawmakers still received pork funds in this years budget. True to its promise of crafting a pro-people budget, the
One bone of contention was the Php 8 Billion in pork barrel administration has earmarked 40% to social spending,
funds, which was slashed from the DPWH, but later restored higher than the 33% appropriated under the Aquino
to the agency at the expense of the calamity fund. Lacson administration. The infrastructure outlay also increased, as
also claimed that Php 497 Million was added to the agencys the government is set to take on its largest infrastructure
budget, increasing its funds by a total of Php 9.05 Billion.27 program to date. The agencies which will spearhead efforts
Karlo Nograles, Chairman of the House Appropriations on the war against drugs and crime also got an increase
Committee, refuted Lacsons claims, arguing that there in its budget. However, for its first budget, DICT, which
wont be any shortage of calamity funds since is instrumental in improving the countrys
2016s balance will be carried over this year.28 competitiveness, only received Php 3.5 Billion.

Nograles also emphasized that there are no post-enactment There are contentious items in the budget, which run
projects in this years budget. Senate President Koko contrary to the administrations promise to rid the
Pimentel likewise noted that pet projects had already been bureaucracy of corruption. The Presidents intelligence and
identified before the budget was approved. While technically confidential funds grew by a massive 400%, supposedly to
compliant with the Supreme Court ruling, politicians still have finance his anti-narcotics campaign. Meanwhile,
the liberty to propose projects, which give them around Php 8 Billion in pork barrel funds are allegedly in

C 2016 ADRiNSTITUTE for Strategic and International Studies. All rights reserved.


endnotes 14
National Economic and Development Authority. (October 2016). Retrieved sentatives. (September 2016). Retrieved from:

The Presidents Budget Message, Fiscal Year 2017, A Budget for Real from: PDF%20Attachments/ABN/ABN2016-25_DICT.pdf
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Ager, M. (4 January 2017). Some Lawmakers Got P5B Pork in 2017 Bud-
Congressional Policy and Budget Research Department, House of Repre- 15
Uy, J. (18 January 2017). Free Tuition Wont Benefit the Poor. The Phil- get, Says Lacson. The Philippine Daily Inquirer. Retrieved from: http://newsinfo.inquirer.
sentatives. (2016). A Legislators Guide in Analyzing the National Budget. 3rd Edition. ippine Daily Inquirer. Retrieved from: net/859147/some-lawmakers-got-p5b-pork-in-2017-budget-says-lacson
Official Gazette. (2 February 2016). Sin Tax Collection Grew in 2015. Re- 28
Cayabyab, M. (4 January 2017). Nograles denies Lacsons claim of P5B
trieved from: 16
Aurelio, J. (14 January 2017). UN Hails Dutertes RH Order. The Philippine pork to solons. The Philippine Daily Inquirer. Retrieved from: http://newsinfo.inquirer.
Daily Inquirer. Retrieved from: net/859234/nograles-denies-lacsons-claim-of-p5b-pork-to-mindanao-solons
Diokno, B. (20 April 2016). Underspending: A Bad Habit Thats Bad to tes-rh-order
Break. Bussiness World. Retrieved from:
php?section=Opinion&title=underspending-a-bad-habit-that&8217s-hard-to- 17
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break&id=126262 Recto. Retrieved from:
Sicat, G. (13 July 2016). Macroeconomic Directions: Duterte vs
Aquino. The Philippine Star. Retrieved from: 18
Legarda, L. (22 December 2016). Legarda: President Duterte Signs
ness/2016/07/13/1602186/macroeconomic-directions-duterte-vs-aquino P3.350T Pro-People 2017 National Budget. Retrieved from:
As cited in Congressional Policy and Budget Research Department. (Sep-
tember 2016). Ensuring Economic Stability to Promote Equitable Progress. 19
Recto, R. (18 December 2016). Senate hikes by P1 B DSWD Budget for
Free Daycare Meals. Retrieved from:
Tubayan, E. (12 January 2017). DBM Confident of Tax Reform Passage by budget-for-free-daycare-meals/
the First Half of 2017. Business World. Retrieved from:
content.php?section=Economy&title=dbm-confident-of-tax-reform-passage-by-first- 20
Congressional Policy and Budget Research Department, House of Repre-
half-of-2017&id=138980 sentatives. (September 2016). Retrieved from:
De Vera, B. (8 July 2016). DBM: Budget Reforms Eliminate Abuses. The
Philippine Daily Inquirer. Retrieved from: 21
Barcia, R. (22 January 2017). NIA Chief: More Irrigation Projects for Philip-
budget-reforms-eliminate-abuses pine Food Sufficiency. The Manila Times. Retrieved from:
Department of Budget and Management. (September 2016). 2017 Peo-
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Ranada, P. (4 January 2017). Diokno Proposes Police, Military Pay
Our%20Budget/2017/PPB29Sep2016.pdf Hike to Fulfill Dutertes Promise. Rappler. Retrieved from:
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2022. Retrieved from: 23
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title=dev&8217t-spending-to-take-up-49.2&37-of-budget-by-2022&id=138924 sentatives. (January 2017). Gross Regional Domestic Product Facts and Figures. Re-
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sentatives. (September 2016). Retrieved from:
PDF%20Attachments/ABN/ABN2016-23_DOTr.pdf 25
Caraballo, M. (13 January 2017). DOF Fast-tracks 17 Infra Projects. The
Manila Times. Retrieved from:
Elemia, C. (12 October 2016). Recto Hits DOTrs Unfunded, Scattered projects/306680/
Plans vs Traffic. Rappler. Retrieved from:
to-dotr-unfocused-projects-emergency-powers-traffic 26
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C 2016 ADRiNSTITUTE for Strategic and International Studies. All rights reserved.

Weslene Uy
is a Research Associate with the Stratbase ADR Institutes Trade,
Investment and the Global Economy program. Prior to joining ADRi, she
was technical assistant with the Office of the Cabinet Secretary. She
received her Masters in Development Economics from the University of
Sussex in 2014, and she is presently completing a Diploma in Urban
and Regional Planning at the University of the Philippines.

Stratbase ADR Institute

is an independent international and strategic research
organization with the principal goal of addressing the
issues affecting the Philippines and East Asia
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