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R4 Media Gateway
OAM and Troubleshooting Guide

MGW18 Standard 02.06 May 2006

R4 Media Gateway
OAM and Troubleshooting Guide

Document number: 411-2231-331

Product release: MGW18
Document version: Standard 02.06
Date: May 2006

Copyright Country of printing Confidentiality Legal statements Trademarks

Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel, All Rights Reserved

Originated in the United States of America


The information contained herein is the property of Nortel and is strictly confidential. Except as expressly authorized in writing by
Nortel, the holder shall keep all information contained herein confidential, shall disclose it only to its employees with a need to know,
and shall protect it, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to third parties with the same degree of care it uses to
protect its own confidential information, but with no less than reasonable care. Except as expressly authorized in writing by Nortel,
the holder is granted no rights to use the information contained herein.

Information is subject to change without notice. Nortel reserves the right to make changes in design or components as progress in
engineering and manufacturing may warrant.

* Nortel, the Nortel logo, the Globemark HOW the WORLD SHARES IDEAS, and Unified Networks are trademarks of Nortel. DMS,
DMS-HLR, DMS-MSC, MAP, and SuperNode are trademarks of Nortel. GSM is a trademark of GSM MOU Association.
Trademarks are acknowledged with an asterisk (*) at their first appearance in the document.
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Publication history
This section contains a high-level listing of updates and changes to this
product documentation for the current release cycle.

May 2006
NSS18/MGW18, Standard, 02.06. Modified severity of APS alarm
C1860003; updated Type, Legend, Component, Probable Cause and/or
Severity of MGW alarms 7056 7000, 7056 7001, 7075 0005 through 7075
0010, 7075 0100 and 7075 0101. Updated references to Multiservice Switch
NTPs per the Media Gateway PCR6.1 list of titles and numbers. Added
software upgrade and patching procedures, and health checks, for the MGW
and AN, in the Software Management chapter.

October 2005
NSS18/MGW18, Preliminary, 02.05. Editorial changes.

October 2005
NSS18/MGW18, Preliminary, 02.04. Removed nodal provisioning tool.
Removed NSS17-based installation chapters. Updated information per
internal reviewers feedback.

September 2005
NSS18/MGW18, Preliminary, 02.02 and 02.03. Updated chapters 1-3, 15,
and appendices C-G for MG18. Incorporated internal reviewers feedback.
Changed all occurrences of Nortel Networks to Nortel*.

October 2004
NSS18/MGW18, Draft, 02.01.

October 2004
NSS17/MGW17, Standard, 01.08. A new appendix, Appendix B: Manual
adjustment for DST on MGW nodes, is inserted. New sections for handling
glare problems and announcement error scenarios have been added in the
Troubleshooting chapter.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

vi Publication history
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

August 2004
NSS17/MGW17, Standard, 01.07. This release contains editorial changes
based on internal reviews and feedback.

August 2004
NSS17/MGW17, Standard, 01.06. This release adds Chapter 15:
Troubleshooting the GSM Media Gateway. It also renames the title of this
NTP to R4 BICN Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide.

April 2004
NSS17/MGW17, Preliminary, 01.05. This release adds the following chapters
that were formerly in NTP 411-2231-330. With the addition of these chapters,
the title of this NTP is now changed from Media Gateway Provisioning and
Troubleshooting Reference Guide to R4 BICN Media Gateway OA&M Manual.
Chapter 1: GSM BICN Media Gateway performance management and
Chapter 2: GSM Media Gateway fault management
Chapter 3: GSM Media Gateway configuration management (including
the Provisioning Parameters table that was included as a separate
appendix in the previous release of this NTP, 411-2231-331)
Chapter 4: BICC Media Gateway CDL for OM Groups and Registers
Chapter 12: GSM Media Gateway general maintenance
Chapter 13: GSM Media Gateway basic card maintenance

This release also adds the following:

a BICC CDL Data Model figure and other BICC (Nb-Interface) Media
Gateway information in Chapter 3
an appendix explaining support of the Audio Provisioning Server (APS)
MDM SNMP Surveillance Adapter Cartridge
appendices giving detailed CDL information for components used in
BICC and BICN Media Gateways: Nsta/Vgs, Q2630, Gips, Mtp3 and
February 2004
NSS17/MGW17, Standard Release 1, 01.04. This is the first standard release
of this NTP. It contains editorial changes and adds a Provisioning Parameters
table as an appendix.

December 2003
NSS17/MGW17, Preliminary Phase 5, 01.03. This is the second issue of this
NTP. It contains editorial changes to improve the clarity of the content.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Publication history vii
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Emphasis was given in Chapter 1 that the templates are examples only and
the customers actual template names and contents will vary, depending on
the needs of their network.

September 2003
NSS17/MGW17, Preliminary Phase 4, 01.02. This is the first issue of this
NTP. This NTP includes eight chapters concerning provisioning and
troubleshooting that were formerly reviewed in draft format as part of NTP
411-2231-330, Univity Media Gateway Operations and Maintenance
Reference Guide.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

viii Publication history
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Contents 1
About this document xxiii
Audience for this document xxiii
Organization of this document xxiii
Software release applicability xxiv
GSM18/UMTS04 Product Computing Module Loads xxiv
Special text conventions in this document xxv
Indication of hypertext links xxv

Media Gateway performance management 1-1

Nsta/x Vgs CallStatistics Stats 1-2
Nsta/x Vgs Aal2Svc Stats 1-9
Nsta/x Vgs Aal2Svc Profile/n Stats 1-10
Nsta/x Vgs Aal2Svc TConn/n Stats 1-13
Nsta/x Vgs AtmCac AtmSubnet/<name> Stats 1-15
Nsta/x Vgs MgcIf Stats 1-17
Nsta/x Vgs CasDef/n Stats 1-19
Nsta/x Vgs Tag/n Stats 1-20
Nsta/x Vgs Tag/n Cas Stats 1-20
Nsta/x Vgs DS0/n Stats 1-21
Nsta/x Vgs Vp MultiParty Stats 1-22
Nsta/x Vgs M2ua Stats 1-23
Nsta/x Vgs M2ua As/n Stats 1-24
Nsta/x Vgs M2ua As/n Asp/m Stats 1-25
Nsta/x Vgs M2ua As/n Iid/y Stats 1-29
Nsta/x Vgs M2ua As/n Asp/m SctpAssoc Stats 1-31
Nsta/x Vgs Mtp2 Stats 1-35
Q2630 Stats 1-36
MTP3 Stats 1-43
MTP3/x Ls/y Link/z Stats 1-44
MTP3/x Rs/y Route/z Stats 1-44

Media Gateway fault management 2-1

Analysis of CDL 2-1
OSI State Transitions 2-4
MCP Component 2-5
Mtp3/ Component 2-6
Mtp3/ Ls/ Component 2-8
Mtp3/ Ls/ Link/ Component 2-10

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

x Contents
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Mtp3/ Ls/ Link/ MCP Component 2-12

Mtp3/ Rs/ Component 2-13
Mtp3/ Rs/ Route/ Component 2-15
Nsta/ Vgs M2ua Component 2-17
Nsta/ Vgs M2ua As/ Component 2-19
Nsta/ Vgs M2ua As/ Asp/ Component 2-21
Nsta/ Vgs M2ua As/ Iid/ MCP Component 2-22
Nsta/ Vgs MgcIf/ Component 2-23
Nsta/ Vgs Mtp2/ Component 2-26
Nsta/ Vgs Mtp2/ MCP Component 2-27
Q2630/ Component 2-27
Q2630/ MCP Component 2-29
Q2630/ Q2630Client MCP Component 2-29
SaalNni/ Component 2-30
SaalNni/ MCP Component 2-31
Shelf Card/ CarrierCard/ Component 2-32
Alarms 2-33
M2ua Alarms 2-35
Mtp2 Alarms 2-40
MgcIf Alarms 2-42
Mtp3 Alarms 2-48
SAAL-NNI Alarms 2-52
Q2630 Alarms 2-53
VSP4e Alarms 2-57

Media Gateway configuration management 3-1

Nsta/x Vgs 3-1
Nsta/x Vgs CDL Components Summary 3-2
Nsta/x Vgs Component Details 3-16
Q2630 3-36
Q2630 Peer Address 3-37
MTP3 3-39
MTP3 CDL Components Summary 3-40
SAAL-NNI Provisioning 3-42

Media Gateway software management 4-1

Introduction 4-1
Assumptions 4-1
Restrictions and limitations 4-2
Software distribution using a Software Distribution Site 4-3
Software distribution site 4-3
MGW software patching 4-3
Downloading and applying MGW patches 4-4
Removing a MGW patch 4-14
MGW software upgrades 4-16
Preparations 4-16
Procedure conventions 4-17
Sequence of steps 4-17
Prepare to download the software to the MGW shelf 4-17
Download the software to the MGW shelf 4-20

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Route calls away from the MGW shelf 4-23

Activate the new software on the MGW shelf 4-25
Route calls back and save the provisioning view 4-27
MGW health checks 4-29
Check the health of the network from the MSC 4-30
Check the overall health of the MGW shelf 4-43
AN software patching 4-59
AN software upgrades 4-60
Download the application version for the AN software upgrade 4-61
Verify and save the AN provisioning view 4-66
Activate the new AN software load and save the view 4-67
Upgrade the AN fabric card firmware 4-75
AN health checks 4-77
Verify the LP switchover functionality of the AN 4-78
Check the overall health of the AN 4-82
Roll back 4-86

Media Gateway general maintenance 5-1

Media Gateway maintenance procedures 5-1
Initial registration with MSC server 5-2
MGW failure and recovery maintenance procedures 5-3
Carrier maintenance 5-4
Audits 5-5
Inactivity timer package 5-7
Maintenance flow 5-7
MGW maintenance flow diagrams 5-7

Media Gateway basic card maintenance 6-1

Multiservice Switch board LEDs 6-1
Redundancy and Availability 6-2
Types of redundancy 6-2
CP3 6-3
2pGpDsk 6-3
4-port OC-3e/STM-1 ATM FP 6-3
16-port OC-3/STM-1 ATM FP 6-4
4-port OC-3/STM-1 TDM FP 6-4
12-port DS3 ATM FP 6-4
Vsp4e 6-5
Where are the physical ports? 6-6
How to find the physical ports 6-6
How to remove a card 6-8
Removing a card with redundancy 6-8
Removing a card in loadsharing 6-8
Using the Lock/Unlock commands 6-8
Removing a redundant card 6-9
Effects of a CP switchover 6-9
Removing a loadsharing card 6-11

Troubleshooting the Media Gateway 7-1

Media Gateway Shelf Types 7-2

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xii Contents
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H.248 signaling transport problems 7-4

IP link between a Stand Alone MGW Shelf and the MSC 7-6
IP link between a MGW Shelf and the connected Aggregation Node or Other MGW
Shelf 7-8
IP link between the MSC and the connected Central Aggregation Node 7-13
IP link between the MSC and the connected Remote Aggregation Node 7-15
H.248 communication problems 7-19
MGW registration failure 7-19
Breakdown of communication with the MSC after the MGW registers 7-21
MGW message overload 7-23
ATM bearer problems 7-24
Checking ATM bearer connections 7-27
TDM bearer problems 7-29
TDM Trunk Failure 7-30
SS7, ISUP and MF backhaul problems 7-32
SS7/ISUP/MF Connection between a remote region and the MSC 7-35
SS7/ISUP/MF Connection between a central region and the MSC 7-39
Glare problem 7-43
Tone Problem 7-43
Announcement Problems 7-43
Hardware Maintenance -- Control Processor card swap 7-45
Information to collect for Nortel Technical Support 7-46

Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide A-1

Introduction A-1
Audience for this appendix A-1
Technical support and information A-1
APS Device Information A-1
Platforms supported by the cartridge A-2
Additional configuration A-2
ICONs used in Preside MDM and CEM A-2
Application launching. A-3
Translation of traps into alarm codes for Preside MDM A-3
APS device model A-4
Trap registration A-5
APS Alarm Reference A-7
Syntax of alarm information A-7
Alarm codes and descriptions A-8

Appendix B: Manual adjustment for DST on MGW nodes B-1

Introduction B-1
Audience for this appendix B-1
Reference to Multiservice Switch documentation B-1
Determining if a manual adjustment is necessary B-1
Example of manual adjustment for the beginning of DST B-2
Example of manual adjustment for the end of DST B-2

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM

(Nsta) C-1
GROUP Nsta Provisioned (Prov) C-2

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ATTRIBUTE Nsta linkToServer (l2s) C-2

ATTRIBUTE Nsta idlePattern (iPattern) C-2
GROUP Nsta OsiState (State) C-2
ATTRIBUTE Nsta adminState (osiAdmin) C-3
ATTRIBUTE Nsta operationalState (osiOper) C-3
ATTRIBUTE Nsta usageState (osiUsage) C-4
GROUP Nsta Statistics (Stats) C-4
ATTRIBUTE Nsta aal2PacketsDropped (pktsDrop) C-4
ATTRIBUTE Nsta aal2LastDroppedPacketId (lastDropPktId) C-4
COMPONENT Nsta VoiceGateway (Vgs) C-5
GROUP Nsta Vgs CustomerIdentifierData (CidData) C-6
GROUP Nsta Vgs Provisioned (Prov) C-7
GROUP Nsta Vgs Operational (Oper) C-11
GROUP Nsta Vgs Statistics (Stats) C-14
COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM VoiceGateway C-16
COMPONENT Nsta Vgs ControlConnection (Ctrl) C-18
COMPONENT Nsta Vgs AtmTrunkConnection (AtmTConn) C-50
COMPONENT Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements C-74
COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Aal2SvcService (Aal2Svc) C-84
COMPONENT Nsta Vgs H248 C-104
COMPONENT Nsta Vgs PacketNetworkProfile (PktProf) C-131
COMPONENT Nsta Vgs TdmAccessGroup (Tag) C-137
COMPONENT Nsta Vgs TdmNetworkProfile (TProf) C-147
COMPONENT Nsta Vgs ChannelAssocSignalingDefinition (CasDefn) C-151
COMPONENT Nsta Vgs MediaGatewayControllerInterface (MgcIf) C-156
COMPONENT Nsta Vgs VoiceProfile (Vp) C-187
COMPONENT Nsta Vgs CallStatistics (CallStats) C-218
COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Mtp2Profile C-240
COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Mtp2 C-245
COMPONENT Nsta Vgs M2ua C-267
COMPONENT Nsta Vgs AtmCallAdmissionControl (AtmCac) C-340

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-1

GROUP Q2630 OsiState (State) D-2
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 adminState (osiAdmin) D-2
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 operationalState (osiOper) D-3
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 usageState (osiUsage) D-3
GROUP Q2630 CommunicationProvisioned (CommProv) D-3
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 linkToLogicalProcessor (lp) D-4
GROUP Q2630 TimerProvisioned (TimerProv) D-4
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishRequestTimer (estReqTimer) D-4
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishRequestRetries (estReqRetries) D-5
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseRequestTimer (relReqTimer) D-5
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseRequestRetries (relReqRetries) D-6
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetRequestTimer (resetReqTimer) D-6
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockRequestTimer (blkReqTimer) D-6
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockRequestRetries (blkReqRetries) D-7
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockRequestTimer (unblkReqTimer) D-7
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockRequestRetries (unblkReqRetries) D-8
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyRequestTimer (modReqTimer) D-8

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ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyRequestRetries (modReqRetries) D-9

GROUP Q2630 TimerOperational (TimerOper) D-9
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishReqTimerExpiries (estReqTmrExps) D-10
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishReqRetryExhausts (estReqRetryExh) D-10
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseReqTimerExpiries (relReqTmrExps) D-11
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseReqRetryExhausts (relReqRetryExh) D-11
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetReqTimerExpiries (resetReqTmrExps) D-11
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockReqTimerExpiries (blkReqTmrExps) D-12
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockReqRetryExhausts (blkReqRetryExh) D-12
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockReqTimerExpiries (unblkReqTmrExps) D-13
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockReqRetryExhausts (unblkReqRetryExh) D-13
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyReqTimerExpiries (modReqTmrExps) D-14
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyReqRetryExhausts (modReqRetryExh) D-14
GROUP Q2630 MsgsOperational (MsgsOper) D-14
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishReqsTx (estReqsTx) D-15
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishReqsRx (estReqsRx) D-15
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishConfsTx (estConfsTx) D-15
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishConfsRx (estConfsRx) D-15
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishRejsTx (estRejsTx) D-16
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishRejsRx (estRejsRx) D-16
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyReqsTx (modReqsTx) D-16
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyReqsRx (modReqsRx) D-17
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyAcksTx (modAcksTx) D-17
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyAcksRx (modAcksRx) D-17
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyRejsTx (modRejsTx) D-18
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyRejsRx (modRejsRx) D-18
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseReqsTx (relReqsTx) D-18
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseReqsRx (relReqsRx) D-18
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseConfsTx (relConfsTx) D-19
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseConfsRx (relConfsRx) D-19
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseRejsTx (relRejsTx) D-19
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseRejsRx (relRejsRx) D-20
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetReqsTx (rstReqTx) D-20
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetReqsRx (rstReqRx) D-20
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetConfsTx (rstConfTx) D-21
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetConfsRx (rstConfRx) D-21
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetRejsTx (rstRejTx) D-21
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetRejsRx (rstRejRx) D-21
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockReqsTx (blkReqTx) D-22
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockReqsRx (blkReqRx) D-22
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockConfsTx (blkConfTx) D-22
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockConfsRx (blkConfRx) D-23
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockRejsTx (blkRejTx) D-23
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockRejsRx (blkRejRx) D-23
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockReqsTx (unblkReqTx) D-24
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockReqsRx (unblkReqRx) D-24
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockConfsTx (unblkConfTx) D-24
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockConfsRx (unblkConfRx) D-24
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockRejsTx (unblkRejTx) D-25
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockRejsRx (unblkRejRx) D-25
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 confusionsTx (confusTx) D-25

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ATTRIBUTE Q2630 confusionsRx (confusRx) D-26

GROUP Q2630 UsageOperational (UsageOper) D-26
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 currentEstablishedConnections (currentEstConns) D-26
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 currentExistingPaths (currentExistingPs) D-27
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 localBlockedPaths (localBlockedPs) D-27
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 remoteBlockedPaths (remoteBlockedPs) D-27
GROUP Q2630 ClientMsgsOperational (ClientMsgsOper) D-28
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 msgsRxFromClient (msgRxFmClnt) D-28
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 msgsTxToClient (msgTxToClnt) D-28
GROUP Q2630 Q2630ErrorOper D-28
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unallocatedNumberErrorsRx (unallocRx) D-29
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unallocatedNumberErrorsTx (unallocTx) D-29
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 noRouteErrorsRx (noRteErrRx) D-29
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 noRouteErrorsTx (noRteErrTx) D-29
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 noCircuitAvailableErrorsRx (noCtAvailErrRx) D-30
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 temporaryFailureRx (tmpFailRx) D-30
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 temporaryFailureTx (tmpFailTx) D-30
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 networkOutOfOrderErrorsRx (nwkOutOrdErrRx) D-31
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 circuitUnavailableErrorsRx (ctUnavailErrRx) D-31
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 circuitUnavailableErrorsTx (ctUnavailErrTx) D-31
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resourceUnavailableErrorsRx (resUnavailErrRx) D-31
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resourceUnavailableErrorsTx (resUnavailErrTx) D-32
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 protocolErrorsRx (protErrRx) D-32
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 protocolErrorsTx (protErrTx) D-32
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishReqsTx D-33
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishReqsRx D-33
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishConfsTx D-33
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishConfsRx D-33
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishRejsTx D-33
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishRejsRx D-34
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyReqsTx D-34
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyReqsRx D-34
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyAcksTx D-34
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyAcksRx D-34
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyRejsTx D-35
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyRejsRx D-35
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseReqsTx D-35
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseReqsRx D-35
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseConfsTx D-35
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseConfsRx D-35
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseRejsTx D-36
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseRejsRx D-36
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetReqsTx D-36
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetReqsRx D-36
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetConfsTx D-36
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetConfsRx D-37
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetRejsTx D-37
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetRejsRx D-37
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockReqsTx D-37
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockReqsRx D-37

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ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockConfsTx D-37

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockConfsRx D-38
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockRejsTx D-38
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockRejsRx D-38
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockReqsTx D-38
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockReqsRx D-38
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockConfsTx D-39
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockConfsRx D-39
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockRejsTx D-39
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockRejsRx D-39
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 confusionsTx D-39
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 confusionsRx D-40
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 peakEstablishedConnections D-40
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 peakExistingPaths D-40
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 localPeakBlockedPaths D-40
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 remotePeakBlockedPaths D-40
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishReqTimerExpiries D-40
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishReqRetryExhausts D-41
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseReqTimerExpiries D-41
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseReqRetryExhausts D-41
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetReqTimerExpiries D-42
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockReqTimerExpiries D-42
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockReqRetryExhausts D-42
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockReqTimerExpiries D-43
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockReqRetryExhausts D-43
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyReqTimerExpiries D-43
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyReqRetryExhausts D-44
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 msgsRxFromClient D-44
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 msgsTxToClient D-44
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unallocatedNumberErrorsRx D-44
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unallocatedNumberErrorsTx D-44
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 noRouteErrorsRx D-45
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 noRouteErrorsTx D-45
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 noCircuitAvailableErrorsRx D-45
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 temporaryFailureRx D-45
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 temporaryFailureTx D-45
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 networkOutOfOrderErrorsRx D-45
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 circuitUnavailableErrorsRx D-46
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 circuitUnavailableErrorsTx D-46
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resourceUnavailableErrorsRx D-46
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resourceUnavailableErrorsTx D-46
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 protocolErrorsRx D-46
ATTRIBUTE Q2630 protocolErrorsTx D-47
COMPONENT Q2630 Mtp3Connection (Mtp3Conn) D-47
GROUP Q2630 Mtp3Conn Provisioned (Prov) D-47
GROUP Q2630 Mtp3Conn WlcCustomCounters (WlcCustomCntr) D-48
COMPONENT Q2630 PeerAddress (PeerAddr) D-49
GROUP Q2630 PeerAddr PeerAddrProv D-49
COMPONENT Q2630 Q2630Client D-51
GROUP Q2630 Q2630Client Operational (Oper) D-51
COLLECTED STATS Q2630 Q2630Client D-53

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COMPONENT Q2630 Q2630Client MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP) D-

COMPONENT Q2630 MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP) D-66
GROUP Q2630 MCP OsiState (State) D-66
GROUP Q2630 MCP Operational (Oper) D-68
COLLECTED STATS Q2630 MonitoredCommunicationProtocol D-74

Appendix E: Component GprsIpServer (Gips) E-1

GROUP Gips CustomerIdentifierData (CidData) E-2
ATTRIBUTE Gips customerIdentifier (cid) E-2
GROUP Gips IfEntryProv (IfEntry) E-2
ATTRIBUTE Gips ifAdminStatus (ifState) E-3
ATTRIBUTE Gips ifIndex (ifI) E-3
GROUP Gips Provisioned (Prov) E-3
ATTRIBUTE Gips linkToProtocolPort (lToPp) E-3
ATTRIBUTE Gips linkToLogicalProcessor (lp) E-4
ATTRIBUTE Gips defaultTtl (defTtl) E-4
ATTRIBUTE Gips reasmTimeout (reasmTo) E-4
ATTRIBUTE Gips performUdpChecksum (checksum) E-4
GROUP Gips Statistics (Stats) E-5
ATTRIBUTE Gips inPacketForUnknownAddr (inFr) E-5
ATTRIBUTE Gips inErrors (inErrs) E-5
COMPONENT Gips IpAddress (Ip) E-5
GROUP Gips Ip Statistics (Stats) E-6
COMPONENT Gips Ip Icmp E-11
COMPONENT Gips Ip Tcp E-15

Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-1

GROUP Mtp3 Provisioned (Prov) F-2
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 linkToLogicalProcessor (lp) F-2
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 linkToPort (lToPort) F-2
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 mtpType F-3
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 origPointCode (opc) F-3
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 networkIndicator (netInd) F-4
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 changeoverHoldoffTimer (t1) F-4
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 changeoverAckTimer (t2) F-5
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 changebackDiversionDelayTimer (t3) F-5
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 firstAttemptChangebackAckTImer (t4) F-6
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 secondAttemptChangebackAckTimer (t5) F-6
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 uninhibitAckTimer (t12) F-7
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 forceUninhibitTimer (t13) F-7
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 inhibitAckTimer (t14) F-8
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 initialAlignmentDelayTimer (t17) F-8
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 localInhibitTestTimer (t22) F-9
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 remoteInhibitTestTimer (t23) F-9
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 sltAckTimer (tQ707T1) F-9
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 sltIntervalTimer (tQ707T2) F-10
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 reroutingHoldOffTimer (t6) F-10
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 routeSetTestRepeatTimer (t10) F-11

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GROUP Mtp3 OsiState (State) F-11

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 adminState (osiAdmin) F-11
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 operationalState (osiOper) F-12
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 usageState (osiUsage) F-12
GROUP Mtp3 Operational (Oper) F-13
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 changeoverAckTimeouts (t2Tmouts) F-13
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 firstAttemptChangebackAckTmouts (t4Tmouts) F-13
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 secondAttemptChangebackAckTmouts (t5Tmouts) F-13
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 forceUninhibitAckTimeouts (t13Tmouts) F-14
GROUP Mtp3 WlcCustomCounters (WlcCustomCntr) F-14
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 customCounter1 (customCntr1) F-14
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 customCounter2 (customCntr2) F-14
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 customCounter3 (customCntr3) F-15
COLLECTED STATS MessageTransferPartLayer3 F-15
ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 linkSetsUnavailable (lsUnavail) F-15
COMPONENT Mtp3 Linkset (Ls) F-15
VERB LOCK Mtp3 Ls F-16
GROUP Mtp3 Ls Provisoned (Prov) F-16
GROUP Mtp3 Ls OsiState (State) F-17
GROUP Mtp3 Ls WlcCustomCounters (WlcCustomCntr) F-18
COMPONENT Mtp3 Ls Link F-19
COMPONENT Mtp3 Ls RouteInfo (RInfo) F-38
COMPONENT Mtp3 ServiceIndicator (ServInd) F-39
GROUP Mtp3 ServInd Provisioned (Prov) F-39
GROUP Mtp3 ServInd WlcCustomCounters (WlcCustomCntr) F-40
COMPONENT Mtp3 Routeset (Rs) F-41
GROUP Mtp3 Rs RoutesetProv (RsProv) F-41
GROUP Mtp3 Rs OsiState (State) F-42
COMPONENT Mtp3 Rs Route F-43

Appendix G: Component SaalNni G-1

GROUP SaalNni Provisioned (Prov) G-2
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni linkToPort (lToPort) G-2
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni linkToLayer3 (lToL3) G-2
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni linkToApplications G-3
GROUP SaalNni SscopProv (Sscop) G-3
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni maxPdusBetweenPolls (maxPdus) G-3
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni ccTimer (cc) G-3
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni maxCc G-4
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni keepAliveTimer (tKeepAl) G-4
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni noResponseTimer (noResp) G-5
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni pollTimer G-5
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni idleTimer G-6
GROUP SaalNni SscfProv (Sscf) G-6
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni provingMode G-6
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni linkReEstablishTimer (t1) G-7
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni alignmentAcceptTimer (t2) G-7
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni provingPduTimer (t3) G-8
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni provingPduCount (n1Prov) G-8
GROUP SaalNni OsiState (State) G-9

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ATTRIBUTE SaalNni adminState (osiAdmin) G-9

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni operationalState (osiOper) G-10
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni usageState (osiUsage) G-10
GROUP SaalNni Operational (Oper) G-10
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni state (provSt) G-11
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni targetProvingPdus (n1) G-11
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni currentProvingPdus (c1) G-11
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni maxCcReached (maxCcR) G-12
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni noResponseTimeouts (noRespTo) G-12
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni pdusTx (pduTx) G-12
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni pdusRx (pduRx) G-12
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni pduOctetsTx (pduOctTx) G-13
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni pduOctetsRx (pduOctRx) G-13
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni insvFailures (insvFail) G-13
GROUP SaalNni WlcCustomCounters (WlcCustomCntr) G-13
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni customCounter1 (customCntr1) G-14
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni customCounter2 (customCntr2) G-14
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni customCounter3 (customCntr3) G-14
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni insvFailures G-14
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni pdusTx G-15
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni pdusRx G-15
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni pduOctetsTx G-15
ATTRIBUTE SaalNni pduOctetsRx G-15
COMPONENT SaalNni NailedupAdaptationPoint (Nap) G-15
GROUP SaalNni Nap Provisioned (Prov) G-15
GROUP SaalNni Nap WlcCustomCounters (WlcCustomCntr) G-16
COMPONENT SaalNni MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP) G-17
GROUP SaalNni MCP OsiState (State) G-17
GROUP SaalNni MCP Operational (Oper) G-19
COLLECTED STATS SaalNni MonitoredCommunicationProtocol G-25

Figure 2-1 MGW CDL Hierarchy Part 1 2-2
Figure 2-2 MGW CDL Hierarchy Part 2 2-3
Figure 2-3 MGW CDL Hierarchy Part 3 2-4
Figure 2-4 MCP OSI State Transitions 2-5
Figure 2-5 Mtp3/ OSI State Transitions 2-6
Figure 2-6 Mtp3/ Ls/ OSI State Transitions 2-8
Figure 2-7 Mtp3/ Ls/ Link/ OSI State Transitions 2-10
Figure 2-8 Mtp3/ Ls/ Link/ OSI States 2-12
Figure 2-9 Mtp3/ Rs/ OSI State Transitions 2-13
Figure 2-10 Mtp3/ Rs/ Route/ OSI State Transitions 2-15
Figure 2-11 Nsta/ Vgs M2ua OSI State Transitions 2-17
Figure 2-12 Nsta/ Vgs M2ua As OSI State Transitions 2-19
Figure 2-13 Nsta/ Vgs M2ua As/ Asp/ OSI State Transitions 2-21
Figure 2-14 Nsta/ Vgs MgcIf OSI State Transitions 2-23
Figure 2-15 Nsta/ Vgs Mtp2/ OSI State Transitions 2-26
Figure 2-16 Q2630/ OSI State Transitions 2-27
Figure 2-17 SaalNni/ OSI State Transitions 2-30

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Figure 2-18 Shelf Card/ CarrierCard/ OSI State Transitions 2-32

Figure 3-1 CDL Hierarchy for Nsta/x Vgs 3-2
Figure 3-2 CDL Hierarchy for Q2630 3-37
Figure 3-3 CDL Hierarchy for MTP3 CDL 3-40
Figure 5-1 Basic maintenance flow 5-8
Figure 5-2 Inactivity timer flows 5-11
Figure 6-1 Control and function processor LEDs 6-2
Figure 6-2 12p DS3 Sparing Panel 6-5
Figure 6-3 Finding physical ports 6-7
Figure 6-4 Finding physical ports (Continued) 6-7
Figure 6-5 Removing a card 6-9
Figure 6-6 Removing a redundant card 6-10
Figure 6-7 Removing a card when loadsharing 6-11
Figure 7-1 MGW inter-shelf communication 7-3
Figure 7-2 H.248 Control link between remote MGW Shelf and MSC 7-5
Figure 7-3 H.248 Control link between remote MGW Shelf and MSC 7-6
Figure 7-4 Physical cable from AN or Dual Standalone MGW Shelf to MGW 7-12
Figure 7-5 Example of inter-regional ATM bearer connection 7-24
Figure 7-6 Example of TDM Bearer connection 7-30
Figure 7-7 SS7signaling backhaul connection: remote BSS to MSC 7-34
Figure 7-8 SS7signaling backhaul connection: central region BSS to MSC 7-35

Table 1-1 CallStatistics Statistics 1-3
Table 1-2 AAL2Svc Statistics 1-9
Table 1-3 Profile/n Statistics 1-10
Table 1-4 TConn/n Statistics 1-14
Table 1-5 AtmSubnet/<name> Statistics 1-15
Table 1-6 MgcIf Statistics 1-17
Table 1-7 CasDef/n Statistics 1-19
Table 1-8 Tag/n Statistics 1-20
Table 1-9 Cas Statistics 1-20
Table 1-10 DS0/n Statistics 1-21
Table 1-11 MultiParty Statistics 1-22
Table 1-12 M2ua Statistics 1-23
Table 1-13 As/n Statistics 1-24
Table 1-14 Asp/m Statistics 1-25
Table 1-15 Iid/y Statistics 1-29
Table 1-16 SctpAssoc Statistics 1-31
Table 1-17 Mtp2 Statistics 1-35
Table 1-18 Q2630 Statistics 1-36
Table 1-19 MTP3 Statistics 1-43
Table 1-20 Link/z Statistics 1-44
Table 1-21 Route/z Statistics 1-44
Table 2-1 MCP OSI States 2-5
Table 2-2 Mtp3/ OSI States 2-7
Table 2-3 Mtp3/ Ls/ OSI States 2-9
Table 2-4 Mtp3/ Rs/ OSI States 2-14
Table 2-5 Mtp3/ Rs/ Route/ OSI States 2-16
Table 2-6 Nsta/ Vgs M2ua OSI States 2-18

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Table 2-7 Nsta/ Vgs M2ua As OSI States 2-20

Table 2-8 Nsta/ Vgs M2ua As/ Asp/ OSI States 2-22
Table 2-9 Nsta/ Vgs MgcIf OSI States 2-25
Table 2-10 Nsta/ Vgs Mtp2/ OSI State 2-27
Table 2-11 Q2630 OSI States 2-28
Table 2-12 SaalNni/ OSI States 2-31
Table 2-13 Shelf Card/ CarrierCard/ OSI States 2-32
Table 2-14 MGW Alarms List 2-33
Table 3-1 Nsta/x Vgs CDL components summary 3-2
Table 3-2 Aal2Svc Profile attribute details 3-17
Table 3-3 AtmSubnet attribute details 3-26
Table 3-4 AtmTConn attribute details 3-28
Table 3-5 MgcIf attribute details 3-29
Table 3-6 Q2630 PeerAddress attributes 3-38
Table 3-7 MTP3 attributes 3-40
Table 3-8 SAAL-NNI attributes 3-42
Table 5-1 MGW behavior, if the ROOT termination is specified 5-7
Table 5-2 Maintenance procedures initiated by the MGW 5-9
Table 6-1 Functional Processor (FP) Redundancy Summary 6-3
Table 7-1 Helpful information to collect 7-47
Table A-1 Traps and corresponding Preside MDM alarm codes A-3
Table A-2 Explanation of items in device model table A-4
Table A-3 Device component model for APS A-4

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xxii Contents
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Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

About this document 1

This document provides operational, administrative and maintenance
information, plus troubleshooting, for the Media Gateway. It includes
performance, fault and configuration parameters related to the Media
Gateway, and detailed information about the component description language
of the Media Gateway.

Audience for this document 1

This document is intended for Nortels customers.

Organization of this document 1

This section provides a brief overview of this document. Each major section
of the document is described below:
Chapter 1, Media Gateway performance management, describes
performance management as it relates to components and attributes
(operational measurement groups and counters) in the component
description language (CDL) data model of the Media Gateway
Chapter 2, Media Gateway fault management, describes fault
management in terms of Media Gateway alarms
Chapter 3, Media Gateway configuration management, describes
configuration management and provisioning parameters in terms of the
Media Gateway CDL model
Chapter 4, Media Gateway software management, provides instructions
for applying software patches
Chapter 5, Media Gateway general maintenance, provides general
maintenance instructions
Chapter 6, Media Gateway basic card maintenance, provides basic
instructions for card maintenance
Chapter 7, Troubleshooting the Media Gateway presents
troubleshooting techniques and tools for the Media Gateway
Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide provides APS
device information as well as a descriptions

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

xxiv About this document
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Appendix B: Manual adjustment for DST on MGW nodes explains how

to tell if manual adjustment for Daylight Savings Time is necessary, and
provides references and examples in case manual adjustment is required
CDL descriptions for components used in the Media Gateway are given in
the following appendices:
Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM
Appendix D: Component Q2630
Appendix E: Component GprsIpServer (Gips)
Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
Appendix G: Component SaalNni

Software release applicability 1

Nortel software releases for the Wireless product are developed and identified
by the product lines. The GSM product line software is identified by the
letters GSM and a 2-digit number, such as GSM18, signifying the current
release in the GSM software stream.

This publication is applicable to the DMS-MSC Family offices that have the
GSM NSS18/UMTS VCN04 software release. Unless this publication is
revised, it also applies to offices that have software releases greater than GSM
NSS18/UMTS VCN04. In the GSM market 3GPP R99 and R4 is supported in
NSS18. 3GPP support in the UMTS market for NSS18 is R99 only.

Customers must be running on NSS16 or NSS17 before they can upgrade to

NSS18. Since there is no GSM-R support on the MSC in NSS18, customers
on GSM-R NSS17 will not upgrade to NSS18. Customers on NSS16/
UMTS03 for the MSC, must upgrade to NSS18/UMTS04.

For more information about the new features contained in the GSM NSS18/
UMTS VCN04 software release, refer to the GSM / UMTS MSC Software
Delta, 411-2231-199, and the GSM / UMTS HLR100/200 Software Delta,

GSM18/UMTS04 Product Computing Module Loads

The NSS18 software load consists of GSM18 (MSC & HLR), GEM18 (SDM
or CBM, and CEM), and MG18 (Media Gateway) software.

Before GSM05, software loads were package-based loads. GSM05 was the
first MSC Product Computing Module Load (PCL). PCLs are composed of
layers of software, or Delivery Receivable Units (DRUs).

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About this document xxv
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The following PCLs comprise the NSS18 software load:

DMS CSP20 (BASE21, TL20, SHR20)
Passport v3.7
SP21 (North America market)
SP17.2 (International market)
Media Gateway (MG) PCR6.1

Special text conventions in this document 1

The Square Brackets symbols, '[' and ']' will be used to denote a reference to
an external document. The number contained within the brackets will be the
same as the number listed beside the intended reference.

Indication of hypertext links 1

Hypertext links in this document are indicated in blue. If viewing a PDF
version of this document, click on the blue text to jump to the associated
section or page.

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xxvi About this document
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Media Gateway performance

management 1
This chapter presents Media Gateway (MGW) performance management

For further information regarding MGW fault management (FM), refer to

Chapter 2, Media Gateway fault management in this document. For further
information regarding MGW configuration management (CM), refer to
Chapter 3, Media Gateway configuration management.

The component description language (CDL), a data description language, is

used to manage the components on the wireless gateway. The CDL is used,
by the applications, to define the customer's administrative view of the
application's services. This view consists of the components, their attributes
(operational, collected, and provisionable) that can be viewed and/or
modified, and all commands that are supported for the services.

Note: The component data model for the MGW is based on the Nortel
PVG product component data model with additional components and
attributes added to meet MGW needs. See the appendices for a complete
listing of all the MGW specific components and subcomponents, and their

This chapter describes Operational Measurement (OM) groups and registers

for the MGW. OM groups correspond to MGW components; OM registers
(sometimes called counters) correspond to MGW operational and collected
attributes. For example:

OM group Q2630 is derived from the MGW Q2630 component

OM register blockConfsRx comes from the Q2630 attribute,


GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

1-2 Media Gateway performance management
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The following sections describe the OM groups (CDL components) and

registers (CDL attributes) for the MGW:
Nsta/x Vgs CallStatistics Stats
Nsta/x Vgs Aal2Svc Stats
Nsta/x Vgs Aal2Svc Profile/n Stats
Nsta/x Vgs Aal2Svc TConn/n Stats
Nsta/x Vgs AtmCac AtmSubnet/<name> Stats
Nsta/x Vgs MgcIf Stats
Nsta/x Vgs CasDef/n Stats
Nsta/x Vgs Tag/n Stats
Nsta/x Vgs Tag/n Cas Stats
Nsta/x Vgs DS0/n Stats
Nsta/x Vgs Vp MultiParty Stats
Nsta/x Vgs M2ua Stats
Nsta/x Vgs M2ua As/n Stats
Nsta/x Vgs M2ua As/n Asp/m Stats
Nsta/x Vgs M2ua As/n Iid/y Stats
Nsta/x Vgs M2ua As/n Asp/m SctpAssoc Stats
Nsta/x Vgs Mtp2 Stats
Q2630 Stats
MTP3 Stats
MTP3/x Ls/y Link/z Stats
MTP3/x Rs/y Route/z Stats

Nsta/x Vgs CallStatistics Stats

The CallStatistics component contains the following counters.

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Media Gateway performance management 1-3
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Table 1-1
CallStatistics Statistics

Attribute Name Description Type

averageContextDuration This attribute indicates the average context Operational and

duration since the last card reset. The context Collected
duration is the time measured between
context creation and context deletion.

This attribute is used to provide refined

capacity forecasts and network engineering
based on the actual offered Erlang load.

maximumContextDuration This attribute indicates the maximum context Operational and

duration since the last card reset. The context Collected
duration is the time measured between
context creation and context deletion.

This attribute is used to provide refined

capacity forecasts and network engineering
based on the actual offered Erlang load.

minimumContextDuration This attribute indicates the minimum context Operational and

duration since the last card reset. The context Collected
duration is the time measured between
context creation and context deletion.

This attribute is used to provide refined

capacity forecasts and network engineering
based on the actual offered Erlang load.

busyDS0UtilAvg This attribute indicates the average DS0 Operational and

channel utilization on this card since the last Collected
card reset. A busy channel is one that is
neither idle nor blocked. The number of busy
channels are divided by the configured
channel capacity to arrive at the DS0
utilization. Channels are configured in the
Nsta/n Vgs Tag component.

busyDS0UtilMax This attribute indicates the maximum DS0 Operational and

channel utilization on this card since the last Collected
card reset. A busy channel is one that is
neither idle nor blocked. The number of busy
channels are divided by the configured
channel capacity to arrive at the utilization.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

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Table 1-1
CallStatistics Statistics (continued)

Attribute Name Description Type

totalDS0sUsed This attribute counts the number of DS0 Operational and

channels that have been activated. This Collected
parameter is used to derive the Erlangs.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds

its maximum value.

gttCalls This attribute counts the Global Text Operational and

Telephony (GTT) calls set up on this Nsta/n Collected
Vgs component. This attribute is incremented
when the call is set up.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds

its maximum value

currentGttCalls This attribute indicates the current number of Operational

Global Text Telephony (GTT) calls present on
this Nsta/n Vgs component.

peakGttCalls This attribute indicates the peak number of Collected

Global Text Telephony (GTT) calls that have
been established on this Nsta/n Vgs
component during the last collection period.
This attribute indicates the peak value during
the collection interval.

gttCtmFailures This attribute counts the number of Global Operational and

Text Telephony (GTT) calls that have failed Collected
Cellular Text telephone Modem (CTM)
negotiation on this Nsta/n Vgs component.
This attribute is incremented when the call

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds

its maximum value.

iuInterfaceConnections This attribute indicates the number of Operational

Universal Mobile Telecommunication System
(UMTS) Iu-interface connections that are
currently supporting active calls.

nbInterfaceConnections This attribute indicates the number of Nb Operational

interface connections that are currently
supporting active calls.

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Media Gateway performance management 1-5
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Table 1-1
CallStatistics Statistics (continued)

Attribute Name Description Type

pstnInterfaceConnections This attribute indicates the number of Public Operational

Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)
interface connections that are currently
supporting active calls.

accessInterfaceConnections This attribute indicates the number of Global Operational

System for Mobile communications (GSM)
Access interface connections that are
currently supporting active calls.

connectionsRejectedInsuffT This attribute counts the connection failures Operational

hroughput that are due to insufficient packetized data
path throughput when throughputLoadPercent
is at or exceeds 100%.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its

maximum value.

connectionsRejectedInsuffN This attribute indicates a summation of the Operational

etworkBandWidth connectionsRejected attribute values of all of
the AtmCac AtmSubnet and IpCac IpSubnet

dspLoadPercent This attribute indicates the percentage of Operational

Digital Signalling Processors (DSPs) whose
resources are exhausted in support of active
calls. 100% indicates that no new calls can be
supported by the DSPs.

coreLoadPercent This attribute indicates the percentage of Operational

Digital Signalling Processor (DSP) cores
whose resources are exhausted in support of
active calls. 100% indicates that no new calls
can be supported by the DSP cores.

contextLoadPercent(cntxLo This attribute indicates the percentage of Operational

adPct) Digital Signalling Processor (DSP) contexts
that are currently supporting active calls.
100% indicates that no new calls can be
supported by the DSP contexts.

terminationLoadPercent This attribute indicates the percentage of Operational

Digital Signalling Processor (DSP)
terminations that are currently supporting
active calls. 100% indicates that all DSP
terminations are supporting active calls and no
new calls can be supported.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

1-6 Media Gateway performance management
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Table 1-1
CallStatistics Statistics (continued)

Attribute Name Description Type

throughputLoadPercent This attribute indicates the percentage of Operational

packetized data path throughput currently in
use. An attribute value of 100% indicates that
all packet throughput is completely used by
active calls. An attribute value that is greater
than 100% indicates that the packet
throughput is over-subscribed and that active
calls may suffer packet loss.

packetInterfacesLoadPerce This attribute indicates the percentage of Iu Operational

nt and Nb interface connection resources
currently in use. An attribute value of 100%
indicates that all Iu and Nb interface
connection resources are completely used by
active calls.

congestionPercent This attribute indicates the percentage of the Operational

overall congestion level of the Media Gateway
resources. This attribute indicates the highest
value, upper-limited to 100%, of the following
operational attributes:
- contextLoadPercent
- throughputLoadPercent
- the highest value of
currentPercentBandwidthUtil for all of the
AtmCac AtmSubnet or IpCac IpSubnet

peakDspLoadPercent This attribute indicates the maximum value of Operational and

dspLoadPercent attribute recorded since the Collected
Media Gateway came into service.

peakCoreLoadPercent This attribute indicates the maximum value of Operational and

coreLoadPercent attribute recorded since the Collected
Media Gateway came into service.

peakContextLoadPercent This attribute indicates the maximum value of Operational and

contextLoadPercent attribute recorded since Collected
the Media Gateway came into service.

peakTerminationLoadPerce This attribute indicates the maximum value of Operational and

nt terminationLoadPercent attribute recorded Collected
since the Media Gateway came into service.

peakThroughputLoadPerce This attribute indicates the maximum value of Operational and

nt bandWidthLoadPercent attribute recorded Collected
since the Media Gateway came into service.

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Media Gateway performance management 1-7
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Table 1-1
CallStatistics Statistics (continued)

Attribute Name Description Type

peakPacketInterfacesLoadP This attribute indicates the maximum value of Operational and

ercent the packetInterfacesLoadPercent attribute Collected
recorded since the Media Gateway came into

peakCongestionPercent This attribute indicates the maximum value of Operational and

congestionPercent attribute recorded since Collected
the Media Gateway came into service.

g711Upspeeds This attribute counts codec upspeeds Operational and

performed by the Transcoding Rate Collected
Adaptation Unit (TRAU). The counter wraps to
zero when it reaches its maximum value.

averageAmrVoiceActivity This attribute indicates the average Operational and

percentage of time that calls are carrying Collected
Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) voice activity on
this Media Gateway since restart.

averageEphemeralBps This attribute indicates the average bandwidth Operational and

used by calls established on this Media Collected
Gateway since restart.

peakEphemeralBps This attribute indicates the maximum Operational and

bandwidth used by calls established on this Collected
Media Gateway since restart.

nbUpInitTimeOuts This attribute counts Nb User Plane (Nb UP) Operational and
initialization failures due to initialization Collected
message reply timeouts.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its

maximum value.

nbUpInitNacksRx This attribute counts Nb User Plane (Nb UP) Operational and
initialization failures due to negative Nb UP Collected
initialization acknowledgements received from
the peer Media Gateway.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its

maximum value.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

1-8 Media Gateway performance management
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Table 1-1
CallStatistics Statistics (continued)

Attribute Name Description Type

nbUpInitVersionMismatches This attribute counts Nb User Plane (Nb UP) Operational and
initialization failures due to an Nb UP mode Collected
version mismatch with the peer Media

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its

maximum value.

nbUpInitSubflowMismatche This attribute counts Nb User Plane (Nb UP) Operational and
s initialization failures due to a Radio Access Collected
Bearer (RAB) subflow mismatch with the peer
Media Gateway.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its

maximum value.

nbUpInitFormatErrors This attribute counts Nb User Plane (Nb UP) Operational and
initialization failures due to a message format Collected
error received from the peer Media Gateway.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its

maximum value.

upspeedTimeOuts This attribute counts upspeed failures due to Operational and

negotiation message reply timeouts. Collected

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its

maximum value.

upspeedMultipleNacks This attribute counts upspeed failures due to Operational and

multiple negative acknowledgements received Collected
from the peer Media Gateway.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its

maximum value.

upspeedGttFailures This attribute counts upspeed failures for the Operational and
Global Text Telephony (GTT) service that Collected
requires G.711 for reliable transport.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its

maximum value.

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Table 1-1
CallStatistics Statistics (continued)

Attribute Name Description Type

upspeedIdenFailures This attribute counts upspeed failures for the Operational and
Integrated Digital Enhanced Network (iDEN) Collected
service that requires G.711 for reliable

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its

maximum value.

upspeedCsdFailures This attribute counts upspeed failures for the Operational and
Circuit Switched Data (CSD) service that Collected
requires G.711 for reliable transport.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its

maximum value.

Nsta/x Vgs Aal2Svc Stats

The Aal2Svc component contains the following counters.
Table 1-2
AAL2Svc Statistics

Attribute Name Description Type

activeOriginatedSvcs This attribute indicates the number of Operational

currently active SVCs originated by this

activeTerminatedSvcs This attribute indicates the number of Operational

currently active SVCs terminated by this

originatedSvcs This attribute counts the number of SVCs Operational

originated by the gateway.

terminatedSvcs This attribute counts the number of SVCs Operational

terminated by this gateway.

activeSvcsDeleted This attribute counts the number of SVCs Operational

deleted while in the active state carrying

neverUsedSvcsDeleted This attribute counts the number of SVCs that Operational

were created by this gateway and deleted
without carrying any traffic.

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Table 1-2
AAL2Svc Statistics (continued)

Attribute Name Description Type

svcsPending This attribute indicates the number of SVC Operational

creation requests currently requested but not
yet established.

emptySvcCount This attribute indicates the number of SVCs Operational

that are enabled but not carrying narrowband

networkReleaseCount This attribute counts the number of ATM Operational

network releases received by the
Aal2SvcService component. This provides an
indication of the total number of SVCs or SVC
attempts that failed due to ATM network

unavailableSvcCount This attribute indicates the number of SVCs Operational

currently unavailable to trunk selection.

narrowbandConnectionsRef This attribute counts the narrowband Operational

used connections rejected due to failure of the SVC
creation process.

svcSetupTimeoutCount This attribute counts the number of times the Operational

SVC setup timeout expired.

overloadedSvcCount This attribute counts the number of times an Operational

SVC was overloaded. An SVC is overloaded
when narrowband calls are simultaneously
placed on the SVC at both its originating and
terminating ends, causing the
activeConnections attribute of the TConn
component to exceed the
maxNumberAal2Trunks specified in the
Profile component.

Nsta/x Vgs Aal2Svc Profile/n Stats

The Aal2Svc Profile component contains the following counters.
Table 1-3
Profile/n Statistics

Attribute Name Description Type

activeOriginatedSvcs This attribute indicates the number of currently Operational

active SVCs originated by this gateway using
this Profile.

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Table 1-3
Profile/n Statistics (continued)

Attribute Name Description Type

peakActiveOriginatedSvcs This attribute indicates the peak value of the Collected

operational attribute activeOriginatedSvcs in
the collection interval.

activeTerminatedSvcs This attribute indicates the number of currently Operational

active SVCs terminated by this gateway using
this Profile.

peakActiveTerminatedSvcs This attribute indicates the peak value of the Collected

operational attribute activeTerminatedSvcs in
the collection interval.

originatedSvcs This attribute counts the number of SVCs Operational and

originated by the gateway using this Profile. Collected

terminatedSvcs This attribute counts the number of SVCs Operational and

terminated by this gateway using this Profile. Collected

activeSvcsDeleted This attribute counts the number of SVCs Operational and

using this Profile which are deleted while in the Collected
active state carrying traffic.

neverUsedSvcsDeleted This attribute counts the number of SVCs that Operational and
were created by this gateway using this Profile Collected
and deleted without carrying any traffic.

svcsPending This attribute indicates the number of SVC Operational

creation requests currently requested but not
yet established on this gateway using this

peakSvcsPending This attribute indicates the peak value of the Collected

operational attribute svcsPending in the
collection interval.

emptySvcCount This attribute indicates the number of SVCs Operational

that are enabled but not carrying narrowband
calls on this gateway using this Profile.

peakEmptySvcCount This attribute indicates the peak value of the Collected

operational attribute emptySvcCount in the
collection interval.

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Table 1-3
Profile/n Statistics (continued)

Attribute Name Description Type

networkReleaseCount This attribute counts the number of ATM Operational and

network releases received by the Collected
Aal2SvcService component for the SVCs
using this Profile. This provides an indication
of the total number of SVCs using this Profile
or SVC attempts that failed due to ATM
network conditions.

unavailableSvcCount This attribute indicates the number of SVCs Operational

using this Profile which are currently
unavailable to trunk selection.

peakUnavailableSvcCount This attribute indicates the peak value of the Collected

operational attribute unavailableSvcCount in
the collection interval.

narrowbandConnectionsRef This attribute counts the narrowband Operational and

used connections rejected due to failure of the SVC Collected
creation process for SVCs using this Profile.

svcSetupTimeoutCount This attribute counts the number of times the Operational and
SVC setup timeout expired for SVCs using this Collected

overloadedSvcCount This attribute counts the number of times an Operational and

SVC using this Profile was overloaded. An Collected
SVC is overloaded when narrowband calls are
simultaneously placed on the SVC at both its
originating and terminating ends, causing the
activeConnections attribute of the TConn
component to exceed the
maxNumberAal2Trunks specified in the Profile

lastSvcSetupTimeoutNsap This attribute indicates the NSAP address of Operational

the last SVC attempt for which the SVC setup
timeout attribute expired for the SVC using this
profile. If the string is empty, then such a
timeout has never occurred.

lastSvcSetupFailureNsap This attribute indicates the remote NSAP Operational

address of the last SVC attempt for which the
setup request failed for SVC using this Profile.
If the string is empty, SVC setup failures have

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Table 1-3
Profile/n Statistics (continued)

Attribute Name Description Type

lastSvcSetupFailureCause This attribute indicates the cause of the last Operational

SVC setup failure for the SVC using this
Profile, as defined in the ATM Forum ATM
User-Network Interface Specification. This
attribute is only meaningful if the
lastSvcSetupFailureNsap attribute is not

lastSvcSetupFailureDiagno This attribute indicates the diagnostic code Operational

stic associated with the last SVC setup failure for
the SVC using this Profile, as defined in the
ATM Forum ATM User-Network Interface
Specification. This attribute is only meaningful
if the lastSvcSetupFailureNsap attribute is not

lastSvcAbnormalTearDown This attribute indicates the remote NSAP Operational

Nsap address of the last SVC using this Profile
which did not experience a normal tear down.
If the string is empty, an abnormal SVC tear
down has not occurred.

lastSvcAbnormalTearDown This attribute indicates the tear down cause Operational

Cause for the last SVC using this Profile that did not
experience a normal tear down, as defined in
the ATM Forum ATM User-Network Interface
Specification. This attribute is only meaningful
if the lastSvcAbnormalTearDownNsap
attribute is not empty.

lastSvcAbnormalTearDown This attribute indicates the tear down Operational

Diagnostic diagnostic code associated with the last SVC
using this Profile which did not experience a
normal tear down, as defined in the ATM
Forum ATM User-Network Interface
Specification. This attribute is only meaningful
if the lastSvcAbnormalTearDownNsap
attribute is not empty.

Nsta/x Vgs Aal2Svc TConn/n Stats

Under the Aal2SvcService, the existing TrunkConnection (TConn) dynamic
component is modified to indicate which profile was selected when the SVC
was established. The new attribute, profile, contains the component name of
the Profile instance associated with the SVC. This is useful for debugging and
is more convenient than trying to match the NSAP address by eye. The profile
field always contains a valid string. If the operator deletes a Profile in use,

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adds a new Profile, or changes the addressPrefix for a Profile, the software
updates all active SVCs based on the new data. This means that the profile for
a given TConn may change after the SVC has been established. However, not
all new attributes affect an SVC that has already been created.
Table 1-4
TConn/n Statistics

Attribute Name Description Type

remoteAddress This attribute indicates the Asynchronous Operational

Transfer Mode (ATM) address of the node at
the remote end of this trunk.

vcci This attribute indicates the Virtual Channel Operational

Connection Identifier (VCCI) for this Virtual
Channel Connection (VCC). The vcci attribute
value uniquely identifies a VCC between two
nodes in a given direction. Asynchronous
Transfer Mode (ATM) trunks terminating on
different remote nodes may share the same
vcci attribute value.

type This attribute indicates whether this Operational

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Virtual
Channel Connection (VCC) was originated or
terminated by this ATM Adaptation Layer 2
(AAL2) Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) Service.

activeConnections This attribute indicates the number of active Operational

narrowband connections on this
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Virtual
Channel Connection (VCC).

aal2CpLossStatus This attribute indicates whether an Operational

Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaptation
Layer 2 (AAL2) common part (CP) loss
condition exists. When the condition exists,
this attribute is set to loss, otherwise it is set to
noLoss. An AAL2 CP loss condition exists if no
valid media traffic is being received.

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Table 1-4
TConn/n Statistics (continued)

Attribute Name Description Type

aal2StartFieldErrors This attribute counts the number of cells Operational

received with an Asynchronous Transfer Mode
Adaptation Layer 2 (AAL2) Common Part
Sublayer Protocol Data Unit (CPS-PDU) Start
Field error. A Start Field error includes a cell
with a parity error or a cell in which the packet
pointed to by the offset field (OSF) has a
packet Header Error Check (HEC) error. The
counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its
maximum value.

aal2SequenceErrors This attribute counts the number of cells Operational

received with an unexpected Asynchronous
Transfer Mode Adaptation Layer 2 (AAL2)
Common Part Sublayer Protocol Data Unit
(CPS-PDU) sequence number.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its

maximum value.

profileName This attribute indicates the component name Operational

of the Profile associated with this Tconn.

Nsta/x Vgs AtmCac AtmSubnet/<name> Stats

The following statistics are provided by each AtmSubnet component.
Table 1-5
AtmSubnet/<name> Statistics
Attribute Name Description Type

currentBandwidthUtilization This attribute indicates the current network Operational

bandwidth allocated to connections originating
or terminating within this subnet. The value is
rounded down to the nearest kilobit.

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Table 1-5
AtmSubnet/<name> Statistics (continued)
Attribute Name Description Type

currentPercentBandwidthUti This attribute indicates the current percentage Operational

l of available network bandwidth allocated to
connections originating or terminating within
this subnet. Utilization is expressed as a
percentage of the provisioned
networkBandwidthAvailablePerVsp attribute. If
the networkBandwidthAvailablePerVsp
attribute is set to unlimited, the value of this
attribute will always be 0%. 100% indicates
that network bandwidth is exhausted in this

connectionsRejected This attribute counts connection attempts Operational and

rejected as the result of having insufficient Collected
bandwidth available in this subnet. Connection
attempts are rejected only when the
networkBandwidthAvailablePerVsp attribute is
set to a value other than unlimited.

g711Upspeeds This attribute counts codec upspeeds from Operational and

Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) to G.711 (64 kbit/s) Collected
for connections within this subnet. This
includes unilateral upspeeds and codec
modification requests from the Media Gateway
Controller (MGC).

peakBandwidthUtilization This attribute indicates the maximum Collected

bandwidth allocated to connections originating
or terminating within this subnet. The value is
rounded down to the nearest kilobit. This
attribute indicates the peak value in the
collection interval.

averageBandwidthUtilizatio This attribute indicates the estimated average Collected

n bandwidth allocated to connections originating
or terminating within this subnet. The value is
rounded down to the nearest kilobit. This
attribute indicates the average value in the
collection interval.

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Nsta/x Vgs MgcIf Stats

The MgcIf component contains the following counters in support of enhanced
Overload controls.
Table 1-6
MgcIf Statistics
Attribute Name Description Type

transactionsRejected This attribute counts the number of H.248 Operational

transaction requests rejected by the Media
Gateway (MGW) due to overload conditions.
In the Nb Media Gateway this attribute also
counts the number of H.248 transaction
requests rejected due to congestion, locked
MgcIf component, or internal communication
in the MGW. Since these transactions are
explicitly rejected using error replies, the
errorsSent attribute is incremented as well.
The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its
maximum value.

resourceCongestion This attribute counts the number of times that Operational and
ThresholdSurpassed a state of resource congestion has been Collected
entered, and thus, the number of times the
MgcIf resource congestion alarm was set. A
state of resource congestion is entered when
the contextLoadPercent attribute of the
CallStatistics component surpasses the
congestionThreshold of the MgcIf component.
Resource congestion may only be reentered
after the contextLoadPercent attribute falls to
or below the congestionAbatementThreshold
of the MgcIf component.

Throughput Congestion This attribute counts the number of times Operational and
ThresholdSurpassed throughput congestion has been entered, and Collected
thus, the number of times the MgcIf
throughput congestion alarm was set. A state
of throughput congestion is entered when the
throughputLoadPercent attribute of the
CallStatistics component surpasses the
congestionThreshold of the MgcIf component.
Throughput congestion may only be reentered
after the throughputLoadPercent attribute falls
to or below the
congestionAbatementThreshold of the MgcIf

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Table 1-6
MgcIf Statistics (continued)
Attribute Name Description Type

subnetCongestion This attribute counts the number of times that Operational and
ThresholdSurpassed a state of subnet congestion has been Collected
entered, and thus, the number of times that
the MgcIf subnet congestion alarm was set. A
state of subnet congestion is entered when the
currentPercentBandwidthUtil of any of the
AtmCac AtmSubnet or IpCac IpSubnet
components surpasses the
congestionThreshold of the MgcIf component.
Subnet congestion may only be reentered
after the currentPercentBandwidthUtil attribute
of all of the AtmCac AtmSubnet or IpCac
IpSubnet components falls to or below the
congestionAbatementThreshold of the MgcIf

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Nsta/x Vgs CasDef/n Stats

Component CasDef contains the following counters.
Table 1-7
CasDef/n Statistics
Attribute Name Description Type

fileTransferStatus This attribute indicates the status of the Operational

transfer of the CAS profile file from the CP to
the VSP FP. The possible values are:
inProgress: The file as specified in
fileName attribute is being transferred.
CAS signaling requests against trunks
associated to this CasDefn component
are not accepted.
complete: The file transfer is complete.
CAS signaling requests against trunks
associated to this CasDefn component
are accepted.
missing: The system can not find the file,
specified in the fileName attribute, on the
CP. An alarm is raised in this state. The
VSP FP polls for the file until the transfer
can commence.
fileTooLong: The file set in the fileName
attribute is too long to be loaded
successfully. An alarm is raised in this
state. The VSP FP polls to look for
changes in file length or timestamp.
fileError: The file set in the fileName
attribute has failed sanity checks after the
transfer, and can not be used. An alarm is
raised in this state. The VSP FP polls to
look for changes in file length or
cpNotResponding: The CP is not
responding. The CP may be busy or the
disk may be locked. The VSP FP polls to
check for the CP availability.

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Nsta/x Vgs Tag/n Stats

Component Tag contains the following registers.
Table 1-8
Tag/n Statistics
Attribute Name Description Type

status This attribute indicates the status of a Tag. Operational

The possible values are:

enabled - no failure.

vgsNotReady - the Media Gateway is

unavailable. This is currently indicated by the
operationalState of the Vsp component being

chanNotReady - the TDM Chan component is

locked, or the Chan proceduralStatus is

chanDegraded - the TDM Chan or associated

primary rate interface has an outstanding

resourceUnavailable - there is not enough

hardware resource to handle all timeslots of
this Tag.

casNotReady - the operationalState of the

CasDefn component linked to by the Cas
subcomponent of this Tag is currently

Nsta/x Vgs Tag/n Cas Stats

Subcomponent Cas has the following counters.
Table 1-9
Cas Statistics
Attribute Name Description Type

txSignals This attribute counts CAS line signals Operational

transmitted towards the TDM interface since
the component was activated.

The counter wraps to 0 when it exceeds its

maximum value.

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Table 1-9
Cas Statistics (continued)
Attribute Name Description Type

rxSignals This attribute counts CAS line signals received Operational

from the TDM interface since the component
was activated.

The counter wraps to 0 when it exceeds its

maximum value.

busyChannels This attribute indicates the number of Operational

endpoints in answer or setup state for the
Chan component specified in the
interfaceName attribute of the parent
component. This includes only the endpoints
that are not in idle or blocked state.

blockedChannels This attribute indicates the number of Operational

endpoints in blocked state for the Chan
component specified in the interfaceName
attribute of the parent component.

signalFailureIndications This attribute counts the number of incoming Operational

line state changes that are not recognized as
valid candidates for that stage in a call, and
that are reported as a Signal Failure to the
MSC call server.

The counter wraps to 0 when it exceeds its

maximum value.

Nsta/x Vgs DS0/n Stats

Component DS0 has the following counters.
Table 1-10
DS0/n Statistics
Attribute Name Description Type

terminationIdInfo The attribute indicates the Termination ID Operational

associated with this DS0 in HEX format

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Table 1-10
DS0/n Statistics (continued)
Attribute Name Description Type

callState This attribute indicates the call state of this Operational

DS0. The possible values are:

idle - The DS0 is not being used for a call.

inCall - The DS0 is in a call.

oos - The DS0 is out of service.

connectionDuration This attribute indicates the time elapsed since Operational

the connection has been established.

resourceID This attributes indicates the resource Operational

information associated with this DS0, if it is
being used for a call. The resource ID contains
the DSP chip ID, DSP Core ID and channel

codecType This attribute indicates the codec being used if Operational

this DS0 is being used for a call.

callControllerIPAddress This attribute indicates the IP address of the Operational

call controller, if this DS0 is being used for a
call. It represents the Media Gateway
Controller (MGC) IP address.

callControllerPort This attribute indicates the UDP port of the call Operational
controller, if this DS0 is being used for a call. It
represents the Media Gateway Controller
(MGC) UDP port.

Nsta/x Vgs Vp MultiParty Stats

This group contains both the operational and statistical information for the
MultiParty component.
Table 1-11
MultiParty Statistics
Attribute Name Description Type

totalSupportedResources The attribute indicates the maximum number Operational and

of Conference Bridges/LI Replicators Collected
supported on this Media Gateway.

bridgesInUse This attribute indicates the number of Operational

Conference Bridges currently in use.

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Table 1-11
MultiParty Statistics (continued)
Attribute Name Description Type

peakBridgesUsed This attribute indicates the peak Conference Collected

Bridge usage during collection period.

bridgeSetupFailures This attribute counts Conference Bridge setup Operational and

failures. Collected

bridgeSetupSuccesses This attribute counts successful Conference Operational and

Bridges setups. Collected

bridgeTotalRequests This attribute counts all conference bridge Operational and

requests received. This includes successful Collected
and failed setups.

replicatorsInUse This attribute indicates the number of LI Operational

Replicators currently in use.

peakReplicatorsUsed This attribute indicates the peak LI Replicator Collected

usage during the collection period.

replicatorSetupFailures This attributes counts LI Replicator setup Operational and

failures. Collected

replicatorsSetupSuccesses This attribute counts successful LI Replicator Operational and

setups. Collected

replicatorTotalRequests This attribute counts all LI Replicator requests Operational and

received. This includes successful and failed Collected

Nsta/x Vgs M2ua Stats

Component M2ua has the following counter.
Table 1-12
M2ua Statistics
Attribute Name Description Type

connectionsRefused This attribute counts the number of SCTP Operational and

connection requests refused by M2UA. The Collected
most likely cause for a connection to be
refused is that the requestors IP address and/
or port is not configured on this media

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Nsta/x Vgs M2ua As/n Stats

Subcomponent M2ua As (ApplicationServer) has the following counters.
Table 1-13
As/n Statistics
Attribute Name Description Type

state This attribute indicates the peer Application Operational

Server (AS) state as determined by the local
MTP2 User Adaptation (M2UA) application.
The state is defined in RFC 3331 and is one of
the following:

down - The AS is unavailable. This state

implies that all related Application Server
Process (ASPs) are in the ASP-DOWN state
for this AS. This is the initial AS state.

active - The AS is available and application

traffic is active. This state implies that at least
one ASP is in the ASP-ACTIVE state.

inactive- The AS is available but no application

traffic is active (i.e., one or more related ASPs
are in the ASP-INACTIVE state, but none are
in the ASP-ACTIVE state).

pending- An active ASP has transitioned to

ASP-INACTIVE or ASP-DOWN and it was the
last remaining active ASP.

interfacesActive This attribute indicates the number of Interface Operational

Identifiers, or links, currently in an active state.
This value is initially zero and increases up to
a maximum of the number of Iid components
provisioned under this As.

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Nsta/x Vgs M2ua As/n Asp/m Stats

Subcomponent M2ua As Asp has the following counters.
Table 1-14
Asp/m Statistics
Attribute Name Description Type

sctpEstablishIndications This attribute counts M-SCTP Establish Operational and

Indications received for this Application Server Collected
Process (ASP). This counter is incremented
only when the value of the localRole attribute
is set to server.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its

maximum value.

sctpEstablishRequests This attribute counts M-SCTP Establish Operational and

Requests sent for this Application Server Collected
Process (ASP). This attribute counts the
attempts to establish a Stream Control
Transmission Protocol (SCTP) association
with the remote ASP. This counter is
incremented only when the value of the
localRole attribute is set to client.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its

maximum value.

sctpEstablishFailures This attribute counts M-SCTP Establish Operational and

Requests that failed to successfully establish a Collected
Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)
association with the remote Application Server
Process (ASP). This counter is incremented
only when the value of the localRole attribute
is set to client.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its

maximum value.

sctpReleaseIndications This attribute counts M-SCTP Release Operational and

Indications received for this Application Server Collected
Process (ASP). This counter is incremented
only when the value of the localRole attribute
is set to server.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its

maximum value.

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Table 1-14
Asp/m Statistics (continued)
Attribute Name Description Type

sctpRestartIndications This attribute counts M-SCTP Restart Operational and

Indications received for this Application Server Collected
Process (ASP). This counter is incremented
only when the value of the localRole attribute
is set to server.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its

maximum value.

aspUpMsgsReceived This attribute counts the number of ASP Up Operational and

(UP) messages received. Collected

aspDownMsgsReceived The attribute counts the number of ASP Down Operational and
(DOWN) messages received. Collected

aspUpAcksSent This attribute counts the number of ASP Up Operational and

Acknowledge (UP ACK) messages sent. Collected

aspDownAcksSent This attribute counts the number of ASP Down Operational and
Acknowledge (DOWN ACK) messages sent. Collected

aspActiveMsgsReceived This attribute counts the number of ASP Operational and

Active (ACTIVE) messages received. Collected

aspInactiveMsgsReceived This attribute counts the number of ASP Operational and

Inactive (INACTIVE) messages received. Collected

aspActiveAcksSent This attribute counts the number of ASP Operational and

Active Acknowledge (ACTIVE ACK) Collected
messages sent.

aspInactiveAcksSent This attribute counts the number of ASP Operational and

Inactive Acknowledge (INACTIVE ACK) Collected
messages sent.

heartbeatsSent This attribute counts the number of Heartbeat Operational and

(BEAT) messages sent. Collected

heartbeatsReceived This attribute counts the number of Heartbeat Operational and

(BEAT) messages received. Collected

heartbeatAcksSent This attribute counts the number of Heartbeat Operational and

Acknowledge (BEAT ACK) messages sent. Collected

heartbeatAcksReceived This attribute counts the number of Heartbeat Operational and

Acknowledge (BEAT ACK) messages Collected

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Table 1-14
Asp/m Statistics (continued)
Attribute Name Description Type

notifyMsgsSent The attribute counts the number of Notify Operational and

(NTFY) messages sent. Collected

errorsSent This attribute counts the number of Error Operational and

(ERR) messages sent. Collected

errorsReceived This attribute counts the number of Error Operational and

(ERR) messages received. Collected

invalidVersionErrorsSent This attribute counts the number of Invalid Operational and

Version errors sent. This corresponds to error Collected
code 0x1 defined in RFC 3331.

invalidVersionErrorsReceiv This attribute counts the number of Invalid Operational and

ed Version errors received. This corresponds to Collected
error code 0x1 defined in RFC 3331.

invalidIidErrorsSent This attribute counts the number of Invalid Operational and

Interface Identifier errors sent. This Collected
corresponds to error code 0x2 defined in RFC
3331. This error occurs when the ASP
references an interface identifier (IID) that is
not locally configured.

invalidIidErrorsReceived This attribute counts the number of Invalid Operational and

Interface Identifier errors received. This Collected
corresponds to error code 0x2 defined in RFC
3331. This error occurs when the remote ASP
does not recognize the interface identifier (IID)
that it has received.

unsupportedTypeErrorsSen This attribute counts the number of Operational and

t Unsupported Message Class (error code 0x3), Collected
Unsupported Message Type (error code 0x4),
and Unsupported Traffic Handling Mode (error
code 0x5) errors sent. These errors are
defined in RFC 3331.

unsupportedTypeErrorsRec This attribute counts the number of Operational and

eived Unsupported Message Class (error code 0x3), Collected
Unsupported Message Type (error code 0x4),
and Unsupported Traffic Handling Mode (error
code 0x5) errors received. These errors are
defined in RFC 3331.

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Table 1-14
Asp/m Statistics (continued)
Attribute Name Description Type

protocolErrorsSent This attribute counts the number of protocol Operational and

errors detected locally. This corresponds to Collected
error codes 0x6 Unexpected Message, 0x7
Protocol Error, 0x11 Invalid Parameter Value,
0x12 Parameter Field Error, 0x13 Unexpected
Parameter, and 0x16 Missing Parameter
defined in RFC 3331.

protocolErrorsReceived This attribute counts the number of protocol Operational and

errors detected by the remote Application Collected
Server Process (ASP). This corresponds to
error codes 0x6 Unexpected Message, 0x7
Protocol Error, 0x11 Invalid Parameter Value,
0x12 Parameter Field Error, 0x13 Unexpected
Parameter, and 0x16 Missing Parameter
defined in RFC 3331.

invalidStreamIdErrorsSent This attribute counts the number of Invalid Operational and

Stream Identifier errors sent. This corresponds Collected
to error code 0x9 defined in RFC 3331. This
error is sent if a message is received on an
unexpected SCTP stream (i.e. a management
message is received on a stream other than

invalidStreamIdErrorsRecei This attribute counts the number of Invalid Operational and

ved Stream Identifier errors received. This Collected
corresponds to error code 0x9 defined in RFC
3331. Receipt of this error indicates that the
remote node received a message on an
unexpected SCTP stream.

sendFailures This attribute counts the number of times Operational and

M2UA was unable to send a Stream Control Collected
Transmission Protocol (SCTP) message to the
remote Application Server Process (ASP). The
most likely cause of a send failure is
congestion on the remote node. Messages
that SCTP is unable to send are discarded.

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Nsta/x Vgs M2ua As/n Iid/y Stats

Subcomponent M2ua AS Iid has the following counters.
Table 1-15
Iid/y Statistics
Attribute Name Description Type

state This attribute indicates the state of the local Operational

interface. The state may be one of the

idle - Communication has not been

established for this link. This is the initial state.

normalProving - The link is starting in normal

proving mode.

emerProving - The link is starting in

emergency proving mode.

active - The link has been started and is

communicating normally.

lpo - Communication on this link has been

disrupted due to a Local Processor Outage

rpo - Communication on this link has been

disrupted due to a Remote Processor Outage

congested - This link has reported a

congestion condition.

error - Communication has not been

established on this link due to an error. This is
the state used to indicate failure to establish
communication with the remote Application
Server Process (ASP) e.g. far end does not
recognize this interface identifier (IID).

dataMessagesReceived This attribute counts the number of Data Operational and

messages received. Collected

dataMessagesSent The attribute counts the number of Data Operational and

messages sent. Collected

dataAcknowledgementsRec This attribute counts the number of Data Operational and

eived Acknowledge messages received. Collected

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Table 1-15
Iid/y Statistics (continued)
Attribute Name Description Type

dataAcknowledgementsSen The attribute counts the number of Data Operational and

t Acknowledge messages sent. Collected

establishRequestsReceived This attribute counts the number of Establish Operational and

Request messages received. Collected

establishRequestsSent This attribute counts the number of Establish Operational and

Request messages sent. Collected

establishConfirmsReceived This attribute counts the number of Establish Operational and

Confirm messages received. Collected

establishConfirmsSent This attribute counts the number of Establish Operational and

Confirm messages sent. Collected

releaseRequestsReceived This attribute counts the number of Release Operational and

Request messages received. Collected

releaseConfirmsSent This attribute counts the number of Release Operational and

Confirm messages sent. Collected

releaseIndicationsSent This attribute counts the number of Release Operational and

Indication messages sent. Collected

stateRequestsReceived This attribute counts the number of State Operational and

Request messages received. Collected

stateConfirmsSent This attribute counts the number of State Operational and

Confirm messages sent. Collected

stateIndicationsSent This attribute counts the number of State Operational and

Indication messages sent. Collected

dataRetrievalRequestsRece This attribute counts the number of Data Operational and

ived Retrieval Request messages received. Collected

dataRetrievalConfirmsSent This attribute counts the number of Data Operational and

Retrieval Confirm messages sent. Collected

dataRetrievalIndicationsSen This attribute counts the number of Data Operational and

t Retrieval Indication messages sent. Collected

dataRetrievalCompleteInds This attribute counts the number of Data Operational and

Sent Retrieval Complete Indication messages sent. Collected

congestionIndicationsSent This attribute counts the number of Operational and

Congestion Indication messages sent. Collected

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Nsta/x Vgs M2ua As/n Asp/m SctpAssoc Stats

Subcomponent M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc contains the following counters.
Table 1-16
SctpAssoc Statistics
Attribute Name Description Type

packetsSent This attribute counts the number of Internet Operational and

Protocol (IP) packets sent. Collected

packetsReceived This attribute counts the number of Internet Operational and

Protocol (IP) packets received. Collected

bytesSent This attribute counts the total number of bytes Operational and
sent. This count includes the Stream Control Collected
Transmission Protocol (SCTP) message
headers and chunk headers but does not
include the Internet Protocol (IP) header.

bytesReceived This attribute counts the total number of bytes Operational and
received. This count includes the Stream Collected
Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)
message headers and chunk headers but
does not include the Internet Protocol (IP)

dataChunksSent This attribute counts the number of Payload Operational and

Data (DATA) chunks sent. Collected

dataChunksReceived This attribute counts the number of Payload Operational and

Data (DATA) chunks received. Collected

sackChunksSent This attribute counts the number of Selective Operational and

Acknowledgement (SACK) chunks sent. Collected

sackChunksReceived This attribute counts the number of Selective Operational and

Acknowledgement (SACK) chunks received. Collected

heartbeatChunksSent This attribute counts the number of Heartbeat Operational and

Request (HEARTBEAT) chunks sent. Collected

heartbeatChunksReceived This attribute counts the number of Heartbeat Operational and

Request (HEARTBEAT) chunks received. Collected

heartbeatAckChunksSent This attribute counts the number of Heartbeat Operational and

Acknowledgement (HEARTBEAT ACK) Collected
chunks sent.

heartbeatAckChunksReceiv This attribute counts the number of Heartbeat Operational and

ed Acknowledgement (HEARTBEAT ACK) Collected
chunks received.

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Table 1-16
SctpAssoc Statistics (continued)
Attribute Name Description Type

outboundStreams This attribute indicates the current number of Operational

outbound streams for this SCTP association

inboundStreams This attribute indicates the current number of Operational

inbound streams for this SCTP association.

lastFailureReason This attribute indicates the reason for the most Operational
recent SCTP association failure. Reason may
be one of the following:

none - Connection has never failed.

farEndAbort - Abort request received from the


farEndShutdown - Shutdown request received

from the peer.

communicationTimeout - Maximum number of

retransmissions was exceeded.

maxUnackedMsgsLimit - Number of
unacknowledged messages reached the
internal limit.

lastFailureTime This attributes indicates the date and time at Operational

which the last SCTP association failure
occurred. This timestamp corresponds with
the lastFailureReason attribute.

errorChunksSent This attribute counts the number of Operation Operational and

Error (ERROR) chunks sent. Collected

errorChunksReceived This attribute counts the number of Operation Operational and

Error (ERROR) chunks received. Collected

invalidStreamIdErrorsSent This attribute counts the number of Invalid Operational and

Stream Identifier errors sent. This corresponds Collected
to cause code 1 defined in RFC 2960.

invalidStreamIdErrorsRecei This attribute counts the number of Invalid Operational and

ved Stream Identifier errors received. This Collected
corresponds to cause code 1 defined in RFC

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Table 1-16
SctpAssoc Statistics (continued)
Attribute Name Description Type

protocolErrorsSent This attribute counts the number of protocol Operational and

errors sent. This corresponds to cause codes Collected
2 Missing Mandatory Parameter, 6
Unrecognized Chunk Type, 7 Invalid
Mandatory Parameter, 8 Unrecognized
Parameters and 9 No User Data defined in
RFC 2960. It also corresponds to cause code
13 Protocol Violation defined in draft-ietf-

protocolErrorsReceived This attribute counts the number of protocol Operational and

errors received. This corresponds to cause Collected
codes 2 Missing Mandatory Parameter, 6
Unrecognized Chunk Type, 7 Invalid
Mandatory Parameter, 8 Unrecognized
Parameters and 9 No User Data defined in
RFC 2960. It also corresponds to cause code
13 Protocol Violation defined in draft-ietf-

outOfResourceErrorsSent This attribute counts the number of Out of Operational and

Resource errors sent. This corresponds to Collected
cause code 4 defined in RFC 2960.

outOfResourceErrorsRecei This attribute counts the number of Out of Operational and

ved Resource errors received. This corresponds to Collected
cause code 4 defined in RFC 2960.

invalidAssocRestartErrorsS This attribute counts the number of Restart of Operational and

ent an association with new addresses errors Collected
sent. This corresponds to error code 12
defined in the SCTP Implementers Guide.

invalidAssocRestartErrorsR This attribute counts the number of Restart of Operational and

eceived an association with new addresses errors Collected
received. This corresponds to error code 12
defined in the SCTP Implementers Guide.

userInitiatedAbortsSent This attribute counts the number of User Operational and

Initiated Abort indications sent by the local Collected
SCTP user. This corresponds to error code 12
defined in the SCTP Implementers Guide.

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Table 1-16
SctpAssoc Statistics (continued)
Attribute Name Description Type

userInitiatedAbortsReceive This attribute counts the number of User Operational and

d Initiated Abort indications received from the Collected
peer SCTP user. This corresponds to error
code 12 defined in the SCTP Implementers

checksumErrors This attribute counts the number of incoming Operational and

packets that were discarded due to checksum Collected
verification failure.

retransmittedChunks This attribute counts the number of Payload Operational and

Data (DATA) chunks retransmitted. Collected

gapAcknowledgementsSent This attribute counts the number of chunks Operational and

reported to the far end in Gap Ack reports. Collected
This provides an indication of how many
chunks were locally received out of order.

gapAcknowledgementsRec This attribute counts the number of chunks Operational and

eived reported by the far end in Gap Ack reports. Collected
This provides an indication of how many
chunks were received out of order by the far

duplicateChunkReportsSent This attribute counts the number of chunks Operational and

reported to the far end in Duplicate TSN Collected
reports. This provides an indication of how
many duplicate data chunks were locally

duplicateChunkReportsRec This attribute counts the number of chunks Operational and

eived reported by the far end in Duplicate TSN Collected
reports. This provides an indication of how
many duplicate data chunks were received by
the far end.

Srtt This attribute indicates the Smoothed Round- Operational

Trip Time (SRTT) as defined in RFC 2960.

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Media Gateway performance management 1-35
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Nsta/x Vgs Mtp2 Stats

For component MTP2, each operational counter has a corresponding
collected statistic. The complete list of statistics is contained in the table
Table 1-17
Mtp2 Statistics
Attribute Name Description Type

alignmentReadyTimeouts This attribute counts the timeouts of the Operational and

Alignment Ready timer (T1) represented by Collected
the attribute alignmentReadyTimer.

notAlignedTimeouts This attribute counts the timeouts of the Not Operational and
Aligned timer (T2) represented by the attribute Collected

alignedTimeouts This attribute counts the timeouts of the Operational and

Aligned Timer (T3) represented by the Collected
attribute alignedTimer.

congestionDetects This attribute counts the number of times Operational and

congestion was detected at the local end of Collected
the signalling link.

congestionIndicationsSent This attribute counts the number of congestion Operational and

indications transmitted. Collected

congestionIndicationsRecei This attribute counts the number of congestion Operational and

ved indications received from the remote end. Collected

ackTimeouts This attribute counts the timeouts of the T7 Operational and

Timer represented by the attribute ackTimer. Collected

insvFailures This attribute counts the number of in-service Operational and

link outages. It does not include failures which Collected
occur during the alignment process.

msuSent This attribute counts the number of message Operational and

signal units transmitted. This includes the Collected
number of message signal units retransmitted,
indicated by the attribute msuRetransmits.

msuRetransmits This attribute counts the number of message Operational and

signal units retransmitted because of negative Collected

msuReceived This attribute counts the number of message Operational and

signal units received. This includes the MSUs Collected
with errors, indicated by the attribute

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Table 1-17
Mtp2 Statistics (continued)
Attribute Name Description Type

msuErrors This attribute counts the number of ingress Operational and

signal units discarded because of sequence Collected
number, length or CRC errors.

msuOctetsSent This attribute counts the number of layer 3 Operational and

payload octets transmitted. Collected

msuOctetsReceived This attribute counts the number of layer 3 Operational and

payload octets received. Collected

Q2630 Stats
The following are the statistics for the Q2630 component:
Table 1-18
Q2630 Statistics
Attribute Name Description Type

establishReqTimerExpiries This attribute counts the number of times the Operational and
timer Timer_ERQ has expired. The timer Collected
expiring could be due to the following reasons:

- excessive network latency possible because

of congestion,

- the peer is unable to respond,

- the message got lost, or

- the value of timer is set too low.

The timer duration may be set by changing the

value of the provisionable attribute

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the

maximum value.

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Table 1-18
Q2630 Statistics (continued)
Attribute Name Description Type

establishReqRetryExhausts This attribute counts the number of times the Operational and
ESTABLISH REQUEST retry mechanism Collected
(specified by the value of the provisionable
attribute establishRequestRetries) failed to get
the expected response from the Q.2630 peer
entity. This could be due to the following

- The number of retries is set too low. The

number of retries may be set by changing the
value of the provisionable attribute

- The duration is set too short. The duration

may be set by changing the value of the
provisionable attribute establishRequestTimer.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the

maximum value.

releaseReqTimerExpiries This attribute counts the number of times the Operational and
timer Timer_REL has expired. The timer Collected
expiring could be due to the following reasons:

- excessive network latency possible because

of congestion,

- the peer is unable to respond,

- the message got lost, or

- the value of timer is set too low.

The timer duration may be set by changing the

value of the provisionable attribute

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the

maximum value.

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Table 1-18
Q2630 Statistics (continued)
Attribute Name Description Type

releaseReqRetryExhausts This attribute is historical. Operational and

This attribute counts the number of times the
RELEASE REQUEST retry mechanism
(specified by the value of the provisionable
attribute releaseRequestRetries) failed to get
the expected response from the Q.2630 peer

This could be due to the following reasons:

- The number of retries is set too low. The

number of retries may be set by changing the
value of the provisionable attribute

- The duration is set too short. The duration

may be set by changing the value of the
provisionable attribute releaseRequestTimer.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the

maximum value.

resetReqTimerExpiries This attribute counts the number of times the Operational and
timer Timer_RES has expired. Collected

The timer expiring could be due to the

following reasons:

- excessive network latency possible because

of congestion,

- the peer is unable to respond,

- the message got lost, or

- the value of timer is set too low.

The timer duration may be set by changing the

value of the provisionable attribute

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the

maximum value.

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Table 1-18
Q2630 Statistics (continued)
Attribute Name Description Type

blockReqTimerExpiries This attribute counts the number of times the Operational and
timer Timer_BLO has expired. Collected

The timer expiring could be due to the

following reasons:

- excessive network latency possible because

of congestion,

- the peer is unable to respond,

- the message got lost, or

- the value of timer is set too low.

The timer duration may be set by changing the

value of the provisionable attribute

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the

maximum value.

blockReqRetryExhausts This attribute counts the number of times the Operational and
BLOCK REQUEST retry mechanism Collected
(specified by the value of the provisionable
attribute blockRequestRetries) failed to get the
expected response from the Q.2630 peer

This could be due to the following reasons:

- The number of retries is set too low. The

number of retries may be set by changing the
value of the provisionable attribute

- The duration is set too short. The duration

may be set by changing the value of the
provisionable attribute blockRequestTimer.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the

maximum value.

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Table 1-18
Q2630 Statistics (continued)
Attribute Name Description Type

unblockReqTimerExpiries This attribute counts the number of times the Operational and
timer Timer_UBL has expired. The timer Collected
expiring could be due to the following reasons:

- excessive network latency possible because

of congestion,

- the peer is unable to respond,

- the message got lost, or

- the value of timer is set too low.

The timer duration may be set by changing the

value of the provisionable attribute

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the

maximum value.

unblockReqRetryExhausts This attribute counts the number of times the Operational and
UNBLOCK REQUEST retry mechanism Collected
(specified by the value of the provisionable
attribute unblockRequestRetries) failed to get
the expected response from the Q.2630 peer

This could be due to the following reasons:

- The number of retries is set too low. The

number of retries may be set by changing the
value of the provisionable attribute

- The duration is set too short. The duration

may be set by changing the value of the
provisionable attribute unblockRequestTimer.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the

maximum value.

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Table 1-18
Q2630 Statistics (continued)
Attribute Name Description Type

msgsRxFromClient This attribute counts the messages that the Operational and
Q2630 component has received from the Collected
Q2630Client component.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the

maximum value.

msgsTxToClient This attribute counts the messages that the Operational and
Q2630 component has sent to the Collected
Q2630Client component.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the

maximum value.

unallocatedNumberErrorsR This attribute counts Unallocated Operational and

x (unassigned) number errors received. This Collected
corresponds to cause code 1 defined in ITU-T

unallocatedNumberErrorsT This attribute counts Unallocated Operational and

x (unassigned) number errors sent. This Collected
corresponds to cause code 1 defined in ITU-T

noRouteErrorsRx This attribute counts No route to destination Operational and

errors received. This corresponds to cause Collected
code 3 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

noRouteErrorsTx This attribute counts No route to destination Operational and

errors sent. This corresponds to cause code 3 Collected
defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

noCircuitAvailableErrorsRx This attribute counts No circuit/channel Operational and

available errors received. This corresponds to Collected
cause code 34 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

temporaryFailuresRx This attribute counts Temporary failure Operational and

errors received. This corresponds to cause Collected
code 41 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

temporaryFailuresTx This attribute counts Temporary failure Operational and

errors sent. This corresponds to cause code Collected
41 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

networkOutOfOrderErrorsR This attribute counts Network out of order Operational and

x errors received. This corresponds to cause Collected
code 38 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

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Table 1-18
Q2630 Statistics (continued)
Attribute Name Description Type

circuitUnavailableErrorsRx This attribute counts Requested circuit/ Operational and

channel not available errors received. This Collected
corresponds to cause code 44 defined in ITU-
T Q.2630.1.

circuitUnavailableErrorsTx This attribute counts Requested circuit/ Operational and

channel not available errors sent. This Collected
corresponds to cause code 44 defined in ITU-
T Q.2630.1.

resourceUnavailableErrors This attribute counts Resource unavailable, Operational and

Rx unspecified errors received. This corresponds Collected
to cause code 47 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

resourceUnavailableErrorsT This attribute counts Resource unavailable, Operational and

x unspecified errors sent. This corresponds to Collected
cause code 47 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

protocolErrorsRx This attribute counts protocol errors detected Operational and

by the peer. This corresponds to cause codes Collected
93 AAL parameters cannot be supported, 95
Invalid message, unspecified, 96 Mandatory
information element is missing, 97 Message
type non-existent or not implemented, 99
Information element/parameter non-existent
or not implement, 100 Invalid information
element contents, and 110 Message with
unrecognized parameter, discarded defined
in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

protocolErrorsTx This attribute counts protocol errors detected Operational and

locally. This corresponds to cause codes 93 Collected
AAL parameters cannot be supported, 95
Invalid message, unspecified, 96 Mandatory
information element is missing, 97 Message
type non-existent or not implemented, 99
Information element/parameter non-existent
or not implement, 100 Invalid information
element contents, and 110 Message with
unrecognized parameter, discarded defined
in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

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MTP3 Stats
The following table contains the statistics defined for the MTP3 component.
Table 1-19
MTP3 Statistics
Attribute Name Description Type

linkSetsUnavailable This attribute indicates the number of linkset Collected

unavailable conditions over the collection

changeoverAckTimeouts This attribute counts the timeouts of timer T2, Operational

specified by the attribute

The counter wraps to zero when its maximum

value is exceeded

firstAttemptChangebackAck This attribute counts the timeouts of timer T4, Operational

Tmouts specified by the attribute

The counter wraps to zero when its maximum

value is exceeded.

secondAttemptChangeback This attribute counts the timeouts of timer T5, Operational

AckTmouts specified by the attribute

The counter wraps to zero when its maximum

value is exceeded.

forceUninhibitAckTimeouts This attribute counts the timeouts of timer T13, Operational

specified by the attribute

The counter wraps to zero when its maximum

value is exceeded.

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MTP3/x Ls/y Link/z Stats

The following table contains the statistics defined for the MTP3 Ls Link
Table 1-20
Link/z Statistics
Attribute Name Description Type

changeovers This attribute indicates the number of link Collected

changeover conditions over the collection

invalidPdusRx This attribute counts the number of number of Operational and

invalid Protocol Data Units received. Collected

payloadPdusRx This attribute counts the number of Protocol Operational and

Data Units (PDUs) with payload received from Collected
layer 2.

payloadPdusTx This attribute counts the number of Protocol Operational and

Data Units (PDUs) with payload sent to layer Collected

pdusRx This attribute counts the number of Protocol Operational and

Data Units (PDUs) received from layer 2.This Collected
includes the PDUs with and without user

pdusTx This attribute counts the number of Protocol Operational and

Data Units (PDUs) sent to layer 2.This Collected
includes PDUs with and without user payload.

sltFailures This attribute indicates the number of Collected

signalling link test message failure conditions
over the collection interval.

MTP3/x Rs/y Route/z Stats

The following table contains the statistics defined for the Route component.
Table 1-21
Route/z Statistics
Attribute Name Description Type

tfpMsgsRx This attribute counts the number of transfer- Operational and

prohibited (TFP) messages received for this Collected

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Table 1-21
Route/z Statistics (continued)
Attribute Name Description Type

tfaMsgsRx This attribute counts the number of transfer- Operational and

allowed (TFA) messages received for this Collected

srstMsgsTx This attribute counts the number of signalling- Operational and

route-set-test (SRST) messages sent to this Collected
route while prohibited from use. Sending of
SRST messages is controlled by timer T10,
specified by Mtp3 attribute

durationProhibited This attribute indicates the amount of time this Operational

route has been unavailable due to a transfer-
prohibited condition.

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Media Gateway fault management 2

This chapter presents Media Gateway (MGW) fault management (FM) and
alarms information:
Analysis of CDL on page 2-1
OSI State Transitions on page 2-4
Alarms on page 2-33

For further information regarding MGW performance management (PM),

refer to Chapter 1, Media Gateway performance management in this
document. For further information regarding MGW configuration
management (CM), refer to Chapter 3, Media Gateway configuration
management in this document.

This chapter describes the fault management for the MGW. Please refer to the
Multiservice Switch 6400, 7400, 15000, 20000 Alarms Reference NTP
NN10600-500 for all non-MGW specific alarms.

Analysis of CDL 2
The following diagrams depict the CDL hierarchy for the MGW. Many of the
components are re-used or modified versions of Nortel Packet Voice
Gateway (PVG) components. Please reference Media Gateway 7480/15000
Technology Fundamentals NTP NN10600-780 for more in-depth information
on all of these components.

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2-2 Media Gateway fault management
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Figure 2-1
MGW CDL Hierarchy Part 1

Existing New Link Nsta/n
Existing New
OSI State
Modified Dynamic

CasDef/n Aal2Svc
Aal2Svc H248
H248 MgcIf/n
MgcIf/n Ctrl/mg
Ctrl/mg CallStats
CallStats AtmTConn/n

Prof/n TConn/n
TConn/n VrAp
VrAp UdpPort/n
UdpPort/n Aap
Aap Pap

Tag/n TProf/n
TProf/n PathOwner SpvcAp
PathOwner SpvcAp

Cas Ds0/n
Ds0/n TagUser
TagUser Vp/n

Agc Gtt
Gtt Bnc
Bnc Bnr
Bnr Mec
Mec Ecan
Ecan MultiParty

TTPProfile PTPProfile

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Media Gateway fault management 2-3
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Figure 2-2
MGW CDL Hierarchy Part 2

Existing New Link Nsta/n
Existing New
OSI State
Modified Dynamic

AtmCac Mtp2/n
Mtp2/n Mtp2Profile/n
Mtp2Profile/n M2ua
M2ua Ctrl/Sg

As/n SctpPort/n
SctpPort/n VrAp
AtmSubnet/n MCP

Iid/n Asp/n
Asp/n SctpLink/n

MCP SctpAssoc

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Figure 2-3
MGW CDL Hierarchy Part 3

Existing New Link
Existing New
OSI State
Modified Dynamic

Shelf SaalNni/n

Card/n MCP

CarrierCard Mtp3/n
Mtp3/n Q2630/n

Ls/n Rs/n
Rs/n ServInd/12
ServInd/12 PeerAddr/n
PeerAddr/n MCP
MCP Mtp3Conn

Link/n RInfo/n
RInfo/n Route/n
Route/n Q2630Client


OSI State Transitions 2

This section describes valid OSI States for the various MGW components. For
each component, the following information is presented:
an OSI state diagram
a description of each state transition
a table of valid state combinations

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MCP Component
Figure 2-4
MCP OSI State Transitions


Disabled 1 Enabled
Disabled Enabled
Idle Idle
Idle Active
Active Busy
4 3

Idle Idle
Idle Active
Active Busy

Disabled Enabled
Enabled Enabled

Locked Shutting

1. MCP transitions from Unlocked/Disabled/Idle to Unlocked/Enabled/Active when the first

MCP message is received.

2. MCP transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Active to Unlocked/Enabled/Busy when there is

no more available capacity.

3. MCP transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Busy to Unlocked/Enabled/Active when

additional capacity becomes available.

4, 5. MCP transitions to Unlocked/Disabled/Idle when the MCP stops receiving communication

from the remote MCP.

Table 2-1
MCP OSI States

State Details

Unlocked/Disabled/Idle This is the initial state and the state when communication is
not up between the MCP applications.

Unlocked/Enabled/Active This state is entered when a MEQ message is received or an

MES message is received in response to a MEQ message and
the send window of the MCP application is not full.

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Table 2-1
MCP OSI States (continued)

State Details

Unlocked/Enabled/Busy This state is entered when the send window of the MCP
application is full.

Mtp3/ Component
Figure 2-5
Mtp3/ OSI State Transitions

Disabled Enabled
1 2
Idle Idle Active Busy
4 3

Idle Idle Active Busy

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Locked Shutting Down

The initial OSI state of Mtp3 is Unlocked/Disabled/Idle and is set during the
initialization of Mtp3. The following describes the OSI state transitions:

1. Mtp3 transitions from Unlocked/Disabled/Idle to Unlocked/Enabled/Idle when at least one

Linkset transitions to an Unlocked/Enabled/Idle state.

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2. Mtp3 transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Idle to Unlocked/Enabled/Active when any

Linkset transitions to an Active State.

3. Mtp3 transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Active to Unlocked/Enabled/Idle when the last

Active Linkset transitions to an Idle state.

4. Mtp3 transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Idle to Unlocked/Disabled/Idle if the last non-

Disabled Linkset transitions to a Disabled state.

5. Mtp3 transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Active to Unlocked/Disabled/Idle if the last non-

Disabled Active Linkset transitions to a Disabled state.

Table 2-2
Mtp3/ OSI States

State Details

Unlocked/Disabled/Idle This is the initial state of Mtp3 while waiting for Mtp3 to
complete initialization. This is also the state of Mtp3 when all
Linksets are in a disabled state rendering Mtp3 inoperable.

Unlocked/Enabled/Idle This is a valid state when at least one Linkset has transitioned
to an Unlocked/Enabled/Idle state after being Disabled.

Unlocked/Enabled/Active This is a valid state when at least one Linkset has successfully
transitioned to an Active state.

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Mtp3/ Ls/ Component

Figure 2-6
Mtp3/ Ls/ OSI State Transitions


Disabled Enabled

1 2
Idle Idle Active
4 3

Unu sed
10 9 7 6

Idle 8 Idle Active Busy

Disabled Enabled

Shutting Down

1. When one or more links in the Linkset become enabled and no links are active.

2. When one or more links in the Linkset become active.

3. When the last active link in the Linkset becomes idle.

4, 5. When the last enabled link in the Linkset becomes disabled.

6, 7. This is the semi-transient state after receiving the Lock command while waiting for
SaalNni to send out-of-service message in response to the Stop command sent from
every link.

8. When the last enabled link in the Linkset becomes disabled.

9. When the Linkset receives Lock administrative command.

10. When the Linkset receives Unlock administrative command.

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Table 2-3
Mtp3/ Ls/ OSI States

State Details

Unlocked/Disabled/Idle This is the initial state of the Linkset when

all of the Links in the Linkset are not
operable. This is also a valid state when
all Links in the Linkset are disabled.

Unlocked/Enabled/Idle This is a valid state indicating there are

Unlocked/Enabled/Idle Links in the
Linkset but none of the Links have
transitioned to Active. This is also a valid
state when all enabled Links in the Linkset
are inhibited.

Unlocked/Enabled/Active This is a valid state when at least one Link

in the Linkset is in an Unlocked/Enabled/
Active state.

Locked/Disabled/Idle This is a valid state administratively

prohibiting Mtp3 from processing requests
as a result of the Linkset being taken out-
of-service by Mtp3 sending a Stop
command to every SaalNni Link in the

Locked/Enabled/Idle This is a valid state administratively

prohibiting Mtp3 from processing Link
messages from its applications. This is a
semi-transient state while Mtp3 waits for
SaalNni to send Out-of-Service messages
in response to the Stop commands sent
for every Link.

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Mtp3/ Ls/ Link/ Component

Figure 2-7
Mtp3/ Ls/ Link/ OSI State Transitions

Disabled Enabled
1 2
Idle Idle Active Busy
10 3

8 5 4
Idle Idle Active Busy

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Locked Shutting Down

The initial OSI state of the Link is Unlocked/Disabled/Idle and is set during
the initialization of the Link. The following describes the OSI state

1. The Link transitions from its initial state of Unlocked/Disabled/Idle to Unlocked/Enabled/

Idle when the Link becomes operable once Mtp3 establishes communication with SaalNni.
To establish communication the following must occur:

1) Mtp3 sends SaalNni a Start command

2) SaalNni aligns with SaalNni

3) SaalNni sends Mtp3 an In-service message establishing the Link as operable

4) Mtp3 may also perform a signalling test on the Link.

2. During initialization the Link transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Idle to Unlocked/Enabled/

Active immediately following the transition to Unlocked/Enabled/Idle. In other words,
Unlocked/Enabled/Idle is a transient state during initialization. The reason the Unlocked/
Enabled/Idle state is transient is due to the fact that Mtp3 has no concept of users of the

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Links it manages. Once a Link has been marked as in-service, it may have zero, one, or
many users but that fact is abstracted from Mtp3 therefore Mtp3 is unaware of how the
Link is being used. This transition may also occur as a result of Mtp3 receiving an
uninhibit command from the operator. This allows Mtp3 to start using Layer 2 again after
being inhibited. See transition #5 for details on inhibiting an Mtp3 Link.

3. The Link transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Active to Unlocked/Enabled/Idle when Mtp3

receives an inhibit command for the Link from the operator. Inhibiting the Link results in a
stoppage of message traffic from Mtp3 to Layer 2. Mtp3 will process messages from Mtp2
while the link is inhibited. Layer 2 is unaware the Link is inhibited since Mtp3 does not
send a Stop command as a result of the inhibit command. Mtp3 will not allow an operator
to inhibit the last active or busy link in the linkset. The only way to stop message traffic
on the last active or busy link is via a lock -force which results in the link being shut down
(i.e. no messages will be sent/received to/from Layer 2).

4. The Link transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Active to Locked, Enabled/Idle when the

operator issues a lock or lock -force command on the Link while it is active which
results in Mtp3 sending a Stop command to Layer 2. If the Link is the last link in the
Linkset, the -force option must be specified. The -force option has no effect if the Link is
not the last Link in the Linkset.

5. The Link transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Idle to Locked, Enabled/Idle when the

operator issues a lock or lock -force command on the Link while it is inhibited. If the
Link is the last link in the Linkset, the -force option must be specified. The -force option
has no effect if the Link is not the last Link in the Linkset. A Stop command is sent to Layer
2 as a result the Link being locked.

6. The Link transitions from Locked, Enabled/Idle to Locked, Disabled/Idle when Mtp3
receives the Out-of-service message from Layer 2 as a result of the Stop command being
sent to Layer 2.

7. The Link transitions from Locked, Disabled/Idle to Unlocked/Disabled/Idle when the

operator issues an unlock on a previously locked Link. This allows Mtp3 to attempt to
bring the Link back in-service.

8. The Link transitions from Unlocked/Disabled/Idle to Locked, Disabled/Idle when the

operator issues a lock command on the Link prior to the Link becoming operable (i.e.
Mtp3 receiving the In-service message). Mtp3 sends a Stop command to Layer 2 as a

9. The Link transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Active to Unlocked/Disabled/Idle when the

Link becomes inoperable while it is actively working.
a. Layer-2 sends Mtp3 an Out-of-service indicating that it should no longer be used by the
b. The link SLT failed.

The Link generates a Set Alarm during this transition only if Layer 2 stops responding to
requests from the Mtp3.

10. The Link transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Idle to Unlocked/Disabled/Idle when the Link
becomes inoperable while the Link is inhibited.

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a. Layer-2 sends Mtp3 an Out-of-service indicating that it should no longer be used by the
b. The link SLT failed.

The Link generates a Set Alarm during this transition only if Layer 2 stops responding to
requests from the Mtp3.

Figure 2-8
Mtp3/ Ls/ Link/ OSI States

State Details

Unlocked/Disabled/Idle This is the initial state of the Link while Mtp3 is establishing a
communication link with Layer 2. This is also a valid state
when the communication link is broken rendering the Link

Unlocked/Enabled/Idle This is a valid state once Mtp3 establishes a communication

link with Layer 2. This is a transient state if it is reached as a
result of a Start command/In-service response sequence
between Mtp3 and Layer 2 which indicates communication
with Layer 2 is established. This is also a valid state if the Link
is inhibited by the operator. When locking the Link from this
state, the -force option is required if the Link is the last in the

Unlocked/Enabled/Active This is a valid state once Mtp3 has established communication

with Layer 2. Mtp3 may receive requests to use a portion of the
Links capacity. The -force option must be specified on any
lock command issued on the Link while it is in the Active
state. The Link must be inhibited before a plain lock is
considered valid.

Locked, Disabled/Idle This is a valid state administratively prohibiting Mtp3 from

processing requests as a result of the Link being taken out-of-
service by Mtp3 sending a Stop command to Layer 2. Mtp3 will
not process any Link messages from its applications or any
messages from Layer 2.

Locked, Enabled/Idle This is a valid state administratively prohibiting Mtp3 from

processing Link messages from its applications. This is a
semi-transient state while Mtp3 waits for Layer 2 to send an
Out-of-service message in response to the Stop command.

Mtp3/ Ls/ Link/ MCP Component

Please see the previous section, MCP Component.

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Mtp3/ Rs/ Component

Figure 2-9
Mtp3/ Rs/ OSI State Transitions


Disabled Enabled

1 2
Idle Idle Active Busy
4 3


Idle Idle Active Busy

Disabled Enabled

Shutting Down

1. The RouteSet component transitions from Unlocked/Disabled/Idle to Unlocked/Enabled

Idle when one or more its Route components becomes Unlocked/Enabled/Idle and none
are Unlocked/Enabled/Active.

2. The RouteSet component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Idle to Unlocked/Enabled/

Active when one or more of its Route components transitions to Unlocked/Enabled/Active.

3. The RouteSet component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Active to Unlocked/Enabled/

Idle when its last Route Component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Active to

4, 5. The RouteSet component transitions to Unlocked/Disabled/Idle when its last Route

component transitions to Unlocked/Disabled/Idle.

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Table 2-4
Mtp3/ Rs/ OSI States

State Details

Unlocked/Disabled/Idle This is the initial state of the Routeset

while Routes in the Routeset are in the
process of becoming operable. This is
also a valid state when all Routes in the
Routeset are disabled.

Unlocked/Enabled/Idle This is a valid state indicating there are

Unlocked/Enabled/Idle Routes in the
Routeset but none of the Routes have
transitioned to Active.

Unlocked/Enabled/Active This is a valid state when at least one

Route in the Routeset is an Unlocked/
Enabled/Active state. In this state
communication with the destination node
is possible over at least one of the Routes
in this Routeset.

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Mtp3/ Rs/ Route/ Component

Figure 2-10
Mtp3/ Rs/ Route/ OSI State Transitions


Disabled Enabled

1 2
Idle Idle Active Busy
4 3


Idle Idle Active Busy

Disabled Enabled

Shutting Down

The initial OSI state of the Route component is Unlocked/Disabled/Idle and

is set during the initialization of Mtp3. The following describes the OSI state

1. When the associated Linkset becomes enabled and idle, or when the remote signaling
becomes available but the Route is not in use due to a higher priority route being

2. When the Route becomes in use due to this Route being the highest priority available
route (a higher priority route has become unavailable).

3. When the Route is not in use due to higher priority route becoming available, and when
the associated Linkset becomes enabled/idle.

4, 5. When the associated Linkset becomes unavailable/Disabled/or when the Route is

prohibited due to a remote signaling failure (receipt of Transfer Prohibited message from
the STP).

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Table 2-5
Mtp3/ Rs/ Route/ OSI States

State Details

Unlocked/Disabled/Idle This is a valid state indicating that the

associated Linkset is in an Unlocked/
Disabled/Idle state. This is also a valid
state when the Route is prohibited due to
a remote signaling failure.

Unlocked/Enabled/Idle This is a valid state indicating that the

Route is inactive due to the availability of
a higher-priority Route in this Routeset.
Note that fully-associated Routes (which
are not provisioned under the Routeset
component) are always higher priority
than quasi-associated Routes.

Unlocked/Enabled/Active This is a valid state indicating that the

associated Linkset is in an Unlocked/
Enabled/Active state. It indicates that the
Route is available for use and will be used
to communicate with the remote node.
(Note that this state does not necessarily
mean that traffic is currently flowing over
this route, only that the route will be used
when messages need to be sent to the
destination represented by this Routeset.)

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Nsta/ Vgs M2ua Component

Figure 2-11
Nsta/ Vgs M2ua OSI State Transitions


Disabled Enabled

1 2 3
Idle Idle Active Busy
7 5 4

Idle Idle Active Busy

Disabled Enabled

Shutting Down

1. The M2ua component transitions from Unlocked/Disabled/Idle to Unlocked/Enabled/Idle

when it has completed its initialization and at least one ApplicationServer subcomponent
is provisioned and in the Unlocked/Enabled/Idle state.

2. The M2ua component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Idle to Unlocked/Enabled/Active

when one or more ApplicationServer subcomponents has transitioned to the Unlocked/
Enabled/Active state.

3. The M2ua component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Active to Unlocked/Enabled/

Busy when it detects that it is overloaded, causing throttling on at least one of its external

4. The M2ua component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Busy to Unlocked/Enabled/

Active when it detects that it is no longer overloaded. Traffic is again flowing freely on all

5. The M2ua component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Active to Unlocked/Enabled/Idle

when the last ApplicationServer transitions into the Unlocked/Enabled/Idle state and none
are active.

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6. The M2ua component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Busy to Unlocked/Enabled/Idle

when the last ApplicationServer transitions into the Unlocked/Enabled/Idle state and none
are active.

7, 8, 9. The M2ua component transitions to Unlocked/Disabled/Idle when the last of its

ApplicationServer components transitions into the Unlocked/Disabled/Idle state and none
are Enabled/or when the last ApplicationServer component is deleted.

Table 2-6
Nsta/ Vgs M2ua OSI States

State Details

Unlocked/Disabled/Idle This is the initial state while waiting for

M2ua to complete initialization. This is
also the state of M2ua when all
ApplicationServers are in a disabled state
or no ApplicationServers are provisioned
rendering M2ua inoperable.

Unlocked/Enabled/Idle This is a valid state when at least one

ApplicationServer has transitioned to an
Unlocked/Enabled/Idle state after being

Unlocked/Enabled/Active This is a valid state when at least one

ApplicationServer has successfully
transitioned to an Active state. M2ua is
now actively handling signaling traffic.

Unlocked/Enabled/Busy This is a valid state indicating that the

M2ua application is overloaded. In this
state M2ua is throttling traffic on at least
one of its interfaces - towards Mtp2,
SaalNni, and/or the remote Asp.

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Nsta/ Vgs M2ua As/ Component

Figure 2-12
Nsta/ Vgs M2ua As OSI State Transitions


Disabled Enabled

1 2
Idle Idle Active Busy
4 3


Idle Idle Active Busy

Disabled Enabled

Shutting Down

1. The As component transitions from Unlocked/Disabled/Idle to Unlocked/Enabled/Idle

when it completes initialization and the As transitions from AS-DOWN to AS-INACTIVE
state. This transition occurs when its Asp component transitions from the Unlocked/
Disabled/Idle state to the Unlocked/Enabled/Idle state.

2. The As component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Idle to Unlocked/Enabled/Active

when it transitions from AS-INACTIVE to AS-ACTIVE state. This transition occurs when its
Asp transitions from the Unlocked/Enabled/Idle state to Unlocked/Enabled/Active.

3. The As component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Active to Unlocked/Enabled/Idle

when it transitions from AS-ACTIVE or AS-PENDING to the AS-INACTIVE state. This
transition occurs when its Asp component transitions from the Unlocked/Enabled/Active
state to Unlocked/Enabled/Idle if the recoveryTimer is set to zero. Otherwise it occurs
when the recoveryTimer expires before the Asp component returns to Unlocked/Enabled/
Active state.

4. The As component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Idle to Unlocked/Disabled/Idle

when it transitions from AS-INACTIVE to AS-DOWN state. This transition occurs when the
Asp component transitions from the Unlocked/Enabled/Idle state to Unlocked/Disabled/

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5. The As component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Active to Unlocked/Disabled/Idle

when it transitions directly from AS-ACTIVE or AS-PENDING to AS-DOWN state. This
transition occurs when the Asp component transitions from the Unlocked/Enabled/Active
state to Unlocked/Disabled/Idle.

Table 2-7
Nsta/ Vgs M2ua As OSI States

State Details

Unlocked/Disabled/Idle This is the initial state of the As

component while it completes initialization
and when all of its Asp subcomponents
are Unlocked/Disabled/Idle.

Unlocked/Enabled/Idle This is a valid state when at least one of

its Asp subcomponents are Unlocked/

Unlocked/Enabled/Active This is a valid state when at least one of

its Asp subcomponents are Unlocked/

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Nsta/ Vgs M2ua As/ Asp/ Component

Figure 2-13
Nsta/ Vgs M2ua As/ Asp/ OSI State Transitions


Disabled Enabled

1 2 3
Idle Idle Active Busy
7 5 4

Idle Idle Active Busy

Disabled Enabled

Shutting Down

1. The Asp component transitions from Unlocked/Disabled/Idle to Unlocked/Enabled/Idle

when it completes initialization, an Sctp connection has been established with the Asp,
and an Asp Up message has been received from the peer.

2. The Asp component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Idle to Unlocked/Enabled/Active

when it receives the Asp Active message from the peer.

3. The Asp component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Active to Unlocked/Enabled/Busy

when Sctp detects congestion on its association with the Asp. Sctp is unable to transmit
outbound traffic towards the Asp.

4. The Asp component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Busy to Unlocked/Enabled/Active

when congestion abates on the Sctp association with the Asp. Sctp is again able to
transmit outbound traffic towards the Asp.

5. The Asp component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Active to Unlocked/Enabled/Idle

when M2ua receives the Asp Inactive message from the peer.

6. The Asp component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Busy to Unlocked/Enabled/Idle

when M2ua receives the Asp Inactive message from the peer.

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7, 8, 9. The Asp component transitions to Unlocked/Disabled/Idle when it receives the Asp

Down message from the peer, or when Sctp loses its connection with the Asp. Loss of the
Sctp association may occur for any number of reasons including: failure or shutdown of
the remote node, network failure, too many lost packets, and a provisioning change on the
remote node.

Table 2-8
Nsta/ Vgs M2ua As/ Asp/ OSI States

State Details

Unlocked/Disabled/Idle This is the initial state of the Asp

component while it completes initialization
and when the remote Asp is down.

Unlocked/Enabled/Idle This is a valid state when the remote Asp

is up but inactive. This state indicates that
an Sctp association has been
successfully established with the peer

Unlocked/Enabled/Active This is a valid state when the remote Asp

is up and active. This state indicates that
there is no congestion on the Sctp

Unlocked/Enabled/Busy This is a valid state when the underlying

Stream Control Transmission Protocol
(Sctp) association is unable to transmit
new payload messages due to congestion
on the network or remote node. In this
state outgoing messages are queued until
the internal queue space is exhausted.
When a message is discarded, the
sendFailures counter is pegged.

Nsta/ Vgs M2ua As/ Iid/ MCP Component

Please see the previous section, MCP Component.

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Nsta/ Vgs MgcIf/ Component

Figure 2-14
Nsta/ Vgs MgcIf OSI State Transitions


Disabled Enabled
1 2 3
Idle Idle
Idle Active
Active Busy
6 5 4
20 19 13 14 12 10 11 9 7 8

Idle Idle 16 Active 15 Busy
Idle Idle Active Busy

Disabled Enabled
Enabled Enabled

Locked Shutting

The initial OSI state of the MgcIf component is Unlocked, Disabled, Idle and
is set during the initialization of the MgcIf component. The following
describes the OSI state transitions for the MgcIf component:

1. The MgcIf component transitions from Unlocked/Disabled/Idle to Unlocked/Enabled/Idle

when the initialization of the MgcIf has successfully completed and has successfully
registered the MGW with the MGC.

2. The MgcIf component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Idle to Unlocked/Enabled/Active

when the MgcIf component is processing at least one call request.

3. The MgcIf component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Active to Unlocked/Enabled/

Busy when one of the following conditions exist:
1. Congestion Condition. When one of the following congestion alarms are raised:
MgcIf Resource Congestion Alarm
MgcIf Throughput Congestion Alarm
MgcIf Call Admission Control Subnet Bandwidth Congestion Alarm
2. Overload condition. When the following overload alarms is raised:
MgcIf Overload Alarm
3. The maximum allowed packet resources are in use.

4. The MgcIf component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Busy to Unlocked/Enabled/

Active when the condition listed in transition number three above that caused it to go Busy
no longer exists.

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5. The MgcIf component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Active to Unlocked/Enabled/Idle

when there are no active calls.

6. The MgcIf component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Idle to Unlocked/Disabled/Idle

when the MgcIf component is reset or when the MgcIf component has successfully
deregistered the MGW with the MGC.

7. The MgcIf component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Busy to Locked/Enabled/Idle

when the administrator gives the Lock Force command.

8. The MgcIf component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Busy to ShuttingDown/Enabled/

Busy when the administrator gives the Lock command.

9. The MgcIf component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Busy to Locked/Enabled/Idle

when the administrator gives the Unlock command.

10. The MgcIf component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Active to ShuttingDown/

Enabled/Active when the administrator gives the Lock command.

11. The MgcIf component transitions from ShuttingDown/Enabled/Active to Unlocked/

Enabled/Active when the administrator gives the Unlock command.

12. The MgcIf component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Active to Locked/Enabled/Idle

when the administrator gives the Lock Force command.

13. The MgcIf component transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Idle to Locked/Enabled/Idle

when the administrator gives the Lock or the Lock Force command.

14. The MgcIf component transitions from Locked/Enabled/Idle to Unlocked/Enabled/Idle

when the administrator gives the Unlock command.

15. The MgcIf component transitions from ShuttingDown/Enabled/Busy to ShuttingDown/

Enabled/Active when the condition listed in transition number three above that caused it to
go Busy no longer exists.

16. The MgcIf component transitions from ShuttingDown/Enabled/Active to Locked/Enabled/

Idle when there are no active calls and a previous Lock command was issued.

18. The MgcIf component transitions from Locked/Disabled/Idle to Locked/Enabled/Idle when

MgcIf has successfully registered the MGW with the MGC.

19. The MgcIf component transitions from Locked/Disabled/Idle to Unlocked/Disabled/Idle

when the administrator gives the Unlock command.

20. The MgcIf component transitions from Unlocked/Disabled/Idle to Locked/Disabled/Idle

when the administrator gives the Lock or Lock Force command.

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Table 2-9
Nsta/ Vgs MgcIf OSI States

Valid States Details

Unlocked/Disabled/Idle This is the initial state prior to the MgcIf component

initialization and registration.

Unlocked/Enabled/Idle This is a valid state after the MgcIf component has

successfully initialized and registered with an MGC, but there
are no active calls.

Unlocked/Enabled/Active This is a valid state when the MgcIf component is processing

call requests, (i.e. setup calls) and/or has at least one active

Unlocked/Enabled/Busy This is a valid state when a congestion alarm is raised, an

overload alarm is raised, or the maximum allowed packet
resources are in use

Locked, Disabled, Idle This is the state after the MgcIf has successfully deregistered
the MGW with the MGC and is locked by the administrator.

Locked, Enabled, Idle This is the state where MgcIf still has MGW registered with
MGC, there are no active calls, and is locked by the

Shutting Down, Enabled, This is a valid state when the MgcIf component is processing
Active call requests, (i.e. setup calls) and/or has at least one active
call and is locked by the administrator.

Shutting Down, Enabled, This is a valid state when a congestion alarm is raised, an
Busy overload alarm is raised, or all provisioned TDM resources are
in use.

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Nsta/ Vgs Mtp2/ Component

Figure 2-15
Nsta/ Vgs Mtp2/ OSI State Transitions


Disabled Enabled

1 2
Idle Idle Active Busy


Idle Idle Active Busy

Disabled Enabled

Shutting Down

1. Mtp2 transitions from Unlocked/Disabled/Idle to Unlocked/Enabled/Idle when Mtp2

establishes communication with Layer 3 and receives the Start command from Layer 3.
The Start command may be received initially at startup or after Mtp2 transitioned to
Disabled due to an error.

2. Mtp2 transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Idle to Unlocked/Enabled/Active when Mtp2 has

completed alignment with the peer and has sent the In-Service message to Layer 3.
Alignment is initiated by Layer 3 sending a Start command to Mtp2. Mtp2 then starts the
alignment process. Once alignment is complete, Mtp2 sends Layer 3 an In-Service
indication establishing the Layer 3 Link as active.

3. Mtp2 transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Idle to Unlocked/Disabled/Idle if during the

alignment process Mtp2 is unable to align with its peer Mtp2 layer or receives a Stop
command from Layer 3.

4. Mtp2 transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Active to Unlocked/Disabled/Idle when Mtp2

goes out of service. Mtp2 may go out of service for the following reasons:
1. Layer 3 sends a Stop command to Mtp2 indicating Mtp2 cease providing service.
2. Mtp2 fails to receive messages (e.g. FISUs) from its peer Mtp2 which results in Mtp2
sending Layer 3 an Out-of-Service indication meaning it should no longer be used by
Layer 3.

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3. Mtp2 loses the Layer 3 communication link which results in Mtp2 de-aligning.

Table 2-10
Nsta/ Vgs Mtp2/ OSI State

State Details

Unlocked/Disabled/Idle This is the initial state of Mtp2 while it is

completing initialization and prior to
receiving a Start command from Layer 3.
This is also the state of Mtp2 when an
error occurs rendering it inoperable.

Unlocked/Enabled/Idle This is a valid state once Mtp2 receives a

Start command from Layer 3 initiating the
alignment process.

Unlocked/Enabled/Active This is a valid state when Mtp2

successfully aligns with its peer Mtp2 and
sends an In-Service message to Layer 3.

Nsta/ Vgs Mtp2/ MCP Component

Please see the previous section, MCP Component.

Q2630/ Component
Figure 2-16
Q2630/ OSI State Transitions

Enabled 6
1 2 3
Idle Idle
Idle Active
Active Busy
7 5 4
8 9 10

Idle Idle
Idle Active
Active Busy

Disabled Enabled
Enabled Enabled

Locked Shutting

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The Q2630 OSI state will indicate the overall health of the application (e.g.
an initialization failure would inhibit the transition to the enabled state) and
the Q2630 component will appear on an element manager (MDM) providing
OA&M personnel a persistent mechanism for conveying application health.

The initial OSI state of a Q2630 component is Unlocked/Disabled/Idle and is

set at the beginning of the initialization of the Q2630 component (e.g. when
physical card is first inserted).

The following describes the OSI state transitions:

1. Q2630 transitions from Unlocked/Disabled/Idle to Unlocked/Enabled/Idle when all of the

following conditions are met:
Q2630 component has successfully completed its initialization, and
Q2630 has communication with its Q2630 client on the VSP SPM (e.g. a heartbeat),
Q2630 receives a Q2150 in-service notice for at least one remote peer provisioned.

2. Q2630 transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Idle to Unlocked/Enabled/Active when the first

call is established.

3. Q2630 transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Active to Unlocked/Enabled/Busy when all

paths to all peers are blocked.

4. Q2630 transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Busy to Unlocked/Enabled/Active when at least

one path with a peer is unblocked and at least one call is established.

5. Q2630 transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Active to Unlocked/Enabled/Idle when the last

call is released (e.g. no calls are established).

6. Q2630 transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Busy to Unlocked/Enabled/Idle when at least

one path with a peer is unblocked and no calls are established.

7, 8, 9, 10. Q2630 transitions to Unlocked/Disabled/Idle when any of the following conditions

Q2630 incurs a non-recoverable failure.
Q2630 has no communication with its Q2630 client on the VSP SPM (e.g. no
Q2630 receives a Q2150 out-of-service notice for every remote peer provisioned.

Table 2-11
Q2630 OSI States

State Details

Unlocked/Disabled/Idle This is the initial state prior to the Q2630 component

initialization or the if communications to its client or if it has
received a Q2150 out-of-service notice from all remote peers.

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Table 2-11
Q2630 OSI States (continued)

State Details

Unlocked/Enabled/Idle This is a valid state after the Q2630 component has

successfully initialized and there are no active calls.

Unlocked/Enabled/Active This is a valid state when the Q2630 component has at least
one established call and at least one unblocked path to its

Unlocked/Enabled/Busy This is a valid state when all paths to the Q2630 components
peers have been blocked.

Q2630/ MCP Component

Please see the previous section, MCP Component.

Q2630/ Q2630Client MCP Component

Please see the previous section, MCP Component.

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SaalNni/ Component
Figure 2-17
SaalNni/ OSI State Transitions

Disabled Enabled
1 2
Idle Idle Active Busy

Idle Idle Active Busy

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Locked Shutting Down

The initial OSI state of the SaalNni is Unlocked/Disabled/Idle and is set

during the initialization of SaalNni. The following describes the OSI state

1. SaalNni transitions from Unlocked/Disabled/Idle to Unlocked/Enabled/Idle when SaalNni

receives the Start command from Layer 3. The Start command may be received initially at
startup or after SaalNni transitioned to Disabled due to an error.

2. SaalNni transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Idle to Unlocked/Enabled/Active when

SaalNni has completed alignment with its peer and has sent the In-service message to
Layer 3. Alignment is initiated by Layer 3 sending a Start command to SaalNni. Once
alignment is complete, SaalNni sends Layer 3 an In-service message establishing the
Layer 3 Link as active. If this transition is a result of the re-establishment of
communication with Layer 3, a Clear Alarm is generated to clear the Set Alarm generated
when communication was lost.

3. SaalNni transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Active to Unlocked/Disabled/Idle when

SaalNni goes out of service. SaalNni may go out of service for the following reasons:

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1) SaalNni receives a Stop command indicating SaalNni should cease providing service.

2) SaalNni fails to receive messages from its peer SaalNni which results in SaalNni sending
its user an Out-of-service message indicating it should no longer be used.

3) SaalNni loses the Layer 3 communication link which results in SaalNni de-aligning.

SaalNni raises a Set Alarm during this transition.

5. SaalNni transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Idle to Unlocked/Disabled/Idle if SaalNni

receives a stop command from Layer 3 or if the alignment interval expires. SaalNni raises
a Set Alarm during this transition.

Table 2-12
SaalNni/ OSI States

State Details

This is the initial state of SaalNni while SaalNni is completing

initialization and prior to receiving a Start command from Layer 3.
This is also the state of SaalNni when an error occurs rendering it

This is a valid state once the SaalNni receives a Start Command from
Layer 3 initiating the alignment process.

This is a valid state when SaalNni successfully aligns with its peer
SaalNni and sends an In-service message to Layer 3.

SaalNni/ MCP Component

Please see the previous section, MCP Component.

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Shelf Card/ CarrierCard/ Component

Figure 2-18
Shelf Card/ CarrierCard/ OSI State Transitions


Disabled 1 Enabled
Disabled Enabled

Idle Idle
Idle Active
Active Busy

Idle Idle
Idle Active
Active Busy

Disabled Enabled
Enabled Enabled

Locked Shutting

The initial OSI state of Shelf Card/ CarrierCard/ is Unlocked/Disabled/Idle

and is set during the initialization of the CarrierCard. The following describes
the OSI state transitions:

1. The CarrierCard component transitions from Unlocked/Disabled/Idle to Unlocked/

Enabled/Active upon a successful registration of this component with CAS, or upon
operatingTemperature dropping three degrees Celsius below the CarrierCard
failureTemperatureThreshold attribute after the value of the operatingTemperature
attribute was previously above the failureTemperatureThreshold attribute.

2. CarrierCard transitions from Unlocked/Enabled/Active to Unlocked/Disabled/Idle when the

operatingTemperature attribute reaches the value of the failureTemperatureThreshold

Table 2-13
Shelf Card/ CarrierCard/ OSI States

State Details

This is the initial state of CarrierCard component while waiting for

the Thermal Manager to complete initialization. This is also the state
of the CarrierCard component when the operatingTemperature
attribute reaches the failureTemperatureThreshold attribute.

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Table 2-13
Shelf Card/ CarrierCard/ OSI States

State Details

This is a valid state when the CarrierCard component has

Unlocked/Enabled/Active successfully initialized and the operatingTemperature attribute is
below failureTemperatureThreshold attribute.

Alarms 2
Table 2-14 lists all MGW alarms. Detailed descriptions can be found below
the table.
Table 2-14
MGW Alarms List

Index Title

7075 0000 Q2630 Initialization Failure Alarm

7075 0003 Q2630 Address Mismatch Alarm

7075 0004 Q2630 Remote Routing Error Alarm

7075 0005 M2ua MCP Availability Alarm

Mtp2 MCP Availability Alarm

Mtp3 MCP Availability Alarm

Q2630 MCP Availability Alarm

Q2630Client MCP Availability Alarm

7075 0006 M2ua Communication Failure Alarm

7075 0007 M2ua Sctp Congestion Alarm

7075 0008 M2ua Unrecognized Asp Alarm

7075 0009 M2ua Unrecognized Interface Identifier Alarm

7075 0010 M2ua Overload Alarm

7075 0100 Mtp2 Link Failure Alarm

7075 0101 Mtp2 Initialization Failure Alarm

7075 0200 Mtp3 Signaling Link Test Failed Alarm

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Table 2-14
MGW Alarms List (continued)

Index Title

7075 0201 Mtp3 Linkset Destination Inaccessible Alarm

7075 0203 Mtp3 Routeset Destination Inaccessible Alarm

7075 0300 SaalNni Alignment Failure Alarm

7075 0400 VSP4e CarrierCard Temperature Alarm

7075 0401 VSP4e CarrierCard Sensor Failure Alarm

7075 0402 VSP4e CarrierCard DSP Failure Alarm

7056 7000 MgcIf Control Link Failure Alarm

7056 7001 MgcIf Registration Failure Alarm

7056 7002 MgcIf Overload Alarm

7056 7004 MgcIf Resource Congestion Alarm

7056 7005 MgcIf Throughput Congestion Alarm

7056 7006 MgcIf Call Admission Control Subnet Bandwidth Congestion Alarm

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M2ua Alarms
M2ua Communication Failure Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7075 Nsta/<x> Vgs M2ua As/<y> critical/

0006 minor/ set/clear

<x> = Nsta instance identifier
<y> = As instance identifier

The M2ua Communication Failure Alarm is raised by the As component when it
becomes inaccessible due to a communication failure with a remote Application
Server Process (Asp) component.
This alarm is set with critical severity if the As component is down or inactive,
meaning that no communication is possible with the remote node.
This alarm is set with minor severity when the As is in the pending state.
This alarm is cleared when this As becomes accessible due to (re-)established
communication with the remote Asp component.

Probable Cause


Remedial action
Verify remote network connectivity.

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M2ua Sctp Congestion Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7075 Nsta/<x> Vgs M2ua As/<y> Asp/<z> warning/

0007 cleared

<x> = Nsta instance identifier
<y> = As instance identifier
<z> = Asp instance identifier

The M2ua Sctp Congestion Alarm is raised by M2ua for an Application Server
Process (Asp) component when the underlying Sctp layer detects that it can no
longer transmit payload messages to the remote node. This condition may occur
due to network congestion or an overload condition at the Asp. The Asp
component transitions to the Unlocked/Enabled/Busy state when this alarm is
This alarm is cleared when the Asp returns to Unlocked/Enabled/Active state.
This occurs when no message congestion has been detected for at least 1 minute

Probable Cause


Remedial action
Verify and reconfigure the network if necessary.

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M2ua Unrecognized Asp Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7075 Nsta/<x> Vgs M2ua

warning message

<x> = Nsta instance identifier

This message alarm is raised by the M2ua component when an M-Sctp Establish
Request indication is received from an Application Server Process (Asp) that is
not recognized by this media gateway. This typically indicates a configuration
problem on the local or remote node. For example, the Asp is not provisioned or
has been provisioned with an incorrect IP address or port.

Probable Cause


Remedial action
Verify the provisioning on this and the remote M2ua components.

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M2ua Unrecognized Interface Identifier Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7075 Nsta/<x> Vgs M2ua As/<y>

warning message

<x> = Nsta instance identifier
<y> = As instance identifier

This M2ua Unrecognized Interface Identifier message alarm is raised on the As
component when M2ua receives an unrecognized Interface Identifier (IID) from
an Application Server Process (Asp) and responds with an Invalid Interface
Identifier error. It is also generated when M2ua receives an Invalid Interface
Identifier error from the Asp. This typically indicates a configuration problem on
the local or remote node. For example, the IID is not provisioned or has been
provisioned with an incorrect instance value. This alarm is throttled by the DCS
collection period for messages received when the As is Unlocked/Enabled/

Probable Cause


Remedial action
Verify the provisioning on this and the remote M2ua components.

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M2ua Overload Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7075 Nsta/<x> Vgs M2ua warning/

0010 cleared

<x> = Nsta instance identifier

The M2ua Overload Alarm is raised when M2ua has reached its throughput limit
and is throttling back incoming traffic. This includes the Asp (USP) and SS7
layer 2 interfaces (Mtp2 and/or SaalNni). The alarm is set with warning severity
and corresponds with a transition to the Unlocked/Enabled/Busy state.
The alarm is cleared when M2ua returns to the Unlocked/Enabled/Active state.
This occurs when M2ua does not detect a local overload condition on any of its
interfaces for at least one minute.

Probable Cause


Remedial action
Verify and reconfigure the network if necessary.

M2ua MCP Availability Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7075 Nsta/<a> Vgs M2ua/<b> As/<c> Iid/<d> MCP

major/cleared set/clear

<a> = Nsta instance identifier
<b> = M2ua instance identifier
<c> = As instance identifier
<d> = Iid instance identifier

Monitored Communications Protocol (MCP) Availability Alarm is raised when
there is a loss of communication between adjacent layers.
This alarm is cleared when the communication between the layers is restored.

Probable Cause


Remedial action
If the problem persists, the component should be deleted and then added back.

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Mtp2 Alarms
Mtp2 Link Failure Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7075 Nsta/<x> Vgs Mtp2/<y>

major/cleared set/clear

<x> = Nsta instance identifier
<y> = Mtp2 instance identifier

The Link Failure Alarm is raised by the Mtp2 component when an error occurs
on the link resulting in the link being taken out-of-service. The link failure can
be due to an error in the provisioning of the link, such as a bad timeslot, or a
physical connectivity problem.
The alarm is cleared when the link returns to service.

Probable Cause


Remedial action
Verify that the following conditions are met:
The InterfaceName attribute of the Nsta/<x> Vgs Mtp2/<y> component
points to the correct Chan component.
Physical connectivity is correct.
The Chan component that is linked to the Nsta/<x> Vgs Mtp2/<y> is in the
Enabled state.

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Mtp2 Initialization Failure Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7075 Nsta/<x> Vgs Mtp2/<y>

major/cleared set/clear

<x> = Nsta instance identifier
<y> = Mtp2 instance identifier

This alarm is raised by the Mtp2 component when the Mtp2 layer fails to
initialize properly. This can be caused by the internal hardware and software
problems on the card
The alarm is cleared when the initialization completes.

Probable Cause


Remedial action
The component should be deleted and then added back.

Mtp2 MCP Availability Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7075 Nsta/<a> Vgs Mtp2/<b> MCP

major/cleared set/clear

<a> = Nsta instance identifier
<b> = Mtp2 instance identifier

Monitored Communications Protocol (MCP) Availability Alarm is raised when
there is a loss of communication between adjacent layers.
This alarm is cleared when the communication between the layers is restored.

Probable Cause


Remedial action
If the problem persists, the component should be deleted and then added back.

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MgcIf Alarms
MgcIf Control Link Failure Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7056 Nsta/<x> Vgs MgcIf/<string> critical/ set/clear

7000 cleared

<x> = Nsta instance identifier
<string> = 20 character string identifier

The MgcIf Control Link Failure alarm is raised when the communication link
with the Media Gateway Controller (MGC) is determined to have failed. Such a
failure could be determined, for example, by the expiration of the inactivity
When the communication link is lost, the Media Gateway (MGW) is unable to
setup new calls. It can, in a limited way, handle the existing calls. However, it
does not know when to take down the calls until it re-establishes the connection
with the MGC.
Due to the significant impact it can have on the MGW, the severity of this alarm
is set to critical. The OSI Availability Status is set to a value of degraded while
the other OSI states remain unchanged.
The alarm is cleared when the control link is successfully re-established with an

Probable Cause


Remedial action
Verify that the AtmIf component used to provide connectivity to the MGC is
enabled. Verify that the network used for transporting H.248 messages between
the MGC and MGW is functioning properly. Verify that the Nsta/n Vgs H248/0
maximumInactivityTime attribute is set to a reasonable value. This attribute is
initialized through H.248 messaging and is not provisionable. If the value is set
too low by the MGC, Control Link Failure's may result. If network latency is
preventing audit messages from arriving within the maximum inactivity time, the
MGC configuration should be set to a more reasonable maximum inactivity time.

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MgcIf Registration Failure Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7056 Nsta/<x> Vgs MgcIf/<string> critical/ set/clear

7001 cleared

<x> = Nsta instance identifier
<string> = 20 character string identifier

The MgcIf Registration Failure Alarm is raised when the MgcIf component fails
to register the MGW with the MGC (MSC) after five registration attempts.
Registration failure is defined as follows:
1.When the MGC sends a NACK to the Mgc component after it receives a
registration request.
2.When a registration request is unacknowledged (timeout) and the Mgc
component has exhausted the provisioned maximumTransmissionRetries.
For example, if the maximumTransmissionRetries is set to two and the Mgc
component does not receive any acknowledgement message from the MGC, then
it will resend the registration message. If it still has not registered with the MGC
after two attempts due to timeout, then the number of failed registrations is
incriminated by one.
The alarm is cleared when the MgcIf component is successfully registered with
an MGC (MSC).

Probable Cause


Remedial action
The 'Nsta/<n> Vgs H248/0 mgMid' attribute on the MGW matches the H248
MID expected by the MGC.
The 'Nsta/<n> Vgs MgcIf/<m> initialMgcAddress' and 'Nsta/<n> Vgs MgcIf/
<m> initialMgcPort' attributes on the MGW match the actual address and port at
which the MGC is configured to receive H248 messages.
Ensure that the 'Nsta/<n> Vgs Ctrl/mg' component provisioning matches the
address and port from which the MGC is expecting to receive messages from the
MGW. The MGC may verify that source address and port of initial messages
from the MGW to protect against an unauthorized MGW attempting to register.

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MgcIf Overload Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7056 Nsta/<x> Vgs MgcIf/<string> major/cleared set/clear


<x> = Nsta instance identifier
<string> = 20 character string identifier

The MgcIf Overload Alarm is raised when the message input queue exceeds the
MgcIf callRejectionLatencyThreshold attribute indicating that the MGC is over-
utilizing a given MGW. During an overload condition, Modify, Subtract, and
Audit requests are queued and handled as normal. Add requests for existing calls
are also handled. Add requests that result in the creation of a new context and
are not marked as an emergency or high-priority, are discarded.
The alarm is cleared when the input queue length has dropped below the MgcIf
callRejectionLatencyThreshold attribute for at least one minute.

Probable Cause


Remedial action
If overload alarm is seen frequently or for long periods of time, consider adding
more MGW capacity.

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MgcIf Resource Congestion Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7056 Nsta/<x> Vgs MgcIf/<string> minor/ set/clear

7004 warning/

<x> = Nsta instance identifier
<string> = 20 character string identifier

The MgcIf Resource Congestion Alarm is raised when the resource allocators
total call context congestion percentage level exceeds the MgcIf
congestionThreshold attribute.
The alarms severity changes as a function of the conditions percent given the
following ranges:
- warning: congestionAbatementThreshold+1 to congestionThreshold,
- minor: congestionThreshold+1 to 100%.
The alarm is cleared when the resource allocators total call context congestion
level is equal to or falls below the MgcIf congestionAbatementThreshold

Probable Cause


Remedial action
Display the Nsta/<n> Vgs CallStatistics contextLoadPercent operational
attribute. If the MGWs call context utilization remains at 100% for extended
periods of time, the operator may wish to consider adding more MGW's to the
network. Depending on how the network is configured and how a MGC is
designed to function, this alarm, caused by call volume, may not be problematic.
It simply indicates that the MGW is fully utilized.

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MgcIf Throughput Congestion Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7056 Nsta/<x> Vgs MgcIf/<string> minor/ set/clear

7005 warning/

<x> = Nsta instance identifier
<string> = 20 character string identifier

The MgcIf Throughput Congestion Alarm is raised when the resource allocators
throughput utilization percentage level exceeds the MgcIf congestionThreshold
The alarms severity changes as a function of the conditions percent given the
following ranges:
- warning: congestionAbatementThreshold+1 to congestionThreshold,
- minor: congestionThreshold+1 to 100%.
The alarm is cleared when the resource allocators throughput utilization
percentage level is equal to or falls below the MgcIf
congestionAbatementThreshold attribute.

Probable Cause


Remedial action
Display the Nsta/<n> Vgs CallStatistics throughputLoadPercent operational
attribute. If the MGWs throughput remains at 100% for extended periods of
time, the operator may wish to consider adding more MGW's to the network or
consider increasing the use of bearer traffic compression. Depending on how the
network is configured and how a MGC is designed to function, this alarm, caused
by call volume, may not be problematic. It simply indicates that the MGW is
fully utilized.

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MgcIf Call Admission Control Subnet Bandwidth Congestion


Alarm Component Severity Status

7056 Nsta/<x> Vgs MgcIf/<string> minor/ set/clear

7006 warning/

<x> = Nsta instance identifier
<string> = 20 character string identifier

The MgcIf Call Admission Control (CAC) Subnet Bandwidth Congestion Alarm
is raised when the CAC backbone bandwidth utilization percentage level exceeds
the MgcIf congestionThreshold attribute.
The text for the alarm will identify the subnet name that has exceeded the
congestion threshold.
The alarms severity changes as a function of the conditions percent given the
following ranges:
- warning: congestionAbatementThreshold+1 to congestionThreshold,
- minor: congestionThreshold+1 to 100%.
The alarm is cleared when the CAC backbone bandwidth utilization percentage
level is equal to or falls below the MgcIf congestionAbatementThreshold

Probable Cause


Remedial action
Display the Nsta/<n> Vgs atmCac atmSubnet/<s> (or ipCac ipSubnet/s)
operational attributes where <s> identifies the subnet name from the alarm text.
If the MGWs currentPercentBandwidthUtil remains at 100% for extended
periods of time and connectionsRejected increases during this time, the
operator may wish to consider adding backbone bandwidth capability to the
network or consider increased use of bearer traffic compression. Depending on
how the network is configured and how a MGC is designed to function, this
alarm, caused by call volume, may not be problematic. It simply indicates that
the MGW is fully utilizing its allocated portion of the backbone bandwidth.

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2-48 Media Gateway fault management
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Mtp3 Alarms
Mtp3 Signaling Link Test Failed Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7075 Mtp3/<x> Linkset/<y> Link/<z>

major message

<x> = Mtp3 instance identifier
<y> = linkset instance identifier
<z> = link instance identifier; z = 0 - 15

The signaling link test failed message alarm is raised by an Mtp3 Link when the
Signalling Link Test (SLT) fails indicating that the Signalling Link Test
Controller (SLTC) has detected a bad link. Once a bad link is detected it will be

Probable Cause


Remedial action
Monitor the bad link to ensure the link comes back into service.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Media Gateway fault management 2-49
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Mtp3 Linkset Destination Inaccessible Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7075 Mtp3/<x> Linkset/<y> critical/

0201 cleared

<x> = Mtp3 instance identifier
<y> = linkset instance identifier

The Destination Inaccessible Alarm is raised by the Mtp3/ Linkset component
when a destination (i.e. remote Mtp3) is inaccessible due to all links in the linkset
being inaccessible and the linkset is not part of a routeset (i.e. the linkset that
represents F-link). The destination is considered inaccessible when all links in
the linkset are either locked or disabled.
The alarm is cleared when a destination becomes accessible due to one or more
links in the linkset becoming accessible. The destination becomes accessible
when a locked linked becomes unlocked or a disabled link becomes enabled.

Probable Cause


Remedial action
Links that are locked may be unlocked as appropriate. For disabled links, they
should be monitored to ensure the links come back into service.

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Mtp3 Routeset Destination Inaccessible Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7075 Mtp3/<x> Routeset/<y> critical/

0203 minor/ set/clear

<x> = Mtp3 instance identifier
<y> = routeset instance identifier

The routeset destination inaccessible minor alarm is raised by the Mtp3/ Routeset
component when one or more routes to a destination are inaccessible.
The routeset destination inaccessible critical alarm is raised by the Mtp3/
Routeset component when all routes to a destination are inaccessible.
A route to a destination is considered inaccessible when the associated linkset is
unavailable or a transfer-prohibited message is received.
The transfer-prohibited message indicates that the signalling traffic toward a
particular destination cannot be transferred via the signalling transfer point
sending the message.
The alarm is cleared when all routes in the routeset become accessible.
A route is considered accessible when the associated linkset is available or a
transfer-allowed message is received.
The transfer-allowed message indicates that signalling traffic towards a
particular destination can be transferred via the signaling transfer point sending
the message.

Probable Cause


Remedial action
LinkSets that are locked may be unlocked as appropriate. For disabled links in
the linkset, they should be monitored to ensure the links come back into service.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Media Gateway fault management 2-51
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Mtp3 MCP Availability Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7075 Mtp3/<a> LinkSet/<b> Link/<c> MCP

major/cleared set/clear

<a> = Mtp3 instance identifier
<b> = LinkSet instance identifier
<c> = Link instance identifier

Monitored Communications Protocol (MCP) Availability Alarm is raised when
there is a loss of communication between adjacent layers.
This alarm is cleared when the communication between the layers is restored.

Probable Cause


Remedial action
If the problem persists, the component should be deleted and then added back.

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2-52 Media Gateway fault management
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SaalNni Alignment Failure Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7075 SaalNni/<x>
major/cleared set/clear

<x> = SaalNni instance identifier

The Alignment Failure alarm is raised by the SaalNni component when
alignment fails with the peer SaalNni layer.
The alignment fails when the operational attribute SaalNni/ currentProvingPdus
is lower than operational attribute SaalNni/ targetProvingPdus. If SaalNni
receives less than the expected value then there is a communication problem
which could be due to congestion.
When currentProvingPdus is equal to the targetProvingPdus, then the link is
working properly, since there was no loss of PDUS during the proving process.
The alarm is also raised whenever the SaalNni link goes down.
The alarm is cleared when alignment on the link completes successfully as a
result of increased bandwidth or the reduction of traffic.

Probable Cause


Remedial action
Verify the bandwidth is sufficient to support the link and increase it if necessary.
Verify the health of the physical connectivity (e.g. optical link or interface).

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Media Gateway fault management 2-53
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Q2630 Alarms

Q2630 Initialization Failure Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7075 Q2630/<x>
major message

<x> = Q2630 instance identifier

The Q2630 Initialization Failure Alarm is raised when the Q2630 layer cannot
successfully complete its initialization sequence. The Q2630 layer may fail to
initialize when it cannot perform initialization with the Q2630 Client on the VSP
SPM or cannot allocate required resources from memory on the PDC.

Probable Cause


Remedial action
The component should be deleted and then added back.

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2-54 Media Gateway fault management
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Q2630 Address Mismatch Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7075 Q2630/<x>
major message

<x> = Q2630 instance identifier

This alarm is raised when an Establish Request message is received and contains
a destination AESA that is different than the AESA that represents this Q2630
component. This indicates that the association between the received AESA and
the Point Code that supports this Q2630 component has been set improperly at
the sending protocol entity.

Probable Cause


Remedial action
Ensure that the AESA for this MGW is set correctly at the sending protocol

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Media Gateway fault management 2-55
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Q2630 Remote Routing Error Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7075 Q2630/<x>
major message

<x> = Q2630 instance identifier

The Q2630 Remote Routing Error Alarm is raised when either of the following
conditions occurs:
1) The corresponding AESA could not be determined given the Point Code from
which a Q2630 message originated (e.g. the originating Point Code does not exist
in any Q2630 Peer Media Gateway Address provisioning for the MGW that
received the Q2630 message, and thus, the MGW is unable to determine from
which AESA the Q2630 message was sent).
2) The corresponding Point Code could not be determined given the AESA to
which a Q2630 message must be sent (e.g. the destination AESA does not exist
in any Q2630 Peer Media Gateway Address provisioning for the MGW
transmitting the Q2630 message or Mtp3b is not provisioned with the destination
Point Code).

Probable Cause


Remedial action
Verify that the Q2630/ PeerAddr/ component exists and is provisioned with the
correct point code for the remote AESA.

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2-56 Media Gateway fault management
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Q2630 MCP Availability Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7075 Q2630/<a> MCP

major/cleared set/clear

<a> = Q2630 instance identifier

Monitored Communications Protocol (MCP) Availability Alarm is raised when
there is a loss of communication between adjacent layers.
This alarm is cleared when the communication between the layers is restored.

Probable Cause


Remedial action
If the problem persists, the component should be deleted and then added back.

Q2630Client MCP Availability Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7075 Q2630/<a> Q2630Client MCP

major/cleared set/clear

<a> = Q2630 instance identifier

Monitored Communications Protocol (MCP) Availability Alarm is raised when
there is a loss of communication between adjacent layers.
This alarm is cleared when the communication between the layers is restored.

Probable Cause


Remedial action
If the problem persists, the component should be deleted and then added back.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Media Gateway fault management 2-57
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VSP4e Alarms
VSP4e CarrierCard Temperature Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7075 Shelf Card/<num> CarrierCard major/ set/clear

0400 warning/

<num> = 0 - 15

The VSP4e CarrierCard Temperature alarm is raised with a severity of major
when the temperature measured by the sensors on the VSP4es carrier card
exceeds the value specified by the failureTemperatureThreshold attribute.
The alarm is raised with a severity of warning, when the temperature measured
exceeds the value specified by the warningTemperatureThreshold attribute.
The alarm severity is lowered from major to warning when the temperature
measured falls three degrees below the value specified by the
failureTemperatureThreshold attribute.
The alarm is cleared when the temperature measured falls three degrees below
the value specified by the warningTemperatureThreshold attribute.

Probable Cause


Remedial action
Verify that the shelf fans are working properly. Verify that the air temperature
inside of the shelf is within normal limits. Verify that the air filter is clean.

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2-58 Media Gateway fault management
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VSP4e CarrierCard Sensor Failure Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7075 Shelf Card/<num> CarrierCard major/ set/clear

0401 warning/

<num> = 0 - 15

The VSP4e CarrierCard Sensor Failure alarm is raised when an error is returned
while attempting to read the temperature from the carrier cards thermal sensors.
The alarm is cleared on the next successful attempt.

Probable Cause


Remedial action
The component should be deleted and then added back.

VSP4e CarrierCard DSP Failure Alarm

Alarm Component Severity Status

7075 Shelf Card/<num> CarrierCard minor set


<num> = 0 - 15

The VSP4e CarrierCard DSP Failure Alarm is raised when there is reduction of
DSP resources on the VSP4e Carrier Card. The card continues to run with
degraded capacity.

Probable Cause


Remedial action
The component should be deleted and then added back. If the problem persists,
run diagnostics.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Media Gateway configuration

management 3
This chapter provides information regarding Media Gateway (MGW)
configuration management (CM). It presents several models for the CDL
model and provides a number of tables of new or modified components.

For further information regarding MGW performance management (PM),

refer to Chapter 1, Media Gateway performance management in this
document. For further information regarding MGW fault management (FM),
refer to Chapter 2, Media Gateway fault management in this document.

The component description language (CDL), a data description language, is

used to manage the components on the wireless gateway. The CDL is used,
by the applications, to define the customer's administrative view of the
application's services. This view consists of the components, their attributes
(operational, collected, and provisionable) that can be viewed and/or
modified, and all commands that are supported for the services.

This component data model is based on the Nortel PVG product component
data model with additional components and attributes described next.

Detailed descriptions of components unique to the Media Gateway can be

found in the appendices of this document. Additional descriptions of
components can be found in the Nortel publication Multiservice Switch 7400,
15000, 20000 Components Overview, NTP number NN10600-

Nsta/x Vgs 3
The CDL hierarchy below shows new and modified components introduced
in the MG18 software release.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

3-2 Media Gateway configuration management
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Figure 3-1
CDL Hierarchy for Nsta/x Vgs

Nsta/n link to

link to

AtmTConn/n CasDef/n Tag/n TProf/n H248 Aal2Svc CallStats AtmCac

Aap Pap Cas Tag Prof/n TConn/n <name>


Mtp2/n Mtp2Profile/n M2ua Ctrl/sg Ctrl/mg

Agc Bnc Bnr Gtt Mec MultiParty

MCP As/n SctpPort/n VrAp
link to

TTPProfile PTPProfile Ecan Trfo Iid/<iid>

Or link to Asp/n
UdpPort/n VrAp
Existing component
MCP SctpAssoc
Dynamic component
inter-component link
Modified component

New component

Note: Only selected subcomponents of VoiceGatewayService (Vgs) are

shown in the figure.

Nsta/x Vgs CDL Components Summary

The following table summarizes Vgs components used in the MGW.

Table 3-1
Nsta/x Vgs CDL components summary

New/Modified Component Name Description Number of OSI

Required/ instances State

New Dynamic Nsta/x Vgs CallStats This component represents 1 per Vgs No
the statistics for calls handled
by this Vgs component.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Media Gateway configuration management 3-3
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Table 3-1
Nsta/x Vgs CDL components summary (continued)

New/Modified Component Name Description Number of OSI

Required/ instances State

Modified Nsta/x Vgs Aal2Svc This component creates and 1 per Vgs No
Optional enables the Asynchronous
Transfer Mode Adaptation
Layer 2 (AAL2) Switched
Virtual Circuit (SVC) service.

Modified Nsta/x Vgs Aal2Svc This component provides the 1 to 30 No

Required Prof/n parameters for automatically profiles per
created Switched Virtual Aal2Svc
Circuits (SVCs).

The attributes of this

component are only used
when SVCs are created and
do not affect values used by
an existing trunk.

New Dynamic Nsta/x Vgs Aal2Svc This dynamic component 0 to 4096 per No
TConn/n provides visibility for all Aal2Svc
automatically created
Switched Virtual Circuits

This component is present if

and only if the corresponding
Asynchronous Transfer Mode
(ATM) trunk is available for
use by narrowband calls. It is
thus present immediately
after the SVC is established.
It is also present after the
SVC has been released from
the network for as long as the
hold-off timer is running, as
indicated by the
holdOverTime attribute. On
expiry of the hold-off timer,
the Virtual Channel
Connection (VCC) is deleted
in the Signalling Processing
Module (SPM), and this
component instance is

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3-4 Media Gateway configuration management
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Table 3-1
Nsta/x Vgs CDL components summary (continued)

New/Modified Component Name Description Number of OSI

Required/ instances State

New Optional Nsta/x Vgs AtmCac This component represents 0 or 1 per Vgs No
the Asynchronous Transfer
Mode (ATM) Call Admission
Control (CAC) application.

New Optional Nsta/x Vgs AtmCac This component represents a 0 to 10 per No

AtmSubnet/<name> subset of nodes within an AtmCac
Asynchronous Transfer Mode
(ATM) network.

The ATM Call Admission

Control (CAC) application
monitors the aggregate
network bandwidth utilization
for ATM Adaptation Layer 2
(AAL2) connections
established from this Voice
Services Processor (VSP)
card to destinations in this
subnet. If a bandwidth limit is
assigned and the available
bandwidth is exhausted, CAC
will deny new connection
requests to destinations in
this subnet.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Media Gateway configuration management 3-5
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Table 3-1
Nsta/x Vgs CDL components summary (continued)

New/Modified Component Name Description Number of OSI

Required/ instances State

Modified Nsta/x Vgs This component represents 0 to 4096 per Yes

AtmTConn/n an ATM connection from the Vgs
Voice services function
processor to the ATM
network. The Vgs allocates
AAL2 streams to ATM
connections as required by
the controller. An ATM
connection can carry several
AAL2 streams concurrently.

On Multiservice Switch
(formerly known as Passport)
7000, a maximum of 1022
components may be
provisioned for Vsp2 cards
and a maximum of 127
components may be
provisioned for 12mVspAal
cards. On Multiservice Switch
15000 up to 2700
components may be

Modified Nsta/x Vgs MgcIf The MgcIf component Up to 1 Yes

provides an interface from the instances per
Media Gateway (MGW) to a Nsta/x Vgs
Media Gateway Controller
(MGC) through which the
MGCIF may control this
gateway using the H248

New Optional Nsta/x Vgs Tprof/y This component represents a 0 to 16 per No

profile defining TDM network Vgs
behavior that can be
referenced by Tag

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3-6 Media Gateway configuration management
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Table 3-1
Nsta/x Vgs CDL components summary (continued)

New/Modified Component Name Description Number of OSI

Required/ instances State

New Optional Nsta/x Vgs CasDefinition. Defines the 0 to 25 per Yes

CasDefn/y waveforms, timings, and Vgs
tolerances of signals on the
carrier associated Nsta/x Vgs
Tag/x component.
Referenced by Nsta/x Vgs
Tag/y Cas components.

New Optional Nsta/x Vgs Tag/y This component represents a 84 per Lp Yes
group of TDM timeslots in a (DS1)
TDM primary rate stream
associated with this VSP, and 63 per Lp (E1)
relates them to a processing

This component defines

default processing for all TDM
connections represented in
this TdmAccessGroup
component. For each
connection, this default
processing may be
overridden by the controller.

New Optional Nsta/x Vgs Tag/y ChannelAssociatedSignaling. 0 to 1 per Tag No

Cas Represents the capability of
its parent component [i.e.
Nsta/x Vgs Tag/y] to apply,
terminate, and backhaul
Channel Associated
Signaling. References an
Nsta/x Vgs CasDefn/y

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Media Gateway configuration management 3-7
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Table 3-1
Nsta/x Vgs CDL components summary (continued)

New/Modified Component Name Description Number of OSI

Required/ instances State

New Dynamic Nsta/x Vgs Tag/y This component represents a 1 to 31 per No

DS0/n channel in a trunk and is Tag
created dynamically at the
time of the creation of the
VgsTdmAccessGroup (Tag)

A Digital Service Level 0

(DS0) is the fundamental
digital speed level used to
classify the capacities of lines
and trunks. It has a standard
speed of 66 kilobits per
second for digitizing voice
conversation using Pulse
Code Modulation (PCM).

Up to 31 instances of this
component are created based
on the trunk type, E1 can
have 31 instances and T1 can
have 24 instances.

New Optional. Nsta/x Vgs Tag/y This component ties a service 0 to 1 per Tag No
TagUser to a specific Tag, and hence
(Note: This is the set of timeslots
marked as associated with it. The
optional but it absence of this component
must be means that the services can
provisioned be applied to all the Tags.
manually. The
reason for this
is that it can not
be added
as a required
since the user
needs to set
attribute which
can not be auto

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3-8 Media Gateway configuration management
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Table 3-1
Nsta/x Vgs CDL components summary (continued)

New/Modified Component Name Description Number of OSI

Required/ instances State

Modified Nsta/x Vgs Vp/n This component represents 0 to 7 per Vgs No

Optional the profile of the
characteristics of the codec
used for voice calls handled
by this Media Gateway.

A separate VoiceProfile
component must be
provisioned for each codec.

New Optional Nsta/x Vgs Vp/n This component represents 0 to 1 per Vp Yes
MultiParty the Conferencing and Lawful
Intercept Distribution
Function capabilities of the
Media Gateway.

New Optional Nsta/x Vgs Vp/n This component represents a 1 per instance No
TdmToPktProfile profile of the packet-side of Vp
(Note: This is characteristics of calls
marked as handled by Nsta/x Vgs.
optional but if
eType attribute
of the Vp/n is
set to pstn or
aIf then the
e component
must be added
under the Vp/

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Media Gateway configuration management 3-9
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Table 3-1
Nsta/x Vgs CDL components summary (continued)

New/Modified Component Name Description Number of OSI

Required/ instances State

New Optional Nsta/x Vgs Vp/n This component represents a 1 per instance No
PktToPktProfile profile of the AAL2 AAL2 of Vp
(Note: This is call characteristics of Nsta/x
marked as Vgs. This component is used
optional but if only for packet-packet Media
the gateways.
eType attribute
of the Vp/n is
set to iuIf or
nbIf then the
must be added
under the Vp/

New Optional Nsta/x Vgs Vp/n Agc This component represents 0 to 1 per Vp No
enabling of the Automatic
Gain Control (AGC) voice
quality feature for this Voice

This feature stabilizes the

varying amplitude of speech
around a comfortable
listening level, and operates
in both the ingress and
egress directions.

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3-10 Media Gateway configuration management
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Table 3-1
Nsta/x Vgs CDL components summary (continued)

New/Modified Component Name Description Number of OSI

Required/ instances State

New Optional Nsta/x Vgs Vp/n Bnc This component represents 0 to 1 per Vp No
the enabling of the
Background Noise
Conditioning (BNC) voice
quality feature for this Voice
Profile, and the configuration
parameters needed by this

Vocoders can cause artifacts

and distortions known as the
waterfall effect when
operating on background
noise signals. BNC is a signal
processing technique that
operates on the reproduced
noise signal to remove the
artifacts and restore the
natural quality of the audio

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Media Gateway configuration management 3-11
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Table 3-1
Nsta/x Vgs CDL components summary (continued)

New/Modified Component Name Description Number of OSI

Required/ instances State

New Optional Nsta/x Vgs Vp/n Bnr This component represents 0 to 1 per Vp No
the enabling of the
Background Noise Reduction
(BNR) for this voice profile.

BNR is a technique
developed to adoptively filter
noisy speech signal that
originates from mobile
terminals immersed in an
environment with background
noise. The background noise
is filtered or reduced after the
decoding at the Media
Gateway. BNR enhances the
perceived quality of the
speech signal by reducing the
background noise content.
This voice quality feature is
only applicable for UMTS.

The operator may choose not

to provision this component if
there is another device in the
network that performs a
similar function. Performing
background noise reduction
more than once might
degrade voice quality.

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3-12 Media Gateway configuration management
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Table 3-1
Nsta/x Vgs CDL components summary (continued)

New/Modified Component Name Description Number of OSI

Required/ instances State

New Optional Nsta/x Vgs Vp/n Gtt This component represents 0 to 1 per Vp No
enabling of the Global Text
Telephony (GTT) voice quality
feature for the profile
associated with this
VoiceProfile component, and
the configuration parameters
needed by this feature.

This component also contains

the GTT-call statistics on
Nsta/x Vgs/y

Global text telephony offers

individuals the ability to
communicate with one
another with written text in
real time by relaying these
messages over voice
channels. The user can
switch between text and voice
as desire

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Media Gateway configuration management 3-13
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Table 3-1
Nsta/x Vgs CDL components summary (continued)

New/Modified Component Name Description Number of OSI

Required/ instances State

New Optional Nsta/x Vgs Vp/n This component represents 0 to 1 per Vp No

Mec the enabling of the Mobile
Echo Control (MEC) voice
quality feature for the profile
associated with this
VoiceProfile component, and
the configuration parameters
needed by this feature.

Acoustic echo is caused by

the acoustic coupling
between the speaker and the
microphone of the mobile
unit, mostly in hands-free
units and smaller mobile

This feature uses an adaptive

comfort noise generator that
learns the characteristics of
the environment noise and
produces a replica when it is
necessary to mask the echo.
MEC operates in the ingress

The ingress direction refers to

the direction in which packets
arrive into the packet core
network from the mobile or
the Public Switched
Telephone Network (PSTN).

The operator may desire not

to provision this component if
an external third-party voice
quality equipment that
performs a similar function is
used in the network.
Performing mobile echo
control more than once may
degrade voice quality.

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3-14 Media Gateway configuration management
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Table 3-1
Nsta/x Vgs CDL components summary (continued)

New/Modified Component Name Description Number of OSI

Required/ instances State

New Optional Nsta/x Vgs Vp/n This component represents 0 to 1 per Vp No

Ecan enabling of the Echo
Cancellation functionality for
all calls on the Media

New Optional Nsta/x Vgs Vp/n This component represents 0 to 1 per Vp No

Trfo the voice quality features
available to calls associated
with the parent VoiceProfile
component while operating in
Transcoder Free Operation
(TrFO) mode.

Voice quality feature defaults

specified by this component
can be overridden by the
Media Gateway Controller
when a given call is set up.

The voice quality settings

specified in this component
are only applied to calls that
are operating in TrFO mode.

New Optional Nsta/x Vgs M2ua This component represents 0 to 1 per Vgs Yes
the Message Transfer Part
Layer 2 User Adaptation
(M2UA) layer.

New Optional Nsta/x Vgs M2ua This component represents 0 to 8 per Yes
AS/n the peer Application Server M2ua
(AS) that establishes a
Stream Control Transmission
Protocol (SCTP) association
with this Message Transfer
Part Layer 2 User Adaptation
(M2UA) application.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Media Gateway configuration management 3-15
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Table 3-1
Nsta/x Vgs CDL components summary (continued)

New/Modified Component Name Description Number of OSI

Required/ instances State

New Optional Nsta/x Vgs M2ua This component represents 0 to 8 per AS No

AS/n Iid/<iid> the Interface Identifier (IID),
the identifier of the physical
Layer 2 SS7 link.

The instance value is an

integer used as the IID in
MTP2 User Adaptation Layer
(M2UA) communication with
the Application Server (AS).
The instance number must
match the IID provisioned on
the AS.

Each IID can support only

one SS7 link to a given

New Optional Nsta/x Vgs M2ua This component represents 0 to 1 per AS Yes
AS/n Asp/m the peer Application Server
Process (ASP) that
establishes a Stream Control
Transmission Protocol
(SCTP) association with this
Message Transfer Part Layer
2 User Adaptation (M2UA)

New Dynamic Nsta/x Vgs M2ua This component represents a 1 per Asp No
AS/n Asp/m Stream Control Transmission
SctpAssoc Protocol (SCTP) association
between this Message
Transfer Part Layer 2 User
Adaptation (M2UA)
application and the peer
Application Server Process

The component provides per-

association statistics that are
not cleared when the
association is released, but
maintained over time.

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Table 3-1
Nsta/x Vgs CDL components summary (continued)

New/Modified Component Name Description Number of OSI

Required/ instances State

New Optional Nsta/x Vgs Mtp2/n This component represents 0 to 4 per Vgs Yes
the Message Transfer Part
Layer 2 (MTP2) transport
layer between the Media
Gateway and either the
Public Switched Telephone
Network (PSTN) or the 2G
Radio Access Network

New Optional Nsta/x Vgs This component represents 0 to 10 per No

Mtp2Profile/n the configurable parameters Vgs
for the Message Transfer Part
Layer 2 (MTP2) transport.

Modified Nsta/x Vgs Ctrl/sg The Stream Control 0 to 1 per Ctrl/ No

Optional SctpPort/n Transmission Protocol sg
(SCTP) Port provides access
to the IP network. Note that
the instance number indicates
the SCTP port number used.
This component is mutually
exclusive with UdpPort.

Nsta/x Vgs Component Details

Nsta/x Vgs Aal2Svc component
The existing Aal2SvcService (Aal2Svc) component supports the origination
and termination of dynamic SVCs. Prior to the MG18 software release, only
one Profile (Prof) subcomponent was supported. This feature adds support for
up to 30 profiles. There must be exactly one default profile. This leaves room
for 29 additional profiles based on destination AESA prefix.

Changes to the Aal2Svc component include the following:

- Removal of all provisionable attributes:

svcSetupTimeout (moved to Profile)

svcPreCreation (moved to Profile)
- Updated descriptions for all operational attributes

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Nsta/x Vgs Aal2Svc Prof/n component

The MG18 software release adds support for up to 30 profiles. There must be
exactly one default profile. This leaves room for 29 additional profiles based
on destination AESA prefix.

Provisionable attributes of the Profile component are as follows:

Table 3-2
Aal2Svc Profile attribute details

Attribute Name Description Attribute Ranges and New/Existing/

default Changed/Deleted

holdOverTime The holdOverTime Value: Existing

affects the packet Decimal(0..15.875)
delay and the
bandwidth used by the Units: msec
connection. The longer
the delay the higher Default: 2.000
the bandwidth
efficiency of the ATM
connection and vice
versa. The
holdOverTime is
rounded to the nearest
multiple of 0.125

maxNumberAal2Trunk This attribute specifies Value: Existing

s the maximum number Decimal(01..247)
of Asynchronous
Transfer Mode Default: 4
Adaptation Layer 2
(AAL2) trunks that may
be allocated on this
ATM trunk. The local
node may allocate no
more than this number
of trunks. The number
of currently active
trunks is indicated by
the activeConnections
attribute of the

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Table 3-2
Aal2Svc Profile attribute details

Attribute Name Description Attribute Ranges and New/Existing/

default Changed/Deleted

svcPersistence This attribute specifies Value: Decimal(0..600) Existing

the length of time that
an Asynchronous Units: seconds
Transfer Mode
Adaptation Layer 2 Default: 180
(AAL2) Switched
Virtual Circuit (SVC) is
kept up after the last
narrowband call to use
it has been deleted.

This attribute is used

to modify the SVC
caching system.
Longer values result in
larger caches of SVCs.

The value of this

attribute must be
greater than or equal
to the value of the
provisionable attribute
ity. This prevents the
glare condition where
an SVC is chosen by
the SVC terminator
while the same SVC is
being deleted by the
SVC originator. For
optimal results, the
same value should be
provisioned on all
media gateways to
which SVCs can be

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Table 3-2
Aal2Svc Profile attribute details

Attribute Name Description Attribute Ranges and New/Existing/

default Changed/Deleted

atmServiceCategory This attribute specifies Value: cbr, rtVbr Existing

the ATM Service
Category for Switched Default: rtVbr
Virtual Circuits (SVCs).

The constantBitRate
service category is
intended for real time

applications, that is
those requiring tightly
constrained delay and
delay variation, as
would be appropriate
for voice and video
applications. The
consistent availability
of a fixed quantity of
bandwidth is
considered appropriate
for constant bit rate

The rtVariableBitRate
service category is
intended for real time
applications, that is
those requiring tightly
constrained delay and
delay variation, as
would be appropriate
for voice and video
applications. Sources
are expected to
transmit at a rate
which varies with time.
Equivalently, the
source can be
described as "bursty".
The real-time variable
bit rate service may
support statistical
multiplexing of real
time sources.

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Table 3-2
Aal2Svc Profile attribute details

Attribute Name Description Attribute Ranges and New/Existing/

default Changed/Deleted

peakCellRate This attribute specifies Value: Deleted

the peak cell rate of DECIMAL(0..2147483
the ATM connection. 647)

The value is ignored if Units: cell/s

autoCalcTrafficPrms Default: 800
attribute has the value
enabled. Otherwise,
the value must be non-

This attribute is
obsoleted in MG18.0.

sustainedCellRate This attribute specifies Value: Deleted

the sustained cell rate DECIMAL(0..2147483
of the ATM connection. 647)

The value is ignored if Units: cell/s

autoCalcTrafficPrms Default: 800
attribute has the value
enabled. Otherwise,
the value must be non-
zero if the
attribute is
rtVariableBitRate, and
zero if the
atmServiceCategory is

This attribute is
obsoleted in MG18.0.

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Table 3-2
Aal2Svc Profile attribute details

Attribute Name Description Attribute Ranges and New/Existing/

default Changed/Deleted

maximumBurstSize This attribute specifies Value: Deleted

the maximum burst DECIMAL(0..2147483
size, at the peak cell 647)
rate, of the ATM
connection. Units: cells

The value is ignored if Default: 1

attribute has the value
enabled. Otherwise,
the value must be non-
zero if the
attribute is
rtVariableBitRate, and
zero if the
atmServiceCategory is

This attribute is
obsoleted in MG18.0.

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Table 3-2
Aal2Svc Profile attribute details

Attribute Name Description Attribute Ranges and New/Existing/

default Changed/Deleted

terminatedSvcAvailabil This attribute specifies Value: Decimal(0..600) Existing

ity the period of time that
a terminated Switched Units: seconds
Virtual Circuit (SVC)
may be chosen by the Default: 1750
local trunk selection
algorithm after the last
call using the SVC has
been deleted. Once
this time expires, the
particular SVC will not
be locally picked for
new calls. The remote
side may still request
this SVC and those
requests are accepted.

The value of this

attribute must be less
than or equal to the
value of the
provisionable attribute
svcPersistence. This is
necessary to prevent
the glare condition
where an SVC is
chosen by the SVC
terminator while the
same SVC is being
deleted by the SVC
originator. For optimal
results, the same value
should be provisioned
on all media gateways
to which SVCs can be

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Table 3-2
Aal2Svc Profile attribute details

Attribute Name Description Attribute Ranges and New/Existing/

default Changed/Deleted

cidReuseQuarantine This attribute specifies Value: Decimal(1..60) Existing

the length of time that
a Channel Units: seconds
Identification (CID) will
be quarantined after Default: 10
termination of a call.
While quarantined, the
CID is not available to
the local trunk
selection algorithm;
however, it can still be
requested by the
remote side.

The value of this

attribute must be same
as the value of the
attribute of each
provisioned AtmTconn

svcSetupTimeout This attribute specifies Value: New

the length of time Decimal(50..50000)
allowed for an Moved from Aal2
Switched Virtual Units: msec
Circuit (SVC) setup
before calls waiting for Default: 1000
that SVC are cleared.

This attribute is used

when trunks are
created and does not
affect existing trunks.

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Table 3-2
Aal2Svc Profile attribute details

Attribute Name Description Attribute Ranges and New/Existing/

default Changed/Deleted

svcPreCreation This attribute specifies Value: enabled, New

whether pre-creation disabled
of Switched Virtual Moved from Aal2
Circuits (SVCs) is Default: enabled

If svcPreCreation is
enabled then an SVC
setup is initiated when
the bandwidth
available in existing
Virtual Circuit
Connections (VCCs)
between two Network
Service Access Point
(NSAP) addresses is
down to a level such
that a new SVC would
be required for the
next call.

addressPrefix This attribute specifies Value: New

the prefix digits of the STRING(0..40,ASCII)
remote Asynchronous
Transfer Mode Default: none
Adaptation Layer 2
(AAL2) endpoint
(Network Service
Access Point) NSAP

The value is defaulted

to a null string,
meaning that it
matches any address.
Any Switched Virtual
Circuit (SVC)
established with a
remote NSAP address
matching the prefix
digits uses this profile.
The Profile with the
longest prefix match is

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The addressPrefix attribute is new. It defaults to a null string, meaning match

any address. If provisioned, any SVC established with a remote ATM address
matching the prefix digits uses this profile. It is possible for more than one
addressPrefix to match. In this case, the profile with the longer prefix (more
matching digits) is used.

Nsta/x Vgs AtmCac component

The AtmCac component has no provisionable attributes. It can have up to ten
AtmSubnet subcomponents.

Nsta/x Vgs AtmCac AtmSubnet/<name> component

The new AtmSubnet component contains the following provisionable

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Table 3-3
AtmSubnet attribute details

Attribute Name Description Attribute Ranges and New/Existing/

default Changed/Deleted

nsapAddressPrefix This attribute specifies Values: ASCII String New

the prefix digits of the (0-40)
remote Asynchronous
Transfer Mode Default: Null
Adaptation Layer 2
(AAL2) endpoint
Network Service
Access Point (NSAP)

The default value is a

null string, meaning
that it matches any
address. When the
value is set to null, this
component represents
the default network
address and is
associated with remote
addresses that do not
match any other
component. Only one
AtmSubnet may be
assigned the default

The value must be

unique among the
components under the
parent AtmCac
Overlapping address
ranges are not
allowed. Two address
prefixes are
overlapping if the
shorter prefix matches
the initial digits of the
longer prefix.

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Table 3-3
AtmSubnet attribute details

Attribute Name Description Attribute Ranges and New/Existing/

default Changed/Deleted

networkBandwidthAvai This attribute specifies Values: unlimited, New

lablePerVsp the maximum external 1..4294967295
network bandwidth
available for Units: kbit/s
Transfer Mode Default: unlimited
Adaptation Layer 2
(AAL2) connections to
destinations within the
subnet represented by
this component. The
limit applies to bearer
connections originating
from or terminating to
this Voice Services
Processor (VSP) card.

A new connection
attempt is rejected if
adding the new
connection would
exceed the bandwidth

Nsta/x Vgs AtmTConn/n component

Following attributes are added to the AtmTConn component.

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Table 3-4
AtmTConn attribute details

Attribute Name Description Attribute Ranges and New/Existing/

default Changed/Deleted

cidReuseQuarantine This attribute specifies Values: Decimal(1..60) New

the length of time that
a Channel sec
Identification (CID) will
be quarantined after Default: 10
termination of a call.
While quarantined, the
CID is not available to
the local trunk
selection algorithm;
however, it can still be
requested by the
remote Media
Gateway. The value of
this attribute must be
the same across all of
the instances of this
component. If any
instances of the
component are
provisioned, their
attributes must also
match this attribute.

Nsta/x Vgs MgcIf component

The following attributes are added in MgcIf component for enhanced
Overload controls.

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Table 3-5
MgcIf attribute details

Attribute Name Description Attribute Ranges and New/Existing/

default Changed/Deleted

initialMgcPort This attribute specifies Values: 1..65535 Existing

the controller UDP port
to which the gateway Default:2944
sends the initial H.248
registration message.

The controller UDP

port to which the
gateway sends
subsequent H.248
transaction requests
may be different from
this attribute,
depending on whether
H.248 registration
redirection, handoff, or
failover procedures
have been performed.
The controller UDP
port currently in use is
given by the H248
mgcPort operational

The value provisioned

is only in effect on a
cold boot of the MGW
and thereafter the
analogous H.248
parameter may not
have the same setting
since it may be
modified by the MGC,
via the root package.

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Table 3-5
MgcIf attribute details

Attribute Name Description Attribute Ranges and New/Existing/

default Changed/Deleted

encodingFormat This attribute specifies Values: shorttext, Existing

the encoding format longtext,
used by the gateway to asn1Ber)
send H.248 messages
to this controller. The Default:shorttext
format may be one of
the following: Note: Only asn1Ber is
longText - a readable
format, but longer to

shortText - a short,
space efficient format,
suitable for machine

asn1Ber - ASN.1
binary encoded format,
faster than text format
but less readable.

Note: Only asn1Ber is


ds3Format This attribute specifies Values: STRING Existing

the DS3 physical (1..64,ASCII)
termination identifier
format used in the Default: "DS3/#2/#1/
H.248 messages. #2/#1"

This attribute is not

applicable when the
attribute specifies a
value of asn1Ber.

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Table 3-5
MgcIf attribute details

Attribute Name Description Attribute Ranges and New/Existing/

default Changed/Deleted

e1Format This attribute Values: STRING Existing

represents the E1 (1..64,ASCII)
physical termination
identifier format used Default: "E1/#2/#2/#1"
by the controller.

This attribute is not

applicable when the
attribute specifies a
value of asn1Ber.

stmnVc4Vc12Format This attribute specifies Values: STRING Existing

the STM-n with VC4/ (1..64,ASCII)
VC12 physical
termination identifier Default: "STM/#1/#1/
format used by the #1/VC4VC12/#1/#1/
controller. #1/#1/#1"

This attribute is not

applicable when the
attribute specifies a
value of asn1Ber.

stsnOcnVt15Format This attribute specifies Values: STRING Existing

the STS-n/OC-n with (1..64,ASCII)
VT15 physical
termination identifier Default: "STS/#1/#1/
format used by the #1/VT15/#1/#1/#1/#1"

This attribute is not

applicable when the
attribute specifies a
value of asn1Ber.

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Table 3-5
MgcIf attribute details

Attribute Name Description Attribute Ranges and New/Existing/

default Changed/Deleted

ipFormat This attribute specifies Values: STRING Existing

the IP ephemeral (1..64,ASCII)
termination identifier
format being used by Default:"rtp/#1"
the controller.

This attribute is not

applicable when the
attribute specifies a
value of asn1Ber.

aal2Format This attribute specifies Values: STRING Existing

the AAL2 ephemeral (1..64,ASCII)
termination identifier
format used by the Default:"aal2/#1"

This attribute is not

applicable when the
attribute specifies a
value of asn1Ber.

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Table 3-5
MgcIf attribute details

Attribute Name Description Attribute Ranges and New/Existing/

default Changed/Deleted

initialNormalMgExecuti This attribute specifies Values: 100..10000 Existing

onTime the value of the H.248
MGW property root/ Default:500
me on H.248 cold
boot. This is the initial
value of the interval
within which the
controller expects a
response, exclusive of
network delay. The
value provisioned is
only in effect on a cold
boot of the MGW and
thereafter the
analogous H.248
parameter may not
have the same setting
since it may be
modified by the MGC,
via the root package.

The value is rounded

to the nearest 100

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Table 3-5
MgcIf attribute details

Attribute Name Description Attribute Ranges and New/Existing/

default Changed/Deleted

initialNormalMgcExecu This attribute specifies Values: 100..10000 Existing

tionTime the value of the H.248
MGW property root/ Default:500
Time on H.248 cold
boot. This is the initial
value of the interval
within which the
gateway expects a
response from the
controller, exclusive of
network delay. The
value provisioned is
only in effect on a cold
boot of the MGW and
thereafter the
analogous H.248
parameter may not
have the same setting
since it may be
modified by the MGC,
via the root package.

The value is rounded

to the nearest 100

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Table 3-5
MgcIf attribute details

Attribute Name Description Attribute Ranges and New/Existing/

default Changed/Deleted

initMgProvnlRespTime This attribute specifies Values: 100..10000 Existing

rValue the value of the H.248
MGW property root/ Default:2000
seTimerValue on
H.248 cold boot. This
is the initial value of
the time within which
the controller expects
a Pending Response
from the gateway if a
Transaction cannot be
completed. The value
provisioned is only in
effect on a cold boot of
the MGW and
thereafter the
analogous H.248
parameter may not
have the same setting
since it may be
modified by the MGC,
via the root package.

The value is rounded

to the nearest 100

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Table 3-5
MgcIf attribute details

Attribute Name Description Attribute Ranges and New/Existing/

default Changed/Deleted

initMgcProvnlRespTim This attribute specifies Values: 100..10000 Existing

erValue the value of the H.248
MGW property root/ Default:500
nseTimerValue on
H.248 cold boot. This
is the initial value of
the time within which
the gateway expects a
Pending Response
from the controller if a
Transaction cannot be
completed.The value
provisioned is only in
effect on a cold boot of
the MGW and
thereafter the
analogous H.248
parameter may not
have the same setting
since it may be
modified by the MGC,
via the root package.

The value is rounded

to the nearest 100

Q2630 3
The CDL hierarchy for Q2630 is shown below.

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Figure 3-2
CDL Hierarchy for Q2630

link to link to link to

Nsta/n Vsp
Q2630/n Dlep/n Dlep/n

Vgs Q2630Client MCP Mtp3Conn

PeerAddr/n ServInd/12

AtmTConn/n MCP

SpvcAp PathOwner

Aap Pap

Existing component
inter-component link
Modified component

New component

CDL Notes:
For readability, only the ServiceIndicator (ServInd) subcomponent is
shown under Mtp3 in the diagram; Mtp3 has other subcomponents such
as SS7Linkset. These are described in the next section.
Only AtmTConn is shown under Nsta/n Vgs. The Nsta/n Vgs component
details were described in the previous section.
The resetRequestRetries provisionable attribute under Q2630 has been
taken out from the MGW.

Q2630 Peer Address

The component formerly known as PeerMediaGatewayAddress
(PeerMgAddr) is renamed in the MG18 software release to reflect the fact
that it may be referring to another gateway (for Nb) or an RNC (for Iu). The
new name is PeerAddress (PeerAddr). This change does not require a
migration escape to transfer provisioning data to the new component since
there is no direct migration supported from VSP2w to VSP4. The component
with the old name is simply made obsolete.

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Table 3-6
Q2630 PeerAddress attributes

Attribute Name Description Attribute Ranges and New/Existing/

default Changed/Deleted

remoteAesa This attribute specifies Possible values: 1..20 New

the Asynchronous octet string of hex
Transfer Mode End digits.
Station Address
(AESA) of the peer. No Default.
Service Access Point
(NSAP) format.

remotePointCode This attribute specifies See description New

the point code of the

The point code must

be provisioned in one
of the following

basic: The point code

is provisioned as a
decimal number in the
range 1..16383. A
value of 0 is not valid.

segmented: The point

code is provisioned as
three integers,
separated by dots.
The first integer must
be in the range 0..7,
the second integer
must be in the range
0..255, and the third
integer must be in the
range 0..7. A value of
0.0.0 in not valid.

No Default.

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Table 3-6
Q2630 PeerAddress attributes (continued)

Attribute Name Description Attribute Ranges and New/Existing/

default Changed/Deleted

linkToOwnedPaths This attribute specifies Link attribute New

the Asynchronous
Transport Protocol
(ATM) connections
owned by this

No Default.

linkToVoiceProfile This attribute specifies Link attribute New

the Nsta/x Vgs
component this
instance is linked to.

MTP3 3
The figure below shows the CDL hierarchy for MTP3, including its
relationship with SAAL-NNI and Q2630. MTP3 in the MG18 software
release supports routesets. It also supports a component link with SAAL
rather than using provisioned IP addresses and ports. This makes it consistent
with SIGTRAN. Since MTP3 serves only a single VSP card (for Iu or Nb
ALCAP signaling), there is no need to spread its SAAL links across shelves.

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Figure 3-3
CDL Hierarchy for MTP3 CDL


link to link to
AtmIf/n SaalNni/n Lp/n Gips/n Mtp3/n Dlep/n Q2630/n

Vcc/ Nap Ip/x.x.x.x

vpi.vci Ls/n Rs/n ServInd/12 Mtp3Conn

(other Q2630
subcomponents not shown)
Mcp Udp
Nep Route/n


Link/n RInfo


Existing Component
Ls Linkset
New Component Rs Routeset
Mcp MonitoredCommunicationProtocol
Nap NailedUpAdaptationPoint
Modified Component Nep NailedUpEndPoint
Hardware Link
ServInd ServiceIndicator
Dynamic Component Software Link Vcc VirtualChannelConnection

MTP3 CDL Components Summary

There are three new components under Mtp3, namely Routeset (Rs), Route,
and RouteInfo (RInfo). The table below summarizes the changes made to the
MTP3 component.

Table 3-7
MTP3 attributes

New/Modified Component Name Description Number of OSI

Required/Optional instances State

New Mtp3/n This component represents Up to 8 Yes

the Message Transport Part instances
Layer 3 (MTP3) layer of the (one per
SS7 stack. VSP card).
The instance
range is 0-

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Table 3-7
MTP3 attributes (continued)

New/Modified Component Name Description Number of OSI

Required/Optional instances State

New Mtp3/n Ls/n This component represents Up to 256 Yes

an MTP3 linkset. A linkset is instances
a grouping of signalling links
that are used to transfer
signalling between this node
and a specific adjacent
signalling point.

New Mtp3/n Ls/n Link/n This component represents Up to 16 Yes

a SS7 signalling link that instances
conveys signalling per linkset
information between two
signalling points.

New Mtp3/n Ls/n RInfo This component identifies a Up to 1 No

list of routes that are using instance per
this linkset to reach a Linkset
destination signalling point.
One linkset can be used by
more than one route.

New Mtp3/n Rs/n This component represents Up to 256 Yes

a Message Transfer Part instances
Layer 3 (MTP3) routeset.

A routeset is a grouping of
routes that are used to
transfer signalling between
this node and a specific
destination signalling point.
Routes under this
component represent quasi-
associated links (A-links).

New Mtp3/n Rs/n Route/ This component represents 1 to 2 Yes

n a Message Transfer Part instances
Layer 3 (MTP3) route that per Routeset
conveys signalling
information between two
signalling points using a
specific adjacent signalling

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SAAL-NNI Provisioning 3
SaalNni is an existing component representing a SAAL-NNI link that lives on
an ATM I/O card. SaalNni is linked to a nailed-up ATM AAL5 VCC.
Previously SaalNni was also linked to an MTP3 link by means of a
provisioned IP address and UDP port. On the Wireless Gateway, it was not
possible to use a component link because SAAL can reside on a different
shelf from MTP3. Links were spread across multiple shelves to ensure that
some links (at least one) in a linkset remained active during an upgrade.
Component links are much more user-friendly, and they are possible in the
MG18 software release because SAAL always resides in the same shelf as its
layer-3 entity. With signaling backhaul it is still possible to spread links
across shelves, but each link is handled entirely inside one shelf. MTP3 on the
USP communicates with links on multiple MGW shelves.

SAAL continues to use UDP/IP to communicate with layer 3. As a result, it

continues to be linked to a GIPS UDP port. It also continues to have a
dynamic Mcp component under it.

Attributes for component SAAL-NNI are given in the table below.

Table 3-8
SAAL-NNI attributes

Attribute Name Description Attribute Ranges and New/Existing/

default Changed/Deleted

linkToPort This attribute specifies Link attribute Existing

a link to Gips IpAddr
UDP Port component
on an IP Server. This
determines the Ip
Address and UDP port
that the SAAL NNI
user uses to address
the SaalNni

linkToLayer3 This attribute specifies Link attribute New

a link to the SAAL-NNI
user. It may specify an
Mtp3/n component or
Nsta/n Vgs M2ua As/n
Iid/n component.

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Table 3-8
SAAL-NNI attributes

Attribute Name Description Attribute Ranges and New/Existing/

default Changed/Deleted

linkToApplications This attribute specifies Value: List Existing

a list of components Default: none
started on the same
hardware as this Saal
instance. The specified
components are
started on all Lp
instances with which
this Saal instance is
associated via the
attribute of its Nap

At this time, this

attribute is used to
specify the Gips
component that will
serve this Saal
instance. In the future
up to 10 components
can be linked to a Saal
instance and thereby
started on its

Group Ss7SscopProv This group contains Existing

the provisionable
(7 attributes) attributes needed by
the SSCOP sub-layer

Group Ss7SscfProv This group contains Existing

(3 attributes) attributes needed by
the SSCF sub layer of

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

3-44 Media Gateway configuration management
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Media Gateway software management 4

Introduction 4
Software management is concerned with distributing and configuring software
to the Media Gateway (MGW) and the Aggregation Node (AN). This chapter
describes how to do the following:
Software distribution using a Software Distribution Site
MGW software patching
MGW software upgrades
MGW health checks
AN software patching
AN software upgrades
AN health checks
Roll back

Always read the latest GSM/UMTS MGW Release Notes before
applying patches or performing a software upgrade.

The MGW Release Notes, published by Nortel for each Media Gateway
software release, contains important information about the current
software loadname (application version), the applicable software patch
baseline, and special instructions you need to know for the current
software release.

The following assumptions apply:

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

4-2 Media Gateway software management
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The software upgrade or patch application is done during a maintenance

There are at least two shelves at each MGW node.
Upgrades and patching occur at a time when the Busy Hour Call Attempts
(BHCA) are at the lowest level.
Configuration or provisioning changes not related to the upgrade or
patching and not discussed in this document are not performed during the
maintenance window reserved for this upgrade or patching activity.

Restrictions and limitations

The following restrictions and limitations apply:
The procedures given in this chapter require that the reader has a working
knowledge of the GSM or UMTS R4 network and related components.
The procedures also assume the reader has a working knowledge of the
Nortel Multiservice Switch (MSS) product line and terminology. For
information on Multiservice Switch commands, refer to NTP NN10600-
050, Multiservice Switch 7400, 15000, 20000 Commands Reference.
Read this chapter in its entirety before proceeding. Contact your next
level of support for any clarifications or site specific instructions.
A shelf reset will be required.during the software upgrade of a MGW
shelf. To minimize the impact on the network traffic, the traffic will be
temporarily routed away from the shelf. While traffic is routed away
from the shelf, the network capacity will be reduced by the capacity of the
shelf being upgraded.
Some software patches to the MGW may require a shelf reset. Follow the
instructions given in the patch description files, including the steps to
route traffic away from the shelf being patched. While traffic is routed
away from the shelf, the network capacity will be reduced by the capacity
of the shelf being patched.
Any trunk group that has all of its members on a single MGW shelf, must
be moved prior to the upgrade of that shelf: for example, shelves
containing E911/911 trunks.
Unless directed otherwise, if at any point the software upgrade or patch
application is not successful, contact the next level of support for
instructions and assistance. Always contact the next level of support
before performing the roll back procedure, Roll back, since a roll back
results in a shelf reset, which is service impacting.
Maintain a softcopy of all sessions during the execution of these
Keep the MSC alarm banner up to monitor upgrade and patching
activities for alarms. Contact the next level of support for assistance in
resolving any unexpected alarms.

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Media Gateway software management 4-3
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Software distribution using a Software Distribution Site 4

Software distribution, also referred to as software installation, involves
configuring and downloading software to MGW nodes to add or upgrade
services, capabilities, or features. Overall, this process involves the following
setting up a Software Distribution Site (SDS) for storing, managing, and
distributing software
transferring software received from Nortels web site at
to the SDS, via Nortels Electronic Software Distribution (ESD) program
downloading software from the SDS to the MGW

Software distribution site

The SDS is a repository of Multiservice Switch (formerly known as Passport)
software that you access when downloading particular software applications
to the MGW.

All patches should be set up for download into the SDS /software directory.
Prior to downloading patches, the SDS should be set up as described in NTP
NN10600-270, Multiservice Switch 7400, 15000, 20000 Software
Installation, which has information about the SDS and its directory structure.

Note: Only UNIX-based SDS sites are supported.

MGW software patching 4

This section describes software patching operations for the MGW:
Downloading and applying MGW patches
Removing a MGW patch

A patch is an enhancement or correction to the functionality of a single

Multiservice Switch application version. Modifications to more than one
application require more than one patch. Patches allow for a number of small
changes to be made to an application until the next version of the application
is available. In general, a new application version will incorporate all the
changes in functionality made in the preceding patches.

Prior to downloading the patch application software from the web site, the
SDS should be configured as described in NTP NN10600-270, Multiservice
Switch 7400, 15000, 20000 Software Installation. One SDS site should be
used for all patch downloads for a particular load. This will prevent
previously downloaded patches from being removed.

The patch_<release version> software application is the Multiservice Switch

mechanism for supporting the application of patches and is new to the Media

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

4-4 Media Gateway software management
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Gateway 18 release. The patch_<release version> application contains all the

patches for the current software load. For example, the patch_MI009DB
software application contains all the patches for the MI009DB software load.
The patch_<release version> application is stored in the SDS, from where it
can be downloaded to the Multiservice Switch.

An individual patch consists of a package of the new code and the mechanism
to modify the existing code, and a patch description file. The patch
description file is a text file that provides specific instructions for applying
the patch.

Each patch is delivered with release notes that should be read in their
entirety before application. Some patches do disrupt call processing
capabilities and require specific application procedures (shedding
existing traffic, applying the patch, etc.). Failure to perform the
procedures as outlined in the instructions for each patch can result in
abnormal call termination. Furthermore, patches should only be applied
in the network operators maintenance window when traffic levels are
relatively low.

Remember to do the following:

Maintain a softcopy of all sessions during the execution of these
Keep the MSC alarm banner up to monitor upgrade and patching
activities for alarms. Contact the next level of support for assistance in
resolving any unexpected alarms.
Perform health check tests before and after the MGW patch application.
See MGW health checks. Remember that test calls should be performed
by the local telco team immediately after the completion of a patch or
software upgrade, and can be conducted in parallel with the health check

Some patch applications may require a reset of the CP cards. These patch
applications should be performed during a maintenance window when call
volumes are relatively low.

Downloading and applying MGW patches

The following sections provide procedures for applying MGW patches:
General instructions for downloading and applying MGW patches

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Media Gateway software management 4-5
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Example of applying a MGW patch that requires a shelf reset

Commands are shown in bold print and the resulting outputs are shown in
regular print (not bolded). In both procedures the example outputs are
captured from a Media Gateway that has software base load MI009DB.

For complete information on Multiservice Switch commands, refer to NTP

NN10600-050, Multiservice Switch 7400, 15000, 20000 Commands

General instructions for downloading and applying MGW patches

Procedure 4-1 explains the general procedure for downloading and applying
MGW patches.

Procedure 4-1
General instructions for downloading and applying MGW patches

Step Action

1 Locate the patch application in the SDS /software directory. The patch
application is stored as a compressed tar file (.tar.Z). The filename is in
the form of patch_<application version>.
zrc2h0p7> cd /software
zrc2h0p7> ls


2 Uncompress the .tar.Z patch file.

zrc2h0p7> uncompress patch_MI009DB.tar.Z

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Procedure 4-1
General instructions for downloading and applying MGW patches (continued)

Step Action

3 Untar the file in the SDS /software directory with the tar -xvf command.
zrc2h0p7> ls


zrc2h0p7> tar xvf patch_MI009DB.tar

x. /patch/MI009DB/baseQ01331876_MI009DB.pd, 1733
bytes, 4 tape blocks
x. /patch/MI009DB/ppc/b01331876p_MI009DB.o, 8228
bytes, 17 tape blocks

The tar command creates the appropriate directories and extracts the
files into them. In the example above, the tar command creates directory
~/patch/MI009DB/ppc/ and places in it the patch executables (*.o),
beginning with file baseQ01331876_MI009DB.pd. Similarly, the tar
command creates directory ~/patch/MI009DB and places in the directory
the patch description (*.pd) files. In this example, the first patch
description file is b01331876p_MI009DB.o.

4 Review the patch description files (*.pd) found in the directory ~/patch/
<application version>. In the example above, this is directory ~/patch/
MI009DB. The patch description files are text files.
Specific patch application instructions will be documented in the patch
description files, and procedures to follow if a particular patch is disruptive
and requires a card reset to take affect.

5 Go to the patch executables directory and display the checksum value for
each patch executable (*.o), using the cksum command.
zrc2h0p7> cd ~/patch/MI009DB/ppc
zrc2h0p7> cksum b01331876p_MI009DB.o

1066332606 8228 b01331876p_MI009DB.o

Compare and verify that the output value of the cksum command of each
patch executable is the same as the checksum value provided in the
corresponding patch description file under the Patched File Checksum

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Media Gateway software management 4-7
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Procedure 4-1
General instructions for downloading and applying MGW patches (continued)

Step Action

6 Telnet to the MGW.

7 Set up the processor targets as follows:

> set sw dld processorTargets i960 ppc

8 Select the software directory on the MGW to which to download the

patches, using the format patch_<application version>. In this example, it
will be directory patch_MI009DB.
> start prov
> set sw dld avl ! patch_MI009DB

Sw dld
ok 2004-05-26 16:48:41.87

Verify that the download parameters have been set correctly.

> d sw dld

Sw Dld
avBeingDownloaded =
status = inactive
filesToTransfer = 0
avListToDownload = patch_MI009DB
downloadedAvList =
processorTargets = i960 ppc

9 Download the patches using the start command. This will download all
the Media Gateway patches available on the SDS for the current software
release. The start command has the following format:
start -h(<ip_address>) -u(<login_id>) -p(<password>) sw dld

where <ip_address> is the IP address of the SDS machine, and

<login_id> and <password> are a valid login ID and password
on the SDS site.

For example,
> start -h( -u(special) -p(password) sw dld

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4-8 Media Gateway software management
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Procedure 4-1
General instructions for downloading and applying MGW patches (continued)

Step Action

10 Verify that the patches have been downloaded to the Media Gateway. For
> list sw av/patch_MI009DB patch/*

Sw Av/PATCH_MI009DB Patch/baseQ01331876
Sw Av/PATCH_MI009DB Patch/baseQ01106238
Sw Av/PATCH_MI009DB Patch/mgwQ01291823
Sw Av/PATCH_MI009DB Patch/pvgQ01239145
Sw Av/PATCH_MI009DB Patch/pvgQ01247410
Sw Av/PATCH_MI009DB Patch/pvgQ01249258
Sw Av/PATCH_MI009DB Patch/pvgQ01282827
Sw Av/PATCH_MI009DB Patch/pvgQ01289101
Sw Av/PATCH_MI009DB Patch/pvgQ01328729

11 Once the download has completed, the patches are ready to be applied.
Each patch will have instructions in its patch description file (*.pd) on how
to apply the patch. You must read these instructions and follow them
exactly when applying the patch.

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Media Gateway software management 4-9
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Procedure 4-1
General instructions for downloading and applying MGW patches (continued)

Step Action

12 If you have read the instructions and have the switch in a state ready to
apply a patch, you can execute the following commands to apply a patch.
Note that the patch identifier on the MGW is the downloaded file name
less the _<application version> extension, in this case _MI009DB.
The following commands show the application of one patch.
>set sw patch baseQ01331876
>display -p sw

avList = base_MI009DB,ip_MI009DB,
patchList = baseQ01331876

> check prov

> activate prov
> conf prov

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Procedure 4-1
General instructions for downloading and applying MGW patches (continued)

Step Action

13 Save and commit the provisioning view.

> save -f(<prov_filename>) -ascii -portable pr
> commit prov
> end prov

Check with local office policy regarding file naming conventions for the
saved view. Follow the existing convention.

Display the provisioning information. The commitedFileName,

currentViewFileName, and editViewName should be the same, as in the
following example:
> display prov


adminState = unlocked
operationalState = enabled
committedFileName = G6001CF_lockdown.full.002
currentViewFileName = G6001CF_lockdown.full.002
editViewName = G6001CF_lockdown.full.002

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Example of applying a MGW patch that requires a shelf reset

Procedure 4-2 gives an example in which special instructions must be
followed in order to avoid network traffic disruption. The patch name is

Each MGW patch includes a patch description file with specific instructions.
For patch pvgQ01328729, the patch description file contains the following

WARNING: This is a TRAU DSP patch, which is disruptive. Calls

running on any VSP4e to which this patch is applied will be taken down.
Therefore the following procedure must be performed to apply this patch.
Perform the following procedure on one shelf at a time only.

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Media Gateway software management 4-11
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In this example activating the patch requires a shelf reset. To minimize the
impact to network traffic, the network traffic is routed away from the shelf
during the patch application. The patch must only be applied to one shelf at a

Procedure 4-2
Example of a MGW patch that requires a shelf reset, pvgQ01328729

Step Action

1 Verify that patch pvgQ01328729 has been downloaded to the Media

> list sw av/patch_MI009DB patch/*

Sw Av/PATCH_MI009DB Patch/baseQ01331876
Sw Av/PATCH_MI009DB Patch/baseQ01106238
Sw Av/PATCH_MI009DB Patch/mgwQ01291823
Sw Av/PATCH_MI009DB Patch/pvgQ01239145
Sw Av/PATCH_MI009DB Patch/pvgQ01247410
Sw Av/PATCH_MI009DB Patch/pvgQ01249258
Sw Av/PATCH_MI009DB Patch/pvgQ01282827
Sw Av/PATCH_MI009DB Patch/pvgQ01289101
Sw Av/PATCH_MI009DB Patch/pvgQ01328729

If the targeted patch, pvgQ01328729, is not listed, refer to Procedure 4-1

for instructions on downloading the patch to the MGW.

2 Identify the Nsta Vgs Mgcif components on the MGW shelf.

> d Nsta/* Vgs MgcIf/* osistate

| Nsta | MgcIf | osiAd | osiO| osiUs | osiAvai | osiProc | osiCntr | osiAlar |
| | | min | per | age | l | | l | m |
| 9| 0 | unlck | ena | idle | | | | |
| 12 | 0 | unlck | ena | idle | | | | |
| 13 | 0 | unlck | ena | idle | | | | |

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Procedure 4-2
Example of a MGW patch that requires a shelf reset, pvgQ01328729 (continued)

Step Action

3 Lock all the MgcIf components. This will route new calls away from the
shelf being upgraded.
Use the information from the previous step to identify the Nsta and
MGCIF values,
where x is the Nsta instance

where y is the MgcIf instance.

> lock nsta/<x> vgs mgcif/<y>

Under Trunks in the alarm banner, several alarms will appear for the
MGW due to the cards being locked. This is expected and normal while
the cards are locked. If the alarms do not clear after unlocking the cards,
contact the next level of support for assistance.

4 Verify that the osiAdmin state is locked for each Nsta Vgs Mgcif
> d Nsta/* Vgs MgcIf/* osistate

| Nsta | MgcIf | osiAd |
| | | min |
| 9| 0 | locked |
| 12 | 0 | locked |
| 13 | 0 | locked |

5 Wait until activeContexts under all NSTA/ VGS instances is zero (no calls
are active), or until the number of calls active has diminished to an
acceptable level, per local office policy.
> d nsta/<x> vgs activeContexts

Nsta/x Vgs
activeContexts = 0

Note: The activeContexts attribute for each Nsta/Vgs instance must be

zero before proceeding, or active calls will be dropped.

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Media Gateway software management 4-13
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Procedure 4-2
Example of a MGW patch that requires a shelf reset, pvgQ01328729 (continued)

Step Action

6 Apply and activate the patch.

> start prov
prov> set sw patch pvgQ01328729 ~pvgQ01247410
prov> check prov
prov> act prov

In the example above, two patches are removed (using a tilda ~ before
the patch name) per the instructions included in the patch description file
of patch pvgQ01328729.

7 The following alarm will be generated upon patch application for all
MGCIF components.
Nsta/ Vgs MgcIf/; 2006-03-10 12:12:21.88
SET minor qualityOfService thresholdCrossed 70567004
ADMIN: locked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0C000074 Rel:
Com: Congestion = 100%
Int: 12/0/2/8615;; 363; MI009DB

8 Once all the Admin: locked alarms have appeared (one for each
MGCIF), Unlock each MGCIF component using the following command:
9 > unlock nsta/<x> vgs mgcif<y>

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Procedure 4-2
Example of a MGW patch that requires a shelf reset, pvgQ01328729 (continued)

Step Action

10 Wait until the following alarm is generated for all MGCIF components. It
may take several minutes before this alarm is generated.
Nsta/ Vgs MgcIf/; 2006-03-10 12:20:13.04
CLR cleared qualityOfService thresholdCrossed 70567004
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0C000076 Rel:
Com: Congestion Level <= 70%
Int: 12/0/2/8615;; 363; MI009DB

11 After all the MGCIF instances are reported unlocked, execute the
following commands to confirm, save and commit the provisioning view.
prov> confirm prov
prov> save -f(<prov_filename>) -ascii -portable pr
prov> commit prov
prov> end prov

Check with local office policy regarding file naming conventions for the
saved view. Follow the existing convention.

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Removing a MGW patch

If it is necessary to remove a patch on the MGW, follow the removal
instructions documented in the patch description file (*.pd) for that patch,
found in directory ~/patch/<SoftwareVersion> (example: ~/patch/MI009DB).
This will include procedures to follow if removal of the patch requires a card
reset to take effect.

Removing a patch may result in a card reset, which could be service
impacting. Follow all the instructions given in the patch description file
for the removal of the patch.

Remember to do the following:

Maintain a softcopy of all sessions during the execution of these

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Media Gateway software management 4-15
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Keep the MSC alarm banner up to monitor upgrade and patching

activities for alarms. Contact the next level of support for assistance in
resolving any unexpected alarms.

Procedure 4-3 gives a general example of removing a patch from a MGW. In

this procedure, example commands are given for removing patch

Procedure 4-3
Example of removing a MGW patch

Step Action

1 Start the provisioning.

> start prov

2 Set the software.

> set sw patch ~baseQ01331876

3 Display the provisioned software.

> display -p sw

avList = base_MI009DB,ip_MI009DB,
patchList =

4 Check, activate and confirm the software.

> check prov
> activate prov
> confirm prov
> save -f(<prov_filename>) -ascii -portable pr
> commit prov
> end prov

Check with local office policy regarding file naming conventions for the saved view. Follow
the existing convention.

5 End provisioning.
> end prov

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4-16 Media Gateway software management
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

MGW software upgrades 4

This section provides instructions for performing a Maintenance Non-CM
Load (MNCL) software upgrade on an existing GSM/UMTS Media Gateway

Because the procedures invoke a reset of the CP cards, the upgrade should
only be performed during a maintenance window when call volumes are
relatively low.

Remember to do the following:

Maintain a softcopy of all sessions during the execution of these
Keep the MSC alarm banner up to monitor upgrade and patching
activities for alarms. Contact the next level of support for assistance in
resolving any unexpected alarms.
Perform health check tests before and after the MGW software upgrade.
Follow the procedures in the section MGW health checks. Test calls
should be performed by the local telco team immediately after the
completion of a patch or software upgrade, and can be conducted in
parallel to the health check procedures.

Familiarity with the Multiservice Switch (MSS) 15000, and with the GSM/
UMTS network, is required to perform the procedures. It is strongly
recommended that this method be read in its entirety before starting any of
the operations contained in it.

Always read the latest GSM/UMTS MGW Release Notes before
applying patches or performing a software upgrade.

The MGW Release Notes, published by Nortel for each Media Gateway
software release, contains important information about software
loadnames (application versions), applicable software patches, and
special instructions that you need to know for the current software

Customer supplied information required for these procedures:

Completed CIQ
Site Engineering Specification

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Media Gateway software management 4-17
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Procedure conventions
Throughout the procedures that follow, the following writing conventions are
IP and ATM addressing: All IP and ATM addresses used in this document
are for reference only. Refer to the customer specific CIQ data for
information regarding actual IP and ATM values.
Software Version: This document uses the following notation
<SoftwareVersion> wherever a specific software version should be
referenced. Refer to the MGW18 Release Notes to determine which
Software Version should be used.
Card and Application references: All references to card locations and
applications associated with the card within the shelf are to be used as
examples only. Refer to the CIQ for information regarding actual cards
and associated applications.
Other component and attribute values: The document uses the following
notation component/instance and attribute value wherever the CIQ
should be referenced. All of the instance and attribute values used in this
document are examples only. Refer to the CIQ for the actual values.
Sequence of steps
The following procedures should be followed, in the order given, to perform
an MNCL software upgrade:
Prepare to download the software to the MGW shelf
Download the software to the MGW shelf
Set the software download application version list (AVL)
Verify and save the provisioning file
Perform and monitor the software download
Route calls away from the MGW shelf
Activate the new software on the MGW shelf
Set the software AVL to the downloaded software
Activate the software and save the provisioning view

Prepare to download the software to the MGW shelf

The software download prerequisites are as follows:
SDS workstation preparation
Determine software present on the MGW shelf
Ensure sufficient space on the file system of the MGW shelf

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

4-18 Media Gateway software management
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Note: This procedure downloads software from an SDS. If an SDS is not

being used, contact the System Admin or System Engineer to determine
how to load software on the MGW (example: via Compact Discs).

The steps listed above are described in the following sections.

SDS workstation preparation

The following steps must be performed to prepare for the software download.
Consult the CIQ or contact the next level of support if questions arise.
Determine the IP address or host name of the Software Distribution Site
(SDS) workstation.
Determine the UserID and the password to log into the SDS workstation.
Ensure that the SDS is configured to permit accessing the UserID and
password from the MGW.
Request that the SDS administrator add the following user to the system:

Create a software directory directly within the user's home directory as


Download the software into the software directory created above.

Uncompress and untar the software, per the initial steps of Procedure 4-1.

Note: For more SDS workstation setup details, refer to NTP NN10600-
270, Multiservice Switch 7400, 15000, 20000 Software Installation.

Determine software present on the MGW shelf

Follow Procedure 4-4 to identify the software stored on the MGW hard drive
and software that is in use by the MGW processors.

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Procedure 4-4
Identify Software on a MGW Shelf

Step Action

1 Determine which versions of application software are currently stored on

the hard disk of the MGW shelf.
(shelf)>list sw ApplicationVersion/*

2 Determine which software applications are currently in use by the logical

(shelf)>display sw AvList

3 Determine the features associated with each particular software

(shelf)>list sw ApplicationVersion/* Feature/*

Note: A list of the software applications and the features supported in

each of these applications is displayed.

4 Determine which patches to application versions are currently stored on

the hard disk of the MGW shelf.
(shelf)>list sw ApplicationVersion/* Patch/*

5 Determine which patches are currently active (in use).

(shelf)>display sw PatchList

Ensure sufficient space on the file system

Before beginning the software download, ensure that there is sufficient disk
space on the file system as follows:

> display FileSystem freeSpace

If the file system does not have enough available space, remove any unused
software and provisioning files, using the information gathered in the
previous procedure, Procedure 4-4. The tidy and synchronize commands
may be needed to remove unneeded files. Refer to NTP NN10600-550,
Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000 Common Configuration
Procedures, subsection Disk full conditions.

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Note: Removing unused software will usually free up sufficient disk

space. However, it is possible that a significant amount of disk space is
being used by spooling files if they are not being removed often enough
by the Management Data Provider (MDP). Use MDP to retrieve and
delete spooling files. For more information on MDP refer to NTP 241-
6001-309 Multiservice Data Manager Management Data Provider.

Download the software to the MGW shelf

Verify and Save Provisioning File
Perform Procedure 4-5 to verify and save the current provisioning view on a
MGW shelf.

Procedure 4-5
Verify and save the provisioning view on a MGW shelf

Step Action

1 Enter the provisioning mode.

(shelf)>start prov

2 Verify the shelfs current provisioning.

(shelf)PROV>check prov

3 Save the current provisioning view. Check with local office policy
regarding file naming conventions. Follow the existing convention.
(shelf)PROV>save -f(<prov_filename>) -ascii -portable pr

4 Exit the provisioning mode.

(shelf)PROV>end prov

Note: It is highly recommended to save your provisioning in an ASCII

format to avoid mistakes while provisioning it again.

Set the Software Download AVL

Procedure 4-6 sets the software download Application Version List (AVL) for
a MGW shelf.

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Procedure 4-6
Set software download AVL on a MGW shelf

Step Action

1 Determine which versions of the application software are already

available on the shelf.
(shelf)>list sw ApplicationVersion/*

2 Enter the provisioning mode.

(shelf)>start prov

3 The following command sets the software download application version

(shelf)>set sw dld avl ! <list_of__applications_to_download>

For the MGW, the command will be similar to the following example.
Refer to the MGW18 Release Notes for the software version.
(MGW)>set sw dld avl ! base_<SoftwareVersion>
ip_<SoftwareVersion> networking_<SoftwareVersion>
atmNetworking_<SoftwareVersion> wanDte_<SoftwareVersion>
pvg_<SoftwareVersion> genericUtilities_<SoftwareVersion>
wirelessCommon_<SoftwareVersion> ss7_<SoftwareVersion>
mediaGateway_<SoftwareVersion> fabric_<SoftwareVersion>
aal1Ces_<SoftwareVersion> patch_<SoftwareVersion>

Attention: The bang (!) above clears any existing applications that were
previously stored in the avListToDownload variable. Removing the bang
causes the list of applications to be appended to the avListToDownload

Note: The list is case sensitive.

Perform and Monitor Software Download

Perform Procedure 4-7 to initiate and monitor the software download.

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Procedure 4-7
Perform and monitor a software download on a MGW shelf

Step Action

1 Start downloading the software.

The user name and password should be set up for access from the MGW.
Contact the system administrator of the SDS, or the next level of support,
if access is not permitted.
(shelf)>start -u(<user_name>) -p(<password>) -h(<IP_address>) sw

Wait until the download is complete before proceeding to the next step.

Note: You may press the Enter key to get the prompt back while waiting
for the download to complete.

2 Verify that software is being downloaded. Refer to the MGW18 Release

Notes for the software version. Enter the following:
(shelf)>d sw dld

Sw Dld

avBeingDownloaded = <SoftwareVersion>
status = active
filesToTransfer = 555
avListToDownload = base_<SoftwareVersion>
ip_<SoftwareVersion> networking_<SoftwareVersion>
wanDte_<SoftwareVersion> pvg_<SoftwareVersion>
wirelessCommon_<SoftwareVersion> ss7_<SoftwareVersion>
fabric_<SoftwareVersion> aal1Ces_MI009DB

The values for avBeingDownloaded, filesToTransfer and

avListToDownload will vary as the software is being downloaded.

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Procedure 4-7
Perform and monitor a software download on a MGW shelf (continued)

Step Action

3 Continue to monitor the download until the files to transfer reaches zero
and the AV list to download is blank, as shown below
(shelf)>d sw dld

Sw Dld

avBeingDownloaded =
status = inactive
filesToTransfer = 0
avListToDownload =
downloadedAvList = base_<SoftwareVersion>
ip_<SoftwareVersion> networking_<SoftwareVersion>
wanDte_<SoftwareVersion> pvg_<SoftwareVersion>
wirelessCommon_<SoftwareVersion> ss7_<SoftwareVersion>
fabric_<SoftwareVersion> aal1Ces_MI009DB

4 When the software applications have completed downloading, verify that

all of the software has been downloaded.
(shelf)>l sw appl/*

Sw Av/base_<SoftwareVersion>
Sw Av/ip_<SoftwareVersion>
Sw Av/networking_<SoftwareVersion>
Sw Av/atmNetworking_<SoftwareVersion>
Sw Av/wanDte_<SoftwareVersion>
Sw Av/pvg_<SoftwareVersion>
Sw Av/genericUtilities_<SoftwareVersion>
Sw Av/wirelessCommon_<SoftwareVersion>
Sw Av/ss7_<SoftwareVersion>
Sw Av/mediaGateway_<SoftwareVersion>
Sw Av/fabric_<SoftwareVersion>
Sw Av/aal1Ces_<SoftwareVersion>
Sw Av/patch_<SoftwareVersion>

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Route calls away from the MGW shelf

Perform Procedure 4-8 to route new calls away from the shelf being

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WARNING: Perform the following procedure on only one shelf at a time.

This procedure will cause the MGW Controller to route all new calls to
another shelf. Current calls will still be up on the shelf being upgraded, so
these calls must be allowed to complete before proceeding (or the number
of calls active must be diminished to an acceptable number, per local
office policy).

Procedure 4-8
Route calls away from the MGW shelf

Step Action

1 Identify the Nsta Vgs Mgcif components on the MGW shelf.

> d Nsta/* Vgs MgcIf/* osistate

| Nsta | MgcIf | osiAd | osiO| osiUs | osiAvai | osiProc | osiCntr | osiAlar |
| | | min | per | age | l | | l | m |
| 9| 0 | unlck | ena | idle | | | | |
| 12 | 0 | unlck | ena | idle | | | | |
| 13 | 0 | unlck | ena | idle | | | | |

2 Lock all the MgcIf components. This will route new calls away from the
shelf being upgraded.
Use the information from the previous step to identify the Nsta and
MGCIF values,
where x is the Nsta instance

where y is the MgcIf instance.

> lock nsta/<x> vgs mgcif/<y>

Under Trunks in the alarm banner, several alarms will appear for the
MGW due to the cards being locked. This is expected and normal while
the cards are locked. If the alarms do not clear after unlocking the cards,
contact the next level of support for assistance.

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Procedure 4-8
Route calls away from the MGW shelf (continued)

Step Action

3 Verify that the osiAdmin state is locked for each Nsta Vgs Mgcif
> d Nsta/* Vgs MgcIf/* osistate

| Nsta | MgcIf | osiAd |
| | | min |
| 9| 0 | locked |
| 12 | 0 | locked |
| 13 | 0 | locked |

4 Wait until activeContexts under each NSTA/ VGS instances is zero (no
calls are active), or until the number of calls active has diminished to an
acceptable level, per local office policy.
> d nsta/<x> vgs activeContexts

Nsta/x Vgs
activeContexts = 0

Note: The activeContexts attribute for each Nsta/Vgs instance must be

zero before proceeding, or active calls will be dropped.

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Activate the new software on the MGW shelf

Set software AVLlList to the downloaded software
Perform Procedure 4-9 to set and activate the software AVL on the MGW

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Procedure 4-9
Set softwareAVL on the MGW shelf

Step Action

1 Enter the provisioning mode

(shelf)> start prov

2 Set the software application version list.

PROV>set sw avl ! base_<SoftwareVersion> ip_<SoftwareVersion>
networking_<SoftwareVersion> atmNetworking_<SoftwareVersion>
wanDte_<SoftwareVersion> pvg_<SoftwareVersion>
wirelessCommon_<SoftwareVersion> ss7_<SoftwareVersion>
mediaGateway_<SoftwareVersion> fabric_<SoftwareVersion>
aal1Ces_<SoftwareVersion> patch_<SoftwareVersion>

3 Display the software application version list (AVL) to verify that the
desired software is set.
(shelf)PROV > d sw avl


avList = base_MI009DB, ip_MI009DB,

networking_MI009DB, atmNetworking_MI009DB,
wanDte_MI009DB, pvg_MI009DB,
ss7_MI009DB, mediaGateway_MI009DB,
fabric_MI009DB, aal1Ces_MI009DB,

The example above shows that software version MI009DB has been set
for the application version list.

4 End the provisioning mode

(shelf)PROV>end prov

Attention: The bang (!) above clears any existing applications that were
previously stored in the avList. Removing the bang causes the list of
applications to be appended to the avListT.

Note: The list is case sensitive.

Activate the provisioning view

Perform Procedure 4-10 to activate the new software on the shelf.

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Procedure 4-10
Activate the new software on the MGW shelf

Step Action

1 Enter the provisioning mode.

(shelf)>start prov

2 Verify the shelfs current provisioning.

(shelf)PROV>check prov

3 Activate the provisioning. This will cause a reboot.

(shelf)PROV>act prov

Route calls back and save the provisioning view

Route calls back to the MGW shelf

Perform Procedure 4-11 to make the MGW Controller resume routing calls to
the upgraded MGW shelf.

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Procedure 4-11
Route calls back to the upgraded MGW shelf

Step Action

1 Alarms will be generated upon activation of the new software. Each

MGCIF component should generate an alarm, such as the following, to
indicate that it is locked.
Nsta/ Vgs MgcIf/; 2006-03-10 12:12:21.88
SET minor qualityOfService thresholdCrossed 70567004
ADMIN: locked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: minor STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0C000074 Rel:
Com: Congestion = 100%
Int: 12/0/2/8615;; 363; MI009DB

2 Once all the Admin: locked alarms have appeared (one for each
MGCIF), Unlock each MGCIF component using the following command:
(shelf)PROV> unlock nsta/<x> vgs mgcif<y>

3 Wait until the following Admin: unlocked alarm has been generated for
each MGCIF component. It may take several minutes before all the
alarms appear.
Nsta/ Vgs MgcIf/; 2006-03-10 12:20:13.04
CLR cleared qualityOfService thresholdCrossed 70567004
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0C000076 Rel:
Com: Congestion Level <= 70%
Int: 12/0/2/8615;; 363; MI009DB

4 Confirm the provisioning view.

shelf)PROV> confirm prov

Save the provisioning view

Perform Procedure 4-12 to save the provisioning view on the shelf.

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Procedure 4-12
Save the provisioning view on the MGW shelf

Step Action

1 Save the current provisioning view. Check with local office policy
regarding file naming conventions. Follow the existing convention.
(shelf)PROV>save -f(<prov_filename>) -ascii -portable pr

2 Commit the provisioning view.

(shelf)PROV>commit prov

3 Exit the provisioning mode.

(shelf)PROV>end prov

Attention: It is highly recommended to save your provisioning in an ASCII

format to avoid mistakes while provisioning it again.

MGW health checks 4

The following procedures should be run before and after a MGW patch
application or software upgrade. Performing the health checks offers the
following benefits:
They will help identify any problems before an activity starts, and may
also serve as an aid for debugging should any problems arise during or
after the activity.
The tests also serve as a way to establish a baseline of the systems
configuration and performance, so that when the same tests are run after
an activity, a comparison can be made to verify that the system is back to
operating as it was before.
As part of testing, test calls should be performed by the local telco team
immediately after the completion of a patch or software upgrade, in parallel
with the health checks described in the following procedures.

The MGW health checks are given in the following sections of this document:
Check the health of the network from the MSC
Check the overall health of the MGW shelf

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Remember to do the following:

Maintain a softcopy of all sessions during the execution of these
procedures, so that the system responses can be referenced later.
Keep the MSC alarm banner up. Contact the next level of support for
assistance in resolving any unexpected alarms.

Check the health of the network from the MSC

Use the following procedures to check the health of the network from the
perspective of the MSC:
1. Check the general health of the network from the MSC
2. Check the health of the trunks serving the MSC

Check the general health of the network from the MSC

Use Procedure 4-13 to verify the general health of the network from the
MSCs perspective.

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Procedure 4-13
Check the health of the network from the MSC

Step Action

1 Record the current image running on the MSC.


XAGSM BCS 55 CQ built on 2005-FEB-21 at 15:48:00 using



2 Check the current SWER counts. The numbers will not be zero.

(logutil)>open swer

PGMSCC12AQ SWER MAY02 19:05:19 5000 REASON=

0001, PROCID= #853F #4035: XACALLP, INDEX= 075C


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Procedure 4-13
Check the health of the network from the MSC (continued)

Step Action

3 Check the current TRAP counts. The numbers will not be zero.
(logutil)>open trap

PGMSCC12AQ TRAP MAY02 16:44:38 4500 Trap Number

6577, Descriptor range check. PE Number: 9
At 01882208=FISPPRMI.BL02:AIP_ISUP_GA+#00E8,

PROCID= #853F #1038: XACALLP, Entry Module: XACALLP

SSTI: #167A

Current count of this trap type: 1



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Procedure 4-13
Check the health of the network from the MSC (continued)

Step Action

4 Display the thirty day history of call success ratios. Use the results for
comparison against the snapshot of current call statistics obtained in the
next step.

(Below values are in %)

DATE | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00
05/02 | 77 73 76 72 69 78 85 82 80 78 79 80 79 79 80 82
82 82 82 81 78 78 75 75
05/01 | 70 74 67 66 77 81 85 83 80 77 79 81 80 80 79 81
82 82 82 80 77 76 74 70


Note: The system response shown above is only an example. Actual

values will vary depending on individual network configurations and

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Procedure 4-13
Check the health of the network from the MSC (continued)

Step Action

5 Record a snapshot of the current call success ratios. Compare against

the historical statistics obtained in the previous step. Verify that the
current success ratios are in line with the historical statistics recorded for
the previous 30 days.

(omsnapshot)>omratios all

Basic Call Performance:

Checkpoint Success Ratio

---------- ---------------
MStoMS 84
MStoLAND 100

Supplementary Service Call Performance:

Checkpoint Success Ratio

---------- ---------------
CFB 95

Note: The system response shown above is only an example. Actual

values will vary depending on individual network configurations and

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Procedure 4-13
Check the health of the network from the MSC (continued)

Step Action

6 Display the recent history of the MSC processor capacity utilization by

viewing the cap 101 logs. Use the results for comparison against the
snapshot of the current utilization obtained in the next step.

(logutil) >open cap 101

PGMSCC12AQ CAP101 MAY02 19:03:50 3600 INFO


11: CATMP/HR 309480 SMS/HR 34200 VLR_UPD/HR

277860 CAP 26%

12: CATMP/HR 313740 SMS/HR 33480 VLR_UPD/HR

4208460 CAP 26%

13: CATMP/HR 303960 SMS/HR 33360 VLR_UPD/HR

283800 CAP 26%


Note: The system response shown above is only an example. Actual

values will vary depending on individual network configurations and

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Procedure 4-13
Check the health of the network from the MSC (continued)

Step Action

7 Record a snapshot of the current MSC processor capacity utilization by

using the capacity command (capci). Compare the current utilization
against the historical utilization obtained in the previous step. Verify that
that the current utilization is in line with the recent historical utilization.

CAPCI -- 2006/05/02 19:12:26.581


283380 31740 272640 24% 1173651 OFF


Note: The system response shown above is only an example. Actual

values will vary depending on individual network configurations and

8 Record the current GSM VLR subscriber capacity and usage.

>qgsmvlr status


Population : 922337 MS Next TMSI :

CM Only

Capacity : 650K Subscribers Population :

598214 MS
Usage : 90%


Note: The system response shown above is only an example. Actual

values will vary depending on individual network configurations and

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Procedure 4-13
Check the health of the network from the MSC (continued)

Step Action

9 Check the status of the MMUs. Note their current states and call counts.
>mmuselect; pool

MEL MMU Pool Data Object

Least-Busy MMU: 8, Opportunity to Migrate: YES

CM Skew Factor: 1 out of 3

Server Server Availability Maint

Id Name Status State FTA CPOcc

VLROcc CallCount

0 VMMU (CM) complete InSv 0800 4202 28

598202 ---

1 SVR7 24 complete InSv 0800 4278 47

23250 346

2 SVR7 25 complete InSv 0800 4279 39

23291 337


10 Verify that no MSRNs are hung (no gvlr 300 logs). Investigate if there are
any. An example of a gvlr 300 log is shown below:

(logutil)>open gvlr 300

RCPKNJ02CM3 *** GVLR300 MAR07 12:01:32 3720 TBL

Resource Unavailable

Location: GSMVLR Database Resource

Status: Trouble alert
Trouble: Lack of system resources
Action: Review resource provisioning
Description: Unable to allocate Mobile
Subscriber Roaming number.

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Procedure 4-13
Check the health of the network from the MSC (continued)

Step Action

11 Check the C7SCCP counters. Observe register C7RTFALL and verify it is

not pegging.
>omshow c7sccp holding



START:2006/05/02 18:30:00 TUE; STOP: 2006/05/02

19:00:00 TUE;




0 0 0 181 263
0 0 0 0
26518 11 18742 9
0 63 10963 69
24436 10 7566 2
15852 2 18952 9
2946 7 0 0
49537 57

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Procedure 4-13
Check the health of the network from the MSC (continued)

Step Action

12 Check the log count. Do this before and after a patch or upgrade activy to
look for any increase in logs that you did not have before. Observe the
high running logs.


* Log Report Counts *

Last reset : 2006/05/02 00:27:14

Data dumped: 2006/05/02 19:12:03

SOS..100: 1 LOST.111: 24 MSC..200: 2

XAC..303: 2 XAC..603: 1

XAC..415: 1 XAC..610: 1 AUD..120: 285

AUD..396: 3 AUD..395: 568

AUD..397: 215 AUD..398: 568 AUD..434: 15

AUD..433: 624 AUD..403: 30



* High Runner Logs *

Last reset : 2006/05/02 00:27:14

Data dumped: 2006/05/02 19:12:12

1) GMSC.607: 1849041 11) GMSC.909: 4351

2) GMMU.100: 1306366 12) CARR.811: 4288
3) GMSC.601: 39357 13) GVLR.602: 3218
4) GIN..600: 15515 14) TCAP.101: 2484
5) GMSC.617: 13405 15) GMSC.612: 2415
6) GMSC.604: 9439 16) ENCP.100: 2221
7) GMMU.900: 8166 17) DIRP.101: 1992
8) GMSC.912: 7274 18) C7UP.105: 1950
9) C7UP.106: 5901 19) GVLR.600: 1781
10) TCAP.100: 5720 20) TRK..113: 1759

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Check the health of the trunks serving the MSC

Use Procedure 4-14 to verify the health of the carriers and trunks serving the
MGW. The procedure first checks INSV trunks on the MSC to determine the
MGWs to which they are attached.

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Procedure 4-14
Verify the state of carriers and trunks serving the MGW

Step Action

1 Display all MGW entities (up to eight per shelf) in Table GWINV. Use this
information to obtain the MID and Nsta for the MGW being verified.

MGW 4 PP429_15K_8 H248 UDP 10 (10 160 137 5 2945 1) $
MGW 5 PP430_15K_8 H248 UDP 10 (10 160 137 12 2945 1) $
MGW 6 PP429_15K_9 H248 UDP 10 (10 160 137 6 2945 1) $

In this example, the GWID is 4.

The MID of the MGW is PP429_15K_8
PP429_15K is used as a shelf identifier.
The 8 represents the Nsta instance. This will be validated in Step 2.
The MGWINFO will contain an IP address if registered with the MSC, else
it will contain $.

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Procedure 4-14
Verify the state of carriers and trunks serving the MGW

Step Action

2 Verify the Nsta instance for the MGW matches the MID for the MGW
being verified.
(MGW)>d -p Nsta/<Nsta#> Vgs H248/0

where <Nsta#> is the Nsta # associated with the MGW being verified.

For example:
(MGW)>d -p Nsta/8 Vgs H248/0

| PP429_15K Nsta/8 Vgs H248/0
1|mgMid PP289_15K_8
2|udpPortConnection Nsta/8 Vgs Ctrl/mediaGateway
3|sdpFormat nonH248
4|atmSdpTransmitFormat rfc3108
5|mgcList Nsta/8 Vgs MgcIf/1

In this example, Nsta 8 matches the mgMid. This is the VSP where all the
trunks reside for the MGW being verified.

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Procedure 4-14
Verify the state of carriers and trunks serving the MGW

Step Action

3 Enter the trunk test point level of MAPCI.


Verify there are no alarms in the alarm banner under Trks (that is, only a
dot . appears under Trks.) If the alarm banner is not clear, investigate
before proceeding. Use the following command to post a MGW carrier:

Where:<X> is the MGW number being validated.

Where: <Y> is the carrier number.
. . . . 1MGW . 1C.. 1 Min SDM
M *C* M
2 Post_ TTP 27-0117
4 OG MGW 4 2 1 CFIWF1M 1 INB
9 CktInfo
10 CktLoc
11 Hold post d mgw 4
12 NEXT LAST CKT = 2 24
15 TrnslVf_
16 StkSdr_
17 Pads
18 Level_

sheet 3 of 3

Check the overall health of the MGW shelf

Use the following procedures to check the health of the MGW shelf:
1. Perform MGW shelf Identification
2. Verify shelf, card, lp, and ports
3. Verify MTP2 (USP only)
4. Verify MTP3 (UMTS and Nb only)

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5. Verify SAALNNI (UMTS and Nb only)

6. Verify PVC to RNC (UMTS and Nb only)
7. Verify Q2630 (UMTS and Nb only)
8. Verify VSP4e card interfaces
9. Verify M2UA interface (USP)
10. Verify VSP4e call processing
11. Verify Nb (bearer connections)

Perform MGW shelf Identification

Use the following command of Procedure 4-15 to identify the interfaces
supported on a MGW shelf.

Procedure 4-15
MGW shelf identification

Step Action

1 Identify the interfaces supported on a MGW shelf.

(MGW)>d -notab -p Nsta/* Vgs Vp/* externalInterfaceType

Nsta/8 Vgs Vp/0

externalInterfaceType = aIf
Nsta/8 Vgs Vp/1
externalInterfaceType = pstnIf
Nsta/8 Vgs Vp/2
externalInterfaceType = nbIf
Nsta/9 Vgs Vp/0
externalInterfaceType = multiParty
Nsta/10 Vgs Vp/0
externalInterfaceType = iuIf

The following are interfaces supported on GSM/UMTS networks:

a interface - GSM interface to the BSCs
pstn interface - PSTN, CFIWF, IWF
nb interface - R4 inter-MSC connectivity
multiparty interface - Multi-Party Conferencing, LI
iu interface - UMTS interface to the RNCs

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Verify shelf, card, lp, and ports

Perform Procedure 4-16 to verify MGW shelf, card, lp, and ports.

Procedure 4-16
Verify shelf, card, lp, and ports on the MGW

Step Action

1 Verify lp Sonet operational state is enabled.

(MGW)>d lp/* sonet/* osiState

|Lp |Sonet |osiAdmin |osiOper|
| 8 | 0 |unlck |ena
| 9 | 0 |unlck |ena
|14 | 0 |unlck |ena
|14 | 1 |unlck |ena
|14 | 2 |unlck |ena
|15 | 0 |unlck |ena
|15 | 1 |unlck |ena
|15 | 2 |unlck |ena

2 Verify cpEquipmentProtection state = hot.

(MGW)>d -notab -p sh

cpEquipmentProtection = hot
repeatFanAlarm = off
commentText = ""

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Procedure 4-16
Verify shelf, card, lp, and ports on the MGW (continued)

Step Action

3 Verify sh ca sparing services is enabled.

(MGW)>d sh ca/* sps

| | min |per | age |
| 0 |unlck|ena |activ|
| 1 |unlck|ena |activ|
| 2 |unlck|ena |activ|
| 3 |unlck|ena |activ|

4 Verify there are no Sonet port alarms and all alarms are off.
(MGW)>d Lp/* Sonet/*

|Lp|Sonet |los |lof| |ais |rfi |ais |txA |txR
| | | | | | | |is |di |
| 2 | 0 |off |off |off |off |off |off |off |
| 2 | 1 |off |off |off |off |off |off |off |
| 2 | 2 |off |off |off |off |off |off |off |
| 2 | 3 |off |off |off |off |off |off |off |
| 3 | 0 |off |off |off |off |off |off |off |
| 3 | 1 |off |off |off |off |off |off |off |
| 3 | 2 |off |off |off |off |off |off |off |
| 3 | 3 |off |off |off |off |off |off |off |
|14 | 0 |off |off |off |off |off |off |off |
|14 | 1 |off |off |off |off |off |off |off |

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Verify MTP2 (USP only)

Perform Procedure 4-17 to verify the Message Transfer Part (MTP2) of the

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Procedure 4-17
Verify MTP2 (USP only) on the MGW

Step Action

1 Verify the MTP2 link operational state is unlocked, enabled, active.

(MGW)>d Nsta/* Vgs Mtp2/*

| 15KPP665 Nsta/8 Vgs Mtp2/1
1 |adminState unlocked
2 |operationalState enabled
3 |usageState active
16|msuOctetsSent 0
17|msuOctetsReceived 0

Verify MTP3 (UMTS and Nb only)

Perform Procedure 4-18 if the MGW shelf contains UMTS or Nb interfaces
(as identified in Procedure 4-15) to verify Message Transfer Part (MTP3).

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Procedure 4-18
Verify MTP3 (UMTS and Nb only) on the MGW

Step Action

1 Verify the MTP3 linkset is unlocked, enabled, active.

(MGW)>d Mtp3/* Ls/*

| PP301_15K Mtp3/8 Ls/0
1|adminState unlocked
2|operationalState enabled
3|usageState active

2 Verify the link status of the MTP3 link is unlocked, enabled, and active.
(MGW)>d -o Mtp3/* Ls/* Link/*

| PP301_15K Mtp3/8 Ls/0 Link/0
1|adminState unlocked
2|operationalState enabled
3|usageState active
4|pdusRx 6162
5|payloadPdusRx 185
6|pdusTx 6166
7|payloadPdusTx 185
8|invalidPdusRx 0

3 Verify MTP3 routeset and routes are unlocked, enabled, and active if an
STP is used.
The STP would be between the MGW and the RNC and/or between the
MGW and Nb peers.
(MGW)>d -o Mtp3/* Routeset/*
(MGW)>d -o Mtp3/* Route/*

Verify SAALNNI (UMTS and Nb only)

Perform Procedure 4-19 if the MGW shelf contains UMTS or Nb interfaces
(as identified in Procedure 4-15) to verify SaalNni.

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Procedure 4-19
Verify SaalNni (UMTS and Nb only) on the MGW

Step Action

1 Verify the state of the SaalNni is unlocked, enabled, and active.

(MGW)>d SaalNni/*

| PP301_15K SaalNni/2
1|adminState unlocked
2|operationalState enabled
3|usageState active
4|state completeSuccess
5|targetProvingPdus 0
6|currentProvingPdus 0
7|maxCcReached 0
8|noResponseTimeouts 0
9|pdusTx 12027
10|pdusRx 12029
11|pduOctetsTx 127287
12|pduOctetsRx 124409
13|insvFailures 3

Verify PVC to RNC (UMTS and Nb only)

Perform Procedure 4-20 if the MGW shelf contains UMTS or Nb interfaces
(as identified in Procedure 4-15) to verify GIPS.

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Procedure 4-20
Verify PVC to RNC (UMTS and Nb only) on the MGW

Step Action

1 Verify that PVC connections to RNC are connected.

(MGW)>d Nsta/* Vgs AtmTConn/* SpvcAp

| PP80 Nsta/10 Vgs AtmTConn/0-4 SpvcAp
1|svcStatus connected
2|lastSetupFailureCause 0
3|lastSetupFailureDiagnostic ""
4|retryTimeRemaining 0 seconds
5|retryFailures 0
7|lastTearDownCause 0
8|lastTearDownDiagnostic ""

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Verify Q2630 (UMTS and Nb only)

Perform Procedure 4-21 if the MGW shelf contains UMTS or Nb interfaces
(as identified in Procedure 4-15) to verify Q2630.
Procedure 4-21
Verify Q2630 (UMTS and Nb only) on the MGW

Step Action

1 Verify the operational state of the Q2630 is unlocked, enabled, and active.
(MGW)>d q2630/*

| PP429_15K Q2630/8
1|adminState unlocked
2|operationalState enabled
3|usageState active (for Nb it can be active or Idle)
72|protocolErrorsTx 0

2 Verify the localBlockedPaths and remoteBlockedPaths are zero.

(MGW)>d q2630/*

| PP429_15K Q2630/8
1|adminState unlocked
2|operationalState enabled
54|currentExistingPaths 1
55|localBlockedPaths 0
56|remoteBlockedPaths 0
72|protocolErrorsTx 0


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Procedure 4-21
Verify Q2630 (UMTS and Nb only) on the MGW (continued)

Step Action

3 Identify and record the number of currentExistingPaths.

(MGW)>d q2630/*

| PP429_15K Q2630/8
1|adminState unlocked
54|currentExistingPaths 2
72|protocolErrorsTx 0

4 Verify that the number of currentExistingPaths as identified in Step 3 is

equal to the number of linkToOwnedPaths as displayed below.
(MGW) d -p Q2630/* PeerAddr/*

| PP429_15K Q2630/8 PeerAddr/1
1|remoteAesa 470000000000000000000004760020480D508000
2|remotePointCode 1.19.1
3|linkToOwnedPaths Nsta/8 Vgs AtmTCon/2 pathOwner,
Nsta/8 Vgs AtmTCon/3 pathOwner
4|linkToVoiceProfile Nsta/8 Vgs Vp/2
The linkToOwnedPaths is a comma separated list. In the example output
above, there are two linkToOwnedPaths: Nsta/8 Vgs AtmTCon/2
pathOwner, and Nsta/8 Vgs AtmTCon/3 pathOwner.

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Verify VSP4e card interfaces

Perform Procedure 4-22 on all VSP4e cards.

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Procedure 4-22
Verify VSP4e on the MGW

Step Action

1 Verify the operational state of the NSTA VGS MGCIF components are
unlocked and enabled.
(MGW)>d nsta/* vgs mgcif/* osistate

Note: This component can have a usageState of either idle or active

depending on if the component is currently in an active call.

| PP301_15K Nsta/14-15 Vgs MgcIf/PRIMARY
1|adminState unlocked
2|operationalState enabled
3|usageState idle
8|standbyStatus notSet
9|unknownStatus false

2 Verify the Mc interface is configured and operating correctly.

a. Display the Media Gateway Controller (Mc) interface counters.
(MGW)>d -notab nsta/* vgs mgcif/*

Nsta/2 Vgs MgcIf/PRIMARY

controlLinkFailures = 1
totalRegistrationAttempts = 1 (not incrementing)
totalRegistrationFailures = 0 (not incrementing)
messagesTransmitted = 14935 (incrementing)
octetsTransmitted = 2823210 (incrementing)
messagesReceived = 10390 (incrementing)
octetsReceived = 973243 (incrementing)
errorsSent = 1233 (not incrementing)
decodingErrors = 0 (not incrementing)
retransmissions = 3030 (not incrementing)
transactionsRejected = 0 (not incrementing)

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Procedure 4-22
Verify VSP4e on the MGW (continued)

Step Action

b. Wait a few minutes, then display the Mc interfaces again.

(MGW)>d -notab nsta/* vgs mgcif/*

Verify that the values of these attributes have incremented:

messagesTransmitted, octetsTransmitted, messagesReceived, and
Verify that the values of these attributes have not incremented:
totalRegistrationAttempts, totalRegistrationFailures,
errorsSent, decodingErrors, "retransmissions" and
transactionsRejected .

c. Check for errors and discards for all VCCs.

(MGW)>d AtmIf/* Vcc/* stats

| PP301_15K_Shelf_1 PP301_15K_Shelf_1
| If/200 Vcc/0.5 If/200 Vcc/0.18
1|txCell 194386 319021
2|txCellDiscard 0 0
3|txFrameDiscard 0 0
4|txFrameDiscardClp 0 0
5|rxCell 194250 435021
6|rxCellDiscard 0 0
7|rxCellDiscardClp 0 0
8|rxFrameDiscard 0 0
9|rxFrameDiscardClp 0 0
10|rxAal5FrameError 0 0
11|rxAal5FrameAbort 0 0

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Procedure 4-22
Verify VSP4e on the MGW (continued)

Step Action

d. Wait a few minutes, then display the associated VCCs again.

(MGW)>d AtmIf/* Vcc/* stats

The values should be incrementing for txCell and rxCell .

The values for the discarded cells during transmission should not
increase (txCellDiscard, txFrameDiscard, and txFrameDiscardClp).
The values for the discarded cells during reception should not increase
(rxCellDiscard, rxCellDiscardClp, rxFrameDiscard, and

Note: RNC bearer PVCs can be identified with the following command:
(MGW)>d Nsta/ Vgs AtmTCon/ atmCon nextHop
The value of that will be an AtmIf/ Vcc/ instance.

3 Verify the OSI state for all Tag instances for all VSP cards on this shelf.
Verify the OSI state is unlocked, enabled, active, and enabled.
(MGW)>d Nsta/* Vgs Tag/*

Nsta/* Vgs Tag/*

adminState = unlocked
operationalState = enabled
usageState = active
status = enabled
outOfServiceTerminationsByMgc =

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Verify M2UA interface (USP)

Perform Procedure 4-23 to verify the M2UA interface.

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Procedure 4-23
Verify M2UA interface on the MGW

Step Action

1 Identify the Virtual Router (Vr) associated with the M2UA interface.
The Vr with "SIGVRAP" indicates that this is the Vr.
(MGW)>d vr/* pp/*

|Vr/0 Pp/OAM Vr/3 Pp/H248AN Vr/3 Pp/H248VRAP Vr/3 Pp/
1|snmpOperStatus up up up up
2|adminState unlocked unlocked unlocked unlocked
3|operationalState enabled enabled enabled enabled
4|usageState active active active active
5|ifIndex 14 3 4 17

2 Identify the ip address of the M2UA interface.

(MGW)>d -p Nsta/* Vgs M2ua As/* Asp/0 ipAddress

|WTCRWABRU401 Nsta/14 Vgs M2ua As/14 Asp/0
1 |ipAddress

3 Ping the USP identified in Step 2.

(MGW)>ping -ip( vr/3 ip icmp

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Procedure 4-23
Verify M2UA interface on the MGW (continued)

Step Action

4 Verify that the operational state is unlocked, enabled, and active and the
heartbeats and heartbeatAcks are being sent/received.
(MGW)>d Nsta/* Vgs M2ua As/* Asp/*

| PP429_15K Nsta/14 Vgs M2ua As/2 Asp/0
1|adminState unlocked
2|operationalState enabled
3|usageState active
17|heartbeatsSent 48737
20|heartbeatAcksReceived 48737

Note: The values of heartbeats and heartbeatAcks will be close but may
not be exactly the same.

5 Verify the link to the USP for each backhauled SS7 link from the RNC,
BSC, or PSTN interface is active.
(MGW)>d Nsta/* Vgs M2ua As/* Iid/*

| PP80 Nsta/10 Vgs M2ua As/1 Iid/81
1|state active
20|congestionIndicationsSent 0

6 On the Call Server, verify all SS7 links expected to be up are up.
(Call Server)>mapci;mtc;ccs;ccs7

If they are not up, resolve the issues and contact your next level of
support if needed.

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Verify VSP4e call processing

Perform Procedure 4-24 to verify the VSP4e is processing calls.

Procedure 4-24
Verify VSP4e call processing on the MGW

Step Action

1 Verify the VSP4e is processing calls.

If there are calls on the VSP4e, these attributes must not be zero:
activeOriginatedSvcs and activeTerminatedSvcs.
The following should not be incrementing: networkReleaseCount,
unavailableSvcCount, narrowbandConnectionsRefused,
svcSetupTimeoutCount, and overloadedSvcCount.
(MGW)>d -o Nsta/* Vgs Aal2Svc

|PP301_15K Nsta/8 Vgs Aal2Svc PP301_15K Nsta/9 Vgs Aal2Svc
1|activeOriginatedSvcs 4 3
2|activeTerminatedSvcs 3 3
3|originatedSvcs 25 6
4|terminatedSvcs 23 4
5|activeSvcsDeleted 0 0
6|neverUsedSvcsDeleted 3 1
7|svcsPending 0 0
8|emptySvcCount 7 6
9|networkReleaseCount 20 1
10|unavailableSvcCount 3 3
11|narrowbandConnectionsRefused 0 0
12|svcSetupTimeoutCount 0 0
13|overloadedSvcCount 0 0

2 Verify active contexts, connections set up, and disabled ATM trunks.
Observe the following:
activeContexts should be changing when the display command is
executed multiple times
connectionsSetup should be incrementing when the command is
executed multiple times
disabledATMTrunks should always be 0

(MGW)>d -o Nsta/* Vgs


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Verify Nb (bearer connections)

Perform Procedure 4-25 to verify the bearer path state.

Procedure 4-25
Verify Nb Interfaces are Operating Correctly on the MGW

Step Action

1 Verify there are no errors occurring during the establishment of dynamic

SVC connections for bearer under the Aal2Svc component.
When terminatedSvcs increments, networkReleaseCount should
increment the same amount.
The following should not be incrementing: unavailableSvcCount ,
narrowbandConnectionsRefused, svcSetupTimeoutCount,
(MGW)>d -o -c Nsta/* Vgs Aal2Svc

activeOriginatedSvcs = 0
activeTerminatedSvcs = 0
originatedSvcs = 153
terminatedSvcs = 116
activeSvcsDeleted = 0
neverUsedSvcsDeleted = 0
svcsPending = 0
emptySvcCount = 0
networkReleaseCount = 116
unavailableSvcCount = 0
narrowbandConnectionsRefused = 0
svcSetupTimeoutCount = 0
overloadedSvcCount = 0

AN software patching 4
Refer to the MGW18 Release Notes for instructions on how to obtain the
current patch baseline. Included with the patch baseline bundle will be
detailed instructions in a README text file.

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Always read the latest GSM/UMTS MGW Release Notes before
applying patches or performing a software upgrade.

The MGW Release Notes, published by Nortel for each Media Gateway
software release, contains important information about the current
software loadname (application version), the applicable software patch
baseline, and special instructions you need to know for the current
software release.

Remember to do the following:

Maintain a softcopy of all sessions during the execution of these
Keep the MSC alarm banner up to monitor upgrade and patching
activities for alarms. Contact the next level of support for assistance in
resolving any unexpected alarms.
Perform health check tests before and after the AN patch application.
Follow the procedures in the section AN health checks. Test calls
should be performed by the local telco team immediately after the
completion of the patch application, and can be conducted in parallel with
the health check procedures.

AN software upgrades 4
This section describes how to upgrade the software to a new application
version on an AN shelf.

Always read the latest GSM/UMTS MGW Release Notes before
applying patches or performing a software upgrade.

The MGW Release Notes, published by Nortel for each Media Gateway
software release, contains important information about the current
software loadname (application version), the applicable software patch
baseline, and special instructions you need to know for the current
software release.

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Since all the cards are paired and no VSP cards are in the AN shelf, no traffic
re-direction is needed for the AN software upgrade.

Remember to do the following:

Maintain a softcopy of all sessions during the execution of these
Keep the MSC alarm banner up to monitor upgrade and patching
activities for alarms. Contact the next level of support for assistance in
resolving any unexpected alarms.
Perform health check tests before and after the AN software upgrade.
Follow the procedures in the section AN health checks. Test calls
should be performed by the local telco team immediately after the
completion of the software upgrade, and can be conducted in parallel with
the health check procedures.

At any point during the software upgrade, if any unexpected system responses
appear, such as unexpected alarms, logs or command outputs, then halt the
activity and contact the next level of support.

The following sections provide the steps for performing an AN software

Download the application version for the AN software upgrade
Verify and save the AN provisioning view
Activate the new AN software load and save the view
Upgrade the AN fabric card firmware

Download the application version for the AN software upgrade

Perform Procedure 4-26 to download the new software and applicable
patches to the AN disk.

Note: To save time during the maintenance window, the software

download can be performed prior to the maintenance window.

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Procedure 4-26
Download the software to the AN disk

Step Action

1 Display the disk status. Verify that the disk is unlocked, enabled and
active. Verify that the sync status (syncStatus) is synchronized, and the
disk usage (usage) is 85% or less.
If necessary, use the tidy and synchronize commands to remove
unneeded files. Refer to NTP NN10600-550, Nortel Multiservice Switch
7400/15000/20000 Common Configuration Procedures, subsection Disk
full conditions.
(AN)>d fs

adminState = unlocked
operationalState = enabled
usageState = active
volumeName = volumeNotSe
activeDisk = Fs Disk/0
syncStatus = synchronized
syncProgress = 100 %
capacity = 4294770688 bytes
freeSpace = 624295936 bytes
usage = 85 %

2 Verify that the downloader status is inactive.

(AN)>d sw dld status

Sw Dld
status = inactive

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Procedure 4-26
Download the software to the AN disk (continued)

Step Action

3 If the current AN load is less than PCR 6.1.1 (such as PCR 5.1 or PCR
5.2), perform this step. Otherwise, go to step 4.
a. List all of the patches that have been downloaded to the AN.
(AN)>l sw appl/* pa/*

Sw Av/base_CE02S2D Patch/baseFT420A
Sw Av/base_CE02S2D Patch/baseFR057A
Sw Av/base_CE02S2D Patch/baseFR075A

The example output above shows the first several patches of the
CE02S2D patches.
b. List the current active patches:
(AN)>d sw pa

patchList = baseFR057A, baseFT183A,
baseFT207B, baseFT409A, ipFT120A,
ipFT126A, ipFT1195A, baseFR1437A,

The example output above shows a patch list that includes patch
baseFT420A. This patch must be present if the current AN load is less
than PCR 6.1.1. Patch baseFT420A enables patch bundling, which is
required to complete the remaining steps of this procedure. (AN loads
PCR 6.1.1 and higher already have patch bundling enabled.)
If patch baseFT420A is not active, and the current AN load is less than
PCR 6.1.1, contact your next level of support and the Project Manager,
because the AN is not patch current.

4 Display the software applications version list (AVL). This shows the
software currently provisioned on the AN.
(AN)>d sw avl

avList = base_CE02S2D, ip_CE02S2D,
networking_CE02S2D, aal1Ces_CE02S2, wanDte_CE02S2D,
fabric_CE02S2D, atmNetworking_CE02S2D, patch_CE02S2D

The example output shows CE02S2D, which is the software version load
name for the PCR software release 5.2.

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Procedure 4-26
Download the software to the AN disk (continued)

Step Action

5 Set the software application version list to download. Refer to MGW18

Release Notes for the software version load name.
(AN)>set sw dld avl ! base_<SoftwareVersion> ip_<SoftwareVersion>
networking_<SoftwareVersion> aal1Ces_<SoftwareVersion>
wanDte_<SoftwareVersion> fabric_<SoftwareVersion>
atmNetworking_<SoftwareVersion> patch_<SoftwareVersion>

For example, for the PCR 6.1.1 release:

(AN)>set sw dld avl ! base_CF01S1E ip_CF01S1E
networking_CF01S1E aal1Ces_CF01S1E wanDte_CF01S1E
fabric_CF01S1E atmNetworking_CF01S1E patch_CF01S1E

The example above shows CF01S1E, which is the software version load
name for the PCR 6.1.1 release.

6 Set the processor target type in preparation for the download.

(AN)>set sw dld processorTargets i960 ppc

Sw Dld

7 Verify that the software applications to be downloaded are in the list to be

downloaded and the processor target is set to i960 ppc.
(AN)>d sw dld

Sw Dld
avBeingDownloaded =
status = inactive
filesToTransfer = 0
avListToDownload = base_CF01S1E, ip_CF01S1E,
downloadedAvList =
processorTargets = i960 ppc

8 Start downloading the software.

(AN)>start -h(SDS server IP address) -u(userid) -p(password) sw dld

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Procedure 4-26
Download the software to the AN disk (continued)

Step Action

9 Verify that software is being downloaded. Press Enter and then enter the
(AN)>d sw dld

Sw Dld

avBeingDownloaded = base_CF01S1E
status = active
filesToTransfer = 555
avListToDownload = base_CF01S1E, ip_CF01S1E,

The values for avBeingDownloaded, filesToTransfer and

avListToDownload will vary as the software is being downloaded.

10 When the software applications have completed downloading, verify that

all of the software was downloaded:
(AN)>l sw appl/*

Sw Av/base_CF01S1E
Sw Av/ip_CF01S1E
Sw Av/networking_CF01S1E
Sw Av/aal1Ces_CF01S1E
Sw Av/wanDte_CF01S1E
Sw Av/fabric_CF01S1E
Sw Av/atmNetworking_CF01S1E
Sw Av/patch_CF01S1E

11 List all of the patches that have been downloaded to the AN.
(AN)>l sw appl/* pa/*

Sw Av/patch_CF01S1E Patch/aal1CesFT1376A
Sw Av/patch_CF01S1E Patch/atmNetworkingFR1014C
Sw Av/patch_CF01S1E Patch/atmNetworkingFR1334A
Sw Av/patch_CF01S1E Patch/atmNetworkingFR1334B

The example output shows some of the patches downloaded with the
patch_CF01S1E patch bundle.

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Verify and save the AN provisioning view

Perform Procedure 4-27 to save the current working provisioning view.

Procedure 4-27
Verify and save the AN current working provisioning view

Step Action

1 Enter the provisioning mode.

(AN)>start prov

The edit view is identical to the current view.

If the system indicates that the edit view and the current view are the
same, proceed. If they are not the same, contact your next level of

2 Verify the AN current provisioning.

(AN)PROV>check prov


3 Save the current provisioning view. Check with local office policy
regarding file naming conventions. Follow the existing convention. An
example naming convention is given in the following command.
(AN)PROV>save -f(AN_PCRload#) -ascii -portable pr

where load# is the current load.

For example:
(AN)PROV>save -f(AN_PCR611) -ascii -portable pr

Saving the edit view into AN_PCRload522.full.001
(with ascii,portable formats) ...
The provisioning data is saved in file

4 Exit the provisioning mode.

(AN)PROV>end prov

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Activate the new AN software load and save the view

Do not perform a general AN software upgrade when migrating
software versions of a particular feature (example: feature
atmNetworking_CF01S1E). The impact on service cannot be
predicted if both migrations are attempted at the same time.

Perform Procedure 4-28 to migrate to the new AN software load.

Procedure 4-28
Activate the new AN software load and save the provisioning view

Step Action

1 Enter the provisioning mode.

(AN)>start prov

2 Display the software applications version list (AVL). This shows the
software currently provisioned on the AN.
(AN)>d sw avl

avList = base_CE02S2D, ip_CE02S2D,
networking_CE02S2D, aal1Ces_CE02S2, wanDte_CE02S2D,
fabric_CE02S2D, atmNetworking_CE02S2D, patch_CE02S2D

The example output shows CE02S2D, which is the software version load
name for PCR software release 5.2.

3 Replace all of the old application versions in the application version list
with the new application versions. Refer to the MGW18 Release Notes for
the complete list of application versions to be applied. The following
command shows application versions applicable for the PCR 6.1.1
release as an example.
(AN)PROV>set sw avl ! base_CF01S1E ip_CF01S1E
networking_CF01S1E aal1Ces_CF01S1E wanDte_CF01S1E
fabric_CF01S1E atmNetworking_CF01S1E patch_CF01S1E

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Procedure 4-28
Activate the new AN software load and save the provisioning view (continued)

Step Action

4 List all of the patches that have been downloaded to the AN.
(AN)PROV>l sw appl/* pa/*

Sw Av/patch_CF01S1E Patch/aal1CesFT1376A
Sw Av/patch_CF01S1E Patch/atmNetworkingFR1014C
Sw Av/patch_CF01S1E Patch/atmNetworkingFR1334A
Sw Av/patch_CF01S1E Patch/atmNetworkingFR1334B

The example output shows some of the patches downloaded with the
patch_CF01S1E patch bundle.

5 If there are patches required for the release being migrated to, apply the
patches. For specific instructions, refer to the README text file included
with the AN patch baseline. Nortel Global Product Support may
recommend additional patches that have been released since the last
bundling of patches. The following is only an example of the command
used to set the software patch list.
(AN)PROV>set Software patchlist ! baseFR057A baseFT183A
baseFT207B baseFT409A xApplFR021A ipFT120A ipFT126A
xApplFT1048B atmNetworkingFT075A

6 Verify all patches are set.

(AN)PROV>d sw patchlist

patchList = baseFR057A, baseFT183A,
baseFT207B, baseFT409A, xapplFR021A,
ipFT120A, ipFT126A, xApplFT1048B,

The example output above illustrates the use of the command. The actual
patch names in the patch list will vary with the patch bundle and patches

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Procedure 4-28
Activate the new AN software load and save the provisioning view (continued)

Step Action

7 Check the provisioning.

(AN)PROV>check prov

The following example warnings can be expected and are normal when
the check prov command is executed:
Reason: Lp 0 (card 1) will be reset when this view is

Activation will disrupt service for the following

Activation will result in a software migration system
reload. Some applications may experience service

If a warning states, All applications may experience service outage

instead of Some applications may experience service outage, do not
proceed; contact the next level of support immediately.
The following example error message may also appear, indicating that
certain patches must be removed from the patch list due to being
incompatible with the software set in the software application version list
Attribute: patchList
Reason: Each patch below either does not exist for the
version of its application in the avList, or requires
its application to be added to the avList:
baseFR057A baseFT183A
baseFT207B baseFT409A

Remove the incompatible patches. Example command for removing

(AN)PROV>set sw patchlist ~baseFR057A ~baseFT183A
~baseFT207B ~baseFT409A

Additional error messages may occur. Resolve each error message

before proceeding. Contact the next level of support if necessary to
resolve the errors.

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Procedure 4-28
Activate the new AN software load and save the provisioning view (continued)

Step Action

8 After resolving all error message in the check prov, activate the
provisioning view to start the migration.
(AN)PROV>activate prov

Prov Migration; 2006-05-10 20:33:22.43

SET warning operator operationalCondition

ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 30 Rel: Lp/0
Com: Prov Migration component created.
Int: 0/0/2/10676;; 1038; PCR5.2.65

If you get an error message such as the one below, the activation has
paused. At this point you do not have an active standby; therefore, abort
the activation using the stop prov command, and contact your next level
of support for assistance in resolving the problem.
Here is an example of the error message showing that the migration has
The software migration is paused, pause reason:
On Card 1: some appl(s) may not be ready for SO.
On Card 14: Pausable Alarm recvd;
To resume, type Continue Prov.
To stop, type Stop Prov.

Prov Migration; 2003-10-17 17:09:17.18

SET critical operator operationalCondition
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: disabled USAGE: idle
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 65 Rel: Lp/0
Com: Migration paused.
Int: 0/1/2/18201;; 1081; PCR4.2.46
Fs Disk/1; 2003-10-18 20:20:51.81

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Procedure 4-28
Activate the new AN software load and save the provisioning view (continued)

Step Action

9 Monitor the progress of the migration.

(AN)PROV>display prov

The results of this command are constantly updated in operational mode.

Even when the AN is reconnecting, this command can be used to monitor
the upgrade.
The command can be issued up to the time of lost connectivity with the
AN. When the active control processor begins to load the software,
connectivity is lost and the login session ends, thus requiring another log

10 Log back into the AN.

11 Enter the provisioning mode

(AN)>start prov


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Procedure 4-28
Activate the new AN software load and save the provisioning view (continued)

Step Action

12 Continue to monitor the progress of the migration and be ready to

confirm the activation.
(AN)PROV>display -o prov

When a warning message appears stating that you have 15 minutes to

confirm the activation, or the display prov command shows
"confirmRequired = yes", then go the next step to confirm the new
provisioning view.
Example of warning message:
SET minor operator operationalCondition
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: PROC: initializing CNTRL:
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 42 Rel: Lp/0
Com: Enter 'confirm prov' to confirm the activation or
rollback will occur in 15 minute(s).
Int: 0/0/2/28897;; 742; PCR6.1.58

Example of display prov output:


adminState = unlocked
operationalState = enabled
usageState = busy
provisioningActivity = waiting for confirm
activityProgress = n/a
standbyCpActivity = none
standbyCpActivityProgress = n/a
committedFileName = mabo522.full.003
currentViewFileName = none
lastUsedFileName = none
provisioningSession = Nmis Telnet Session/1
provisioningUser = gxin
checkRequired = yes
confirmRequired = yes
editViewName = none

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Procedure 4-28
Activate the new AN software load and save the provisioning view (continued)

Step Action

13 When a warning message has appeared stating that you have 15 minutes
to confirm prov, or the display prov command has shown
"confirmRequired = yes", you must confirm the provisioning view to avoid
a non-hitless rollback to the previously committed configuration:
(AN)PROV>confirm prov

Prov; 2006-05-10 20:55:59.68

CLR cleared operator operationalCondition
ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: busy
AVAIL: PROC: initializing CNTRL:
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 01000043 Rel: Lp/0
Com: Activation confirmed. Rollback will not occur.
Int: 1/0/2/30502;; 782; PCR6.1.58

14 Check the provisioning.

(AN)PROV>check prov

The following example error message may appear, indicating that certain
patches must be removed from the patch list due to being incompatible
with the new application version list just installed:
Attribute: patchList
Reason: Each patch below either does not exist for the
version of its application in the avList, or requires
its application to be added to the avList:
xapplFR021A ipFT120A
ipFT126A xApplFT1048B

Remove the incompatible patches. Example command for removing

(AN)PROV>set sw patchlist ~xapplFR021A ~xapplFR021A
~ipFT120A ~ipFT126A ~xApplFT1048B ~atmNetworkingFT075A

Additional error messages may occur. Resolve each error message

before proceeding. Contact the next level of support if necessary to
resolve the errors.

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Procedure 4-28
Activate the new AN software load and save the provisioning view (continued)

Step Action

15 Save the current provisioning view. Check with local office policy
regarding file naming conventions. Follow the existing convention. An
example file name, AN_PCR611, is given in the example command
(AN)PROV>save -f(AN_PCR611) -ascii -portable pr


Saving the edit view into AN_PCR611firstload.full.001

(with ascii,portable formats) ...
The provisioning data is saved in file

16 Commit the provisioning.

(AN)PROV>commit prov

Prov; 2006-05-10 21:39:18.89

MSG warning operator operationalCondition

ADMIN: unlocked OPER: enabled USAGE: active
ALARM: STBY: notSet UNKNW: false
Id: 0100005C Rel: Lp/0
Com: The committed file is
Int: 1/0/2/30457;; 1500; PCR6.1.58

17 End provisioning.
(AN)PROV>end prov


18 Verify the edit file is the same as the committed file. The following output
should appear when the start prov command is executed:
(AN)start prov

The edit view is identical to the current view.

19 End provisioning
(AN)PROV>end prov

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Procedure 4-28
Activate the new AN software load and save the provisioning view (continued)

Step Action

20 Verify that the AN is running on the new software applications.

(AN)>d sw avl

avList = base_CF01S1E, ip_CF01S1E, networking_CF01S1E,
aal1Ces_CF01S1E, wanDte_CF01S1E, fabric_CF01S1E
atmNetworking_CF01S1E, patch_CF01S1E

21 Verify the AN has all the new patches applied.

(AN)>d sw patchlist

patchList = baseFR057A, baseFT183A,
baseFT207B, baseFT409A, xapplFR021A,
ipFT120A, ipFT126A, xApplFT1048B,

The example output above illustrates the use of the command. The actual names
in the patch list will vary with the patch bundle and patches applied.

22 Begin executing the AN health checks, following the procedures in the

section AN health checks in this document. At this time the local telco
team should begin their test calls.

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Upgrade the AN fabric card firmware

Perform Procedure 4-29 to upgrade the AN fabric card firmware.

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Procedure 4-29
Upgrade the AN Fabric Card firmware

Step Action

1 Identify the filename of the fabric software required.

(AN)>d -notab sh fabric/* recommend

Record software version displayed. This will be used in Step 3 as the

filename to install.
If recommended version to be installed equals fabric software version is
up to date then no action is required; this procedure is completed.

2 Lock fabric X.
(AN)>lock -force sh fabric/x

3 Install the required fabric software on fabric X.

(AN)>install -file(filename) sh fabric/x

where (filename) is defined in Step 1.

4 Check the progress of the install command:

>display shelf fabricCard/x banks

When the display shows the following message, go to the next step to
unlock Fabric X:
The command completed successfully.

5 Unlock fabric X.
(AN)>unlock sh fabric/x

6 When Fabric X is back inservice, upgrade fabric Y.

Lock fabric Y.
(AN)>lock -force sh fabric/y

7 Install the required fabric software on fabric Y.

(AN)>install -file(filename) sh fabric/y

where (filename) is defined in Step 1.

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Procedure 4-29
Upgrade the AN Fabric Card firmware (continued)

Step Action

8 Check the progress of the install command:

>display shelf fabricCard/y banks

When the display shows the following message, go to the next step to
unlock Fabric Y:
The command completed successfully.

9 Unlock fabric Y.
(AN)>unlock sh fabric/y

10 Enter the provisioning mode.

(AN)>start prov

11 Save the current provisioning view. Check with local office policy
regarding file naming conventions. Follow the existing convention. An
example file name, AN_PCR611_fabricupgrade, is given in the command
(AN)PROV>save -f(AN_PCR611_fabricupgrade) -ascii -portable pr

12 Commit the provisioning.

(AN)PROV>commit prov

13 End the provisioning mode.

(AN)PROV>end prov

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AN health checks 4
The following procedures should be run before and after an AN patch
application or software upgrade. Performing the health checks offers the
following benefits:
They will help identify any problems before an activity starts, and may
also serve as an aid for debugging should any problems arise during or
after the activity.
The tests also serve as a way to establish a baseline of the systems
configuration and performance, so that when the same tests are run after
an activity, a comparison can be made to verify that the system is back to
operating as it was before.

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As part of testing, test calls should be performed by the local telco team
immediately after the completion of a patch or software upgrade, in parallel
with the health checks described in the following procedures.

The AN health checks can be found in the following sections of this document:
Verify the LP switchover functionality of the AN
Check the overall health of the AN

Remember to do the following:

Maintain a softcopy of all sessions during the execution of these
procedures, so that the system responses can be referenced later.
Keep the MSC alarm banner up. Contact the next level of support for
assistance in resolving any unexpected alarms.

Verify the LP switchover functionality of the AN

Perform Procedure 4-30 to verify the Logical Processor (LP) switchover
functionality of the AN. This procedure should be performed prior to the
night of the sw upgrade or patching, to allow time for correcting any
problems. The command to check sparing services (>d sh ca/* sps) should
also be executed the night of the activity, just before the start, to verify that no
cards are in a degraded service state.

Note: The steps in Procedure 4-30 show a configuration with sparing of

card slots 0 with 1, 6 with 7, 10 with 11, 12 with 13, and 14 with 15.
Verify the specific configuration of the AN shelf being tested by
executing the following command: >os pcsShowCards. This will show
the active and standby pairs that can be tested using the steps of Procedure

For instance, Active and Standby will appear for LP Instance 0 across
card slots 0 and 1. An example output of the command is given below:


-------- ---------- --------------------- ---------------- -- --------
0 CPeD RunningAsActive OnLine 0 Active
1 CPeD RunningAsActive OnLine 0 Standby

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Procedure 4-30
Verify Logical Processor switchover functionality on the AN

Step Action

1 Determine the sparing services (sps) activity of all AN components. No

cards should show up as degraded.
(AN)>d sh ca/* sps

Shelf Card/* SpServ

| Card | osiAd| osiO| osiUs| osiAvai| osiProc| osiCntr| osiAlar| osiS| osiUn
| | min | per | age | l | | l | m | tby | knw
| 0 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | serv | false
| 1 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | hot | false
| 6 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | serv | false
| 7 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | hot | false
| 10 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | serv | false
| 11 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | hot | false
| 12 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | serv | false
| 13 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | hot | false
| 14 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | serv | false
| 15 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | hot | false

2 Verify that Logical Processor 0 can be successfully switched.

(AN)>Switch Lp/0

In the above example Card 0 is serving and Card 1 is hotStandby,

therefore the switch will cause Card 1 to become serving and Card 0 to
become hotStandby. Following the switchover you will be logged out of
the Aggregation Node, therefore you will have to log back in.

Note: Do not perform another switch over on LP0 until more than 10
minutes have passed.

3 Log back into the AN.

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Procedure 4-30
Verify Logical Processor switchover functionality on the AN (continued)

Step Action

4 Verify that the switchover completed successfully. No cards should show

up as degraded.
(AN)>d sh ca/* sps

Shelf Card/* SpServ

| Card | osiAd| osiO| osiUs| osiAvai| osiProc| osiCntr| osiAlar| osiS| osiUn
| | min | per | age | l | | l | m | tby | knw
| 0 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | hot | false
| 1 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | serv | false
| 6 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | serv | false
| 7 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | hot | false
| 10 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | serv | false
| 11 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | hot | false
| 12 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | serv | false
| 13 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | hot | false
| 14 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | serv | false
| 15 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | hot | false

5 Verify that Logical Processor 6 can be successfully switched.

(AN)>Switch Lp/6

In the example output of Step 4, Card 6 is serving and Card 7 is

hotStandby; therefore the switch will cause Card 7 to become serving and
Card 6 to become hotStandby. Following the switch, none should be

6 Verify that each Laps component Lp/10 and Lp/11 can be successfully
(AN)>Switch Lp/10

In the example output of Step 4, Card 10 is serving and Card 11 is

hotStandby; therefore the switch will cause Card 10 to become serving
and Card 11 to become hotStandby. Following the switch, none should be

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Procedure 4-30
Verify Logical Processor switchover functionality on the AN (continued)

Step Action

7 Verify that each Laps component Lp/12 and Lp/13 can be successfully
(AN)>Switch Lp/12

In the example output of Step 4, Card 12 is serving and Card 13 is

hotStandby; therefore the switch will cause Card 12 to become serving
and Card 13 to become hotStandby. Following the switch, none should be

8 Verify that each Laps component Lp/14 and Lp/15 can be successfully
(AN)>Switch Lp/14

In the example output of Step 4, Card 14 is serving and Card 15 is

hotStandby; therefore the switch will cause Card 14 to become serving
and Card 15 to become hotStandby. Following the switch, none should be

9 When switchover testing of each Logical Processor pair is complete, all

odd numbered cards should be providing service and even numbered
cards should be hot standby. Display the status of all cards. Verify no
cards are in a degraded state.
(AN)>d sh ca/* sps

Shelf Card/* SpServ

| Card | osiAd| osiO| osiUs| osiAvai| osiProc| osiCntr| osiAlar| osiS| osiUn
| | min | per | age | l | | l | m | tby | knw
| 0 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | hot | false
| 1 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | serv | false
| 6 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | hot | false
| 7 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | serv | false
| 10 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | hot | false
| 11 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | serv | false
| 12 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | hot | false
| 13 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | serv | false
| 14 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | hot | false
| 15 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | serv | false

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Procedure 4-30
Verify Logical Processor switchover functionality on the AN (continued)

Step Action

10 One by one, switch over each Logical Processor to bring the shelf back to
its original serving and hot standby configuration.
(AN)>Switch Lp/xx

where xx is the LP number to switch.

Note: Do not perform another switch over on LP0 until more than 10
minutes have passed.

11 Display the status of all cards and verify that no cards are in a degraded
(AN)>d sh ca/* sps

Shelf Card/* SpServ

| Card | osiAd| osiO| osiUs| osiAvai| osiProc| osiCntr| osiAlar| osiS| osiUn
| | min | per | age | l | | l | m | tby | knw
| 0 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | serv | false
| 1 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | hot | false
| 6 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | serv | false
| 7 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | hot | false
| 10 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | serv | false
| 11 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | hot | false
| 12 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | serv | false
| 13 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | hot | false
| 14 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | serv | false
| 15 | unlck | ena | activ| | | | | hot | false

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Check the overall health of the AN

Verify the overall health of the AN by performing Procedure 4-31.

If any of the components displayed are not enabled or if any have alarms,
contact the next level of support for assistance in investigating the cause and
correcting the problem.

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Procedure 4-31
Verify the overall health of the AN

Step Action

1 Display the status of the Logical Processors.

The output should show the following:
adminState = unlocked, operationalState = enabled,
availabilityStatus = [blank], alarmStatus = [blank]

(AN)>display Lp/* osistate

| PP300_15K Lp/0
1|adminState unlocked
2|operationalState enabled
3|usageState active
8|standbyStatus providingService
9|unknownStatus false

2 Check the cpu utilization of the logical processors.

(AN)>display Lp/* cpuutil

| Lp/0 Lp/2 Lp/3
1|cpuUtil 3 % 2 % 2 %

If any values exceed 50%, check again after 2 minutes. If a value is

consistently higher than 50%, contact the next level of support for advice
and troubleshooting.

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Procedure 4-31
Verify the overall health of the AN (continued)

Step Action

3 Display the status of the Sonet ports.

The output should show the following:
adminState = unlocked, operationalState = enabled,
availabilityStatus = [blank], alarmStatus = [blank]

(AN)>display Lp/* sonet/* osistate

| PP300_15K Lp/8
| Sonet/0-15
1|adminState unlocked
2|operationalState enabled
3|usageState active
8|standbyStatus notSet
9|unknownStatus false

4 Display the status of the service interfaces.The output should show the
operationalState=enabled, if the Lp component is up and running.
(AN)>display AtmIf/* osistate

| PP300_15K AtmIf/800-801 PP300_15K AtmIf/802
1|adminState unlocked unlocked
2|operationalState enabled enabled
3|usageState active active
8|standbyStatus notSet notSet
9|unknownStatus false false

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Procedure 4-31
Verify the overall health of the AN (continued)

Step Action

5 Verify that all AN processors are in an un-degraded state and all

processors are be enabled.
(AN)>d sh ca/* sps

| PP300_15K Shelf PP300_15K Shelf
| Card/0 SpServ Card/1 SpServ
1|adminState unlocked unlocked
2|operationalState enabled enabled
3|usageState active active
8|standbyStatus providingService hotStandby
9|unknownStatus false false

The osiStby values of serving and hotstandby for each Lp will vary. The
above are examples only.

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Procedure 4-31
Verify the overall health of the AN (continued)

Step Action

6 Display the ATMIF components.

Repeat the command as necessary to verify the following:
the txCell and rxCell components are increasing
the rxCellDiscard, droppedRxCells, and txCellDiscard components
are not increasing.
(AN)>d atmif/*

| PP300_15K AtmIf/802
1|adminState unlocked
2|operationalState enabled
3|usageState active
27|rxCellDiscard 0 [not increasing]
32|droppedRxCells 5521 [not increasing]
72|txCell 1619375[increasing]
73|txCellClp 296
74|txCellDiscard 3 [not increasing]
75|txLinkUtilization 0 %
76|rxCell 1956669[increasing]
77|rxCellClp 0
78|rxLinkUtilization 0 %

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Roll back 4
Procedure 4-32 may be performed if the software upgrade or patch
application on an AN or MGW fails. Always contact the next level of support
first, for specific instructions and directions and a decision on whether a roll
back to the previous provisioning view is the best course of action.

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Performing a rollback will result in a shelf reset and loss of service.
Contact the next level of support before performing a rollback, for
consultation on whether a rollback is the best course of action and for
assistance with specific instructions and directions.

Procedure 4-32
Rollback proceduresheet 1 of 2

Step Action

1 Contact the next level of support for advice on whether a roll back to the
previous provisioning view is the best course of action, and for specific
instructions and directions regarding the roll back procedure.

2 Enter the provisioning mode.

(MGW)>start prov

3 Reload the view that was saved before the software upgrade or patch
application started.
(MGW)PROV>load -f(filename_of_saved_view) prov

4 Check the provisioning.

(MGW)PROV>check prov

5 Activate the provisioning.

(MGW)PROV>act prov

6 Confirm the provisioning.

(MGW)PROV>conf prov

7 Save the current provisioning view. Check with local office policy
regarding file naming conventions. Follow the existing convention. An
example file name, AN_PCR611_rollback, is given in the example
command below.
(AN)PROV>save -f(AN_PCR611_rollback) -ascii -portable pr

8 Commit the provisioning.

(MGW)PROV>commit prov

sheet 1 of 2

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Procedure 4-32
Rollback proceduresheet 2 of 2

Step Action

9 End the provisioning.

(MGW)PROV>end prov

10 Run the Health Checks to verify the operation of the MGW or AN node.

sheet 2 of 2

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Media Gateway general maintenance 5

The MGW is responsible for communicating its state, and the state of the
TDM resources under its control, to the MSC Server by means of H.248
messaging. In the Nortel solution, each VGS maintains its own individual
maintenance state and communicates with the MSC Server over its own Mc
interface. Thus, references to MGW in this section are generic, and properly
refer to the VGS application on the VSP4e card.

The maintenance responsibilities of the MGW include:

Perform the initial registration procedure (upon startup and recovery) to
establish a control association with the MSC Server and negotiate the
H.248 version.
Communicate the state of its carriers
Support the MSC Servers Audit capabilities
Handle Mc communication link failure and recovery
Handle MSC Server failure and recovery
Support the Mc interface heartbeat mechanism

The ServiceChange and AuditValue commands defined by the H.248

specification constitute the subset of messages that are referred to in this
document as Media Gateway maintenance messages. These commands are
used by the H.248 Call Independent Procedures defined in the 3GPP TS
29.232 specification. These procedures are used to manage transactions
between the MSC Server and MGW that are not related to call set-up.

Media Gateway maintenance procedures 5

The following sections describe the Media Gateways Maintenance
requirements and how these requirements are fulfilled by means of the H.248
Call Independent Procedures.

Note: When sending and receiving ServiceChange messages that affect

the ROOT termination, the BICN MGW always uses the NULL context
ID. This is not consistent with the procedures defined in 3GPP TS
specification, some of which use a context ID of ALL when the ROOT

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5-2 Media Gateway general maintenance
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termination is specified. The H.248 specification is not clear on which

context ID is to be used when the ROOT termination is specified in a

Initial registration with MSC server

MGW register
The MGW Register procedure is initiated by the MGW toward its
provisioned MSC Server to begin the establishment of a control association
or to indicate some change in the properties of an existing control association
(i.e. MGW address change). When this command is received with Cold
specified for the service change reason, the MSC Server may assume that no
contexts are active on the MGW regardless of whether or not a previous
control association existed between the two. If the MSC Server is willing to
accept the registration, it responds to the MGW at the address and port from
which the registration message was received indicating whether or not it can
support the specified version. The MID (message ID) specified in the
registration message is used by the MSC Server to verify the validity of the
registering MGW. The MID used must be provisioned on the MSC Server.

The warm ServiceChange reason may only be used when a control

association is already in existence. When warm is specified for the service
change reason, the MSC Server may assume that all context and termination
states have remained unchanged, but the MSC Server must respond to a
potentially new protocol version or MGW address/port. The address
parameter is not used in a cold ServiceChange.

Once the MSC Server has responded, both the MSC Server and the MGW
consider one another In-Service. The arrival of a response at the MGW
completes the negotiation of the control association between the given MGW
and MSC Server or the alteration of an existing control association. This
association is only broken by one of the following procedures:
MGW Out-of-Service
MSC Server Ordered Re-register (not supported)
MSC Server Out-of-Service

In its response message the MSC Server may specify a value for the service
change address parameter indicating to the MGW that it wants to receive all
future control messages at the specified address and port. The message id
(MID) used by the MSC Server in this response is recorded by the MGW and
used to verify future control messages. Any future message that does not use
this MID is not processed. The error reply 402, Unauthorized, is sent to
the MSC Server in this case.

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MGW failure and recovery maintenance procedures

The MGW supports several maintenance procedures involving
communication link failures and both MGW and MSC Server failure/
recovery scenarios. These procedures are defined in the following sections.

MGW out-of-service
The MGW Out-Of-Service procedure is initiated by the MGW toward the
MSC Server with which it has a control association. This procedure is used by
the MGW to indicate that it will no longer be able to provide service to the
given MSC Server. This may occur because new provisioning on the MGW
did not include the current MSC Server in the list of MSC Servers that can
control this MGW or perhaps the entire Media Gateway was de-provisioned.

Upon receipt of this command, the MSC Server tears down all calls that were
established through this MGW. It is not necessary for the MSC Server to send
any subtract commands to the MGW. The MGW destroys all existing
contexts without any further messaging from the MSC Server. Once the MSC
Server has responded to this command, the control association between the
two is ended.

MGW communication up
The MGW Communication Up procedure is initiated by the MGW toward its
controlling MSC Server when a communication loss is detected by the MGW.
The MGW detects a communication loss with its controlling MSC Server
through the Inactivity Timer Package. Once communication loss is
determined, the MGW begins sending the MGW Communication Up
command to the MSC Server. The command is resent until a response is

When the MSC Server receives this command, it must respond. Once the
MSC Server has responded to this command, the control association is
continued as before, and the MGW and MSC Server continue operations as
before the communication loss. The MGW maintains the state of all Contexts
and Terminations as they were before the communication loss.

Receipt of this command indicates to the MSC Server that it previously

maintained a control association with the given MGW. Depending on the
state of the MSC Server, it may choose to audit the MGW (if the
communication loss was caused by a physical connectivity failure) to
determine the state of all terminations or to destroy all contexts will a
Subtract All command (if the communication loss was caused by a sudden
hardware failure at the MSC Server).

MSC server restoration

The MSC Server initiates this procedure toward any of the MGWs with
which it maintains a control association. Upon receipt of this command the
MGW takes the following actions depending on the service change reason

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used in the command. If Cold is specified, the MGW will delete all
contexts. If warm is specified, the MGW will maintain the state of all
contexts and terminations as they were before receiving the command. The
MGW responds to the command, and the control association is never broken
by this procedure.

MSC server out-of-service

The MSC Server initiates this procedure toward any of the MGWs with
which it maintains a control association. Upon receipt of this command the
MGW destroys all contexts and ends the control association with the given
MSC Server upon sending a reply. Once the control association is ended, the
MGW begins the MGW Registration procedure with its primary MSC Server
(as provisioned). In the case of the MGW in NSS18/MG18, only one MSC
Server is supported; so, the MGW immediately begins trying to register with
the same MSC that previously controlled it after the MSC Server Out-of-
Service procedure is completed. It will remain in the
MGW Registration procedure until the MSC Server responds.

Carrier maintenance
In existing GSM networks, all carriers and their states are owned by the MSC.
When individual carriers are taken out of service (either through an
automatically detected fault or manually by a maintenance system), the
carrier state on the MSC is updated accordingly, and the corresponding trunk
members become CFL. When the carrier is returned to the service, the carrier
state on the MSC is updated to INSV and the CFL state is cleared on the
corresponding trunk members as well.

In the BICN architecture, the MGW has ownership of the TDM carriers.
Aspects of maintenance of these carriers is now shared by the MSC and the
MGW. Changes in the carrier status are detected by the MGW and reported to
the MSC by means of the H.248 ServiceChange messages as described in the
following paragraphs.

Termination out-of-service
The Termination Out-of-Service procedure is initiated by the MGW toward
the MSC Server with which it maintains a control association when a
termination is no longer available to be in a context due to termination failure
or a customer provisioning change. Upon receipt, the MSC Server sends a
response and takes the appropriate actions. If the specified termination(s) is in
the NULL context, the MSC Server shall refrain from adding the specified
terminations to any new contexts. If the termination is currently in a non
NULL context, the MSC Server should tear down the associated call and
immediately send the appropriate subtract command(s) to the MGW. The
state of the specified terminations shall be considered OutOfService.

If an entire TDM Span fails (Carrier Failure from the perspective of the
MSC Server), two ServiceChange commands whose termination ID is

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wildcarded from the carrier down are sent to the MSC. One of these messages
specifies the NULL context ID and the other specifies the wildcarded ALL
context ID. This will indicate carrier failure to the MSC, which will mark the
carrier as Failed and all its members as OutOfService.

Note: Failure of an ATM or Vsp4e TDM Physical span could result in the
MGW sending a flood of messages to the MSC Server. In the GSM BICN
MGW planned configuration, each ATM and Vsp4e TDM Physical span
is 1 for 1 spared, and a double failure is considered to be highly
improbable. However, if a Vsp4e TDM Physical span does fail and is
either not spared or equipment failure occurs on the spared span
simultaneously, the MGW initiates the Termination Out-Of-Service
procedure for each of its carriers that are provisioned on this span. For an
ATM FP failure under similar conditions, the MGW generates either a
Notify message to the MGC (specifically a nt/netfail notification or g/
cause notification). Note that the MGC is responsible for configuring the
MGW to generate the Notify upon ATM failures. If the MGW is not
configured as such, the default behavior is to generate a Service Change.

Termination restoration
The Termination Restoration procedure is initiated by the MGW towards the
MSC Server with which it maintains a control association when a termination
that was previously unavailable becomes available for addition to a context.
The MSC Server shall regard the state of the specified termination(s) as In-
Service, and may consider these terminations eligible for addition to non-
Null contexts.

If an entire TDM Span returns to service, two ServiceChange commands

whose termination ID is wildcarded from the carrier down are sent to the
MSC. One of these messages specifies the NULL context ID and the other
specifies the wildcarded ALL context ID. This indicates carrier restoration
to the MSC, which marks the carrier as Active and all its members as In-

ATM card restoration does not result in any ServiceChange commands being
generated by the MGW.

The MSC Server employs Audits to check the sanity of call data and state of
trunks and carriers. The MGW supports the following audits:
MGW Carrier Audit check the states of trunk members of a given
carrier that are currently in non-Null contexts
H.248 Context Audit - synchronizes active context data between the
MSC Server and the MGW

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Audit values
The Audit Values procedure is used in support of the Carrier and Context
Audits. The MSC Server toward any MGW with which it maintains a control
relationship initiates this procedure. Upon receipt of this command, the
MGW responds with Package/Property Names and Values realized by the
Terminations as requested.

For the Carrier Audit, the Audit Request contains a list of TDM Carriers with
wildcarded trunk members. Note that to fully audit a carrier, two Audit Requests
are needed: 1 for active trunks (those in a call) and 1 for idle trunks (those in
the Null Context) The MGW reports, in the AuditValue reply message, the
status for all terminations requested by the MSC Server. This audit is triggered
by the MSC Server upon the following conditions:
Periodic: This audit is run automatically every fifteen minutes.
MGW node state change on the MSC: Every time communication with a
MGW is restored, this audit is run for that
Provisioning: During trunk provisioning, when certain number of trunk
members are provisioned, this audit is run for those trunk members. For
further information regarding provisioning, refer to NTP 411-2231-331,
Media Gateway Provisioning Guide.

For the Context Audit, the Audit Request will contain a list of Context Ids to
be audited. The MGW returns an Audit Reply with all the terminations
associated to the requested contexts. This audit is triggered by the MSC
Server upon re-establishment of the communication link after a failure, and is
triggered periodically (every 15 minutes).

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The MSC Server may also Audit the MGWs ROOT component. If the
ROOT termination is specified in this command, the MGW behaves as
indicated in Table 5-1.
Table 5-1
MGW behavior, if the ROOT termination is specified

Specified Context Behavior

ALL Reply with all existing context IDs except NULL. The reply is of the

form, regardless of which descriptors are requested:



Context=3{AuditValue=ROOT}, etc

NULL Reply with MGW root properties.

Inactivity timer package

In support of the Heartbeat messaging with the MSC Server, the MGW
supports the Inactivity Timer Package described in H.248 annex H.248.14.
This package allows the MGW to detect the failure of its MSC Server (or
failure of the communication link) by detecting message inactivity.

The MSC Server initializes this timer by sending a Modify command to the
ROOT termination of the MGW with which it has established a control
association. This command specifies a value for the maximum inactivity time
attribute of the Inactivity Time-out Event specified by the Inactivity Timer
Package. This event only has to be requested once for a given control
association. It does not have to be re-requested after a timeout occurs.

The MGW then monitors message activity from the MSC Server. If it
receives no message from the MSC Server over a period of time greater than
the maximum inactivity time, it sends a Notify command to the MSC Server.
If no response is received, it initiates the MGW Communication Up

Maintenance flow 5
MGW maintenance flow diagrams
There are critical maintenance call flows that have been identified. These call
flows represent the Call Independent H.248 Procedures that are supported
by the GSM BICN MGW and the Inactivity Timer Package.

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3GPP 29.232 call independent H.248 transactions

Most of the message flows for the supported maintenance procedures are
simple. Because of this, each procedure is not described in a separate flow
diagram. Figure 5-1 shows the call flow for the MGW Register procedure.

Each of the procedures supported by the MGW have nearly identical call
flows. The only difference is the values of the various attributes of the Service
Change Descriptor that are used.

Figure 5-1
Basic maintenance flow

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Table 5-2
Maintenance procedures initiated by the MGW

Procedure MGW Request MSC Server Reply

MGW Register ServiceChange.req ServiceChange.resp

( (
context = NULL, context = NULL,
term = ROOT, term = ROOT,
reason = cold|warm (901|902), [address = addr/port,]
method = restart, version = ver(maybe lower)
timestamp = current, )
version = ver

MGW Out-of- ServiceChange.req ServiceChange.resp

Service ( (
context = NULL, context = NULL,
term = ROOT, term = ROOT
reason = MGW Impending (908), )
method = forced

MGW ServiceChange.req ServiceChange.resp

Communication ( (
context = ALL, context = NULL,
term = NULL, term = ROOT
reason = Srvc Restored (900), )
method = disconnected,
timestamp = current

Termination ServiceChange.req ServiceChange.resp

Out-of-Service ( (
context = specific|ALL, context = specific|ALL,
term = termination(s), term = termination(s)
reason = )
Trans. failure (907)|
Term. Malf. (904)|
Loss Low Conn. (906)|
Term. Taken Out (905),
method = forced

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Table 5-2
Maintenance procedures initiated by the MGW

Procedure MGW Request MSC Server Reply

Termination ServiceChange.req ServiceChange.resp

Restoration ( (
context = specific|ALL, context = specific|ALL,
term = termination(s), term = termination(s)
reason = Serv Restored (900), )
method = restart,

MSC ServiceChange.req ServiceChange.resp

ServerRestoration ( (
context = NULL, context = NULL,
term = ROOT, term = ROOT
reason = cold|warm (901|902), )
method = restart

MSC Server Out-Of- ServiceChange.req ServiceChange.resp

Service ( (
context = NULL, context = NULL,
term = ROOT, term = ROOT
reason = MSC Server Impending )
method = forced

Audit Values AuditValue.req AuditValue.resp

( (
context = specific|NULL|ALL, context =
term = specific|NULL|ALL,
termination(s)| term =
ROOT|ALL, termination(s)|
auditDescriptor = request ROOT|ALL,
) auditDescriptor =

Inactivity timer
The Inactivity Timer Package is supported by the MGW. Figure 5-2 provides
a call flow diagram to indicate how the inactivity timer is set up.

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Figure 5-2
Inactivity timer flows

The MSC Server first sends a Modify command to the Root termination of
the MGW, requesting notification for the Inactivity Timer event and
indicating the maximum inactivity time value.

Second, the MGW responds to the modify command and begins to time
periods of message inactivity. If the MGW does not receive a message from
the MSC Server within the amount of time specified by the MGC, it sends a
Notify command to the MSC Server.

If it does not hear back from the MSC Server, it assumes that there has been a
communication link failure and begins to send Service Change commands to
the Root termination of the MSC Server with the service change method set
to disconnected. At this point, the MGW Communication Up procedure
is in effect.

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Media Gateway basic card

maintenance 6
This chapter presents information on how to remove a card with minimal traffic
disturbance or interruption on the Multiservice Switch (formerly known as
Passport) 15000 platform in the GSM BICN Media Gateway (MGW).
Procedures for performing the following tasks are included in this chapter:
describe the different types of redundancy
Lock and unlock a card
Use the switchover command
Remove a loadsharing card

The following documents provide additional information about this topic:

Nortel Technical Publication (NTP), NN10600-030, Multiservice Switch
7400/15000/20000 Overview
NTP NN10600-120, Multiservice Switch 15000/20000 Hardware
NTP NN10600-130, Multiservice Switch 15000/20000 Hardware
Installation, Maintenance, and Upgrades

Multiservice Switch board LEDs 0

These are the different light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that appear when a card
starts up.

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6-2 Media Gateway basic card maintenance
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Figure 6-1
Control and function processor LEDs

Status Indicator Description

No colour Card is unpow ered

Solid red Card is pow ered on and perform ing tests,

or after 30s, is faulty

Slow pulsing Card is w aiting for to load its softw are


Fast pulsing Card is loading its softw are


Slow pulsing Card is loaded but not activated


Fast pulsing Card is operational and spare


Solid green Card is active and in full service

Solid am ber Card is not faulty, but cannot operate (does

not fit the configuration)

Redundancy and Availability 6

Types of redundancy
Table 6-1 presents the types of redundancy for the MGW cards.

There are three types of redundancy:

Hot Standby: The Stand-by FP is loaded with the same provisioning
information as the Active FP. It also receives information from the Active
FP on the state of current processes and stored information in a process
known as journaling. If there is a failure of the Active FP, the Stand-by
assumes the Active FP role and begins processing information. Because it
has copies of the active information of the failed FP, there is minimal loss
of service and minimal impacts to the network.
Warm Standby: The Stand-by FP is loaded with the same software and
provisioning information as the Active FP. It does not receive journaling
information from the Active FP. If the Active FP fails, the Stand-by FP
assumes the Active FP role and begins processing new transactions.
Cold Standby: The Stand-by FP is loaded with the same provisioning
information as the Active FP after reboot. It does not receive information
from the Active FP on the state of current processes and stored
information. If there is a failure of the Active FP, the Stand-by is booted
and assumes the Active FP role and begins processing information.
Because it does not have copies of the active information of the failed FP,
any dynamic information is lost, which may result in the need to re-start
any in progress information that depends on the application that was

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running on the failed FP, (for example, Mobiles attached to the network,
message queries waiting a response, and so on).

Table 6-1
Functional Processor (FP) Redundancy Summary

Function Processor Redundancy Type Standby Special


CP3 1:1 Warm 1+1 Line Protection

4p OC-3/STM-1 ATM 1:1 Hot with APS 1+1 Line Protection

4p OC-3/STM-1 TDM 1:1 Hot with APS 1+1 Line Protection

16p OC-3/STM-1 ATM 1:1 Hot with APS Ethernet Hot Switch-

2pGPDsk 1:1 Hot Sparing Panel

(NTHR37AB) required

12p DS3 ATM 1:1 Hot Equipment Sparing

Support. No Line
Sparing supported.

Vsp4e N+M Over-


Each shelf will be equipped with two CP3 cards. The CP3 cards run in a 1:1
warm spare mode.

The 2pGpDsk FP supports 1:1 Equipment Protection with Ethernet hot
switchover capabilities. Ethernet hot switchover provides an uninterrupted
Ethernet connection by automatically switching over to a hot standby
Ethernet port on a spare 2pGpDsk FP when the system detects a carrier
failure on a port on the active FP.

The switchover time will be under 2.5 seconds. All data traffic on the
Ethernet port will be lost during the switchover.

4-port OC-3e/STM-1 ATM FP

Each 4-port OC-3e/STM-1 ATM FP is configured as 1:1 Equipment
Protection with 1+1 Line Protection via Automatic Protection Switching
(APS). In the case of a line failure, the APS will switch to the spare FPs port,

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while the Active FP continues to process the traffic. In the case of an FP

failure, both the port and FP will switch over to the Spare FP. In the case of
an upgrade, there is an immediate switchover form the Active to Spare FP.
The switchover is specified to occur in less than or equal to 50 ms.

16-port OC-3/STM-1 ATM FP

Each 16-port OC-3/STM-1 ATM FP is configured as 1:1 Equipment
Protection with 1+1 Line Protection via Automatic Protection Switching
(APS). In the case of a line failure, the APS will switch to the spare FPs port,
while the Active FP continues to process the traffic. In the case of an FP
failure, both the port and FP will switch over to the Spare FP. In the case of
an upgrade, there is an immediate switchover form the Active to Spare FP.
The switchover is specified to occur in less than or equal to 50 ms.

4-port OC-3/STM-1 TDM FP

The 4-port OC-3/STM-1 TDM FP is configured as 1:1 Equipment Protection
with 1+1 Line Protection via Automatic Protection Switching (APS). In the
case of a line failure, the APS will switch to the spare FPs port, while the
Active FP continues to process the traffic. In the case of an FP failure, both
the port and FP will switch over to the Spare FP. In the case of an upgrade,
there is an immediate switchover form the Active to Spare FP. The
switchover is specified to occur in less than or equal to 50 ms.

12-port DS3 ATM FP

The 12-port DS3 ATM FP supports 1:1 Equipment Protection for all 12 ports.
This requires both the active and spare 12pDS3 to be connected to a Sparing
Panel (NTHR37AB) mounted in the MSS frame. (One Sparing Panel per pair
of 12pDS3 FPs.) When an equipment fault occurs, all 12 ports/lines are
switched from the active 12pDS3 FP to the spare 12pDS3 FP. The switchover
is specified to occur in less than or equal to 100 ms. The following illustration
depicts the Sparing Panel.

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Figure 6-2
12p DS3 Sparing Panel

Vsp4e FPs are provisioned as N+M spared (M=1 for the cost-optimized
configurations). Traffic from the Access Network should be divided between
at least 2 Vsp4e FPs located on different shelves to allow for availability
during network upgrades or failures. When Vsp4e serving the same access
node are spread across multiple shelves (with traffic load-shared between the
shelves), each shelf can be upgraded independently of all other shelves.
While the total capacity of a MGW is reduced during a software upgrade, it
can continue to process new circuit calls and in-progress calls on the shelves

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not being upgraded are unaffected. Similarly for redundancy, while in-
progress calls fail on a shelf that has a failure, the MGW overall continues to
function normally with only reduced capacity. The Vsp4e also supports 2
spare DSPs, which may be activated upon failure of any of the 50 active

Where are the physical ports? 0

The physical ports are defined under the logical processors (LP). Multiservice
Switch software does not link to a processor card directly; it links to a logical
entity, the LP.

Each LP represents the software that delivers Multiservice Switch services or

capabilities. An LP also represents the ports and the channels of the processor
card. You can associate an LP with one or more processor cards.

When you associate an LP with more than one processor card, you have
processor card sparing. In a sparing configuration, one processor card is the
main and the other is the spare. Typically, the main processor card is active
and provides the services and capabilities of the LP. The spare card is in
standby mode, waiting to take over in case the main card fails. Since
applications are linked to the LP rather than the physical card, messages
addressed to the LP are still addressed correctly if the primary processor fails
and the standby is activated.

How to find the physical ports 0

The procedure and the commands associated are showed on the opposite

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Figure 6-3
Finding physical ports

The Logical Processor (lp)


Port/0 Port/1
Transmit (Tx)
Port 1-16
Receive (Rx)
Transmit (Tx)
Port 17-32 Receive (Rx)

Figure 6-4
Finding physical ports (Continued)
How to find the physical ports ?

What are the declared cards?

d sh ca/* cardtype

d sh ca/* configuredlp
Which LP for each card?
d sh ca/* currentlp

What are the configured physical ports?

l lp/x *

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How to remove a card 0

Removing a card with redundancy
An active card, with redundancy, can be removed from a shelf, as long as the
standby card is available and configured. For a CP, there is no impact on
profaned, provided that the second CP is installed, configured, cables to the
same IP router or hub, and in service as the inactive redundant mate.

A switchover of the faulty CP to its inactive mate is automatically done or can

be manually done.

Removing a card in loadsharing

To remove a card that is spared in hardware or software, it must be locked.
Locking an FP removes it from service. If there is an FP configured as a
redundant (spared or backed-up) mate and the mate is in service, then traffic
in progress is maintained. If the FP is not spared, traffic in progress on it is
dropped. When the switchover to a spared mate completes, or at least when
lockout completes, the status LED of the FP indicates solid red.

Using the Lock/Unlock commands

The lock and unlock commands are used to stop a component from providing
a service (lock) and to enable a component to resume providing a service
(unlock). In some instances, lock requires the -force option to take the
component out of service immediately; for example, lock -force sh ca/4.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Media Gateway basic card maintenance 6-9
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Figure 6-5
Removing a card

Using the switchover and lock commands

if if
if no Hardware if no Hardware
Hardware Redundancy Hardware Redundancy
Redundancy and Redundancy and
Physical Ports Physical Ports

Transfer the traffic to Forbid access Switchover lp/x OR Lock lp/x E1

the spare card to the card

Remove the card
Remove the hardware

Removing a redundant card 0

The CP currently running the node is the active CP. The other CP is the
standby CP. At any given time, either the main or the spare CP can be the
active CP. If the active CP fails, the standby card automatically takes over.
The change from the active to standby CP is called a switchover.

There are two standby modes for CP switchover: cold standby and hot
standby. In cold standby, all function processors (FP) must restart when the
CPs switch over. In hot standby, certain FPs continue running uninterrupted
when the CPs switch over.

Effects of a CP switchover
When a CP switchover occurs:
Network management sessions such as telnet, FTP, and FMIP, terminate,
dropping all connections to the active CP. A local network management
session on the standby CP does not terminate. However, it is suspended
until the CP becomes active.
Information stored in the edit view is lost unless it was saved on disk.
Some components that were in the locked state move to the unlocked
state. The fabricCard component remains locked if it was locked prior to
the switchover.

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6-10 Media Gateway basic card maintenance
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The operational attributes of CP-resident components revert to default

All Preside Multiservice Data Manager activities such as provisioning,
backup/restore, software download, and performance viewer sessions
If you have connected Preside Multiservice Data Manager through the
OAM Ethernet port of the CPs, connectivity is lost until the standby CP
becomes active.

Risk of service loss on Passport 15000
If the switchover on failure option is enabled, both
active and standby CP Ethernet ports are available, and
the standby CP Ethernet port has failed or been
disconnected, a switchover occurs. The switchover
activates the standby CP. If the switchover detects that
the Ethernet port of the standby CP has failed, the
switchover tries to switch back to the other CP. This can
can cause the shelf to reset. If the shelf resets, the switch
is out of service for approximately 30 seconds.

Figure 6-6
Removing a redundant card
Lab: Removing a card when 1+1 redundancy

No Is the No See the LED or

card active? d LP/x activecard

Yes Yes

No Is the spare No
Is the spare
card inserted? card inserted?
Insert a Insert a
spare card spare card
Yes Yes

Send the traffic on Switchover Lp/x

the other card

Remove the card Remove the card

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Media Gateway basic card maintenance 6-11
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Removing a loadsharing card 0

To remove a card that is spared in hardware or software, it must be locked
with the force option according to NN10600-050, Multiservice Switch 7400/
15000/20000 Commands Reference.

Locking an FP removes it from service. If there is an FP configured as a

redundant (spared or backed-up) mate and the mate is in service, then traffic
in progress is maintained. If the FP is not spared, traffic in progress on it is
dropped. When the switchover to a spared mate completes, or at least when
lockout completes, the status LED of the FP indicates solid red.

Figure 6-7
Removing a card when loadsharing
Lab: Removing a card when loadsharing

Find the ports List lp/x *

PORTS USED Lock the ports

Lock lp/x port1/n

Remove the card

Remove the card

Lock the logical processor
Lock lp/x

Remove the card
Remove the card

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

6-12 Media Gateway basic card maintenance
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411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

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Troubleshooting the Media Gateway 7

This chapter presents troubleshooting techniques and tools for the GSM BICN
Media Gateway (MGW). The following topics are presented:
Media Gateway Shelf Types
H.248 signaling transport problems
H.248 communication problems
MGW message overload
ATM bearer problems
TDM bearer problems
SS7, ISUP and MF backhaul problems
Glare problem
Tone Problem
Announcement Problems
Hardware Maintenance -- Control Processor card swap
Information to collect for Nortel Technical Support

For an overview of the MGW, please refer to the following Nortel technical
411-2231-014, GSM / UMTS R4 MSC Solution Overview
411-2231-330, GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway Operations and
Reference Guide
For information on troubleshooting the Multiservice Switch 15000 product
platform, refer to the following NTPs:
NN10600-520, Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000 Fault &
Performance Management: Troubleshooting
NN10600-715, Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000 ATM Fault and
Performance Management

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

7-2 Troubleshooting the Media Gateway
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Media Gateway Shelf Types 7

This section reviews the basic field deployment configuration of the Media
Gateway. The ATM packets in the network not only carry bearer traffic using
ATM AAL2 but also H.248 control signaling using AAL5. In addition, SS7
signaling and MF Trunks may backhauled through the ATM network using

There are three kinds of Passport shelves in the GSM BICN Media Gateway
Media Gateway shelf (MGW Shelf):
This shelf can be used either as a central MGW that co-resides in the same
region as the MSC and may have direct TDM links to the MSC, in which
case it is called a CFIWF, or as a remote MGW that connects to the MSC
through an AN, or directly without an AN (i.e. a two shelf configuration),
to the ATM network. This kind of shelf contains the Vsp cards.
Note: Note: in most instances in this document, the term MGW is
intended to imply a single VSP card.

Central AN:
The Aggregation Node that has direct IP connection to the HIOP of MSC.
Remote AN:
The Aggregation Node that connects to the MSC through other AN node
or ATM network.

Throughout this chapter, components are designated in italic font and the
attributes in bold font.

Figure 7-1 shows the logical view of inter-shelf communications for the
Media Gateway.

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Troubleshooting the Media Gateway 7-3
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Figure 7-1
MGW inter-shelf communication

MSC (switch + server)

Router Shelf
Shelf IP


(central) TDM


AN (remote) ATM

MGW (remote) ATM AN(remote)

ATM MGW(remote)

BSS MGW (remote)

MGW (remote) PSTN



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7-4 Troubleshooting the Media Gateway
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H.248 signaling transport problems 7

This section describes H.248 signaling transport problems between the MGW
and the MSC.

If the Dual Shelf is deployed in the remote region, a MGW can be connected
to the ATM network as shown in Figure 7-2. The user can directly ping the
MSC to verify the IP connectivity on each Shelf.

The H.248 control signaling from a remote MGW Shelf to a MSC is via an
ATM connection when an AN is present. See Fig. 3. In addition to the ping
approach in Figure 7-2, the approach in Figure 3 can be used as well.

After the figures, three procedures are provided for troubleshooting H.248
signalling transport problems:
IP link between a Stand Alone MGW Shelf and the MSC
IP link between a MGW Shelf and the connected Aggregation Node or
Other MGW Shelf
IP link between the MSC and the connected Central Aggregation Node
IP link between the MSC and the connected Remote Aggregation Node

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Troubleshooting the Media Gateway 7-5
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Figure 7-2
H.248 Control link between remote MGW Shelf and MSC

H.248 H.248 AAL5


loopback Ping

Remote MG Shelf


Central AN IP
C H.248 (SPVC)

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7-6 Troubleshooting the Media Gateway
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Figure 7-3
H.248 Control link between remote MGW Shelf and MSC

H.248 AAL5
Vr (SPVC) Remote AN

SPM ping


Remote MG Shelf


Central AN IP
C H.248 (SPVC)

IP link between a Stand Alone MGW Shelf and the MSC

If the remote MGW is a stand alone Shelf, determine if a valid
communication link exists between this MGW and MSC by pinging HIOP.
Follow Procedure 7-1.

Procedure 7-1
Checking the IP link between a remote stand alone MGW shelf and the MSC

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Troubleshooting the Media Gateway 7-7
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1 Ping the IP address of HIOP (This is the orange line in Figure 7-2 above).

ping -ip( vr/3 ip icmp

Vr/3 Ip Icmp
IpPing: Rx reply of 64 bytes from icmpSeq=0, time=1ms

2 If ICMP packets are being received, then a valid communication link exists from the AN to the
HIOP. Skip the rest of these steps.
3 If the ping times out, the link from this Shelf bound toward the HIOP is not working. Find out the
corresponding AtmIf instance number and the ATM card slot and port number. The protocol port
instance name usually has embedded string network or H248.

l vr/* pp/*
Vr/0 Pp/OAM0
Vr/3 Pp/MG
Vr/3 Pp/MG1
Vr/3 Pp/Network

d -p Vr/3 Pp/Network linkToMedia

Vr/3 Pp/Network
linkToMedia = AtmMpe/1401

d -p -no AtmMpe/1401 ac/*

AtmMpe/1401 Ac/1
atmConnection = AtmIf/83 Vcc/0.7000 Nep
ipCos =0
ipDscp = connectionClass
mplsSignaling = shared
linkToIpLogicalInterface =

d -p AtmIf/1401 interfaceName
interfaceName = Lp/14 Sonet/0 Sts/1

The nailed-up ATM connection is used between the AtmMpe, AtmIf/ Vcc/ and the external ATM
network Soft Pvc origination point on the network OC3 card.
4 Check the osiState of AtmMpe Ac/. The adminState should be unlocked and the opState
should be enabled.

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7-8 Troubleshooting the Media Gateway
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d AtmMpe/1401 ac/1 osistate

AtmMpe/1401 Ac/1
adminState = unlocked
operationalState = enabled
usageState = active

5 Verify the AtmIf component is enabled. If disabled, check the physical connection (fiber link)
between the Shelf and the ATM network. Make sure all cables are connected correctly.

d atmif/1401 osistate
adminState = unlocked
operationalState = enabled
usageState = active
availabilityStatus =
proceduralStatus =
controlStatus =
alarmStatus =
standbyStatus = notSet
unknownStatus = false
ok 2003-05-21 11:54:30.74

6 Repeat the above procedure as needed on the MGW shelf itself and in the direction of the
MGW, by replacing the HIOP address with that of the particular MGW card that is to be pinged.
This is the case of the blue line in Figure 7-2 and Figure 7-3 above.

IP link between a MGW Shelf and the connected Aggregation Node or

Other MGW Shelf
Determine if a valid IP link exists between the AN and each media gateway
by pinging each media gateway from the AN.

Procedure 7-2
Checking the IP link between the AN and each MGW
1 Find out the IP address of the media gateway when logged into that Passport shelf.
d -p nsta/* vgs ctrl/mg ipaddress

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Troubleshooting the Media Gateway 7-9
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2 Login to the connected AN node, find out the Virtual Router instance number that is connected
to the MGW under investigation.
l vr/* pp/* ipport

l vr/* pp/* ipport

Vr/0 Pp/OAM0 IpPort
Vr/3 Pp/2 IpPort
Vr/3 Pp/H248 IpPort
Vr/3 Pp/Network IpPort

Usually the instance number is 3 and protocolPort has the name with embedded H248 string.
3 Ping the IP address of the media gateway when login to the connected AN node
ping -ip(xx.xx.xx.xx) vr/y ip icmp

where xx.xx.xx.xx = the IP address of the media gateway,

y = the instance number of the virtual router.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

7-10 Troubleshooting the Media Gateway
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ping -ip( vr/3 ip icmp

Vr/3 Ip Icmp
IpPing: Rx reply of 64 bytes from icmpSeq=0, time=1ms

4 If ICMP packets are being received, then a valid IP link exists from the AN to the MG. Skip the
rest of the steps.
5 If the ping times out, the link from the AN to the MG is not working. Find out the correct AtmIf
instance number and the ATM card slot and port number.

d -p Vr/3 Pp/H248
Vr/3 Pp/H248
snmpAdminStatus = up
linkToMedia = AtmMpe/902
accountingControl = sameAsProtocol

d -p -no atmmpe/902 ac/* atmConnection

AtmMpe/902 Ac/1
atmConnection = AtmIf/90 Vcc/0.102 Nep
AtmMpe/902 Ac/2
atmConnection = AtmIf/90 Vcc/0.103 Nep
AtmMpe/902 Ac/3
atmConnection = AtmIf/90 Vcc/0.104 Nep

d -p AtmIf/90 interfaceName
interfaceName = Lp/9 Sonet/0 Sts/0

6 In this case, the AtmIf instance number is 90 and the ATM port number is at slot 9 with port
number 0.
a. Verify the AtmIf component on both AN and the MGW are enabled. If disabled, check the
physical connection (fiber link) between the AN and the MGW. Make sure all cables are
connected correctly, as shown in Figure 7-4 below.

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Troubleshooting the Media Gateway 7-11
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d atmif/90 osistate
adminState = unlocked
operationalState = enabled
usageState = active
availabilityStatus =
proceduralStatus =
controlStatus =
alarmStatus =
standbyStatus = notSet
unknownStatus = false
ok 2003-05-21 11:54:30.74

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7-12 Troubleshooting the Media Gateway
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Figure 7-4Physical cable from AN or Dual Standalone MGW Shelf to MGW

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Troubleshooting the Media Gateway 7-13
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

b. Verify the Vcc component on the AN is provisioned correctly (there is a single Vcc from the
AN to each MGW Shelf that carries H248 traffic from the AN Vr to each MGW Shelf Vr via
ATM) and is in a correct osiState.

d AtmIf/90 Vcc/0.102 osistate

AtmIf/90 Vcc/0.102
adminState = unlocked
operationalState = enabled
usageState = busy

c. On the MGW, verify the matching Vcc as per the command above.

IP link between the MSC and the connected Central Aggregation Node
If the MG under investigation is a central media gateway, determine if a valid
communication link exists between the central AN and MSC by pinging
HIOP from the AN.

Procedure 7-3
Checking the IP link between the MSC and the connected central AN
1 Ping the IP address of HIOP when login to the AN node
ping -ip(xx.xx.xx.xx) vr/y ip icmp

where where xx.xx.xx.xx = the IP address of the HIOP of MSC,

y = the instance of the virtual router being used for this communication.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

7-14 Troubleshooting the Media Gateway
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ping -ip( vr/3 ip icmp

Vr/3 Ip Icmp
IpPing: Rx reply of 64 bytes from icmpSeq=0, time=1ms

2 If ICMP packets are being received, then a valid communication link exists from the AN to the
HIOP. Skip the rest of the steps.
3 If the ping times out, the link from the AN to the HIOP is not working. Check the Vr/, be sure
there is a protocol port connected to the MSC and it is enabled.

d -no vr/3 pp/*

Vr/3 Pp/AN
snmpOperStatus = up
adminState = unlocked
operationalState = enabled
usageState = active
ifIndex = 33
Vr/3 Pp/MSC
snmpOperStatus = up
adminState = unlocked
operationalState = enabled
usageState = active
ifIndex =3

d -p -no Vr/3 Pp/MSC ipport logicalif/*

Vr/3 Pp/MSC IpPort LogicalIf/
netMask =
broadcastAddress =
linkDestinationAddress =
linkToMediaConnection =

4 Check if the protocol port is linked to the correct media, and this media is connected to the right
Ethernet card.

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Troubleshooting the Media Gateway 7-15
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d -p Vr/3 Pp/MSC linktomedia

Vr/3 Pp/MSC
linkToMedia = La/140

d -p La/140
customerIdentifier = 0
linkToProtocolPort = Vr/3 Pp/MSC
ifAdminStatus = up
ifIndex =1

d La/140
adminState = unlocked
operationalState = enabled
usageState = busy
snmpOperStatus = up

d -p La/140 Framer
La/140 Framer
interfaceName = Lp/14 Eth100/0

d Lp/14 Eth100/0 osistate

Lp/14 Eth100/0
adminState = unlocked
operationalState = enabled
usageState = busy

IP link between the MSC and the connected Remote Aggregation Node
If the MGW under investigation is a remote media gateway, determine if a
valid communication link exists between the remote AN and MSC by pinging
HIOP from the AN.

Procedure 7-4
Checking the IP link between the MSC and the connected remote AN

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7-16 Troubleshooting the Media Gateway
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1 Ping the IP address of HIOP when login to the AN node.

ping -ip(xx.xx.xx.xx) vr/y ip icmp

where where xx.xx.xx.xx = the IP address of the HIOP of MSC,

y = the instance of the virtual router being used for this communication

ping -ip( vr/3 ip icmp

Vr/3 Ip Icmp
IpPing: Rx reply of 64 bytes from icmpSeq=0, time=1ms

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Troubleshooting the Media Gateway 7-17
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2 If ICMP packets are being received, then a valid communication link exists from this AN to the
HIOP. Skip the rest of the steps.
3 If the ping times out, the link from the remote AN to the HIOP is not working. Find out the
corresponding AtmIf instance number and the ATM card slot and port number. The protocol port
instance name usually has embedded string H248 or Network.

l vr/* pp/*
Vr/0 Pp/OAM0
Vr/3 Pp/2
Vr/3 Pp/Network
Vr/3 Pp/H248

d -p Vr/3 Pp/ATM linkToMedia

Vr/3 Pp/H248
linkToMedia = AtmMpe/1401

d -p -no AtmMpe/1401 ac/*

AtmMpe/1401 Ac/1
atmConnection = AtmIf/83 Vcc/0.7000 Nep
ipCos =0
ipDscp = connectionClass
mplsSignaling = shared
linkToIpLogicalInterface =

d -p AtmIf/1401 interfaceName
interfaceName = Lp/14 Sonet/0 Sts/1

In this case, the AtmIf instance number is 1401 and the ATM port number is at slot 14 with port
number 0.
4 Check the osiState of AtmMpe Ac/. The adminState should be unlocked and the opState
should be enabled.

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7-18 Troubleshooting the Media Gateway
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d AtmMpe/1401 ac/1 osiState

AtmMpe/1401 Ac/1
adminState = unlocked
operationalState = enabled
usageState = active

5 Verify the AtmIf component on the AN is enabled. If disabled, check the physical connection
(fiber link) between the AN and the ATM network. Make sure all cables are connected correctly.

d atmif/1401 osistate
adminState = unlocked
operationalState = enabled
usageState = active
availabilityStatus =
proceduralStatus =
controlStatus =
alarmStatus =
standbyStatus = notSet
unknownStatus = false
ok 2003-05-21 11:54:30.74

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Troubleshooting the Media Gateway 7-19
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

H.248 communication problems 7

H.248 communication problems include the following:
MGW registration failure
Breakdown of communication with the MSC after the MGW registers

MGW registration failure

If transport layers are working and there is no problem on the MSC, but the
MGW still cannot register with the MSC, check the OM counters on MgcIf/

d -p nsta/x vgs mgcif/primary totalRegistrationFailures

where x = VSP card number.

d nsta/4 vgs mgcif/primary totalRegistrationFailures

Nsta/4 Vgs MgcIf/primary
totalRegistrationFailures = 150214

Do it several times and if this number keeps increasing, that means MGW is
keep trying but failed to register.

Check the provisioning on the MGW.

Procedure 7-5
Checking the provisioning on the MGW
1 Determine if the MgcIf is provisioned correctly
d -p nsta/x vgs mgcif/y initialMgcAddress

where where x = VSP card number and y = MGC interface name.

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7-20 Troubleshooting the Media Gateway
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a. Verify that the initialMgcAddress is the IP address of HIOP.

d -p nsta/4 vgs mgcif/primary initialMgcAddress

Nsta/4 Vgs MgcIf/primary
initialMgcAddress =

2 Verify that the initialMgcPort is the port number of HIOP that is used to communicate with this
MGW. This number should be set to 2945 for binary H.248, a well-known UDP port between
MGWs and the MSC.

d -p nsta/4 vgs mgcif/primary initialMgcPort

Nsta/4 Vgs MgcIf/primary
initialMgcPort = 2945

If everything is correct, go to next step. Otherwise modify the provisioning.

3 Determine if the H248/0 component is provisioned correctly.
4 Verify that the mgMid is set to the same value as that on the MSC.

d -p nsta/4 vgs h248/0 mgmid

Nsta/4 Vgs H248/0
mgMid = EM_DALLAS1_3

This mgMid has to match the value that is configured in MID field of table GWINV on the MSC.
The Protocol field of table GWINV must be set to H248.

5 Determine if the Ctrl/Mg component is provisioned correctly.

a. Verify that a valid UdpPort component is created and linked to the correct application.

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Troubleshooting the Media Gateway 7-21
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d -p -no nsta/4 vgs ctrl/mg udpport/*

Nsta/4 Vgs Ctrl/mediaGateway UdpPort/2945
linkToApplication = Nsta/4 Vgs H248/0
differentiatedServiceField = 46

The UdpPort instance number 2945 must match the TRANS field of table GWINV on the MSC.
b. Verify that the IP address of the Ctrl/Mg is the same value as that displayed in the field
CMIPHOST 0 or 1 of CMIPADDR table on the MSC.

d -p nsta/4 vgs ctrl/mg ipaddress

Nsta/4 Vgs Ctrl/mediaGateway
ipAddress =

Breakdown of communication with the MSC after the MGW registers

It is possible that after the MGW registered with the MSC successfully,
something changed and the MGW is not able to communicate with the MSC
anymore. In this case, display the operational parameter on MgcIf/primary.
The totalRegistrationFailures should not increase any more. The
messagesTransmitted increases and messagesReceived is unchanged
because the MGW keeps sending notification messages to the MSC but never
receives a reply back. The Control Link Failure alarm should be generated.
The availabilityStatus should be set to degraded and usageState should be
set to busy. Go back to H.248 signaling transport problemsand determine
where is the broken link.

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7-22 Troubleshooting the Media Gateway
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d nsta/4 vgs mgcif/primary

Nsta/4 Vgs MgcIf/primary
controlLinkFailures = 0
totalRegistrationAttempts = 151599
totalRegistrationFailures = 151598
messagesTransmitted = 454796
octetsTransmitted = 79035816
messagesReceived =0
octetsReceived =0
errorsSent =0
decodingErrors =0
retransmissions = 303197
transactionsRejected = 0
adminState = unlocked
operationalState = enabled
usageState = busy
availabilityStatus = degraded
proceduralStatus =
controlStatus =
alarmStatus = major
standbyStatus = notSet
unknownStatus = false

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Troubleshooting the Media Gateway 7-23
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MGW message overload 7

The MGW may enter an overload state because it cannot process H.248
messages fast enough. In this state the existing calls are maintained, and new
calls are not establish until the overload condition clears. This can be
monitored on the MgcIf component by checking its usage state.

d nsta/5 vgs mgcif/primary usagestate

Nsta/5 Vgs MgcIf/Primary
usageState = busy

The busy usage state will change to active automatically when the MGW
processes enough messages in its queue and the depth of the queue is below
certain level.

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7-24 Troubleshooting the Media Gateway
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ATM bearer problems 7

The bearer traffic between MGWs is carried over ATM interface using PNNI
signaling switched virtual circuits (SVC) as in Figure 7-5 below.
Figure 7-5
Example of inter-regional ATM bearer connection

B Remote MG A
U 3


M Central MG AAL2 ATM
4 OC3

The above is an example of an inter-regional connection, but this example

applies to any ATM bearer connection between any two MGW Vsp cards.

Procedure 7-6
Checking on an ATM bearer problem

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Troubleshooting the Media Gateway 7-25
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

1 Check the AtmIf/ osiState.

d AtmIf/3 osistate
adminState = unlocked
operationalState = enabled
usageState = active
availabilityStatus =
proceduralStatus =
controlStatus =
alarmStatus =
standbyStatus = notSet
unknownStatus = false

2 Check the usage state of the AtmIf/ vcc/ to which the SpvcAp is connected. This should be

d AtmIf/3 vcc/1.3001 osistate

AtmIf/3 Vcc/1.3001
adminState = unlocked
operationalState = enabled
usageState = busy

3 If the AtmIf is enabled and the Vcc is not busy, or the operational attributes, such as rxCell/
rxCellDiscard are noticeably strange, it is not communicating properly with the AN or stand
alone shelf. In some cases even if Nsta/ Vgs AtmTCon/ SpvcAp components are connected on

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7-26 Troubleshooting the Media Gateway
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the local shelf, but the other side is not connected or provisioned, this will not be obvious. The
following Trace command could be used to check where the next connected ATM node is.

trace AtmIf/3 Vcc/1.3011

AtmIf/2 Vcc/1.3011
Link Side results:
EM/PP188_15K AtmIf/2 Vcc/1.3011

This means the AtmIf/2 Vcc/1.3011 is linked to the AN/Stand Alone shelf PP188_15K. Be aware
that the Trace command can display link information only if the attribute
oamSegmentBoundary in AtmIf/3 is set to No.

d -p AtmIf/3 oamSegmentBoundary
oamSegmentBoundary = no

4 Check the PVC provisioning in AN/Stand Alone shelf.

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Troubleshooting the Media Gateway 7-27
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trace AtmIf/2 Vcc/1.3011

AtmIf/2 Vcc/1.3011
Switch Side results:
AtmIf/4 Vcc/1.3011

d -p AtmIf/4 Vcc/1.3011 Nrp

AtmIf/4 Vcc/1.3011 Nrp
nextHop = AtmIf/2 Vcc/1.3011 Nrp
oamSegmentBoundary = sameAsInterface
bandwidthElastic = no
overrideHoldingPriority = noOverride

d AtmIf/4 Vcc/1.3011 osistate

AtmIf/4 Vcc/1.3011
adminState = unlocked
operationalState = enabled
usageState = busy

Use the Trace command to verify the ATM segment is unbroken and ensure the operational
state of the segment end-points are enabled.
Checking ATM bearer connections
If there is a problem in ATM bear channels when a call is originated or
terminated from/to this MGW under investigation, check the following.

Procedure 7-7
Checking ATM bearer connections

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7-28 Troubleshooting the Media Gateway
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1 Display the operational status of Aal2Svc component

d Nsta/6 Vgs Aal2Svc

Nsta/6 Vgs Aal2Svc
activeOriginatedSvcs = 92
activeTerminatedSvcs = 0
originatedSvcs = 95
terminatedSvcs =0
activeSvcsDeleted = 0
neverUsedSvcsDeleted = 0
svcsPending =0
emptySvcCount = 13
networkReleaseCount = 0
unavailableSvcCount = 0
narrowbandConnectionsRefused = 0
svcSetupTimeoutCount =0
overloadedSvcCount = 35
lastSvcSetupTimeoutNsap = ""

If the call is up, one of activeOriginatedSvcs or activeTerminatedSvcs should not be 0.

2 Check if the dynamic component Tconn has been created.

l Nsta/6 Vgs Aal2Svc TConn/*

Nsta/6 Vgs Aal2Svc TConn/560
Nsta/6 Vgs Aal2Svc TConn/563
Nsta/6 Vgs Aal2Svc TConn/564
Nsta/6 Vgs Aal2Svc TConn/566

3 Display the dynamic component Tconn

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d Nsta/6 Vgs Aal2Svc TConn/560

Nsta/6 Vgs Aal2Svc TConn/560
remoteAddress = 471391111111111111111800010020480d506000
vcci = 8027
type = originated
activeConnections = 4
aal2CpLossStatus = noLoss
aal2StartFieldErrors = 0

In the above example, the SVC call is originated from this MGW. The remoteAddress
must be a valid MGW gatewayAtmAddress within the reach of the connected ATM network.
4 Display the dynamic component AtmCon

d Nsta/6 Vgs Aal2Svc TConn/560 AtmCon

Nsta/6 Vgs Aal2Svc TConn/560 AtmCon
nextHop = AtmIf/20 Vcc/0.108 Ep
state = connected

In the above example, the AtmIf/20 must be provisioned to a valid ATM port with PNNI
5 Display the receive cell and transmit cell of AtmIf/20 Vcc/0.108 and they should keep increasing
while the call is up.

d atmif/20 vcc/0.108 txcell

AtmIf/20 Vcc/0.108
txCell = 2616866

d atmif/20 vcc/0.108 rxcell

AtmIf/20 Vcc/0.108
rxCell = 2510819

TDM bearer problems 7

TDM bearer connections on the MGW are terminated directly on the Vsp

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7-30 Troubleshooting the Media Gateway
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card via Sonet TDM trunking. In this sense the physical multiplexing and
framing hierarchy are much the same as in the MG17 release except that no
AAL1 fabric connection is required to transport the TDM data from a
separate card to the Vsp. The Vsp now has Sonet ports for direct TDM
connection to PSTN or BSS equipment as in Figure 7-6 below.

Figure 7-6
Example of TDM Bearer connection

B Remote MG A


M Central MG AAL2 ATM
4 OC3

TDM Trunk Failure

Procedure 7-8
Checking a TDM trunk failure

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1 Check the alarmStatus of the connected DS1. If it is not empty, there is some problem with
physical connection.

d Laps/4 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,1 DS1 alarmStatus

Laps/4 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,1 DS1
alarmStatus =

2 Check the alarm status of the DS1 and insure the following values.

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7-32 Troubleshooting the Media Gateway
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p Laps/4 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,1 DS1

Laps/4 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,1 DS1 Chan/1
snmpOperStatus up
adminState unlocked
operationalState enabled
usageState busy
standbyStatus notSet
unknownStatus false
rxAisAlarm off
lofAlarm off
rxRaiAlarm off
txAisAlarm off
txRaiAlarm off
runningTime 18562
errorFreeSec 18562
erroredSec 0
sevErroredSec 0
sevErroredFrmSec 0
unavailSec 0
crcErrors 0
frmErrors 0
slipErrors 0

3 If any of these values are not as shown above check the far end physical connection and
provisioning for the DS1 to insure they match.

SS7, ISUP and MF backhaul problems 7

Note that this is an optional method of backhauling SS7 and MF trunks that
may not be in use at a particular site.

This section provides the following troubleshooting procedures:

SS7/ISUP/MF Connection between a remote region and the MSC
SS7/ISUP/MF Connection between a central region and the MSC

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The SS7 signaling from a remote BSS A interface is transported to the MSC
in the network as shown in Figure 7-7. The SS7 signaling is carried in one of
TDM bearer trunk and converted to an AAL1 trunk except it is not terminated
on VSP. This signaling channel is directly connected to an ATM end point
using SVC. No static ATM trunks have to be provisioned within the ATM
network. Eventually, the ATM packets are converted back to TDM stream on
a central MGW and terminated on MSC. Once the Aal1Ces/ AccessEndPoint
and its peer Aal1Ces PassiveEndPoint are provisioned, the SVC trunk
between two endpoints is established. The ISUP signaling is similar to SS7
but the access network is coming from PSTN instead of BSS. The MF Trunk
uses similar transportation mechanism except it requires all the 24 channels
on the entire DS1 span.

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7-34 Troubleshooting the Media Gateway
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Figure 7-7
SS7signaling backhaul connection: remote BSS to MSC

B Remote MG A
M 4pOC3ChSmlr 4pOC3ATM


M Central MG A

4pOC3ChSmlr 4pOC3ATM

The SS7 signaling from the central BSS A interface is transported to the MSC
in Figure 10. The SS7 signaling is carried in one of TDM bearer channel and
converted to an AAL1 trunk except it is not terminated on VSP. This AAL1
trunk is directly connected to an ATM end point using SVC. Eventually, the
ATM packets are converted back to TDM stream terminated on MSC. The
ISUP signaling is similar to SS7 but the access network is coming from PSTN
instead of BSS. The MF Trunk uses similar transportation mechanism except
it requires all the 24 channels on the entire DS1 span.

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Figure 7-8
SS7signaling backhaul connection: central region BSS to MSC


M 4pOC3ChSmlr 4pOC3ChSmlr
U Aal1Ces Aep Pep Aal1Ces

Central MGW

SS7/ISUP/MF Connection between a remote region and the MSC

If there are problems with SS7/ISUP/MF backhaul connection on the MGW,
between a remote region and the MSC, check Procedure 7-9.

Procedure 7-9
Checking the SS7/ISUP/MF connection between a remote region and the MSC

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7-36 Troubleshooting the Media Gateway
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1 Verify the Aal1Ces provisioning. This component should link to the SS7/ISUP/MF TDM channel
at one end. And at the other end, it links with an ATM VCC trunk dynamically.

l aal1ces/* Aep
Aal1Ces/161 Aep

d -p Aal1Ces/161 interfacename
interfaceName = Lp/4 Sonet/0 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,1 DS1 Chan/1

d -p Aal1Ces/161 Aep
Aal1Ces/161 Aep
expectedRemoteAddress = ""
localAddress = 471391111111111111111250010020480D100230
activeEndPointType = svc
addressToCall = 471391111111111111111260010020480D110230
calledVpiVci = 0.1
routingOption = atmOnly
profile =
firstRetryInterval = 10 seconds
retryLimit =0

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2 If the MGW under investigation is a remote MGW, the addressToCall has to match the
localAddress of Aal1Ces/ Pep in a central MGW for SS7 signaling channel. Go to the central
MGW and find out the matched localAddress.

d -p no Aal1Ces/* Pep localAddress

Aal1Ces/10012 Pep
localAddress = 471391111111111111111260010020480D110230

3 Check the Aep SVC status and it should be connected.

d Aal1Ces/161 aep svcStatus

Aal1Ces/161 Aep
svcStatus = connected

4 Verify the Aal1Ces OSI state.

d Aal1Ces/161 osiState
adminState = unlocked
operationalState = enabled
usageState = busy
availabilityStatus =
proceduralStatus =
controlStatus =
alarmStatus =
standbyStatus = notSet
unknownStatus = false

5 Check the dynamically generated AtmCon component and trace it to the connected Multiservice
Switch shelf. The Trace command can be used to follow the link between remote MGW to the
central MGW.

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7-38 Troubleshooting the Media Gateway
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d Aal1Ces/161 AtmCon
Aal1Ces/161 AtmCon
nextHop = AtmIf/80 Vcc/0.845 Ep

trace AtmIf/161 Vcc/0.845

Link Side results:
EM/PP290_15K AtmIf/80 Vcc/0.845

6 Verify the TDM signaling channel OSI state. If the operationalState is disabled, check all the
parent component OSI states. If one of the operationalState is disabled, check the
4pOC3ChSmlr card cable connection.

d Lp/4 Sonet/0 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,1 DS1 Chan/1 osistate

Lp/4 Sonet/0 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,1 DS1 Chan/1
adminState = unlocked
operationalState = enabled
usageState = busy
availabilityStatus =
proceduralStatus =
controlStatus =
alarmStatus =
standbyStatus = notSet
unknownStatus = false

7 Check the alarmStatus of the connected DS1. If it is not empty, there is some problem with
physical connection or setting on Chan component.

d Lp/4 Sonet/0 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,1 DS1 alarmStatus

Lp/4 Sonet/0 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,1 DS1
alarmStatus =

8 Check the provisioning on Chan component. The timeslots attribute should be set to 24 and the
applicationFramerName should be linked to correct Aal1Ces.

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Troubleshooting the Media Gateway 7-39
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d -p Lp/4 Sonet/0 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,1 DS1 Chan/1

Lp/4 Sonet/0 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,1 DS1 Chan/1
timeslots = 24
timeslotDataRate = doNotOverride
applicationFramerName = Aal1Ces/161
customerIdentifier = 0
vendor = ""
commentText = ""
ifAdminStatus = up
ifIndex = 73

SS7/ISUP/MF Connection between a central region and the MSC

If there are problems with the SS7/ISUP/MF backhaul connection on the MGW,
between a central region and the MSC, check Procedure 7-10.

Procedure 7-10
SS7/ISUP/MF backhaul connection problem between a central region and the MSC

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7-40 Troubleshooting the Media Gateway
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1 Verify the Aal1Ces provisioning. This component should link to the SS7/ISUP/MF TDM channel
at one end. And at the other end, it links with another Aa11Ces end point on the same shelf that
is connected to the MSC.

l aal1ces/* Aep
Aal1Ces/11014 Aep

d -p Aal1Ces/11014 interfacename
interfaceName = Laps/10111 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,4 DS1 Chan/0

d -p Aal1Ces/11014 aep
Aal1Ces/11014 Aep
expectedRemoteAddress = ""
localAddress = 470000000000000000000002890020480D551014
activeEndPointType = svc
addressToCall = 470000000000000000000002890020480D550012
calledVpiVci = 0.1
routingOption = atmOnly
profile =
firstRetryInterval = 10 seconds
retryLimit =0

2 The addressToCall has to match the localAddress of Aal1Ces/ Pep in the same shelf.

d -p -no Aal1ces/* Pep localAddress

Aal1Ces/10011 Pep
localAddress = 470000000000000000000002890020480D550011
Aal1Ces/10012 Pep
localAddress = 470000000000000000000002890020480D550012

3 Check the Aep svcStatus and it should be connected.

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d Aal1Ces/11014 aep svcStatus

Aal1Ces/11014 Aep
svcStatus = connected

4 Verify the Aal1Ces OSI state.

d Aal1Ces/11014 osistate
adminState = unlocked
operationalState = enabled
usageState = busy
availabilityStatus =
proceduralStatus =
controlStatus =
alarmStatus =
standbyStatus = notSet
unknownStatus = false

5 Verify the TDM signaling channel OSI state. If the operationalState is disabled, check all the
parent component OSI states. If one of the operationalState is disabled, check the
4pOC3ChSmlr card cable connection.

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7-42 Troubleshooting the Media Gateway
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d Laps/10111 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,4 DS1 Chan/0

adminState = unlocked
operationalState = enabled
usageState = busy
availabilityStatus =
proceduralStatus =
controlStatus =
alarmStatus =
standbyStatus = notSet
unknownStatus = false

6 Check the alarmStatus of the connected DS1. If it is not empty, there is some problem with
physical connection or setting on Chan component.

d Laps/10111 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,4 DS1 alarmstatus

Laps/10111 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,4 DS1
alarmStatus =

7 Check the provisioning on Chan component. The timeslots attribute should be set to 24 and the
applicationFramerName should be linked to correct Aal1Ces.

d -p Laps/10111 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,4 DS1 Chan/0

Laps/10111 Sts/0 Vt1dot5/1,4 DS1 Chan/0
timeslots = 24
timeslotDataRate = doNotOverride
applicationFramerName = Aal1Ces/11014
customerIdentifier = 0
vendor = ""
commentText = ""
ifAdminStatus = up
ifIndex = 288

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Troubleshooting the Media Gateway 7-43
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Glare problem 7
Follow the steps in Procedure 7-11 to correct a GLARE problem.
Procedure 7-11
Correcting a GLARE problem

Step Action

1 As the ICOT option for the TST command at the "MAPCI;MTC;TRKS;TTP;Level C7TTP"
level of the XA-Core Maintenance Administration Position is not supported for Media
Gateway Based trunks, COT testing must be performed from the distant end non-R4 MSC or
LEC switching system.

2 To validate proper GLARE functionality for trunk groups connecting to LEC switching systems
the value of GLARETYP in Table TRKSGRP for the trunk group should be SGRPYLD and
GLAREYLD should be Y. The distant end, on the other hand should not yield to glare.

Tone Problem 7
If the tone does not sound as expected, perform the following check in
Procedure 7-12.

Procedure 7-12
Checking the tone set for a tone problem
Check if the tone set is provisioned with the correct country code. For example, in U.S. or
Canada, it should be canadaUsa.

d -p -no nsta/* vgs defaultToneset

Nsta/5 Vgs
defaultToneset = canadaUsa

Other tone related trouble shooting may be conducted on the MSC.

Announcement Problems 7
If there is an announcement problem, follow Procedure 7-13.

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7-44 Troubleshooting the Media Gateway
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Procedure 7-13
Checking for announcement problems
1 Check the provisioning on localAnnouncement component on the VSP card.

d -p Nsta/4 Vgs LocalAnnouncements

Nsta/4 Vgs LocalAnnouncements
fileName = 322_1
defaultLanguage = eng

2 In this example, three files with 322_1 as a prefix should be found in the directory /user/PVG/

cd -p("user/PVG/announcements") fs
ok 2003-11-07 17:05:08.63

ls fs
Type Prot Size Date Time Name
dir no 0 2003-05-28 11:24:06 .
dir no 0 2003-05-28 11:24:00 ..
file no 633964 2003-05-28 11:28:06 322_1.aud
file no 1091 2003-05-28 11:28:10
file no 174 2003-05-28 11:28:14 322_1.ind

3 Check the operational attributes of the LocalAnnouncement.

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Troubleshooting the Media Gateway 7-45
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d Nsta/4 Vgs LocalAnnouncements

Nsta/4 Vgs LocalAnnouncements
adminState = unlocked
operationalState = enabled
usageState = active
availabilityStatus =
proceduralStatus =
controlStatus =
alarmStatus =
standbyStatus = notSet
unknownStatus = false
currentFileName = 322_1
fileTransferStatus = complete
unknownNameRequests = 0
blockedRequests = 0
announcementResourceInUse = 0 %
peakAnnouncementResourceUsed = 0 %

The operationalState should be enabled and usageState should be active. The

fileTransferStatus must be complete. Otherwise it means there is some error during
transferring file from CP to the VSP card. If blockedRequest or unknownNameRequests is
not zero, go to the MSC to do further debugging.

Hardware Maintenance -- Control Processor card swap 7

In some cases, it may be desired to switch between the active and standby CP
cards for maintenance reasons. For example, a CP card may have a hardware
problem and may need to be pulled out for repair. In a two CP card MGW
shelf, one active and another standby, the correct way to do this is in the steps
below provided the standby CP is hot and the sparing in ARtg SpServ is set to

Procedure 7-14
Switching between active and standby CP cards

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7-46 Troubleshooting the Media Gateway
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1 Determine the active card.

d lp/0 activecard
activeCard = Shelf Card/1

2 If the processor card to be removed is the active CP, transfer the traffic to the standby CP.

switchover lp/0

3 Verify the standby CP disk is synchronized with the active CP:

d fs syncStatus
syncStatus = synchronized

4 Remove the standby CP card per Nortel technical publication NN10600-175 Nortel Multiservice
Switch 7400 Hardware Installation, Maintenance, and Upgrades.
Never remove an active CP from the shelf without going through the proper procedure; failure to
do so may result in a shelf crash. Follow the instructions given in the Nortel publication cited

Information to collect for Nortel Technical Support 7

Before contacting Nortel Technical Support, it is useful to collect the
following information to help expedite the problem solving process. See
Table 7-1 below.

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Troubleshooting the Media Gateway 7-47
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Table 7-1
Helpful information to collect

Problem type Command Result

H.248 problems d -notab nsta/* vgs mgcif/* Displays operational attributes for
each MgcIf component

H.248 problems d -notab nsta/* vgs h248/* Display operational attributes for
each h248 component

H.248 problems d -notab nsta/* vgs ctrl/mg Displays operational attributes for
each Ctrl/Mg component

H.248 problems d -notab nsta/* vgs ctrl/mg udpport/* Display the UdpPort number for
each MGW

H.248 problems d nsta/* vgs ctrl/mg VrAp Display the operational attributes of

H.248 problems d -p nsta/* vgs ctrl/mg VrAp Display the provisioned attributes
of VrAp

H.248 problems d -p -notab nsta/* vgs ctrl/mg Display the IP address provisioned
for each MGW

SVC connection d nsta/* vgs aal2svc Display the operational attributes of

problems aal2svc component

SVC connection d -p -notab nsta/x vgs aal2svc prof/* Display the provisioned attributes
problems of Prof component for the VSP
card x

SVC connection d -notab nsta/x vgs aal2svc tconn/* Display the operational attributes of
problems tconn for the VSP card x if tconn

TDM bearer d laps/x Display the operational attributes of

connection Tag component for the VSP card x.

TDM bearer d p laps/x Display the provisioned attributes

connection of Tag component for the VSP card
problems x.

TDM bearer d laps/x Sts/y vt1dot5/l.m DS1 Display the operational attributes of
connection DS1 component for the VSP card
problems x, sts/y and vt1dot5/l m.

sheet 1 of 2

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Table 7-1
Helpful information to collect (continued)

Problem type Command Result

TDM bearer d p laps/x Sts/y vt1dot5/l.m DS1 Display the provisioned attributes
connection of DS1 component for the VSP
problems card x, sts/y and vt1dot5/l,m.

TDM bearer d p laps/x Sts/y vt1dot5/l.m DS1 Chan/n Display the provisioned attributes
connection of DS1 component for the VSP
problems card x, sts/y vt1dot5/l,m and Chan/

TDM bearer d nsta/x vgs tag/y Display the operational attributes of

connection Tag component for the VSP card x
problems and the tag number y. The instance
y to use can be determined from
the value of the
applicatoinframername attribute in
the previous command.

TDM bearer d -p nsta/x vgs tag/y Display the provisioned attributes

connection of Tag component for the VSP card
problems x and the tag number y.

TDM bearer d -p nsta/x vgs tag/y taguser Display the provisioned attributes
connection of TagUser component for the VSP
problems card x and the tag number y.

TDM bearer d -p nsta/x vgs voiceprofile/y Display the provisioned attributes

connection of VoiceProfile component for the
problems VSP card x and the voiceprofile
number y. The instance y to use
should be determined from the
provisioned attribute in the
previous command above.

TDM bearer d p nsta/x vgs tdmprofile/y Display the provisioned attributes

connection of TdmProfile component for the
problems VSP card x and the tdmprofile
number y. The instance y to use
should be determined from the
provisioned attribute in the
previous command above.

sheet 2 of 2

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Appendix A: Preside APS Fault

Cartridge User Guide A
This document describes the fault management information provided by the
Audio Provisioning Server (APS) Fault Cartridge device driver for use with
the following Nortel application: Preside Network Services Platform.

Audience for this appendix

This document is for persons who install, manage, and configure the
following Nortel software: Preside IDI.

Technical support and information

When you purchase a device integration cartridge, Nortel supplies you with a
telephone number for technical support. If you do not know this number,
access the following web page to find the support number for the region in
which you are located:

APS Device Information

This section contains the following topics:
Platforms supported by the cartridge
Additional Configuration
Icons used in Preside MDM and CEM
Application launching
Translation of traps into alarm codes for Preside MDM
APS Device Model
Trap registration

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

A-2 Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Platforms supported by the cartridge

For information about the versions of APS devices and platforms with which
this cartridge is compatible, refer to the Device Integration Cartridge
Compatibility Matrix:
go to URL
select Support -> Software Downloads
select Preside
select Software under the following product: Preside for Wireless Device
Integration Cartridges

Additional configuration
You can find all of the configuration required for this cartridge in Preside,
Generic Device Integration Cartridge Installation and Administration Guide,
241-6003-100. There are no additional configuration tasks for this cartridge.
The dcdAddNode utility is used for discovering the device in the network.
The IP Discovery tool is not supported.

ICONs used in Preside MDM and CEM

The icons used to represent APS devices in Preside MDM, and on CEM, are as follows:

Icon used in Preside Icon used on CEM

MDM Network Viewer

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide A-3
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Application launching.
Launch point Reachthrough command Element management system

Preside MDM Start Tool->Configuration->Telnet

to APS

Preside MDM Start Tool->Configuration-

>Launch APS Web Client

Preside NSP Login to NE

Preside NSP Launch APS Application

Note 1: In MDM, the telnet functionality is obtained by using a Xterm window. Xterm must
be present and accessible from the default path

Note 2: The APS Web Client is launched using Netscape. Netscape must be present and

Translation of traps into alarm codes for Preside MDM

For the translation of traps produced by APS devices into Preside MDM alarms, see Table A-1.
Table A-1
Traps and corresponding Preside MDM alarm codes
Trap name Corresponding Preside MDM alarm code

Cold Start C0000000

nortelNMIwarningAlarmNotification There are currently no APS alarm traps with a

severity of warning

nortelNMIminorAlarmNotification There are currently no APS alarm traps with a

severity of minor

nortelNMImajorAlarmNotification There are currently no APS alarm traps with a

severity of major

nortelNMIcriticalAlarmNotification C1860001, C1860002, C1860003,C1860004

nortelNMIclearAlarmNotification C1860001, C1860002, C1860003, C1860004

norUasLogNotification C186xxxx (the xxxx is the APS log id after it has

been converted to hex)

Default C1869999

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A-4 Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide
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APS device model

The components of a device are organized into a device model that represents the relationships between
the different components within the device itself. The device model is a tree hierarchy with the device as
the root component. For the APS device tree hierarchy, see Table A-2. For an explanation of each field, see
Table A-3:
Table A-2
Explanation of items in device model table
Attribute Description

Component Identifier the name of the component as it appears in component identifier. The
component identifier is indented to indicate its level in the device model

Criticality An indication of how important the alarm is. The value is from 1 to 4,
where.4 represents the highest level of importance.

Cardinality If known, this is the number of instances possible. The number can be
exact, a range, or an approximation. For example: 1,4, 1-7, 1...n, or ~20.
If the number of instances cannot be determined, this field in the table
is blank.

Instance Naming Possible naming schemes are a set of known names or an arbitrary text
string. Information is only included in this field if the Cardinality field is
blank, or if the value requires explanation.

Discovered An x (x) indicates that software can discover the component. (That is,
there is a discovery class). If this field is blank, software cannot discover
the component.

Polled An x (x) indicates that software polls the component for state change
information. It this field is blank the software does not poll the

Component Description A brief description of the component.

Table A-3
Device component model for APS
Component identifier Cardinality Criticality Discovery Poll

Instance naming


APS 1 4 x


Audio Provisioning Server

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Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide A-5
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Table A-3
Device component model for APS
Component identifier Cardinality Criticality Discovery Poll

Instance naming


OBJECT 0...n 3

APS/<sysName> OBJECT/<managed object>

The APS managed objects. Where <managed object>

is the software component being managed
(Config_Manager_0, Audio_Management_0,
File_Transfer_Mgr_0, Database_Server_0, or

sheet 2 of 2

Trap registration
The dcdAddNode action script is used to register for traps. Use of the IP Discovery tool is also supported.

The syntax for dcdAddNode action script usage is as follows:

dcdAddNode <devType> <devName> <addr> <community> <port> <devTypeNum>
For an APS node:
devType is APS
devName is the hostname of the APS
addr is the IP address of the APS
community is public
port is 5161
devTypeNumber is 186
Example of dcdAddNode action script usage:
/opt/MagellanNMS/bin/dcdAddNode APS apssysname public 5161 186

To use the IP Discovery tool, use Procedure A-1 and Procedure A-2 given on the following pages.

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A-6 Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide
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Procedure A-1
Add Network Settings for APS

Step Action

1 From the IP Discovery GUI, click on Network Settings.

2 Edit Add row

IP Address: enter *.*.*.*

Read Community: public (default)

Read Write Community: private (default)

Port: change from 161 to 5161

Device type: select idi_aps

SNMP Version: select SNMPv2c

3 Do a save.
Do you want to save? yes

Procedure A-2
Enroll APS from Device Discovery

Step Action

1 From IP Discovery GUI, click on Device.

2 Select Discover. Enter IP Address.

3 Select idi_aps from Discover As window.

4 Click on Start.
Status I Succeeded

5 Click on Close.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide A-7
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

APS Alarm Reference

Some traps produced by APS devices traps are generic to all devices, not just APS devices. This chapter
only contains information about alarms produced by traps that are specific to APS devices. For information
about alarms generated from generic traps see NTP 241-6001-502, Preside MDM Device Alarms
Reference Guide.
This chapter contains the following topics:
Syntax of alarm information used in this chapter
Alarm codes and descriptions
The APS generates both alarm traps and log traps. Alarm traps have a corresponding clear trap that clears
the alarm. Log traps do not have a corresponding clear event and must be manually cleared or cleared by

Syntax of alarm information

Alarm information in this chapter is presented with seven fields as shown in the following example:
Fault code

Component Severity Status

The full component name any of any of
critical, major, message, set,
minor, warning, or clear
indeterminate or

Describes the possible values for anything in brackets in the component field.
Provides details on the cause of the alarm, and where applicable, the impacts the fault will have on
the system or on other components.
Also, provides the alarm aging period, if applicable. This applies only to set or message alarms that
are automatically cleared after a predefined amount of time has passed (the alarm aging period).
Remedial action
Gives the suggested operator action for correcting the failure (if possible).
Fault code field
Each alarm heading consists of an eight-character fault code identifying the alarm. The fault code consists
of four characters (identifying the device to MDM) a space and then four characters (identifying the
alarm). The fault code is the principal alarm identifier and provides the means by which you can find your
alarm quickly. Fault codes appear sequentially in this chapter for easy access.
Component field
The component field contains the name of the component needing repair or detecting the fault.
Severity field
Severity is always one of: indeterminate, critical, major, minor, warning, or cleared. These values and their
definitions correspond to those defined by OSI in ITU-T X.733.
Following are explanations of the different types of severity:
indeterminatethe system cannot determine the level of severity.
criticalrequires you to react immediately to the failure. Usually it implies that the resource is
completely disabled and that service is affected.

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A-8 Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide
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majorrequires that you take immediate corrective measures. The resource is severely disabled and
service is affected.
minorcorrective action should be taken to prevent a more serious fault. The resource is partially
disabled but service is not affected.
warningaction should be taken to diagnose and correct a problem. Some problem has been detected
but the resource is not disabled and service is not affected.
In some cases, more than one trap can raise an alarm against the same fault code. A common case is when
there is a set trap and a corresponding clear trap. In such cases, there is more than one entry for severity.
Status field
For every severity entry, there is a corresponding status entry. Possible status values are:
message indicates a condition in which you may be interested. Alarms whose status value is message
only appear in Preside MDM.
setindicates that a fault or failure has occurred and that an operator action may be required to correct
the problem.
clearindicates the condition has returned to normal. For example, the fault is repaired.
Legend field
The legend field describes the possible values for anything in brackets in the component field.
Details field
The details field explains what caused the alarm. For alarms that are automatically cleared after a preset
amount of time (alarm aging), the alarm aging period is provided.
Remedial action field
The action field contains information telling the operator what actions to take to correct the problem. Not
all alarm descriptions will have this field. The remedial action might include one of the following:
issuing an operator command
replacing hardware
waiting until the alarm clears itself (no action is required)
opening an service request (SR)
clearedall previous alarms on this component are cleared. Alarms that have a status of clear always
have a severity of cleared.

Alarm codes and descriptions

Using the alarm syntax described above, the APS alarms are presented below.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ critical set
CONFIG_MANAGER_0 cleared clear

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the Oracle DataBase is not available or the user cannot get a connection to the
DataBase. Maps to APS alarm id 26625.
Remedial action
Check the status of the APS Oracle DataBase. See the UAS SN06 Security and Administration
document for details on checking the APS Oracle DataBase. Contact your next line of support.

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Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide A-9
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ critical set
FILE_TRANSFER_MGR_0 cleared clear

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the Oracle DataBase is not available or the user cannot get a connection to the
DataBase. Maps to APS alarm id 43009.
Remedial action
Check the status of the APS Oracle DataBase. See the UAS SN06 Security and Administration
document for details on checking the APS Oracle DataBase. Contact your next line of support.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ critical set
AUDIO_MANAGEMENT_0 cleared clear

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the Oracle DataBase is not available or the user cannot get a connection to the
DataBase. Maps to APS alarm id 28673.
Remedial action
Check the status of the APS Oracle DataBase. See the UAS SN06 Security and Administration
document for details on checking the APS Oracle DataBase. Contact your next line of support.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ critical set
DATABASE_SERVER_0 cleared clear

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the primary APS is not in-service and redirection is required to the standby
APS. Note: This alarm appears in the APS documentation. However, it is not currently implemented.
Maps to APS alarm id 45057.
Remedial action
Not applicable.

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A-10 Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ <APS managed warning, minor, set
object> major, critical clear

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device. <APS managed object> identifies the APS
managed object / software component that the alarm was raised against.
This trap is sent when a alarm notification trap is received from the APS and the APS managed
object does not correspond to one of the following: CONFIG_MANAGER_0, FTP_MANAGER_0,
Remedial action
See the alarm text for any remedial action required. Contact your next line of support.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when a software exception is raised. See the alarm text for specific information.
Maps to APS log id 26625.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an SQL exception. See the alarm text for specific information. Maps
to APS log id 26626.
Remedial action
Not applicable.

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Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide A-11
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Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an error while accessing the Oracle DataBase. Maps to APS log id
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when a NULL value was encountered. Maps to APS log id 26628.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an error creating a user. Maps to APS log id 26629.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an error creating a directory. Maps to APS log id 26630.
Remedial action
Not applicable.

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A-12 Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide
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Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an error creating a node. Maps to APS log id 26631.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an error removing a node. Maps to APS log id 26632.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an error updating the host file. Maps to APS log id 26633.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the node is not enabled. Maps to APS log id 26634
Remedial action
Not applicable.

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Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide A-13
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Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an invalid program group. Maps to APS log id 26635.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an invalid segment id. Maps to APS log id 26636.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an invalid package id. Maps to APS log id 26637.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an invalid PE type. Maps to APS log id 26638
Remedial action
Not applicable.

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A-14 Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide
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Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an invalid selector type. Maps to APS log id 26639.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an invalid selector value. Maps to APS log id 26640.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an invalid provisionable set. Maps to APS log id 26641.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an invalid node id. Maps to APS log id 26642.
Remedial action
Not applicable.

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Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide A-15
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Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an invalid user id. Maps to APS log id 26643.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an invalid sys parm value. Maps to APS log id 26644.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an invalid entity. Maps to APS log id 26645.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an invalid old password entered for a user. Maps to APS log id 26646.
Remedial action
Not applicable.

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A-16 Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide
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Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the CallP selector value is not unique. Maps to APS log id 26647.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the program group is not unique. Maps to APS log id 26648.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the provision set is not unique. Maps to APS log id 26649.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the selector type display value is not unique. Maps to APS log id 26650.
Remedial action
Not applicable.

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Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide A-17
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the user has no access to the program group. Maps to APS log id 26651.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the selector type already exists. Maps to APS log id 26652.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the selector value already exists. Maps to APS log id 26653.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the association already exists. Maps to APS log id 26654.
Remedial action
Not applicable.

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A-18 Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide
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Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when an exit code is encountered while changing permissions. Maps to APS log id
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when an exit code is encountered while removing a node. Maps to APS log id 26656.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when an exit code is encountered while removing the user directory for a user. Maps
to APS log id 26657.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there are inconsistent array sizes. Maps to APS log id 26658.
Remedial action
Not applicable.

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Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide A-19
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Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ critical set
CONFIG_MANAGER_0 cleared clear

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the CallP value is not unique. Maps to APS log id 26659.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the selector value is not unique. Maps to APS log id 26660.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the selector type display value is not unique. Maps to APS log id 26661.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an invalid AE type. Maps to APS log id 26662.
Remedial action
Not applicable.

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A-20 Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide
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Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when a software exception is raised against the AUDIO_MANAGEMENT_0
software component. Maps to APS log id 28673.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an SQL exception. Maps to APS log id 28674.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an error while accessing the Oracle DataBase. Maps to APS log id
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when a user is beginning a session. Maps to APS log id 28676.
Remedial action
Not applicable.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide A-21
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Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when a user ends a session. Maps to APS log id 28677.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the user status is not active. Maps to APS log id 28678.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when a user is uploading files. Maps to APS log id 28679.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an error while reading from a file. Maps to APS log id 28680.
Remedial action
Not applicable.

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A-22 Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide
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Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an error while writing to a file. Maps to APS log id 28681.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an error deleting a file. Maps to APS log id 28682.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an invalid file or directory. Maps to APS log id 28683.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when a directory is created. Maps to APS log id 28684.
Remedial action
Not applicable.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide A-23
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when a new segment id is generated. Maps to APS log id 28685.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when a segment id is released. Maps to APS log id 28686.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when a new package id is generated. Maps to APS log id 28687.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when a package id is released. Maps to APS log id 28688.
Remedial action
Not applicable.

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A-24 Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide
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Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the max number of versions is reached for physical segment id. Maps to APS
log id 28689.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the max version number for physical segment id is exceeded. Maps to APS
log id 28690.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the max number of versions for package id is reached. Maps to APS log id
Remedial action
Not applicable.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide A-25
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the max version number for package id is exceeded. Maps to APS log id
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the max set depth is reached for set id. Maps to APS log id 28693.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the max sequence depth is reached for sequence id. Maps to APS log id 28694.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there are no segments in the DataBase. Maps to APS log id 28695.
Remedial action
Not applicable.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

A-26 Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an invalid segment id. Maps to APS log id 28696.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an invalid physical segment id. Maps to APS log id 28697.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an invalid package id. Maps to APS log id 28698.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an invalid PE type. Maps to APS log id 28699.
Remedial action
Not applicable.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide A-27
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an invalid program group. Maps to APS log id 28700.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an invalid selector type. Maps to APS log id 28701.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an invalid selector value. Maps to APS log id 28702.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when a zip archive is extracted. Maps to APS log id 28703.
Remedial action
Not applicable.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

A-28 Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an infinite loop in set id. Maps to APS log id 28704.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an infinite loop in sequence id. Maps to APS log id 28705.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the segment id is not unique. Maps to APS log id 28706.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the alias is not unique. Maps to APS log id 28707.
Remedial action
Not applicable.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide A-29
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the selector value is not unique. Maps to APS log id 28708.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when segment id and alias are not unique. Maps to APS log id 28709.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is no permission to set cache for user. Maps to APS log id 28710.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is no permission to change lock status for user. Maps to APS log id
Remedial action
Not applicable.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

A-30 Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when segment id cannot be added to locked package. Maps to APS log id 28712.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an invalid package format, and the segment id cannot be added to the
package. Maps to APS log id 28713.
Remedial action
Not applicable.

Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when a software exception is raised against the FILE_TRANSFER_MGR_0
software component. Maps to APS log id 43009.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when an SQL exception occurs. Maps to APS log id 43010.
Remedial action
Not applicable.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide A-31
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is a IO file error. Maps to APS log id 43011.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when a connection to host IP is established. Maps to APS log id 43012.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when a connection could not be established to host IP. Maps to APS log id 43013.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when unable to change to a directory. Maps to APS log id 43014.
Remedial action
Not applicable.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

A-32 Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when a file could not be transferred. Maps to APS log id 43015.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when a zip archive is extracted. Maps to APS log id 43016.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the APS is not primary. Maps to APS log id 45057.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the session timer has expired. Maps to APS log id 45058.
Remedial action
Not applicable.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide A-33
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when a software exception is raised against the DATABASE_SERVER_0 software
component. Maps to APS log id 45059.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an RMI exception. Maps to APS log id 45060.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an error while accessing the Oracle DataBase. Maps to APS log id
Remedial action
Check the status of the APS Oracle DataBase. See the UAS SN06 Security and Administration
document for details on checking the APS Oracle DataBase. See your next line of support.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

A-34 Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when there is an invalid OpCode. Maps to APS log id 45062.
Remedial action
Not applicable.

Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the langver.dat file was not able to be provisioned. Maps to APS log id 47105.
Remedial action
Refer to Trouble-shooting the APS provisioner section of the UAS SN06 Fault Management

Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ critical set

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when the provisioner experienced early termination. Maps to APS log id 47106.
This alarm is cleared by aging.
Remedial action
Refer to Trouble-shooting the APS provisioner section of the UAS SN06 Fault Management
document. Check the status of the APS Oracle DataBase. See the UAS SN06 Security and
Administration document for details on checking the APS Oracle DataBase. Contact your next line
of support.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide A-35
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when a specified node was not provisioned. Maps to APS log id 47107.
Remedial action
Refer to Trouble-shooting the APS provisioner section of the UAS SN06 Fault Management
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when a file cannot be accessed. Maps to APS log id 47135.
Remedial action
Not applicable.
Component Severity Status
APS/<device name> OBJECT/ warning message

<device name> identifies the name of the APS device.
This trap is sent when a segment was not able to be provisioned. Maps to APS log id 47203.
Remedial action
Refer to Trouble-shooting the APS provisioner section of the UAS SN06 Fault Management

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

A-36 Appendix A: Preside APS Fault Cartridge User Guide
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Appendix B: Manual adjustment for DST

on MGW nodes B
The nodes in the MGW may require a manual adjustment for Daylight
Savings Time (DST). This appendix refers the reader to the Multiservice
Switch (formerly known as Passport) NTP that contains a full discussion of
managing time configuration on a Multiservice Switch node. This appendix
also explains how to determine if the nodes are not synchronized to a server,
and gives two examples of making the manual adjustment when the nodes are
not synchronized.

Audience for this appendix

This document is for persons who install, manage, and configure MGW

Reference to Multiservice Switch documentation

For a full discussion of managing the time configuration on a Multiservice
Switch node, see NTP NN10600-550, Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
Common Configuration Procedures.

Determining if a manual adjustment is necessary

If the MGW nodes in the R4 BICN network connect to a server using the
Network Time Protocol, then adjustment for Daylight Savings Time occurs

To determine if a manual adjustment is necessary, invoke the following


>d time


moduleTime = 2003-04-17 02:58:40.60

offset = -480 minutes
syncStatus = unsynchronized

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

B-2 Appendix B: Manual adjustment for DST on MGW nodes
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

mainServer =
syncSources =
xntpVersion = 3

If syncStatus is set to unsynchronized, then a manual adjustment is


Example of manual adjustment for the beginning of DST

Here is an example of how to move the time forward on a MGW node.

Check the current time:

>d -o time

Note the offset. Add 60 to the offset and set the new time offset. If the current
offset is 300, then set the time offset to 360 as follows:

>Set time offset 360

Perform the above steps for each MGW node.

Example of manual adjustment for the end of DST

Here is an example of how to move the time backward on a MGW node.

Check the current time:

>d -o time

Note the offset. Subtract 60 from the offset and set the new time offset. If the
current offset is 300, then set the time offset to 240 as follows:

>Set time offset 240

Perform the above steps for each MGW node.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Appendix C: Component
(Nsta) C
This appendix contains CDL descriptions for component
NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) and its subcomponents. All the
attributes specific to the MG18 release, including operational, collected
statistic, and provisionable attributes, are included. Additional CDL
information for components and attributes common to the Multiservice Switch
(formerly known as Passport) family can be found in the following documents:
NN10600-060_Overview, Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
Components Overview
the NN10600-060 series of NTPs that reference components

Component Nsta and its subcomponents are presented below, beginning with
the Instance and Groups descriptions.

Instance Decimal (0..15999)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Provisioned (Prov)"

"GROUP Nsta OsiState (State)"
"GROUP Nsta Statistics (Stats)"

Scope Device

Description NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM/n
This component represents the application which is responsible for managing
voice services on a Voice Services Processor (VSP) card.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-2 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

This component manages all Connection components provisioned on a single

VSP card. The maximum number of Connection subcomponents is limited to 64.

Mib Nsta

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Nsta VoiceGateway (Vgs)"

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioning data for the Nsta Component.

Mib Nsta

ATTRIBUTE Nsta linkToServer (l2s)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies a hardware link to a Vsp component on a Voice Services
Processor FP.

Mib Nsta

Values Link (Hardware, linkToApplication)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta idlePattern (iPattern)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the pattern that is transmitted on the TDM interface when
a particular timeslot is not used.

Mib Nsta

Values Hex (H.0..H.ff)

Default H.7f

GROUP Nsta OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-3
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions generically
indicate what each state attribute implies about the component. Note that not all
the values and state combinations described here are supported by every
component which reuses this group. For component-specific information and the
valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

Mib Nsta

ATTRIBUTE Nsta adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been
previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

Mib Nsta

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE Nsta operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note
that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For
example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another
component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState
must be idle.

Mib Nsta

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

Default disabled

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-4 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Nsta usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to
provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

Mib Nsta

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle

GROUP Nsta Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains aggregate statistical data incorporating statistics from all Nsta

Mib Nsta

ATTRIBUTE Nsta aal2PacketsDropped (pktsDrop)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of packets received on unconfigured CIDs. The
Brag cidList holds all valid CIDs. Any packets received on a CID which is not
valid will be dropped and counted.
The counter wraps to 0 when it exceeds its maximum value.

This attribute is not displayed if there is a Vgs component under the Nsta

Mib Nsta

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta aal2LastDroppedPacketId (lastDropPktId)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the VPI, VCI and CID (AAL2 Channel ID) of the last
dropped AAL2 packet received on an unprovisioned CID. The value is displayed
in the format vpi.vci.cid.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-5
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

This attribute is not displayed if there is a Vgs component under the Nsta

Mib Nsta

Values Integer Sequence (0..65535; 0..255; 0..255)

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta VoiceGateway (Vgs)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs CustomerIdentifierData (CidData)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs Provisioned (Prov)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs Operational (Oper)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs Statistics (Stats)"

"COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM VoiceGateway"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n VoiceGateway

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-6 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The Vgs component provides an operational and maintenance interface for

switched voice features.

Mib Vgs

Subcomponents "COMPONENT Nsta Vgs PacketNetworkProfile (PktProf)"

"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs CallStatistics (CallStats)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs CallStatistics (CallStats)"

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Nsta Vgs ControlConnection (Ctrl)"

"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs ControlConnection (Ctrl)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs AtmTrunkConnection (AtmTConn)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Aal2SvcService (Aal2Svc)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Aal2SvcService (Aal2Svc)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Aal2SvcService (Aal2Svc)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Aal2SvcService (Aal2Svc)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs H248"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs H248"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs TdmAccessGroup (Tag)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs TdmNetworkProfile (TProf)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs ChannelAssocSignalingDefinition (CasDefn)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs ChannelAssocSignalingDefinition (CasDefn)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs MediaGatewayControllerInterface (MgcIf)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs VoiceProfile (Vp)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Mtp2Profile"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Mtp2"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs M2ua"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs AtmCallAdmissionControl (AtmCac)"

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs CustomerIdentifierData (CidData)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the attribute for a components Customer Identifier (CID).
Refer to the attribute description for a detailed explanation of CIDs.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs customerIdentifier (cid)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute holds the Customer Identifier (CID).

Every component has a CID. If a component has a cid attribute, the components
CID is the provisioned value of that attribute; otherwise the component inherits

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-7
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

the CID of its parent. The top-level component has a CID of 0.

Every operator session also has a CID, which is the CID provisioned for the
operators user ID. An operator will see only the stream data for components
having a matching CID. Also, the operator will be allowed to issue commands for
only those components which have a matching CID.

An operator CID of 0 is used to identify the Network Manager (referred to as

NetMan in DPN). This CID matches the CID of any component. Values 1 to
8191 inclusive (equivalent to basic CIDs in DPN) may be assigned to specific

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0; 1..8191)

Default 0

GROUP Nsta Vgs Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the Vgs component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs gatewayAtmAddress (addr)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the ATM address of this gateway.

This address is used for identifying this gateway to remote gateways. A change in
the value of this attribute causes all current calls to be dropped.

If the nodePrefix attribute has been provisioned in the ModuleData component, a

default value for gatewayAtmAddress will be generated by the system, otherwise
the gatewayAtmAddress will default to an empty string.

This attribute is only relevant when one of the following features is provisioned:


Mib Vgs

Values String (0..44, AESANsapAddress)

Default No default

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-8 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs hostname (name)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the hostname to identify this gateway. The value
provisioned for this gateway should match the value provisioned in its associated

This attribute must be unique within the group of gateways controlled by the
controller. A change in the value of this attribute causes all current calls to be

This attribute must have a maximum of fifteen characters if a Vgcp component

exists under the Vgs.

Mib Vgs

Values String (1..255, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs defaultPacketLogLaw (muALaw)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies whether the digitizing scheme is mu law or A law.

For Voice over IP, this attribute defines the log law to use at call setup. For Voice
over ATM, this attribute defines a default which can be overridden by the
packetLogLaw attribute of individual AtmTConn components at call setup. This
attribute may be changed without impacting existing calls.

The value provisioned can be overridden by per call values signaled by the
controller in the CRCX (create connection) and MDCX (modify connection)

There is no relationship between this attribute and the tdmLogLaw attribute of the
Brag component.

Mib Vgs

Values muLaw

Default aLaw

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs defaultIpMediaDsf (defDsf)

Access Read: All
Write: All

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-9
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute specifies the default Differentiated Service Field (DSF) value for all
voice packets transmitted on all IpMConn components.

This attribute is ignored by CtrlConn and AtmTConn components. The value

provisioned can be overridden by per call values signaled in the IP header by the
media gateway controller.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..63)

Default 46

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs remoteMfDeviceIpAddress (remMfIp)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the IP address of an associated Remote SGCP/MF IWF to
which SGCP commands (against endpoints provisioned as MF) will be relayed.

This attribute is only applicable to IpMConn components and is ignored by

CtrlConn and AtmTConn components.

Mib Vgs

Values IP address

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs remoteMfDeviceUdpPort (remMfUdp)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the UDP port of an associated Remote SGCP/MF IWF to
which SGCP commands (against endpoints provisioned as MF) will be relayed.
This attribute is only applicable to IpMConn components and is ignored by
CtrlConn and AtmTConn components.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (1..65535)

Default 2427

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs defaultToneset (defTone)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the default tone set for all Brag and Tag subcomponents.

This value can be overwritten by the toneset attribute in the Brag and Tag

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-10 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The possible values are:

argentina - Use the tone set for Argentina.
australia - Use the tone set for Australia.
austria - Use the tone set for Austria.
belgium - Use the tone set for Belgium.
brazil - Use the tone set for Brazil.
canadaUsa - Use the tone set for Canada and the USA.
chile - Use the tone set for Chile.
china - Use the tone set for China.
czech - Use the tone set for the Czech Republic.
france - Use the tone set for France.
germany - Use the tone set for Germany.
greece - Use the tone set for Greece.
hongKong - Use the tone set for Hong Kong.
india - Use the tone set for India.
ireland - Use the tone set for Ireland.
israel - Use the tone set for Israel.
italy - Use the tone set for Italy.
japan - Use the tone set for Japan.
jfpt - Use the tone set for Japanese Fire and Police trunks.
korea - Use the tone set for Korea.
malaysia - Use the tone set for Malaysia.
mexico - Use the tone set for Mexico.
netherlands - Use the tone set for The Netherlands.
newZealand - Use the tone set for New Zealand.
panama - Use the tone set for Panama.
philippines - Use the tone set for Philippines.
poland - Use the tone set for Poland.
portugal - Use the tone set for Portugal.
romania - Use the tone set for Romania.
russia - Use the tone set for Russia.
singapore - Use the tone set for Singapore.
spain - Use the tone set for Spain.
sweden - Use the tone set for Sweden.
switzerland - Use the tone set for Switzerland.
taiwan- Use the tone set for Taiwan.
thailand - Use the tone set for Thailand.
turkey - Use the tone set for Turkey.
uk - Use the tone set for the UK.
venezuela - Use the tone set for Venezuela.

Mib Vgs

Values canadaUsa

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-11
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Default canadaUsa

GROUP Nsta Vgs Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational data for the Nsta Vgs component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs connectionsSetup (connSetup)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of media connections successfully established by
this gateway Vgs component and acknowledged to the Controller.

The value wraps to 0 when the maximum value is exceeded.

Mib Vgs

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C-12 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs disabledAtmTrunks (disTrunks)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the current number of AtmTConn components under the
Vgs that are disabled.

This attribute is only applicable when the vgsAtm, vgsAtmDc, vgsAtmG729, mgw
or multiPartyMgw feature is provisioned. If any other feature is provisioned, this
attribute is filtered.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4096)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs remoteMfDeviceStatus (remMfStatus)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the status of the connection to the remote MF signaling

The value connected indicates that the connection is enabled.

The value notConnected indicates that the connection is disabled.

Mib Vgs

Values connected

Default notConnected

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs faxConnectionsSetup (faxSetup)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the connections which are identified as carrying fax modem
traffic. The counter wraps to 0 when it reaches its maximum value. The counter
will also be reset to 0 if the Vsp component is locked.

This attribute is filtered on the 12mVspAal and Vsp2 cards.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-13
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs nonFaxVbdConnectionsSetup (vbdSetup)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the connections which are identified as carrying non fax
modem traffic. The counter wraps to 0 when it reaches its maximum value. The
counter will also be reset to 0 if the Vsp component is locked.

This attribute is filtered on the 12mVspAal and Vsp2 cards.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs totalPhysicalTerminations (totalPhyTerm)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the total number of available DS0s for use by this Voice
Gateway Service (VGS).

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs physicalTerminationsInUse (inUsePhyTerm)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of DS0s currently in use by this Voice
Gateway Service (VGS).

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs activeAal2TrunkConnections

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the current number of active connections on all
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Virtual Channel Connections (VCCs) within
this voice gateway. This includes connections on both provisioned and dynamic

Mib Vgs

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C-14 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs activeContexts

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the current number of active media contexts.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs emergencyContexts (emCntx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the emergency contexts currently in use. The controller
determines whether a context is for emergency purposes, and instructs the
gateway via the control protocol.

This attribute is only relevant if the H.248 protocol is in use. If any other protocol
is used, this attribute is filtered.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..65535)

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group stores the connection statistics for the VGS component.
Note these attributes are filtered based on VSP card type as they are not applicable
on 12mVspAal and Vsp2 cards.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs connectionsLostToPacketNwLoss (clPkt)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the connections lost to Gateway-detectable network failures.
This includes:
- individual connection media integrity time-outs.
- bulk connection loss due to ATM VCC failure or release or associated component
- bulk connection loss due to local IP media link failure or associated component

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-15
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs connectionsLostToTdmPortLoss (clTdm)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the connections lost to TDM port failure, internal failures or
TDM port deletion since component creation.

The counter wraps to 0 when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs activeConnectionsAvg (connAvg)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the average number of connections over the time interval
given by Nsta/n Vgs timeInterval.The values are sampled every 1 second.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs activeConnectionsMax (connMax)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the maximum number of connections at any point over the
time interval given by Nsta/n Vgs timeInterval.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs activeConnectionsMin (connMin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the minimum number of connections at any point over the
time interval given by Nsta/n Vgs timeInterval.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

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C-16 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs timeInterval

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of minutes into the statistical sampling period
for which activeConnectionsAvg, activeConnectionsMin and
activeConnectionsMax are measured.

As per any time interval attribute, this resets to 0 on the quarter hour.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..15)

Default No default

COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM VoiceGateway

Description The statistics record generated by the NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM
VoiceGateway component.

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs connectionsSetup

Description This attribute counts the media connections successfully established and
acknowledged by this gateway Vgs component to the Controller.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs peakDisabledAtmTrunks

Description This attribute indicates the peak value of the operational attribute
disabledAtmTrunks in the collection interval.

The counter is reset to the current value of the operational attribute

disabledAtmTrunks at the beginning of the collection interval.

This attribute is only applicable when the mgw feature is provisioned. If any other
feature is provisioned, the value of this attribute does not change.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs tdmResourceConnLost

Description This attribute counts the calls that have dropped due to the loss of connection or
the removal of the Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) end points.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs atmResourceConnLost

Description This attribute counts the calls that have dropped due to the loss of connection or
the removal of Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) end points.

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-17
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs glareDetected

Description This attribute counts the Glare detection events on the Asynchronous Transfer
Mode (ATM) Adaptation Layer 2 (AAL2) Channel Identifiers (CID).

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs mediaContinuityLoss

Description This attribute counts the calls that have dropped because no packets were received
for the period of time that is specified by the value of the provisionable attribute
packetLossIntegrationPeriod of the Nsta/n Vgs Vp/n PktToPktProfile and Nsta/n
Vgs Vp/n TdmToPktProfile components.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs insufficientResources

Description This attribute counts call setup failures due to insufficient packet bandwidth.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs totalPhysicalTerminations

Description This attribute indicates the total number of available DS0s for use by this Voice
Gateway Service (VGS) during the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs peakPhysicalTerminationsInUse

Description This attribute indicates the peak number of DS0s in use by this Voice Gateway
Service (VGS) during the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs peakAal2TrunkConnections

Description This attribute indicates the peak number of active connections on all
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Virtual Channel Connections (VCCs) within
this voice gateway. The peak includes connections on both provisioned and
dynamic VCCs.

This attribute is set to the current number of active connections at the beginning of
each collection interval.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-18 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs peakActiveContexts

Description This attribute indicates the peak value of the operational attribute activeContexts
in the collection interval.

The counter is reset to the current value of the operational attribute activeContexts
at the beginning of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs peakEmergencyContexts

Description This attribute indicates the peak value of the operational attribute
emergencyContexts in the collection interval.

The counter is reset to the current value of the operational attribute

emergencyContexts at the beginning of the collection interval.

This attribute is only applicable when the H.248 protocol is in use. If any other
protocol is used, the value of this attribute does not change.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs ControlConnection (Ctrl)

Instance mediaGateway (mg)
signalingGateway (sg)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl Provisioned (Prov)"

"GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl OsiState (State)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl Statistics (Stats)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl NstaVgsConnectionStatus (ConnStat)"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs ControlConnection/mediaGateway

Nsta/n Vgs ControlConnection/signalingGateway

The mediaGateway instance of the ControlConnection component defines a

communication path between the voice gateway and a Controller.

The signalingGateway instance of the ControlConnection component defines a

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-19
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

communication path between a PRI signaling device attached to the voice

gateway and a Controller.

Mib Vgs

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Ctrl NailedUpAdaptionPoint (Nap)"

"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Ctrl ActiveAccessPoint (Aap)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Ctrl PassiveAccessPoint (Pap)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAccessPoint (SpvcAp)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Ctrl UdpPort (UdpPort)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Ctrl SctpPort"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Ctrl VirtualRouterAccessPoint (VrAp)"

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Ctrl AtmConnection (AtmCon)"

Common Verbs Help


VERB Ping Nsta Vgs Ctrl

Impact Passive

Description Ping -ipAddr(IP Address) Nsta/n Vgs ControlConnection/n

This command causes an ICMP echo request to be sent to the host specified by
the ipAddr option. If a response is received for the request, a second request is
sent; if no response is received for the first request, no further request is sent.

The remote IP host must respond to an ICMP ping request within 5 seconds of the
request being generated.

This is intended for testing network connections at the IP level. Only one Ping
command per component is allowed to be in progress at any one time.

GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the ControlConnection component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl ipAddress (ipAddr)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the IP address of the media or signaling gateway. Control
messages from the controller will be sent to this IP address to manage connections
within this gateway.

This address is used to advertise the gateway to the local IP router, and to filter

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-20 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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incoming IP packets (only packets destined for this ipAddress attribute value are
accepted; all other packets are silently dropped).

This attribute may be changed without affecting existing calls.

When the ControlConnection component is copied using the Copy command, this
attribute is set to to prevent a duplication of IP addresses.

Mib Vgs

Values IP address

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl dnsServers (dnsList)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the IP addresses of the DNS servers available to this media
gateway. Each DNS server has one IP address associated with it.

If the list is empty then no DNS lookup is attempted by the media gateway.

The list has no implied ordering. If more than one entry is present then one entry
is arbitrarily chosen as the first IP address to use for a DNS lookup.

Mib Vgs

List of IP address

List Size 2

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions generically
indicate what each state attribute implies about the component. Note that not all
the values and state combinations described here are supported by every
component which reuses this group. For component-specific information and the
valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been
previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-21
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

Mib Vgs

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note
that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For
example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another
component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState
must be idle.

Mib Vgs

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to
provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

Mib Vgs

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C-22 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle

GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains attributes which indicate traffic load and error statistics.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl txMessages (txMsgs)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the messages transmitted since the component was activated.
The value wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl rxMessages (rxMsgs)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts messages received without errors since the component was
activated. The value wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl aal5Failures (errs)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts AAL5 errors over this control connection, where AAL5
errors represents the combined total of CRC, Length Field, and
max_SDU_deliver_length errors.

This attribute is filtered when the vgsIpGigE or the vgsIpG729GigE feature is

provisioned, or the VrAp subcomponent is provisioned under this component.

The value wraps to zero when the maximum value is exceeded.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-23
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl NstaVgsConnectionStatus (ConnStat)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains an attribute which provides information on the status of the
VGS connections.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl currentStatus (cStat)

Access Read only

Description This attribute specifies the current status of a Vgs AtmTConn, IpMConn or Ctrl

enabled indicates that the component is enabled and available to transport traffic.

activating indicates that the component is progressing through its expected

sequence of activation and enabling actions, and that no errors having been

atmConnectionNotReady indicates that a problem has been reported with the

ATM VCC linked to the components Nap, Aap or Pap subcomponent, resulting
in the component being in a disabled state.

vspNotReady indicates that the Vsp component linked to the parent Nsta
component is either disabled or locked.

outOfResource indicates that no hardware resource is available on the VSP card

to support the component. This means that the VSP card is inadequately equipped
or has suffered some level of hardware failure.

ipNetworkInaccessible indicates that a connection into the IP network cannot be

created. This may be due to physical ports being disabled, or the inability of
routing software to establish an appropriate connection.

Mib Vgs

Values enabled

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Ctrl NailedUpAdaptionPoint (Nap)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl Nap Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-24 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description Nsta/n Conn/n NailedUpAdaptionPoint

Nsta/n Conn/n Brag/n Ccst NailedUpAdaptionPoint
Nsta/n Vgs AtmTConn/n NailedUpAdaptionPoint
Nsta/n Vgs Control/n NailedUpAdaptionPoint
Nsta/n Vgs IpMConn NailedUpAdaptionPoint

This component is used to provide access to a nailed-up ATM connection (an

Atmif Vcc Nep).

Components in the Nsta component hierarchy which require access to such

connections will have a NailedUpAdaptionPoint subcomponent.

Mib Vgs

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl Nap Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioning data for a Nap component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl Nap atmConnection (atmConn)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the link to the AtmIf Vcc Nep component that defines the
access to the ATM network.

Mib Vgs

Values Link (Service, applicationName)

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Ctrl ActiveAccessPoint (Aap)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap Provisioned (Prov)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap AapAddressessProv (AapAddrProv)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap Operational (Oper)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap AccessPointOper (ApOper)"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs Control/n ActiveAccessPoint

Nsta/n Vgs IpMConn ActiveAccessPoint
Nsta/n Conn/n ActiveAccessPoint

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-25
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

This component defines ATM SVC originating and terminating information

pertinent to those subcomponents in the Nsta hierarchy which require dynamic
links into the ATM network but have no addressing information. An Aap is
responsible for maintaining calls to a remote address in the ATM network.

Mib Vgs

Common Verbs Help


VERB Restart Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap

Impact Service

Description Restart Nsta/n Vgs Control/n ActiveAccessPoint

Restart Nsta/n Vgs IpMConn ActiveAccessPoint
Restart Nsta/n Conn/n ActiveAccessPoint

This command is used to restart the automatic connection procedure. The

operational attributes retryTimeRemaining and retryFailures are also reset. The
Restart verb restarts the connection procedure with the current active address as
specified in the addressToCall attribute.

This command may be used after the connection procedure has been abandoned
due to reaching the maximum number of retries allowed as specified by
retryLimit, or before the limit has been reached.

This command may also be used when a connection has been established, in
which case the connection is released first.

This command fails if the svcStatus attribute has the value initializing or the value

GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioning data for the Aap component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap atmServiceCategory

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specified the ATM service category for SVCs.
The constantBitRate service category is intended for real time applications, that is

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-26 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

those requiring tightly constrained delay and delay variation, as would be

appropriate for voice and video applications. The consistent availability of a fixed
quantity of bandwidth is considered appropriate for constant bit rate service. Cells
which are delayed beyond the value specified by cellTransferDelay are assumed
to have significantly reduced value for the application.

The rtVariableBitRate service category is intended for real time applications, that
is those requiring tightly constrained delay and delay variation, as would be
appropriate for voice and video applications. Sources are expected to transmit at a
rate which varies with time. Equivalently, the source can be described as "bursty".
Cells which are delayed beyond the value specified by cellTransferDelay are
assumed to be of significantly reduced value to the application. The real-time
variable bit rate service may support statistical multiplexing of real time sources.

The nrtVariableBitRate service category is intended for non-real time

applications which have bursty traffic characteristics and which can be
characterized in terms of a peakCellRate, sustainedCellRate, and
maximumBurstSize. For those cells which are transferred within the traffic
contract, the application expects a low cell loss ratio. For all connections, it
expects a bound on the mean cell transfer delay. The non real-time variable bit
rate service may support statistical multiplexing of connections.

If the parent of the Aap is a Ctrl component then the default value of
atmServiceCategory attribute is nrtVariableBitRate; it may not take the value
rtVariableBitRate. If the parent of the Aap is an IpMConn or Conn component
then the default value of atmServiceCategory attribute is rtVariableBitRate; it
may not take the value nrtVariableBitRate.

Mib Vgs

Values constantBitRate (cbr)

rtVariableBitRate (rtVbr)
nrtVariableBitRate (nrtVbr)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap peakCellRate (pcr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the peak cell rate of the ATM connection.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (1..2147483647)

Units cell/s

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap sustainedCellRate (scr)

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-27
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the sustained cell rate of the ATM connection. It must be
provisioned with a non-zero value when the atmServiceCategory attribute has the
value rtVariableBitRate or nrtVariableBitRate, and it must be provisioned with
zero value when it has the value constantBitRate.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units cell/s

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap maximumBurstSize (mbs)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the maximum burst size, at the peak cell rate, of the ATM
connection. It must be provisioned with a non-zero value when the
atmServiceCategory attribute has the value rtVariableBitRate or
nrtVariableBitRate, and it must be provisioned with zero value when it has the
value constantBitRate.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units cells

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap retryLimit (limit)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of consecutive unsuccessful setup
attempts before further attempts are abandoned. If this limit is reached,
management action is required (restart the connection attempts with the Restart
verb). A value of zero indicates no limit; attempts will continue indefinitely until a
successful connection is established.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..65535)

Default 0

GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap AapAddressessProv (AapAddrProv)

Properties Provisioned

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-28 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This group contains NSAP address provisioning data.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap expectedRemoteAddress

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the expected remote address information for an incoming
setup request.

If expectedRemoteAddress is not empty, only matching addresses in incoming

setup are considered for acceptance.

If expectedRemoteAddress is less than 40 characters long, the remote address

must match the value in expectedRemoteAddress to be accepted.

If expectedRemoteAddress is empty, connection requests are accepted from any

remote address.

Mib Vgs

Values String (0..40, ASCII)

Default ""

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap localAddress (localAddr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the access points ATM address.

If the switch prefix (the nodePrefix attribute of the ModuleData component) is

provisioned, a default value for localAddress based on the nodePrefix is provided.

If a default cannot be generated the operator is forced to set a value for this
attribute. Alternatively, the ModuleData nodePrefix attribute may be provisioned,
and this access point component then deleted and re-added.

Mib Vgs

Values String (1..44, AESANsapAddress)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap addressToCall (addrToCall)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-29
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute specifies the list of remote NSAP addresses which this component
can call. At least one address must be provisioned.

For the ControlConnection component in switched VoATM and VoIP and for the
IpMediaStreamConnection application the remote end is a router. It is required to
be able to establish SVCs to different routers. Therefore, the addressToCall
attribute is a list of remote addresses.

The first SVC call is sent to the first address listed in the addressToCall attribute.
If the setup fails or the call is established but fails at a later time, the system
attempts to set up a connection to next address listed in the addressToCall
attribute. If a failure occurs when using the last address in the list, the system
attempts to setup a connection to the first address in the list and then continues as

Mib Vgs

List of String (1..44, AESANsapAddress)

List Size 3

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational status information for the Aap component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap svcStatus (status)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the status of the SVC connection. When this attribute has
the value initializing, it indicates that the component is initializing when first
created; a connection has not been established, and no incoming setup requests
will be processed.

When this attribute has the value connecting, it indicates that a connection has not
yet been established, but that incoming setup requests are processed. A connection
has been requested but not yet established.

When this attribute has the value connected, it indicates that a connection has
been established.

When this attribute has the value idle, it indicates that the connection has just been
torn down and an attempt to re-establish the connection has not yet occurred. This
is a transient state of the component.

When this attribute has the value retriesExhausted, it indicates that retryLimit
consecutive connection setup attempts have failed, and the connection procedure
has been aborted.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-30 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

When this attribute has the value failed, it indicates that an error occurred while
sending a release message to the network (as a consequence of a Delete request)
while the component was in connecting state.

Mib Vgs

Values initializing

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap lastSetupFailureCause

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the cause code in the last call release message following
an unsuccessful call setup attempt. The values are as defined in the ATM Forum
ATM User-Network Interface (UNI) Specification.

If no call setup attempts have failed, this attribute has a value of 0.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap lastSetupFailureDiagnostic

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the diagnostic code in the last call release message
following an unsuccessful call setup attempt. The diagnostic code is contained in
the CAUSE information element and is present only if a procedural error is
detected by the signaling protocol. A diagnostic code is always accompanied by
the cause code.

If no call setup attempts have failed, this attribute is an empty string.

Mib Vgs

Values String (0..8, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap retryTimeRemaining (timer)

Access Read only

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-31
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute indicates the current value of the retry timer for this connection; it
indicates the number of seconds before the next connection attempt is made.
When the value reaches 0 an attempt will be made to establish the connection.
When the timer is not running this attribute has a value of 0.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..86400)

Units seconds

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap retryFailures (failures)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of consecutive failed connection attempts. This
counter is reset to 0 whenever a connection is successfully established or the
connection is restarted using the Restart verb. The counter wraps to zero when the
maximum value is exceeded.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap AccessPointOper (ApOper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational information regarding the end point of the
connection. This group is common to all types of access points.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap remoteAddress (rAddr)

Access Read only

Criticality Component

Description This attribute indicates the address of the remote end point. If a connection is
currently established, it will contain the NSAP address of the remote end point. If
a connection is not established, the remoteAddress attribute has the value

Mib Vgs

Values String (7..40, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap lastTearDownCause (cause)

Access Read only

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-32 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute indicates the cause code in the last call release message that
contained the CAUSE information element. Note that the call must have been
successfully established before being torn down. The values are as defined in the
ATM Forum ATM User-Network Interface (UNI) Specification.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl Aap lastTearDownDiagnostic

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the diagnostic code in the last call release message. The
diagnostic code is contained in the CAUSE information element and is present
only if a procedural error is detected by the signaling protocol. A diagnostic code
is always accompanied by the cause code.

Mib Vgs

Values String (0..8, ASCII)

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Ctrl PassiveAccessPoint (Pap)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl Pap PapAddressesProv (PapAddrProv)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl Pap Operational (Oper)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl Pap AccessPointOper (ApOper)"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs Control/n PassiveAccessPoint

Nsta/n Vgs IpMConn/n PassiveAccessPoint
Nsta/n Conn/n PassiveAccessPoint

This component defines ATM SVC terminating information pertinent to those

subcomponents in the Nsta hierarchy which require dynamic links into the ATM
network but have no addressing information.

Mib Vgs

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl Pap PapAddressesProv (PapAddrProv)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains NSAP address provisioning data.

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-33
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl Pap expectedRemoteAddress

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the expected remote address information for an incoming
connection setup request.

If expectedRemoteAddress is not empty, only matching connections are

considered for acceptance.

If expectedRemoteAddress is less than 40 characters long, the remote address

must match the value in expectedRemoteAddress to be accepted.

If expectedRemoteAddress is empty, the component processes connection requests

from any remote address.

Mib Vgs

Values String (0..40, ASCII)

Default ""

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl Pap localAddress (localAddr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the ATM address of the access point.

If the switch prefix (the nodePrefix attribute of the ModuleData component) has
been provisioned, a default value for localAddress based on the nodePrefix is

If a default can not be generated the operator is forced to set a value for this
attribute. Alternatively, the ModuleData nodePrefix attribute may be provisioned,
and this access point component then deleted and re-added.

Mib Vgs

Values String (1..44, AESANsapAddress)

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl Pap Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains status information common to the PassiveAccessPoint and
AddresslessPassiveAccessPoint components.

Mib Vgs

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C-34 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl Pap svcStatus (status)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the status of the SVC connection. When this attribute has
the value initializing, it indicates that the component is initializing when first
created; a connection has not been established, and no incoming setup requests
will be processed.

When this attribute has the value connecting, it indicates that a connection has not
yet been established, but that incoming setup requests are processed. A connection
has been requested but not yet established.

When this attribute has the value connected, it indicates that a connection has
been established.

When this attribute has the value idle, it indicates that the connection has just been
torn down and an attempt to re-establish the connection has not yet occurred. This
is a transient state of the component.

When this attribute has the value failed, it indicates that an error occurred while
sending a release message to the network (as a consequence of a Delete request)
while the component was in connecting state.

Mib Vgs

Values initializing

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl Pap AccessPointOper (ApOper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational information regarding the end point of the
connection. This group is common to all types of access points.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl Pap remoteAddress (rAddr)

Access Read only

Criticality Component

Description This attribute indicates the address of the remote end point. If a connection is
currently established, it will contain the NSAP address of the remote end point. If
a connection is not established, the remoteAddress attribute has the value

Mib Vgs

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-35
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values String (7..40, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl Pap lastTearDownCause (cause)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the cause code in the last call release message that
contained the CAUSE information element. Note that the call must have been
successfully established before being torn down. The values are as defined in the
ATM Forum ATM User-Network Interface (UNI) Specification.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl Pap lastTearDownDiagnostic

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the diagnostic code in the last call release message. The
diagnostic code is contained in the CAUSE information element and is present
only if a procedural error is detected by the signaling protocol. A diagnostic code
is always accompanied by the cause code.

Mib Vgs

Values String (0..8, ASCII)

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAccessPoint (SpvcAp)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp Provisioned (Prov)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp SpvcApAddressessProv (SpvcApAddrProv)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp Operational (Oper)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp AccessPointOper (ApOper)"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs Control/n SpvcAccessPoint

Nsta/n Vgs IpMConn SpvcAccessPoint
Nsta/n Conn/n SpvcAccessPoint

This component defines ATM SPVC originating information pertinent to those

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-36 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

subcomponents in the Nsta hierarchy which require dynamic links into the ATM
network but have no addressing information.

Mib Vgs

Common Verbs Help


VERB Restart Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp

Impact Service

Description Restart Nsta/n Vgs Control/n SpvcAccessPoint

Restart Nsta/n Vgs IpMConn SpvcAccessPoint
Restart Nsta/n Conn/n SpvcAccessPoint

This command is used to restart the automatic connection procedure. The

operational attributes retryTimeRemaining and retryFailures are also reset. The
Restart verb restarts the connection procedure with the current active address as
specified in the addressToCall attribute.

This command may be used after the connection procedure has been abandoned
due to reaching the maximum number of retries allowed as specified by
retryLimit, or before the limit has been reached.

This command may also be used when a connection has been established, in
which case the connection is released first.

This command fails if the svcStatus attribute has the value initializing or the value

GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioning data for the SpvcAp component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp atmServiceCategory

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the ATM service category for SVCs.

The constantBitRate service category is intended for real time applications, that is
those requiring tightly constrained delay and delay variation, as would be
appropriate for voice and video applications. The consistent availability of a fixed

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-37
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

quantity of bandwidth is considered appropriate for constant bit rate service. Cells
which are delayed beyond the value specified by cellTransferDelay are assumed
to have significantly reduced value for the application.

The rtVariableBitRate service category is intended for real time applications, that
is those requiring tightly constrained delay and delay variation, as would be
appropriate for voice and video applications. Sources are expected to transmit at a
rate which varies with time. Equivalently, the source can be described as "bursty".
Cells which are delayed beyond the value specified by cellTransferDelay are
assumed to be of significantly reduced value to the application. The real-time
variable bit rate service may support statistical multiplexing of real time sources.

The nrtVariableBitRate service category is intended for non-real time

applications which have bursty traffic characteristics and which can be
characterized in terms of a peakCellRate, sustainedCellRate, and
maximumBurstSize. For those cells which are transferred within the traffic
contract, the application expects a low cell loss ratio. For all connections, it
expects a bound on the mean cell transfer delay. The non real-time variable bit
rate service may support statistical multiplexing of connections.

If the parent of the SpvcAp is a Ctrl component then the default value of
atmServiceCategory attribute is nrtVariableBitRate; it may not take the value
rtVariableBitRate. If the parent of the SpvcAp is an IpMConn component then the
default value of atmServiceCategory attribute is rtVariableBitRate; it may not
take the value nrtVariableBitRate.

Mib Vgs

Values constantBitRate (cbr)

rtVariableBitRate (rtVbr)
nrtVariableBitRate (nrtVbr)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp peakCellRate (pcr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the peak cell rate of the ATM connection.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (1..2147483647)

Units cell/s

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp sustainedCellRate (scr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-38 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute specifies the sustained cell rate of the ATM connection. It must be
provisioned with a non-zero value when the atmServiceCategory attribute has the
value rtVariableBitRate or nrtVariableBitRate, and it must be provisioned with
zero value when it has the value constantBitRate.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units cell/s

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp maximumBurstSize

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the maximum burst size, at the peak cell rate, of the ATM
connection. It must be provisioned with a non-zero value when the
atmServiceCategory attribute has the value rtVariableBitRate or
nrtVariableBitRate, and it must be provisioned with zero value when it has the
value constantBitRate.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units cells

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp retryLimit (limit)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of consecutive unsuccessful setup
attempts before further attempts are abandoned. If this limit is reached,
management action is required (restart the connection attempts with the Restart
verb). A value of zero indicates no limit; attempts will continue indefinitely until a
successful connection is established.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..65535)

Default 0

GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp SpvcApAddressessProv

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains NSAP address provisioning data for the SpvcAp component.

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-39
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp localAddress (localAddr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the access points ATM address.

If the switch prefix (the nodePrefix attribute of the ModuleData component) is

provisioned, a default value for localAddress based on the nodePrefix is provided.

If a default cannot be generated the operator is forced to set a value for this
attribute. Alternatively, the ModuleData nodePrefix attribute may be provisioned,
and this access point component then deleted and re-added.

Mib Vgs

Values String (1..44, AESANsapAddress)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp remoteVpiVci (rVpiVci)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the remote VPI and VCI for an SpvcAp component.

Mib Vgs

Values Integer Sequence (0..255; 1..65535)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp addressToCall

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the list of remote NSAP addresses which this component
can call. At least one address must be provisioned.

For the ControlConnection application in switched VoATM and VoIP and for the
IpMediaStreamConnection application the remote end is a router. It is required to
be able to establish SVCs to different routers. Therefore, the addressToCall
attribute is a list of remote addresses.

The first SVC call is sent to the first address listed in the addressToCall attribute.
If the setup fails or the call is established but fails at a later time, the system
attempts to set up a connection to next address listed in the addressToCall
attribute. If a failure occurs when using the last address in the list, the system

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-40 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

attempts to set up a connection to the first address in the list and then continues as

Mib Vgs

List of String (1..44, AESANsapAddress)

List Size 3

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational status information for the SpvcAp component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp svcStatus (status)

Access Read only

Description This attribute specifies the status of the SVC connection. When this attribute has
the value initializing, it indicates that the component is initializing when first
created; a connection has not been established, and no incoming setup requests
will be processed.

When this attribute has the value connecting, it indicates that a connection has not
yet been established, but that incoming setup requests are processed. A connection
has been requested but not yet established.

When this attribute has the value connected, it indicates that a connection has
been established.

When this attribute has the value idle, it indicates that the connection has just been
torn down and an attempt to re-establish the connection has not yet occurred. This
is a transient state of the component.

When this attribute has the value retriesExhausted, it indicates that retryLimit for
consecutive connection set up attempts have failed, and the connection procedure
has been aborted.

When this attribute has the value failed, it indicates that an error occurred while
sending a release message to the network (as a consequence of a Delete request)
while the component was in connecting state.

Mib Vgs

Values initializing

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-41
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp lastSetupFailureCause

Access Read only

Description This attribute contains the cause code in the last call release message following an
unsuccessful call set up attempt. The values are as defined in the ATM Forum
ATM User-Network Interface (UNI) Specification.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp

lastSetupFailureDiagnostic (failDiag)
Access Read only

Description This attribute contains the diagnostic code in the last call release message
following an unsuccessful call set up attempt. The diagnostic code is contained in
the CAUSE information element and is present only if a procedural error is
detected by the signaling protocol. A diagnostic code is always accompanied by
the cause code.

Mib Vgs

Values String (0..8, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp retryTimeRemaining

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the current value of the retry timer for this connection; it
indicates the number of seconds before the next connection attempt is made.
When the value reaches 0 an attempt will be made to establish the connection.
When the timer is not running a value of 0 is returned.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..86400)

Units seconds

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp retryFailures (failures)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of consecutive failed connection attempts. This
counter is reset to 0 whenever a connection is successfully established or the

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-42 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

connection is restarted using the Restart verb. The counter wraps to 0 when the
maximum value is exceeded.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp AccessPointOper (ApOper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational information regarding the end point of the
connection. This group is common to all types of access points.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp remoteAddress (rAddr)

Access Read only

Criticality Component

Description This attribute indicates the address of the remote end point. If a connection is
currently established, it will contain the NSAP address of the remote end point. If
a connection is not established, the remoteAddress attribute has the value

Mib Vgs

Values String (7..40, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp lastTearDownCause

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the cause code in the last call release message that
contained the CAUSE information element. Note that the call must have been
successfully established before being torn down. The values are as defined in the
ATM Forum ATM User-Network Interface (UNI) Specification.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SpvcAp lastTearDownDiagnostic

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the diagnostic code in the last call release message. The
diagnostic code is contained in the CAUSE information element and is present

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-43
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

only if a procedural error is detected by the signaling protocol. A diagnostic code

is always accompanied by the cause code.

Mib Vgs

Values String (0..8, ASCII)

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Ctrl UdpPort (UdpPort)

Instance Decimal (0..65535)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl UdpPort Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs CtrlConn/n UdpPort/<UDP port number>

The UdpPort component is used to link a UDP port, within a control connection,
to an application that sends and receives packets using the port.

Mib Vgs

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl UdpPort Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioning data for a UdpPort component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl UdpPort linkToApplication

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the application that sends and receives packets using the
UDP port. The application must have a provisionable attribute called

This attribute is typically set automatically when an application provides a value

for its own udpPortConnection attribute.

This attribute must be the name of a valid application within the same Vgs
component hierarchy, otherwise a semantic check error will be generated.

Mib Vgs

Values Link (Service, udpPortConnection)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-44 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl UdpPort

differentiatedServiceField (diffServ)
Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the Differentiated Service Field in IP packets transmitted
using this UDP port. Refer to RFC 791 for service field types.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..63)

Default 40

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Ctrl AtmConnection (AtmCon)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl AtmCon Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description An AtmConnection component is created for each ATM connection established

by an application. It shows where the data traffic for this connection is directed.

Mib Vgs

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl AtmCon Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute group contains the operational attributes for the NapAtmConnection

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl AtmCon nextHop

Access Read only

Description This attribute shows the component name of the AtmIf Vcc Ep or AtmCon
component to which this switched connection is established.

Mib Vgs

Values The name of the component

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Ctrl SctpPort

Instance Decimal (0..65535)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl SctpPort Provisioned (Prov)"

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-45
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs Ctrl/n SctpPort/n

The Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Port provides access to the IP
network. Note that the instance number indicates the SCTP port number used.
This component is mutually exclusive with UdpPort.

Mib Vgs

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Ctrl SctpPort SctpLink"

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl SctpPort Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the SctpPort component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SctpPort diffServiceCodepoint

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the Differentiated Service Codepoint field in IP datagrams
from this port. Refer to RFC 2474. On changing, subsequent datagrams will use
the new value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..63)

Default 40

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SctpPort rtoInitial (init)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the initial time-out value for the retransmission timer
(RTO). This value is used until a Round Trip Time (RTT) measurement has been
made for the destination transport address.

The value of this attribute must be greater than or equal to the value of the rtoMin
attribute and less than or equal to the value of the rtoMax attribute.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (1..255)

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C-46 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Units seconds

Default 1

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SctpPort rtoMin (min)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the minimum permissible value for the recalculated
retransmission timer (RTO). If the computed RTO value is less than rtoMin, the
RTO value is set to the value of rtoMin.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (1..255)

Units seconds

Default 1

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SctpPort rtoAlpha (alpha)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the smoothing factor used in the computation and
management of the retransmission timer (RTO) in steps of 0.125 (the entered
value is rounded to the nearest multiple of 0.125). These values have been
selected in the SCTP specification as being optimal for this application where
Round Trip Time (RTT) measurements are made not more than once per round-

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0.000..255.000)

Default 0.125

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SctpPort rtoBeta (beta)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the delay variance factor used in the computation and
management of the retransmission timer (RTO) in steps of 0.125 (the entered
value is rounded to the nearest multiple of 0.125).

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0.000..255.000)

Default 0.250

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SctpPort validCookieLife (life)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the message parameter indicating to the receiver how
much increment the sender wishes the receiver to add to its default cookie life-

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-47
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (1..255)

Units seconds

Default 60

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SctpPort associationMaxRetries

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of retransmission attempts before
the sender of data indicates the destination endpoint as unreachable.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default 2

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SctpPort rtoMax (max)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the maximum permissible value for the recalculated
retransmission timer time-out (RTO). If the computed RTO value is more than
rtoMax, the RTO value is set to the value of rtoMax.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (1..255)

Units seconds

Default 2

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SctpPort linkToApplication (link)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies a link to the Nsta/n Vgs Iua, Nsta/n Vgs V5ua or Nsta/n
Vgs M2ua component that is making use of this port.

Mib Vgs

Values Link (Service, sctpPortConnection)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SctpPort heartbeatInterval

Access Read and write

Description An SCTP endpoint monitors the reachability of the idle destination transport
addresses of its peer by sending a heartbeat chunk every heartbeatInterval to the
destination transport address defined for the association.

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C-48 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (1..65535)

Units seconds

Default 3

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Ctrl SctpPort SctpLink

Instance address [IP address]
port [Decimal (1..65535)]

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl SctpPort SctpLink Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs Control/n SctpPort/n SctpLink/<ip address>,<sctp port>

This component represents an MGC link to the SCTP port. The IP address and
SCTP port number used in the instance identifier refer to the remote connection.
At most three instances may be provisioned.

Mib Vgs

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl SctpPort SctpLink Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains attributes which describe the SctpLink component status.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SctpPort SctpLink

receivedChunks (rxChunks)
Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the chunks received on this SctpLink. The counter wraps to 0
when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SctpPort SctpLink

transmittedChunks (txChunks)
Access Read only

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-49
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Description This attribute counts the chunks transmitted on this SctpLink. It includes
retransmitted chunks. The counter wraps to 0 when it exceeds the maximum

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SctpPort SctpLink

retransmittedChunks (retransChunks)
Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the chunks retransmitted on this SctpLink. The counter wraps
to 0 when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SctpPort SctpLink

outboundStreams (outbound)
Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the current number of outbound streams for this SCTP

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..65535)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl SctpPort SctpLink

inboundStreams (inbound)
Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the current number of inbound streams for this SCTP

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..65535)

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Ctrl VirtualRouterAccessPoint (VrAp)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl VrAp Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Application

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C-50 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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Description Nsta/n Vgs Ctrl/n VrAp

Nsta/n Vgs IpMConn VrAp
Nsta/n Vgs DbgAccess VrAp

This component represents a point of access to a VirtualRouter component, which

provides an IP forwarding functionality to this Nsta/n Vgs component hierarchy.

If at least one VrAp component is used within a Nsta/n Vgs component hierarchy,
then all IP network access from within that hierarchy must be via VrAp

In addition, a VCac component cannot be provisioned within a Nsta/n Vgs

component hierarchy which contains a VrAp component.

Mib Vgs

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Ctrl VrAp Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioning data for the VrAp component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Ctrl VrAp subnetAccessName

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the Vr/n Pp/m IpPort LogicalIf/x.y.z.u component instance
to be used by this VrAp.

The value of the ipAddr attribute defined by the parent of this VrAp must belong
to the subnet defined by the specified Vr/n Pp/m IpPort LogicalIf/x.y.z.u
component instance.

Mib Vgs

Values The name of the component

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs AtmTrunkConnection (AtmTConn)

Instance Decimal (0..4095)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Provisioned (Prov)"

"GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn OsiState (State)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Operational (Oper)"

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-51
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"GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Statistics (Stats)"

"GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn NstaVgsConnectionStatus (ConnStat)"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs AtmTrunkConnection/n

This component represents an ATM connection from the Voice services function
processor to the ATM network. The Vgs component allocates AAL2 streams to
ATM connections as required by the controller. An ATM connection can carry
several AAL2 streams concurrently.

On a Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400, a maximum of 1022 AtmTrunkConnection

components may be provisioned for Vsp2 cards and a maximum of 127
AtmTrunkConnection components may be provisioned for 12mVspAal cards.

On a Nortel Multiservice Switch 15000 up to 1022 AtmTrunkConnection

components may be provisioned.

Mib Vgs

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Nsta Vgs AtmTConn NailedUpAdaptionPoint (Nap)"

"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs AtmTConn ActiveAccessPoint (Aap)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs AtmTConn PassiveAccessPoint (Pap)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAccessPoint (SpvcAp)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs AtmTConn PathOwner"

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Nsta Vgs AtmTConn AtmConnection (AtmCon)"

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioning data for the AtmTrunkConnection component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn remoteAddress (rAddr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the ATM address of the node that may be reached via this

The remoteAddress attribute must be set to a valid ATM address. This address

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C-52 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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must not be the same as the value of the gatewayAtmAddress attribute of the Nsta
Vgs component.

Mib Vgs

Values String (1..44, AESANsapAddress)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn vcci (vcci)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the VCCI for this trunk.

The vcci attribute must be set to a value to uniquely identify an ATM trunk
between two nodes. Consequently all ATM trunks between any two nodes must
have distinct vcci attribute values.

The connection on the remote node must be configured with the same vcci
attribute value.

ATM trunks terminating on different remote nodes may share the same vcci
attribute value.

A Check Prov command will fail if the user tries to provision a value greater than
4095 for the vcci attribute of a AtmTConn component, when its subcomponent is
an Aap, a Pap or an SpvcAp.

If the AtmTConn component is linked to Q2630/n PeerAddress/n component, the

value of vcci attribute can not be set to 0.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..32767)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn packetLogLaw (muALaw)

Access Read and write

This attribute specifies whether the digitizing scheme is mu-law or A-law.

This attribute defines the default that is used by individual AtmTConn components
at call setup unless an alternative value is provided by the controller. The default
value sameAsGateway specifies that the packetLogLaw attribute will take the
same value as the defaultLogLaw attribute of the Vgs.

This attribute may be changed without impacting existing calls.

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The remote end of this connection should be provisioned with the same
packetLogLaw attribute value.

Mib Vgs

Values muLaw

Default sameAsGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn holdOverTime (hoTime)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

This attribute specifies the maximum period of time before a partially filled AAL2
packet is scheduled for transmission. It is also referred to as the combined use
timer period (Timer_CU).

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0.500..15.875)

Units msec

Default 2.000

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn maxNumberAal2Trunks (trunks)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of AAL2 trunks that may be
allocated on this ATM trunk. The local node may allocate no more than this
number of trunks.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..247)

Default 240

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn cidReuseQuarantine

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the length of time that a Channel Identification (CID) will
be quarantined after termination of a call. While quarantined, the CID is not
available to the local trunk selection algorithm; however, it can still be requested
by the remote Media Gateway.

The value of this attribute must be the same across all of the instances of this
component. If any instances of the VgsAal2SvcProfile component are

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C-54 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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provisioned, their cidReuseQuarantine provisionable attributes must also match

this attribute.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (1..60)

Units seconds

Default 10

GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions generically
indicate what each state attribute implies about the component. Note that not all
the values and state combinations described here are supported by every
component which reuses this group. For component-specific information and the
valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been
previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

Mib Vgs

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

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The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note
that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For
example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another
component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState
must be idle.

Mib Vgs

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to
provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

Mib Vgs

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle

GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains status information about the AtmTrunkonnection.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn aal2CpLossStatus

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the status of the AAL2 common part sublayer alarm. It is
set to loss when the alarm has been raised. It is set to noLoss when the alarm is

Mib Vgs

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Values noLoss

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn activeAal2Trunks (activeTrunks)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the current number of active AAL2 trunk connections for
the AtmTConn component.

This attribute is not displayed if the cardType is 12mVspAal.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..248)

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains statistical data for an AtmTConn.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn aal2StartFieldErrors (sfErr)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the cells received with an AAL2 Common Part Sublayer
Protocol Data Unit (CPS-PDU) Start Field error.

The definition of a Start Field error includes a cell with a parity error or a cell in
which the packet pointed-to by the offset field (OSF) has a packet HEC error.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn aal2SequenceErrors (seqErr)

Access Read only

This attribute counts the cells received with an unexpected AAL2 Common Part
Sublayer Protocol Data Unit (CPS-PDU) sequence number.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

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Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn NstaVgsConnectionStatus (ConnStat)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains an attribute which provides information on the status of the
VGS connections.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn currentStatus (cStat)

Access Read only

Description This attribute specifies the current status of a Vgs AtmTConn, IpMConn or Ctrl

enabled indicates that the component is enabled and available to transport traffic.

activating indicates that the component is progressing through its expected

sequence of activation and enabling actions, and that no errors having been

atmConnectionNotReady indicates that a problem has been reported with the

ATM VCC linked to the components Nap, Aap or Pap subcomponent, resulting
in the component being in a disabled state.

vspNotReady indicates that the Vsp component linked to the parent Nsta
component is either disabled or locked.

outOfResource indicates that no hardware resource is available on the VSP card

to support the component. This means that the VSP card is inadequately equipped
or has suffered some level of hardware failure.

ipNetworkInaccessible indicates that a connection into the IP network cannot be

created. This may be due to physical ports being disabled, or the inability of
routing software to establish an appropriate connection.

Mib Vgs

Values enabled

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs AtmTConn NailedUpAdaptionPoint (Nap)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Nap Provisioned (Prov)"

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-58 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Conn/n NailedUpAdaptionPoint

Nsta/n Conn/n Brag/n Ccst NailedUpAdaptionPoint
Nsta/n Vgs AtmTConn/n NailedUpAdaptionPoint
Nsta/n Vgs Control/n NailedUpAdaptionPoint
Nsta/n Vgs IpMConn NailedUpAdaptionPoint

This component is used to provide access to a nailed-up ATM connection (an

Atmif Vcc Nep).

Components in the Nsta component hierarchy which require access to such

connections will have a NailedUpAdaptionPoint subcomponent.

Mib Vgs

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Nap Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioning data for a Nap component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Nap atmConnection

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the link to the AtmIf Vcc Nep component that defines the
access to the ATM network.

Mib Vgs

Values Link (Service, applicationName)

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs AtmTConn ActiveAccessPoint (Aap)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Aap Provisioned (Prov)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Aap Operational (Oper)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Aap AccessPointOper (ApOper)"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs AtmTConn/n ActiveAccessPoint

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-59
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

This component defines ATM SVC originating information pertinent to the

AtmTrunkConnection component.

Mib Vgs

Common Verbs Help


VERB Restart Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Aap

Impact Service

Description Restart Nsta/n Vgs AtmTConn/n ActiveAccessPoint

This command is used to restart the automatic connections procedure. The

operational attributes retryTimeRemaining and retryFailures are also reset.

This command may be used after the connection procedure has been abandoned
due to reaching the maximum number of retries allowed as specified by
retryLimit, or before the limit has been reached.

This command may also be used when a connection has been established, in
which case the connection is released first.

This command fails if the svcStatus attribute has the value initializing or the value

GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Aap Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioning data for the ActiveAccessPoint component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Aap atmServiceCategory

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specified the ATM service category for SVCs.
The constantBitRate service category is intended for real time applications, that is
those requiring tightly constrained delay and delay variation, as would be
appropriate for voice and video applications. The consistent availability of a fixed
quantity of bandwidth is considered appropriate for constant bit rate service. Cells
which are delayed beyond the value specified by cellTransferDelay are assumed
to have significantly reduced value for the application.

The rtVariableBitRate service category is intended for real time applications, that

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C-60 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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is those requiring tightly constrained delay and delay variation, as would be

appropriate for voice and video applications. Sources are expected to transmit at a
rate which varies with time. Equivalently, the source can be described as "bursty".
Cells which are delayed beyond the value specified by cellTransferDelay are
assumed to be of significantly reduced value to the application. The real-time
variable bit rate service may support statistical multiplexing of real time sources.

Mib Vgs

Values constantBitRate (cbr)

rtVariableBitRate (rtVbr)

Default rtVariableBitRate

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Aap peakCellRate (pcr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the peak cell rate of the ATM connection.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (1..2147483647)

Units cell/s

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Aap sustainedCellRate (scr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the sustained cell rate of the ATM connection. It must be
provisioned with a non-zero value when the atmServiceCategory attribute has the
value rtVariableBitRate, and it must be provisioned with zero value when it has
the value constantBitRate.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units cell/s

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Aap maximumBurstSize

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the maximum burst size, at the peak cell rate, of the ATM
connection. It must be provisioned with a non-zero value when the

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-61
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

atmServiceCategory attribute has the value rtVariableBitRate, and it must be

provisioned with zero value when it has the value constantBitRate.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units cell/s

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Aap retryLimit (limit)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of consecutive unsuccessful setup
attempts before further attempts are abandoned. If this limit is reached,
management action is required (restart the connection attempts with the Restart
verb). A value of zero indicates no limit; attempts will continue indefinitely until a
successful connection is established.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..65535)

Default 0

GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Aap Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational status information for the Aap component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Aap svcStatus (status)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the status of the SVC connection. When this attribute has
the value initializing, it indicates that the component is initializing when first
created; a connection has not been established, and no incoming setup requests
will be processed.

When this attribute has the value connecting, it indicates that a connection has not
yet been established, but that incoming setup requests are processed. A connection
has been requested but not yet established.

When this attribute has the value connected, it indicates that a connection has
been established.

When this attribute has the value idle, it indicates that the connection has just been
torn down and an attempt to re-establish the connection has not yet occurred. This
is a transient state of the component.

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C-62 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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When this attribute has the value retriesExhausted, it indicates that retryLimit
consecutive connection setup attempts have failed, and the connection procedure
has been aborted.

When this attribute has the value failed, it indicates that an error occurred while
sending a release message to the network (as a consequence of a Delete request)
while the component was in connecting state.

Mib Vgs

Values initializing

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Aap lastSetupFailureCause

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the cause code in the last call release message following
an unsuccessful call setup attempt.The values are as defined in the ATM Forum
ATM User-Network Interface (UNI) Specification.

If no call setup attempts have failed, this attribute has a value of 0.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Aap

lastSetupFailureDiagnostic (failDiag)
Access Read only

Description This attribute contains the diagnostic code in the last call release message
following an unsuccessful call setup attempt. The diagnostic code is contained in
the CAUSE information element and is present only if a procedural error is
detected by the signaling protocol. A diagnostic code is always accompanied by
the cause code.

If no call setup attempts have failed, this attribute is an empty string.

Mib Vgs

Values String (0..8, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Aap retryTimeRemaining

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-63
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the current value of the retry timer for this connection; it
indicates the number of seconds before the next connection attempt is made.
When the value reaches 0 an attempt will be made to establish the connection.
When the timer is not running this attribute has a value of 0.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..86400)

Units seconds

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Aap retryFailures (failures)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts consecutive failed connection attempts. This counter is reset
to 0 whenever a connection is successfully established or the connection is
restarted using the Restart verb. The counter wraps to zero when the maximum
value is exceeded.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Aap AccessPointOper (ApOper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational information regarding the end point of the
connection. This group is common to all types of access points.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Aap remoteAddress (rAddr)

Access Read only

Criticality Component

Description This attribute indicates the address of the remote end point. If a connection is
currently established, it will contain the NSAP address of the remote end point. If
a connection is not established, the remoteAddress attribute has the value

Mib Vgs

Values String (7..40, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Aap lastTearDownCause

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C-64 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the cause code in the last call release message that
contained the CAUSE information element. Note that the call must have been
successfully established before being torn down. The values are as defined in the
ATM Forum ATM User-Network Interface (UNI) Specification.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Aap

lastTearDownDiagnostic (diag)
Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the diagnostic code in the last call release message. The
diagnostic code is contained in the CAUSE information element and is present
only if a procedural error is detected by the signaling protocol. A diagnostic code
is always accompanied by the cause code.

Mib Vgs

Values String (0..8, ASCII)

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs AtmTConn PassiveAccessPoint (Pap)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Pap Operational (Oper)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Pap AccessPointOper (ApOper)"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs AtmTConn/n PassiveAccessPoint

This component defines ATM SVC terminating information pertinent to the

AtmTrunkConnection component.

Mib Vgs

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Pap Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational status information for the Pap component.

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-65
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Pap svcStatus (status)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the status of the SVC connection. When this attribute has
the value initializing, it indicates that the component is initializing when first
created; a connection has not been established, and no incoming setup requests
will be processed.

When this attribute has the value connecting, it indicates that a connection has not
yet been established, but that incoming setup requests are processed. A connection
has been requested but not yet established.

When this attribute has the value connected, it indicates that a connection has
been established.

When this attribute has the value idle, it indicates that the connection has just been
torn down and an attempt to re-establish the connection has not yet occurred. This
is a transient state of the component.

When this attribute has the value failed, it indicates that an error occurred while
sending a release message to the network (as a consequence of a Delete request)
while the component was in connecting state.

Mib Vgs

Values initializing

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Pap AccessPointOper (ApOper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational information regarding the end point of the
connection. This group is common to all types of access points.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Pap remoteAddress (rAddr)

Access Read only

Criticality Component

Description This attribute indicates the address of the remote end point. If a connection is
currently established, it will contain the NSAP address of the remote end point. If
a connection is not established, the remoteAddress attribute has the value

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C-66 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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Mib Vgs

Values String (7..40, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Pap lastTearDownCause

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the cause code in the last call release message that
contained the CAUSE information element. Note that the call must have been
successfully established before being torn down. The values are as defined in the
ATM Forum ATM User-Network Interface (UNI) Specification.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn Pap

lastTearDownDiagnostic (diag)
Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the diagnostic code in the last call release message. The
diagnostic code is contained in the CAUSE information element and is present
only if a procedural error is detected by the signaling protocol. A diagnostic code
is always accompanied by the cause code.

Mib Vgs

Values String (0..8, ASCII)

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAccessPoint (SpvcAp)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAp Provisioned (Prov)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAp Operational (Oper)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAp AccessPointOper (ApOper)"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs AtmTConn/n SpvcAccessPoint

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-67
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

This component defines ATM SVC originating information pertinent to the

AtmTrunkConnection component.

Mib Vgs

Common Verbs Help


VERB Restart Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAp

Impact Service

Description Restart Nsta/n Vgs AtmTConn/n SpvcAccessPoint

This command is used to restart the automatic connection procedure. The

operational attributes retryTimeRemaining and retryFailures are also reset. The
Restart verb restarts the connection procedure with the current active address as
specified in the addressToCall attribute.

This command may be used after the connection procedure has been abandoned
due to reaching the maximum number of retries allowed as specified by
retryLimit, or before the limit has been reached.

This command may also be used when a connection has been established, in
which case the connection is released first.

This command fails if the svcStatus attribute has the value initializing or the value

GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAp Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioning data for the SpvcAp component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAp atmServiceCategory

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the ATM service category for SVCs.
The constantBitRate service category is intended for real time applications, that is
those requiring tightly constrained delay and delay variation, as would be
appropriate for voice and video applications. The consistent availability of a fixed
quantity of bandwidth is considered appropriate for constant bit rate service. Cells
which are delayed beyond the value specified by cellTransferDelay are assumed
to have significantly reduced value for the application.

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The rtVariableBitRate service category is intended for real time applications, that
is those requiring tightly constrained delay and delay variation, as would be
appropriate for voice and video applications. Sources are expected to transmit at a
rate which varies with time. Equivalently, the source can be described as "bursty".
Cells which are delayed beyond the value specified by cellTransferDelay are
assumed to be of significantly reduced value to the application. The real-time
variable bit rate service may support statistical multiplexing of real time sources.

Mib Vgs

Values constantBitRate (cbr)

rtVariableBitRate (rtVbr)

Default rtVariableBitRate

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAp peakCellRate (pcr)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the peak cell rate of the ATM connection.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (1..2147483647)

Units cell/s

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAp sustainedCellRate

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the sustained cell rate of the ATM connection. It must be
provisioned with a non-zero value when the atmServiceCategory attribute has the
value rtVariableBitRate, and it must be provisioned with zero value when it has
the value constantBitRate.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units cell/s

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAp maximumBurstSize

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-69
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute specifies the maximum burst size, at the peak cell rate, of the ATM
connection. It must be provisioned with a non-zero value when the
atmServiceCategory attribute has the value rtVariableBitRate, and it must be
provisioned with zero value when it has the value constantBitRate.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

Units cells

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAp retryLimit (limit)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of consecutive unsuccessful setup
attempts before further attempts are abandoned. If this limit is reached,
management action is required (restart the connection attempts with the Restart
verb). A value of zero indicates no limit; attempts will continue indefinitely until a
successful connection is established.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..65535)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAp addressToCall

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the remote NSAP address which is called.

Mib Vgs

Values String (1..44, AESANsapAddress)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAp remoteVpiVci

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the remote VPI and VCI for the component.

Mib Vgs

Values Integer Sequence (0..255; 1..65535)

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Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAp Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational status information for the Aap component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAp svcStatus (status)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the status of the SVC connection. When this attribute has
the value initializing, it indicates that the component is initializing when first
created; a connection has not been established, and no incoming setup requests
will be processed.

When this attribute has the value connecting, it indicates that a connection has not
yet been established, but that incoming setup requests are processed. A connection
has been requested but not yet established.

When this attribute has the value connected, it indicates that a connection has
been established.

When this attribute has the value idle, it indicates that the connection has just been
torn down and an attempt to re-establish the connection has not yet occurred. This
is a transient state of the component.

When this attribute has the value retriesExhausted, it indicates that retryLimit
consecutive connection setup attempts have failed, and the connection procedure
has been aborted.

When this attribute has the value failed, it indicates that an error occurred while
sending a release message to the network (as a consequence of a Delete request)
while the component was in connecting state.

Mib Vgs

Values initializing

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAp

lastSetupFailureCause (failCause)
Access Read only

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-71
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute indicates the cause code in the last call release message following
an unsuccessful call setup attempt.The values are as defined in the ATM Forum
ATM User-Network Interface (UNI) Specification.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAp

lastSetupFailureDiagnostic (failDiag)
Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the diagnostic code in the last call release message
following an unsuccessful call setup attempt. The diagnostic code is contained in
the CAUSE information element and is present only if a procedural error is
detected by the signaling protocol. A diagnostic code is always accompanied by
the cause code.

Mib Vgs

Values String (0..8, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAp retryTimeRemaining

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the current value of the retry timer for this connection; it
indicates the number of seconds before the next connection attempt is made.
When the value reaches 0 an attempt will be made to establish the connection.
When the timer is not running a value of 0 is returned.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..86400)

Units seconds

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAp retryFailures

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of consecutive failed connection attempts. This
counter is reset to 0 whenever a connection is successfully established or the
connection is restarted using the Restart verb. The counter wraps to zero when the
maximum value is exceeded.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..2147483647)

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C-72 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAp AccessPointOper (ApOper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational information regarding the end point of the
connection. This group is common to all types of access points.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAp remoteAddress

Access Read only

Criticality Component

Description This attribute indicates the address of the remote end point. If a connection is
currently established, it will contain the NSAP address of the remote end point. If
a connection is not established, the remoteAddress attribute has the value

Mib Vgs

Values String (7..40, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAp lastTearDownCause

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the cause code in the last call release message that
contained the CAUSE information element. Note that the call must have been
successfully established before being torn down. The values are as defined in the
ATM Forum ATM User-Network Interface (UNI) Specification.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn SpvcAp

lastTearDownDiagnostic (diag)
Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the diagnostic code in the last call release message. The
diagnostic code is contained in the CAUSE information element and is present
only if a procedural error is detected by the signaling protocol. A diagnostic code
is always accompanied by the cause code.

Mib Vgs

Values String (0..8, ASCII)

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-73
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Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs AtmTConn AtmConnection (AtmCon)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn AtmCon Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description An AtmConnection component is created for each ATM connection established

by an application. It shows where the data traffic for this connection is directed.

Mib Vgs

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn AtmCon Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute group contains the operational attributes for the NapAtmConnection

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn AtmCon nextHop

Access Read only

Description This attribute shows the component name of the AtmIf Vcc Ep or AtmCon
component to which this switched connection is established.

Mib Vgs

Values The name of the component

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs AtmTConn PathOwner

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn PathOwner Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description ... AtmTConn/n PathOwner

This component represents the owner of the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)

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C-74 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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protocol connection. The ATM connection is represented by the AtmTConn


Mib Vgs

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmTConn PathOwner Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the PathOwner component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmTConn PathOwner linkToPathOwner

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute specifies the owner of the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
protocol connection.

Mib Vgs

Values Link

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements Provisioned (Prov)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements OsiState (State)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs LocalAnnouncements

This component provides the control and status of the Local Announcement

Mib Vgs

Common Verbs Help


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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-75
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

VERB Zero Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements

Impact Service

Description Zero Nsta/n Vgs LocalAnnouncements

This verb is used to re-initialize attributes which record peak values.

GROUP Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the Local Announcement facility.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements fileName

Access Read and write

Description The attribute specifies the filename (without extension) of the announcement
fileset which is used for the LocalAnnouncements component. The files are
located in /user/pvg/announcements/.

Changing the value will not affect announcements in progress. The specified
fileset is automatically transferred from the CP to the FP before it is used and the
file currently being used can be determined from the currentFileName attribute.

This attribute must be supplied.

Mib Vgs

Values String (0..40, ASCII)

Default ""

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements defaultLanguage

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the language to be used on the announcement when no
language is provided via the Media Gateway Controller. This value may be
overridden on a per Brag component basis in the Nsta/n Vgs Brag/n
AnnouncementLanguage component.

Possible values: any 3 character ASCII string (lower case a-z) for example "eng",
or an empty string.

If the value is empty, no language is specified when looking up announcements.

When the Media Gateway Controller specifies a language value, it overrides the
provisioned values in the Media Gateway.

Mib Vgs

Values String (0..3, ASCII)

Default ""

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C-76 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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GROUP Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes and the six OSI Status
attributes. The descriptions generically indicate what each attribute implies about
the component. Note that not all the values and state combinations described here
are supported by every component which reuses this group. For component-
specific information and the valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been
previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

The OSI Status attributes, if supported by the component, may provide more
details, qualifying the state of the component.

Mib Vgs

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note
that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For
example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another
component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-77
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

must be idle.

The OSI Status attributes, if supported by the component, may provide more
details, qualifying the state of the component.

Mib Vgs

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to
provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

The OSI Status attributes, if supported by the component, may provide more
details, qualifying the state of the component.

Mib Vgs

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements availabilityStatus (osiAvail)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSI Availability status
of the component. Note that, even though it is defined as a multi-valued set, at
most one value is shown to the user.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either the attribute is not
supported or that none of the status conditions described below is present.

The value inTest indicates that the resource is undergoing a test procedure. If
adminState is locked or shuttingDown, the normal users are precluded from using
the resource and controlStatus is reservedForTest. Tests that do not exclude
additional users can be present in any operational or administrative state but the
reservedForTest condition should not be present.

The value failed indicates that the component has an internal fault that prevents it

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C-78 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

from operating. The operationalState is disabled.

The value dependency indicates that the component cannot operate because some
other resource on which it depends is unavailable. The operationalState is

The value powerOff indicates the resource requires power to be applied and it is
not powered on. The operationalState is disabled.

The value offLine indicates the resource requires a routine operation (either
manual, automatic, or both) to be performed to place it on-line and make it
available for use. The operationalState is disabled.

The value offDuty indicates the resource is inactive in accordance with a

predetermined time schedule. In the absence of other disabling conditions, the
operationalState is enabled or disabled.

The value degraded indicates the service provided by the component is degraded
in some way, such as in speed or operating capacity. Usually, the resource remains
available for service. The operationalState is almost always enabled. There is one
exception where an operationalState of disabled is used in conjunction with
degraded for a component which represents a rolled up view of a set of other

The value notInstalled indicates the resource is not present. The operationalState
is disabled.

The value logFull is not used.

The value migrating indicates that a software migration activation is in progress,

making the component unavailable for other activities until the migration is

Mib Vgs

Set of inTest
dependency (depend)
powerOff (pwrOff)
degraded (degrad)
notInstalled (notIn)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements proceduralStatus (osiProc)

Access Read only

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-79
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSI Procedural status
of the component. Note that, even though it is defined as a multi-valued set, at
most one value is shown to the user.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either the attribute is not
supported or that none of the status conditions described below is present.

The value initializationRequired indicates (for a resource which doesnt initialize

autonomously) that initialization is required before it can perform its normal
functions, and this procedure has not been initiated. The operationalState is

The value notInitialized indicates (for a resource which does initialize

autonomously) that initialization is required before it can perform its normal
functions, and this procedure has not been initiated. The operationalState may be
enabled or disabled.

The value initializing indicates that initialization has been initiated but is not yet
complete. The operationalState may be enabled or disabled.

The value reporting indicates the resource has completed some processing
operation and is notifying the results. The operationalState is enabled.

The value terminating indicates the component is in a termination phase. If the

resource doesnt reinitialize autonomously, operationalState is disabled;
otherwise it is enabled or disabled.

Mib Vgs

Set of initializationRequired (initRq)

notInitialized (notInit)
initializing (init)
reporting (report)
terminating (term)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements controlStatus (osiCntrl)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSI Control status of
the component. Note that, even though it is defined as a multi-valued set, at most
one value is shown to the user.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either the attribute is not
supported or that none of the status conditions described below is present.

The value subjectToTest indicates the resource is available but tests may be
conducted simultaneously at unpredictable times, which may cause it to exhibit
unusual characteristics.

The value partOfServicesLocked indicates that part of the service is restricted

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C-80 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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from users of a resource. The adminState is unlocked.

The value reservedForTest indicates that the component is administratively

unavailable because it is undergoing a test procedure. The adminState is locked.

The value suspended indicates that the service has been administratively

Mib Vgs

Set of subjectToTest (subTst)

partOfServicesLocked (partLk)
reservedForTest (rsrvd)
suspended (suspnd)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements alarmStatus (osiAlarm)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSI Alarm status of the
component. Note that, even though it is defined as a multi-valued set, at most one
value is shown to the user.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either the attribute is not
supported or that none of the status conditions described below is present.

The value underRepair indicates the component is currently being repaired. The
operationalState is enabled or disabled.

The value critical indicates one or more critical alarms are outstanding against the
component. Other, less severe, alarms may also be outstanding. The
operationalState is enabled or disabled.

The value major indicates one or more major alarms are outstanding against the
component. Other, less severe, alarms may also be outstanding. The
operationalState is enabled or disabled.

The value minor indicates one or more minor alarms are outstanding against the
component. Other, less severe, alarms may also be outstanding. The
operationalState is enabled or disabled.

The value alarmOutstanding generically indicates that an alarm of some severity

is outstanding against the component.

Mib Vgs

Set of underRepair (repair)

critical (crit)
alarmOutstanding (outst)

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-81
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements standbyStatus (osiStby)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSI Standby status of
the component.

The value notSet indicates that either the attribute is not supported or that none of
the status conditions described below is present. Note that this is a non-standard
value, used because the original specification indicated this attribute was set-
valued and thus, did not provide a value to indicate that none of the other three are

The value hotStandby indicates that the resource is not providing service but will
be immediately able to take over the role of the resource to be backed up, without
initialization activity, and containing the same information as the resource to be
backed up.

The value coldStandby indicates the resource is a backup for another resource but
will not be immediately able to take over the role of the backed up resource and
will require some initialization activity.

The value providingService indicates that this component, as a backup resource,

is currently backing up another resource.

Mib Vgs

Values hotStandby (hot)

coldStandby (cold)
providingService (serv)
notSet (nSet)

Default notSet

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements unknownStatus

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Unknown status of the component.

The value false indicates that all of the other OSI State and Status attribute values
can be considered accurate.

The value true indicates that the actual state of the component is not known for

Mib Vgs

Values false

Default false

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C-82 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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GROUP Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains attributes which indicate the causes of any
LocalAnnouncements component failure.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements currentFileName

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the name (without path or extension) of the current
announcement file which LocalAnnouncements is using for new announcements.
The value may be different from that specified by the fileName attribute if the
value of fileTransferStatus attribute is not complete.
If no file has been transferred, then this attribute is an empty string.

Mib Vgs

Values String (0..40, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements fileTransferStatus

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the status of the transfer of the announcement file from the
CP to the FP.

Possible values are:

inProgress: The file as specified in fileName is being transferred. Any

announcement request are serviced using the file specified in currentFileName.

complete: The file transfer is complete. The file as specified in fileName is the
same as the file specified in currentFileName.

missing: The system cannot find the complete fileset specified in fileName on the
CP. The current file is left as is. An alarm is raised in this state. The FP will poll
for files until transfer can commence.

fileTooLong: The current fileset as defined in fileName on the CP is too long to

be loaded successfully. The current file is left as is. An alarm is raised in this state.
The FP will poll to look for changes in file length or timestamp. Reduction of file
length to within the acceptable limit, causes automatic download to occur once it
is deemed that the file is stable.

fileError: The current fileset as defined in fileName on the CP has failed sanity
checks after download, and is not to be used as an active load. The current file is
left as is. An alarm is raised in this state. The FP will poll to look for changes in
file length or timestamp. This causes automatic download to occur once it is
deemed that the file is stable.

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-83
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

cpNotResponding: The CP is not responding. The CP may be busy or the disk

may be locked. The FP will poll to check for CP availability.

Mib Vgs

Values inProgress

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements unknownNameRequests

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the announcement requests rejected due to unknown name or
unsupported name or language combination. The value is reset to zero whenever a
new announcement file is transferred or the Supplementary Services Module is

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements blockedRequests

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the announcement requests rejected due to insufficient
resource. The value is reset to zero whenever the Supplementary Services Module
is reset.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the instantaneous percentage of the local announcement
resource in use.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

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C-84 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs LocalAnnouncements

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the peak announcement resource used since this attribute
was last reset. The value of this attribute can be reset to 0 by the Zero command.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Aal2SvcService (Aal2Svc)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs Aal2SvcService

This component creates and enables the Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaptation
Layer 2 (AAL2) Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) service.

Mib Vgs

Subcomponents "COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Profile (Prof)"

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc TrunkConnection (TConn)"

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational data for the Aal2SvcService component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc activeOriginatedSvcs (activeOrig)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of currently active Switched Virtual Circuits
(SVCs) originated by this gateway.

Mib Vgs

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-85
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc activeTerminatedSvcs (activeTerm)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of currently active Switched Virtual Circuits
(SVCs) terminated by this gateway.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc originatedSvcs (origin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs) originated
by the gateway.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc terminatedSvcs (term)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs) terminated
by this gateway.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc activeSvcsDeleted (activeDel)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs) deleted
while in the active state carrying traffic.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-86 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc svcsPending (pending)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) creation
requests currently requested but not yet established.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc emptySvcCount (empty)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs) that are
enabled but not carrying narrowband calls.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc networkReleaseCount

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) network
releases received by the Aal2SvcService component. This provides an indication
of the total number of Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs) or SVC setup attempts
that failed due to ATM network conditions.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc neverUsedSvcsDeleted

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs) that were
created by this gateway and deleted without carrying any traffic.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-87
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc unavailableSvcCount (unavail)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs) currently
unavailable for trunk selection.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc narrowbandConnectionsRefused

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the narrowband connections rejected due to failure of the
Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) creation process.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc svcSetupTimeoutCount

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of times the Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC)
setup timeout expired.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc overloadedSvcCount (overloaded)

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of times an Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) was
overloaded. An SVC is overloaded when narrowband calls are simultaneously
placed on the SVC at both its originating and terminating ends, causing the
activeConnections attribute of the TConn component to exceed the
maxNumberAal2Trunks specified in the Profile component.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-88 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Profile (Prof)

Instance Decimal (1..30)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof Provisioned (Prov)"

"GROUP Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof ProfileOper"

"COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM VoiceGateway Aal2SvcService Profile"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs Aal2SvcService Profile/n

This component provides the parameters for automatically created Switched

Virtual Circuits (SVCs).

The attributes of this component are only used when SVCs are created and do not
affect values used by an existing trunk.

Mib Vgs

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioning data for the Profile component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof holdOverTime (hoTime)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the maximum period of time before a partially filled
Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaptation Layer 2 (AAL2) packet is scheduled for
transmission. It is also referred to as "combined use timer" (Timer_CU), in the
ITU-T I.363.2.

A value of 0 specifies that an ATM cell is transmitted as soon as an AAL2 packet

is placed in the cell. Each ATM cell therefore contains one AAL2 packet.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-89
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The holdOverTime affects the packet delay and the bandwidth used by the
connection. The longer the delay the higher the bandwidth efficiency of the ATM
connection and vice versa. The holdOverTime is rounded to the nearest multiple
of 0.125 milliseconds.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0.000..15.875)

Units msec

Default 2.000

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof maxNumberAal2Trunks

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of Asynchronous Transfer Mode
Adaptation Layer 2 (AAL2) trunks that may be allocated on this ATM trunk. The
local node may allocate no more than this number of trunks. The number of
currently active trunks is indicated by the activeConnections attribute of the
TrunkConnection component.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (1..247)

Default 4

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof svcPersistence

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the length of time that an Asynchronous Transfer Mode
Adaptation Layer 2 (AAL2) Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) is kept up after the
last narrowband call to use it has been deleted.

This attribute is used to modify the SVC caching system. Longer values result in
larger caches of SVCs.

The value of this attribute must be greater than or equal to the value of the
provisionable attribute terminatedSvcAvailability. This prevents the glare
condition where an SVC is chosen by the SVC terminator while the same SVC is
being deleted by the SVC originator. For optimal results, the same value should be
provisioned on all media gateways to which SVCs can be created.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..600)

Units seconds

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-90 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default 180

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof atmServiceCategory

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the ATM Service Category for Switched Virtual Circuits

The constantBitRate service category is intended for real time

applications, that is those requiring tightly constrained delay and delay variation,
as would be appropriate for voice and video applications. The consistent
availability of a fixed quantity of bandwidth is considered appropriate for constant
bit rate service.

The rtVariableBitRate service category is intended for real time applications, that
is those requiring tightly constrained delay and delay variation, as would be
appropriate for voice and video applications. Sources are expected to transmit at a
rate which varies with time. Equivalently, the source can be described as "bursty".
The real-time variable bit rate service may support statistical multiplexing of real
time sources.

Mib Vgs

Values constantBitRate (cbr)

rtVariableBitRate (rtVbr)

Default rtVariableBitRate

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof

terminatedSvcAvailability (termSvcAvail)
Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the period of time that a terminated Switched Virtual
Circuit (SVC) may be chosen by the local trunk selection algorithm after the last
call using the SVC has been deleted. Once this time expires, the particular SVC
will not be locally picked for new calls. The remote Media Gateway (MGW) may
still request this SVC and those requests are accepted.

The value of this attribute must be less than or equal to the value of the
provisionable attribute svcPersistence. This is necessary to prevent the glare
condition where an SVC is chosen by the SVC terminator while the same SVC is
being deleted by the SVC originator. For optimal results, the same value should be
provisioned on all MGWs to which SVCs can be created.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..600)

Units seconds

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-91
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof cidReuseQuarantine

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the length of time that a Channel Identification (CID) will
be quarantined after termination of a call. While quarantined, the CID is not
available to the local trunk selection algorithm; however, it can still be requested
by the remote Media Gateway.

The value of this attribute must be same as the value of the cidReuseQuarantine
attribute of each provisioned AtmTconn component.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (1..60)

Units seconds

Default 10

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof svcSetupTimeout

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the length of time allowed for an Switched Virtual Circuit
(SVC) setup before calls waiting for that SVC are cleared.

This attribute is used when trunks are created and does not affect existing trunks.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (50..50000)

Units msec

Default 1000

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof svcPreCreation

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies whether pre-creation of Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs)
is enabled.

If svcPreCreation is enabled then an SVC setup is initiated when the bandwidth

available in existing Virtual Circuit Connections (VCCs) between two Network
Service Access Point (NSAP) addresses is down to a level such that a new SVC
would be required for the next call.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-92 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib Vgs

Values enabled

Default enabled

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof addressPrefix (addr)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the prefix digits of the remote Asynchronous Transfer
Mode Adaptation Layer 2 (AAL2) endpoint (Network Service Access Point)
NSAP address.

The value is defaulted to a null string, meaning that it matches any address. Any
Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) established with a remote NSAP address
matching the prefix digits uses this profile. The Profile with the longest prefix
match is used.

Mib Vgs

Values String (0..40, ASCII)

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof ProfileOper

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational data for the Profile component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof activeOriginatedSvcs

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of currently active Switched Virtual Circuits
(SVCs) originated by this gateway that use this Profile.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof activeTerminatedSvcs

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of currently active Switched Virtual Circuits
(SVCs) terminated by this gateway that use this Profile.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-93
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof originatedSvcs (origin)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs) originated
by the gateway that use this Profile.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof terminatedSvcs (term)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs) terminated
by this gateway that use this Profile.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof activeSvcsDeleted

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs) that use this
Profile which are deleted while in the active state carrying traffic.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof neverUsedSvcsDeleted


GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-94 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs) that were
created by this gateway using this Profile and deleted without carrying any traffic.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof svcsPending (pending)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) creation
requests currently requested but not yet established on this gateway that use this

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof emptySvcCount (empty)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs) that are
enabled and use this Profile but not carrying narrowband calls on this gateway.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof networkReleaseCount

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) network
releases received by the Aal2SvcService component for the Switched Virtual
Circuits (SVCs) that use this Profile. This provides an indication of the total
number of SVCs that use this Profile or SVC attempts that failed due to ATM
network conditions.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-95
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof unavailableSvcCount

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs) that use
this Profile which are currently unavailable for trunk selection.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof

narrowbandConnectionsRefused (refused)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the narrowband connections rejected due to failure of the
Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) creation process for SVCs that use this Profile.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof svcSetupTimeoutCount

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of times the Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC)
setup timeout expired for SVCs that use this Profile.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof overloadedSvcCount

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-96 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts the number of times an Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) that
use this Profile was overloaded. An SVC is overloaded when narrowband calls are
simultaneously placed on the SVC at both its originating and terminating ends,
causing the activeConnections attribute of the TConn component to exceed the
value of maxNumberAal2Trunks attribute.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof

lastSvcSetupTimeoutNsap (lastToutNsap)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the remote Network Service Access Point (NSAP) address
of the last Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) setup attempt for which the SVC setup
timeout attribute expired for the SVC that uses this Profile.

If the string is empty, then such a timeout has never occurred.

Mib Vgs

Values String (0..40, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof

lastSvcSetupFailureNsap (lastFailNsap)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the remote Network Service Access Point (NSAP) address
of the last Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) setup attempt for which the setup
request failed for the SVC that uses this Profile.

If the string is empty, SVC setup failures have not occurred.

Mib Vgs

Values String (0..40, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof

lastSvcSetupFailureCause (lastFailCause)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-97
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute indicates the cause of the last Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) setup
failure for the SVC that uses this Profile, as defined in the ATM Forum ATM
User-Network Interface Specification.

This attribute is only meaningful if the lastSvcSetupFailureNsap attribute is not


Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof

lastSvcSetupFailureDiagnostic (lastFailDiag)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the diagnostic code associated with the last Switched
Virtual Circuit (SVC) setup failure for the SVC that uses this Profile, as defined in
the ATM Forum ATM User-Network Interface Specification.

This attribute is only meaningful if the lastSvcSetupFailureNsap attribute is not


Mib Vgs

Values String (0..8, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof

lastSvcAbnormalTearDownNsap (lastTdNsap)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the remote Network Service Access Point (NSAP) address
of the last Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) that uses this Profile which did not
experience a normal tear down.

If the string is empty, an abnormal SVC tear down has not occurred.

Mib Vgs

Values String (0..40, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof

lastSvcAbnormalTearDownCause (lastTdCause)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-98 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute indicates the tear down cause for the last Switched Virtual Circuit
(SVC) that uses this Profile and did not experience a normal tear down, as defined
in the ATM Forum ATM User-Network Interface Specification.

This attribute is only meaningful if the lastSvcAbnormalTearDownNsap attribute

is not empty.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof

lastSvcAbnormalTearDownDiagnostic (lastTdDiag)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the tear down diagnostic code associated with the last
Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) that uses this Profile and did not experience a
normal tear down, as defined in the ATM Forum ATM User-Network Interface

This attribute is only meaningful if the lastSvcAbnormalTearDownNsap attribute

is not empty.

Mib Vgs

Values String (0..8, ASCII)

Default No default

COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM

VoiceGateway Aal2SvcService Profile Default
Description The statistics record generated by the NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM
VoiceGateway Aal2SvcService Profile component.

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof

Description This attribute indicates the peak value of the operational attribute
activeOriginatedSvcs during the collection interval.

The counter is reset to the current value of the operational attribute

activeOriginatedSvcs at the beginning of the next collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof

Description This attribute indicates the peak value of the operational attribute
activeTerminatedSvcs during the collection interval.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-99
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter is reset to the current value of the operational attribute

activeTerminatedSvcs at the beginning of the next collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof originatedSvcs

Description This attribute counts the Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs) originated by the
gateway that use this Profile.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof terminatedSvcs

Description This attribute counts the Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs) terminated by this
gateway that use this Profile.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof activeSvcsDeleted

Description This attribute counts the Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs) that use this Profile
and were deleted while in the active state and carrying traffic.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof neverUsedSvcsDeleted

Description This attribute counts the Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs) that use this Profile
and were created by this gateway and were deleted without carrying any traffic.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof peakSvcsPending

Description This attribute indicates the peak value of the operational attribute svcsPending
during the collection interval.

The counter is reset to the current value of the operational attribute svcsPending at
the beginning of the next collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof networkReleaseCount

Description This attribute counts the Asynchronous Transport Mode (ATM) network releases
received by the Aal2SvcService component for Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs)
that use this Profile. This provides an indication of the total number of Switched
Virtual Circuits (SVCs) or SVC setup attempts that failed due to ATM network

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-100 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

conditions for SVCs that use this Profile.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof

Description This attribute indicates the peak value of the operational attribute
unavailableSvcCount during the collection interval.

The counter is reset to the current value of the operational attribute

unavailableSvcCount at the beginning of the next collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof

Description This attribute counts the narrowband connections refused due to failure of the
Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) creation process for SVCs that use this Profile.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof overloadedSvcCount

Description This attribute counts the Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) overload events. An SVC
is overloaded when narrowband calls are simultaneously placed on the SVC at
both its originating and terminating ends, causing the activeConnections attribute
of the TConn component to exceed the value of the maxNumberAal2Trunks

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof svcSetupTimeoutCount

Description This attribute counts the expiries of the Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) setup
timer. The duration of this timer is specified by the value of the provisionable
attribute svcSetupTimeout.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc Prof peakEmptySvcCount

Description This attribute indicates the peak value of the operational attribute emptySvcCount
during the collection interval.

The counter is reset to the current value of the operational attribute

emptySvcCount at the beginning of the next collection interval.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-101
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc TrunkConnection (TConn)

Instance Decimal (0..4095)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc TConn Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs Aal2SvcService TrunkConnection

This dynamic component provides visibility for all automatically created

Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs).

This component is present if and only if the corresponding Asynchronous

Transfer Mode (ATM) trunk is available for use by narrowband calls. It is thus
present immediately after the SVC is established. It is also present after the SVC
has been released from the network for as long as the hold-off timer is running, as
indicated by the holdOverTime attribute. On expiry of the hold-off timer, the
Virtual Channel Connection (VCC) is deleted in the Signaling Processing Module
(SPM), and this component instance is removed.

Mib Vgs

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc TConn AtmConnection (AtmCon)"

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc TConn Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational data for the VgsAal2SvcConnection component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc TConn remoteAddress (rAddr)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) address of the
node at the remote end of this trunk.

Mib Vgs

Values String (1..40, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc TConn vcci

Access Read only

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-102 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute indicates the Virtual Channel Connection Identifier (VCCI) for this
Virtual Channel Connection (VCC).

The vcci attribute value uniquely identifies a VCC between two nodes in a given

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) trunks terminating on different remote

nodes may share the same vcci attribute value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (4096..8191)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc TConn type

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates whether this Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Virtual
Channel Connection (VCC) was originated or terminated by this ATM Adaptation
Layer 2 (AAL2) Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) Service.

Mib Vgs

Values originated

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc TConn activeConnections

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of active narrowband connections on this
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Virtual Channel Connection (VCC).

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..247)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc TConn aal2CpLossStatus

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates whether an Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaptation

Layer 2 (AAL2) common part (CP) loss condition exists. When the condition
exists, this attribute is set to loss, otherwise it is set to noLoss.

An AAL2 CP loss condition exists if no valid media traffic is being received.

Mib Vgs

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-103
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Values noLoss

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc TConn aal2StartFieldErrors

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells received with an Asynchronous Transfer
Mode Adaptation Layer 2 (AAL2) Common Part Sublayer Protocol Data Unit
(CPS-PDU) Start Field error.

A Start Field error includes a cell with a parity error or a cell in which the packet
pointed to by the offset field (OSF) has a packet Header Error Check (HEC) error.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc TConn aal2SequenceErrors

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of cells received with an unexpected
Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaptation Layer 2 (AAL2) Common Part
Sublayer Protocol Data Unit (CPS-PDU) sequence number.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc TConn profileName (profile)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the component name of the Profile associated with this

Mib Vgs

Values The name of the component

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc TConn AtmConnection (AtmCon)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc TConn AtmCon Operational (Oper)"

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-104 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Scope Device

Description An AtmConnection component is created for each ATM connection established

by an application. It shows where the data traffic for this connection is directed.

Mib Vgs

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc TConn AtmCon Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This attribute group contains the operational attributes for the NapAtmConnection

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Aal2Svc TConn AtmCon nextHop

Access Read only

Description This attribute shows the component name of the AtmIf Vcc Ep or AtmCon
component to which this switched connection is established.

Mib Vgs

Values The name of the component

Default No default


Instance Decimal (0)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs H248 Provisioned (Prov)"

"GROUP Nsta Vgs H248 Operational (Oper)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs H248 Statistics (Stats)"

"COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM VoiceGateway H248"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs H248/n

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-105
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

This component represents an interface between a gateway and a controller using

the H.248 (Megaco) Protocol.

Mib Vgs

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs H248 Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the H248 component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 mgMid

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Message Identifier that the gateway includes as part of
every message sent to the controller.

The format of this string is described in NTP NN10600-780.

Mib Vgs

Values String (1..64, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 udpPortConnection (port)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute is a link to the Nsta/n Vgs Ctrl/n UdpPort/n component that defines
the Media Gateway (MGW) local UDP port for the H.248 protocol. The default
UDP port for H.248 text format is 2944.

Mib Vgs

Values Link (Service, linkToApplication)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 sdpFormat

Access Read: All
Write: All

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C-106 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute specifies the Session Description Protocol (SDP) media line
compliance for SDPs sent and received by the gateway.

strictH248 - force strict H.248 SDP media line compliance for both receiving and
transmitting SDPs.

h248 - flexible when receiving SDP media lines. Complies with H.248 when
sending SDP media lines.

nonH248 - flexible when receiving SDP media lines and may send multiple SDP
media lines per SDP group when appropriate.

This attribute is not applicable when the Media Gateway is registered with a
Media Gateway Controller that specifies asn1Ber as the value for the
encodingFormat attribute defined under the Mgc or MgcIf component.

Mib Vgs

Values h248

Default nonH248

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 atmSdpTransmitFormat

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute indicates the Session Description Protocol (SDP) format that the
gateway sends when establishing an AAL2 connection.

vgcp - Comply with the VGCP SDP format.

rfc3108 - Comply with the RFC-3108 SDP format.

This attribute is not applicable when the Media Gateway is registered with a
Media Gateway Controller that specifies asn1Ber as the value for the
encodingFormat attribute defined under the Mgc or MgcIf component.

Mib Vgs

Values vgcp

Default rfc3108

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 mgcList

Access Read: All
Write: All

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-107
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute specifies an ordered list of links to associated Mgc components,
which specify the provisioned attributes for use with the primary and (multiple)
secondary controllers. The controller preference used by the gateway when
registering is determined by the order of adding links (that is, the first is

The list must contain at least one entry. A maximum of three links are allowed.

If the mgw or multiPartyMgw feature is being used then only one link is allowed.

Mib Vgs

List of Link (Service, mgList)

List Size 3

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs H248 Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational data for the H248 component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 negotiatedVersion (vers)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute is the current H.248 protocol version which the gateway sends in
H.248 transaction requests and is therefore the negotiated version between the
controller and the gateway.

The attribute equals 0 when the gateway is registering.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..99)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 maximumContexts (ctxts)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the maximum number of H.248 contexts supported by the

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..65535)

Default No default

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-108 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 normalMgExecutionTime (time)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the current value of the interval within which the
controller expects a response from the gateway, exclusive of network delay.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..10000)

Units msec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 normalMgcExecutionTime (cTime)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the current value of the interval within which the gateway
expects a response from the controller, exclusive of network delay.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..10000)

Units msec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 mgcProvisionalRespTimerValue

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the current value of the time within which the gateway
expects a Pending Response from the controller if a Transaction cannot be

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..10000)

Units msec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 maximumInactivityTime (mit)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the time the gateway will wait for an H.248 message from
the controller before the gateway attempts to contact the controller to determine if
it is still active. The value off indicates that the maximum inactivity timer is not

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-109
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..655350)


Units msec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 mgcMid

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the Message Identifier of the current controller being used.
This value is obtained from the controller response to the gateway registration

The attribute has zero length when the gateway is registering.

Mib Vgs

Values String (0..64, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 mgcAddress (addr)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the current controller IP address to which the gateway
sends H.248 transaction requests.

Mib Vgs

Values IP address

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 mgcPort

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the current controller UDP port to which the gateway
sends H.248 transaction requests.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..65535)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 mgcInUse

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-110 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute indicates the instance name of the Mgc component currently in use.

Mib Vgs

Values The name of the component

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 mgProvisionalRespTimerValue

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the current value of the time within which the controller
expects a Pending Response from the gateway if a Transaction cannot be

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..10000)

Units msec

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs H248 Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains statistics for the H248 component. These are filtered on
12mVspAal and Vsp2 cards.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 addRequests (addReq)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Add commands processed. The Add command adds a
termination to a context, creating the context if necessary. Wildcarded requests are
counted for each termination the Add is applied to.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 addResponses (addRsp)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the responses sent to the Media Gateway Controller (MGC)
for the Add commands received. The count includes both successful and failed

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-111
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Add command responses.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 subtractRequests (subReq)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Subtract commands processed. The Subtract command
removes a termination from its context and deletes the context if no terminations
remain.Wildcarded requests are counted for each termination the Subtract is
applied to.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 subtractResponses (subRsp)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the responses sent to the Media Gateway Controller (MGC)
for the Subtract commands received. The count includes both successful and
failed Subtract command responses.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 modifyRequests (modReq)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Modify commands processed. The Modify command
modifies one or more of the properties, events, and signals of a termination.
Wildcarded requests are counted for each termination the Modify is applied to.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-112 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 modifyResponses (modRsp)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the responses sent to the Media Gateway Controller (MGC)
for the Modify commands received. The count includes both successful and failed
Modify command responses.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 moveRequests (movReq)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Move commands processed. The Move command
atomically moves a termination to another context. Wildcarded requests are
counted for each termination the Move is applied to.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 moveResponses (movRsp)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the responses sent to the Media Gateway Controller (MGC)
for the Move commands received. The count includes both successful and failed
Move command responses.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 notifyRequestsSent (notifReqSent)

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-113
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Notify commands processed. The Notify command
informs the Controller of events occurring in the Gateway.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 notifyResponsesRcvd

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the responses received for the Notify transactions sent to the
Media Gateway Controller (MGC). The count includes both successful and failed
Notify transaction responses.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 auditValueRequests (audValReq)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the AuditValue commands processed. The Audit Value
command returns the current state of properties, events, signals, and statistics of
terminations. Wildcarded requests are counted for each termination the
AuditValue is applied to.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 auditValueResponses (audValRsp)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the responses sent to the Media Gateway Controller (MGC)
for the Audit Value commands received. The count includes both successful and

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-114 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

failed Audit Value command responses.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 auditCapabilityRequests

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the AuditCapability commands processed. The Audit
Capabilities command returns all the possible values for termination properties,
events and signals allowed by the Gateway. Wildcarded requests are counted for
each termination the AuditCapability is applied to.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 auditCapabilityResponses

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the responses sent to the Media Gateway Controller (MGC)
for the Audit Capability commands received. The count includes both successful
and failed Audit Capability command responses.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 scRequestsSent (scReqSent)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the ServiceChange commands sent to the Controller. The
Service Change command allows the Gateway to notify the Controller that a
termination or group of terminations is about to be taken out of service or has just
been returned to service. The Service Change command is also used by the
Gateway to announce its availability to a Controller (registration), and to notify

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-115
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

the Controller of impending or completed restart of the Gateway.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 scResponsesRcvd (scRspRcvd)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the responses received for the Service Change transactions
sent to the Media Gateway Controller (MGC). The count includes both successful
and failed Service Change transaction responses.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 scRequestsRcvd (scReqRecv)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the ServiceChange commands processed. The Service
Change command is used by the Controller to announce a handover to the
Gateway.Wildcarded requests are counted for each termination the ServiceChange
is applied to.

The Controller may also use service change to instruct the Gateway to take a
termination or group of terminations in to or out of service.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 scResponsesSent (scRspSent)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the responses sent to the Media Gateway Controller (MGC)
for the Service Change transactions received. The count includes both successful
and failed Service Change transaction responses.

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C-116 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 unknownCommandsRcvd

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the unknown commands received from the Media Gateway
Controller (MGC).

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 rspWithInvalidTransIdRcvd

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the messages with invalid Transaction ID received during the
collection interval in response to the transactions sent to the Media Gateway
Controller (MGC).

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM

VoiceGateway H248
Description The statistics record generated by the NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM
VoiceGateway H248 component.

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode400Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 400 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-117
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode401Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 401 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode402Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 402 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode403Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 403 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode406Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 406 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode410Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 410 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-118 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode411Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 411 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode412Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 412 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode421Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 421 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode422Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 422 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode430Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 430 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-119
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode431Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 431 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode432Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 432 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode433Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 433 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode434Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 434 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode435Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 435 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

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C-120 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode440Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 440 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode441Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 441 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode442Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 442 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode443Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 443 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode444Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 444 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-121
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode445Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 445 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode446Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 446 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode447Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 447 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode448Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 448 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode450Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 450 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-122 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode451Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 451 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode452Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 452 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode453Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 453 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode454Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 454 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode455Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 455 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-123
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode456Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 456 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode457Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 457 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode471Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 471 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode500Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 500 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode501Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 501 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-124 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode502Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 502 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode505Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 505 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode510Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 510 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode512Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 512 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode513Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 513 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-125
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode514Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 514 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode515Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 515 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode517Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 517 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode518Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 518 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode519Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 519 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-126 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode520Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 520 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode521Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 521 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode526Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 526 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode529Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 529 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode530Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 530 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-127
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode531Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 531 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode532Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 532 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode533Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 533 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode534Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 534 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 errorCode540Tx

Description This attribute counts the error code 540 sent to the Media Gateway Controller

This error code is described in the H.248.8 ITU-T specification.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-128 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 addRequests

Description This attribute indicates the number of Add commands processed during the
collection interval. The add command adds a termination to a context, creating the
context if necessary. Wildcarded requests are counted for each termination the
Add is applied to.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 addResponses

Description This attribute counts the responses sent to the Media Gateway Controller (MGC)
for the Add commands received. The count includes both successful and failed
Add command responses.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 subtractRequests

Description This attribute indicates the number of Subtract commands processed during the
collection interval. The subtract command removes a termination from its context
and deletes the context if no terminations remain.Wildcarded requests are counted
for each termination the Subtract is applied to.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 subtractResponses

Description This attribute counts the responses sent to the Media Gateway Controller (MGC)
for the Subtract commands received. The count includes both successful and
failed Subtract command responses.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 modifyRequests

Description This attribute indicates the number of Modify command processed during the
collection interval. The modify command modifies one or more of the properties,
events and signals of a termination. Wildcarded requests are counted for each
termination the Modify is applied to.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 modifyResponses

Description This attribute counts the responses sent to the Media Gateway Controller (MGC)
for the Modify commands received. The count includes both successful and failed
Modify command responses.

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-129
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 moveRequests

Description This attribute indicates the number of Move commands processed during the
collection interval. The move command atomically moves a termination to
another context. Wildcarded requests are counted for each termination the Move is
applied to.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 moveResponses

Description This attribute counts the responses sent to the Media Gateway Controller (MGC)
for the Move commands received. The count includes both successful and failed
Move command responses.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 notifyRequestsSent

Description This attribute indicates the number of Notify commands that were sent during the
collection interval. The notify command informs the Controller of events
occurring in the Gateway.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 notifyResponsesRcvd

Description This attribute counts the responses received for the Notify transactions sent to the
Media Gateway Controller (MGC). The count includes both successful and failed
Notify transaction responses.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 auditValueRequests

Description This attribute indicates the number of AuditValue commands processed during the
collection interval. The audit value command returns the current state of
properties, events, signals and statistics of terminations. Wildcarded requests are
counted for each termination the AuditValue is applied to.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 auditValueResponses

Description This attribute counts the responses sent to the Media Gateway Controller (MGC)
for the Audit Value commands received. The count includes both successful and
failed Audit Value command responses.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-130 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 auditCapabilityRequests

Description This attribute indicates the number of AuditCapability commands processed
during the collection interval. The audit capabilities command returns all the
possible values for termination properties, events and signals allowed by the
Gateway. Wildcarded requests are counted for each termination the
AuditCapability is applied to.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 auditCapabilityResponses

Description This attribute counts the responses sent to the Media Gateway Controller (MGC)
for the Audit Capability commands received. The count includes both successful
and failed Audit Capability command responses.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 scRequestsSent

Description This attribute indicates the number of ServiceChange commands sent during the
collection interval. The service change command allows the Gateway to notify the
Controller that a termination or group of terminations is about to be taken out of
service or has just been returned to service. The service change command is also
used by the Gateway to announce its availability to a Controller (registration), and
to notify the Controller of impending or completed restart of the Gateway.
Wildcarded requests are counted for each termination the ServiceChange is
applied to.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 scResponsesRcvd

Description This attribute counts the responses received for the Service Change transactions
sent to the Media Gateway Controller (MGC). The count includes both successful
and failed Service Change transaction responses.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 scRequestsRcvd

Description This attribute indicates the number of ServiceChange commands received during
the collection interval. The service change command is used by the Controller to
announce a handover to the Gateway. Wildcarded requests are counted for each
termination the ServiceChange is applied to.

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-131
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The Controller may also use service change to instruct the Gateway to take a
termination or group of terminations in to or out of service.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 scResponsesSent

Description This attribute counts the responses sent to the Media Gateway Controller (MGC)
for the Service Change transactions received. The count includes both successful
and failed Service Change transaction responses.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 unknownCommandsRcvd

Description This attribute counts the unknown commands received from the Media Gateway
Controller (MGC).

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs H248 rspWithInvalidTransIdRcvd

Description This attribute counts the messages with invalid Transaction ID received during the
collection interval in response to the transactions sent to the Media Gateway
Controller (MGC).

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs PacketNetworkProfile (PktProf)

Instance Decimal (0)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs PktProf Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs PacketNetworkProfile/n

The PacketNetworkProfile component represents a profile of the PVG packet side

characteristics of narrowband calls.

Mib Vgs

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GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-132 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

GROUP Nsta Vgs PktProf Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the PacketNetworkProfile

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs PktProf bufferSize (bufSize)

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

Description This attribute represents the capacity of the packet delay variation (PDV) buffer in
milliseconds of data.

To ensure that PDV can be tolerated it is necessary to initialize the system with a
reserve of information in the buffer used to reassemble data for transmission
across the TDM network. The size of this reserve is defined by the pdvt and
bufferSize attributes. The amount of data played out to the TDM network (a
period of time defined by the packetDelayVariationTolerance attribute) is equal to
the size of the initialization reserve. There should be enough data in the
reassembly buffer to allow transmission for a period of time defined by the pdvt
attribute before buffer underflow due to the next delayed packet occurs.

If the VgsIp, VgsIpG729, VgsIpGe, or VgsIpG729Ge feature has been

provisioned the default bufferSize will be 60ms; otherwise the bufferSize will be

The value should always be greater than the maximum packet size plus two times
the value of the pdvt attribute, except on 2pGeMmSrVsp3 and
2pOC3ChSmIrVsp3 cards where it need only be greater than or equal to two
times the value of the pdvt attribute. The maximum packet size is 20ms for VgsIp,
VgsIpG729, VgsIpGe and VgsIpG729Ge features and 10ms for all other features.

This attribute has no effect if the packetDelayVariationTolerance attribute is set to


Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (5..100)

Units msec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs PktProf packetDelayVariationTolerance

Access Read and write

Criticality Component

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-133
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute represents the maximum packet arrival jitter in milliseconds that the
reassembly process will tolerate in the packet stream without producing errors on
the TDM interface.

This attribute together with the bufferSize attribute, can be configured to optimize
the jitter versus absolute delay trade off in various network configurations.

The value should always be less than the value of the bufferSize attribute minus
the maximum packet size divided by two, except on 2pGeMmSrVsp3 and
2pOC3ChSmIrVsp3 cards, where it need only be less than or equal to the value of
the bufferSize attribute divided by two. The maximum packet size is 20ms for
VgsIp, VgsIpG729, VgsIpGe, and VgsIpG729Ge features and 10ms for all other

If set to adaptive, the hardware attempts to minimize the absolute delay while
allowing for the maximum packet arrival jitter encountered. This value is only
supported on the following cards:


Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (5..50)


Units msec

Default 20

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs PktProf lossIntegrationPeriod (intPeriod)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute represents the interval of time in seconds for which a loss of packet
condition must persist before the corresponding call is dropped. A value of zero
specifies that packet loss integration is disabled and therefore call connections are
not suspended after packet loss.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..50)

Units seconds

Default 5

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs PktProf defaultVoiceRate (defVRate)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute represents the default coding algorithm to be used under normal
conditions (when no 2100 Hz tone is detected).

For each connection, this default coding algorithm can be overridden by the

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C-134 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel


When the vgsIpGe feature is provisioned, the value 64kG711 must be used.

When the vgsIpG729 or vgsIpG729Ge feature is provisioned, the value must be

either 64kG711 or 8kG729.

When the VSP card type is 2pGeMmSrVsp3 or 2pOC3ChSmIrVsp3, and the

vgsAtm or vgsAtmG729 feature is provisioned, the value must be 64kG711,
24kG726 or 32kG726.

When the VSP card type is 2pOC3ChSmIrVsp3, and the vgsIp feature is
provisioned, the value must be either 64kG711 or 8kG729. For all other VSP card
types, the following restrictions apply:
- if the vgsAtm or vgsAtmDc feature is provisioned, the value must be 64kG711 or
- if the vgsIp feature is provisioned, the value must be 64kG711.

Mib Vgs

Values 64kG711

Default 64kG711

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs PktProf tone2100Rate (toneRate)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute represents the coding algorithm to be used when a 2100 Hz tone is
detected (phase reversal may or may not be detected). This attribute takes
precedence over the defaultVoiceRate attribute.

For all card types, this attribute must be set to 64kG711 when using IP transport.

When the vgsAtm feature is provisioned on a 2pOC3ChSmIrVsp3 card, then this

attribute must be set to 64kG711 if the attribute defaultVoiceRate has been set to

Mib Vgs

Values 64kG711

Default 64kG711

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs PktProf silenceDetectionHangOverTime

Access Read and write

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-135
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute represents the time in milliseconds for which the speech path is left
on, before being suppressed when a timeslot is silent. This helps to prevent
clipping at the end of words.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (30..500)

Units msec

Default 200

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs PktProf silenceSuppression (silSup)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute represents whether silence suppression is performed.

A value of enabled indicates that silence suppression is performed as default. For

each connection this default can be overridden by the controller.

A value of disabled indicates that silence suppression is not performed under any

Mib Vgs

Values enabled

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs PktProf silenceSuppressionThreshold

Access Read and write

Description This attribute represents the level above which silence suppression is not
performed. A value in the range -39 to -36 dBm0 is only permitted on
2pGeMmSrVsp3 and 2pOC3ChSmIrVsp3 cards.

Mib Vgs

Values Signed (-60..-36)

Units dBm0

Default -40

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs PktProf digitTransport

Access Read and write

Description This attribute represents the method by which digit tones are transported.

If set to 64kG711, then G.729 voice channels will upspeed to send 64kG711
packets when DTMF is detected.

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C-136 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

If set to sendAsVoice, DTMF is encoded using currently selected codec.

If set to squelch, during the playback of a digit, silence is sent over the voice path,
encoded at the current encoding rate.

If set to relay, this value enables negotiation of mutual support for the relay of
DTMF tones as RFC2833 VoIP packets. Should this negotiation fail then behavior
is the same as for 64kG711.

A value of relay is only valid on 2pGeMmSrVsp3 and 2pOC3ChSmIrVsp3 cards.

If the Sw Lpt featureList attribute contains vgsAtm, vgsAtmDc or vgsIp and the
card type is 12mVspAal or Vsp2, this attribute is ignored and the value of
sendAsVoice will be the digit tone transport method.

Mib Vgs

Values sendAsVoice

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs PktProf vbdTransport

Access Read and write

Description This attribute represents the method by which voiceband data tones are

If set to useTone2100Rate, then G.729 voice channels will upspeed to send

64kG711 packets when VBD is detected regardless of whether or not the remote
gateway has indicated support for this codec.

If set to useTone2100RateIfNegotiated, then G.729 voice channels will upspeed

to send 64kG711 packets when VBD is detected only when the remote gateway
has indicated support for this codec.

Mib Vgs

Values useTone2100RateIfNegotiated

Default useTone2100RateIfNegotiated

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs PktProf stateChangeSignalingMode

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the mechanism that the gateway uses to signal inband
changes in call state to the gateway on the far side of the packet network. This
attribute only applies to the following features:

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-137
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel


The possible values for this attribute are:

proprietary - Proprietary PVG tone indication packets are sent.

itu - Standard User State Control (USC) packets are sent, in compliance with
ITU-T Recommendation 1.366.2 Annex O.

A value of proprietary is only permitted on the following cards:


A value of itu is only permitted on the following cards:


For the 2pOC3ChSmIrVsp3 card, the default for this attribute is itu. For all other
cards the default for this attribute is proprietary.

Mib Vgs

Values proprietary

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs TdmAccessGroup (Tag)

Instance Decimal (0..16777215)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Tag Provisioned (Prov)"

"GROUP Nsta Vgs Tag OsiState (State)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs Tag Operational (Oper)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs Tag CommonOp (ComOp)"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs Tag/n

This component represents a group of TDM timeslots in a TDM primary rate

stream associated with this VSP, and relates them to a processing profile.

This component defines default processing for all TDM connections represented

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-138 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

in this TdmAccessGroup component. For each connection, this default processing

may be overridden by the controller.

Mib Vgs

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Tag ChannelAssociatedSignaling (Cas)"

"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Tag TdmAccessGroupUser (TagUser)"

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Tag DigitalService0 (DS0)"

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Tag Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the TdmAccessGroup component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Tag interfaceName (ifName)

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the link to a Chan component. This Chan component must
exist on the same Functional Processor.

Mib Vgs

Values Link (Service, applicationFramerName)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Tag profile (prof)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the TdmNetworkProfile component to use on the TDM
trunks of the Tag component when a call is setup.

Mib Vgs

Values Link (Service, applicationList)

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs Tag OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions generically
indicate what each state attribute implies about the component. Note that not all

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-139
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

the values and state combinations described here are supported by every
component which reuses this group. For component-specific information and the
valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Tag adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been
previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

Mib Vgs

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Tag operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note
that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For
example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another
component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState
must be idle.

Mib Vgs

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Tag usageState (osiUsage)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-140 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to
provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

Mib Vgs

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle

GROUP Nsta Vgs Tag Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains attributes that indicate the Tag component status.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Tag status

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the status of a Tag.

The possible values are:

enabled - no failure.

vgsNotReady - the Media Gateway is unavailable. This is currently indicated by

the operationalState of the Vsp component being disabled.

chanNotReady - the TDM Chan component is locked, or the Chan

proceduralStatus is initializationRequired.

chanDegraded - the TDM Chan or associated primary rate interface has an

outstanding alarm.

resourceUnavailable - there is not enough hardware resource to handle all

timeslots of this Tag.

casNotReady - the operationalState of the CasDefn component linked to by the

Cas subcomponent of this Tag is currently disabled.

Mib Vgs

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-141
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values vgsNotReady

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs Tag CommonOp (ComOp)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational attributes common to Brag and DBrag.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Tag outOfServiceTerminationsByMgc

Access Read only

Description This attribute is a list of TDM terminations placed out of service by the controller.
This does not include TDM terminations placed out of service by the gateway.

This attribute is only relevant if the H.248 protocol is in use. If any other attribute
is used, this attribute is filtered.

Mib Vgs

List of Decimal (1..31)

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Tag ChannelAssociatedSignaling (Cas)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Tag Cas Provisioned (Prov)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs Tag Cas Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs Brag/n ChannelAssociatedSignaling

Nsta/n Vgs Tag/n ChannelAssociatedSignaling

This component represents the capability to terminate, process and redirect any
Channel Associated Signaling information associated with the parent component.

Mib Vgs

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C-142 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

GROUP Nsta Vgs Tag Cas Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisioning data for the Cas component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Tag Cas

channelAssocSignalingDefinition (casDefinition)
Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies a link to an Nsta/n Vgs CasDefn/n component, which
defines the CAS signaling details.

This attribute must be supplied.

Mib Vgs

Values Link (Service, applicationList)

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs Tag Cas Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains attributes that indicate the status of a Cas component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Tag Cas txSignals

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts CAS line signals transmitted towards the TDM interface
since the component was activated.

The counter wraps to 0 when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Tag Cas rxSignals

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts CAS line signals received from the TDM interface since the
component was activated.

The counter wraps to 0 when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-143
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Tag Cas busyChannels

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of endpoints in answer or setup state for the
Chan component specified in the interfaceName attribute of the parent
component. This includes only the endpoints that are not in idle or blocked state.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..30)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Tag Cas blockedChannels

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the number of endpoints in blocked state for the Chan
component specified in the interfaceName attribute of the parent component.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..30)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Tag Cas signalFailureIndications

Access Read only

Description This attribute counts the number of incoming line state changes that are not
recognized as valid candidates for that stage in a call, and that are reported as a
Signal Failure to the MSC call server.

The counter wraps to 0 when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Tag DigitalService0 (DS0)

Instance Decimal (1..31)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Tag DS0 TagDs0Oper"

Scope Application

Description Nsta/n Vgs Tag/n DigitalService0/n

This component represents a channel in a trunk and is created dynamically at the

time of the creation of the VgsTdmAccessGroup (Tag) component. A Digital

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C-144 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Service Level 0 (DS0) is the fundamental digital speed level used to classify the
capacities of lines and trunks. It has a standard speed of 66 kilobits per second for
digitizing voice conversation using Pulse Code Modulation (PCM).

Up to 31 instances of this component are created based on the trunk type, E1 can
have 31 instances and T1 can have 24 instances.

Mib Vgs

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Tag DS0 TagDs0Oper

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes for the DigitalService0 (Ds0)

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Tag DS0 terminationIdInfo

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the Termination Identifier associated with this DS0 in
hexadecimal format (binary).

Mib Vgs

Values String (6, Hex)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Tag DS0 callState

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the current call state of this DS0. A DS0 can be in one of
the following possible states:
idle - indicates that the DS0 is not being used for a call.
inCall - indicates that the DS0 is in a call.
oos - indicates that the DS0 is out of service.

Mib Vgs

Values idle

Default No default

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-145
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Tag DS0 connectionDuration

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the time elapsed since the connection has been established.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units seconds

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Tag DS0 resourceId (resId)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the resource information associated with this DS0, if it is
being used for a call. The resource Identifier contains the Digital Signaling
Processor (DSP) chip Identifier, DSP Core Identifier, and channel Identifier.

Mib Vgs

Values String (8, Hex)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Tag DS0 codecType (codec)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the codec currently used by this DS0 if the DS0 is being
used for a call. A DS0 can use one of the following codecs:
q13 - the Q13 codec.
evrc - the Enhanced Vocoder Rate Control (EVRC) codec.
smv - the Selectable Mode Vocoder (SMV) codec.
g711 - the G711 codec
amr - the Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) codec.

Mib Vgs

Values q13

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Tag DS0 callControllerIpAddress


GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-146 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the IP address of the call controller, if this DS0 is being
used for a call.

If the featureList attribute is set to cdmaCodec, this attribute represents the IP

Address of the Activity Concentration Point (ACP). For all other features, it
represents the Media Gateway Controller (MGC) IP address.

Mib Vgs

Values IP address

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Tag DS0 callControllerPort

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the UDP port of the call controller, if this DS0 is being
used for a call.

If the featureList attribute is set to cdmaCodec, this attribute represents the UDP
port of the Activity Concentration Point (ACP). For all other features, it represents
the Media Gateway Controller (MGC) UDP port.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Tag TdmAccessGroupUser (TagUser)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Tag TagUser TagUserProv"

Scope Application

Description Nsta/n Vgs Tag/n TdmAccessGroupUser

This component ties a service to a specific Tag component, and hence the set of
timeslots associated with the Tag component. The absence of this component
means that the services can be applied to all the Tag components.

Mib Vgs

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-147
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GROUP Nsta Vgs Tag TagUser TagUserProv

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the TdmAccessGroupUser

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Tag TagUser linkToProfile (lToPro)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies a link to a VoiceProfile component, that represents a

service and needs to be tied to the Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) Access
Group represented by the parent Tag component.

Mib Vgs

Values Link (Service, linkToTag)

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs TdmNetworkProfile (TProf)

Instance Decimal (0..15)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs TProf Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs TdmNetworkProfile/n

This component represents a profile defining TDM network behavior that can be
referenced by Tag components.

Mib Vgs

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs TProf Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the TdmNetworkProfile component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs TProf tdmCompandingLaw (tdmCompLaw)

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C-148 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the G.711 companding law to use.

The possible values are:

aLaw: Alaw companding is used.

muLaw: Mulaw companding is used.

autoConfigured: Mulaw companding is used by DS1 trunks, while Alaw

companding is used by E1 trunks.

Mib Vgs

Values muLaw

Default autoConfigured

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs TProf toneset (toneset)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the tone set available to the controller.

The possible values are:

sameAsVgs - Use the defaultToneset attribute from the Vgs component

argentina - Use the tone set for Argentina.
australia - Use the tone set for Australia.
austria - Use the tone set for Austria.
belgium - Use the tone set for Belgium.
brazil - Use the tone set for Brazil.
canadaUsa - Use the tone set for Canada and the USA.
chile - Use the tone set for Chile.
china - Use the tone set for China.
czech - Use the tone set for the Czech Republic.
france - Use the tone set for France.
germany - Use the tone set for Germany.
greece - Use the tone set for Greece.
hongKong - Use the tone set for Hong Kong.
india - Use the tone set for India.
ireland - Use the tone set for Ireland.
israel - Use the tone set for Israel.
italy - Use the tone set for Italy.
japan - Use the tone set for Japan.
jfpt - Use the tone set for Japanese Fire and Police trunks.
korea - Use the tone set for Korea.
malaysia - Use the tone set for Malaysia.
mexico - Use the tone set for Mexico.
netherlands - Use the tone set for The Netherlands.

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-149
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

newZealand - Use the tone set for New Zealand.

panama - Use the tone set for Panama.
philippines - Use the tone set for Philippines.
poland - Use the tone set for Poland.
portugal - Use the tone set for Portugal.
romania - Use the tone set for Romania.
russia - Use the tone set for Russia.
singapore - Use the tone set for Singapore.
spain - Use the tone set for Spain.
sweden - Use the tone set for Sweden.
switzerland - Use the tone set for Switzerland.
taiwan- Use the tone set for Taiwan.
thailand - Use the tone set for Thailand.
turkey - Use the tone set for Turkey.
uk - Use the tone set for the UK.
venezuela - Use the tone set for Venezuela.

This attribute is only applicable for the following features:


Mib Vgs

Values sameAsVgs

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C-150 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel


Default sameAsVgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs TProf minimumDtmfPowerLevel (minDtmf)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the value of the minimum power level at which DTMF
digits must be detected. This value is used to allow for different specification for
different administrations. This attribute is ignored if the DigitCollection
component is not present under the parent Vgs.

Mib Vgs

Values Signed (-30; -27; -24)

Units dBm0

Default -27

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs TProf voiceBitInversion (vbi)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the bit inversion scheme to be applied to G.711 samples on
the TDM side of a Media Gateway.

The possible values are:

noBitInversion - No bit inversion is applied.

oddBitInversion - Bit inversion is applied to odd bits.
evenBitInversion - Bit Inversion is applied to even bits.
allBitInversion - Bit inversion is applied to all the bits.
autoConfigure - The bit inversion scheme depends on the value of the
tdmCompandingLaw attribute. When the tdmCompandingLaw attribute is set to
muLaw, the value of this attribute will be set to allBitInversion. When the
tdmCompandingLaw attribute is set to aLaw, the value of this attribute will be set
to evenBitInversion.

This attribute is only applicable for the mgw feature.

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-151
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

For applicable features, the default for this attribute is autoConfigure, otherwise
the default for this attribute is noBitInversion.

Mib Vgs

Values noBitInversion

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs TProf dataBitInversion (dbi)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute specifies the bit inversion scheme to be applied to data on the TDM
side of a Media Gateway for Wireless CSD applications.

The possible values are:

noBitInversion - No bit inversion is applied.

oddBitInversion - Bit inversion is applied to odd bits.
evenBitInversion - Bit Inversion is applied to even bits.
allBitInversion - Bit inversion is applied to all the bits.

This attribute is only applicable for the mgw feature.

Mib Vgs

Values noBitInversion

Default noBitInversion

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs TProf applicationList (appList)

Access Read only

Description This attribute contains a list of Tag components linked to this profile.

Mib Vgs

List of Link (Service, profile)

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs ChannelAssocSignalingDefinition (CasDefn)

Instance Decimal (0..24)

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C-152 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs CasDefn Provisioned (Prov)"

"GROUP Nsta Vgs CasDefn OsiState (State)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs CasDefn Operational (Oper)"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs ChannelAssocSignalingDefinition/n

This component represents a Channel Associated Signaling profile used on the

Media Gateway.

Mib Vgs

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs CasDefn Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the CasDefn component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CasDefn fileName

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the name (without path or extension) of the file that
contains the specific CAS variant. The file will be delivered with the software

Changing the value of this attribute triggers the transfer of the file from the CP to
the VSP FP, and clears down any existing CAS trunks associated with this
CasDefn component.

This attribute must be supplied.

Mib Vgs

Values String (0..40, ASCII)

Default ""

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CasDefn primaryRateType

Access Read and write

Criticality Process

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-153
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute specifies the type of standard framing used at the TDM interface.
All CasDefn components, under the same Vgs hierarchy, must have the same
value provisioned for this attribute.

The possible values are:

ds1 - TDM interfaces associated with this CasDefn component are compliant to
the DS1 standard. CAS signaling transport using DS1 Robbed-Bit Signaling is

e1 - TDM interfaces associated with this CasDefn component are compliant to the
E1 standard. CAS signaling transport using timeslot 16 is used.

Mib Vgs

Values ds1

Default ds1

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CasDefn applicationList (appList)

Access Read only

Description This attribute lists all of the Cas components associated with this CasDefn

Mib Vgs

List of Link (Service, channelAssocSignalingDefinition)

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs CasDefn OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions generically
indicate what each state attribute implies about the component. Note that not all
the values and state combinations described here are supported by every
component which reuses this group. For component-specific information and the
valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CasDefn adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been
previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

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C-154 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

Mib Vgs

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CasDefn operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note
that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For
example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another
component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState
must be idle.

Mib Vgs

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CasDefn usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to
provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

Mib Vgs

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-155
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle

GROUP Nsta Vgs CasDefn Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains attributes that indicate the status of the CasDefn component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CasDefn fileTransferStatus

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the status of the transfer of the CAS profile file from the
CP to the VSP FP.

The possible values are:

inProgress: The file as specified in fileName attribute is being transferred. CAS

signaling requests against trunks associated to this CasDefn component are not

complete: The file transfer is complete. CAS signaling requests against trunks
associated to this CasDefn component are accepted.

missing: The system can not find the file, specified in the fileName attribute, on
the CP. An alarm is raised in this state. The VSP FP polls for the file until the
transfer can commence.

fileTooLong: The file set in the fileName attribute is too long to be loaded
successfully. An alarm is raised in this state. The VSP FP polls to look for
changes in file length or timestamp.

fileError: The file set in the fileName attribute has failed sanity checks after the
transfer, and can not be used. An alarm is raised in this state. The VSP FP polls to
look for changes in file length or timestamp.

cpNotResponding: The CP is not responding. The CP may be busy or the disk

may be locked. The VSP FP polls to check for the CP availability.

Mib Vgs

Values inProgress

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C-156 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default missing

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs MediaGatewayControllerInterface (MgcIf)

Instance String (1..20, ASCII)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs MgcIf Provisioned (Prov)"

"GROUP Nsta Vgs MgcIf MgcOper (Oper)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs MgcIf OsiState (State)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs MgcIf MgcIfProvisioned (MgcIfProv)"

"COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM VoiceGateway


Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs MediaGatewayControllerInterface/n

This component represents the interface between the Media Gateway Controller
(MGC) and the Media Gateway (MGW).

Mib GsmBicn

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs MgcIf Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the Mgc component.

Mib GsmBicn

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf initialMgcAddress (addr)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the controller IP address to which the gateway sends the
initial H.248 registration message.

The controller IP address to which the gateway sends subsequent H.248

transaction requests may be different from this attribute, depending on whether
H.248 registration redirection, handoff, or failover procedures have been
performed. The controller IP address currently in use is given by the H248
mgcAddress operational attribute.

The value provisioned is only in effect on a cold boot of the Media Gateway

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-157
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

(MGW) and thereafter the analogous H.248 parameter may not have the same
setting since it may be modified by the Media Gateway Controller (MGC), via the
root package.

The values and are not permitted.

Mib GsmBicn

Values IP address

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf initialMgcPort (port)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the controller UDP port to which the gateway sends the
initial H.248 registration message.

The controller UDP port to which the gateway sends subsequent H.248
transaction requests may be different from this attribute, depending on whether
H.248 registration redirection, handoff, or failover procedures have been
performed. The controller UDP port currently in use is given by the H248
mgcPort operational attribute.

The value provisioned is only in effect on a cold boot of the Media Gateway
(MGW) and thereafter the analogous H.248 parameter may not have the same
setting since it may be modified by the Media Gateway Controller (MGC), via the
root package.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (1..65535)

Default 2944

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf encodingFormat (encFmt)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the encoding format used by the gateway to send H.248
messages to this controller. The format may be one of the following: -

longText - a readable format, but longer to transfer.

shortText - a short, space efficient format, suitable for machine transfer, but less

asn1Ber - ASN.1 binary encoded format, faster than text format but less readable.

Mib GsmBicn

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C-158 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values shorttext

Default shorttext

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf ds3Format

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the DS3 physical termination identifier format used in the
H.248 messages.

DS3 physical termination identifier format is described in NTP NN10600-780.

This attribute is not applicable when the encodingFormat attribute specifies a

value of asn1Ber.

Mib GsmBicn

Values String (1..64, ASCII)

Default DS3/#2/#1/#2/#1

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf e1Format

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute represents the E1 physical termination identifier format used by the

E1 physical termination identifier format is described in NTP NN10600-780.

This attribute is not applicable when the encodingFormat attribute specifies a

value of asn1Ber.

Mib GsmBicn

Values String (1..64, ASCII)

Default E1/#2/#2/#1

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf stmnVc4Vc12Format

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the STM-n with VC4/VC12 physical termination identifier
format used by the controller.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-159
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

STM-n with VC4/VC12 physical termination identifier format is described in

NTP NN10600-780.

This attribute is not applicable when the encodingFormat attribute specifies a

value of asn1Ber.

Mib GsmBicn

Values String (1..64, ASCII)

Default STM/#1/#1/#1/VC4VC12/#1/#1/#1/#1/#1

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf stsnOcnVt15Format

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the STS-n/OC-n with VT15 physical termination identifier
format used by the controller.

STS-n/OC-n with VT15 physical termination identifier format is described in

NTP NN10600-780.

This attribute is not applicable when the encodingFormat attribute specifies a

value of asn1Ber.

Mib GsmBicn

Values String (1..64, ASCII)

Default STS/#1/#1/#1/VT15/#1/#1/#1/#1

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf ipFormat

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the IP ephemeral termination identifier format being used
by the controller.

IP ephemeral termination identifier format is described in NTP NN10600-780.

This attribute is not applicable when the encodingFormat attribute specifies a

value of asn1Ber.

Mib GsmBicn

Values String (1..64, ASCII)

Default rtp/#1

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf aal2Format

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C-160 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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Access Read: All

Write: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the AAL2 ephemeral termination identifier format used by
the controller.

AAL2 ephemeral termination identifier format is described in NTP NN10600-


This attribute is not applicable when the encodingFormat attribute specifies a

value of asn1Ber.

Mib GsmBicn

Values String (1..64, ASCII)

Default aal2/#1

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf initialNormalMgExecutionTime

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value of the H.248 MG property root/
normalMGExecutionTime on H.248 cold boot. This is the initial value of the
interval within which the controller expects a response, exclusive of network

The value provisioned is only in effect on a cold boot of the Media Gateway
(MGW) and thereafter the analogous H.248 parameter may not have the same
setting since it may be modified by the Media Gateway Controller (MGC), via the
root package.

The value is rounded to the nearest 100 milliseconds.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (100..10000)

Units msec

Default 500

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf initialNormalMgcExecutionTime

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value of the H.248 MG property root/
normalMGCExecutionTime on H.248 cold boot. This is the initial value of the
interval within which the gateway expects a response from the controller,
exclusive of network delay.

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-161
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The value provisioned is only in effect on a cold boot of the Media Gateway
(MGW) and thereafter the analogous H.248 parameter may not have the same
setting since it may be modified by the Media Gateway Controller (MGC), via the
root package

The value is rounded to the nearest 100 milliseconds.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (100..10000)

Units msec

Default 500

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf initMgProvnlRespTimerValue

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value of the H.248 MG property root/
MGProvisionalResponseTimerValue on H.248 cold boot. This is the initial value
of the time within which the controller expects a Pending Response from the
gateway if a Transaction cannot be completed.

The value provisioned is only in effect on a cold boot of the Media Gateway
(MGW) and thereafter the analogous H.248 parameter may not have the same
setting since it may be modified by the Media Gateway Controller (MGC), via the
root package

The value is rounded to the nearest 100 milliseconds.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (100..10000)

Units msec

Default 2000

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf initMgcProvnlRespTimerValue

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value of the H.248 MG property root/
MGCProvisionalResponseTimerValue on H.248 cold boot. This is the initial value
of the time within which the gateway expects a Pending Response from the
controller if a Transaction cannot be completed.

The value provisioned is only in effect on a cold boot of the Media Gateway
(MGW) and thereafter the analogous H.248 parameter may not have the same
setting since it may be modified by the Media Gateway Controller (MGC), via the
root package

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C-162 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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The value is rounded to the nearest 100 milliseconds.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (100..10000)

Units msec

Default 500

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf maximumTxRetries (ret)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of retransmissions for an

unacknowledged H.248 transaction request. If the gateway has not received a
message from the controller after the maximum number of retries, then the
gateway will perform the H.248 failover procedure.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..10)

Default 2

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf maximumTxRetryTime (tRet)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the maximum time between retransmissions of an

unacknowledged H.248 transaction request by the controller.

The value is rounded to the nearest 100 milliseconds.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (100..10000)

Units msec

Default 1000

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf transactionQuarantineTimer (quar)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute is the H.248 long timer value (LONG-TIMER) used for
quarantining H.248 responses sent to the controller. The gateway will keep H.248
response copies for at least this time.

If the value of this attribute is set to disabled, then H.248 responses are not saved
and therefore duplicate messages that arrive after the response is sent will be
executed as new transactions.

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Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (1..20)

disabled (dis)

Units seconds

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf egressCotDuration

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the default duration of the egress continuity test tone
generated by the gateway.

The value is rounded to the nearest 100 milliseconds.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (1..180000)

Units msec

Default 20000

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf highestVersion (hiVer)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the highest protocol version to be negotiated with the
controller upon H.248 registration.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (1..1)

Default 1

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf mgList

Access Read only

Description This attribute specifies a list of links to H248 components that use this

Mib GsmBicn

List of Link (Service, mgcList)

List Size 1

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs MgcIf MgcOper (Oper)

Properties Operational

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-164 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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Description This group contains operational attributes for this component.

Mib GsmBicn

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf controlLinkFailures

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the total control link failures between the Media Gateway
Controller (MGC) and the Media Gateway (MGW).

Control link failures occur when no messages have been received from the MGC
within the time value indicated by the value of the operational attribute,
maximumInactivityTime, of the H248. Control link failures can also occur when
the Nsta Vgs Ctrl/MG is disabled. When a control link failure occurs the MGW
sends an H.248 command of type ServiceChange to the MGC specifying
disconnected as the value of the method field. Control link failure is not
resolved until a response is received from the MGC.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf totalRegistrationAttempts

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the total registration attempts that the Media Gateway
(MGW) made to the Media Gateway Controller (MGC).

The MGW counts each transaction initiated towards the MGC that contains an
H.248 command of type ServiceChange specifying cold or warm as the
value of the method field as a registration attempt.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf totalRegistrationFailures

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-165
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Description This attribute counts the total registration attempts that the Media Gateway
(MGW) made to the Media Gateway Controller (MGC) that have failed.

A registration attempt is considered by the MGW to have failed if either no

response is received from the MGC after the number of retransmissions identified
by the attribute maximumTxRetries have been attempted, or the received reply
contains an error descriptor.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf messagesTransmitted (msgsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of H.248 messages sent by the Media Gateway
(MGW) to the Media Gateway Controller (MGC).

All H.248 messages sent by the MGW to the specified MGC are included in this
count. Messages containing transaction requests, transaction replies, and
transaction reply acknowledgements are included. Any transactions that are
retransmitted due to a timeout while waiting for a reply or acknowledgement from
the MGC are included in this count as well.

This counter along with these messagesReceived, octetsTransmitted, and

octetsReceived attributes can be utilized to gauge the network bandwidth
utilization for messaging between this MGC and the MGW. This can also be
utilized to reconcile the observed message traffic against the observed call
processing traffic, assisting the operator in refining the expected message traffic
on the MGW against the expected call processing traffic. This particular message
activity can be a factor in the MGW entering an overload condition.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf octetsTransmitted (octetsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of octets sent by the Media Gateway (MGW) to
the Media Gateway Controller (MGC).

All H.248 messages sent by the MGW to the specified MGC are included in this

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-166 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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count. The octets counted do not include any of the overhead added by the
transport layer but only the contents of the actual H.248 messages.

This counter along with these messagesReceived, messagesTransmitted, and

octetsReceived attributes can be utilized to gauge the network bandwidth
utilization for octets between this MGC and the MGW. This can also be utilized to
reconcile the observed octet traffic against the observed call processing traffic,
assisting the operator in refining the expected octet traffic on the MGW against
the expected call processing traffic. This particular octet activity can be a factor in
the MGW entering an overload condition.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf messagesReceived (msgsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of H.248 messages received by the Media
Gateway (MGW) from the Media Gateway Controller (MGC). This count
includes messages containing transaction requests, transaction replies, and
transaction reply acknowledgements. Any retransmitted transactions are also

This counter along with these messagesTransmitted, octetsTransmitted, and

octetsReceived attributes can be utilized to gauge the network bandwidth
utilization for messaging between this MGC and the MGW. This can also be
utilized to reconcile the observed message traffic against the observed call
processing traffic, assisting the operator in refining the expected message traffic
on the MGW against the expected call processing traffic. This particular message
activity can be a factor in the MGW entering an overload condition.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf octetsReceived (octetsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of octets received by the Media Gateway (MGW)
from the Media Gateway Controller (MGC). The contents of all H.248 messages
received from the MGC are included in this count. The octets counted do not
include any of the overhead added by the transport layer but only the contents of

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-167
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

the actual H.248 messages.

This counter along with messagesReceived, messagesTransmitted, and

octetsTransmitted can be utilized to gauge the network bandwidth utilization for
octets between this MGC and the MGW. This can also be utilized to reconcile the
observed octet traffic against the observed call processing traffic, assisting the
operator in refining the expected octet traffic on the MGW against the expected
call processing traffic. This particular octet activity can be a factor in the MGW
entering an overload condition.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf errorsSent

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of H.248 defined error codes sent to the Media
Gateway Controller (MGC) and is incremented when an H.248 error code is
encoded in a message reply, transaction reply, action reply, or command reply sent
to the MGC. If a transaction reply containing an error code is retransmitted due to
a timeout while waiting for a transaction response acknowledgement from the
MGC, this counter is not incremented. An error code in a given transaction reply
is only counted once regardless of the number of times the transaction reply is

H.248 error codes are encoded when a message received from the MGC contains
semantic or syntactic errors.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf decodingErrors (decErrors)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of syntactically incorrect H.248 messages
received by the Media Gateway (MGW) from the Media Gateway Controller

This count includes corrupted data stream, invalid tags, invalid lengths, violations
of the Basic Encoding Rule (BER) visible constraints, and message size limit

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C-168 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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Since decoding errors would result in an error reply to MGC, the errorsSent
attribute is incremented as well.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf retransmissions (reTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of times the Media Gateway (MGW) has
retransmitted H.248 transaction requests or transaction replies to the Media
Gateway Controller (MGC) due to a timeout while waiting on a transaction reply
or transaction response acknowledgement from the MGC.

Retransmissions can occur for a number of transmission network issues and

receiver problems. Rapid increases of this counter are typically indicative of
issues such as link congestion or link errors.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf transactionsRejected

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of H.248 transaction requests rejected by the
Media Gateway (MGW) due to overload conditions. In the Nb Media Gateway
this attribute also counts the number of H.248 transaction requests rejected due to
congestion, locked MgcIf component, or internal communication in the MGW.

Since these transactions are explicitly rejected using error replies, the errorsSent
attribute is incremented as well.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-169
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resourceCongestionThresholdSurpassed (resCong)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of times that a state of resource congestion has
been entered, and thus, the number of times the MgcIf congestion alarm was set.

A state of resource congestion is entered when the contextLoadPercent attribute

of the CallStatistics component surpasses the congestionThreshold of the MgcIf

Resource congestion may only be reentered after the contextLoadPercent attribute

falls to or below the congestionAbatementThreshold of the MgcIf component.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default


throughputCongestionThresholdSurpassed (thruCong)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of times throughput congestion has been entered,
and thus, the number of times the MgcIf throughput congestion alarm was set.

A state of throughput congestion is entered when the throughputLoadPercent

attribute of the CallStatistics component surpasses the congestionThreshold of the
MgcIf component.

Throughput congestion may only be reentered after the throughputLoadPercent

attribute falls to or below the congestionAbatementThreshold of the MgcIf

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default


subnetCongestionThresholdSurpassed (subnetCong)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-170 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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Description This attribute counts the number of times that a state of subnet congestion has
been entered, and thus, the number of times that the MgcIf subnet congestion
alarm was set.

A state of subnet congestion is entered when the currentPercentBandwidthUtil of

any of the AtmCac AtmSubnet or IpCac IpSubnet components surpasses the
congestionThreshold of the MgcIf component.

Subnet congestion may only be reentered after the currentPercentBandwidthUtil

attribute of all of the AtmCac AtmSubnet or IpCac IpSubnet components falls to or
below the congestionAbatementThreshold of the MgcIf component.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf totalExpiredContexts (totExpCtxts)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the expired contexts discovered by the LifeTime Context
Auditor within the Context Database on the Media Gateway (MGW).

Expired contexts occur when a SUBTRACT request from the Media Gateway
Controller (MGC) is not received by the MGW. An expired context also occurs
when the ADD reply from the MGW is not received by the MGC.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf addRejectOnOverload (addRejOvld)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts transactions with ADD commands discarded due to their
queue latency exceeding an internal call rejection latency threshold.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-171
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ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf staleMessageDiscardOnOverload

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts transactions discarded due to the queue latency exceeding an
internal stale message discard latency threshold.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf addRejectOnCongestion

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts transactions rejected due to the exhaustion of Media
Gateway ephemeral terminations.

Resource congestion occurs when all available ephemeral terminations are in use
and the Media Gateway can no longer create new ephemeral terminations. When
congestion occurs, transactions containing Add commands are rejected and this
attribute is incremented.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf overloadSeconds (ovldSec)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of seconds for which new media connection
requests have been discarded because the Media Gateway was overloaded.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units seconds

Default No default

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ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf congestedSeconds (congSec)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of seconds for which add requests have been
rejected due to the exhaustion of Media Gateway ephemeral terminations.

Resource congestion occurs when all available ephemeral terminations are in use
and the Media Gateway can no longer create new ephemeral terminations.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units seconds

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf h248AverageQueueLatency

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the average message queue latency since the last card

Message queue latency is the amount of time a message is held within a queue.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units msec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf h248CurrentQueueLatency

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the message queue latency of the last message retrieved
from the queue.

Message queue latency is the amount of time a message is held within a queue.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units msec

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-173
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Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs MgcIf OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes and the six OSI Status
attributes. The descriptions generically indicate what each attribute implies about
the component. Note that not all the values and state combinations described here
are supported by every component which reuses this group. For component-
specific information and the valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate

Mib GsmBicn

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been
previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

The OSI Status attributes, if supported by the component, may provide more
details, qualifying the state of the component.

Mib GsmBicn

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note
that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For

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example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another

component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState
must be idle.

The OSI Status attributes, if supported by the component, may provide more
details, qualifying the state of the component.

Mib GsmBicn

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to
provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

The OSI Status attributes, if supported by the component, may provide more
details, qualifying the state of the component.

Mib GsmBicn

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf availabilityStatus (osiAvail)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSI Availability status
of the component. Note that, even though it is defined as a multi-valued set, at
most one value is shown to the user.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either the attribute is not
supported or that none of the status conditions described below is present.

The value inTest indicates that the resource is undergoing a test procedure. If
adminState is locked or shuttingDown, the normal users are precluded from using
the resource and controlStatus is reservedForTest. Tests that do not exclude
additional users can be present in any operational or administrative state but the
reservedForTest condition should not be present.

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-175
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The value failed indicates that the component has an internal fault that prevents it
from operating. The operationalState is disabled.

The value dependency indicates that the component cannot operate because some
other resource on which it depends is unavailable. The operationalState is

The value powerOff indicates the resource requires power to be applied and it is
not powered on. The operationalState is disabled.

The value offLine indicates the resource requires a routine operation (either
manual, automatic, or both) to be performed to place it on-line and make it
available for use. The operationalState is disabled.

The value offDuty indicates the resource is inactive in accordance with a

predetermined time schedule. In the absence of other disabling conditions, the
operationalState is enabled or disabled.

The value degraded indicates the service provided by the component is degraded
in some way, such as in speed or operating capacity. Usually, the resource remains
available for service. The operationalState is almost always enabled. There is one
exception where an operationalState of disabled is used in conjunction with
degraded for a component which represents a rolled up view of a set of other

The value notInstalled indicates the resource is not present. The operationalState
is disabled.

The value logFull is not used.

The value migrating indicates that a software migration activation is in progress,

making the component unavailable for other activities until the migration is

Mib GsmBicn

Set of inTest
dependency (depend)
powerOff (pwrOff)
degraded (degrad)
notInstalled (notIn)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf proceduralStatus (osiProc)

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Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSI Procedural status
of the component. Note that, even though it is defined as a multi-valued set, at
most one value is shown to the user.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either the attribute is not
supported or that none of the status conditions described below is present.

The value initializationRequired indicates (for a resource which doesnt initialize

autonomously) that initialization is required before it can perform its normal
functions, and this procedure has not been initiated. The operationalState is

The value notInitialized indicates (for a resource which does initialize

autonomously) that initialization is required before it can perform its normal
functions, and this procedure has not been initiated. The operationalState may be
enabled or disabled.

The value initializing indicates that initialization has been initiated but is not yet
complete. The operationalState may be enabled or disabled.

The value reporting indicates the resource has completed some processing
operation and is notifying the results. The operationalState is enabled.

The value terminating indicates the component is in a termination phase. If the

resource doesnt reinitialize autonomously, operationalState is disabled;
otherwise it is enabled or disabled.

Mib GsmBicn

Set of initializationRequired (initRq)

notInitialized (notInit)
initializing (init)
reporting (report)
terminating (term)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf controlStatus (osiCntrl)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSI Control status of
the component. Note that, even though it is defined as a multi-valued set, at most
one value is shown to the user.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either the attribute is not
supported or that none of the status conditions described below is present.

The value subjectToTest indicates the resource is available but tests may be
conducted simultaneously at unpredictable times, which may cause it to exhibit
unusual characteristics.

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-177
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The value partOfServicesLocked indicates that part of the service is restricted

from users of a resource. The adminState is unlocked.

The value reservedForTest indicates that the component is administratively

unavailable because it is undergoing a test procedure. The adminState is locked.

The value suspended indicates that the service has been administratively

Mib GsmBicn

Set of subjectToTest (subTst)

partOfServicesLocked (partLk)
reservedForTest (rsrvd)
suspended (suspnd)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf alarmStatus (osiAlarm)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSI Alarm status of the
component. Note that, even though it is defined as a multi-valued set, at most one
value is shown to the user.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either the attribute is not
supported or that none of the status conditions described below is present.

The value underRepair indicates the component is currently being repaired. The
operationalState is enabled or disabled.

The value critical indicates one or more critical alarms are outstanding against the
component. Other, less severe, alarms may also be outstanding. The
operationalState is enabled or disabled.

The value major indicates one or more major alarms are outstanding against the
component. Other, less severe, alarms may also be outstanding. The
operationalState is enabled or disabled.

The value minor indicates one or more minor alarms are outstanding against the
component. Other, less severe, alarms may also be outstanding. The
operationalState is enabled or disabled.

The value alarmOutstanding generically indicates that an alarm of some severity

is outstanding against the component.

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C-178 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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Mib GsmBicn

Set of underRepair (repair)

critical (crit)
alarmOutstanding (outst)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf standbyStatus (osiStby)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSI Standby status of
the component.

The value notSet indicates that either the attribute is not supported or that none of
the status conditions described below is present. Note that this is a non-standard
value, used because the original specification indicated this attribute was set-
valued and thus, did not provide a value to indicate that none of the other three are

The value hotStandby indicates that the resource is not providing service but will
be immediately able to take over the role of the resource to be backed up, without
initialization activity, and containing the same information as the resource to be
backed up.

The value coldStandby indicates the resource is a backup for another resource but
will not be immediately able to take over the role of the backed up resource and
will require some initialization activity.

The value providingService indicates that this component, as a backup resource,

is currently backing up another resource.

Mib GsmBicn

Values hotStandby (hot)

coldStandby (cold)
providingService (serv)
notSet (nSet)

Default notSet

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf unknownStatus (osiUnknw)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Unknown status of the component.

The value false indicates that all of the other OSI State and Status attribute values
can be considered accurate.

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-179
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The value true indicates that the actual state of the component is not known for

Mib GsmBicn

Values false

Default false

GROUP Nsta Vgs MgcIf MgcIfProvisioned (MgcIfProv)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the MgcIf component.

Mib GsmBicn

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf congestionThreshold

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the congestion alarm level threshold. At least one of the
resource, throughput, or subnetwork congestion alarm is raised when the value of
the congestionPercent attribute of the CallStatistics component rises above this

The value of this attribute must be greater than the value of the
congestionAbatementThreshold attribute.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (1..100)

Units %

Default 90

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf congestionAbatementThreshold

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the congestion alarm level abatement threshold. Any raised
resource, throughput, or subnetwork congestion alarms are cleared when the value
of the congestionPercent attribute of the CallStatistics component falls to or
below this threshold.

The value of this attribute must be less than the value of the congestionThreshold

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..99)

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C-180 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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Units %

Default 70

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf congestionNotificationDelay

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the time with which to delay congestion package
notification to the Media Gateway Controller (MGC). This delay time has the
effect of reducing the number of congestion notifications sent when the
congestion level crosses above and below any of the ten-percent notification levels
at a high frequency.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (0..600)

Units seconds

Default 10

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf overload

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the enabling or disabling of overload detection and
prevention on the Media Gateway (MGW).

When the value of this attribute is set to disable, the MGW will not detect
overload or take any preventive actions.

Mib GsmBicn

Values disable

Default enable

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf maximumContextLifeTime

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the threshold at which the contexts in the Context
Database on the Media Gateway(MGW) are considered to have expired.

If this attribute is set to a value other than zero, then those contexts that are
discovered to have a difference between their creation time and the present time
that exceeds the value of this attribute will be reported to the Media Gateway
Controller (MGC).

Mib GsmBicn

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-181
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (720..40320)

disabled (dis)

Units minutes

Default 1440

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf lifeTimeContextAuditInterval

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the interval at which the LifeTime Context Auditor will
poll the Context Database to search for contexts that have exceeded the value of
the maximumContextLifeTime attribute.

The value of this attribute should be at least 60 as it is not recommended to run

this audit in shorter intervals.

The maximumContextLifeTime attribute must be set to a value other than zero for
the audit to take place.

Mib GsmBicn

Values Decimal (15..10080)

Units minutes

Default 360

COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM

VoiceGateway MediaGatewayControllerInterface
Description The statistics record generated by the NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM
VoiceGateway MediaGatewayControllerInterface component.

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf controlLinkFailures

Description This attribute counts the control link failures between the Media Gateway
Controller (MGC) and the Media Gateway (MGW).

Control link failures occur when no messages have been received from the MGC
within the time indicated by the value of the operational attribute,
maximumInactivityTime, of the H248 component. Control link failures can also
occur when the Nsta Vgs Ctrl/MG is disabled. When a control link failure occurs,
the MGW sends an H.248 command of type ServiceChange to the MGC
specifying disconnected as the value of the method field. A control link failure
is not resolved until a response is received from the MGC.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf decodingErrors

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-182 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts the syntactically incorrect H.248 messages received by the
Media Gateway (MGW) from the Media Gateway Controller (MGC).

This count includes corrupted message data, invalid tags, invalid lengths,
violations of the Basic Encoding Rule (BER) visible constraints, and message size
limit errors.

Since decoding errors would result in an error reply to the MGC, the errorsSent
attribute is incremented as well.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf errorsSent

Description This attribute counts the H.248 defined error codes sent to the Media Gateway
Controller (MGC) and is incremented when an H.248 error code is encoded in a
message reply, transaction reply, action reply, or command reply sent to the MGC.
If a transaction reply containing an error code is retransmitted due to a timeout
while waiting for a transaction response acknowledgement from the MGC, this
counter is not incremented. An error code in a given transaction reply is only
counted once regardless of the number of times the transaction reply is

H.248 error codes are encoded when a message received from the MGC contains
semantic or syntactic errors.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf messagesReceived

Description This attribute counts the H.248 messages received by the Media Gateway (MGW)
from the Media Gateway Controller (MGC). This count includes messages
containing transaction requests, transaction replies, and transaction reply
acknowledgements. Any retransmitted transactions are also counted.

This counter along with the value of the messagesTransmitted, octetsTransmitted,

and octetsReceived attributes, can be utilized to gauge the network bandwidth
utilization for messaging between this MGC and the MGW. This can also be
utilized to reconcile the observed message traffic against the observed call
processing traffic, assisting the operator in refining the expected message traffic
on the MGW against the expected call processing traffic. This particular message
activity can be a factor in the MGW entering an overload condition.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf messagesTransmitted

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-183
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts the H.248 messages sent by the Media Gateway (MGW) to
the Media Gateway Controller (MGC).

All H.248 messages sent by the MGW to the specified MGC are included in this
count. Messages containing transaction requests, transaction replies, and
transaction reply acknowledgements are included. Any transactions that are
retransmitted due to a timeout while waiting for a reply or acknowledgement from
the MGC are included in this count as well.

This counter along with the value of the messagesReceived, octetsTransmitted,

and octetsReceived attributes, can be utilized to gauge the network bandwidth
utilization for messaging between this MGC and the MGW. This can also be
utilized to reconcile the observed message traffic against the observed call
processing traffic, assisting the operator in refining the expected message traffic
on the MGW against the expected call processing traffic. This particular message
activity can be a factor in the MGW entering an overload condition.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf octetsReceived

Description This attribute counts the octets received by the Media Gateway (MGW) from the
Media Gateway Controller (MGC). The contents of all H.248 messages received
from the MGC are included in this count. The octets counted do not include any
of the overhead added by the transport layer but only the contents of the actual
H.248 messages.

This counter along with the value of the messagesReceived, messagesTransmitted,

and octetsTransmitted attributes, can be utilized to gauge the network bandwidth
utilization for octets between this MGC and the MGW. This can also be utilized to
reconcile the observed octet traffic against the observed call processing traffic,
assisting the operator in refining the expected octet traffic on the MGW against
the expected call processing traffic. This particular octet activity can be a factor in
the MGW entering an overload condition.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf octetsTransmitted

Description This attribute counts the octets sent by the Media Gateway (MGW) to the Media
Gateway Controller (MGC).

All H.248 messages sent by the MGW to the specified MGC are included in this
count. The octets counted do not include any of the overhead added by the
transport layer but only the contents of the actual H.248 messages.

This counter along with the value of the messagesReceived, messagesTransmitted,

and octetsReceived attributes, can be utilized to gauge the network bandwidth
utilization for octets between this MGC and the MGW. This can also be utilized to

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-184 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

reconcile the observed octet traffic against the observed call processing traffic,
assisting the operator in refining the expected octet traffic on the MGW against
the expected call processing traffic. This particular octet activity can be a factor in
the MGW entering an overload condition.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf retransmissions

Description This attribute counts the number of times the Media Gateway (MGW) has
retransmitted H.248 transaction requests or transaction replies to the Media
Gateway Controller (MGC) due to a timeout while waiting on a transaction reply
or transaction response acknowledgement from the MGC.

Retransmissions can occur for a number of transmission network issues and

receiver problems. Rapid increases of this counter are typically indicative of
issues such as link congestion or link errors.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf totalRegistrationAttempts

Description This attribute counts the registration attempts that the Media Gateway (MGW)
made to the Media Gateway Controller (MGC).

The MGW counts each transaction initiated towards the MGC that contains an
H.248 command of type ServiceChange specifying cold or warm as the
value of the method field as a registration attempt.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf totalRegistrationFailures

Description This attribute counts the registration attempts that the Media Gateway (MGW)
made to the Media Gateway Controller (MGC) that have failed.

A registration attempt is considered by the MGW to have failed if either no

response is received from the MGC after the number of retransmissions identified
by the value of the provisionable attribute maximumTxRetries have been
attempted, or the received reply contains an error descriptor.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf transactionsRejected

Description This attribute counts the H.248 transaction requests rejected by the Media
Gateway (MGW) due to overload conditions. In the Nb Media Gateway, this

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-185
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

attribute also counts the H.248 transaction requests rejected due to congestion or
due to MgcIf component being locked.

Since these transactions are explicitly rejected using error replies, the errorsSent
attribute is incremented as well.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)


Description This attribute indicates the number of times the contextLoadPercent attribute of
the CallStatistics component has surpassed the congestionThreshold.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)


Description This attribute indicates the number of times the throughputLoadPercent attribute
of the CallStatistics component has surpassed the congestionThreshold.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)


Description This attribute counts the number of times that the currentPercentBandwidthUtil
attribute of any of the AtmCac AtmSubnet or IpCac IpSubnet components has
surpassed the congestionThreshold.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf expiredContexts

Description This attribute counts the expired contexts discovered by the LifeTime Context
Auditor within the Context Database on the Media Gateway (MGW).

Expired contexts occur when a SUBTRACT request from the Media Gateway
Controller (MGC) is not received by the MGW. An expired context also occurs
when the ADD reply from the MGW is not received by the MGC.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf addRejectOnOverload

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-186 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts transactions with ADD commands discarded due to their
queue latency exceeding an internal call rejection latency threshold.

This attribute counts the events during the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf staleMessageDiscardOnOverload

Description This attribute counts transactions discarded due to the queue latency exceeding an
internal stale message discard latency threshold.

This attribute counts the events during the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf addRejectOnCongestion

Description This attribute counts transactions rejected due to the exhaustion of Media
Gateway ephemeral terminations.

Resource congestion occurs when all available ephemeral terminations are in use
and the Media Gateway can no longer create new ephemeral terminations. When
congestion occurs, transactions containing Add commands are rejected and this
attribute is incremented.

This attribute counts the events during the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf overloadSeconds

Description This attribute counts the number of seconds for which new media connection
requests have been discarded because the Media Gateway was overloaded.

The attribute counts the events during the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units seconds

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf congestedSeconds

Description This attribute counts the number of seconds for which add requests have been
rejected due to the exhaustion of Media Gateway ephemeral terminations.

Resource congestion occurs when all available ephemeral terminations are in use
and the Media Gateway can no longer create new ephemeral terminations.

The attribute counts the events during the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units seconds

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf h248AverageQueueLatency

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-187
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute indicates the average message queue latency.

Message queue latency is the amount of time a message is held within a queue.

This attribute indicates the average value within the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units msec

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs MgcIf h248PeakQueueLatency

Description This attribute indicates the peak message queue latency.

Message queue latency is the amount of time a message is held within a queue.

This attribute indicates the peak value within the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units msec

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs VoiceProfile (Vp)

Instance Decimal (0..7)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description ... VoiceProfile/n

This component represents the profile of the characteristics of the codec used for
voice calls handled by this Media Gateway.

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C-188 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

A separate VoiceProfile component must be provisioned for each codec.

Mib Vgs

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Vp AutomaticGainControl (Agc)"

"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Vp PktToPktProfile (PTPProfile)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Vp TdmToPktProfile (TTPProfile)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Vp MobileEchoControl (Mec)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Vp TandemFreeOperation (Tfo)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Vp GlobalTextTelephony (Gtt)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Vp BackgroundNoiseReduction (Bnr)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Vp BackgroundNoiseConditioning (Bnc)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Vp EchoCancellation (Ecan)"
"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Vp TranscoderFreeOperation (Trfo)"

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the VoiceProfile component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp utranDtxMode (utrDtx)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the enabling or disabling of the Discontinuous

Transmission (DTX) feature of the Adaptive MultiRate (AMR) speech encoder in
the egress direction.

The attribute supports the following values:

disable - disable DTX of AMR.
enableWithoutNoDataFrameTx - enable without NO_DATA frame transmission.
enableWithNoDataFrameTx - enable with NO_DATA frame transmission.

Mib Vgs

Values disable

Default disable

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp utranDelayOptimize (utrDelOpt)

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-189
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read: All

Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the enabling or disabling of the Time Alignment algorithm
for the Iu-UP feature of the Media Gateway.

When the value of this attribute is set to disabled, all time alignment requests
made to the Transcoding Rate Adaptation Unit (TRAU) via the Iu protocol are

The attribute supports the following values:

enabled - Time Alignment algorithm for the Iu-UP feature is enabled.
disabled - disable Time Alignment algorithm for the Iu-UP feature is enabled.

Mib Vgs

Values disabled

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp externalInterfaceType (extIfType)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the external interface type that this voice profile represents.

The attribute supports the following values:

iuIf - the component tree defines the profile for a Iu Media Gateway.
pstnIf - the component tree defines the profile for a PSTN Media Gateway.
nbIf - the component tree defines the profile for an Nb Media Gateway.
aIf - the component tree defines the profile for an A-Interface Media Gateway.
multiParty - the component tree defines the profile for a multiParty Media

Mib Vgs

Values iuIf

Default iuIf

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp adaptiveDejitterBuffer (dejitterBuffer)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies whether the adaptive dejitter buffer feature is enabled or

The possible values are:

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-190 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

disabled - The adaptive dejitter buffer feature is disabled.

enabled - The adaptive dejitter buffer feature is enabled.

It should be noted that this parameter is not applicable when the Transcoding and
Rate Adaptation Unit (TRAU) is in Frame Protocol Interworking Function (FPIF)
mode where no transcoding is performed.

Mib Vgs

Values disabled

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp unilateralUpspeed (upspeed)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the enabling or disabling of the unilateral codec upspeed
feature of the Transcoding Rate Adaptation Unit (TRAU).

When enabled, the bearer connection can be upspeeded from using the Adaptive
Multi-Rate (AMR) codec to the G.711 codec upon detection of a service that
requires G.711 for reliable transport (for example, Global Text Telephony (GTT)
and Circuit-Switched Data (CSD) calls). This operation is performed unilaterally
by the TRAU without intervention from the Media Gateway Controller (MGC).

In order to interoperate with other vendors Media Gateways that do not support
the upspeed mechanism, the value of this attribute should be set to disabled.

The attribute supports the following values:

enabled - The TRAU will upspeed from AMR to G.711 when it detects a service
requiring G.711.
disabled - The TRAU will not upspeed from AMR to G.711 when it detects a
service requiring G.711 in which case the TRAU fails the service.

Mib Vgs

Values disabled

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp amrVoiceActivity

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the estimated average percentage of time that calls will
carry Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) voice activity.

When the utranDtxMode attribute is set to enableWithoutNoDataFrameTx or

enableWithNoDataFrameTx, the AMR codec optimizes bearer bandwidth usage
during periods of voice inactivity using Discontinuous Transmission (DTX). The

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-191
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

percentage specified by this attribute is used to estimate the optimal amount of

bearer bandwidth to allocate for the AMR codec.
When the utranDtxMode attribute is set to disable the amrVoiceActivity attribute
value is unused.

The value of this attribute can be estimated by the value of the Nsta/n Vgs
CallStatistics averageAmrVoiceActivity attribute.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (40..100)

Units %

Default 60

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp iDenVocoderByPass (iDen)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the support to avoid transcoding when the Integrated
Digital Enhanced Network (iDEN) Vocoder probe is detected and corresponding
Media Gateway engages the iDEN probe. The Transcoding and Rate Adaptation
Unit (TRAU) verifies that both the peer Media Gateways are compatible and
running the same codec before performing the upspeed.

This attribute is enabled for wireless networks where iDEN is supported and
Tandem Free Operation (TFO) is required on detection of the iDEN probe.

This attribute is disabled for the networks where iDEN is not supported, in which
case the voice will be encoded at the current voice rate.

The attribute supports the following values:

enabled - The TRAU will upspeed from AMR to G.711 when it detects an iDEN
probe and thereafter successfully engages iDEN with the peer Media Gateway.
disabled - The TRAU will not upspeed from AMR to G.711 when it detects an
iDEN probe.

Mib Vgs

Values disabled

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp linkToTag (lToTag)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies a list of Tag/n component instances to which this
VoiceProfile component is linked.

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C-192 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib Vgs

List of Link (Service, linkToProfile)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp linkToAddress (lToAddr)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies a list of Q2630/x PeerAddr/y component instances to

which this VoiceProfile component is linked.

Mib Vgs

List of Link (Service, linkToVoiceProfile)

List Size 256

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Vp AutomaticGainControl (Agc)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp Agc Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description ... Vp/n AutomaticGainControl

This component represents enabling of the Automatic Gain Control (AGC) voice
quality functionality for all calls on the Media Gateway.

This feature stabilizes the varying amplitude of speech around a comfortable

listening level, and operates in both egress and ingress directions.

The ingress direction refers to the direction in which packets arrive into the packet
core network from the mobile or the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).
The egress direction refers to the other direction.

Mib MediaGateway

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GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp Agc Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the AutomaticGainControl (Agc)

Mib MediaGateway

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-193
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp Agc agcDirection (agcDir)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the direction in which the Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
functionality is enabled.

The attribute supports the following values:

egress - AGC is enabled in the egress direction only.
ingress - AGC is enabled in the ingress direction only.
both - AGC is enabled in both directions.

The ingress direction refers to the direction in which packets arrive into the packet
core network from the mobile or the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).
The egress direction refers to the other direction.

The value of this attribute must be set to egress for the mgw feature.

Mib MediaGateway

Values egress

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp Agc ingressAgcTargetLevel

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the target signal power level of the Automatic Gain
Control (AGC) functionality in the ingress direction.

AGC attempts to maintain a consistent call volume at the specified target level.

AGC is performed on the signal using this target value before the value of the
ingressGain attribute of the PktToPktProfile component or the
TdmNetworkProfile component is applied.

The ingress direction refers to the direction in which packets arrive into the packet
core network from the mobile or the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).

This attribute has no effect if the value of agcDirection attribute is set to egress.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Signed (-30..-9)

Units dBm0

Default -19

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-194 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp Agc ingressAgcMinimumGain

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the minimum gain that can be applied to any frame by the
Automatic Gain Control (AGC) functionality in the ingress direction.

The value of this attribute affects how slowly variations in call volume can be
adjusted towards the value of the ingressAgcTargetLevel attribute when a signal
power gain is required for the adjustment.

The ingress direction refers to the direction in which packets arrive into the packet
core network from the mobile or the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).

This attribute has no effect if the value of the agcDirection attribute is set to

Mib MediaGateway

Values Signed (-14..-1)

Units dB

Default -10

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp Agc ingressAgcMaximumGain

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the maximum gain that can be applied to a frame by the
Automatic Gain Control (AGC) functionality in the ingress direction.

The value of this attribute affects how quickly variations in call volume can be
adjusted towards the value of the ingressAgcTargetLevel attribute when a signal
power gain is required for the adjustment.

The ingress direction refers to the direction in which packets arrive into the packet
core network from the mobile or the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).

This attribute has no effect if the value of the agcDirection attribute is set to

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (1..14)

Units dB

Default 10

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp Agc egressAgcTargetLevel

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-195
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the target signal power level of the Automatic Gain
Control (AGC) functionality in the egress direction.

AGC attempts to maintain a consistent call volume at the specified target level.

AGC is performed on the signal using this target value before the value of the
egressGain attribute of the PktToPktProfile component or the TdmNetworkProfile
component is applied.

The egress direction refers to the direction in which packets depart from the
packet core network towards the mobile or the Public Switched Telephone
Network (PSTN).

This attribute has no effect if the value of the agcDirection attribute is set to

Mib MediaGateway

Values Signed (-30..-9)

Units dBm0

Default -19

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp Agc egressAgcMinimumGain

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the minimum gain that can be applied to any frame by the
Automatic Gain Control (AGC) functionality in the egress direction.

The value of this attribute affects how slowly variations in call volume can be
adjusted towards the value of the egressAgcTargetLevel attribute when a signal
power gain is required for the adjustment.

The egress direction refers to the direction in which packets depart from the
packet core network towards the mobile or the Public Switched Telephone
Network (PSTN).

This attribute has no effect if the value of the agcDirection attribute is set to

Mib MediaGateway

Values Signed (-14..-1)

Units dB

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-196 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default -10

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp Agc egressAgcMaximumGain

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the maximum gain that can be applied to a frame by the
Automatic Gain Control (AGC) functionality in the egress direction.

The value of this attribute affects how quickly variations in call volume can be
adjusted towards the value of the egressAgcTargetLevel attribute when a signal
power gain is required for the adjustment.

The egress direction refers to the direction in which packets depart from the
packet core network towards the mobile or the Public Switched Telephone
Network (PSTN).

This attribute has no effect if the value of the agcDirection attribute is set to

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (1..14)

Units dB

Default 10

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Vp PktToPktProfile (PTPProfile)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp PTPProfile Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description ... Vp/n PktToPktProfile

This component represents the profile of the Asynchronous Transfer Mode

Adaptation Layer 2 (AAL2) to AAL2 call characteristics handled by this Media

Mib MediaGateway

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp PTPProfile Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the PktToPktProfile component.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-197
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp PTPProfile internalCompandingLaw

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the companding law to be used on the internal side of the
packet network at a packet-to-packet Media Gateway.

This attribute supports the following values:

muLawAbi - Use mu-Law All Bit Inversion companding. Mu-law is a
quantization table defined in ITU-T G.711 standard and is the standard for North
American and Japanese circuits.
aLawEbi - Use a-Law Even Bit Inversion companding. A-law is a quantization
table defined in ITU-T G.711 standard and is the standard for international

Mib MediaGateway

Values muLawAbi

Default muLawAbi

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp PTPProfile

externalCompandingLaw (extCompandLaw)
Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the companding law to be used on the external side of the
packet network at a packet-to-packet Media Gateway.

The attribute supports the following values:

muLawAbi - Use mu-Law All Bit Inversion companding. Mu-law is a
quantization table defined in ITU-T G.711 standard and is the standard for North
American and Japanese circuits.
aLawEbi - Use a-Law Even Bit Inversion companding. A-law is a quantization
table defined in ITU-T G.711 standard and is the standard for international

Mib MediaGateway

Values muLawAbi

Default muLawAbi

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp PTPProfile

packetLossIntegrationPeriod (intPeriod)
Access Read: All
Write: All

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-198 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute specifies the interval of time for which a loss of packet condition
must persist before the corresponding call is dropped in either egress or ingress

The ingress direction refers to the direction in which packets arrive into the packet
core network from the mobile or the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).
The egress direction refers to the other direction.

A value of disabled specifies that packet loss integration is disabled and therefore
call connections will not be dropped due to packet loss.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (1..50)


Units seconds

Default 5

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp PTPProfile internalNetworkJitter

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description The attribute is used by the Transcoding Rate Adaptation Unit (TRAU) to set the
dejitter buffer size and the reserve level based on the expected jitter level on the
internal packet network.

The jitter is defined to be the maximum difference in packet spacing at the

receiver compared to the sender for a pair of packets. For instance, a pair of
packets sent at a 20ms interval and received at either a 17 or 23ms interval, incurs
a jitter of 3ms.

It should be noted that this parameter is not applicable when the TRAU is in
Frame Protocol Interworking Function (FPIF) mode where no transcoding is

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units msec

Default 3

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp PTPProfile externalNetworkJitter

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description The attribute is used by the Trancoding Rate Adaptation Unit (TRAU) to set the
dejitter buffer size and the reserve level based on the expected jitter level on the
external packet network.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-199
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The jitter is defined to be the maximum difference in packet spacing at the

receiver compared to the sender for a pair of packets. For instance, a pair of
packets sent at a 20ms interval and received at either a 17 or 23ms interval, incurs
a jitter of 3ms.

It should be noted that this parameter is not applicable when the TRAU is in
Frame Protocol Interworking Function (FPIF) mode where no transcoding is

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units msec

Default 3

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Vp TdmToPktProfile (TTPProfile)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp TTPProfile Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description ... Vp/n TdmToPktProfile

This component represents the profile of the Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
to Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaptation Layer 2 (AAL2) call characteristics
handled by this Media Gateway.

Mib MediaGateway

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp TTPProfile Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the TdmToPktProfile component.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp TTPProfile networkJitter

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description The attribute is used by the Transcoding Rate Adaptation Unit (TRAU) to set the
dejitterBuffer size and the reserve level based on the expected jitter level on the
packet network.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-200 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The jitter is defined to be the maximum difference in packet spacing at the

receiver compared to the sender for a pair of packets. For instance, a pair of
packets sent at a 20ms interval and received at either a 17 or 23ms interval, incurs
a jitter of 3ms.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units msec

Default 3

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp TTPProfile

packetLossIntegrationPeriod (intPeriod)
Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the interval of time for which a Loss Of Packet (LOP)
condition must persist before the corresponding call is dropped.

A value of disabled specifies that packet loss integration is disabled and therefore
call connections will not be dropped due to packet loss.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (1..50)


Units seconds

Default 5

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp TTPProfile internalCompandingLaw

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the G.711 companding law to be used on the
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) side of a Narrowband Services Trunk over

This attribute supports the following values:

muLawAbi - Use mu-Law All Bit Inversion companding. Mu-law is a
quantization table defined in ITU-T G.711 standard and is the standard for North
American and Japanese circuits.
aLawEbi - Use a-Law Even Bit Inversion companding. A-law is a quantization
table defined in ITU-T G.711 standard and is the standard for international

Mib MediaGateway

Values muLawAbi

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-201
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default muLawAbi

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp TTPProfile ingressGain

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the gain applied on the Time Division Multiplexing ingress
side to balance the network loss plan.

The ingress direction refers to the direction in which packets arrive into the packet
core network from the mobile or the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).

Mib MediaGateway

Values Signed (-15..15)

Units dB

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp TTPProfile egressGain

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the gain applied on the Time Division Multiplexing egress
side to balance the network loss plan.

The egress direction refers to the direction in which packets depart from the
packet core network towards the mobile or the Public Switched Telephone
Network (PSTN).

Mib MediaGateway

Values Signed (-15..15)

Units dB

Default 0

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Vp MobileEchoControl (Mec)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp Mec Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description ... Vp/n MobileEchoControl

This component represents the enabling of the Mobile Echo Control (MEC) voice
quality feature for the profile associated with this VoiceProfile component, and
the configuration parameters needed by this feature.

Acoustic echo is caused by the acoustic coupling between the speaker and the
microphone of the mobile unit, mostly in handsfree units and smaller mobile

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-202 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

This feature uses an adaptive comfort noise generator that learns the
characteristics of the environment noise and produces a replica when it is
necessary to mask the echo. MEC operates in the ingress direction.

The ingress direction refers to the direction in which packets arrive into the packet
core network from the mobile or the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).

The operator may desire not to provision this component if an external third-party
voice quality equipment that performs a similar function is used in the network.
Performing mobile echo control more than once may degrade voice quality.

Mib MediaGateway

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp Mec Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the MobileEchoControl (Mec)

Mib MediaGateway


mobileEchoControlFixedDelay (mecFixDelay)
Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the fixed delay offset for the mobile echo control tail
length applied to all timeslots.

If the value of the codec attribute (defined in the VoiceProfile component) is set to
amr, then the default for this attribute is automatically set to 220. If the value of
the codec attribute is instead set to g711, then the default for this attribute is
automatically set to 200.

If the feature list is set to mgw, the value of this attribute must be a multiple of 5;
otherwise, the value should be a multiple of 10.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..320)

Units msec

Default No default

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-203
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Vp TandemFreeOperation (Tfo)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp Tfo Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description ... Vp/n TandemFreeOperation

This component represents the voice quality features available to the profile
associated with this VoiceProfile component while operating in Tandem Free
Operation (TFO) mode, and the configuration parameters for the features.

The default configuration can be overridden by the Media Gateway Controller

when the call is setup.

Mib MediaGateway

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp Tfo Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the TandemFreeOperation (Tfo)

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp Tfo ingressAgcMode (ingAgc)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the enabling or disabling of Automatic Gain Control
(AGC) in the ingress direction for Tandem Free Operation (TFO) mode. AGC in
the ingress direction may be turned off for TFO mode, and it may still be on for
the normal operations.

The ingress direction refers to the direction in which packets arrive into the packet
core network from the mobile or the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).

This voice quality functionality should be enabled if the operator desires to

control variations in call volume in the egress direction for TFO mode.

The attribute supports the following values:

disabled - Ingress AGC is disabled for TFO mode.
enabled - Ingress AGC is enabled for TFO mode.
sameAsNormal - Ingress AGC is enabled for TFO mode if the Agc component is
provisioned for this voice profile; otherwise, it is disabled.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-204 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib MediaGateway

Values disabled

Default sameAsNormal

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp Tfo egressAgcMode (egrAgc)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the enabling or disabling of Automatic Gain Control
(AGC) in the egress direction for Tandem Free Operation (TFO) mode. AGC in
the egress direction may be turned off for TFO mode, and it may still be on for the
normal operations.

The egress direction refers to the direction in which packets depart from the
packet core network towards the mobile or the Public Switched Telephone
Network (PSTN).

This voice quality functionality should be enabled if the operator desires to

control variations in call volume in the egress direction for TFO mode.

The attribute supports the following values:

disabled - Egress AGC is disabled for TFO mode.
enabled - Egress AGC is enabled for TFO mode.
sameAsNormal - Egress AGC is enabled for TFO mode if the Agc component is
provisioned for this voice profile; otherwise, it is disabled.

Mib MediaGateway

Values disabled

Default sameAsNormal

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp Tfo bncMode

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the enabling or disabling of Background Noise

Conditioning (BNC) and low-pass filtering for Tandem Free Operation (TFO)

The background noise conditioning algorithm has an optional post- processing

functionality, provisioned through the lowPassFilter attribute (defined in the Bnc
component), that performs low-pass filtering on the noise conditioned signal.
Depending on the presence of any other third-party voice quality devices within
the network, the operator may desire to disable low-pass filtering to prevent any
voice quality degradation due to functionality interaction.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-205
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The attribute supports the following values:

disabled - The background noise conditioning is disabled for TFO mode.
enabled - The background noise conditioning is enabled for TFO mode.
enabledLowPass - The background noise conditioning and low- pass filtering are
enabled for TFO mode.
sameAsNormal - The background noise conditioning is enabled for TFO mode if
the Bnc component is provisioned for this voice profile; otherwise, it is disabled.

Mib MediaGateway

Values disabled

Default sameAsNormal

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp Tfo mecMode

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the enabling or disabling of Mobile Echo Control (MEC)
in Tandem Free Operation (TFO) mode. MEC in the egress direction may be
turned off for TFO mode and it may still be on for the normal operations.

The operator may desire to enable this functionality to detect and suppress
acoustic echoes originating from the mobile user equipment.

The operator may desire to disable this functionality if external third-party voice
quality equipment that performs a similar function is used in the network.
Performing mobile echo control more than once may degrade voice quality.

The attribute supports the following values:

disabled - Mobile echo control is disabled for TFO mode.
enabled - Mobile echo control is enabled for TFO mode.
sameAsNormal - Mobile echo control is enabled for TFO mode if the Mec
component is provisioned for this voice profile; otherwise, it is disabled.

Mib MediaGateway

Values disabled

Default sameAsNormal

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Vp GlobalTextTelephony (Gtt)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp Gtt Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-206 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description ... Vp/n GlobalTextTelephony

This component represents enabling of the Global Text Telephony (GTT) voice
quality feature for the profile associated with this VoiceProfile component, and
the configuration parameters needed by this feature.

Global text telephony offers individuals the ability to communicate with one
another with written text in real time by relaying these messages over voice
channels. The user can switch between text and voice as desired.

Mib MediaGateway

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp Gtt Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the GlobalTextTelephony (Gtt)

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp Gtt teletypeDefaultBaudRate

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the baud rate of the Baudot codec used in the Public
Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), with which the Voice Services Processor
(VSP) Global Text Telephony (GTT) codec must interwork with.

GTT text messages are encoded for transmission over the circuit switched voice
channels. The VSP encodes the text telephony messages from text to voice or
voice to text, depending on the direction of the message flow.

The default value for this attribute is automatically set to autoConfigured for the
cdmaCodec feature, and 45.45 for all others. Only the cdmaCodec feature will
have the ability to detect the incoming data rate and adjust to it accordingly.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (45.45; 50.00)


Default No default

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-207
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Vp BackgroundNoiseReduction (Bnr)

Scope Device

Description ... Vp/n BackgroundNoiseReduction

This component represents the enabling of the Background Noise Reduction

(BNR) voice quality feature for this voice profile.

BNR is a technique developed to adoptively filter noisy speech signal that

originates from mobile terminals immersed in an environment with background
noise. The background noise is filtered or reduced after the decoding at the Media
Gateway. BNR enhances the perceived quality of the speech signal by reducing
the background noise content. This voice quality feature is only applicable for

Noise Suppression (NS) is an embedded feature in the Selectable Mode Vocoder

(SMV) and Enhanced Vocoder Rate Control (EVRC) codecs for CDMA Selection
and Vocoding Subsystem (CSVS). It applies only in the towards-mobile direction.
Its aim is to reduce the background noise in the audio signal such that the
perceptual quality of the transmitted speech is enhanced for the mobile listener.

The operator may choose not to provision this component if there is another
device in the network that performs a similar function. Performing background
noise reduction more than once might degrade voice quality.

Mib MediaGateway

Common Verbs Help


COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Vp BackgroundNoiseConditioning (Bnc)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp Bnc Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Device

Description ... Vp/n BackgroundNoiseConditioning

This component represents the enabling of the Background Noise Conditioning

(BNC) voice quality feature for this voice profile and the configuration parameters
needed by this feature.

Vocoders can cause artifacts and distortions known as the waterfall effect when
operating on background noise signals. BNC is a signal processing technique that

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-208 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

operates on the reproduced noise signal to remove the artefacts and restore the
natural quality of the audio signal.

Mib MediaGateway

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp Bnc Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the BackgroundNoiseConditioning
(Bnc) component.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp Bnc lowPassFilter

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the enabling or disabling of the low-pass filter post-
processing of the background noise conditioned signal.

Depending on the presence of other third-party voice quality features in the

network, the operator may choose to disable the low pass filter to prevent any
voice quality degradation.

The attribute supports the following values:

disabled - Low pass filtering with Background Noise Conditioning (BNC) is
enabled - Low pass filtering with BNC is enabled.

Mib MediaGateway

Values disabled

Default disabled

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty MultiParty"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty MultiPartyOper"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty ConferencingOper"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty LiDfOper"

"COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM VoiceGateway VoiceProfile MultiParty"

Scope Device

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-209
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description Nsta/n Vgs Vp/x MultiParty

This component represents the Conferencing and Lawful Intercept Distribution

Function capabilities of the Media Gateway.

Mib MediaGateway

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty MultiParty

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the MultiParty component.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty activeSpeakersAllowed

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of simultaneous speakers that may
be heard by any other party on the conference bridge.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (2..6)

Default 2

GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty MultiPartyOper

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational data for the MultiParty component.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty

totalSupportedResources (supported)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the maximum number of Conference Bridges or Lawful
Intercept Replicators supported on this Media Gateway.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-210 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty ConferencingOper

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational data for the MultiParty component specific to

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty bridgesInUse

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of conference bridges currently in use.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty bridgeSetupFailures

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts failed conference bridge setup requests.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty bridgeSetupSuccesses

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts successful conference bridge setup requests.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty bridgeTotalRequests


411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-211
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts all conference bridge setup requests.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty LiDfOper

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational data for the MultiParty component specific to
the lawful intercept distribution function.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty replicatorsInUse

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of lawful intercept replicators currently in use.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty replicatorSetupFailures

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts failed lawful intercept replicator setup requests.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty

replicatorSetupSuccesses (replSetupSucc)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-212 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts successful lawful intercept replicator setup requests.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty replicatorTotalRequests

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts all lawful intercept replicator setup requests.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM

VoiceGateway VoiceProfile MultiParty Default
Description The statistics record generated by the NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM
VoiceGateway VoiceProfile MultiParty component.

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty

Description This attribute indicates the maximum number of Conference Bridges or Lawful
Intercept Replicators supported on this Media Gateway.

The value of this attribute is set at the end of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty peakBridgesUsed

Description This attribute indicates the peak conference bridge usage during the collection

The value of this attribute is reset to the current number of bridges in use at the
beginning of each collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty bridgeSetupFailures

Description This attribute counts failed conference bridge setup requests.

The counter counts the events within the collection interval.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-213
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty bridgeSetupSuccesses

Description This attribute counts successful conference bridge setup requests.

The counter counts the events within the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty bridgeTotalRequests

Description This attribute counts all conference bridge setup requests.

The counter counts the events within the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty peakReplicatorsUsed

Description This attribute indicates the peak lawful intercept replicator usage during the
collection interval.

The value of this attribute is reset to the current number of lawful intercept
replicators in use at the beginning of each collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty replicatorSetupFailures

Description This attribute counts failed lawful intercept replicator setup requests.

The counter counts the events within the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty

Description This attribute counts successful lawful intercept replicator setup requests.

The counter counts the events within the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp MultiParty replicatorTotalRequests

Description This attribute counts all lawful intercept replicator setup requests.

The counter counts the events within the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Vp EchoCancellation (Ecan)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp Ecan EcanProv"

Scope Device

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-214 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description Nsta/n Vgs Vp/n EchoCancellation

This component represents enabling of the Echo Cancellation functionality for all
calls on the Media Gateway.

Mib MediaGateway

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp Ecan EcanProv

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the EchoCancellation (Ecan)

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp Ecan comfortNoiseGeneration

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies whether comfort noise generation for the echo cancellation
feature is enabled or disabled.

The possible values are:

disabled - Comfort noise generation is disabled
enabled - Comfort noise generation is enabled.

Mib MediaGateway

Values disabled

Default enabled

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp Ecan tailCoverage

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the maximum tail path delay that will be allowed by the
echo canceller.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (64; 128)

Units msec

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-215
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default 64

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp Ecan tailOffset

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the fixed delay offset for the echo cancellation tail length.

The value of this attribute is ignored when the tailCoverage attribute is set to a
value of 128.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..16)

Units msec

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp Ecan minimumEchoReturnLoss

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the minimum echo return loss that can be expected on the

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (3; 6)

Units dB

Default 3

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Vp TranscoderFreeOperation (Trfo)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp Trfo Provisioned (TrfoProv)"

Scope Device

Description ... Vp/n TranscoderFreeOperation

This component represents the voice quality features available to calls associated
with the parent VoiceProfile component while operating in Transcoder Free
Operation (TrFO) mode.

Voice quality feature defaults specified by this component can be overridden by

the Media Gateway Controller when a given call is set up.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-216 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The voice quality settings specified in this component are only applied to calls
that are operating in TrFO mode.

Mib MediaGateway

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Vp Trfo Provisioned (TrfoProv)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the TranscoderFreeOperation (Trfo)

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp Trfo egressAgc

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the enabling or disabling of Automatic Gain Control
(AGC) in the egress direction for calls operating in Transcoder Free Operation
(TrFO) mode. The egress direction refers to the direction in which packets depart
from the packet core network.

This voice quality feature should be enabled if the operator desires to control
variations in call volume in the egress direction for calls operating in TrFO mode.

The attribute supports the following values:

disabled - Egress AGC is disabled for calls operating in TrFO mode
enabled - Egress AGC is enabled for calls operating in TrFO mode
sameAsNormal - Egress AGC is enabled for calls operating in TrFO mode if the
Agc component is provisioned for this voice profile; otherwise, it is disabled.

Mib MediaGateway

Values disabled

Default sameAsNormal

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp Trfo bnc

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the enabling or disabling of Background Noise

Conditioning (BNC) and low-pass filtering for calls operating in Transcoder Free
Operation (TrFO) mode.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-217
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The background noise conditioning feature provides optional low-pass filtering on

the noise conditioned signal. This functionality is provisioned through the
lowPassFilter attribute (defined in the Bnc component). Depending on the
presence of third-party voice quality devices within the network, the operator may
desire to disable low-pass filtering to prevent any voice quality degradation due to
functionality interaction.

The attribute supports the following values:

disabled - Background noise conditioning is disabled for calls operating in TrFO
enabled - Background noise conditioning is enabled for calls operating in TrFO
enabledLowPass - Background noise conditioning and low-pass filtering are
enabled for calls operating in TrFO mode
sameAsNormal - Background noise conditioning is enabled for calls operating in
TrFO mode if the Bnc component is provisioned for this voice profile; otherwise,
it is disabled.

Mib MediaGateway

Values disabled

Default sameAsNormal

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Vp Trfo mec

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the enabling or disabling of Mobile Echo Control (MEC)
for calls operating in Transcoder Free Operation (TrFO) mode.

This voice quality feature should be enabled if the operator desires to detect and
suppress acoustic echoes originating from the mobile user equipment.

The operator may desire to disable this functionality if external third-party voice
quality equipment that performs a similar function is used in the network, as
performing mobile echo control more than once in the network may degrade voice

The attribute supports the following values:

disabled - Mobile echo control is disabled for calls operating in TrFO mode
enabled - Mobile echo control is enabled for calls operating in TrFO mode
sameAsNormal - Mobile echo control is enabled for calls operating in TrFO mode
if the Mec component is provisioned for this voice profile; otherwise, it is

Mib MediaGateway

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-218 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values disabled

Default sameAsNormal

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs CallStatistics (CallStats)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs CallStats ContextOper"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs CallStats DS0UtilizationOper (DS0UtilOper)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs CallStats GttOper"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs CallStats ResourceUtilOper (ResOper)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs CallStats CompressionOper"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs CallStats NbUpFailuresOper"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs CallStats IuUpInitializationsOper"

"COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM VoiceGateway CallStatistics"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs CallStatistics

This component represents the statistics for calls handled by this Vgs component.

Mib Vgs

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs CallStats ContextOper

Properties Operational

Description This group contains operational context attributes for the CallStatistics

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats averageContextDuration

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the average context duration since the last card reset. The
context duration is the time measured between context creation and context

This attribute is used to provide refined capacity forecasts and network

engineering based on the actual offered Erlang load.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-219
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Units msec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats maximumContextDuration

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the maximum context duration since the last card reset.
The context duration is the time measured between context creation and context

This attribute is used to provide refined capacity forecasts and network

engineering based on the actual offered Erlang load.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units msec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats minimumContextDuration

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the minimum context duration since the last card reset.
The context duration is the time measured between context creation and context

This attribute is used to provide refined capacity forecasts and network

engineering based on the actual offered Erlang load.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units msec

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs CallStats DS0UtilizationOper (DS0UtilOper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational DS0 Utilization Statistics attributes for the
CallStatistics component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats busyDS0UtilAvg

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-220 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the average DS0 channel utilization on this card since the
last card reset.

A busy channel is one that is neither idle nor blocked. The number of busy
channels are divided by the configured channel capacity to arrive at the DS0
utilization. Channels are configured in the Nsta/n Vgs Tag component.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats busyDS0UtilMax

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the maximum DS0 channel utilization on this card since
the last card reset.

A busy channel is one that is neither idle nor blocked. The number of busy
channels are divided by the configured channel capacity to arrive at the utilization.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats totalDS0sUsed

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of DS0 channels that have been activated. This
parameter is used to derive the Erlangs.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs CallStats GttOper

Properties Operational

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-221
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This group contains the operational GlobalTextTelephony (Gtt) attributes for the
CallStatistics component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats gttCalls

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Global Text Telephony (GTT) calls set up on this Nsta/n
Vgs component. This attribute is incremented when the call is set up.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats currentGttCalls (curGtt)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the current number of Global Text Telephony (GTT) calls
present on this Nsta/n Vgs component.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats gttCtmFailures (ctmFail)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of Global Text Telephony (GTT) calls that have
failed Cellular Text telephone Modem (CTM) negotiation on this Nsta/n Vgs
component. This attribute is incremented when the call terminate.

This attribute wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs CallStats ResourceUtilOper (ResOper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes for the CallStatistics component
pertaining to resource utilization.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-222 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats iuInterfaceConnections (iuIfConn)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of Universal Mobile Telecommunication

System (UMTS) Iu-interface connections that are currently supporting active

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats nbInterfaceConnections

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of Nb interface connections that are currently
supporting active calls.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats pstnInterfaceConnections

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of Public Switched Telephone Network
(PSTN) interface connections that are currently supporting active calls.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats accessInterfaceConnections

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of Global System for Mobile communications
(GSM) Access interface connections that are currently supporting active calls.

Mib Vgs

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-223
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats

connectionsRejectedInsuffThroughput (connRejInsThru)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the connection failures that are due to insufficient packetized
data path throughput when throughputLoadPercent is at or exceeds 100%.The
counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates a summation of the connectionsRejected attribute values

of all of the AtmCac AtmSubnet and IpCac IpSubnet components.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats dspLoadPercent (dspLoadPct)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the percentage of Digital Signalling Processors (DSPs)
whose resources are exhausted in support of active calls.

100% indicates that no new calls can be supported by the DSPs.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats coreLoadPercent (coreLoadPct)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-224 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute indicates the percentage of Digital Signalling Processor (DSP) cores
whose resources are exhausted in support of active calls.

100% indicates that no new calls can be supported by the DSP cores.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats contextLoadPercent (cntxLoadPct)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the percentage of Digital Signalling Processor (DSP)
contexts that are currently supporting active calls.

100% indicates that no new calls can be supported by the DSP contexts.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats terminationLoadPercent

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the percentage of Digital Signalling Processor (DSP)
terminations that are currently supporting active calls.

100% indicates that all DSP terminations are supporting active calls and no new
calls can be supported.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats throughputLoadPercent

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-225
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute indicates the percentage of packetized data path throughput
currently in use.

An attribute value of 100% indicates that all packet throughput is completely used
by active calls.

An attribute value that is greater than 100% indicates that the packet throughput is
is over-subscribed and that active calls may suffer packet loss.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units %

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats packetInterfacesLoadPercent

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the percentage of Iu and Nb interface connection resources
currently in use.An attribute value of 100% indicates that all Iu and Nb interface
connection resources are completely used by active calls.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats congestionPercent (congestPct)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the percentage of the overall congestion level of the Media
Gateway resources. This attribute indicates the highest value, upper-limited to
100%, of the following operational attributes:
- contextLoadPercent
- throughputLoadPercent
- the highest value of currentPercentBandwidthUtil for all of the AtmCac
AtmSubnet or IpCac IpSubnet components.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats peakDspLoadPercent

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-226 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the maximum value of dspLoadPercent attribute recorded
since the Media Gateway came into service.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats peakCoreLoadPercent

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the maximum value of coreLoadPercent attribute recorded
since the Media Gateway came into service.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats peakContextLoadPercent

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the maximum value of contextLoadPercent attribute

recorded since the Media Gateway came into service.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats peakTerminationLoadPercent

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the maximum value of terminationLoadPercent attribute

recorded since the Media Gateway came into service.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-227
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats peakThroughputLoadPercent

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the maximum value of bandWidthLoadPercent attribute

recorded since the Media Gateway came into service.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units %

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats peakPacketInterfacesLoadPercent

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the maximum value of the packetInterfacesLoadPercent

attribute recorded since the Media Gateway came into service.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats peakCongestionPercent

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the maximum value of congestionPercent attribute

recorded since the Media Gateway came into service.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

Default No default

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-228 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

GROUP Nsta Vgs CallStats CompressionOper

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes for the CallStatistics component
pertaining to compression.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats g711Upspeeds (upspeeds)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts codec upspeeds performed by the Transcoding Rate
Adaptation Unit (TRAU).

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats averageAmrVoiceActivity

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the average percentage of time that calls are carrying
Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) voice activity on this Media Gateway since restart.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units %

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats averageEphemeralBps

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the average bandwidth used by calls established on this
Media Gateway since restart.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units bit/s

Default No default

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-229
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats peakEphemeralBps

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the maximum bandwidth used by calls established on this
Media Gateway since restart.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units bit/s

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs CallStats NbUpFailuresOper

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes for the CallStatistics component
pertaining to Nb User Plane (Nb UP) Initialization Failures.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats nbUpInitTimeOuts (nbUpTouts)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Nb User Plane (Nb UP) initialization failures due to
initialization message reply timeouts.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats nbUpInitNacksRx (nbUpNack)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Nb User Plane (Nb UP) initialization failures due to negative
Nb UP initialization acknowledgements received from the peer Media Gateway.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-230 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats nbUpInitVersionMismatches

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Nb User Plane (Nb UP) initialization failures due to an Nb
UP mode version mismatch with the peer Media Gateway.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats nbUpInitSubflowMismatches

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Nb User Plane (Nb UP) initialization failures due to a Radio
Access Bearer (RAB) subflow mismatch with the peer Media Gateway.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats nbUpInitFormatErrors

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Nb User Plane (Nb UP) initialization failures due to a
message format error received from the peer Media Gateway.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats upspeedTimeOuts (upspdTouts)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-231
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts upspeed failures due to negotiation message reply timeouts.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats upspeedMultipleNacks

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts upspeed failures due to multiple negative acknowledgements
received from the peer Media Gateway.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats upspeedGttFailures (upspdGttFail)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts upspeed failures for the Global Text Telephony (GTT)
service that requires G.711 for reliable transport.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats upspeedIdenFailures

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts upspeed failures for the Integrated Digital Enhanced
Network (iDEN) service that requires G.711 for reliable transport.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-232 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats upspeedCsdFailures

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts upspeed failures for the Circuit Switched Data (CSD) service
that requires G.711 for reliable transport.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs CallStats IuUpInitializationsOper

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes for the CallStatistics component
pertaining to Iu User Plane (Iu UP) Initialization statistics.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats totalIuUpPassiveInitializations

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts total Iu User Plane (Iu UP) passive initializations.

This attribute is incremented when the User Plane initialization is attempted over
the Iu interface of Media Gateway, i.e, when a UP-INITIALIZATION message
is received on the Media Gateway. This includes both successful and failed
initialization attempts.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats

successfulIuUpPassiveInitializations (succIuUpPassInits)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts successful Iu User Plane (Iu UP) passive initializations.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-233
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

This attribute is incremented when the User Plane initialization is successfully

completed over the Iu interface of Media Gateway, i.e, when a UP-
INITIALIZATION message is received on the Media Gateway successfully and
a UP-INITIALIZATION ACK message is sent back.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM

VoiceGateway CallStatistics
Description The statistics record generated by the NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM
VoiceGateway CallStatistics component.

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats gttCalls

Description This attribute counts the Global Text Telephony (GTT) calls set up on this Nsta/n
Vgs component. This attribute is incremented when the call is set up.

This attribute indicates the numbers of events during the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats peakGttCalls

Description This attribute indicates the peak number of Global Text Telephony (GTT) calls
that have been established on this Nsta/n Vgs component during the last collection

This attribute indicates the peak value during the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats gttCtmFailures (ctmFails)

Description This attribute counts the number of Global Text Telephony (GTT) calls that have
failed Cellular Text telephone Modem (CTM) negotiation on this Nsta/n Vgs
component. This attribute is incremented when the call terminate.

This attribute indicates the numbers of events during the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats g711Upspeeds

Description This attribute counts codec upspeeds performed by the Transcoding Rate
Adaptation Unit (TRAU).

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-234 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats averageAmrVoiceActivity

Description This attribute indicates the average percentage of time that calls are carrying
Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) voice activity.

This attribute indicates the average value in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units %

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats averageEphemeralBps

Description This attribute indicates the average bandwidth used by calls established on this
Media Gateway.

This attribute indicates the average value in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units bit/s

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats peakEphemeralBps

Description This attribute indicates the maximum bandwidth used by calls established on this
Media Gateway.

This attribute indicates the peak value in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units bit/s

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats nbUpInitTimeOuts

Description This attribute counts Nb User Plane (Nb UP) initialization failures due to
initialization message reply timeouts.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats nbUpInitNacksRx

Description This attribute counts Nb User Plane (Nb UP) initialization failures due to negative
Nb UP initialization acknowledgements received from the peer Media Gateway.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats nbUpInitVersionMismatches

Description This attribute counts Nb User Plane (Nb UP) initialization failures due to an Nb
UP mode version mismatch with the peer Media Gateway.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval..

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-235
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats nbUpInitSubflowMismatches

Description This attribute counts Nb User Plane (Nb UP) initialization failures due to a Radio
Access Bearer (RAB) subflow mismatch with the peer Media Gateway.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval..

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats nbUpInitFormatErrors

Description This attribute counts Nb User Plane (Nb UP) initialization failures due to a
message format error received from the peer Media Gateway.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval..

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats upspeedTimeOuts

Description This attribute counts upspeed failures due to negotiation message timeouts.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats upspeedMultipleNacks

Description This attribute counts upspeed failures caused by multiple negative
acknowledgements received from the peer Media Gateway.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats upspeedGttFailures

Description This attribute counts upspeed failures for the Global Text Telephony (GTT)
service that requires G.711 for reliable transport.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats upspeedIdenFailures

Description This attribute counts upspeed failures for the iDEN service that requires G.711 for
reliable transport.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats upspeedCsdFailures

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-236 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts upspeed failures for the Circuit Switched Data (CSD) service
that requires G.711 for reliable transport.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats peakDspLoadPercent

Description This attribute indicates the maximum value of dspLoadPercent attribute that is
recorded during the collection interval.

The value indicates the percentage of Digital Signalling Processors (DSPs) whose
resources are exhausted in support of active calls.

100% indicates that no new calls can be supported by the DSPs.

This attribute resets to the current value at the beginning of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats peakCoreLoadPercent

Description This attribute indicates the maximum value of coreLoadPercent attribute that is
recorded during the collection interval.

The value indicates the percentage of Digital Signalling Processor (DSP) cores
whose resources are exhausted in support of active calls.

100% indicates that no new calls can be supported by the DSP cores.

This attribute resets to the current value at the beginning of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats peakContextLoadPercent

Description This attribute indicates the maximum value of contextLoadPercent attribute that is
recorded during the collection interval.

The value indicates the percentage of Digital Signalling Processor (DSP) contexts
that support active calls.

100% indicates that no new calls can be supported by the DSP contexts.

This attribute resets to the current value at the beginning of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-237
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats peakTerminationLoadPercent

Description This attribute indicates the maximum value of terminationLoadPercent attribute
that is recorded during the collection interval.

The value indicates the percentage of Digital Signalling Processor (DSP)

terminations that support active calls.

100% indicates that all DSP terminations are supporting active calls and that no
new calls can be supported

This attribute resets to the current value at the beginning of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats peakThroughputLoadPercent

Description This attribute indicates the maximum value of packet throughput that is recorded
during the collection interval.

The value indicates the percentage of packetized data path throughput utilized to
support active calls.

An attribute value of 100% indicates that all packet throughput is completely used
by active calls.

An attribute value that is greater than 100% indicates that the packet throughput is
over-subscribed and that active calls may suffer packet loss.

This attribute resets to the current value at the beginning of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units %

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats peakPacketInterfacesLoadPercent

Description This attribute indicates the maximum value of the packetInterfacesLoadPercent
attribute that is recorded during the collection interval.

An attribute value of 100% indicates that all Iu and Nb connection resources are
completely used by active calls.

This attribute resets to the current value at the beginning of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats peakCongestionPercent

Description This attribute indicates the maximum value of congestionPercent attribute that is
recorded during the collection interval.

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C-238 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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The value indicates the percentage of the overall congestion level of the Media
Gateway resources.

This attribute indicates the highest value, upper-limited to 100%, of the following
operational attributes:
the highest value of currentPercentBandwidthUtil for all of the AtmCac
AtmSubnet or IpCac IpSubnet components.

This attribute resets to the current value at the beginning of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats averageContextDuration

Description This attribute indicates the average context duration within the collection interval.
The context duration is the time measured between context creation and context

This attribute is used to provide refined capacity forecasts and network

engineering based on the actual offered Erlang load.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units msec

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats maximumContextDuration

Description This attribute indicates the maximum context duration within the collection
interval. The context duration is the time measured between context creation and
context deletion.

This attribute is used to provide refined capacity forecasts and network

engineering based on the actual offered Erlang load.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units msec

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats minimumContextDuration

Description This attribute indicates the minimum context duration within the collection
interval. The context duration is the time measured between context creation and
context deletion.

This attribute is used to provide refined capacity forecasts and network

engineering based on the actual offered Erlang load.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units msec

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-239
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats busyDS0UtilAvg

Description This attribute indicates the average DS0 channel utilization. A busy channel is one
that is neither idle nor blocked. The busy channels are divided by the configured
channel capacity to arrive at the utilization. Channels are configured in the Nsta/n
Vgs Tag component.

This attribute indicates the average value in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats busyDS0UtilMax

Description This attribute indicates the maximum DS0 channel utilization. A busy channel is
one that is neither idle nor blocked. The busy channels are divided by the
configured channel capacity to arrive at the utilization.

This attribute indicates the peak value in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats totalDS0sUsed

Description This attribute counts the number of times the DS0 channels are activated. This
parameter is used to derive the Erlangs.

This attribute counts the numbers of events during the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats totalIuUpPassiveInitializations

Description This attribute counts total Iu User Plane (Iu UP) passive initializations.

This attribute is incremented when the User Plane initialization is attempted over
the Iu interface of Media Gateway, i.e, when a UP-INITIALIZATION message
is received on the Media Gateway. This includes both successful and failed
initialization attempts.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs CallStats

Description This attribute counts successful Iu User Plane (Iu UP) passive initializations.

This attribute is incremented when the User Plane initialization is successfully

completed on the Iu interface of Media Gateway, i.e, when a UP-
INITIALIZATION message is received on the Media Gateway successfully and
a UP-INITIALIZATION ACK message is sent back.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-240 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
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The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Mtp2Profile

Instance Decimal (1..10)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Mtp2Profile Mtp2ProfileProv"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs Mtp2Profile/n

This component represents the configurable parameters for the Message Transfer
Part Layer 2 (MTP2) transport.

Mib MediaGateway

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Mtp2Profile Mtp2ProfileProv

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for the Mtp2Profile component.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2Profile protocolVariant (pV)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the variant of the Message Transfer Part Layer 2 (MTP2)
protocol that applies to the component.

The values of the protocol timer attributes must be provisioned within the range
applicable to the protocol variant specified by this attribute.

The various values for this attribute are:

itu - The component represents the ITU variant of the protocol (ITU-T Q.703).
ansi - The component represents the ANSI variant of the protocol (ANSI

Mib MediaGateway

Values itu

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-241
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default itu

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2Profile alignmentReadyTimer (t1)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value of the Alignment Ready timer defined in ITU-
T recommendation Q.703.

This timer is started when the link reaches the Alignment Ready state.

This timer stops upon entering the In Service state. Reception of a Fill-In Signal
Unit (FISU) or a Message Signal Unit (MISU) while in the Alignment Ready
state causes the state transition to the In Service state.

A timer expiry causes the state to transition to the Idle state.

The number of expiries of this timer is counted by the attribute

alignmentReadyTimeouts (defined in the Nsta/n Vgs Mtp2/n component).

The value of this timer must be between 40 and 50 seconds for the ITU variant of
the protocol and between 12 and 16 seconds for the ANSI variant.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (12..50)

Units seconds

Default 45

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2Profile notAlignedTimer (t2)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value of the Not Aligned timer defined in ITU-T
recommendation Q.703. It is used during initial alignment.

This timer is started when the link enters the Not Aligned state which begins
sending status indication O.

If the timer expires before receiving a status indication O, N or E,

alignment is stopped and the Idle state is entered. Otherwise the link proceeds
to the Aligned state.

The number of expiries of this timer is counted by the attribute

notAlignedTimeouts (defined in the Nsta/n Vgs Mtp2/n component).

The value of this timer must be between 5 and 150 seconds for the ITU variant of
the protocol and between 5 and 30 seconds for the ANSI variant.

Mib MediaGateway

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C-242 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (5..150)

Units seconds

Default 60

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2Profile alignedTimer (t3)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value of the Aligned timer defined in ITU-T
recommendation Q.703. It is used during initial alignment.

This timer is started when the link enters the Aligned state which begins
sending status indication N or E, depending on whether the link is in normal
or emergency alignment mode respectively.

If the timer expires before a status indication N or E is received, alignment is

stopped and the Idle state is entered. Otherwise the link proceeds to the
Proving state.

The number of expiries of this timer is counted by the attribute alignedTimeouts

(defined in the Nsta/n Vgs Mtp2/n component).

The value of this timer must be between 1000 and 2000 milliseconds for the ITU
variant of the protocol and between 5000 and 14000 milliseconds for the ANSI

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (1000..14000)

Units msec

Default 1500

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2Profile normalProvingTimer (t4n)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value of the Proving Period timer for normal
alignment as defined in ITU-T recommendation Q.703. It is used during initial

It is started when the link enters the Proving state. In normal alignment mode,
proving must last for a period specified by this timer before the link can enter the
Aligned Ready state.

Expiry of this timer indicates a successful proving period unless the proving
period has been previously aborted up to four times.

A higher value for this timer ensures a more stable link, but increases the time
taken to bring the link in service.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-243
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The value of this timer must be between 7500 and 9500 milliseconds for the ITU
variant of the protocol and between 2000 and 2550 milliseconds for the ANSI

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (2000..9500)

Units msec

Default 8500

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2Profile emergencyProvingTimer (t4e)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value of the Proving Period timer for emergency
alignment as defined in ITU-T recommendation Q.703. It is used during initial

It is started when the link enters the Proving state. In emergency alignment
mode, proving must last for a period specified by this timer before the link can
enter the Aligned Ready state.

Expiry of this timer indicates a successful proving period unless the proving
period has been previously aborted up to four times.

A higher value for this timer ensures a more stable link, but increases the time
taken to bring the link in service.

The value of this timer must be between 400 and 600 milliseconds for the ITU
variant of the protocol and between 500 and 700 milliseconds for the ANSI

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (400..700)

Units msec

Default 500

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2Profile sendingSibTimer (t5)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value of the Sending SIB timer defined in ITU-T
recommendation Q.703. It is used for congestion control.

The value of this timer determines the interval at which the receiving end of a
signalling link, which detects a congestion situation returns a status indication B
to the remote transmitting end of the link. This causes the remote end of the link

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C-244 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

to stop sending messages until the congestion condition goes away.

The number of times a status indication B, that is, a congestion indication is

sent is counted by the attribute congestionIndicationsSent (defined in the Nsta/n
Vgs Mtp2/n component).

The number of times a congestion situation is detected is counted by the attribute

congestionDetects (defined in the Nsta/n Vgs Mtp2/n component).

This attribute has the same value ranges for both ANSI and ITU variants of the

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (80..120)

Units msec

Default 100

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2Profile remoteCongestionTimer (t6)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value of the Remote Congestion timer defined in
ITU-T recommendation Q.703.

This timer begins when a status indication B is received, indicating congestion

at the remote end.

This timer is stopped when the congestion abates at the signalling point, as
indicated by a message in the retransmit buffer being acknowledged.

Upon timer expiration, a link failure indication is generated.

The number of times a status indication B is received, indicating congestion at

the remote end, is counted by the attribute congestionIndicationsReceived
(defined in the Nsta/n Vgs Mtp2/n component).

The value of this timer must be between 3000 and 6000 milliseconds for the ITU
variant of the protocol and between 1000 and 6000 milliseconds for the ANSI

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (1000..6000)

Units msec

Default 4500

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2Profile ackTimer (t7)

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-245
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read: All

Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value of the Excessive delay of acknowledgment
timer defined in ITU-T recommendation Q.703. It is used during normal sending
and receiving of Message Signal Units (MSU).

This timer starts when the first MSU is placed in the retransmit buffer and is
pending acknowledgment.

This timer is stopped after the last MSU in the retransmit buffer is acknowledged.

This timer is restarted after each acknowledgment when the retransmit buffer is
non-empty. It is also restarted each time a link status indication unit B is

If the timer expires, a link failure indication is generated.

The number of expiries of this timer is counted by the attribute ackTimeouts

(defined in the Nsta/n Vgs Mtp2/n component).

This attribute has the same value ranges for both ANSI and ITU variants of the

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (500..2000)

Units msec

Default 1250

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2Profile applicationList (appList)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute specifies a list of Nsta/n Vgs Mtp2/n components linked to this

Mib MediaGateway

List of Link (Service, profile)

Default No default


Instance Decimal (0..31)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Mtp2 Mtp2Prov"

"GROUP Nsta Vgs Mtp2 OsiState (State)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs Mtp2 Mtp2Oper"

"COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM VoiceGateway Mtp2"

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-246 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs Mtp2/n

This component represents the Message Transfer Part Layer 2 (MTP2) transport
layer between the Media Gateway and either the Public Switched Telephone
Network (PSTN) or the 2G Radio Access Network (RAN).

Mib MediaGateway

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP)"

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Mtp2 Mtp2Prov

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for the Mtp2 component.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 interfaceName (ifName)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the link to the DS1Chan or E1Chan component that in turn
specifies the timeslot for the Message Transfer Part Layer 2 (MTP2) transport.

The DS1Chan or E1Chan component must reside on the same card as this

The DS1Chan or E1Chan component used by the Mtp2 must contain only one
timeslot in their timeslots attribute.

Changing this attribute will cause the link to be restarted.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Link (Service, applicationFramerName)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 linkToLayer3 (lToL3)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Process

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-247
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute specifies a link to the Message Transfer Part Layer 2 (MTP2) user.
It must specify an Nsta/n Vgs M2ua As/n Iid/n component.

The Iid/n component must reside on the same card as this component.

Changing this attribute will cause the link to be restarted.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Link (Service, linkToLayer2)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 profile

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies a link to the Nsta/n Vgs Mtp2Profile/n component, which
in turn specifies the configurable parameters for this Message Transfer Part Layer
2 (MTP2) transport.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Link (Service, applicationList)

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs Mtp2 OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions generically
indicate what each state attribute implies about the component. Note that not all
the values and state combinations described here are supported by every
component which reuses this group. For component-specific information and the
valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been
previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-248 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

Mib MediaGateway

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note
that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For
example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another
component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState
must be idle.

Mib MediaGateway

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to
provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

Mib MediaGateway

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-249
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

GROUP Nsta Vgs Mtp2 Mtp2Oper

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes for the Mtp2 component.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 alignmentReadyTimeouts (t1Touts)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts timeouts of the Alignment Ready timer (T1) represented
by the attribute alignmentReadyTimer (defined in the Nsta/n Vgs Mtp2Profile/n

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 notAlignedTimeouts (t2Touts)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts timeouts of the Not Aligned timer (T2) represented by the
attribute notAlignedTimer (defined in the Nsta/n Vgs Mtp2Profile/n component).

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 alignedTimeouts (t3Touts)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts timeouts of the Aligned timer (T3) represented by the
attribute alignedTimer (defined in the Nsta/n Vgs Mtp2Profile/n component).

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 congestionDetects (congDet)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-250 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of times congestion was detected by the
MonitoredCommunicationsProtocol dynamic subcomponent at the local end of
the signalling link.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 congestionIndicationsSent

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of congestion indications transmitted to the
remote end of the signalling link. The congestion is detected locally by the
MonitoredCommunicationsProtocol dynamic subcomponent and is transmitted to
the remote end if it does not abate within the time interval specified by the
sendingSibTimer (T5) attribute of the linked Nsta/n Vgs Mtp2Profile/n

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 congestionIndicationsReceived

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts congestion indications received from the remote end of the
signalling link.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 ackTimeouts (t7Touts)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-251
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts timeouts of the T7 Timer represented by the attribute
ackTimer (defined in the Nsta/n Vgs Mtp2Profile/n component).

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 inServiceFailures (insvFail)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts in-service link outages.

It does not include failures which occur during the alignment process.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 msuSent

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Message Signal Units (MSU) transmitted. This includes the
number of MSUs retransmitted, indicated by the attribute msuRetransmits.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 msuRetransmits (msuReTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Message Signal Units (MSU) retransmitted because of
negative acknowledgments.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-252 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 msuReceived (msuRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of Message Signal Units (MSU) received. This
includes the MSUs with errors, indicated by the attribute msuErrors.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 msuErrors (msuErrs)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts ingress signal units discarded because of sequence number,
length or Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) errors.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 msuOctetsSent (octetTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts layer 3 payload octets transmitted within the Message Signal
Units (MSU).

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 msuOctetsReceived (octetRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts layer 3 payload octets received within the Message Signal
Units (MSU).

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-253
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM

VoiceGateway Mtp2
Description The statistics record generated by the NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM
VoiceGateway Mtp2 component.

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 alignmentReadyTimeouts

Description This attribute counts timeouts of the Alignment Ready timer (T1) represented
by the attribute alignmentReadyTimer (defined in the Nsta/n Vgs Mtp2Profile/n

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 notAlignedTimeouts

Description This attribute counts timeouts of the Not Aligned timer (T2) represented by the
attribute notAlignedTimer (defined in the Nsta/n Vgs Mtp2Profile/n component).

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 alignedTimeouts

Description This attribute counts timeouts of the Aligned timer (T3) represented by the
attribute alignedTimer (defined in the Nsta/n Vgs Mtp2Profile component).

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 congestionDetects

Description This attribute counts the number of times congestion was detected by the
MonitoredCommunicationsProtocol dynamic subcomponent at the local end of
the signalling link.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 congestionIndicationsSent

Description This attribute counts the number of congestion indications transmitted to the
remote end of the signalling link. The congestion is detected locally by the

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-254 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

MonitoredCommunicationsProtocol dynamic subcomponent and is transmitted to

the remote end if it does not abate within the time interval specified by the
sendingSibTimer (T5) attribute of the linked Nsta/n Vgs Mtp2Profile/n

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 congestionIndicationsReceived

Description This attribute counts the number of congestion indications received from the
remote end of the signalling link.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 ackTimeouts

Description This attribute counts timeouts of the T7 Timer represented by the attribute
ackTimer (defined in the Nsta/n Vgs Mtp2Profile/n component).

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 inServiceFailures

Description This attribute counts in-service link outages.

It does not include failures which occur during the alignment process.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 msuSent

Description This attribute counts the number of Message Signal Units (MSU) transmitted.
This includes the number of MSUs retransmitted, indicated by the attribute

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 msuRetransmits

Description This attribute counts Message Signal Units (MSU) retransmitted because of
negative acknowledgments.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-255
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 msuReceived

Description This attribute counts the number of Message Signal Units (MSU) received. This
includes the MSUs with errors, indicated by the attribute msuErrors.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 msuErrors

Description This attribute counts ingress signal units discarded because of sequence number,
length or Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) errors.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 msuOctetsSent

Description This attribute counts layer 3 payload octets transmitted within the Message Signal
Units (MSU).

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 msuOctetsReceived

Description This attribute counts layer 3 payload octets received within the Message Signal
Units (MSU).

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP OsiState (State)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP Operational (Oper)"

"COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM VoiceGateway Mtp2


Scope Application

Description ... MonitoredCommunicationProtocol

This component represents the functionality that monitors the status of

communication between the parent component and the neighboring component
with which the parent component is communicating. This component does the
- detects the loss of communication between the neighbors being monitored.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-256 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

- counts messages lost between the monitored neighbors.

- ensures that the neighbor does not overflow with messages from this component.

Mib MediaGateway

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions generically
indicate what each state attribute implies about the component. Note that not all
the values and state combinations described here are supported by every
component which reuses this group. For component-specific information and the
valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been
previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

Mib MediaGateway

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-257
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For
example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another
component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState
must be idle.

Mib MediaGateway

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to
provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

Mib MediaGateway

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle

GROUP Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational data for the

MonitoredCommunicationProtocol component.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP communicationFailures

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the communication failures between the neighbors being

The communication failure is detected in two ways:

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-258 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

- if no messages are received from the neighbor for a predetermined number of

consecutive Heartbeat timer expiries, the value of this attribute is incremented.
The value of the Heartbeat timer and expiries is not provisionable, but it is
negotiated between the monitored parent components. The value of the Heartbeat
timer and retries can be determined from the operational attributes heartbeatTimer
and heartbeatRetries respectively.
- if communication monitoring is not established between the two neighbors.
Monitor Enable Request messages are sent to the neighbor when the Heartbeat
timer expires and if the Monitor Enable Response message is not received prior to
the predetermined number of Heartbeat timer expiries, then it is assumed that
monitoring communication could not be established and the value of this attribute
is incremented.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP messageTxFailures

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent to the neighbor but were not
received by the neighbor.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP messageRxFailures

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload messages that were sent by the neighbor but
were not received by this component. This is detected by a gap in the Message
Numbers received in payload messages from the neighbor.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-259
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP enableRequestsTx

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages sent by this
component to the neighbor.

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

message is sent in an attempt to establish monitoring communication between the
neighbors to be monitored.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP enableRequestsRx

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages received by this

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

message is received from the neighbor in an attempt to establish monitoring

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP enableResponsesTx

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages sent by this

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Response

message is sent to the neighbor in response to a Monitor Enable Request message.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-260 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP enableResponsesRx

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages received by this
component in response to the Monitor Enable Request message.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP heartbeatsTx (hbsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages sent by this component to the

If no messages are sent by this component for the duration of the heartbeat timer,
then a Heartbeat message is sent to the neighbor and the value of this attribute is
incremented. The heartbeat timer is not provisionable and is set by the neighbors
being monitored.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP heartbeatRx (hbsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages received by this component.

The value of this attribute is incremented when the Heartbeat message is received.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-261
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP messagesTx (msgsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent by this component to the

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP messagesRx (msgsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload messages received by this component.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP sequenceGapsTx

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages sent by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent and the
value of this attribute is incremented. The Sequence Gap message shows the start
and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP sequenceGapsRx

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-262 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages received by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent. The
value of this attribute is incremented when this message is received. The Sequence
Gap message shows the start and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP unknownMessagesRx

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the messages received by this component that are not
recognized by the MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP).

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP messagesDiscarded

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the messages that were discarded to avoid overflowing of the

The number of messages that the neighbor can handle without overflowing is
identified from the Available Capacity field in the messages received from the

If the value of the Available Capacity field is zero, payload messages to be sent to
the neighbor are discarded and the value of this counter is incremented.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-263
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP heartbeatTimer (hbTimer)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the length of the Heartbeat timer.

The value of the Heartbeat timer is negotiated between the monitored parent

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units msec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP heartbeatRetries

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of time-outs of the Heartbeat timer allowed
before marking the communication with the neighbor as down.

The value of the Heartbeat retries is negotiated between the monitored parent

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM

VoiceGateway Mtp2
MonitoredCommunicationProtocol Default
Description The statistics record generated by the NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM
VoiceGateway Mtp2 MonitoredCommunicationProtocol component.

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP communicationFailures

Description This attribute counts the communication failures between the neighbors being

The communication failure is detected in two ways:

- if no messages are received from the neighbor for a predetermined number of

consecutive Heartbeat timer expiries, the value of this attribute is incremented.
The value of the Heartbeat timer and expiries is not provisionable, but it is

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-264 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

negotiated between the monitored parent components. The value of the Heartbeat
timer and retries can be determined from the operational attributes heartbeatTimer
and heartbeatRetries respectively.
- if communication monitoring is not established between the two neighbors.
Monitor Enable Request messages are sent to the neighbor when the Heartbeat
timer expires and if the Monitor Enable Response message is not received prior to
the predetermined number of Heartbeat timer expiries, then it is assumed that
monitoring communication could not be established and the value of this attribute
is incremented.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP messageTxFailures

Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent to the neighbor but were not
received by the neighbor.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP messageRxFailures

Description This attribute counts the payload messages that were sent by the neighbor but
were not received by this component. This is detected by a gap in the Message
Numbers received in payload messages from the neighbor.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP enableRequestsTx

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages sent by this
component to the neighbor.

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

message is sent in an attempt to establish monitoring communication between the
neighbors to be monitored.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP enableRequestsRx

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages received by this

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-265
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

message is received from the neighbor in an attempt to establish monitoring

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP enableResponsesTx

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages sent by this

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Response

message is sent to the neighbor in response to a Monitor Enable Request message.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP enableResponsesRx

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages received by this
component in response to the Monitor Enable Request message.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP heartbeatsTx (hbsTx)

Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages sent by this component to the

If no messages are sent by this component for the duration of the heartbeat timer,
then a Heartbeat message is sent to the neighbor and the value of this attribute is
incremented. The heartbeat timer is not provisionable and is set by the neighbors
being monitored.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP heartbeatRx (hbsRx)

Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages received by this component.

The value of this attribute is incremented when the Heartbeat message is received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-266 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP messagesTx (msgsTx)

Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent by this component to the

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP messagesRx (msgsRx)

Description This attribute counts the payload messages received by this component.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP sequenceGapsTx

Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages sent by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent and the
value of this attribute is incremented. The Sequence Gap message shows the start
and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP sequenceGapsRx

Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages received by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent. The
value of this attribute is incremented when this message is received. The Sequence
Gap message shows the start and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP unknownMessagesRx

Description This attribute counts the messages received by this component that are not
recognized by the MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP).

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs Mtp2 MCP messagesDiscarded

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-267
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts the messages that were discarded to avoid overflowing of the

The number of messages that the neighbor can handle without overflowing is
identified from the Available Capacity field in the messages received from the

If the value of the Available Capacity field is zero, payload messages to be sent to
the neighbor are discarded and the value of this counter is incremented.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)


Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua M2uaProv"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua OsiState (State)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua M2uaOper"

"COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM VoiceGateway M2ua"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs M2ua

This component represents the Message Transfer Part Layer 2 User Adaptation
(M2UA) layer.

Mib MediaGateway

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Nsta Vgs M2ua ApplicationServer (As)"

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua M2uaProv

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the M2ua component.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua sctpPortConnection (sctpPort)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Process

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-268 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute specifies a link to the local Stream Control Transmission Protocol
(SCTP) port used by the Message Transfer Part Layer 2 User Adaptation (M2UA)

Changing the value of this link will cause this process to restart.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Link (Hardware, linkToApplication)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua heartbeatInterval (hbIntvl)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the frequency for sending Message Transfer Part Layer 2
User Adaptation (M2UA) heartbeat messages to peer nodes.

The heartbeat timer T(beat) has two purposes. It is used to determine how often to
send out heartbeat messages. It is also used to determine how long to wait for
heartbeat acknowledgement (2 *T(beat)) before considering the peer to be

A value of 0 disables sending of heartbeat messages.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..60)

Units seconds

Default 30

GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes and the six OSI Status
attributes. The descriptions generically indicate what each attribute implies about
the component. Note that not all the values and state combinations described here
are supported by every component which reuses this group. For component-
specific information and the valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-269
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

The OSI Status attributes, if supported by the component, may provide more
details, qualifying the state of the component.

Mib MediaGateway

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note
that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For
example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another
component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState
must be idle.

The OSI Status attributes, if supported by the component, may provide more
details, qualifying the state of the component.

Mib MediaGateway

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-270 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

The OSI Status attributes, if supported by the component, may provide more
details, qualifying the state of the component.

Mib MediaGateway

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua availabilityStatus (osiAvail)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSI Availability status
of the component. Note that, even though it is defined as a multi-valued set, at
most one value is shown to the user.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either the attribute is not
supported or that none of the status conditions described below is present.

The value inTest indicates that the resource is undergoing a test procedure. If
adminState is locked or shuttingDown, the normal users are precluded from using
the resource and controlStatus is reservedForTest. Tests that do not exclude
additional users can be present in any operational or administrative state but the
reservedForTest condition should not be present.

The value failed indicates that the component has an internal fault that prevents it
from operating. The operationalState is disabled.

The value dependency indicates that the component cannot operate because some
other resource on which it depends is unavailable. The operationalState is

The value powerOff indicates the resource requires power to be applied and it is
not powered on. The operationalState is disabled.

The value offLine indicates the resource requires a routine operation (either
manual, automatic, or both) to be performed to place it on-line and make it
available for use. The operationalState is disabled.

The value offDuty indicates the resource is inactive in accordance with a

predetermined time schedule. In the absence of other disabling conditions, the
operationalState is enabled or disabled.

The value degraded indicates the service provided by the component is degraded
in some way, such as in speed or operating capacity. Usually, the resource remains

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-271
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

available for service. The operationalState is almost always enabled. There is one
exception where an operationalState of disabled is used in conjunction with
degraded for a component which represents a rolled up view of a set of other

The value notInstalled indicates the resource is not present. The operationalState
is disabled.

The value logFull is not used.

The value migrating indicates that a software migration activation is in progress,

making the component unavailable for other activities until the migration is

Mib MediaGateway

Set of inTest
dependency (depend)
powerOff (pwrOff)
degraded (degrad)
notInstalled (notIn)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua proceduralStatus (osiProc)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSI Procedural status
of the component. Note that, even though it is defined as a multi-valued set, at
most one value is shown to the user.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either the attribute is not
supported or that none of the status conditions described below is present.

The value initializationRequired indicates (for a resource which doesnt initialize

autonomously) that initialization is required before it can perform its normal
functions, and this procedure has not been initiated. The operationalState is

The value notInitialized indicates (for a resource which does initialize

autonomously) that initialization is required before it can perform its normal
functions, and this procedure has not been initiated. The operationalState may be
enabled or disabled.

The value initializing indicates that initialization has been initiated but is not yet
complete. The operationalState may be enabled or disabled.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-272 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The value reporting indicates the resource has completed some processing
operation and is notifying the results. The operationalState is enabled.

The value terminating indicates the component is in a termination phase. If the

resource doesnt reinitialize autonomously, operationalState is disabled;
otherwise it is enabled or disabled.

Mib MediaGateway

Set of initializationRequired (initRq)

notInitialized (notInit)
initializing (init)
reporting (report)
terminating (term)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua controlStatus (osiCntrl)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSI Control status of
the component. Note that, even though it is defined as a multi-valued set, at most
one value is shown to the user.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either the attribute is not
supported or that none of the status conditions described below is present.

The value subjectToTest indicates the resource is available but tests may be
conducted simultaneously at unpredictable times, which may cause it to exhibit
unusual characteristics.

The value partOfServicesLocked indicates that part of the service is restricted

from users of a resource. The adminState is unlocked.

The value reservedForTest indicates that the component is administratively

unavailable because it is undergoing a test procedure. The adminState is locked.

The value suspended indicates that the service has been administratively

Mib MediaGateway

Set of subjectToTest (subTst)

partOfServicesLocked (partLk)
reservedForTest (rsrvd)
suspended (suspnd)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua alarmStatus (osiAlarm)

Access Read only

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-273
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSI Alarm status of the
component. Note that, even though it is defined as a multi-valued set, at most one
value is shown to the user.

When no values are in the set, this indicates that either the attribute is not
supported or that none of the status conditions described below is present.

The value underRepair indicates the component is currently being repaired. The
operationalState is enabled or disabled.

The value critical indicates one or more critical alarms are outstanding against the
component. Other, less severe, alarms may also be outstanding. The
operationalState is enabled or disabled.

The value major indicates one or more major alarms are outstanding against the
component. Other, less severe, alarms may also be outstanding. The
operationalState is enabled or disabled.

The value minor indicates one or more minor alarms are outstanding against the
component. Other, less severe, alarms may also be outstanding. The
operationalState is enabled or disabled.

The value alarmOutstanding generically indicates that an alarm of some severity

is outstanding against the component.

Mib MediaGateway

Set of underRepair (repair)

critical (crit)
alarmOutstanding (outst)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua standbyStatus (osiStby)

Access Read only

Description If supported by the component, this attribute indicates the OSI Standby status of
the component.

The value notSet indicates that either the attribute is not supported or that none of
the status conditions described below is present. Note that this is a non-standard
value, used because the original specification indicated this attribute was set-
valued and thus, did not provide a value to indicate that none of the other three are

The value hotStandby indicates that the resource is not providing service but will
be immediately able to take over the role of the resource to be backed up, without
initialization activity, and containing the same information as the resource to be
backed up.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-274 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The value coldStandby indicates the resource is a backup for another resource but
will not be immediately able to take over the role of the backed up resource and
will require some initialization activity.

The value providingService indicates that this component, as a backup resource,

is currently backing up another resource.

Mib MediaGateway

Values hotStandby (hot)

coldStandby (cold)
providingService (serv)
notSet (nSet)

Default notSet

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua unknownStatus (osiUnknw)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Unknown status of the component.

The value false indicates that all of the other OSI State and Status attribute values
can be considered accurate.

The value true indicates that the actual state of the component is not known for

Mib MediaGateway

Values false

Default false

GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua M2uaOper

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational data for the M2ua component.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua connectionsRefused (connRef)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts connection requests refused by the Message Transfer Part
Layer 2 User Adaptation (M2UA) layer.

The most likely cause for the connection to be refused is that the requestors IP
address or port information is not configured on this Media Gateway.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

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Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-275
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM

VoiceGateway M2ua
Description The statistics record generated by the NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM
VoiceGateway M2ua component.

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua connectionsRefused

Description This attribute counts connection requests refused by the Message Transfer Part
Layer 2 User Adaptation (M2UA) layer.

The most likely cause for the connection to be refused is that the requestors IP
address or port information is not configured on this Media Gateway.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs M2ua ApplicationServer (As)

Instance Decimal (0..255)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As AsProv"

"GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As OsiState (State)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As AsOper"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs M2ua ApplicationServer/n

This component represents the peer Application Server (AS) that establishes a
Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) association with this Message
Transfer Part Layer 2 User Adaptation (M2UA) application.

Mib MediaGateway

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Nsta Vgs M2ua As InterfaceIdentifier (Iid)"

"COMPONENT Nsta Vgs M2ua As ApplicationServerProcess (Asp)"

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As AsProv

Properties Provisioned

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-276 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This group contains the provisionable data for the ApplicationServer component.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As recoveryTimer (recoveryT)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the amount of time to buffer outgoing messages when the
Application Server Process (ASP) becomes inaccessible.

If this timer expires before the ASP returns to service, the messages are dropped
and the Application Server (AS) transitions into the down state.

A value of 0 indicates that buffering should not occur, and the AS should
immediately transition into the down state when the ASP becomes inaccessible.

Note that higher values for this attribute will require more memory to be reserved
for message buffering.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..5)

Units seconds

Default 2

GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions generically
indicate what each state attribute implies about the component. Note that not all
the values and state combinations described here are supported by every
component which reuses this group. For component-specific information and the
valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been
previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-277
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

Mib MediaGateway

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note
that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For
example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another
component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState
must be idle.

Mib MediaGateway

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to
provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

Mib MediaGateway

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle

GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As AsOper

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-278 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational data for the ApplicationServer component.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As state

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the peer Application Server (AS) state as determined by
the local Message Transfer Part 2 User Adaptation (M2UA) application.

The state is defined in RFC 3331 and is one of the following:

down - The AS is unavailable. This state implies that all related Application
Server Process (ASPs) are in the ASP-DOWN state for this AS. This is the initial
AS state.
active - The AS is available and application traffic is active. This state implies that
at least one ASP is in the ASP-ACTIVE state.
inactive - The AS is available but no application traffic is active (that is, one or
more related ASPs are in the ASP-INACTIVE state, but none are in the ASP-
ACTIVE state).
pending - An active ASP has transitioned to ASP-INACTIVE or ASP-DOWN
state and it was the last remaining active ASP.

Mib MediaGateway

Values inactive

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As interfacesActive (ifActive)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of Interface Identifiers (IID) currently in an
active state.

This value is initially zero and increases up to a maximum of the number of Iid
components provisioned under this component.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs M2ua As InterfaceIdentifier (Iid)

Instance Decimal (0..4294967295)

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-279
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid IidProv"

"GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid IidOper"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid IidMaupOper"

"COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM VoiceGateway M2ua ApplicationServer


Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs M2ua As/n InterfaceIdentifier/iid

This component represents the Interface Identifier (IID), the identifier of the
physical Layer 2 SS7 link.

The instance value is an integer used as the IID in MTP2 User Adaptation Layer
(M2UA) communication with the Application Server (AS). The instance number
must match the IID provisioned on the AS.

Each IID can support only one SS7 link to a given interface.

Mib MediaGateway

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MonitoredCommunicationProtocol


Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid IidProv

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the InterfaceIdentifier component.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid linkToLayer2

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies a link to the link layer entity that this Message Transfer
Part Layer 2 User Adaptation (M2UA) application is backhauling over IP.

This attribute may specify either an Nsta/n Vgs Mtp2/n component or a SaalNni/n

Changing this attribute will cause this component to be deactivated and restarted.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-280 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib MediaGateway

Values Link (Service, linkToLayer3)

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid IidOper

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational data for the InterfaceIdentifier component.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid state

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the state of the local interface.

The state may be one of the following:

idle - Communication has not been established for this link. This is the initial state
normalProving - The link is starting in normal proving mode
emerProving - The link is starting in emergency proving mode
active - The link has been started and is communicating normally
lpo - Communication on this link has been disrupted due to a Local Processor
Outage (LPO) condition
rpo - Communication on this link has been disrupted due to a Remote Processor
Outage (RPO) condition
congested - The link has reported a congestion condition
error - Communication has not been established on this link die to an error. This
is the state used to indicate failure to establish communication with the remote
Application Server Process (ASP), for example, if the far end does not recognize
this Interface Identifier (IID).

Mib MediaGateway

Values idle

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid IidMaupOper

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational data for the InterfaceIdentifier component
pertaining to Message Transfer Part Layer 2 User Adaptation (MAUP) messages.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-281
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

dataMessagesReceived (dataRx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Data messages received.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

dataMessagesSent (dataTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Data messages sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Data Acknowledgement messages received.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

dataAcknowledgementsSent (dataAcksTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-282 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts Data Acknowledgement messages sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

establishRequestsReceived (estReqsRx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Establish Request messages received.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

establishRequestsSent (estReqsTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Establish Request messages sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

establishConfirmsReceived (estConfsRx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Establish Confirm messages received.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-283
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

establishConfirmsSent (estConfsTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Establish Confirm messages sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

releaseRequestsReceived (relReqsRx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Release Request messages received.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

releaseConfirmsSent (relConfsTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Release Confirm messages sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

releaseIndicationsSent (relIndTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Release Indication messages sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-284 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

stateRequestsReceived (stateReqRx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts State Request messages received.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

stateConfirmsSent (stateConfsTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts State Confirm messages sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

stateIndicationsSent (stateIndTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts State Indication messages sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid


411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-285
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Data Retrieval Request messages received.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Data Retrieval Confirm messages sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Data Retrieval Indication messages sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of Data Retrieval Complete Indication messages

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-286 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

congestionIndicationsSent (congIndTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Congestion Indication messages sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM VoiceGateway
M2ua ApplicationServer InterfaceIdentifier Default
Description The statistics record generated by the NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM
VoiceGateway M2ua ApplicationServer InterfaceIdentifier component.

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

Description This attribute counts Data messages received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

Description This attribute counts Data messages sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

Description This attribute counts Data Acknowledgement messages received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-287
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

Description This attribute counts Data Acknowledgement messages sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

Description This attribute counts Establish Request messages received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

Description This attribute counts Establish Request messages sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

Description This attribute counts Establish Confirm messages received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

Description This attribute counts Establish Confirm messages sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

Description This attribute counts Release Request messages received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-288 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

Description This attribute counts Release Confirm messages sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

Description This attribute counts Release Indication messages sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

Description This attribute counts State Request messages received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

Description This attribute counts State Confirm messages sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

Description This attribute counts State Indication messages sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

Description This attribute counts Data Retrieval Request messages received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-289
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts Data Retrieval Confirm messages sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

Description This attribute counts Data Retrieval Indication messages sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

Description This attribute counts the number of Data Retrieval Complete Indication messages.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

Description This attribute counts Congestion Indication messages sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid

MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP)
Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP OsiState (State)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP Operational (Oper)"

"COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM VoiceGateway M2ua ApplicationServer

InterfaceIdentifier MonitoredCommunicationProtocol"

Scope Application

Description ... MonitoredCommunicationProtocol

This component represents the functionality that monitors the status of

communication between the parent component and the neighboring component
with which the parent component is communicating. This component does the
- detects the loss of communication between the neighbors being monitored.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-290 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

- counts messages lost between the monitored neighbors.

- ensures that the neighbor does not overflow with messages from this component.

Mib MediaGateway

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions generically
indicate what each state attribute implies about the component. Note that not all
the values and state combinations described here are supported by every
component which reuses this group. For component-specific information and the
valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

adminState (osiAdmin)
Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been
previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

Mib MediaGateway

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

operationalState (osiOper)
Access Read only

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-291
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note
that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For
example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another
component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState
must be idle.

Mib MediaGateway

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

usageState (osiUsage)
Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to
provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

Mib MediaGateway

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle

GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational data for the

MonitoredCommunicationProtocol component.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-292 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts the communication failures between the neighbors being

The communication failure is detected in two ways:

- if no messages are received from the neighbor for a predetermined number of

consecutive Heartbeat timer expiries, the value of this attribute is incremented.
The value of the Heartbeat timer and expiries is not provisionable, but it is
negotiated between the monitored parent components. The value of the Heartbeat
timer and retries can be determined from the operational attributes heartbeatTimer
and heartbeatRetries respectively.
- if communication monitoring is not established between the two neighbors.
Monitor Enable Request messages are sent to the neighbor when the Heartbeat
timer expires and if the Monitor Enable Response message is not received prior to
the predetermined number of Heartbeat timer expiries, then it is assumed that
monitoring communication could not be established and the value of this attribute
is incremented.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

messageTxFailures (msgTxFailures)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent to the neighbor but were not
received by the neighbor.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

messageRxFailures (msgRxFailures)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload messages that were sent by the neighbor but
were not received by this component. This is detected by a gap in the Message
Numbers received in payload messages from the neighbor.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-293
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

enableRequestsTx (enableReqsTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages sent by this
component to the neighbor.

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

message is sent in an attempt to establish monitoring communication between the
neighbors to be monitored.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

enableRequestsRx (enableReqsRx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages received by this

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

message is received from the neighbor in an attempt to establish monitoring

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

enableResponsesTx (enableRspsTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages sent by this

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-294 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Response

message is sent to the neighbor in response to a Monitor Enable Request message.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

enableResponsesRx (enableRspsRx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages received by this
component in response to the Monitor Enable Request message.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

heartbeatsTx (hbsTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages sent by this component to the

If no messages are sent by this component for the duration of the heartbeat timer,
then a Heartbeat message is sent to the neighbor and the value of this attribute is
incremented. The heartbeat timer is not provisionable and is set by the neighbors
being monitored.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

heartbeatRx (hbsRx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-295
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages received by this component.

The value of this attribute is incremented when the Heartbeat message is received.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

messagesTx (msgsTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent by this component to the

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

messagesRx (msgsRx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload messages received by this component.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

sequenceGapsTx (seqGapsTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages sent by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent and the
value of this attribute is incremented. The Sequence Gap message shows the start
and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-296 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

sequenceGapsRx (seqGapsRx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages received by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent. The
value of this attribute is incremented when this message is received. The Sequence
Gap message shows the start and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the messages received by this component that are not
recognized by the MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP).

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

messagesDiscarded (msgsDiscarded)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the messages that were discarded to avoid overflowing of the

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-297
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The number of messages that the neighbor can handle without overflowing is
identified from the Available Capacity field in the messages received from the

If the value of the Available Capacity field is zero, payload messages to be sent to
the neighbor are discarded and the value of this counter is incremented.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

heartbeatTimer (hbTimer)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the length of the Heartbeat timer.

The value of the Heartbeat timer is negotiated between the monitored parent

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units msec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of time-outs of the Heartbeat timer allowed
before marking the communication with the neighbor as down.

The value of the Heartbeat retries is negotiated between the monitored parent

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

VoiceGateway M2ua ApplicationServer

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-298 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

MonitoredCommunicationProtocol Default
Description The statistics record generated by the NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM
VoiceGateway M2ua ApplicationServer InterfaceIdentifier
MonitoredCommunicationProtocol component.

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

Description This attribute counts the communication failures between the neighbors being

The communication failure is detected in two ways:

- if no messages are received from the neighbor for a predetermined number of

consecutive Heartbeat timer expiries, the value of this attribute is incremented.
The value of the Heartbeat timer and expiries is not provisionable, but it is
negotiated between the monitored parent components. The value of the Heartbeat
timer and retries can be determined from the operational attributes heartbeatTimer
and heartbeatRetries respectively.
- if communication monitoring is not established between the two neighbors.
Monitor Enable Request messages are sent to the neighbor when the Heartbeat
timer expires and if the Monitor Enable Response message is not received prior to
the predetermined number of Heartbeat timer expiries, then it is assumed that
monitoring communication could not be established and the value of this attribute
is incremented.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

messageTxFailures (msgTxFailures)
Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent to the neighbor but were not
received by the neighbor.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

messageRxFailures (msgRxFailures)
Description This attribute counts the payload messages that were sent by the neighbor but
were not received by this component. This is detected by a gap in the Message
Numbers received in payload messages from the neighbor.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-299
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

enableRequestsTx (enableReqsTx)
Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages sent by this
component to the neighbor.

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

message is sent in an attempt to establish monitoring communication between the
neighbors to be monitored.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

enableRequestsRx (enableReqsRx)
Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages received by this

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

message is received from the neighbor in an attempt to establish monitoring

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

enableResponsesTx (enableRspsTx)
Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages sent by this

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Response

message is sent to the neighbor in response to a Monitor Enable Request message.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

enableResponsesRx (enableRspsRx)
Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages received by this
component in response to the Monitor Enable Request message.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

heartbeatsTx (hbsTx)
Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages sent by this component to the

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-300 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

If no messages are sent by this component for the duration of the heartbeat timer,
then a Heartbeat message is sent to the neighbor and the value of this attribute is
incremented. The heartbeat timer is not provisionable and is set by the neighbors
being monitored.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

heartbeatRx (hbsRx)
Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages received by this component.

The value of this attribute is incremented when the Heartbeat message is received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

messagesTx (msgsTx)
Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent by this component to the

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

messagesRx (msgsRx)
Description This attribute counts the payload messages received by this component.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

sequenceGapsTx (seqGapsTx)
Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages sent by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent and the
value of this attribute is incremented. The Sequence Gap message shows the start
and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

sequenceGapsRx (seqGapsRx)

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-301
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages received by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent. The
value of this attribute is incremented when this message is received. The Sequence
Gap message shows the start and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

Description This attribute counts the messages received by this component that are not
recognized by the MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP).

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Iid MCP

messagesDiscarded (msgsDiscarded)
Description This attribute counts the messages that were discarded to avoid overflowing of the

The number of messages that the neighbor can handle without overflowing is
identified from the Available Capacity field in the messages received from the

If the value of the Available Capacity field is zero, payload messages to be sent to
the neighbor are discarded and the value of this counter is incremented.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs M2ua As ApplicationServerProcess (Asp)

Instance Decimal (0)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp AspProv"

"GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp OsiState (State)"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp AspSctpOper"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp AspSmTmOper"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp AspErrorsOper"

"COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM VoiceGateway M2ua ApplicationServer


Scope Device

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-302 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description Nsta/n Vgs M2ua As/n ApplicationServerProcess/n

This component represents the peer Application Server Process (ASP) that
establishes a Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) association with this
Message Transfer Part Layer 2 User Adaptation (M2UA) application.

Mib MediaGateway

Subcomponents "COMPONENT Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssociation (SctpAssoc)"

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp AspProv

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable data for the ApplicationServerProcess

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp ipAddress (ip)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the remote
Application Server Process (ASP).

If the value of the localRole attribute is set to client, this is the destination towards
which a Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) association is established.
If the value of the localRole attribute is server, this is the address from which a
connection is expected.

Mib MediaGateway

Values IP address

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp port

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) port of
the remote Application Server Process (ASP).

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-303
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (1..65535)

Default 2904

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp localRole (role)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies whether this node should behave as a server, receiving
connections from the remote Application Server Process (ASP), or as a client,
initiating connections towards the remote ASP.

Mib MediaGateway

Values server

Default server

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp sctpAckDelay

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the delayed acknowledgement timer for the Stream
Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) association used by this Application
Server Process (ASP).

This controls the maximum interval between the sending of SCTP Selective
Acknowledgement (SACK) chunks during idle communication periods.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (50..500)

Units msec

Default 200

GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions generically
indicate what each state attribute implies about the component. Note that not all
the values and state combinations described here are supported by every
component which reuses this group. For component-specific information and the
valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp adminState


GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-304 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been
previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

Mib MediaGateway

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp operationalState

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note
that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For
example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another
component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState
must be idle.

Mib MediaGateway

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp usageState

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-305
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to
provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

Mib MediaGateway

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle

GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp AspSctpOper

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational data for the ApplicationServerProcess
component pertaining to Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) messages.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

sctpEstablishIndications (sctpEstInds)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts M-SCTP Establish Indications received for this Application
Server Process (ASP).

This counter is incremented only when the value of the localRole attribute is set to

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

sctpEstablishRequests (sctpEstReqs)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts M-SCTP Establish Requests sent for this Application Server
Process (ASP).

This attribute counts the attempts to establish a Stream Control Transmission

Protocol (SCTP) association with the remote ASP.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-306 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

This counter is incremented only when the value of the localRole attribute is set to

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

sctpEstablishFailures (sctpEstFails)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts M-SCTP Establish Requests that failed to successfully
establish a Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) association with the
remote Application Server Process (ASP).

This counter is incremented only when the value of the localRole attribute is set to

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

sctpReleaseIndications (sctpRelInds)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts M-SCTP Release Indications received for this Application
Server Process (ASP).

This counter is incremented only when the value of the localRole attribute is set to

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

sctpRestartIndications (sctpRestartInds)

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-307
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts M-SCTP Restart Indications received for this Application
Server Process (ASP).

This counter is incremented only when the value of the localRole attribute is set to

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp AspSmTmOper

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational data for the ApplicationServerProcess
component that pertains to the Application Server Process (ASP) state machine
and traffic management.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

aspUpMsgsReceived (aspUpRx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Application Server Process (ASP) Up (UP) messages

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

aspDownMsgsReceived (aspDnRx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Application Server Process (ASP) Down (DOWN) messages

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-308 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp aspUpAcksSent

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Application Server Process (ASP) Up Acknowledgement

(UP ACK) messages sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

aspDownAcksSent (aspDnAcksTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Application Server Process (ASP) Down Acknowledgement
(DOWN ACK) messages sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

aspActiveMsgsReceived (aspActRx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Application Server Process (ASP) Active (ACTIVE)
messages received.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

aspInactiveMsgsReceived (aspInactRx)

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-309
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Application Server Process (ASP) Inactive (INACTIVE)
messages received.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

aspActiveAcksSent (aspActAcksTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Application Server Process (ASP) Active Acknowledgement
(ACTIVE ACK) messages sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

aspInactiveAcksSent (aspInactAcksTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Application Server Process (ASP) Inactive

Acknowledgement (INACTIVE ACK) messages sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp heartbeatsSent

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Heartbeat (BEAT) messages sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-310 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

heartbeatsReceived (hbRx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Heartbeat (BEAT) messages received.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

heartbeatAcksSent (hbAcksTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Heartbeat Acknowledgement (BEAT ACK) messages sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

heartbeatAcksReceived (hbAcksRx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Heartbeat Acknowledgement (BEAT ACK) messages


The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp notifyMsgsSent


411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-311
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Notify (NTFY) messages sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp AspErrorsOper

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational data for the ApplicationServerProcess
component pertaining to errors during traffic management.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp errorsSent

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Error (ERR) messages sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp errorsReceived

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Error (ERR) messages received.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

invalidVersionErrorsSent (invVerErrTx)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-312 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts "Invalid Version" errors sent. This corresponds to error code
0x1 defined in RFC 3331.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts "Invalid Version" errors received. This corresponds to error
code 0x1 defined in RFC 3331.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

invalidIidErrorsSent (invIidErrTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts "Invalid Interface Identifier" errors sent. This corresponds to
error code 0x2 defined in RFC 3331.

This error occurs when the Application Server Process (ASP) references an
Interface Identifier (IID) that is not locally configured.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

invalidIidErrorsReceived (invIidErrRx)

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-313
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts "Invalid Interface Identifier" errors received. This
corresponds to error code 0x2 defined in RFC 3331.

This error occurs when the remote Application Server Process (ASP) does not
recognize the Interface Identifier (IID) that it has received.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

unsupportedTypeErrorsSent (unsupErrTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the following errors sent that are defined in RFC 3331:
- "Unsupported Message Class" (error code 0x3)
- "Unsupported Message Type" (error code 0x4)
- "Unsupported Traffic Handling Mode" (error code 0x5).

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the following errors received that are defined in RFC 3331:
- "Unsupported Message Class" (error code 0x3)
- "Unsupported Message Type" (error code 0x4)
- "Unsupported Traffic Handling Mode" (error code 0x5).

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-314 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

protocolErrorsSent (protErrTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts protocol errors detected locally.

This corresponds to the following errors defined in RFC 3331:

- "Unexpected Message" (error code 0x6)
- "Protocol Error" (error code 0x7)
- "Invalid Parameter Value" (error code 0x11)
- "Parameter Field Error" (error code 0x12)
- "Unexpected Parameter" (error code 0x13)
- "Missing Parameter" (error code 0x16).

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

protocolErrorsReceived (protErrRx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts protocol errors detected by the remote Application Server
Process (ASP).

This corresponds to the following errors defined in RFC 3331:

- "Unexpected Message" (error code 0x6)
- "Protocol Error" (error code 0x7)
- "Invalid Parameter Value" (error code 0x11)
- "Parameter Field Error" (error code 0x12)
- "Unexpected Parameter" (error code 0x13)
- "Missing Parameter" (error code 0x16).

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp


411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-315
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts "Invalid Stream Identifier" errors sent.

This corresponds to error code 0x9 defined in RFC 3331. This error is sent if a
management message is received on a stream other than "0".

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts "Invalid Stream Identifier" errors received

This corresponds to error code 0x9 defined in RFC 3331. Receipt of this error
indicates that the remote node received a message on an unexpected Stream
Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) stream.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp sendFailures

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the times the Message Transfer Part Layer 2 User Adaptation
(M2UA) application was unable to send a Stream Control Transmission Protocol
(SCTP) message to the remote Application Server Process (ASP).

The most likely cause of a send failure is congestion on the remote node.
Messages that the SCTP layer is unable to send are discarded.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-316 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default No default

NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM VoiceGateway
M2ua ApplicationServer
ApplicationServerProcess Default
Description The statistics record generated by the NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM
VoiceGateway M2ua ApplicationServer ApplicationServerProcess component.

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts Application Server Process (ASP) Up (UP) messages

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts Application Server Process (ASP) Down (DOWN) messages

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp aspUpAcksSent

Description This attribute counts Application Server Process (ASP) Up Acknowledgement
(UP ACK) messages sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts Application Server Process (ASP) Down Acknowledgement
(DOWN ACK) messages sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts Application Server Process (ASP) Active (ACTIVE)
messages received.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-317
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts Application Server Process (ASP) Inactive (INACTIVE)
messages received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts Application Server Process (ASP) Active Acknowledgement
(ACTIVE ACK) messages sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts Application Server Process (ASP) Inactive
Acknowledgement (INACTIVE ACK) messages sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp heartbeatsSent

Description This attribute counts Heartbeat (BEAT) messages sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts Heartbeat (BEAT) messages received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp


GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-318 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts Heartbeat Acknowledgement (BEAT ACK) messages sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts Heartbeat Acknowledgement (BEAT ACK) messages

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp notifyMsgsSent

Description This attribute counts Notify (NTFY) messages sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp errorsSent

Description This attribute counts Error (ERR) messages sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp errorsReceived

Description This attribute counts Error (ERR) messages received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts "Invalid Version" errors sent. This corresponds to error code
0x1 defined in RFC 3331.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts "Invalid Version" errors received. This corresponds to error
code 0x1 defined in RFC 3331.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-319
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts "Invalid Interface Identifier" errors sent. This corresponds to
error code 0x2 defined in RFC 3331.

This error occurs when the Application Server Process (ASP) references an
Interface Identifier (IID) that is not locally configured.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts "Invalid Interface Identifier" errors received. This
corresponds to error code 0x2 defined in RFC 3331.

This error occurs when the remote Application Server Process (ASP) does not
recognize the Interface Identifier (IID) that it has received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts the following errors sent that are defined in RFC 3331:
- "Unsupported Message Class" (error code 0x3)
- "Unsupported Message Type" (error code 0x4)
- "Unsupported Traffic Handling Mode" (error code 0x5).

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts the following errors received that are defined in RFC 3331:
- "Unsupported Message Class" (error code 0x3)
- "Unsupported Message Type" (error code 0x4)
- "Unsupported Traffic Handling Mode" (error code 0x5).

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-320 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts protocol errors detected locally.

This corresponds to the following errors defined in RFC 3331:

- "Unexpected Message" (error code 0x6)
- "Protocol Error" (error code 0x7)
- "Invalid Parameter Value" (error code 0x11)
- "Parameter Field Error" (error code 0x12)
- "Unexpected Parameter" (error code 0x13)
- "Missing Parameter" (error code 0x16).

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts protocol errors detected by the remote Application Server
Process (ASP).

This corresponds to the following errors defined in RFC 3331:

- "Unexpected Message" (error code 0x6)
- "Protocol Error" (error code 0x7)
- "Invalid Parameter Value" (error code 0x11)
- "Parameter Field Error" (error code 0x12)
- "Unexpected Parameter" (error code 0x13)
- "Missing Parameter" (error code 0x16).

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts "Invalid Stream Identifier" errors sent.

This corresponds to error code 0x9 defined in RFC 3331. This error is sent if a
management message is received on a stream other than "0".

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts "Invalid Stream Identifier" errors received

This corresponds to error code 0x9 defined in RFC 3331. Receipt of this error

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-321
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

indicates that the remote node received a message on an unexpected Stream

Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) stream.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp sendFailures

Description This attribute counts the times the Message Transfer Part Layer 2 User Adaptation
(M2UA) application was unable to send a Stream Control Transmission Protocol
(SCTP) message to the remote Application Server Process (ASP).

The most likely cause of a send failure is congestion on the remote node.
Messages that the SCTP layer is unable to send are discarded.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts M-SCTP Establish Indications received for this Application
Server Process (ASP).

This counter is incremented only when the value of the localRole attribute is set to

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts M-SCTP Establish Requests sent for this Application Server
Process (ASP).

This attribute counts the attempts to establish a Stream Control Transmission

Protocol (SCTP) association with the remote ASP.

This counter is incremented only when the value of the localRole attribute is set to

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts M-SCTP Establish Requests that failed to successfully
establish a Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) association with the

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-322 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

remote Application Server Process (ASP).

This counter is incremented only when the value of the localRole attribute is set to

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts M-SCTP Release Indications received for this Application
Server Process (ASP).

This counter is incremented only when the value of the localRole attribute is set to

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp

Description This attribute counts M-SCTP Restart Indications received for this Application
Server Process (ASP).

This counter is incremented only when the value of the localRole attribute is set to

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssociation

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc SctpAssocOper"
"GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc SctpAssocErrorsOper"

"COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM VoiceGateway M2ua ApplicationServer

ApplicationServerProcess SctpAssociation"

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs M2ua As/n Asp/n SctpAssociation

This component represents a Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)

association between this Message Transfer Part Layer 2 User Adaptation (M2UA)
application and the peer Application Server Process (ASP).

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-323
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The component provides per-association statistics that are not cleared when the
association is released, but maintained over time.

Mib MediaGateway

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational data for the SctpAssoc component pertaining
to the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) communication.

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

packetsSent (pktsTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts IP packets sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

packetsReceived (pktsRx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts IP packets received.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

bytesSent (bytesTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-324 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts bytes sent.

This count includes the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) message
headers and chunk headers but does not include the IP header.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

bytesReceived (bytesRx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts bytes received.

This count includes the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) message
headers and chunk headers but does not include the IP header.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

dataChunksSent (dataChTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Payload Data (DATA) chunks sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

dataChunksReceived (dataChRx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Payload Data (DATA) chunks received.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-325
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

sackChunksSent (sackChTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Selective Acknowledgement (SACK) chunks sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

sackChunksReceived (sackChRx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Selective Acknowledgement (SACK) chunks received.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

heartbeatChunksSent (hbChTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Heartbeat Request (HEARTBEAT) chunks sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

heartbeatChunksReceived (hbChRx)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-326 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Heartbeat Request (HEARTBEAT) chunks received.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Heartbeat Acknowledgement (HEARTBEAT ACK) chunks


The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Heartbeat Acknowledgement (HEARTBEAT ACK) chunks


The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

outboundStreams (outStrms)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the current number of outbound streams for this Stream
Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) association.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-327
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

inboundStreams (inStrms)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the current number of inbound streams for this Stream
Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) association.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

lastFailureReason (failRsn)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the reason for the most recent Stream Control
Transmission Protocol (SCTP) association failure.

The reason may be one of the following:

none - Connection has never failed
farEndAbort - Abort request received from the peer
farEndShutdown - Shutdown request received from the peer
communicationTimeout - Maximum number of retransmissions was exceeded
maxUnackedMsgsLimit - Number of unacknowledged messages reached the
internal limit.

Mib MediaGateway

Values none

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

lastFailureTime (failTime)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the date and Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) time at
which the last Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) association failure

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-328 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

occurred. The timestamp corresponds with the value of the lastFailureReason


Mib MediaGateway

Values Time (DHMS)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc srtt

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the Smoothed Round-Trip Time (SRTT) as defined in RFC

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units msec

Default No default

GROUP Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational data for the SctpAssoc component pertaining
to errors and diagnostics in the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)

Mib MediaGateway

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

errorChunksSent (errorChTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Operation Error (ERROR) chunks sent.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

errorChunksReceived (errorChRx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-329
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts Operation Error (ERROR) chunks received.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts "Invalid Stream Identifier" errors sent.

This corresponds to cause code 1 defined in RFC 2960.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts "Invalid Stream Identifier" errors received.

This corresponds to cause code 1 defined in RFC 2960.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

protocolErrorsSent (protErrTx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts protocol errors sent.

This corresponds to the cause codes defined in RFC 2960:

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-330 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

2 - "Missing Mandatory Parameter"

6 - "Unrecognized Chunk Type"
7 - "Invalid Mandatory Parameter"
8 - "Unrecognized Parameters"
9 - "No User Data"

It also corresponds to cause code 13 for "Protocol Violation" defined in the

Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Implementers Guide.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

protocolErrorsReceived (protErrRx)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts protocol errors received.

This corresponds to the cause codes defined in RFC 2960:

2 - "Missing Mandatory Parameter"
6 - "Unrecognized Chunk Type"
7 - "Invalid Mandatory Parameter"
8 - "Unrecognized Parameters"
9 - "No User Data"

It also corresponds to cause code 13 for "Protocol Violation" defined in the

Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Implementers Guide.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts "Out of Resource" errors sent.

This corresponds to error code 4 defined in RFC 2960.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-331
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts "Out of Resource" errors received.

This corresponds to error code 4 defined in RFC 2960.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts "Restart of an association with new addresses" errors sent.

This corresponds to error code 11 defined in the Stream Control Transmission

Protocol (SCTP) Implementers Guide.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts "Restart of an association with new addresses" errors

This corresponds to error code 11 defined in the Stream Control Transmission

Protocol (SCTP) Implementers Guide.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-332 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts "User Initiated Abort" indications sent by the local Stream
Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) user.

This corresponds to error code 12 defined in the SCTP Implementers Guide.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts "User Initiated Abort" indications received from the peer
Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) user.

This corresponds to error code 12 defined in the SCTP Implementers Guide.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

checksumErrors (csumErr)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts incoming packets that were discarded due to checksum
verification failure.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-333
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

retransmittedChunks (reTxChunks)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Payload Data (DATA) chunks retransmitted.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts chunks reported to the far end in "Gap Ack" reports. This
provides an indication of the number of chunks that were locally received out of

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts chunks reported by the far end in "Gap Ack" reports. This
provides an indication of the number of chunks that were received out of order by
the far end.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-334 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts chunks reported to the far end in "Duplicate TSN" reports.
This provides an indication of the number of duplicate data chunks that were
locally received.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts chunks reported by the far end in "Duplicate TSN" reports.
This provides an indication of the number of duplicate data chunks that were
received by the far end.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib MediaGateway

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

VoiceGateway M2ua ApplicationServer
Description The statistics record generated by the NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM
VoiceGateway M2ua ApplicationServer ApplicationServerProcess
SctpAssociation component.

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc


411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-335
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts IP packets sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts IP packets received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts bytes sent.

This count includes the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) message
headers and chunk headers but does not include the IP header.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts bytes received.

This count includes the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) message
headers and chunk headers but does not include the IP header.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts Payload Data (DATA) chunks sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts Payload Data (DATA) chunks received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-336 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts Selective Acknowledgement (SACK) chunks sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts Selective Acknowledgement (SACK) chunks received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts Heartbeat Request (HEARTBEAT) chunks sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts Heartbeat Request (HEARTBEAT) chunks received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts Heartbeat Acknowledgement (HEARTBEAT ACK) chunks

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts Heartbeat Acknowledgement (HEARTBEAT ACK) chunks

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-337
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts Operation Error (ERROR) chunks sent.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts Operation Error (ERROR) chunks received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts "Invalid Stream Identifier" errors sent.

This corresponds to cause code 1 defined in RFC 2960.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts "Invalid Stream Identifier" errors received.

This corresponds to cause code 1 defined in RFC 2960.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts protocol errors sent.

This corresponds to the cause codes defined in RFC 2960:

2 - "Missing Mandatory Parameter"
6 - "Unrecognized Chunk Type"
7 - "Invalid Mandatory Parameter"
8 - "Unrecognized Parameters"
9 - "No User Data"

It also corresponds to cause code 13 for "Protocol Violation" defined in the

Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Implementers Guide

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-338 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts protocol errors received.

This corresponds to the cause codes defined in RFC 2960:

2 - "Missing Mandatory Parameter"
6 - "Unrecognized Chunk Type"
7 - "Invalid Mandatory Parameter"
8 - "Unrecognized Parameters"
9 - "No User Data"

It also corresponds to cause code 13 for "Protocol Violation" defined in the

Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Implementers Guide.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts "Out of Resource" errors sent.

This corresponds to error code 4 defined in RFC 2960.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts "Out of Resource" errors received.

This corresponds to error code 4 defined in RFC 2960.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts "Restart of an association with new addresses" errors sent.

This corresponds to error code 11 defined in the Stream Control Transmission

Protocol (SCTP) Implementers Guide.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-339
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts "Restart of an association with new addresses" errors

This corresponds to error code 11 defined in the Stream Control Transmission

Protocol (SCTP) Implementers Guide.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts "User Initiated Abort" indications sent by the local Stream
Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) user.

This corresponds to error code 12 defined in the SCTP Implementers Guide.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts "User Initiated Abort" indications received from the peer
Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) user.

This corresponds to error code 12 defined in the SCTP Implementers Guide.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts incoming packets that were discarded due to checksum
verification failure.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts Payload Data (DATA) chunks retransmitted.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-340 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts chunks reported to the far end in "Gap Ack" reports. This
provides an indication of the number of chunks that were locally received out of

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts chunks reported by the far end in "Gap Ack" reports. This
provides an indication of the number of chunks that were received out of order by
the far end.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts chunks reported to the far end in "Duplicate TSN" reports.
This provides an indication of the number of duplicate data chunks that were
locally received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs M2ua As Asp SctpAssoc

Description This attribute counts chunks reported by the far end in "Duplicate TSN" reports.
This provides an indication of the number of duplicate data chunks that were
received by the far end.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

COMPONENT Nsta Vgs AtmCallAdmissionControl (AtmCac)

Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs AtmCallAdmissionControl

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-341
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

This component represents the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Call

Admission Control (CAC) application.

Mib Vgs

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Nsta Vgs AtmCac AtmSubnetwork (AtmSubnet)"

Common Verbs Help


COMPONENT Nsta Vgs AtmCac AtmSubnetwork (AtmSubnet)

Instance String (1..20, ASCII)

Groups "GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmCac AtmSubnet AtmSubnetProv"

"GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmCac AtmSubnet CacSubnetOper"

"COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM VoiceGateway AtmCallAdmissionControl


Scope Device

Description Nsta/n Vgs AtmCac AtmSubnetwork/<name>

This component represents a subset of nodes within an Asynchronous Transfer

Mode (ATM) network.

The ATM Call Admission Control (CAC) application monitors the aggregate
network bandwidth utilization for ATM Adaptation Layer 2 (AAL2) connections
established from this Voice Services Processor (VSP) card to destinations in this
subnet. If a bandwidth limit is assigned and the available bandwidth is exhausted,
CAC will deny new connection requests to destinations in this subnet.

Mib Vgs

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmCac AtmSubnet AtmSubnetProv

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable data for the AtmSubnet component.

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmCac AtmSubnet nsapAddressPrefix


GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-342 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read: All

Write: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the prefix digits of the remote Asynchronous Transfer
Mode Adaptation Layer 2 (AAL2) endpoint Network Service Access Point
(NSAP) address.

The default value is a null string, meaning that it matches any address. When the
value is set to null, this component represents the default network address and is
associated with remote addresses that do not match any other AtmSubnet
component. Only one AtmSubnet may be assigned the default address.

The value must be unique among the AtmSubnet components under the parent
AtmCac component. Overlapping address ranges are not allowed. Two address
prefixes are considered overlapping if the shorter prefix matches the initial digits
of the longer prefix.

Mib Vgs

Values String (0..40, ASCII)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmCac AtmSubnet

networkBandwidthAvailablePerVsp (bandwidth)
Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the maximum external network bandwidth available for
Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaptation Layer 2 (AAL2) connections to
destinations within the subnet represented by this component. The limit applies to
bearer connections originating from or terminating to this Voice Services
Processor (VSP) card.

A new connection attempt is rejected if adding the new connection would exceed
the bandwidth limit.

A change to the value of this attribute has no affect on previously-established


Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (1..4294967295)


Units kbit/s

Default unlimited

GROUP Nsta Vgs AtmCac AtmSubnet CacSubnetOper

Properties Operational

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-343
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This group contains the operational data for the AtmSubnet and IpSubnet
components pertaining to Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) and Internet
Protocol (IP) Call Admission Control (CAC).

Mib Vgs

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmCac AtmSubnet

currentBandwidthUtilization (currBw)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the current network bandwidth allocated to connections
originating or terminating within this subnet. The value is rounded down to the
nearest kilobit.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units kbit/s

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmCac AtmSubnet

currentPercentBandwidthUtil (currPctUtil)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the current percentage of available network bandwidth
allocated to connections originating or terminating within this subnet. Utilization
is expressed as a percentage of the provisioned
networkBandwidthAvailablePerVsp attribute.

If the networkBandwidthAvailablePerVsp attribute is set to unlimited, the value of

this attribute will always be 0%.

100% indicates that network bandwidth is exhausted in this subnet.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..100)

Units %

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmCac AtmSubnet

connectionsRejected (connsRej)
Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts connection attempts rejected as the result of having
insufficient bandwidth available in this subnet.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-344 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Connection attempts are rejected only when the

networkBandwidthAvailablePerVsp attribute is set to a value other than unlimited.

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmCac AtmSubnet g711Upspeeds

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts codec upspeeds from Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) to
G.711 (64 kbit/s) for connections within this subnet. This includes unilateral
upspeeds and codec modification requests from the Media Gateway Controller

The counter wraps to zero when it reaches its maximum value.

Mib Vgs

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COLLECTED STATS NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM

Description The statistics record generated by the NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM
VoiceGateway AtmCallAdmissionControl AtmSubnetwork component.

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmCac AtmSubnet

Description This attribute indicates the maximum bandwidth allocated to connections
originating or terminating within this subnet. The value is rounded down to the
nearest kilobit.

This attribute indicates the peak value in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units kbit/s

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmCac AtmSubnet

Description This attribute indicates the estimated average bandwidth allocated to connections
originating or terminating within this subnet. The value is rounded down to the
nearest kilobit.

This attribute indicates the average value in the collection interval.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta) C-345
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units kbit/s

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmCac AtmSubnet

Description This attribute counts connection attempts rejected as the result of having
insufficient bandwidth available in this subnet.

The counter is incremented only when the networkBandwidthAvailablePerVsp

attribute is set to a value other than unlimited.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Nsta Vgs AtmCac AtmSubnet g711Upspeeds

Description This attribute counts codec upspeeds from Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) to
G.711 (64 kbit/s). This includes unilateral upspeeds and codec modification
requests from the Media Gateway Controller (MGC).

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

C-346 Appendix C: Component NarrowbandServicesTrunkOverATM (Nsta)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D

This appendix contains CDL descriptions for component Q2630 and its
subcomponents. All the attributes specific to the MG18 release, including
operational, collected statistic, and provisionable attributes, are included.
Additional CDL information for components and attributes common to the
Multiservice Switch (formerly known as Passport) family can be found in the
following documents:
NN10600-060_Overview, Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
Components Overview
the NN10600-060 series of NTPs that reference components

Component Q2630 and its subcomponents are presented below, beginning

with the Instance and Groups descriptions.

Instance Decimal (0..255)

Groups "GROUP Q2630 OsiState (State)"

"GROUP Q2630 CommunicationProvisioned (CommProv)"
"GROUP Q2630 TimerProvisioned (TimerProv)"
"GROUP Q2630 TimerOperational (TimerOper)"
"GROUP Q2630 MsgsOperational (MsgsOper)"
"GROUP Q2630 UsageOperational (UsageOper)"
"GROUP Q2630 ClientMsgsOperational (ClientMsgsOper)"
"GROUP Q2630 Q2630ErrorOper"


Scope Application

Description Q2630/n

This component represents the Q.2630 Signalling component that is used for
establishing and maintaining the bearer connections between this Media Gateway

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-2 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

and the peer nodes such as Radio Network Controllers (RNCs) and other Media

Mib Q2630

Subcomponents "COMPONENT Q2630 Mtp3Connection (Mtp3Conn)"

"COMPONENT Q2630 PeerAddress (PeerAddr)"

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Q2630 Q2630Client"

"COMPONENT Q2630 MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP)"

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Q2630 OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions generically
indicate what each state attribute implies about the component. Note that not all
the values and state combinations described here are supported by every
component which reuses this group. For component-specific information and the
valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

Mib Q2630

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been
previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

Mib Q2630

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-3
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note
that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For
example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another
component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState
must be idle.

Mib Q2630

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to
provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

Mib Q2630

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle

GROUP Q2630 CommunicationProvisioned (CommProv)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the Q2630 component pertaining to
communication with the client and peer.

Mib Q2630

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-4 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 linkToLogicalProcessor (lp)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the Logical Processor on which this component and its
subcomponents are provisioned.

Mib Q2630

Values Link (Hardware, linkToApplications)

Default No default

GROUP Q2630 TimerProvisioned (TimerProv)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the Q2630 component pertaining to
timers related to protocol operations.

Mib Q2630

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishRequestTimer (estReqTimer)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value of the timer Timer_ERQ defined in the ITU-T
recommendation Q.2630. This timer is started when an ESTABLISH REQUEST
message is sent to the Q.2630 peer entity.

This timer value specifies the time to wait for a response message (for example, a
ESTABLISH CONFIRM message) from the peer Q.2630 entity and is stopped
when the expected message is received.

Upon a timer expiry, the value of the establishReqTimerExpiries attribute is

incremented, an ESTABLISH REQUEST message is resent, and the value of the
establishReqsTx attribute is incremented.

The number of retries that can be attempted is specified by the value of the
provisionable attribute establishRequestRetries. If the response message is not
received in the allowed number of retries, then the value of the
establishReqRetryExhausts attribute is incremented.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (5..30)

Units seconds

Default 5

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-5
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishRequestRetries (estReqRetries)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the number of ESTABLISH REQUEST message retries to
be performed by the Q.2630 entity when a response message is not received from
the peer Q.2630 entity.

The time that the Q.2630 entity waits for a response before attempting a retry is
specified by the value of the provisionable attribute establishRequestTimer.

Upon a timer expiry, the value of the establishReqTimerExpiries attribute is

incremented, an ESTABLISH REQUEST message is resent, and the value of the
establishReqsTx attribute is incremented.

If the number of retries is exhausted, then the value of the

establishReqRetryExhausts attribute is incremented.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..2)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseRequestTimer (relReqTimer)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value of the timer Timer_REL defined in the ITU-T
recommendation Q.2630. This timer is started when a RELEASE REQUEST
message is sent to the Q.2630 peer entity.

This timer value specifies the time to wait for a response message (for example, a
RELEASE CONFIRM message) from the peer Q.2630 entity and is stopped when
the expected message is received.

Upon a timer expiry, the value of the releaseReqTimerExpiries attribute is

incremented, a RELEASE REQUEST message is resent, and the value of the
releaseReqsTx attribute is incremented.

The number of retries that can be attempted is specified by the value of the
provisionable attribute releaseRequestRetries. If the response message is not
received in the allowed number of retries, then the value of the
releaseReqRetryExhausts attribute is incremented.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (2..60)

Units seconds

Default 4

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-6 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseRequestRetries (relReqRetries)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the number of RELEASE REQUEST message retries to be
performed by the Q.2630 entity when a response message is not received from the
peer Q.2630 entity.

The time that the Q.2630 entity waits for a response before attempting a retry is
specified by the value of the provisionable attribute releaseRequestTimer.

Upon a timer expiry, the value of the releaseReqTimerExpiries attribute is

incremented, a RELEASE REQUEST message is resent, and the value of the
releaseReqsTx attribute is incremented.

If the number of retries is exhausted, then the value of the

releaseReqRetryExhausts attribute is incremented.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..2)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetRequestTimer (resetReqTimer)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value of the timer Timer_RES defined in the ITU-T
recommendation Q.2630. This timer is started when a RESET REQUEST
message is sent to the Q.2630 peer entity.

This timer value specifies the time to wait for a response message (for example, a
RESET CONFIRM message) from the peer Q.2630 entity and is stopped when
the expected message is received.

Upon a timer expiry, the value of the resetReqTimerExpiries attribute is

incremented, a RESET REQUEST message is resent, and the value of the
resetReqsTx attribute is incremented.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (2..60)

Units seconds

Default 5

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockRequestTimer (blkReqTimer)

Access Read: All
Write: All

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-7
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute specifies the value of the timer Timer_BLO defined in ITU-T
recommendation Q.2630. This timer is started when a BLOCK REQUEST
message is sent to the Q.2630 peer entity.

This timer value specifies the time to wait for a response message (for example, a
BLOCK CONFIRM message) from the peer Q.2630 entity and is stopped when
the expected message is received.

Upon a timer expiry, the value of the blockReqTimerExpiries attribute is

incremented, a BLOCK REQUEST message is resent, and the value of the
blockReqsTx attribute is incremented.

The number of retries that can be attempted is specified by the value of the
provisionable attribute blockRequestRetries. If the response message is not
received in the allowed number of retries, then the value of the
blockReqRetryExhausts attribute is incremented.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (2..60)

Units seconds

Default 30

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockRequestRetries (blkReqRetries)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the number of BLOCK REQUEST message retries to be
performed by the Q.2630 entity when a response message is not received from the
peer Q.2630 entity.

The time that the Q.2630 entity waits for a response before attempting a retry is
specified by the value of the provisionable attribute blockRequestTimer.

Upon a timer expiry, the value of the blockReqTimerExpiries attribute is

incremented, a BLOCK REQUEST message is resent, and the value of the
blockReqsTx attribute is incremented.

If the number of retries is exhausted, then the value of the blockReqRetryExhausts

attribute is incremented.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..2)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockRequestTimer (unblkReqTimer)

Access Read: All
Write: All

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-8 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute specifies the value of the timer Timer_UBL defined in ITU-T
recommendation Q.2630. This timer is started when an UNBLOCK REQUEST
message is sent to the Q.2630 peer entity.

This timer value specifies the time to wait for a response message (for example,
an UNBLOCK CONFIRM message) from the peer Q.2630 entity and is stopped
when the expected message is received.

Upon a timer expiry, the value of the unblockReqTimerExpiries attribute is

incremented, an UNBLOCK REQUEST message is resent, and the value of the
unblockReqsTx attribute is incremented.

The number of retries that can be attempted is specified by the value of the
provisionable attribute unblockRequestRetries. If the response message is not
received in the allowed number of retries, then the value of the
unblockReqRetryExhausts attribute is incremented.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (2..60)

Units seconds

Default 30

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockRequestRetries (unblkReqRetries)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the number of UNBLOCK REQUEST message retries to
be performed by the Q.2630 entity when a response message is not received from
the peer Q.2630 entity.

The time that the Q.2630 entity waits for a response before attempting a retry is
specified by the value of the provisionable attribute unblockRequestTimer.

Upon a timer expiry, the value of the unblockReqTimerExpiries attribute is

incremented, an UNBLOCK REQUEST message is resent, and the value of the
unblockReqsTx attribute is incremented.

If the number of retries is exhausted, then the value of the

unblockReqRetryExhausts attribute is incremented.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..2)

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyRequestTimer (modReqTimer)

Access Read: All
Write: All

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-9
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute specifies the value of the timer Timer_MOD defined in the ITU-T
recommendation Q.2630. This timer is started when a MODIFY REQUEST
message is sent to the Q.2630 peer entity.

This timer value specifies the time to wait for a response message (for example, a
MODIFY ACKNOWLEDGE message) from the peer Q.2630 entity and is
stopped when the expected message is received.

Upon a timer expiry, the value of the modifyReqTimerExpiries attribute is

incremented, a MODIFY REQUEST message is resent, and the value of the
modifyReqsTx attribute is incremented.

The number of retries that can be attempted is specified by the value of the
provisionable attribute modifyRequestRetries. If the response message is not
received in the allowed number of retries, then the value of the
modifyReqRetryExhausts attribute is incremented.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (5..30)

Units seconds

Default 5

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyRequestRetries (modReqRetries)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the number of MODIFY REQUEST message retries to be
performed by the Q.2630 entity when a response message is not received from the
peer Q.2630 entity.

The time that the Q.2630 entity waits for a response before attempting a retry is
specified by the value of the provisionable attribute modifyRequestTimer.

Upon a timer expiry, the value of the modifyReqTimerExpiries attribute is

incremented, a MODIFY REQUEST message is resent, and the value of the
modifyReqsTx attribute is incremented.

If the number of retries is exhausted, then the value of the

modifyReqRetryExhausts attribute is incremented.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..2)

Default 0

GROUP Q2630 TimerOperational (TimerOper)

Properties Operational

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-10 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This group contains the operational data for the Q2630 component pertaining to
timers related to protocol operations.

Mib Q2630

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishReqTimerExpiries (estReqTmrExps)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of times the timer Timer_ERQ has expired.

The timer expiring could be due to the following reasons:

- excessive network latency possible because of congestion,
- the peer is unable to respond,
- the message got lost, or
- the value of timer is set too low.

The timer duration may be set by changing the value of the provisionable attribute

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishReqRetryExhausts (estReqRetryExh)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of times the ESTABLISH REQUEST retry
mechanism (specified by the value of the provisionable attribute
establishRequestRetries) failed to get the expected response from the Q.2630 peer

This could be due to the following reasons:

- The number of retries is set too low. The number of retries may be set by
changing the value of the provisionable attribute establishRequestRetries.
- The duration is set too short. The duration may be set by changing the value of
the provisionable attribute establishRequestTimer.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-11
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseReqTimerExpiries (relReqTmrExps)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of times the timer Timer_REL has expired.

The timer expiring could be due to the following reasons:

- excessive network latency possible because of congestion,
- the peer is unable to respond,
- the message got lost, or
- the value of timer is set too low.

The timer duration may be set by changing the value of the provisionable attribute

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseReqRetryExhausts (relReqRetryExh)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of times the RELEASE REQUEST retry
mechanism (specified by the value of the provisionable attribute
releaseRequestRetries) failed to get the expected response from the Q.2630 peer

This could be due to the following reasons:

- The number of retries is set too low. The number of retries may be set by
changing the value of the provisionable attribute releaseRequestRetries.
- The duration is set too short. The duration may be set by changing the value of
the provisionable attribute releaseRequestTimer.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetReqTimerExpiries (resetReqTmrExps)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of times the timer Timer_RES has expired.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-12 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The timer expiring could be due to the following reasons:

- excessive network latency possible because of congestion,
- the peer is unable to respond,
- the message got lost, or
- the value of timer is set too low.

The timer duration may be set by changing the value of the provisionable attribute

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockReqTimerExpiries (blkReqTmrExps)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of times the timer Timer_BLO has expired.

The timer expiring could be due to the following reasons:

- excessive network latency possible because of congestion,
- the peer is unable to respond,
- the message got lost, or
- the value of timer is set too low.

The timer duration may be set by changing the value of the provisionable attribute

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockReqRetryExhausts (blkReqRetryExh)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of times the BLOCK REQUEST retry
mechanism (specified by the value of the provisionable attribute
blockRequestRetries) failed to get the expected response from the Q.2630 peer

This could be due to the following reasons:

- The number of retries is set too low. The number of retries may be set by
changing the value of the provisionable attribute blockRequestRetries.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-13
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

- The duration is set too short. The duration may be set by changing the value of
the provisionable attribute blockRequestTimer.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockReqTimerExpiries (unblkReqTmrExps)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of times the timer Timer_UBL has expired.

The timer expiring could be due to the following reasons:

- excessive network latency possible because of congestion,
- the peer is unable to respond,
- the message got lost, or
- the value of timer is set too low.

The timer duration may be set by changing the value of the provisionable attribute

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockReqRetryExhausts (unblkReqRetryExh)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of times the UNBLOCK REQUEST retry
mechanism (specified by the value of the provisionable attribute
unblockRequestRetries) failed to get the expected response from the Q.2630 peer

This could be due to the following reasons:

- The number of retries is set too low. The number of retries may be set by
changing the value of the provisionable attribute unblockRequestRetries.
- The duration is set too short. The duration may be set by changing the value of
the provisionable attribute unblockRequestTimer.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-14 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyReqTimerExpiries (modReqTmrExps)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of times the timer Timer_MOD has expired.

The timer expiry could be due to the following reasons:

- the peer entity does not support modification of a connection,
- excessive network latency possibly because of congestion,
- the peer is unable to respond,
- the message got lost, or
- the value of timer is set too low.

The timer duration may be set by changing the value of the provisionable attribute

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyReqRetryExhausts (modReqRetryExh)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of times the MODIFY REQUEST retry
mechanism (specified by the value of the provisionable attribute
modifyRequestRetries) failed to get the expected response from the Q.2630 peer

The retry mechanism could fail to get a response because:

- The peer entity does not support modification of a connection.
- The Modify Request timer duration is set too short. The duration may be set by
changing the value of the provisionable attribute modifyRequestTimer.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GROUP Q2630 MsgsOperational (MsgsOper)

Properties Operational

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-15
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This group contains the operational data for the Q2630 component pertaining to
the messages sent and received from the peer.

Mib Q2630

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishReqsTx (estReqsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the ESTABLISH REQUEST messages sent to the Q.2630
peer entity.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishReqsRx (estReqsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the ESTABLISH REQUEST messages received from the
Q.2630 peer entity.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishConfsTx (estConfsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the ESTABLISH CONFIRM messages sent to the Q.2630
peer entity.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishConfsRx (estConfsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-16 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts the ESTABLISH CONFIRM messages received from the
Q.2630 peer entity.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishRejsTx (estRejsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the RELEASE CONFIRM messages sent to the Q.2630 peer
entity with the cause indicating that the connection could not be established.

The cause sent in the RELEASE CONFIRM message is described in the Q.2630
ITU-T specification.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishRejsRx (estRejsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the RELEASE CONFIRM message received from the
Q.2630 peer entity with the cause indicating that the connection could not be

The cause received in the RELEASE CONFIRM messages is described in the

Q.2630 ITU-T specification.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyReqsTx (modReqsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-17
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts the MODIFY REQUEST messages sent to the Q.2630 peer

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyReqsRx (modReqsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the MODIFY REQUEST messages received from the
Q.2630 peer entity.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyAcksTx (modAcksTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the MODIFY ACKNOWLEDGE messages sent to the
Q.2630 peer entity.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyAcksRx (modAcksRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the MODIFY ACKNOWLEDGE messages received from
the Q.2630 peer entity.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-18 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyRejsTx (modRejsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the MODIFY REJECT messages sent to the Q.2630 peer

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyRejsRx (modRejsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the MODIFY REJECT messages received from the Q.2630
peer entity.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseReqsTx (relReqsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the RELEASE REQUEST messages sent to the Q.2630 peer

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseReqsRx (relReqsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the RELEASE REQUEST messages received from the
Q.2630 peer entity.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-19
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseConfsTx (relConfsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the RELEASE CONFIRM messages sent to the Q.2630 peer

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseConfsRx (relConfsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the RELEASE CONFIRM messages received from the
Q.2630 peer entity.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseRejsTx (relRejsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the RELEASE CONFIRM messages sent to the Q.2630 peer
entity with the cause indicating that a failure occurred in the Release procedure.

The cause sent in the RELEASE CONFIRM message is described in the Q.2630
ITU-T specification.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-20 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseRejsRx (relRejsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the RELEASE CONFIRM messages received from the
Q.2630 peer entity with the cause indicating that a failure occurred in the Release

The cause received in the RELEASE CONFIRM message is described in the

Q.2630 ITU-T specification.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetReqsTx (rstReqTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the RESET REQUEST messages sent to the Q.2630 peer

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetReqsRx (rstReqRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the RESET REQUEST messages received from the Q.2630
peer entity.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-21
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetConfsTx (rstConfTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the RESET CONFIRM messages sent to the Q.2630 peer

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetConfsRx (rstConfRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the RESET CONFIRM messages received from the Q.2630
peer entity.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetRejsTx (rstRejTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the RESET CONFIRM messages sent to the Q.2630 peer
entity with the cause indicating that a failure occurred in the Reset procedure.

The cause sent in the RESET CONFIRM message is described in the Q.2630
ITU-T specification.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetRejsRx (rstRejRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-22 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts the RESET CONFIRM messages received from the Q.2630
peer entity with the cause indicating that a failure occurred in the Reset procedure.

The cause received in the RESET CONFIRM message is described in the Q.2630
ITU-T specification.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockReqsTx (blkReqTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the BLOCK REQUEST messages sent to the Q.2630 peer

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockReqsRx (blkReqRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the BLOCK REQUEST messages received from the Q.2630
peer entity.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockConfsTx (blkConfTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the BLOCK CONFIRM messages sent to the Q.2630 peer

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-23
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockConfsRx (blkConfRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the BLOCK CONFIRM messages received from the Q.2630
peer entity.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockRejsTx (blkRejTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the BLOCK CONFIRM messages sent to the Q.2630 peer
entity with the cause indicating that a failure occurred in the Block procedure.

The cause sent in the BLOCK CONFIRM message is described in the Q.2630
ITU-T specification.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockRejsRx (blkRejRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the BLOCK CONFIRM messages received from the Q.2630
peer entity with the cause indicating that a failure occurred in the Block

The cause received in the BLOCK CONFIRM message is described in the Q.2630
ITU-T specification.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-24 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockReqsTx (unblkReqTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the UNBLOCK REQUEST messages sent to the Q.2630
peer entity.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockReqsRx (unblkReqRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the UNBLOCK REQUEST messages received from the
Q.2630 peer entity.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockConfsTx (unblkConfTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the UNBLOCK CONFIRM messages sent to the Q.2630
peer entity.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockConfsRx (unblkConfRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-25
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts the UNBLOCK CONFIRM messages received from the
Q.2630 peer entity.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockRejsTx (unblkRejTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the UNBLOCK CONFIRM messages sent to the Q.2630
peer entity with the cause indicating that a failure occurred in the Unblock

The cause sent in the UNBLOCK CONFIRM message is described in the Q.2630
ITU-T specification.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockRejsRx (unblkRejRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the UNBLOCK CONFIRM messages received from the
Q.2630 peer entity with the cause indicating that a failure occurred in the Unblock

The cause received in the UNBLOCK CONFIRM message is described in the

Q.2630 ITU-T specification.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 confusionsTx (confusTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-26 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts the CONFUSION messages sent to the Q.2630 peer entity, in
response to unrecognized messages and messages with unrecognized or invalid
parameters received.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 confusionsRx (confusRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the CONFUSION messages received in response to

unrecognizable messages sent to the Q.2630 peer entity by this Media Gateway.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GROUP Q2630 UsageOperational (UsageOper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational data for the Q2630 component pertaining to
its usage.

Mib Q2630

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 currentEstablishedConnections (currentEstConns)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the currently established connections between this
component and the peer.

A connection represents a voice or circuit-switched data call established upon an

AAL2 (Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaptation Layer 2) bearer path (for
example, a switched virtual channel).

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-27
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 currentExistingPaths (currentExistingPs)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the currently existing AAL2 (Asynchronous Transfer
Mode Adaptation Layer 2) bearer paths, both blocked and unblocked, between
this and the peer.

A bearer path (for example, a switched virtual channel) supports a collection of

user connections (for example, voice or fax calls) between this and a peer.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 localBlockedPaths (localBlockedPs)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the locally blocked bearer paths between this Media
Gateway and the peer. A bearer path (for example, switched virtual channel)
supports a collection of user connections (for example, voice or fax call) between
two Media Gateways. New, non-test connections cannot be established on a
blocked path.

A path may be blocked because of maintenance actions at either this node or the
peer. A locked MgcIf component on this Media Gateway will block all paths
emanating from this Media Gateway. Correspondingly, a locked MgcIf component
at the peer will cause only those paths between this and that peer to become

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 remoteBlockedPaths (remoteBlockedPs)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the remotely blocked bearer paths between this Media
Gateway and the peer. A bearer path (for example, switched virtual channel)
supports a collection of user connections between two Media Gateways. New,
non-test connections (for example, voice or fax calls) cannot be established on a
blocked path.

A path may be blocked because of maintenance actions at either this node or the
peer. A locked MgcIf component on this Media Gateway will block all paths
emanating from this Media Gateway. Correspondingly, a locked MgcIf component

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-28 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

at the peer will cause only those paths between this and that peer to become

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GROUP Q2630 ClientMsgsOperational (ClientMsgsOper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational data for the Q2630 component pertaining to
the messages to and from the client.

Mib Q2630

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 msgsRxFromClient (msgRxFmClnt)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the messages that the Q2630 component has received from
the Q2630Client component.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 msgsTxToClient (msgTxToClnt)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the messages that the Q2630 component has sent to the
Q2630Client component.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GROUP Q2630 Q2630ErrorOper

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational data for the Q2630 component pertaining to
error scenarios.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-29
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib Q2630

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unallocatedNumberErrorsRx (unallocRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Unallocated (unassigned) number errors received. This
corresponds to cause code 1 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unallocatedNumberErrorsTx (unallocTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Unallocated (unassigned) number errors sent. This
corresponds to cause code 1 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 noRouteErrorsRx (noRteErrRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts No route to destination errors received. This corresponds
to cause code 3 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 noRouteErrorsTx (noRteErrTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts No route to destination errors sent. This corresponds to
cause code 3 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-30 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 noCircuitAvailableErrorsRx (noCtAvailErrRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts No circuit/channel available errors received. This

corresponds to cause code 34 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 temporaryFailureRx (tmpFailRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Temporary failure errors received. This corresponds to
cause code 41 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 temporaryFailureTx (tmpFailTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute of Temporary failure errors sent. This corresponds to cause code
41 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-31
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 networkOutOfOrderErrorsRx (nwkOutOrdErrRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Network out of order errors received. This corresponds to
cause code 38 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 circuitUnavailableErrorsRx (ctUnavailErrRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Requested circuit/channel not available errors received.
This corresponds to cause code 44 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 circuitUnavailableErrorsTx (ctUnavailErrTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Requested circuit/channel not available errors sent. This
corresponds to cause code 44 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resourceUnavailableErrorsRx (resUnavailErrRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Resource unavailable, unspecified errors received. This
corresponds to cause code 47 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-32 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resourceUnavailableErrorsTx (resUnavailErrTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts Resource unavailable, unspecified errors sent. This
corresponds to cause code 47 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 protocolErrorsRx (protErrRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts protocol errors detected by the peer. This corresponds to the
following cause codes defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1:
93 - AAL parameters cannot be supported
95 - Invalid message, unspecified
96 - Mandatory information element is missing
97 - Message type non-existent or not implemented
99 - Information element/parameter non-existent or not implemented
100 - Invalid information element contents
110 - Message with unrecognized parameter, discarded

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 protocolErrorsTx (protErrTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts protocol errors detected locally. This corresponds to cause
codes defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1:
93 - AAL parameters cannot be supported
95 - Invalid message, unspecified
96 - Mandatory information element is missing
97 - Message type non-existent or not implemented

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-33
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

99 - Information element/parameter non-existent or not implemented

100 - Invalid information element contents
110 - Message with unrecognized parameter, discarded

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default


Description The statistics record generated by the Q2630 component.

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishReqsTx

Description This attribute counts the ESTABLISH REQUEST messages sent to the Q.2630
peer entity.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishReqsRx

Description This attribute counts the ESTABLISH REQUEST messages received from the
Q.2630 peer entity.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishConfsTx

Description This attribute counts the ESTABLISH CONFIRM messages sent to the Q.2630
peer entity.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishConfsRx

Description This attribute counts the ESTABLISH CONFIRM messages received from the
Q.2630 peer entity.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishRejsTx

Description This attribute counts the RELEASE CONFIRM messages sent to the Q.2630 peer
entity with the cause indicating that the connection could not be established.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-34 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The cause sent in the RELEASE CONFIRM message is described in the Q.2630
ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishRejsRx

Description This attribute counts the RELEASE CONFIRM message received from the
Q.2630 peer entity with the cause indicating that the connection could not be

The cause received in the RELEASE CONFIRM messages is described in the

Q.2630 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyReqsTx

Description This attribute counts the MODIFY REQUEST messages sent to the Q.2630 peer

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyReqsRx

Description This attribute counts the MODIFY REQUEST messages received from the
Q.2630 peer entity.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyAcksTx

Description This attribute counts the MODIFY ACKNOWLEDGE messages sent to the
Q.2630 peer entity.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyAcksRx

Description This attribute counts the MODIFY ACKNOWLEDGE messages received from
the Q.2630 peer entity.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-35
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyRejsTx

Description This attribute counts the MODIFY REJECT messages sent to the Q.2630 peer

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyRejsRx

Description This attribute counts the MODIFY REJECT messages received from the Q.2630
peer entity.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseReqsTx

Description This attribute counts the RELEASE REQUEST messages sent to the Q.2630 peer

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseReqsRx

Description This attribute counts the RELEASE REQUEST messages received from the
Q.2630 peer entity.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseConfsTx

Description This attribute counts the RELEASE CONFIRM messages sent to the Q.2630 peer

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseConfsRx

Description This attribute counts the RELEASE CONFIRM messages received from the
Q.2630 peer entity.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-36 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseRejsTx

Description This attribute counts the RELEASE CONFIRM messages sent to the Q.2630 peer
entity with the cause indicating that a failure occurred in the Release procedure.

The cause sent in the RELEASE CONFIRM message is described in the Q.2630
ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseRejsRx

Description This attribute counts the RELEASE CONFIRM messages received from the
Q.2630 peer entity with the cause indicating that a failure occurred in the Release

The cause received in the RELEASE CONFIRM message is described in the

Q.2630 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetReqsTx

Description This attribute counts the RESET REQUEST messages sent to the Q.2630 peer

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetReqsRx

Description This attribute counts the RESET REQUEST messages received from the Q.2630
peer entity.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetConfsTx

Description This attribute counts the RESET CONFIRM messages sent to the Q.2630 peer

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-37
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetConfsRx

Description This attribute counts the RESET CONFIRM messages received from the Q.2630
peer entity.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetRejsTx

Description This attribute counts the RESET CONFIRM messages sent to the Q.2630 peer
entity with the cause indicating that a failure occurred in the Reset procedure.

The cause sent in the RESET CONFIRM message is described in the Q.2630
ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetRejsRx

Description This attribute counts the RESET CONFIRM messages received from the Q.2630
peer entity with the cause indicating that a failure occurred in the Reset procedure.

The cause received in the RESET CONFIRM message is described in the Q.2630
ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockReqsTx

Description This attribute counts the BLOCK REQUEST messages sent to the Q.2630 peer

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockReqsRx

Description This attribute counts the BLOCK REQUEST messages received from the Q.2630
peer entity.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockConfsTx

Description This attribute counts the BLOCK CONFIRM messages sent to the Q.2630 peer

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-38 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockConfsRx

Description This attribute counts the BLOCK CONFIRM messages received from the Q.2630
peer entity.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockRejsTx

Description This attribute counts the BLOCK CONFIRM messages sent to the Q.2630 peer
entity with the cause indicating that a failure occurred in the Block procedure.

The cause sent in the BLOCK CONFIRM message is described in the Q.2630
ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockRejsRx

Description This attribute counts the BLOCK CONFIRM messages received from the Q.2630
peer entity with the cause indicating that a failure occurred in the Block

The cause received in the BLOCK CONFIRM message is described in the Q.2630
ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockReqsTx

Description This attribute counts the UNBLOCK REQUEST messages sent to the Q.2630
peer entity.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockReqsRx

Description This attribute counts the UNBLOCK REQUEST messages received from the
Q.2630 peer entity.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-39
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockConfsTx

Description This attribute counts the UNBLOCK CONFIRM messages sent to the Q.2630
peer entity.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockConfsRx

Description This attribute counts the UNBLOCK CONFIRM messages received from the
Q.2630 peer entity.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockRejsTx

Description This attribute counts the UNBLOCK CONFIRM messages sent to the Q.2630
peer entity with the cause indicating that a failure occurred in the Unblock

The cause sent in the UNBLOCK CONFIRM message is described in the Q.2630
ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockRejsRx

Description This attribute counts the UNBLOCK CONFIRM messages received from the
Q.2630 peer entity with the cause indicating that a failure occurred in the Unblock

The cause received in the UNBLOCK CONFIRM message is described in the

Q.2630 ITU-T specification.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 confusionsTx

Description This attribute counts the CONFUSION messages sent to the Q.2630 peer entity, in
response to unrecognized messages and messages with unrecognized or invalid
parameters received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-40 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 confusionsRx

Description This attribute counts the CONFUSION messages received in response to
unrecognizable messages sent to the Q.2630 peer entity by this Media Gateway.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 peakEstablishedConnections

Description This attribute indicates the peak value of the operational attribute
currentEstablishedConnections in the collection interval.

The counter is reset to the current value of the operational attribute

currentEstablishedConnections at the beginning of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 peakExistingPaths

Description This attribute indicates the peak value of the operational attribute
currentExistingPaths in the collection interval.

The counter is reset to the current value of the operational attribute

currentExistingPaths at the beginning of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 localPeakBlockedPaths

Description This attribute indicates the peak value of the operational attribute
localBlockedPaths in the collection interval.

The counter is reset to the current value of the operational attribute

localBlockedPaths at the beginning of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 remotePeakBlockedPaths

Description This attribute indicates the peak value of the operational attribute
remoteBlockedPaths in the collection interval.

The counter is reset to the current value of the operational attribute

remoteBlockedPaths at the beginning of the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishReqTimerExpiries

Description This attribute counts the number of times the timer Timer_ERQ has expired.

The timer expiring could be due to the following reasons:

- excessive network latency possible because of congestion,

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-41
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

- the peer is unable to respond,

- the message got lost, or
- the value of timer is set too low.

The timer duration may be set by changing the value of the provisionable attribute

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 establishReqRetryExhausts

Description This attribute counts the number of times the ESTABLISH REQUEST retry
mechanism (specified by the value of the provisionable attribute
establishRequestRetries) failed to get the expected response from the Q.2630 peer

This could be due to the following reasons:

- The number of retries is set too low. The number of retries may be set by
changing the value of the provisionable attribute establishRequestRetries.
- The duration is set too short. The duration may be set by changing the value of
the provisionable attribute establishRequestTimer.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseReqTimerExpiries

Description This attribute counts the number of times the timer Timer_REL has expired.

The timer expiring could be due to the following reasons:

- excessive network latency possible because of congestion,
- the peer is unable to respond,
- the message got lost, or
- the value of timer is set too low.

The timer duration may be set by changing the value of the provisionable attribute

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 releaseReqRetryExhausts

Description This attribute counts the number of times the RELEASE REQUEST retry
mechanism (specified by the value of the provisionable attribute
releaseRequestRetries) failed to get the expected response from the Q.2630 peer

This could be due to the following reasons:

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-42 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

- The number of retries is set too low. The number of retries may be set by
changing the value of the provisionable attribute releaseRequestRetries.
- The duration is set too short. The duration may be set by changing the value of
the provisionable attribute releaseRequestTimer.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resetReqTimerExpiries

Description This attribute counts the number of times the timer Timer_RES has expired.

The timer expiring could be due to the following reasons:

- excessive network latency possible because of congestion,
- the peer is unable to respond,
- the message got lost, or
- the value of timer is set too low.

The timer duration may be set by changing the value of the provisionable attribute

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockReqTimerExpiries

Description This attribute counts the number of times the timer Timer_BLO has expired.

The timer expiring could be due to the following reasons:

- the excessive network latency possible because of the congestion,
- the peer is unable to respond,
- the message got lost, or
- the value of timer is set too low.

The timer duration may be set by changing the value of the provisionable attribute

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 blockReqRetryExhausts

Description This attribute counts the number of times the BLOCK REQUEST retry
mechanism (specified by the value of the provisionable attribute
blockRequestRetries) failed to get the expected response from the Q.2630 peer

This could be due to the following reasons:

- The number of retries is set too low. The number of retries may be set by
changing the value of the provisionable attribute blockRequestRetries.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-43
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

- The duration is set too short. The duration may be set by changing the value of
the provisionable attribute blockRequestTimer.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockReqTimerExpiries

Description This attribute counts the number of times the timer Timer_UBL has expired.

The timer expiring could be due to the following reasons:

- excessive network latency possible because of congestion,
- the peer is unable to respond,
- the message got lost, or
- the value of timer is set too low.

The timer duration may be set by changing the value of the provisionable attribute

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unblockReqRetryExhausts

Description This attribute counts the number of times the UNBLOCK REQUEST retry
mechanism (specified by the value of the provisionable attribute
unblockRequestRetries) failed to get the expected response from the Q.2630 peer

This could be due to the following reasons:

- The number of retries is set too low. The number of retries may be set by
changing the value of the provisionable attribute unblockRequestRetries.
- The duration is set too short. The duration may be set by changing the value of
the provisionable attribute unblockRequestTimer.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyReqTimerExpiries

Description This attribute counts the number of times the timer Timer_MOD has expired.

The timer expiry could be due to the following reasons:

- the peer entity does not support modification of a connection,
- excessive network latency possibly because of congestion,
- the peer is unable to respond,
- the message got lost, or
- the value of timer is set too low.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-44 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The timer duration may be set by changing the value of the provisionable attribute

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 modifyReqRetryExhausts

Description This attribute counts the number of times the MODIFY REQUEST retry
mechanism (specified by the value of the provisionable attribute
modifyRequestRetries) failed to get the expected response from the Q.2630 peer

The retry mechanism could fail to get a response because:

- The peer entity does not support modification of a connection.
- The Modify Request timer duration is set too short. The duration may be set by
changing the value of the provisionable attribute modifyRequestTimer.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 msgsRxFromClient

Description This attribute counts the messages that the Q2630 component has received from
the Q2630Client component.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 msgsTxToClient

Description This attribute counts the messages that the Q2630 component has sent to the
Q2630Client component.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unallocatedNumberErrorsRx

Description This attribute counts Unallocated (unassigned) number errors received. This
corresponds to cause code 1 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 unallocatedNumberErrorsTx

Description This attribute counts Unallocated (unassigned) number errors sent. This
corresponds to cause code 1 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-45
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 noRouteErrorsRx

Description This attribute counts No route to destination errors received. This corresponds
to cause code 3 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 noRouteErrorsTx

Description This attribute counts No route to destination errors sent. This corresponds to
cause code 3 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 noCircuitAvailableErrorsRx

Description This attribute counts No circuit/channel available errors received. This
corresponds to cause code 34 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 temporaryFailureRx

Description This attribute counts Temporary failure errors received. This corresponds to
cause code 41 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 temporaryFailureTx

Description This attribute counts Temporary failure errors sent. This corresponds to cause
code 41 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 networkOutOfOrderErrorsRx

Description This attribute counts Network out of order errors received. This corresponds to
cause code 38 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

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D-46 Appendix D: Component Q2630
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The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 circuitUnavailableErrorsRx

Description This attribute counts Requested circuit/channel not available errors received.
This corresponds to cause code 44 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 circuitUnavailableErrorsTx

Description This attribute counts Requested circuit/channel not available errors sent. This
corresponds to cause code 44 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resourceUnavailableErrorsRx

Description This attribute counts Resource unavailable, unspecified errors received. This
corresponds to cause code 47 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 resourceUnavailableErrorsTx

Description This attribute counts Resource unavailable, unspecified errors sent. This
corresponds to cause code 47 defined in ITU-T Q.2630.1.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 protocolErrorsRx

Description This attribute counts protocol errors detected by the peer upon receipt of an
erroneous message. This corresponds to the following cause code defined in IUT-
T Q.2630.1:
93 - AAL parameters cannot be supported
95 - Invalid message, unspecified
96 - Mandatory information element is missing
97 - Message type non-existent or not implemented
99 - Information element/parameter non-existent or not implemented
100 - Invalid information element contents
110 - Message with unrecognized parameter, discarded.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-47
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 protocolErrorsTx

Description This attribute counts protocol errors detected by the peer upon receipt of an
erroneous message. This corresponds to the following cause code defined in IUT-
T Q.2630.1:
93 - AAL parameters cannot be supported
95 - Invalid message, unspecified
96 - Mandatory information element is missing|
97 - Message type non-existent or not implemented
99 - Information element/parameter non-existent or not implemented
100 - Invalid information element contents
110 - Message with unrecognized parameter, discarded.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

COMPONENT Q2630 Mtp3Connection (Mtp3Conn)

Groups "GROUP Q2630 Mtp3Conn Provisioned (Prov)"
"GROUP Q2630 Mtp3Conn WlcCustomCounters (WlcCustomCntr)"

Scope Application

Description Q2630/n Mtp3Connection

This component represents a connection to an MTP3 layer.

Mib Q2630

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Q2630 Mtp3Conn Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes of the Mtp3Connection


Mib Q2630

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Mtp3Conn linkToServiceIndicator (lToSI)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies a link to an Mtp3/n ServiceIndicator/n component for

MTP3 services.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-48 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Changing this attribute will cause the application using the MTP3 layers services
to be restarted.

Mib Q2630

Values Link (Service, linkToMtp3Connection)

Default No default

GROUP Q2630 Mtp3Conn WlcCustomCounters (WlcCustomCntr)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the spare counters that can be dynamically patched.

Mib Q2630

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Mtp3Conn customCounter1 (customCntr1)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute does not count anything and is not displayed under normal operating
circumstances. It is included here to provide a mechanism by which custom
counters can be set up at runtime through a patch.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Mtp3Conn customCounter2 (customCntr2)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute does not count anything and is not displayed under normal operating
circumstances. It is included here to provide a mechanism by which custom
counters can be set up at runtime through a patch.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Mtp3Conn customCounter3 (customCntr3)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute does not count anything and is not displayed under normal operating
circumstances. It is included here to provide a mechanism by which custom
counters can be set up at runtime through a patch.

Mib Q2630

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-49
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COMPONENT Q2630 PeerAddress (PeerAddr)

Instance Decimal (0..255)

Groups "GROUP Q2630 PeerAddr PeerAddrProv"

Scope Device

Description Q2630/n PeerAddress/n

This component represents the address of the peer ATM Adaptation Layer 2
(AAL2) end station. The end station may be either a peer Media Gateway or a
Radio Network Controller (RNC). This address is required for Q.2630 messages
over broadband Message Transfer Part Layer 3 (MTP3b).

Mib Q2630

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Q2630 PeerAddr PeerAddrProv

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisioning data for the PeerAddress component.

Mib Q2630

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 PeerAddr remoteAesa (aesa)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Asynchronous Transfer Mode End Station Address
(AESA) of the peer.

Mib Q2630

Values String (40, AESANsapAddress)

Default No default

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-50 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 PeerAddr remotePointCode (pc)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the point code of the peer.

The point code must be provisioned in one of the following formats:

basic: The point code is provisioned as a decimal number in the range 1..16383. A
value of 0 is not valid.

segmented: The point code is provisioned as three integers, separated by dots. The
first integer must be in the range 0..7, the second integer must be in the range
0..255, and the third integer must be in the range 0..7. A value of 0.0.0 is not

Mib Q2630

Values Integer Sequence

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 PeerAddr linkToVoiceProfile (lToVp)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the Nsta/x Vgs VoiceProfile/y component this instance is
linked to.

Mib Q2630

Values Link (Service, linkToAddress)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 PeerAddr linkToOwnedPaths

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the Asynchronous Transport Mode (ATM) connections
owned by this component.

Mib Q2630

List of Link (Service, linkToPathOwner)

List Size 4096

Default No default

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-51
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

COMPONENT Q2630 Q2630Client

Groups "GROUP Q2630 Q2630Client Operational (Oper)"

"COLLECTED STATS Q2630 Q2630Client"

Scope Application

Description Q2630/n Q2630Client

This component represents the Served User and the Layer Management Service
Access Points, specified by the Q.2630 ITU-T specification.

Mib Q2630

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Q2630 Q2630Client MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP)"

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Q2630 Q2630Client Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational data for the Q2630Client component.

Mib Q2630

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client errorIndicationsTx (errIndsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the ERROR INDICATION messages sent to the Layer
Management of Q.2630.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client addPathsRx

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the ADD PATH messages received from the Layer
Management of Q.2630.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-52 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client removePathsRx (rmPathsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the REMOVE PATH messages received from the Layer
Management of Q.2630.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client invalidMessages (invMsgs)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the messages received with unknown or invalid Information
Element (IE), or missing mandatory IEs, or invalid IE content from the Served
User or the Layer Management of Q.2630.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client transmissionFailures (txFails)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the messages that the Q2630Client component was unable to
forward to the Q2630 component.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client msgsRxFromLayer

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-53
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts the messages received by the Q2630Client component from
the Q2630 component.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client msgsTxToLayer

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the messages sent by the Q2630Client component to the
Q2630 component.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default


Description The statistics record generated by the Q2630 Q2630Client component.

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client errorIndicationsTx (errIndsTx)

Description This attribute counts the ERROR INDICATION messages sent to the Layer
Management of Q.2630.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client addPathsRx

Description This attribute counts the ADD PATH messages received from the Layer
Management of Q.2630.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client removePathsRx (rmPathsRx)

Description This attribute counts the REMOVE PATH messages received from the Layer
Management of Q.2630.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-54 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client invalidMessages (invMsgs)

Description This attribute counts the messages received with unknown or invalid Information
Element (IE), or missing mandatory IEs, or invalid IE content from the Served
User or the Layer Management of Q.2630.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client transmissionFailures (txFails)

Description This attribute counts the messages that the Q2630Client component was unable to
forward to the Q2630 component.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client msgsRxFromLayer

Description This attribute counts the messages received by the Q2630Client component from
the Q2630 component.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client msgsTxToLayer

Description This attribute counts the messages sent by the Q2630Client component to the
Q2630 component.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

COMPONENT Q2630 Q2630Client MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP)

Groups "GROUP Q2630 Q2630Client MCP OsiState (State)"
"GROUP Q2630 Q2630Client MCP Operational (Oper)"

"COLLECTED STATS Q2630 Q2630Client MonitoredCommunicationProtocol"

Scope Application

Description ... MonitoredCommunicationProtocol

This component represents the functionality that monitors the status of

communication between the parent component and the neighboring component
with which the parent component is communicating. This component does the
- detects the loss of communication between the neighbors being monitored.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-55
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

- counts messages lost between the monitored neighbors.

- ensures that the neighbor does not overflow with messages from this component.

Mib Q2630

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Q2630 Q2630Client MCP OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions generically
indicate what each state attribute implies about the component. Note that not all
the values and state combinations described here are supported by every
component which reuses this group. For component-specific information and the
valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

Mib Q2630

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been
previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

Mib Q2630

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-56 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note
that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For
example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another
component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState
must be idle.

Mib Q2630

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to
provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

Mib Q2630

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle

GROUP Q2630 Q2630Client MCP Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational data for the

MonitoredCommunicationProtocol component.

Mib Q2630

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP communicationFailures

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the communication failures between the neighbors being

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-57
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The communication failure is detected in two ways:

- if no messages are received from the neighbor for a predetermined number of

consecutive Heartbeat timer expiries, the value of this attribute is incremented.
The value of the Heartbeat timer and expiries is not provisionable, but it is
negotiated between the monitored parent components. The value of the Heartbeat
timer and retries can be determined from the operational attributes heartbeatTimer
and heartbeatRetries respectively.
- if communication monitoring is not established between the two neighbors.
Monitor Enable Request messages are sent to the neighbor when the Heartbeat
timer expires and if the Monitor Enable Response message is not received prior to
the predetermined number of Heartbeat timer expiries, then it is assumed that
monitoring communication could not be established and the value of this attribute
is incremented.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP messageTxFailures

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent to the neighbor but were not
received by the neighbor.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP messageRxFailures

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload messages that were sent by the neighbor but
were not received by this component. This is detected by a gap in the Message
Numbers received in payload messages from the neighbor.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-58 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP enableRequestsTx

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages sent by this
component to the neighbor.

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

message is sent in an attempt to establish monitoring communication between the
neighbors to be monitored.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP enableRequestsRx

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages received by this

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

message is received from the neighbor in an attempt to establish monitoring

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP enableResponsesTx

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages sent by this

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Response

message is sent to the neighbor in response to a Monitor Enable Request message.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-59
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP enableResponsesRx

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages received by this
component in response to the Monitor Enable Request message.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP heartbeatsTx (hbsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages sent by this component to the

If no messages are sent by this component for the duration of the heartbeat timer,
then a Heartbeat message is sent to the neighbor and the value of this attribute is
incremented. The heartbeat timer is not provisionable and is set by the neighbors
being monitored.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP heartbeatRx (hbsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages received by this component.

The value of this attribute is incremented when the Heartbeat message is received.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-60 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP messagesTx (msgsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent by this component to the

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP messagesRx (msgsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload messages received by this component.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP sequenceGapsTx (seqGapsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages sent by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent and the
value of this attribute is incremented. The Sequence Gap message shows the start
and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-61
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP sequenceGapsRx (seqGapsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages received by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent. The
value of this attribute is incremented when this message is received. The Sequence
Gap message shows the start and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP unknownMessagesRx

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the messages received by this component that are not
recognized by the MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP).

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP messagesDiscarded

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the messages that were discarded to avoid overflowing of the

The number of messages that the neighbor can handle without overflowing is
identified from the Available Capacity field in the messages received from the

If the value of the Available Capacity field is zero, payload messages to be sent to
the neighbor are discarded and the value of this counter is incremented.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-62 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP heartbeatTimer (hbTimer)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the length of the Heartbeat timer.

The value of the Heartbeat timer is negotiated between the monitored parent

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units msec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP heartbeatRetries

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of time-outs of the Heartbeat timer allowed
before marking the communication with the neighbor as down.

The value of the Heartbeat retries is negotiated between the monitored parent

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default


Description The statistics record generated by the Q2630 Q2630Client
MonitoredCommunicationProtocol component.

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP communicationFailures

Description This attribute counts the communication failures between the neighbors being

The communication failure is detected in two ways:

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-63
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

- if no messages are received from the neighbor for a predetermined number of

consecutive Heartbeat timer expiries, the value of this attribute is incremented.
The value of the Heartbeat timer and expiries is not provisionable, but it is
negotiated between the monitored parent components. The value of the Heartbeat
timer and retries can be determined from the operational attributes heartbeatTimer
and heartbeatRetries respectively.
- if communication monitoring is not established between the two neighbors.
Monitor Enable Request messages are sent to the neighbor when the Heartbeat
timer expires and if the Monitor Enable Response message is not received prior to
the predetermined number of Heartbeat timer expiries, then it is assumed that
monitoring communication could not be established and the value of this attribute
is incremented.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP messageTxFailures

Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent to the neighbor but were not
received by the neighbor.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP messageRxFailures

Description This attribute counts the payload messages that were sent by the neighbor but
were not received by this component. This is detected by a gap in the Message
Numbers received in payload messages from the neighbor.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP enableRequestsTx

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages sent by this
component to the neighbor.

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

message is sent in an attempt to establish monitoring communication between the
neighbors to be monitored.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-64 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP enableRequestsRx

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages received by this

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

message is received from the neighbor in an attempt to establish monitoring

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP enableResponsesTx

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages sent by this

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Response

message is sent to the neighbor in response to a Monitor Enable Request message.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP enableResponsesRx

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages received by this
component in response to the Monitor Enable Request message.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP heartbeatsTx (hbsTx)

Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages sent by this component to the

If no messages are sent by this component for the duration of the heartbeat timer,
then a Heartbeat message is sent to the neighbor and the value of this attribute is
incremented. The heartbeat timer is not provisionable and is set by the neighbors
being monitored.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP heartbeatRx (hbsRx)

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-65
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages received by this component.

The value of this attribute is incremented when the Heartbeat message is received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP messagesTx (msgsTx)

Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent by this component to the

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP messagesRx (msgsRx)

Description This attribute counts the payload messages received by this component.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP sequenceGapsTx (seqGapsTx)

Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages sent by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent and the
value of this attribute is incremented. The Sequence Gap message shows the start
and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP sequenceGapsRx (seqGapsRx)

Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages received by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent. The
value of this attribute is incremented when this message is received. The Sequence
Gap message shows the start and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP unknownMessagesRx


GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-66 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts the messages received by this component that are not
recognized by the MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP).

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 Q2630Client MCP messagesDiscarded

Description This attribute counts the messages that were discarded to avoid overflowing of the

The number of messages that the neighbor can handle without overflowing is
identified from the Available Capacity field in the messages received from the

If the value of the Available Capacity field is zero, payload messages to be sent to
the neighbor are discarded and the value of this counter is incremented.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

COMPONENT Q2630 MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP)

Groups "GROUP Q2630 MCP OsiState (State)"
"GROUP Q2630 MCP Operational (Oper)"

"COLLECTED STATS Q2630 MonitoredCommunicationProtocol"

Scope Application

Description ... MonitoredCommunicationProtocol

This component represents the functionality that monitors the status of

communication between the parent component and the neighboring component
with which the parent component is communicating. This component does the
- detects the loss of communication between the neighbors being monitored.
- counts messages lost between the monitored neighbors.
- ensures that the neighbor does not overflow with messages from this component.

Mib Q2630

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Q2630 MCP OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-67
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions generically
indicate what each state attribute implies about the component. Note that not all
the values and state combinations described here are supported by every
component which reuses this group. For component-specific information and the
valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

Mib Q2630

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been
previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

Mib Q2630

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note
that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For
example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another
component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState
must be idle.

Mib Q2630

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

Default disabled

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-68 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to
provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

Mib Q2630

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle

GROUP Q2630 MCP Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational data for the

MonitoredCommunicationProtocol component.

Mib Q2630

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP communicationFailures (commFailures)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the communication failures between the neighbors being

The communication failure is detected in two ways:

- if no messages are received from the neighbor for a predetermined number of

consecutive Heartbeat timer expiries, the value of this attribute is incremented.
The value of the Heartbeat timer and expiries is not provisionable, but it is
negotiated between the monitored parent components. The value of the Heartbeat
timer and retries can be determined from the operational attributes heartbeatTimer
and heartbeatRetries respectively.
- if communication monitoring is not established between the two neighbors.
Monitor Enable Request messages are sent to the neighbor when the Heartbeat
timer expires and if the Monitor Enable Response message is not received prior to
the predetermined number of Heartbeat timer expiries, then it is assumed that
monitoring communication could not be established and the value of this attribute
is incremented.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-69
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP messageTxFailures (msgTxFailures)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent to the neighbor but were not
received by the neighbor.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP messageRxFailures (msgRxFailures)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload messages that were sent by the neighbor but
were not received by this component. This is detected by a gap in the Message
Numbers received in payload messages from the neighbor.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP enableRequestsTx (enableReqsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages sent by this
component to the neighbor.

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

message is sent in an attempt to establish monitoring communication between the
neighbors to be monitored.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-70 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP enableRequestsRx (enableReqsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages received by this

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

message is received from the neighbor in an attempt to establish monitoring

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP enableResponsesTx (enableRspsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages sent by this

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Response

message is sent to the neighbor in response to a Monitor Enable Request message.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP enableResponsesRx (enableRspsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages received by this
component in response to the Monitor Enable Request message.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-71
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP heartbeatsTx (hbsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages sent by this component to the

If no messages are sent by this component for the duration of the heartbeat timer,
then a Heartbeat message is sent to the neighbor and the value of this attribute is
incremented. The heartbeat timer is not provisionable and is set by the neighbors
being monitored.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP heartbeatRx (hbsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages received by this component.

The value of this attribute is incremented when the Heartbeat message is received.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP messagesTx (msgsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent by this component to the

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-72 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP messagesRx (msgsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload messages received by this component.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP sequenceGapsTx (seqGapsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages sent by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent and the
value of this attribute is incremented. The Sequence Gap message shows the start
and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP sequenceGapsRx (seqGapsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages received by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent. The
value of this attribute is incremented when this message is received. The Sequence
Gap message shows the start and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-73
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP unknownMessagesRx (unknownMsgsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the messages received by this component that are not
recognized by the MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP).

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP messagesDiscarded (msgsDiscarded)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the messages that were discarded to avoid overflowing of the

The number of messages that the neighbor can handle without overflowing is
identified from the Available Capacity field in the messages received from the

If the value of the Available Capacity field is zero, payload messages to be sent to
the neighbor are discarded and the value of this counter is incremented.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP heartbeatTimer (hbTimer)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the length of the Heartbeat timer.

The value of the Heartbeat timer is negotiated between the monitored parent

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units msec

Default No default

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-74 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP heartbeatRetries

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of time-outs of the Heartbeat timer allowed
before marking the communication with the neighbor as down.

The value of the Heartbeat retries is negotiated between the monitored parent

Mib Q2630

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COLLECTED STATS Q2630 MonitoredCommunicationProtocol

Description The statistics record generated by the Q2630 MonitoredCommunicationProtocol

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP communicationFailures (commFailures)

Description This attribute counts the communication failures between the neighbors being

The communication failure is detected in two ways:

- if no messages are received from the neighbor for a predetermined number of

consecutive Heartbeat timer expiries, the value of this attribute is incremented.
The value of the Heartbeat timer and expiries is not provisionable, but it is
negotiated between the monitored parent components. The value of the Heartbeat
timer and retries can be determined from the operational attributes heartbeatTimer
and heartbeatRetries respectively.
- if communication monitoring is not established between the two neighbors.
Monitor Enable Request messages are sent to the neighbor when the Heartbeat
timer expires and if the Monitor Enable Response message is not received prior to
the predetermined number of Heartbeat timer expiries, then it is assumed that
monitoring communication could not be established and the value of this attribute
is incremented.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP messageTxFailures (msgTxFailures)

Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent to the neighbor but were not
received by the neighbor.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-75
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP messageRxFailures (msgRxFailures)

Description This attribute counts the payload messages that were sent by the neighbor but
were not received by this component. This is detected by a gap in the Message
Numbers received in payload messages from the neighbor.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP enableRequestsTx (enableReqsTx)

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages sent by this
component to the neighbor.

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

message is sent in an attempt to establish monitoring communication between the
neighbors to be monitored.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP enableRequestsRx (enableReqsRx)

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages received by this

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

message is received from the neighbor in an attempt to establish monitoring

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP enableResponsesTx (enableRspsTx)

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages sent by this

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Response

message is sent to the neighbor in response to a Monitor Enable Request message.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP enableResponsesRx (enableRspsRx)

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages received by this
component in response to the Monitor Enable Request message.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-76 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP heartbeatsTx (hbsTx)

Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages sent by this component to the

If no messages are sent by this component for the duration of the heartbeat timer,
then a Heartbeat message is sent to the neighbor and the value of this attribute is
incremented. The heartbeat timer is not provisionable and is set by the neighbors
being monitored.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP heartbeatRx (hbsRx)

Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages received by this component.

The value of this attribute is incremented when the Heartbeat message is received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP messagesTx (msgsTx)

Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent by this component to the

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP messagesRx (msgsRx)

Description This attribute counts the payload messages received by this component.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP sequenceGapsTx (seqGapsTx)

Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages sent by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent and the
value of this attribute is incremented. The Sequence Gap message shows the start
and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix D: Component Q2630 D-77
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP sequenceGapsRx (seqGapsRx)

Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages received by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent. The
value of this attribute is incremented when this message is received. The Sequence
Gap message shows the start and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP unknownMessagesRx (unknownMsgsRx)

Description This attribute counts the messages received by this component that are not
recognized by the MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP).

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Q2630 MCP messagesDiscarded (msgsDiscarded)

Description This attribute counts the messages that were discarded to avoid overflowing of the

The number of messages that the neighbor can handle without overflowing is
identified from the Available Capacity field in the messages received from the

If the value of the Available Capacity field is zero, payload messages to be sent to
the neighbor are discarded and the value of this counter is incremented.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

D-78 Appendix D: Component Q2630
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Appendix E: Component GprsIpServer

(Gips) E
This appendix contains CDL descriptions for component GprsIpServer (Gips)
and its subcomponents. All the attributes specific to the MG18 release,
including operational, collected statistic, and provisionable attributes, are
included. Additional CDL information for components and attributes common
to the Multiservice Switch (formerly known as Passport) family can be found
in the following documents:
NN10600-060_Overview, Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
Components Overview
the NN10600-060 series of NTPs that reference components

Component Gips and its subcomponents are presented below, beginning with
the Instance and Groups descriptions.

Instance Decimal (1..64)

Groups "GROUP Gips CustomerIdentifierData (CidData)"

"GROUP Gips IfEntryProv (IfEntry)"
"GROUP Gips Provisioned (Prov)"
"GROUP Gips Statistics (Stats)"

Scope Application

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

E-2 Appendix E: Component GprsIpServer (Gips)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description GprsIpServer/n

This component represents the host GPRS IP Server on a Logical Processor.

Mib WirelessGips

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Gips IpAddress (Ip)"

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Gips CustomerIdentifierData (CidData)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the attribute for a components Customer Identifier (CID).
Refer to the attribute description for a detailed explanation of CIDs.

Mib WirelessGips

ATTRIBUTE Gips customerIdentifier (cid)

Access Read and write

Description This attribute holds the Customer Identifier (CID).

Every component has a CID. If a component has a cid attribute, the components
CID is the provisioned value of that attribute; otherwise the component inherits
the CID of its parent. The top-level component has a CID of 0.

Every operator session also has a CID, which is the CID provisioned for the
operators user ID. An operator will see only the stream data for components
having a matching CID. Also, the operator will be allowed to issue commands for
only those components which have a matching CID.

An operator CID of 0 is used to identify the Network Manager (referred to as

NetMan in DPN). This CID matches the CID of any component. Values 1 to
8191 inclusive (equivalent to basic CIDs in DPN) may be assigned to specific

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0; 1..8191)

Default 0

GROUP Gips IfEntryProv (IfEntry)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes for the ifEntry.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix E: Component GprsIpServer (Gips) E-3
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib WirelessGips

ATTRIBUTE Gips ifAdminStatus (ifState)

Access Read and write

Description The desired state of the interface. The up state indicates the interface is
operational. The down state indicates the interface is not operational. The testing
state indicates that no operational packets can be passed.

Mib WirelessGips

Values up

Default up

ATTRIBUTE Gips ifIndex (ifI)

Access Read: Passive
Write: Debug

Criticality Component

Description This is the index for the IfEntry. Its value is automatically initialized during the
provisioning process.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (1..65535)

Default No default

GROUP Gips Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes of the GprsIpServer component.

Mib WirelessGips

ATTRIBUTE Gips linkToProtocolPort (lToPp)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the Virtual Router Protocol Port that the GprsIpServer
associates with.

Mib WirelessGips

Values The name of the component

Default No default

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

E-4 Appendix E: Component GprsIpServer (Gips)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Gips linkToLogicalProcessor (lp)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the Logical Processor that the GprsIpServer and its
subcomponents are provisioned on.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Link (Hardware, linkToApplications)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips defaultTtl (defTtl)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the default value inserted into the Time-
To-Live field of the IP header of datagrams originated at this entity.
This is the value used to build the IP header unless it is overridden by an

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..255)

Default 64

ATTRIBUTE Gips reasmTimeout (reasmTo)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the maximum time that the received fragments of IP
packets are held while awaiting reassembly at the GprsIpServer.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..255)

Units seconds

Default 5

ATTRIBUTE Gips performUdpChecksum (checksum)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies whether the UDP checksum is generated and checked.

Mib WirelessGips

Values no

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix E: Component GprsIpServer (Gips) E-5
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default no

GROUP Gips Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the GPRS Internet Protocol (IP) related statistical attributes.

Mib WirelessGips

ATTRIBUTE Gips inPacketForUnknownAddr (inFr)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts all the incoming datagrams destined to an address for which
there is no IpAddress subcomponent. This includes fragmented packets. The
counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips inErrors (inErrs)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the input datagrams discarded due to errors in their IP
headers, including bad checksums, version number mismatch, address errors
which have not already been filtered by the IP forwarder. The counter wraps to
zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COMPONENT Gips IpAddress (Ip)

Instance IP address

Groups "GROUP Gips Ip Statistics (Stats)"

Scope Application

Description Gips/n IpAddress/<ipaddress>

This component represents the Internet Protocol (IP) functionality supported by

the GPRS for a particular address. The IpAddress provides best-effort delivery,
inter network-wide addressing, fragmentation and reassembly, time-to-live control
of datagrams and checksum verification of header contents. Each IpAddress
should be unique among GprsIpServer Instances. In addition, the IP address

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

E-6 Appendix E: Component GprsIpServer (Gips)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

should not be the virtual router protocol port logical interface address, the subnet
address, or the subnet broadcast address.

Mib WirelessGips

Subcomponents "COMPONENT Gips Ip Udp"

"COMPONENT Gips Ip Icmp"

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Gips Ip Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the Internet Protocol (IP) related statistical attributes.

Mib WirelessGips

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip inReceives (inRcvs)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts all the incoming datagrams, including those counted in
inErrors and inUnknownProtocols. The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the
maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip inErrors (inErrs)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the input datagrams discarded due to errors in their IP
headers, version number mismatch, other format errors, and time-to-live exceeded
which have not already been filtered by the Virtual Routers IP forwarder. The
counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix E: Component GprsIpServer (Gips) E-7
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip inUnknownProtocols (inUnkProtos)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the locally-addressed datagrams received successfully but
discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. The counter wraps to
zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip inDelivers

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the input datagrams successfully delivered to the IP user-
protocols (including Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)). The counter
wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip outRequests (outReqs)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the datagrams which the local IP user-protocols (including
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)) supplied to IP in requests for
transmission. The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip reasmTimeOuts (reasmTo)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the IP packet reassembly time-outs at the receiving
GprsIpServer. The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

E-8 Appendix E: Component GprsIpServer (Gips)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip reasmRequireds (reasmReqds)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the IP packets with the reassembly bit set. The counter wraps
to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip reasmOks

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the IP packets successfully reassembled by the GprsIpServer.
The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip reasmFails

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of times the GprsIpServer is unable to assemble
IP-fragments for any reason. The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the
maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default


Groups "GROUP Gips Ip Udp Statistics (Stats)"

Scope Application

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix E: Component GprsIpServer (Gips) E-9
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description Gips/n Ip/<ipaddress> Udp

This component represents the UDP functionality supported by the GPRS.

Mib WirelessGips

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Gips Ip Udp Port"

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Gips Ip Udp Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains all UDP related statistical attributes supported by the

Mib WirelessGips

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Udp inDatagrams (inDg)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the UDP datagrams delivered to UDP users. The counter
wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Udp outDatagrams (outDg)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the UDP datagrams sent from the UDP stack. The counter
wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Udp inUnknownPorts (inUnkPorts)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the UDP datagrams received for which there was no
associated application at the destination port. The counter wraps to zero when it
exceeds the maximum value.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

E-10 Appendix E: Component GprsIpServer (Gips)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Udp inErrors (inErr)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the received UDP datagrams that could not be delivered for
reasons other than the lack of an application at the destination port. The counter
wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COMPONENT Gips Ip Udp Port

Instance Decimal (0..65535)

Groups "GROUP Gips Ip Udp Port Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Application

Description Gips/n Ip/<ipaddress> Udp Port/n

This component represents a UDP port. GPRS applications link to this port.

Mib WirelessGips

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Gips Ip Udp Port Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attribute to bind GPRS application to this
UDP port.

Mib WirelessGips

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Udp Port linkToApplication (lToApp)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the user of this UDP port.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix E: Component GprsIpServer (Gips) E-11
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib WirelessGips

Values Link

Default No default


Groups "GROUP Gips Ip Icmp Statistics (Stats)"

Scope Application

Description Gips/n Ip/<ipaddress> Icmp

This component represents the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)

functionality supported by the GPRS. The ICMP provides feedback from an IP
router or gateway to a source host. It can be used to report errors or verify the
reachability of routers or end-systems.

Mib WirelessGips

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Gips Ip Icmp Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) related
statistical attributes.

Mib WirelessGips

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Icmp inMsgs

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) messages
received by the GprsIpServer. The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the
maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Icmp inErrors (inErrs)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) messages
received by the GprsIpServer, but determined as having ICMP specific errors such

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

E-12 Appendix E: Component GprsIpServer (Gips)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

as bad ICMP checksums or bad length. The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds
the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Icmp inTimeExceeds (inTimeEx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) time
exceeded messages received by the GprsIpServer. The counter wraps to zero
when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Icmp outTimeExceeds (outTimeExcds)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) time
exceeded messages sent by the GprsIpServer. The counter wraps to zero when it
exceeds the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Icmp inEchos (inEc)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request
messages received by the GprsIpServer. The counter wraps to zero when it
exceeds the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Icmp outEchoReplies (outEcRe)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix E: Component GprsIpServer (Gips) E-13
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo reply
messages sent by this GprsIpServer. The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds
the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Icmp inTimestamps (inTiSta)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) timestamp
request messages received by this GprsIpServer. The counter wraps to zero when
it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Icmp outTimestampReplies (outTsRep)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) timestamp
reply messages sent by this GprsIpServer. The counter wraps to zero when it
exceeds the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Icmp inDestUnreachs (inDestUnr)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) destination
unreachable messages received by the GprsIpServer. The counter wraps to zero
when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Icmp outDestUnreachs (outDestUnr)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

E-14 Appendix E: Component GprsIpServer (Gips)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) destination
unreachable messages sent out by this GprsIpServer. The counter wraps to zero
when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Icmp inParmProbs (inProb)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) parameter
problem messages received by the GprsIpServer. The counter wraps to zero when
it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Icmp outParmProbs (outProbs)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) parameter
problem messages sent by this GprsIpServer. The counter wraps to zero when it
exceeds the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Icmp inSrcQuenchs (inSrcQ)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) source
quench messages received by the GprsIpServer. The counter wraps to zero when
it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix E: Component GprsIpServer (Gips) E-15
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel


Groups "GROUP Gips Ip Tcp Statistics (Stats)"

Scope Application

Description Gips/n Ip/<ipaddress> Tcp

The component represents the TCP functionality supported by the


Mib WirelessGips

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Gips Ip Tcp Port"

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Gips Ip Tcp TcpEntry"

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Gips Ip Tcp Statistics (Stats)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains statistics for TCP.

Mib WirelessGips

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Tcp rToAlgorithm

Access Read only

Description Indicate which algorithm was used to calculate the timeout value used for
retransmitting unackowledged octet.

Mib WirelessGips

Values other

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Tcp rToMin

Access Read only

Description Indicate the minimum value, measured in milliseconds, allowed for

retransmission timeout.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units msec

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

E-16 Appendix E: Component GprsIpServer (Gips)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default 0

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Tcp rToMax

Access Read only

Description Indicates the maximun value, measured in milliseconds, allowed for

retransmission timeout.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units msec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Tcp maxConn

Access Read only

Description Limit on number of connections the TCP can support. The value is always -1
which indicates that the number of connections supported is dynamic (limited by
memory in the system).

Mib WirelessGips

Values Signed (-1)

Default -1

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Tcp activeOpens

Access Read only

Description The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the
synSent state from the closed state.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Tcp passiveOpens

Access Read only

Description The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the
synRcvd state from the listen state.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Tcp attemptFails

Access Read only

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix E: Component GprsIpServer (Gips) E-17
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the closed
state from either the synSent state or the synRcvd state, plus the number of times
TCP connections have made a direct transition to the listen state from the
synRcvd state.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Tcp estabResets

Access Read only

Description The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the closed
state from either the established state or the closedWait state.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Tcp currEstab

Access Read only

Description The number of TCP connections for which the current state is either established
or closedWait.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Tcp inSegs

Access Read only

Description The number of segments received, including those received in error. This count
includes segments received on currently established connections.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Tcp outSegs

Access Read only

Description The number of segments sent, including those on current connections but
excluding those containing only retransmitted octets.

Mib WirelessGips

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

E-18 Appendix E: Component GprsIpServer (Gips)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Tcp retransSegs

Access Read only

Description The number of segments retransmitted that is, the number of TCP segments
transmitted containing one or more previously transmitted octets.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Tcp inErrs

Access Read only

Description Total number of segments received in error, for example bad TCP checksum.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Tcp outRsts

Access Read only

Description Number of TCP segments sent containing the RST flag.

Mib WirelessGips

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COMPONENT Gips Ip Tcp Port

Instance Decimal (0..65535)

Groups "GROUP Gips Ip Tcp Port Provisioned (Prov)"

Scope Application

Description Gips/n Ip/<ipaddress> Tcp Port/n

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix E: Component GprsIpServer (Gips) E-19
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

This component represents a TCP port. GPRS applications using TCP link to this

Mib WirelessGips

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Gips Ip Tcp Port Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attribute to bind a GPRS application to this
TCP port.

Mib WirelessGips

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Tcp Port linkToApplication (lToApp)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the GPRS application which is to use this TCP port

Mib WirelessGips

Values Link (Service, linkToPort)

Default No default

COMPONENT Gips Ip Tcp TcpEntry

Instance localAddress [IP address]
localPort [Decimal (0..65535)]
remoteAddress [IP address]
remotePort [Decimal (0..65535)]

Groups "GROUP Gips Ip Tcp TcpEntry Operational (Oper)"

Scope Application

Description Gips/n Ip/<ipaddress> Tcp TcpEntry/<lA>, <lP>, <rA>, <rP>

The component defines an entry in the TCP connection table. Each entry

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

E-20 Appendix E: Component GprsIpServer (Gips)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

corresponds to TCP end-point identified by 4-tuples, LocalAddress, LocalPort,

RemoteAddress, and RemotePort.

Mib WirelessGips

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Gips Ip Tcp TcpEntry Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains columnar entries for each end-point on the TCP.

Mib WirelessGips

ATTRIBUTE Gips Ip Tcp TcpEntry state

Access Read and write

Description This attribute reflects the current state of this Tcp connection.

Mib WirelessGips

Values closed

Default No default

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Appendix F: Component
MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F
This appendix contains CDL descriptions for component
MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) and its subcomponents. All the attributes
specific to the MG18 release, including operational, collected statistic, and
provisionable attributes, are included. Additional CDL information for
components and attributes common to the Multiservice Switch (formerly
known as Passport) family can be found in the following documents:
NN10600-060_Overview, Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
Components Overview
the NN10600-060 series of NTPs that reference components

Component Mtp3 and its subcomponents are presented below, beginning with
the Instance and Groups descriptions.

Instance Decimal (0..255)

Groups "GROUP Mtp3 Provisioned (Prov)"

"GROUP Mtp3 OsiState (State)"
"GROUP Mtp3 Operational (Oper)"
"GROUP Mtp3 WlcCustomCounters (WlcCustomCntr)"

"COLLECTED STATS MessageTransferPartLayer3"

Scope Application

Description MessageTransferPartLayer3/n

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-2 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

This component represents the Message Transport Part Layer 3 (MTP3) layer of
the SS7 stack.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Subcomponents "COMPONENT Mtp3 Linkset (Ls)"

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Mtp3 ServiceIndicator (ServInd)"

"COMPONENT Mtp3 Routeset (Rs)"

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Mtp3 Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes of this component.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 linkToLogicalProcessor (lp)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the Logical Processor that this component and its
subcomponents are provisioned on.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Link (Hardware, linkToApplications)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 linkToPort (lToPort)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies a link to Gips IpAddr UDP Port on an IP Server. This
determines the IP Address and UDP port that all MTP layer 3 users use to address
this MTP layer 3 component.

Changing this value can cause outstanding transactions to be affected.

Check Prov will fail if this attribute does not specify a Gips IpAddr Udp Port

Mib Ss7Mtp3

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-3
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Link (Service, linkToApplication)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 mtpType

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the type of MTP3.

The possible values for mtpType are:

mtp3 - This is the standard MTP layer 3 from Q.704 that supports signalling units
up to 272 octets in length.
mtp3b - This is the MTP layer 3 broadband variant that supports signalling units
up to 4096 octets in length.

For the SS7 stack on the Iu interface this attribute must be set to mtp3b.

Changing the value of this attribute causes all the linksets associated with the
MTP3 layer to be restarted.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values mtp3

Default mtp3b

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 origPointCode (opc)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies the point code of the node that the MTP3 layer manages.

The point code must be provisioned in one of the following formats:

basic: The point code is provisioned as a decimal number in the range 1..16383. A
value of 0 is not valid.
segmented: The point code is provisioned as three integers, separated by dots. The
first integer must be in the range 0..7, the second integer must be in the range
0..255, and the third integer must be in the range 0..7. A value of 0.0.0 is not

This attribute must not specify a point code identical to that specified by the
adjPointCode attribute (defined in the Mtp3/n Ls/n component) or the
destPointCode attribute (defined in the Mtp3/n Rs/n component).

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-4 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Changing the value of this attribute causes all the linksets associated with this
MTP3 layer to be restarted.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Integer Sequence

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 networkIndicator (netInd)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies whether the network is a national network, or an

international network.

This attribute determines the value that is filled in the Network Indicator field of
the messages sent to the remote end.

This attribute must match what the peer MTP3 layer on the remote end expects in
the messages.

Changing the value of this attribute causes all the linksets associated with this
MTP3 layer to be restarted.

Each meaning of each valid value for networkIndicator is described in SS7 Mtp3
specification Q.704.

international - MTP3 node is a member of an International network.

internationalSpare - MTP3 node is a member of an International Spare


national - MTP3 node is a member of a National network.

nationalSpare - MTP3 node is a member of a National Spare network.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values international

Default international

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 changeoverHoldoffTimer (t1)

Access Read: All
Write: All

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-5
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute specifies the value of the timer T1 defined in ITU-T
recommendation Q.704. This timer value determines how long to wait for a failed
link to become available when changeover is required, but there is no alternate
link. It is used to avoid message mis-sequencing on changeover.

This timer is started when a link goes down and a changeover is required, but
changeover messages cannot be exchanged on an alternate link.

This timer is stopped when the failed link becomes available.

Upon timer expiration, it sends all the retrieved (layer 2) and buffered (layer 3)
messages down the new link and marks changeover as complete.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (500..1200)

Units msec

Default 500

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 changeoverAckTimer (t2)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value of the timer T2 defined in ITU-T
recommendation Q.704.

This timer is started when MTP layer 3 receives a Backward Sequence Number of
the next signalling unit to be Transmitted (BSNT) from a link in the changeover

This timer is stopped when the link becomes available, or when a changeover
message is received while waiting for an ack.

Upon timer expiration, the link is released.

The number of expiries of this timer is indicated by the attribute


Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (700..2000)

Units msec

Default 700

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 changebackDiversionDelayTimer (t3)

Access Read: All
Write: All

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-6 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute specifies the timer value for the timer T3 defined in ITU-T
recommendation Q.704. It provides time controlled diversion-delay to avoid mis-
sequencing on changeback.

This timer is started when a link is in changeback and the signalling point at the
remote end of newly available link is not accessible via an alternative link.

Upon timer expiry, traffic is restarted on the link.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (500..1200)

Units msec

Default 500

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 firstAttemptChangebackAckTImer (t4)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the timer value for the timer T4 defined in ITU-T
recommendation Q.704.

This timer is started when a link is in changeback and the Signalling Point (SP) at
the remote end of the newly available link is accessible via an alternative link.

This timer is stopped when a link has attempted changeback for the first time and
receives a changeback ack for every changeback declaration sent.

Upon timer expiration, secondAttemptChangebackAckTimer is started and all the

unacknowledged changeback declarations are re-sent.

The number of resends of the changeback declarations is indicated by the attribute


Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (500..1200)

Units msec

Default 500

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 secondAttemptChangebackAckTimer (t5)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the timer value for the timer T5 defined in ITU-T
recommendation Q.704. It creates a delay to avoid oscillation of initial alignment
failure and link restart.

The timer is started when a link does not changeback in the first attempt with

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-7
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel


The timer is stopped when a link is in the second attempt of changeback and
receives a changeback ack for every changeback declaration sent.

Upon timer expiration, changeback is terminated.

The number of expiries of this timer is indicated by the attribute


Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (500..1200)

Units msec

Default 500

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 uninhibitAckTimer (t12)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the timer value for the timer T12 defined in ITU-T
recommendation Q.704.

The timer is started every time a link Uninhibit command is executed.

The timer is stopped when the link uninhibit is acknowledged by the remote end.

Upon timer expiry, the uninhibit is started again for a maximum of one more time.
If it fails this time, the uninhibit is cancelled.

The number of expiries of this timer is indicated by the attribute


Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (800..1500)

Units msec

Default 800

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 forceUninhibitTimer (t13)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the timer value for the timer T13 defined in ITU-T
recommendation Q.704.

The timer is started when this end initiates a link force uninhibit.

The timer is stopped when the signalling link uninhibit is acknowledged.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-8 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Upon timer expiry, the uninhibit is started again one more time. If it fails this
time, the uninhibit is cancelled.

The number of expiries of this timer is indicated by the attribute


Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (800..1500)

Units msec

Default 800

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 inhibitAckTimer (t14)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value of the timer T14 defined in ITU-T
recommendation Q.704. This timer waits for inhibition acknowledgement.

The timer is started when an Inhibit command is executed.

The timer is stopped when the local link inhibit is denied or successful.

Upon expiry, the local link inhibit request is cancelled.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (2..3)

Units seconds

Default 2

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 initialAlignmentDelayTimer (t17)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value of the timer T17 defined in ITU-T
recommendation Q.704. It creates a delay to avoid oscillation of initial alignment
failure and link restart.

This timer is started when a signalling link is started.

Upon timer expiry, it sends a START message to layer 2.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (800..1500)

Units msec

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-9
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default 800

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 localInhibitTestTimer (t22)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value of the timer T22 (Local inhibit test timer) defined
in ITU-T recommendation Q.704.

This timer is started when a link becomes locally inhibited. Upon timer expiry, if
the link is still unavailable and locally inhibited, the timer is restarted, and a local
inhibit test message is sent to the remote end.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (180..360)

Units seconds

Default 180

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 remoteInhibitTestTimer (t23)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value of the timer T23 (Remote inhibit test timer)
defined in ITU-T recommendation Q.704.

This timer is started when a link becomes remote inhibited. Upon timer expiry, if
the link is still unavailable and remotely inhibited, the timer is restarted, and a
remote inhibit test message is sent to the remote end

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (180..360)

Units seconds

Default 180

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 sltAckTimer (tQ707T1)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value of the Supervision timer to wait for a signalling
link test acknowledgement message.

This timer is started every time a Signalling Link Test Controller (SLTC) sends
out a test message.

The timer is stopped when the SLTC receives an acknowledge message from the
peer MTP3 layer.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-10 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Upon timer expiration, if this is the first attempt, this timer is restarted and a
second attempt is made. If the timer expires after the second attempt, the MTP3
layer is informed of a broken link.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (4..12)

Units seconds

Default 4

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 sltIntervalTimer (tQ707T2)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value of the Interval timer defined in ITU-T
recommendation Q.707 for sending signalling link test messages.

The timer is started when a link comes in service, and each time the timer expires
if the link is still good.

The timer is stopped when the link fails, as determined by the sltAckTimer.

Upon timer expiry, another test message is sent to the peer and the timer is

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (30..90)

Units seconds

Default 30

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 reroutingHoldOffTimer (t6)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value for the timer T6 defined in ITU-T Q.704. This
timer introduces a delay to avoid mis-sequencing on controlled rerouting.

This timer is started when a signalling route toward a given destination becomes
available and the controlled rerouting procedure is invoked.

Upon timer expiry, traffic is restarted on the route made available.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (500..1200)

Units msec

Default 800

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-11
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 routeSetTestRepeatTimer (t10)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the value for the timer T10 defined in ITU-T Q.704.

This timer controls how frequently a signalling-route-set-test message is sent for

destination that is inaccessible.

This timer is started when a Transfer-Prohibited (TFP) message is received for a

destination node.

Upon timer expiry, it sends a signalling-route-set-test message on the affected

route and restarts the timer.

The timer is stopped when the destination becomes accessible via the receipt of a
Transfer-Allowed (TFA) message.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (30..60)

Units seconds

Default 30

GROUP Mtp3 OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions generically
indicate what each state attribute implies about the component. Note that not all
the values and state combinations described here are supported by every
component which reuses this group. For component-specific information and the
valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been
previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-12 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note
that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For
example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another
component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState
must be idle.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to
provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-13
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

GROUP Mtp3 Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes of this component.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 changeoverAckTimeouts (t2Tmouts)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the timeouts of timer T2, specified by the attribute

The counter wraps to zero when its maximum value is exceeded.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 firstAttemptChangebackAckTmouts (t4Tmouts)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the timeouts of timer T4, specified by the attribute

The counter wraps to zero when its maximum value is exceeded.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 secondAttemptChangebackAckTmouts (t5Tmouts)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the timeouts of timer T5, specified by the attribute

The counter wraps to zero when its maximum value is exceeded.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-14 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 forceUninhibitAckTimeouts (t13Tmouts)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the timeouts of timer T13, specified by the attribute

The counter wraps to zero when its maximum value is exceeded.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GROUP Mtp3 WlcCustomCounters (WlcCustomCntr)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the spare counters that can be dynamically patched.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 customCounter1 (customCntr1)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute does not count anything and is not displayed under normal operating
circumstances. It is included here to provide a mechanism by which custom
counters can be set up at runtime through a patch.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 customCounter2 (customCntr2)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute does not count anything and is not displayed under normal operating
circumstances. It is included here to provide a mechanism by which custom
counters can be set up at runtime through a patch.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-15
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 customCounter3 (customCntr3)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute does not count anything and is not displayed under normal operating
circumstances. It is included here to provide a mechanism by which custom
counters can be set up at runtime through a patch.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COLLECTED STATS MessageTransferPartLayer3

Description The statistics record generated by the MessageTransferPartLayer3 component.

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 linkSetsUnavailable (lsUnavail)

Description This attribute indicates the number of linkset unavailable conditions over the
collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

COMPONENT Mtp3 Linkset (Ls)

Instance Decimal (0..255)

Groups "GROUP Mtp3 Ls Provisoned (Prov)"

"GROUP Mtp3 Ls OsiState (State)"
"GROUP Mtp3 Ls WlcCustomCounters (WlcCustomCntr)"

Scope Application

Description Mtp3/n Linkset/n

This component represents an MTP3 linkset. A linkset is a grouping of signalling

links that are used to transfer signalling between this node and a specific adjacent
signalling point.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Subcomponents "COMPONENT Mtp3 Ls Link"

Opt. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Mtp3 Ls RouteInfo (RInfo)"

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GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-16 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel


Impact Service

Description Lock -force Mtp3/n Linkset/n

This verb causes the specified Linkset component to immediately enter the OSI
locked administrative state. Traffic flow ceases on the newly locked Linkset and is
diverted to another Linkset within a Routeset. All the Link components
representing the links in the Linkset are disabled.

The Linkset must be locked using the force option.

GROUP Mtp3 Ls Provisoned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes of this component.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls adjPointCode (apc)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the point code of the node that this node directly connects
to through this linkset.

The point code must be provisioned in one of the following formats:

basic: The point code is provisioned as a decimal number in the range 1..16383. A
value of 0 is not valid.
segmented: The point code is provisioned as three integers, separated by dots. The
first integer must be in the range 0..7, the second integer must be in the range
0..255, and the third integer must be in the range 0..7. A value of 0.0.0 is not

This attribute must not specify a point code identical to that specified by the
origPointCode attribute (defined in the Mtp3/n component) or the destPointCode
attribute (defined in the Mtp3/n Rs/n component).

Changing the value of this attribute causes all the linksets associated with the
MTP3 layer to be restarted.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Integer Sequence

Default No default

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-17
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

GROUP Mtp3 Ls OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions generically
indicate what each state attribute implies about the component. Note that not all
the values and state combinations described here are supported by every
component which reuses this group. For component-specific information and the
valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been
previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note
that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For
example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another
component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState
must be idle.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-18 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to
provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle

GROUP Mtp3 Ls WlcCustomCounters (WlcCustomCntr)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the spare counters that can be dynamically patched.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls customCounter1 (customCntr1)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute does not count anything and is not displayed under normal operating
circumstances. It is included here to provide a mechanism by which custom
counters can be set up at runtime through a patch.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls customCounter2 (customCntr2)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-19
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute does not count anything and is not displayed under normal operating
circumstances. It is included here to provide a mechanism by which custom
counters can be set up at runtime through a patch.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls customCounter3 (customCntr3)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute does not count anything and is not displayed under normal operating
circumstances. It is included here to provide a mechanism by which custom
counters can be set up at runtime through a patch.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default


Instance Decimal (0..15)

Groups "GROUP Mtp3 Ls Link Provisoned (Prov)"

"GROUP Mtp3 Ls Link OsiState (State)"
"GROUP Mtp3 Ls Link Operational (Oper)"
"GROUP Mtp3 Ls Link WlcCustomCounters (WlcCustomCntr)"

"COLLECTED STATS MessageTransferPartLayer3 Linkset Link"

Scope Application

Description Mtp3/n Linkset/n Link/n

This component represents a SS7 signalling link that conveys signalling

information between two signalling points.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT Mtp3 Ls Link MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP)"

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GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-20 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel


Impact Service

Description Inhibit Mtp3/n Linkset/n Link/n

This command requests that the signalling link represented by this component be
locally inhibited, as per the ITU-T recommendation Q.704.

The Inhibit will be denied locally if the requested link is the last available link in
the linkset, or if an uninhibit on the requested is in progress. The Inhibit can also
be denied by the remote end.

If the link is inhibited successfully, all the traffic carried on the linkset will be
distributed among the other links in the linkset.


Impact Service

Description Uninhibit Mtp3/n Linkset/n Link/n

This command requests that the signalling link represented by this component be
uninhibited, as per the ITU-T recommendation Q.704.

The Uninhibit will be denied locally if the requested link has not been inhibited
from this end, or if an inhibit on the link is in progress.

If the link is uninhibited successfully, the link will be made available for traffic.

VERB LOCK Mtp3 Ls Link

Impact Service

Description Lock [-force] Mtp3/n Linkset/n Link/n

This verb causes the specified Link component to immediately enter the OSI
locked administrative state. Traffic flow ceases on the newly locked Link and is
diverted to the remaining unlocked Links of the LinkSet.

The Lock command fails if executed on the last unlocked Link of a LinkSet. The
last unlocked Link of a LinkSet must be locked using the force option.

If this option is specified, the Link is locked even if it is the only unlocked Link in
the LinkSet.

GROUP Mtp3 Ls Link Provisoned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes of this component.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-21
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Mib Ss7Mtp3

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link linkToLayer2 (lToL2)

Access Read: All

Write: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the link layer entity that provides data link layer services
for this link. This attribute contains the name of a SaalNni/n component instance.

Changing the value specified by this attribute causes a loss of service for this

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Link (Service, linkToLayer3)

Default No default

GROUP Mtp3 Ls Link OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions generically
indicate what each state attribute implies about the component. Note that not all
the values and state combinations described here are supported by every
component which reuses this group. For component-specific information and the
valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been
previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

Mib Ss7Mtp3

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-22 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note
that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For
example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another
component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState
must be idle.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to
provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle

GROUP Mtp3 Ls Link Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes of this component.

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Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-23
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Mib Ss7Mtp3

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link pdusRx

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Protocol Data Units (PDUs) received from layer 2.

This includes the PDUs with and without user payload.

The counter wraps to 0 when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link payloadPdusRx (plPdusRx)

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Protocol Data Units (PDUs) with payload received from
layer 2.

The counter wraps to 0 when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link pdusTx

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Protocol Data Units sent to layer 2.

This includes the PDUs with and without user payload.

The counter wraps to 0 when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link payloadPdusTx (plPdusTx)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-24 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
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Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Protocol Data Units (PDUs) with payload sent to layer 2.

The counter wraps to 0 when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link invalidPdusRx (invPdusRx)

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of invalid Protocol Data Units received from
Layer 2.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GROUP Mtp3 Ls Link WlcCustomCounters (WlcCustomCntr)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the spare counters that can be dynamically patched.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link customCounter1 (customCntr1)

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute does not count anything and is not displayed under normal operating
circumstances. It is included here to provide a mechanism by which custom
counters can be set up at runtime through a patch.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link customCounter2 (customCntr2)

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-25
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Description This attribute does not count anything and is not displayed under normal operating
circumstances. It is included here to provide a mechanism by which custom
counters can be set up at runtime through a patch.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link customCounter3 (customCntr3)

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute does not count anything and is not displayed under normal operating
circumstances. It is included here to provide a mechanism by which custom
counters can be set up at runtime through a patch.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COLLECTED STATS MessageTransferPartLayer3 Linkset Link

Description The statistics record generated by the MessageTransferPartLayer3 Linkset Link

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link pdusRx

Description This attribute indicates the number of Protocol Data Units (PDUs) received from
layer 2 over the collection interval.

This includes the PDUs with and without user payload.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link payloadPdusRx

Description This attribute indicates the number of Protocol Data Units (PDUs) with payload
received from layer 2 over the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link pdusTx

Description This attribute indicates the number of Protocol Data Units (PDUs) sent to layer 2
over the collection interval.

This includes PDUs with and without user payload.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-26 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
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ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link payloadPdusTx

Description This attribute indicates the number of Protocol Data Units (PDUs) with payload
sent to layer 2 over the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link invalidPdusRx

Description This attribute indicates the number of number of invalid Protocol Data Units
received over the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link sltFailures

Description This attribute indicates the number of signalling link test message failure
conditions over the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link changeovers

Description This attribute indicates the number of link changeover conditions over the
collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

COMPONENT Mtp3 Ls Link MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP)

Groups "GROUP Mtp3 Ls Link MCP OsiState (State)"
"GROUP Mtp3 Ls Link MCP Operational (Oper)"

"COLLECTED STATS MessageTransferPartLayer3 Linkset Link MonitoredCommunicationProtocol"

Scope Application

Description ... MonitoredCommunicationProtocol

This component represents the functionality that monitors the status of

communication between the parent component and the neighboring component
with which the parent component is communicating. This component does the
- detects the loss of communication between the neighbors being monitored.
- counts messages lost between the monitored neighbors.
- ensures that the neighbor does not overflow with messages from this component.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Mtp3 Ls Link MCP OsiState (State)

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-27
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Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions generically
indicate what each state attribute implies about the component. Note that not all
the values and state combinations described here are supported by every
component which reuses this group. For component-specific information and the
valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been
previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note
that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For
example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another
component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState
must be idle.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-28 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
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Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to
provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle

GROUP Mtp3 Ls Link MCP Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational data for the

MonitoredCommunicationProtocol component.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP communicationFailures

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the communication failures between the neighbors being

The communication failure is detected in two ways:

- if no messages are received from the neighbor for a predetermined number of

consecutive Heartbeat timer expiries, the value of this attribute is incremented.
The value of the Heartbeat timer and expiries is not provisionable, but it is
negotiated between the monitored parent components. The value of the Heartbeat
timer and retries can be determined from the operational attributes heartbeatTimer
and heartbeatRetries respectively.
- if communication monitoring is not established between the two neighbors.
Monitor Enable Request messages are sent to the neighbor when the Heartbeat
timer expires and if the Monitor Enable Response message is not received prior to
the predetermined number of Heartbeat timer expiries, then it is assumed that

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-29
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

monitoring communication could not be established and the value of this attribute
is incremented.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP messageTxFailures

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent to the neighbor but were not
received by the neighbor.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP messageRxFailures

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload messages that were sent by the neighbor but
were not received by this component. This is detected by a gap in the Message
Numbers received in payload messages from the neighbor.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP enableRequestsTx

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages sent by this
component to the neighbor.

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-30 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
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message is sent in an attempt to establish monitoring communication between the

neighbors to be monitored.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP enableRequestsRx

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages received by this

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

message is received from the neighbor in an attempt to establish monitoring

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP enableResponsesTx

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages sent by this

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Response

message is sent to the neighbor in response to a Monitor Enable Request message.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP enableResponsesRx


411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-31
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages received by this
component in response to the Monitor Enable Request message.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP heartbeatsTx (hbsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages sent by this component to the

If no messages are sent by this component for the duration of the heartbeat timer,
then a Heartbeat message is sent to the neighbor and the value of this attribute is
incremented. The heartbeat timer is not provisionable and is set by the neighbors
being monitored.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP heartbeatRx (hbsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages received by this component.

The value of this attribute is incremented when the Heartbeat message is received.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP messagesTx (msgsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-32 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent by this component to the

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP messagesRx (msgsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload messages received by this component.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP sequenceGapsTx

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages sent by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent and the
value of this attribute is incremented. The Sequence Gap message shows the start
and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP sequenceGapsRx

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages received by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-33
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent. The
value of this attribute is incremented when this message is received. The Sequence
Gap message shows the start and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP unknownMessagesRx

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the messages received by this component that are not
recognized by the MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP).

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP messagesDiscarded

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the messages that were discarded to avoid overflowing of the

The number of messages that the neighbor can handle without overflowing is
identified from the Available Capacity field in the messages received from the

If the value of the Available Capacity field is zero, payload messages to be sent to
the neighbor are discarded and the value of this counter is incremented.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP heartbeatTimer (hbTimer)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-34 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
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Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the length of the Heartbeat timer.

The value of the Heartbeat timer is negotiated between the monitored parent

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units msec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP heartbeatRetries

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of time-outs of the Heartbeat timer allowed
before marking the communication with the neighbor as down.

The value of the Heartbeat retries is negotiated between the monitored parent

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COLLECTED STATS MessageTransferPartLayer3 Linkset

Link MonitoredCommunicationProtocol Default

Description The statistics record generated by the MessageTransferPartLayer3 Linkset Link

MonitoredCommunicationProtocol component.

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP communicationFailures

Description This attribute counts the communication failures between the neighbors being

The communication failure is detected in two ways:

- if no messages are received from the neighbor for a predetermined number of

consecutive Heartbeat timer expiries, the value of this attribute is incremented.
The value of the Heartbeat timer and expiries is not provisionable, but it is
negotiated between the monitored parent components. The value of the Heartbeat
timer and retries can be determined from the operational attributes heartbeatTimer
and heartbeatRetries respectively.
- if communication monitoring is not established between the two neighbors.
Monitor Enable Request messages are sent to the neighbor when the Heartbeat

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-35
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

timer expires and if the Monitor Enable Response message is not received prior to
the predetermined number of Heartbeat timer expiries, then it is assumed that
monitoring communication could not be established and the value of this attribute
is incremented.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP messageTxFailures

Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent to the neighbor but were not
received by the neighbor.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP messageRxFailures

Description This attribute counts the payload messages that were sent by the neighbor but
were not received by this component. This is detected by a gap in the Message
Numbers received in payload messages from the neighbor.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP enableRequestsTx

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages sent by this
component to the neighbor.

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

message is sent in an attempt to establish monitoring communication between the
neighbors to be monitored.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP enableRequestsRx

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages received by this

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

message is received from the neighbor in an attempt to establish monitoring

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-36 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
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The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP enableResponsesTx

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages sent by this

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Response

message is sent to the neighbor in response to a Monitor Enable Request message.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP enableResponsesRx

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages received by this
component in response to the Monitor Enable Request message.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP heartbeatsTx (hbsTx)

Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages sent by this component to the

If no messages are sent by this component for the duration of the heartbeat timer,
then a Heartbeat message is sent to the neighbor and the value of this attribute is
incremented. The heartbeat timer is not provisionable and is set by the neighbors
being monitored.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP heartbeatRx (hbsRx)

Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages received by this component.

The value of this attribute is incremented when the Heartbeat message is received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP messagesTx (msgsTx)

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-37
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent by this component to the

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP messagesRx (msgsRx)

Description This attribute counts the payload messages received by this component.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP sequenceGapsTx

Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages sent by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent and the
value of this attribute is incremented. The Sequence Gap message shows the start
and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP sequenceGapsRx

Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages received by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent. The
value of this attribute is incremented when this message is received. The Sequence
Gap message shows the start and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP unknownMessagesRx

Description This attribute counts the messages received by this component that are not
recognized by the MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP).

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls Link MCP messagesDiscarded


GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-38 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
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Description This attribute counts the messages that were discarded to avoid overflowing of the

The number of messages that the neighbor can handle without overflowing is
identified from the Available Capacity field in the messages received from the

If the value of the Available Capacity field is zero, payload messages to be sent to
the neighbor are discarded and the value of this counter is incremented.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

COMPONENT Mtp3 Ls RouteInfo (RInfo)

Groups "GROUP Mtp3 Ls RInfo RouteInfoProv (RInfoProv)"

Scope Application

Description Mtp3/n Ls/n RouteInfo

This component identifies a list of routes that are using this linkset to reach a
destination signalling point. One linkset can be used by more than one route.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Mtp3 Ls RInfo RouteInfoProv (RInfoProv)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes of the Ss7RouteInfo component.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Ls RInfo linkToRoutes (lToR)

Access Read: All

Write: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies a list of links to routes that use this linkset to reach one of
several destination signalling points.

The attribute specifies the Mtp3/n Rs/n Route/n components associated with this

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-39
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib Ss7Mtp3

List of Link (Service, linkToLinkset)

List Size 256

Default No default

COMPONENT Mtp3 ServiceIndicator (ServInd)

Instance Decimal (12)

Groups "GROUP Mtp3 ServInd Provisioned (Prov)"

"GROUP Mtp3 ServInd WlcCustomCounters (WlcCustomCntr)"

Scope Application

Description Mtp3/n ServiceIndicator/<service indicator>

This component represents an MTP layer 3 service indicator. A service indicator

is a logical identifier that represents a particular user of MTP layer 3 services.

The SS7 specifications define which users are required to use a given service

Only one application can use a particular MTP layer 3 service indicator.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Mtp3 ServInd Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes of this component.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 ServInd linkToMtp3Connection (lToMtp3Conn)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies a link to the application using the service represented by
this service indicator.

This attribute must specify a Q2630 Mtp3Connection component.

Q2630 Mtp3Connection must be used for Mtp3/n ServiceIndicator/12.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-40 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Link (Service, linkToServiceIndicator)

Default No default

GROUP Mtp3 ServInd WlcCustomCounters (WlcCustomCntr)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the spare counters that can be dynamically patched.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 ServInd customCounter1 (customCntr1)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute does not count anything and is not displayed under normal operating
circumstances. It is included here to provide a mechanism by which custom
counters can be set up at runtime through a patch.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 ServInd customCounter2 (customCntr2)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute does not count anything and is not displayed under normal operating
circumstances. It is included here to provide a mechanism by which custom
counters can be set up at runtime through a patch.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 ServInd customCounter3 (customCntr3)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute does not count anything and is not displayed under normal operating
circumstances. It is included here to provide a mechanism by which custom
counters can be set up at runtime through a patch.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-41
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

COMPONENT Mtp3 Routeset (Rs)

Instance Decimal (0..255)

Groups "GROUP Mtp3 Rs RoutesetProv (RsProv)"

"GROUP Mtp3 Rs OsiState (State)"

Scope Application

Description Mtp3/n Routeset/n

This component represents a Message Transfer Part Layer 3 (MTP3) routeset.

A routeset is a grouping of routes that are used to transfer signalling between this
node and a specific destination signalling point. Routes under this component
represent quasi-associated links (A-links).

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Subcomponents "COMPONENT Mtp3 Rs Route"

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Mtp3 Rs RoutesetProv (RsProv)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes of the Ss7Routeset component.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Rs destPointCode (dpc)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the point code of the destination node that is reached via
this routeset.

The point code must be provisioned in one of the following formats:

basic: The point code is provisioned as a decimal number in the range 1..16383. A
value of 0 is not valid.

segmented: The point code is provisioned as three integers, separated by dots. The
first integer must be in the range 0..7, the second integer must be in the range
0..255, and the third integer must be in the range 0..7. A value of 0.0.0 is not

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-42 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

This attribute must not specify a point code identical to that specified by the
origPointCode (defined in the Mtp3/n component) or the adjPointCode (defined
in the Mtp3/n Ls/n component).

Changing the value of this attribute causes this routeset and associated routes to
be restarted.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Integer Sequence

Default No default

GROUP Mtp3 Rs OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions generically
indicate what each state attribute implies about the component. Note that not all
the values and state combinations described here are supported by every
component which reuses this group. For component-specific information and the
valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Rs adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been
previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-43
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Rs operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note
that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For
example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another
component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState
must be idle.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Rs usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to
provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle


Instance Decimal (0..1)

Groups "GROUP Mtp3 Rs Route RouteProv"

"GROUP Mtp3 Rs Route OsiState (State)"
"GROUP Mtp3 Rs Route RouteOper"

"COLLECTED STATS MessageTransferPartLayer3 Routeset Route"

Scope Application

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-44 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description Mtp3/n Rs/n Route/n

This component represents a Message Transfer Part Layer 3 (MTP3) route that
conveys signalling information between two signalling points using a specific
adjacent signalling point.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Common Verbs Help


GROUP Mtp3 Rs Route RouteProv

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes of the Ss7Route component.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Rs Route linkToLinkset (lToLs)

Access Read: All

Write: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies a link to the Mtp3/n Ls/n RInfo component representing a
route to an adjacent node. This linkset may be used to reach the destPointCode.

The value of the adjPointCode attribute (defined in the Mtp3/n Ls/n component)
must not be equal to the value of the destPointCode attribute (defined in the Mtp3/
n Rs/n component).

Changing the value of this attribute causes the old route to be removed and a new
route added to the routeset.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Link (Service, linkToRoutes)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Rs Route priority (pri)

Access Read: All

Write: All

Criticality Component

Description This attribute specifies the route priority in relation to the other routes defined
under the routeset. If two routes are defined with equal priority then load sharing

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-45
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

is performed across the two routes.

The highest priority that can be assigned to this route is 1.

Changing the value of this attribute causes the old route to be removed and a new
route added to the routeset.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (1..2)

Default 1

GROUP Mtp3 Rs Route OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions generically
indicate what each state attribute implies about the component. Note that not all
the values and state combinations described here are supported by every
component which reuses this group. For component-specific information and the
valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Rs Route adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been
previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Rs Route operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-46 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note
that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For
example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another
component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState
must be idle.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Rs Route usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to
provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle

GROUP Mtp3 Rs Route RouteOper

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational data for the Ss7Route component.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Rs Route tfpMessagesReceived (tfpMsgsRx)

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Transfer-Prohibited (TFP) messages received for this

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3) F-47
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Rs Route tfaMessagesReceived (tfaMsgsRx)

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Transfer-Allowed (TFA) messages received for this

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Rs Route srstMessagesTransmitted


Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Signalling-Route-Set-Test (SRST) messages sent to this
route while prohibited from use. The sending of the SRST message is controlled
by the T10 timer specified by the routeSetTestRepeatTimer attribute (defined in
the Mtp3 component).

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Rs Route durationProhibited (durProhib)

Access Read: All

Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the amount of time the route has been unavailable due a
transfer-prohibited condition.

Mib Ss7Mtp3

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

F-48 Appendix F: Component MessageTransferPartLayer3 (Mtp3)
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Units msec

Default No default

COLLECTED STATS MessageTransferPartLayer3 Routeset Route

Description The statistics record generated by the MessageTransferPartLayer3 Routeset Route

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Rs Route tfpMessagesReceived

Description This attribute counts the Transfer-Prohibited (TFP) messages received for this

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Rs Route tfaMessagesReceived

Description This attribute counts the Transfer-Allowed (TFA) messages received for this

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE Mtp3 Rs Route srstMessagesTransmitted

Description This attribute counts the Signalling-Route-Set-Test (SRST) messages sent to this
route while prohibited from use. The sending of the SRST message is controlled
by the T10 timer specified by the routeSetTestRepeatTimer attribute (defined in
the Mtp3 component).

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Appendix G: Component SaalNni G

This appendix contains CDL descriptions for component SaalNni and its
subcomponents. All the attributes specific to the MG18 release, including
operational, collected statistic, and provisionable attributes, are included.
Additional CDL information for components and attributes common to the
Multiservice Switch (formerly known as Passport) family can be found in the
following documents:
NN10600-060_Overview, Nortel Multiservice Switch 7400/15000/20000
Components Overview
the NN10600-060 series of NTPs that reference components

Component SaalNni and its subcomponents are presented below, beginning

with the Instance and Groups descriptions.

Instance Decimal (0..255)

Groups "GROUP SaalNni Provisioned (Prov)"

"GROUP SaalNni SscopProv (Sscop)"
"GROUP SaalNni SscfProv (Sscf)"
"GROUP SaalNni OsiState (State)"
"GROUP SaalNni Operational (Oper)"
"GROUP SaalNni WlcCustomCounters (WlcCustomCntr)"


Scope Application

Description SaalNni/n

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

G-2 Appendix G: Component SaalNni
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

This component represents the SAAL-NNI layer that provides an adaptation layer
to run signalling traffic over ATM using AAL5.

Mib SaalNni

Subcomponents "COMPONENT SaalNni NailedupAdaptationPoint (Nap)"

Dyn. Subcomp. "COMPONENT SaalNni MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP)"

Common Verbs Help


GROUP SaalNni Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes of this component.

Mib SaalNni

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni linkToPort (lToPort)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies a link to Gips IpAddr UDP Port component on an IP
Server. This determines the Ip Address and UDP port that the SAAL NNI user
uses to address the SaalNni component.

Changing this value will cause the ATM link to be restarted.

Mib SaalNni

Values Link (Service, linkToApplication)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni linkToLayer3 (lToL3)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies a link to the SAAL-NNI user. It may specify either an
Mtp3/n Ls/n Link/n component or an Nsta/n Vgs M2ua As/n Iid/iid component.

Changing this attribute will cause the link to be restarted.

Mib SaalNni

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix G: Component SaalNni G-3
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Link (Service, linkToLayer2)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni linkToApplications

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute specifies a list of components started on the same hardware as this
Saal instance. The specified components are started on all Lp instances with
which this Saal instance is associated via the atmConnection attribute of its Nap

At this time, this attribute is used to specify the Gips component that will serve
this Saal instance. In the future up to 10 components can be linked to a Saal
instance and thereby started on its hardware.

Mib SaalNni

List of Link

List Size 10

Default No default

GROUP SaalNni SscopProv (Sscop)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes needed by the SSCOP sub-layer

Mib SaalNni

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni maxPdusBetweenPolls (maxPdus)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of Signalling Data PDUs that can be
sent without sending a POLL PDU, as defined in ITU-T recommendation Q.2110.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (1..1000)

Default 500

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni ccTimer (cc)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the time between transmissions of BGN, END, RS
and ER PDUs, as defined in ITU-T recommendation Q.2110.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

G-4 Appendix G: Component SaalNni
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The timer is started when any one of these PDUs is transmitted.

The timer is stopped when a proper acknowledgement is received (e.g. BGNAK,


Upon timer expiry the PDU will be retransmitted. The PDU is transmitted a
maximum of maxCc times.

If the timer expires maxCc times, the link will be released, and the and the number
of times this happens will be indicated by the attribute maxCcReached.

Layer 3 will attempt to bring the link back up.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (100..1000)

Units msec

Default 200


Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the maximum number of allowed unacknowledged

transmissions of BGN, END, ER or RS Protocol Data Units (PDUs) as
defined in ITU-T recommendation Q.2110.

If the number of unacknowledged transmissions exceeds this value, the link will
be released, and the number of times this happens will be indicated by the
attribute maxCcReached.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (1..1000)

Default 4

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni keepAliveTimer (tKeepAl)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the time between sending of POLL PDUs when there is no
activity on the link, as defined in ITU-T recommendation Q.2110.

The timer is started when either the pollTimer or the keepAliveTimer expires and
there are no PDUs queued for sending.

The timer is stopped when a data request (SD PDU) is ready to be sent.

Upon expiry this timer sends a POLL PDU.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix G: Component SaalNni G-5
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The value of keepAliveTimer should be set to a value greater that pollTimer and
greater than the round-trip delay of a PDU.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (100..1000)

Units msec

Default 100

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni noResponseTimer (noResp)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the time interval during which at least one STAT PDU
should be received.

The timer is started when a POLL PDU is sent.

The timer is stopped when a STAT PDU is received.

Upon timer expiry, the link is released, that is, brought out of service. Layer 3 will
then attempt to bring it back to service.

The value of the noResponseTimer must not be less than the sum of the
keepAliveTimer and one round-trip delay of a Protocol Data Unit (PDU).

The number of expiries of this timer is indicated by the attribute


Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (500..2000)

Units msec

Default 1500

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni pollTimer

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the time between sending of POLL PDUs when the link
has traffic, as defined in ITU-T recommendation Q.2110.

The timer is started when the link enters the Data Transfer Ready State.

The timer is stopped when the link is released.

Upon expiry, a POLL PDU is sent and pollTimer is restarted if the link has traffic.

Mib SaalNni

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

G-6 Appendix G: Component SaalNni
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (100..1000)

Units msec

Default 100

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni idleTimer

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the idle time after receipt of a STAT PDU, as defined in
ITU-T recommendation Q.2110.

The timer is started when a STAT PDU is received.

The timer is stopped when data is sent or received on the link.

Upon expiry, a POLL PDU is sent and the noResponseTimer is started.

The value of the idleTimer must be greater that the sum of the pollTimer and the
maximum round trip delay of a PDU.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (100..1000)

Units msec

Default 100

GROUP SaalNni SscfProv (Sscf)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains provisionable attributes needed by the SSCF sub layer of

Mib SaalNni

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni provingMode

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute allows the operator to place the link into one of the link proving
modes defined in ITU-T recommendation Q.2140.

normal - This mode corresponds to the MAAL-FORCE_PROVING-request. It

forces the SAAL-NNI layer to utilize proving when bringing up the link.

neutral - This mode corresponds to the MAAL-CLEAR_FORCE_MODES-

request.It specifies that the layer using SAAL-NNI will select the proving mode.

emergency - This mode corresponds to the MAAL-FORCE_EMERGENCY-

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix G: Component SaalNni G-7
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

request. It causes proving to be skipped.

When this attribute is set to neutral, the layer that uses SAAL_NNI (MTP3)
selects the proving mode, but when the attribute is set to normal or emergency,
instructions from the entity which uses SAAL-NNI are ignored.

Mib SaalNni

Values normal

Default neutral

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni linkReEstablishTimer (t1)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attributes specifies the time between the link release action and the next link
re-establish action during alignment, as defined in ITU-T recommendation

This timer is started when a release indication or confirmation is received while

the link is in the Alignment or InService state.

This timer is stopped in one of two cases:

If the SAAL-NNI layer successfully receives an establish request or establish

confirm from the peer SAAL-NNI layer.
If the SAAL_NNI layer receives a stop indication or release request from the
layer 3 user or layer management respectively.

Upon timer expiration, link alignment and proving is re-started.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..30)

Units seconds

Default 5

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni alignmentAcceptTimer (t2)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attributes specifies the total time to attempt alignment and is defined in ITU-
T recommendation Q.2140.

This timer is started when a start request is received. If the link is put in service
before the expiry of this timer, no action is performed.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

G-8 Appendix G: Component SaalNni
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

This timer is stopped in one of two cases.

If the SAAL-NNI layer successfully passes from the link proving state to the
InService state.

If the SAAL-NNI layer receives a stop indication from the layer 3, or a release
request from layer management.

Upon timer expiration, link establishment is cancelled and link is taken out of
service. Layer 3 will attempt to bring the link back in service.

The value of this timer can be adjusted if link proving fails due to an inability to
send the target number proving PDUs indicated by the attribute
targetProvingPdus. The current number of proving PDUs sent successfully is
indicated by the attribute currentProvingPdus.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (5..150)

Units seconds

Default 30

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni provingPduTimer (t3)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Description This attribute specifies the time interval between the sending of protocol data
units (PDUs) from one SAAL-NNI layer to another SAAL-NNI layer during the
connection establishment proving stage. The value of the provingPduTimer
attribute is used only when one of the following conditions is true:

* the value of the provingMode attribute is normal

* the value of the provingMode attribute is neutral and the peer SAAL-NNI
layers define the proving state to be normal

The value of the provingPduTimer attribute should be selected such that the total
time for the connection establishment proving stage (provingPduTimer *
provingPduCount) is less than the value of the alignmentAcceptTimer attribute.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (10..100)

Units msec

Default 10

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni provingPduCount (n1Prov)

Access Read: All
Write: All

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix G: Component SaalNni G-9
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute specifies the target number of protocol data units (PDUs) to be sent
from one SAAL-NNI layer to another SAAL-NNI layer during the connection
establishment proving stage. The value of the provingPduCount attribute is used
only when one of the following conditions is true:

* the value of the provingMode attribute is normal

* the value of the provingMode attribute is neutral and the peer SAAL-NNI
layers define the proving state to be normal

The value of the provingPduCount attribute should be selected such that the total
time for the connection establishment proving stage (provingPduTimer *
provingPduCount) is less than the value of the alignmentAcceptTimer attribute.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (1..4294967295)

Default 1000

GROUP SaalNni OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions generically
indicate what each state attribute implies about the component. Note that not all
the values and state combinations described here are supported by every
component which reuses this group. For component-specific information and the
valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

Mib SaalNni

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been
previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

Mib SaalNni

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

G-10 Appendix G: Component SaalNni
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note
that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For
example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another
component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState
must be idle.

Mib SaalNni

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to
provide for additional users.

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

Mib SaalNni

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle

GROUP SaalNni Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational attributes of this component.

Mib SaalNni

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix G: Component SaalNni G-11
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni state (provSt)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the proving state of the link. The different states are:
notStarted - Proving has not started.
incomplete - Proving is in progress, but not completed yet.
completeSuccess - Proving has been completed successfully.
completeFailed - This proving attempt failed.

Mib SaalNni

Values notStarted

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni targetProvingPdus (n1)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the target number of proving PDUs to be sent across the
link during the proving period.

The current number of proving PDUs that have been sent is indicated by the
attribute currentProvingPdus.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni currentProvingPdus (c1)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of proving PDUs that are yet to be sent across
the link during this proving period.

The target number of proving PDUs that must be sent is indicated by the attribute

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

G-12 Appendix G: Component SaalNni
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni maxCcReached (maxCcR)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the number of times the signalling link has been released
because the number of unacknowledeged transmissions of BGN, END, ER or
RS Protocol Data Units (PDUs) has exceeded the value provisioned in the
attribute maxCc.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds its maximum value.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni noResponseTimeouts (noRespTo)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the expiries of the No Response timer, specified by the
attribute noResponseTimer.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni pdusTx (pduTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the protocol data units transmitted.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni pdusRx (pduRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the protocol data units received.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix G: Component SaalNni G-13
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni pduOctetsTx (pduOctTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload PDU octets transmitted.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni pduOctetsRx (pduOctRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload PDU octets received over the collection interval.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni insvFailures (insvFail)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the in-service link outages. It does not include failures which
occur during the alignment process.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

GROUP SaalNni WlcCustomCounters (WlcCustomCntr)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the spare counters that can be dynamically patched.

Mib SaalNni

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

G-14 Appendix G: Component SaalNni
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni customCounter1 (customCntr1)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute does not count anything and is not displayed under normal operating
circumstances. It is included here to provide a mechanism by which custom
counters can be set up at runtime through a patch.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni customCounter2 (customCntr2)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute does not count anything and is not displayed under normal operating
circumstances. It is included here to provide a mechanism by which custom
counters can be set up at runtime through a patch.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni customCounter3 (customCntr3)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute does not count anything and is not displayed under normal operating
circumstances. It is included here to provide a mechanism by which custom
counters can be set up at runtime through a patch.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default


Description The statistics record generated by the SaalNni component.

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni insvFailures

Description This attribute counts the number of in-service link outages over the collection
interval. It does not include failures which occur during the alignment process.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix G: Component SaalNni G-15
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni pdusTx

Description This attribute counts the number of protocol data units transmitted over the
collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni pdusRx

Description This attribute counts the number of protocol data units received over the collection

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni pduOctetsTx

Description This attribute counts the number of payload PDU octets transmitted over the
collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni pduOctetsRx

Description This attribute counts the number of payload PDU octets received over the
collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

COMPONENT SaalNni NailedupAdaptationPoint (Nap)

Groups "GROUP SaalNni Nap Provisioned (Prov)"
"GROUP SaalNni Nap WlcCustomCounters (WlcCustomCntr)"

Scope Application

Description SaalNni/n NailedupAdaptationPoint

This component is used to provide access to a nailed-up ATM connection (an

Atmif/n Vcc/n Nep).

Mib SaalNni

Common Verbs Help


GROUP SaalNni Nap Provisioned (Prov)

Properties Provisioned

Description This group contains the provisionable attributes of this component.

Mib SaalNni

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

G-16 Appendix G: Component SaalNni
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni Nap atmConnection (atmConn)

Access Read: All
Write: All

Criticality Process

Description This attribute specifies a link to an AtmIf Vcc Nep component which provides
access to an ATM network. The SaalNni process is started on the Lp or Lp pair
associated with the AtmIf that is the parent of the specified Nep component.

Mib SaalNni

Values Link (Hardware, applicationName)

Default No default

GROUP SaalNni Nap WlcCustomCounters (WlcCustomCntr)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the spare counters that can be dynamically patched.

Mib SaalNni

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni Nap customCounter1 (customCntr1)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute does not count anything and is not displayed under normal operating
circumstances. It is included here to provide a mechanism by which custom
counters can be set up at runtime through a patch.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni Nap customCounter2 (customCntr2)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute does not count anything and is not displayed under normal operating
circumstances. It is included here to provide a mechanism by which custom
counters can be set up at runtime through a patch.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix G: Component SaalNni G-17
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni Nap customCounter3 (customCntr3)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute does not count anything and is not displayed under normal operating
circumstances. It is included here to provide a mechanism by which custom
counters can be set up at runtime through a patch.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COMPONENT SaalNni MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP)

Groups "GROUP SaalNni MCP OsiState (State)"
"GROUP SaalNni MCP Operational (Oper)"

"COLLECTED STATS SaalNni MonitoredCommunicationProtocol"

Scope Application

Description ... MonitoredCommunicationProtocol

This component represents the functionality that monitors the status of

communication between the parent component and the neighboring component
with which the parent component is communicating. This component does the
- detects the loss of communication between the neighbors being monitored.
- counts messages lost between the monitored neighbors.
- ensures that the neighbor does not overflow with messages from this component.

Mib SaalNni

Common Verbs Help


GROUP SaalNni MCP OsiState (State)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the three OSI State attributes. The descriptions generically
indicate what each state attribute implies about the component. Note that not all
the values and state combinations described here are supported by every
component which reuses this group. For component-specific information and the
valid state combinations, refer to the appropriate NTP.

Mib SaalNni

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP adminState (osiAdmin)

Access Read only

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

G-18 Appendix G: Component SaalNni
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Administrative State of the component.

The value locked indicates that the component is administratively prohibited from
providing services for its users. A Lock -force or Lock command has been
previously issued for this component. When the value is locked, the value of
usageState must be idle.

The value shuttingDown indicates that the component is administratively

permitted to provide service to its existing users only. A Lock command was
issued against the component and it is in the process of shutting down.

The value unlocked indicates that the component is administratively permitted to

provide services for its users. To enter this state, issue an Unlock command to this

Mib SaalNni

Values locked (lck)

unlocked (unlck)
shuttingDown (shut)

Default unlocked

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP operationalState (osiOper)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Operational State of the component.

The value enabled indicates that the component is available for operation. Note
that if adminState is locked, it would still not be providing service.

The value disabled indicates that the component is not available for operation. For
example, something is wrong with the component itself, or with another
component on which this one depends. If the value is disabled, the usageState
must be idle.

Mib SaalNni

Values enabled (ena)

disabled (dis)

Default disabled

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP usageState (osiUsage)

Access Read only

Description This attribute indicates the OSI Usage State of the component.

The value idle indicates that the component is not currently in use.

The value active indicates that the component is in use and has spare capacity to
provide for additional users.

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix G: Component SaalNni G-19
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The value busy indicates that the component is in use and has no spare operating
capacity for additional users at this time.

Mib SaalNni

Values idle
active (activ)

Default idle

GROUP SaalNni MCP Operational (Oper)

Properties Operational

Description This group contains the operational data for the

MonitoredCommunicationProtocol component.

Mib SaalNni

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP communicationFailures (commFailures)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the communication failures between the neighbors being

The communication failure is detected in two ways:

- if no messages are received from the neighbor for a predetermined number of

consecutive Heartbeat timer expiries, the value of this attribute is incremented.
The value of the Heartbeat timer and expiries is not provisionable, but it is
negotiated between the monitored parent components. The value of the Heartbeat
timer and retries can be determined from the operational attributes heartbeatTimer
and heartbeatRetries respectively.
- if communication monitoring is not established between the two neighbors.
Monitor Enable Request messages are sent to the neighbor when the Heartbeat
timer expires and if the Monitor Enable Response message is not received prior to
the predetermined number of Heartbeat timer expiries, then it is assumed that
monitoring communication could not be established and the value of this attribute
is incremented.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP messageTxFailures (msgTxFailures)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

G-20 Appendix G: Component SaalNni
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent to the neighbor but were not
received by the neighbor.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP messageRxFailures (msgRxFailures)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload messages that were sent by the neighbor but
were not received by this component. This is detected by a gap in the Message
Numbers received in payload messages from the neighbor.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP enableRequestsTx (enableReqsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages sent by this
component to the neighbor.

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

message is sent in an attempt to establish monitoring communication between the
neighbors to be monitored.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP enableRequestsRx (enableReqsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages received by this

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix G: Component SaalNni G-21
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

message is received from the neighbor in an attempt to establish monitoring

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP enableResponsesTx (enableRspsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages sent by this

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Response

message is sent to the neighbor in response to a Monitor Enable Request message.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP enableResponsesRx (enableRspsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages received by this
component in response to the Monitor Enable Request message.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP heartbeatsTx (hbsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages sent by this component to the

If no messages are sent by this component for the duration of the heartbeat timer,

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

G-22 Appendix G: Component SaalNni
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

then a Heartbeat message is sent to the neighbor and the value of this attribute is
incremented. The heartbeat timer is not provisionable and is set by the neighbors
being monitored.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP heartbeatRx (hbsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages received by this component.

The value of this attribute is incremented when the Heartbeat message is received.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP messagesTx (msgsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent by this component to the

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP messagesRx (msgsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the payload messages received by this component.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix G: Component SaalNni G-23
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP sequenceGapsTx (seqGapsTx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages sent by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent and the
value of this attribute is incremented. The Sequence Gap message shows the start
and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP sequenceGapsRx (seqGapsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages received by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent. The
value of this attribute is incremented when this message is received. The Sequence
Gap message shows the start and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP unknownMessagesRx (unknownMsgsRx)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the messages received by this component that are not
recognized by the MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP).

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

G-24 Appendix G: Component SaalNni
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP messagesDiscarded (msgsDiscarded)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute counts the messages that were discarded to avoid overflowing of the

The number of messages that the neighbor can handle without overflowing is
identified from the Available Capacity field in the messages received from the

If the value of the Available Capacity field is zero, payload messages to be sent to
the neighbor are discarded and the value of this counter is incremented.

The counter wraps to zero when it exceeds the maximum value.

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP heartbeatTimer (hbTimer)

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the length of the Heartbeat timer.

The value of the Heartbeat timer is negotiated between the monitored parent

Mib SaalNni

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Units msec

Default No default

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP heartbeatRetries

Access Read: All
Write: Illegal

Description This attribute indicates the number of time-outs of the Heartbeat timer allowed
before marking the communication with the neighbor as down.

The value of the Heartbeat retries is negotiated between the monitored parent

Mib SaalNni

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix G: Component SaalNni G-25
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

Default No default

COLLECTED STATS SaalNni MonitoredCommunicationProtocol

Description The statistics record generated by the SaalNni MonitoredCommunicationProtocol

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP communicationFailures (commFailures)

Description This attribute counts the communication failures between the neighbors being

The communication failure is detected in two ways:

- if no messages are received from the neighbor for a predetermined number of

consecutive Heartbeat timer expiries, the value of this attribute is incremented.
The value of the Heartbeat timer and expiries is not provisionable, but it is
negotiated between the monitored parent components. The value of the Heartbeat
timer and retries can be determined from the operational attributes heartbeatTimer
and heartbeatRetries respectively.
- if communication monitoring is not established between the two neighbors.
Monitor Enable Request messages are sent to the neighbor when the Heartbeat
timer expires and if the Monitor Enable Response message is not received prior to
the predetermined number of Heartbeat timer expiries, then it is assumed that
monitoring communication could not be established and the value of this attribute
is incremented.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP messageTxFailures (msgTxFailures)

Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent to the neighbor but were not
received by the neighbor.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP messageRxFailures (msgRxFailures)

Description This attribute counts the payload messages that were sent by the neighbor but
were not received by this component. This is detected by a gap in the Message
Numbers received in payload messages from the neighbor.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

G-26 Appendix G: Component SaalNni
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP enableRequestsTx (enableReqsTx)

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages sent by this
component to the neighbor.

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

message is sent in an attempt to establish monitoring communication between the
neighbors to be monitored.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP enableRequestsRx (enableReqsRx)

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Request messages received by this

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Request

message is received from the neighbor in an attempt to establish monitoring

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP enableResponsesTx (enableRspsTx)

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages sent by this

The value of this attribute is incremented when a Monitor Enable Response

message is sent to the neighbor in response to a Monitor Enable Request message.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP enableResponsesRx (enableRspsRx)

Description This attribute counts the Monitor Enable Response messages received by this
component in response to the Monitor Enable Request message.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP heartbeatsTx (hbsTx)

Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages sent by this component to the

If no messages are sent by this component for the duration of the heartbeat timer,
then a Heartbeat message is sent to the neighbor and the value of this attribute is
incremented. The heartbeat timer is not provisionable and is set by the neighbors

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

Appendix G: Component SaalNni G-27
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

being monitored.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP heartbeatRx (hbsRx)

Description This attribute counts the Heartbeat messages received by this component.

The value of this attribute is incremented when the Heartbeat message is received.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP messagesTx (msgsTx)

Description This attribute counts the payload messages sent by this component to the

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP messagesRx (msgsRx)

Description This attribute counts the payload messages received by this component.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP sequenceGapsTx (seqGapsTx)

Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages sent by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent and the
value of this attribute is incremented. The Sequence Gap message shows the start
and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP sequenceGapsRx (seqGapsRx)

Description This attribute counts the Sequencing Gap messages received by this component.

When a gap in the sequence of Message Numbers in the payload messages

received from the neighbor is identified, a Sequence Gap message is sent. The
value of this attribute is incremented when this message is received. The Sequence
Gap message shows the start and end of the gap in the Messages Numbers.

GSM / UMTS R4 Media Gateway OAM and Troubleshooting Guide MGW18

G-28 Appendix G: Component SaalNni
Nortel Confidential Copyright 2004-2006 Nortel

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP unknownMessagesRx (unknownMsgsRx)

Description This attribute counts the messages received by this component that are not
recognized by the MonitoredCommunicationProtocol (MCP).

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

ATTRIBUTE SaalNni MCP messagesDiscarded (msgsDiscarded)

Description This attribute counts the messages that were discarded to avoid overflowing of the

The number of messages that the neighbor can handle without overflowing is
identified from the Available Capacity field in the messages received from the

If the value of the Available Capacity field is zero, payload messages to be sent to
the neighbor are discarded and the value of this counter is incremented.

The counter counts the events in the collection interval.

Values Decimal (0..4294967295)

411-2231-331 Standard 02.06 May 2006

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Document number: 411-2231-331
Product release: MGW18
Document version: Standard 02.06
Date: May 2006
Originated in the United States of America

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