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Biscuit McBiscuitton

Sex Ed.

February 2nd, 2017

Why you should let me eat you out: An almost-two-page dissertation analysis

Why is there sex? We assume, anthropocentrically, that reproduction requires two

individuals. But in many organisms, that is not found to be true. Life originated without sex (as

best we can tell) so sexual reproduction is something that had to evolve. The intensity, the

techniques used, and ultimately the benefits of an orgasm has been subject of many debates and

studies. Conjecture aside, research consistently shows that oxytocin (the hormone released when

orgasming) not only increases emotional connection, it also promotes a sense of calm and well-

being, and reduces the effects of stress (as measured by blood pressure and cortisol), all of which

are relevant in reducing perceptions of pain. Stating only one of the many reasons to let me eat

you out, we take into account the several benefits of sucking my dick.

Not only does letting me eat you out relieves pain and stress, it will improve your sleep

schedule. After orgasm, the hormone prolactin is released, which is responsible for the feelings

of relaxation and sleepiness after sex, says Sheenie Ambardar, MD. Prolactin is not the only

chemical reaction happening in your body when you cum, Dopamine and Serotonin, the

chemicals responsible for the reward system of the brain, is pumped excessively

when you climax.

Additionally, having an orgasm, and sexual activity as a whole, are physical

activities that can require exertion of many major bodily systems. You might

experience some feel-good emotions after sex, but sex actually also can contribute
to better heart health. A 2009 study found that men who had sex two to three times

per week had a much lower risk of developing heart disease than men who had sex

just a few times a month or once a month. Sex is good for heart health because it

gets your heart rate up, and has also been shown to help lower your blood pressure.

Lets live forever, baby girl.

Although, to the contrary, I hope youre ready for a mouthful of vitamins,

minerals, and endorphins. All you have to do is open wide and give me a blowjob.

Researchers have found that remaining 95% is a whole mix of compounds that are

extremely good for you. Things like: Vitamin C, Proteins, Vitamin B12, Enzymes,

Lipids and so much more. On top of that, semen contains mood-enhancers like

Serotonin, Estrone, melatonin, and cortisol - - all of which promote euphoria and

relaxation. However, in order to receive all of my health benefits, semen must be

consumed either orally or vaginally.

Furthermore, giving oral is as good as the gym. A study has found that

pleasuring a guy and swallowing can lower your blood pressure and reduce the risk

of getting pre-eclampsia. Additionally, another study found that having regular sex

with a partner you lived with could lower your diastolic blood pressure, whilst

another study found a link between cuddling and reduced blood pressure. All these

benefits and you over here playing.

Concluding, as you can notice, there are more benefits to letting me eat you

out and returning the favor than you think. Between the feeling of orgasm, the

chemicals and benefits produced, and the vitamins youll receive from me, we can

both not only feel good; we can also live longer, look younger, and be happier.

Barrett, Deborah. "The Healing Powers of Sex." Psychology Today. N.p., 6 Nov. 2011. Web. 03

Feb. 2017.

Ulrich-Lai, Yvonne M. et al. Pleasurable Behaviors Reduce Stress via Brain Reward

Pathways. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107.47

(2010): 2052920534. PMC. Web. 3 Feb. 2017.

Hall, Susan A., Rebecca Shackelton, Raymond C. Rosen, and Andre B. Araujo. "Sexual

Activity, Erectile Dysfunction, and Incident Cardiovascular Events." The American journal of

cardiology. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 15 Jan. 2010. Web. 03 Feb. 2017.

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