Entrance Exam: September 2022

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MCQ Entrance Exam

September 2022

1) Silent Killer; mark the disease which is labelled as silent killer

A] diabetes
B] hypertension
D] coronary heart disease
E] rheumatic valvular disease

2) Atherosclerosis, mark the condition which is not an established

risk factor
A] hyperlipidemia
B] hypertension
C] diabetes mellitus
D] obesity
E] alcoholism

3) Hypovolemic shock; mark the organ to which the reduced blood

volum is shifted due to selective vasoconstriction
A] brain
B] gut
C] liver
D] kidney
E] lung

4) Hypertension; mark the most common background of hypertension

in Ethiopia
A] chronic glomerulonephritis
B] glomerulopathy related to malaria ( p.falciparum)
C] unknown, essential, primary
D] narrowing of a renal artery
E] pheochromocytoma

5) Rheumatic heart disease: if a 7-year-old boy dies few weeks

after streptococcal pharyngitis, - what is the most probable cause of
death ?
A] mitral valve insufficiency
B] rheumatic myocarditis
C] cerebral embolism due to acute rheumatic endocarditis
D] congestive heart failure
E] infectious endocarditis

6) Diabetes mellitus type 2: mark the most common first

A] proteinuria and hypertension
B] blindness
C] gangrene of the left forefoot
D] pyogenic abscess of the liver
E] myocardial infarction

7) Preeclampsia:

8) Goiter: mark the most adequate statement

A] a thyroid with hyperfunction (
B] a thyroid with lack of iodine
C] an enlarged thyroid
D] a thyroid with a neoplastic lesion
E] a nodular thyroid

9) Neoplasia: mark the lesion w hich is not a cancer

A] malignant melanoma
B] Burkitt lymphoma
C] Wilms tumor
D] Ewings sarcoma
E] Craniopharyngioma

10) HIV: not an AIDS-defining disease, but related to HIV infection

A] candida esophagitis
B] cytomegalovirus adrenalitis
C] toxoplasma encephalitis
D] dilative cardiomyopathy
E] pneumocystis carinii pneumonia

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