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Five NOs

Fanniyatul Hayah Suwita


STORY : What is negotiation about? How did it happen?

This is a negotiation about buy a flip flop phone. I'm looking for the flip flop phone in BEC. Flip
flop phone price on website is about Rp 300.000,-. My Mom also told me that the price of flip flop phone in
Yogyakarta is about Rp 300.000,-. I went to BTC with my friend. In the first store, I ask how much the
price of nokia flip flop phone. They told me Rp 525.000,-. The price have a big different with the price on
the website and my mom told. I told to the seller the price is very high, in the website just Rp 300.000,-.
She told me that the type of the phone is rare. Then, I offer the seller how about Rp 325.000. She still not
give me the price and I move to another seller.
In the second seller, the first offer also Rp 525.000,-. I ask her how about Rp 300.000,- because
on the website it just Rp 300.000,-. She refuse that and give me a second offer about Rp 500.000,-. I try
to negotiate again about Rp 325.000,-. She refuse and give the third offer abour Rp 490.000,-. I refuse
that and go to another store. Unfortunately, Im not found other seller/
CHALLENGE : What are the things you found difficult to handle, the challenges?
Scarcity make the seller have a strong position to increase the price because there is a big
demand and less supply. The difficult things is I havent a strong reason and position to make the seller
decrease the price. Although I have the price information from my mom and website, thats not work again
when meet the scarcity.

WHAT WORKED WELL : What did you do which you would consider a wise or good act?
Learn their motives put up the price. I think I shouldnt buy in that time-after eid when many child
have much money to buy a new phone. I also be know that I should consider the scarcity when prepared
my budget.

WHAT TO DO DIFFERENTLY : What should you do differently which might result in a YES?
However, I should increase my offering price or wait until the type of the phone is not rare. So, the
price will be normal.

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