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Complete the chart:

Adjective Comparative Superlative Meaning









2. Choose two friends and complete the sentences:

- I am ____________________________ than ___________________________.
- ________________________ is the ______________________________.
- __________ and _____________ are ________________________ than me.
- __________ is the most ___________________________________________.
- I am more__________________________ than _______________________.
- _______ and __________ are more _________________________________.

3. Complete the sentences.

- Standing very closed to someone _______ polite.
- Yawning in class __________ rude.
- Staring at a stranger ________ polite.
- Smiling at a new friend ________ polite.
- Blushing in class _______ rude.
4. Match the expressions which mean the same.

- I dont get it. - Thats very , very funny.

- Thats hilarious. - Its a classic.
- How does it smell? - Its your turn now.
- Its an old favourite. - I dont understand.
- Its over to you. - What does it smell like?

5. Read the comments. Then, write the personality adjectives.

- Funny , serious, bossy, kind

- I dont get it. Please, explain. I think this person is ___________.

- A-ni-ta sounds like I need to I think this person is __________.
- You can do better. I think this person is _____________.
- I think Johnnie is __________________.
6. Mark the stress patterns. Then, classify the words in the correct column.

- Before
- Human
- Pillow
- Because
- Pocket
- Useful
- Sally
- Laughing
- Mistake
- Morning
- Refuse
- Sleeping
- Breakfast
- Homework
- Broken
- Agreed
- Mistake
- Friendly
- Wednesday
- Children
- Because
- Popular
- Another
- Terrible
- Serious
- Banana
- Computer
- Saturday
- Crocodile
- Two syllable - Two syllable - Three syllable - Three syllable
words words words words
- -
- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

7. Complete the information guide.

- Most two syllable words stress the ____________, Examples:_________________
- Some two syllable words stress the ____________. Examples:_________________
- Some three syllable words stress the ______________, Examples:______________
- Some three syllable words stress the ______________, Examples:______________
8. Circle the contractions and write the full forms.
- Lucys got a lot of friends._____________
- Shes very funny.________________
- Lucys dogs got long ears._______________
- Jacks hairs very short.______________
- Hes got glasses.______________
- Hes frowning in that picture. ___________
9. Complete the definitions with the correct words.
- A ______________ person sometimes blushes.
- A _____________ person sometimes winks.
- A _____________________ person always does homework.
- A _________________ person never tells jokes.
- A ______________ person never tidies the bedroom.
10. Complete the sentences.
- Im in the library until 9 p.m. This person is very _____________________.
- I cant go to your party. Im cooking the family dinner. This person is
- Im not good at big parties. This person is ____________________.
- I can help you clean the mess. This person is ____________________.
- Hello new classmate! Come to my party! This person is ______________________.
- Can I copy your homework? This person is ____________________________.
11. Make word groups.
- day:
- Ball:____________________________________________________________________________
- Room:__________________________________________________________________________
12. Vocabulary

- Sonrojado - Hacer los deberes

- Frunciendo el ceo - Contar chistes
- Sonriendo - Siempre
- Enfadado - Nunca
- Aburrido - A veces
- Divertido - Normalmente
- Guiando un ojo - Brillante
- Bostezando - Desordenado
- Aburrido - Ordenado
- Cansado - Maravilloso, genial
- Tmido - Muy, muy divertido
- Amigable - Tonto, estpido
- Holgazn - Popular
- Trabajdador - Inteligente
- Mandn - De acuerdo
- Amable - Rechazar
- Serio - Levantarse
- Mirando fijamente - Vestirse
- Ordenar la habitacin - Dar un paseo
13. Translate into English.
- Sara es ms seria que su hermano.
- _________________________________________________________________________________
- Nosotros no somos los ms mandones del colegio.
- _________________________________________________________________________________
- l es el ms amable de mi clase.
- _________________________________________________________________________________
- Vosotros sois los ms divertidos.
- _________________________________________________________________________________
- Marta es ms amable que su prima.
- _________________________________________________________________________________
- Juan es el ms ordenado de la familia.
- _________________________________________________________________________________
- Marcos est frunciendo el ceo, yo creo que l est enfadado.
- _________________________________________________________________________________
- Samuel est guiando un ojo, l es muy amigable.
- _________________________________________________________________________________
- Ana est bostezando, yo creo que ella est aburrida.
- _________________________________________________________________________________
- Ella siempre cuenta chistes. Ella es muy divertida.
- _________________________________________________________________________________
- El nunca hace los deberes. l es holgazn.
- _________________________________________________________________________________
- Yo siempre ayudo en casa, yo soy trabajadora.
- _________________________________________________________________________________
14. Answer the questions about the story.
- Who is telling the story?
- _________________________________________________________________________________
- Why does Sally need the watch?
- _________________________________________________________________________________
- Does Sally change after she find the watch? How?
- _________________________________________________________________________________
- Why doesnt Socrates like Sallys new daily routine?
- _________________________________________________________________________________
- How does Sally fall into the pond?
- _________________________________________________________________________________
- What happens to the watch? And to Sally?
- _________________________________________________________________________________

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