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During the days of the OLD REPUBLIC

the first HYPERDRIVES were created, but

the new tech caused many ships to be lost

While they were exploring the galaxy.

One such ship was the FORCE EXPLORER, a

ship that was crewed by the great JEDI, Rensie
Pilif and his bodyguard of republic soldiers. They
took the vessel to the edge of known space.

Unknown to Master Pilif, they were followed on their

Exploration by a malevolent SITH name Darth Angron.
Darth Angron assaulted the ship and, after sending a final
transmission, the ship disappeared into hyperspace ...
The PCs starship comes out of hyperspace above a strange planet, shrouded in the mists,
the only remains of a long dissipated Nebula. A flashing light shines from somewhere inside
the mists surrounding the unnamed planet.


The PCs sit around the pilot, looking out at the ominous sight ahead.

1st PC : There it is, that flashing light has to be the distress beacon we picked up.

2nd PC : I have a bad feeling about this, are you sure its a Jedi beacon?

3rd PC : Positive - not just any Jedi beacon, but the beacon from the Force Explorer!

4th PC : Big whoopy doo, what exactly is supposed to get me all weak in the knees about this?

5th PC : The Force Explorer was a Jedi exploration vehicle from the days of the Old Republic,
long before the formation of the Galactic Republic, much less the Empire!

6th PC : We have the opportunity to recover lost knowledge from the time of the Jedi Orders

4th PC : Consider me swooning then!

2nd PC : I dont like it though - I re-checked the star charts - that planet doesnt exist in any
Imperial survey

1st PC : That doesn't mean anything - the Empire tends to omit sensitive planets from civiliza-
tion star charts - they probably did that to this one.

5th PC : Doesnt that mean the Empire knows the Force Explorer is here and might have a

3rd PC : Im not picking up any other ships or activity on the sensors, so if they do have pres-
ence here they arent home.

6th PC : Right, Im going in then, wake up Hethan and her friends, we almost there!

1st PC : I know theyre Hethans friends, but Im not crazy about the extra baggagewhy cant
we handle this on our own?

3rd PC : They were the ones who first discovered the beacon on long range scans, but didnt
have a ship capable of getting through the ionization cloud around the Explorer

4th PC : The deal was they got to come along for materials salvage after we get all the Jedi ar-
tifacts off the wreck.

2nd PC : suddenly overcome with cold shivers I have a very bad feeling about this
powerful music fills the vacuum of space with Players, however, should stop reading this booklet
moving rhythms. Captivating text tilts toward the now. The information contained herein is for Game-
horizon, recapping prior events as it disappears into the masters (GMs) only.
void. A rumbling roar shakes the scene, announcing a
space vessels imminent approach. The star field shifts,
the soundtrack blares, a planet pans into view, and
another action-packed episode of Star Wars: Age of
Rebellion begins.
Force Explorer is a Star Wars adventure for two
to six plyers and a gamemaster. Gamemasters should
read the entire adventure before play begins so that the
action and storyline can progress naturally, without a
lot of page flipping and undramatic pauses.

n ancient era of space expansion saw the first rupted by the evil of the Sith and with nowhere to go, it
hyperdives take the denizens of the galaxy far- "infected" the computer core of the ship itself, turning it
ther than they had ever ventured before. This travel into a dark side nexus.
was not without dangers, as hyperdrive technology was
This computer core is now a broiling sinister mass
new and unreliable, sometimes causing ships to be-
of hate and evil, the malevolence of the Sith mixed with
come lost in hyperspace or worse.
the pain, anguish and insanity of the Jedi and their al-
This adventure is designed to be run in a single ses- lies after their torture by the Sith. It all combined into a
sion for spooky Halloween fun, though it could be con- single new intelligence, Caliban. Its first action was to
tinued of expanded to run many sessions in length. make a droid body for itself so it can fulfill its need to
devour the universe. Unfortunately, as droids cant be
Many ideas came from the combined efforts of the
force sensitive, it can't control or access the power it
board members on the FFG community forums.
has once it leaves the computer core.
Its only option is to lure unsuspecting lifeforms to
the ship in an attempt to find a host for its malevolence.
The Force Explorer was the ship of Jedi Master Ren-
The catch is that the vessel has to willingly become
sie Pilif, and was intended to explore new worlds and
one with the ship and accept this dark malevolence into
hyperspace lines. He was however, followed by his
themselves. Hethan Romund and the PCs fit this pro-
nemesis, Darth Angron. The Force Explorer in the be-
came the site of the final battle between them and their
allies. During the fighting, Master Pilif uses the experi- Meanwhile, the droid it built has achieved a limited
mental hyperdrive to try and get away, but not before sentience, and is still trying to become the vessel itself,
the Sith boarded. The hyperdrive malfunctioned, taking so it is collecting bits of flesh from where-ever it can
them all somewhere ... else ... (and however it can) in an attempt to become less ...
All the crew died along with the Jedi and Sith during
the fighting on the way, and as they arrived in this -
elsewhere - their essences within the Force were cor-

3 Force Explorer
droid .. than it is and thus be able to become the ves- the need to continue in its purpose: becoming
sel. the vessel. Its logic circuits undeveloped (as
Caliban was the intelligence intended to be
The PCs will need to navigate this terror while re-
behind the droid body) it proceeded to use
sisting the power of the ship in order to deviate the
the corpses of the crew and the medical sup-
malevolent intelligence in the computer core and
plies in the medbay to create flesh coverings
cleanse the dark side nexus. Should they fail, then
to make it more living. The unhinged droid
the intelligence will unleash no less than hell in re-
now searches for more ways to become a
living thing in order to serve as the vessel. If
the PCs can somehow speak to Disciple, it
will try to make a deal with the PC to lend it's
parts and processing core to become a cy-
Below are the primary NPCs that you will need to borg with one of them (let it's brain core act
be aware of; as a Lobot style cyber-implant) - this would
let it become the vessel (in a fashion) with the
PC losing their mind to the droid (and by ex-
Hethan Romund - Should the PCs have tension) Caliban.
begun their adventures using the Beginner
Game adventure Mountaintop Rescue, they Captain Anders Miller - Captain of the sal-
will already be familiar with their mentor. If vage crew that first discovered the beacon,
they havent then Hethan Romund will make he and some of his men now accompany the
their first appearance in this module. Hethand group for salvage rights, while the rest wait
is an brunette with brilliant green eyes, a with his ship at a safe distance from the ion
master scholar who investigates artifacts of cloud. A stoic Corellian, he has dark hair and
the Force and Jedi in an attempt to rebuild eyes, and possessed a baritone voice filled
lost knowledge. This knowledge makes her with authority. Along with him is his crew,
the perfect vessel for Caliban, as without Starck, Ripley, and Dutch.
force powers herself, she is less able to resist
the malevolent intelligence when it attempts
to take her over.
Caliban - The malevolent intelligence at the FORCE EXPLORER
heart of the Force Explorer. Created by the The PCs will need to navigate the ion cloud and
combined hatred, rage, and pain of all the then successfully dock with the capital ship in order to
people who died aboard the ship, Caliban board. Once aboard, they will need to re-establish
was driven further insane by millennia of iso- power to the ship, as it long ago lost power (Caliban,
lation and solitude. It now seeks only to as part of the dark side nexus, needs no power to
spread its malevolence across the stars and operate and Disciple has his own power source).
see the galaxy brought to ruin. While exploring the powered down vessel, they will
encounter creepy scares and lose one of the salvage
crew to the predations of Disciple. Once they get the
Disciple - A droid created from spare parts power up and running, the true terror begins.
around the ship, Disciple was originally in-
tended to be the vessel for Caliban. Once it
possessed the droid however, it realized it
was cut off from the Force, as the computer EPISODE II: W ELCOME
core itself was the dark side nexus and not
Caliban itself. Retreating back into the core to T H O ELL
explore new options, part of its intelligence Once the power is up, Caliban discovers that it can
remained in Disciple, who was overcome with easily access and control any system on the ship. It

Force Explorer 4
proceeds to attempt to control and kill or possess any
PC it can as they interact with the ship. The PCs will
need to use the Discipline skill to resist the ships fear
and control as they attempt to defeat Disciple and save
Hethan and the crew, before finally discovering the
truth and confronting Caliban and the dark side nexus.

With either Hethan or one of the PCs controlled
through possession by Caliban, the PCs need to act
quickly before all is lost. Will the PCs defeat Caliban,
save Hethan and cleanse the dark side nexus or will
they be forced to choose between killing their friend
and destroying all the knowledge and history aboard
the ship to save the universe?

What is a Dark
Side Nexus anyway?
A dark side nexus is a repository of the
Force that is corrupted and twisted by the
Dark Side. These places are often the sce-
ne of overwhelming evil, where acts of ex-
treme perversion or malice were enacted.
The actions cause the natural energy field
of the force to twist and turn, knotting the
natural flow of energy into an Mobius strip
that causes this same energy to replay and
turn in on itself forever.
Like the cave on Dagobah that Luke
encounters in the Empire Strikes Back, this
dark side energy can manifest in visions of
what occurred, or create illusions of things
that could occur, even hinting at events in
the greater galaxy.
This nexus was created when Darth An-
gron, whose victory was achieved with the
surrender of Jedi Master Pilif, slowly went
mad while trapped in hyperspace and tor-
tured not just his captives, but eventually
his own allies and apprentices before final-
ly killing himself.
around the field provides 3 setback dice to
any attempts to navigate it. While failure on the roll
se the script in the opening section of this ad- doesnt directly damage the ship, it does mean they
venture to familiarize the players with their situ- do not make it through, and a ship in the ion field will
ation. The script begins the game In media res de- take 1 system strain each round it remains in the
scribing the action just as would the opening of a Star field. Additionally, while the ship remains in the ion
Wars movie, and helps your players get into their mists, it cannot regain strain, as electrical arcs play
characters. Feel free to make as many copies as you constantly across the hull. Superstitious characters
need to give each player their own script, or let every- may notice the ion charge and electrical discharges
one read from the one included. When finished, go to look almost as if it is trying to find a way inside the
Event 1 below. ship
Should the PCs find their ship disabled, there are a
couple of methods they will find themselves in a diffi-
cult situation. Inside the ion cloud, inform the charac-
Before the PCs can board the ancient vessel, first ters that they cannot see stars to use as a reference
they need to clear the ion storms in the clouds of su- point for navigation, in fact, the only point they can
percharged gas that is the remains of a nebula cloud use for navigation is the blinking distress lights on the
that is suspiciously absent. Read aloud; Force Explorer. To attempt to leave the cloud the way
they came in would be follythey could find them-
selves hopelessly lost in the cloud with no way to re-
pair. The characters could use escape pods to head
to the planet below, but as the planet has been re-
moved from galactic records it is extremely unlikely
anyone would ever come to rescue them. The could
also use the escape pods to try and board the Force
Explorer, hoping to repair the craft and then pilot it
back to their ship and pick it up on the way out.
A riskier option, but the best alternative, is to float
the ship to the Force Horizon by creating thrust out of
the aft section. A Hard Mechanics check will
reveal that this can be done by allowing the ionized
gas to ignite a fuel pod to produce a (semi) controlled
explosion on the aft section. While risky, it would gen-
erate the thrust necessary to get the ship the required
distance. Ripley suggests this if no PC does. To suc-
ceed, once the PC who made the check prepares the
fuel pod for detonation, the PCs must send someone
outside the craft to place the fuel pod for detonation.
To properly place the pod, they must pass a Hard
Gunnery check to aim the ship towards
Navigating through the eerie mists will require the the beacon without placing the pod in a position
PC flying the craft to make a Piloting (Space) check where the ship itself could be damaged. Failure on
to navigate the hazard. A total of three successful this roll still gets the ship to the Force Explorer, but
rolls are required to clear the ion field, and the crack- the ship takes a critical hit, with +10 for each addition-
ling discharges of energy and strange rocky debris al failure rolled on the check.

Force Explorer 6
Now that ship is so close, the PCs will be able to
scan the ship (for what its worth) and board it. Scan-
Once the ship arrives outside of the Force Explorer, ning provides only the most rudimentary information; it
read the below aloud. is currently without power (the distress beacon and
lighting are being powered by emergency power which
should have died out millennia ago), there are no sig-
nificant life signs on board, and the ship appears to be
without damage (the Sith boarded the ship in an as-
sault action).
Captain Miller bristles at the information, as his ship
received a manually sent distress call from the ship. He
explains that the image was garbled and almost impos-
sible to understand, but that it was tight-beamed to his
ship when they passed through. If asked, the comms
officer on his ship, Starck, has a recording of the com-
munication, and will look to Miller for permission to re-
play it for the PCs. Miller will initially refuse, but an Av-
erage Social check (depending on what tack the
PCs use) will convince him to allow it (he decides the
penalty for coercing him will be rendered when they
see it). What the PCs see is in the side-bar The Last
Transmission of the Force Explorer, though if no one
specifically asks for it, Starck and the rest of Millers
crew will keep it to themselves (for obvious reasons).
Regardless of whether they managed to recover the
message or not, the PCs must now dock with the Force
The Last Transmission Explorer. The sensor scan will show where the main
of the Force Explorer airlock is, though docking wont be possible due to the
ancient nature of the ship - doesnt match the designs
When Starck plays the transmission, an
of the ship they currently pilot. As such, they will have
unholy garble rips from the speakers: static
to use vac suits (which should be included in either
and noise and inhuman voices. Alone,
their ship or the escape pods) and perform an EVA to
each sound would raise the hair on your
get into the ancient Jedi vessel. This requires a Hard
neck. Together, they are unbearable. The
Coordination check. Should a PC fail, it
sound mercifully cuts off to static.
means they either over shoot the airlock, and risk
After receiving it, Starck and the rest of heading off towards the planet. If no PC fails their
the crew couldnt forget the nightmarish check, then when Dutch crosses, he will fail his check
transmission out their heads, it haunted and begin tumbling towards the planet below.
their thoughts in the dark, and tormented
A character tumbling towards the planet has one
their dreams. Starck, unable to leave it
chance to be rescuedit requires both the tumbling PC
alone, has run the transmission through
to remain calm and a heroic PC who has made their
countless filters in an attempt to clean up
check to attempt to grab them by making another Hard
the message. She can play the message a
Coordination check. Should the tumbling PC
second time with the filters engaged, and a
fail in making an Average Cool check, then the
deep baritone voice can be heard, speak-
difficulty is upgraded and gains a setback die as the
ing a single phrase in a strange language.
thrashing target becomes harder to grasp. Dutch will
Any character can make either an Aver- automatically fail his check, tumbling wildly as he drifts
age Knowledge (Education) check towards the planet below.
or a Hard Knowledge (Lore) check
Each character that has made the crossing success
to recognize it as the language of the Sith.
If the PCs made the Lore check, they can
7 5
additionally translate it mean Save me. If
no PCs can, Romund will translate it.
Gore and the Star
fully can attempt to catch the character once, and any
Wars Roleplaying Game
Force Sensitive characters will receive at least one
conflict if they fail to check, more if they refuse to try. This adventure borrows heavily from the
Once the PCs have made their checks, if the charac- movie Event Horizon for its feel and style.
ter wasnt secured they will float helplessly towards As such, blood and gore are presented in
the planet. With no propulsion methods capable of generous helpings, and may be too mature
overcoming the gravity of the planet, the poor charac- for your group. If that is the case, by all
ter (and any who left the safety of the ship to come means skip as much of the text box as you
after them) will drift off into the distance before disap- fell appropriate, as Ive tried to keep any
pearing into the mists. important information in separate para-
graphs from graphic descriptions.
Should there be a character who has mastered the
Move force power, then there is ample opportuni-
ty to show off in this scene. If the PC has purchased
Give the PCs a moment to discuss whats going on
enough strength upgrades to cover the PCs starship,
as they consider the situation. Play up the tension -
then they may use the power to dock with the Force
something obvious moved past the door, though it
Explorer. Likewise, should they have purchased
was too dark to see more than a shadow more the
enough control upgrades to make fine manipulations
implication of movement than something anyone ac-
with the power, then they can tether a line to the air-
tually saw. Call for Average Discipline checks,
lock that will enable everyone to cross with assis-
as the PCs feel unnerved at the situation (in reality
tance, preventing the need to make any skill checks.
the sinister presence of the nexus can affect them
Additionally, should a player choose to use the now that they are inside the ship). Anyone who fails
Sense force power to get an impression of living this roll will gain 2 strain, as their hands shake uncon-
beings within the ship, a successful activation will get trollably and they feel eyes watching them. Starck will
a decidedly unwelcoming response. Much like Luke lose it at the situation - she begins weeping uncon-
on Dagobah, the PC will get a feeling that cant be trollably and it takes Miller a moment to calm her
categorized. Describe it much like Luke did, a feeling down. Hell signal the PCs to move on while he focus-
of cold - like a chill running through character, ice in es on Starck.
their veins, but not living things, just the cold.
Let the PCs prepare for the thing on the other side
of the door however they wish. The only thing waiting
for them is the floating corpse of a long dead soldier -
As the PCs crack open the ancient vessel, read one of the first casualties when the Sith boarded the
the following; ship as he was guarding the airlock when it came
under attack. The soldier was cleanly killed with a
Lightsaber strike. He has no salvageable equipment
after the many millennia.
Captain Miller will suggest the PCs to take Ripley
to engineering while he takes Starck and moves to-
wards the bridge. The PCs can split their group how-
ever they would like, though Miller will explain that
with Starck in the shape shes in shell be no good to
anyone - he can get her to the bridge, he can get her
checking on the ships systems as a means to get her
head straight. He wont budge on this course of ac-
tion, but he will accept any company that wants to
come along.
The trip to engineering will be uneventful, but dont
let the PCs know this. Play up the sparse sense of
isolation, the dark corridors which echo with strange

Force Explorer 8
sounds as tools and other items float in the zero gravity
and bang off walls in far sections of the ship. As they
explore the ship, Ripley will keep conversation with the
group heading towards engineering, talking about her-
self, how she has a daughter back on Corellia she cant
wait to see (shes having her 9th birthday soon), and
sharing other small talk with the PCs. Let them make
an Average Vigilance check. Success indicates the
feeling that they are being watched, though they cant
locate where it might be coming from.
When they reach engineering, they find the power
core still intact, but shut down due to emergency proto-
cols. An Easy Mechanics check is all that is re-
quired to get it back on line, and Ripley will leave it to
the PCs as she checks the engineering section for sal-
vage. As the PCs make the roll to switch on the power,
read the Cut Scene below;

Cut Away to
Ripley in Engineering
rests over Ripleys shoulder as she wan-
ders through rows of machinery, (if appli-
cable) the PC(s) wandering the next aisle
over, their glow rods providing dim illumi-
nation. Suddenly there is a shadowed
movement to Ripleys left. She moves to-
wards it


pears through the doorway, her glow rod
shining the way. As she enters the main
corridor, her glow rod fails, flickering out.
She swears under her breath and taps the
malfunctioning equipment, when move-
ment eclipses the camera. She looks up
and squints into the darkness, unable to
see anything.
RIPLEY : Hello?
As the core thrums and the lights flicker on
with the restoration of power the camera
comes in tight on Ripleys face, whose
eyes go wide with fright and her mouth
opens in a scream CUT TO


snap their heads up at the sound of Rip-
7 5
leys bloodcurdling scream.
Running this part of the adventure is very fluid.
Episode 2 has a series of events that can be run in
any order, and operate off of qualifiers that signal
when they become available.
Once Episode 2 begins, the end is night. How long
the PCs have to defeat the dark side nexus depends
entirely on their actions, and the length of session
that you are running. Work out at the nights begin-
ning what time the group wants to end the session.
Make this the countdown timer to the end scenario.
Allow the PCs as much time as they would like, run
as many of the scenarios as they activate, and gener-
ally keep the tension high, all the while waiting
Should the PCs complete all the events, then
things will move on the final episode once these are
done. Should any PC fall prey to Vignette 7: The Ves-
sel Revealed, then immediately after it go to Episode
3. Finally, about an hour before the scheduled end of
the session, should none of the PCs fall prey to Vi-
gnette 7, then Hethan Romund does. She then be-
comes the vessel of the nexus.

The bridge door can now be opened, allowing the

PCs to see what happened to the crew, and begin to
Leaving the PCs in engineering to start Episode 2 piece together the history of the Force Explorer. The
is a great way to increase the tension and unnerve thuds on the bridge come from the multiple corpses,
the party. A great way to set this up is to focus on thethose soldiers, Sith and Jedi that werent otherwise
engineering group first, saying youll switch back and secured began floating about when the gravity failed.
forth between them and the bridge group and running
After Master Pilif surrendered to the Sith, Darth
engineering first (seemingly on a lark). Since Event 3
Angron demanded that he bring them out of hyper-
goes so fast, this wont leave anyone bored, and pro-
space. When they discovered that the hyperdrive
vide an agonizing tease to your group when you pick
wasnt responding, they began a waiting game. After
up on the Bridge with the power coming on.
the hours rode into days, Angron suspected duplicity,
The PCs along with Miller and Starck have had a and began torturing the soldiers in an attempt to get
much longer trek through the ship than their engi- the truth. After days of this, and weeks in hyperspace,
neering bound compatriots, and its not until the en- he began torturing the Jedi, and after this yielded no
tirety of Event 3 plays out that they reach the doors results, he tortured Master Pilif himself.
that allow access to the bridge. The doors them-
When all of it proved fruitless, Darth Angron and
selves, though, are locked and without power, there
his Sith began to slowly loose their minds. When they
is little they can do aside from wait - something that
ran out of food, they turned to cannibalism, and when
they didnt have to do for very long.
the soldiers and Jedi ran out, they turned on each
Start this vignette with the following; other. Only the soldier in the airlock, long forgotten,

Force Explorer 10
was spared the cruel fate (as the Sith kept to the fore of the below out loud to them;
the ship along with their captives). When the PCs open
the door, read the following;

The most frightening discovery still awaits them

though. Let the PCs take it all in as Miller grabs Starck
and turns her around from the scene, getting her to
stare into his eyes as he motions the other characters
to enter the bridge while he calms her down.
This is all that remains of the great Darth Angron.
Let the PCs decide if they post a guard with Millar After watching the rest of the Sith descend into mad-
and Starck (it doesnt matter as they are quite safe ness, he killed what remained of his compatriots and
Disciple is busy with other things at the moment) and then proceeded to turn himself (using the force power
then when the PCs actually go onto the bridge, read Move) into this tapestry of depravity.

11 Force
5 Explorer
All of the bodies suffer from exposure to the frigid the character, and then describe them coming for the
temperatures of deep space from when power was character again - but this time make it truly ominous,
out on the ship. Scraps of Jedi robes and Tythonian play up the sheer helplessness the PC has. Play the
soldiers uniforms still cling to the skeletons, as they scene up until the PC dies or runs - then cut the sce-
were cannibalized over the many months of hyper- ne as if none of it was real and give the PC 2 strain.
space travel, but the remains of the Sith are far more Should a PC go over their strain threshold from this,
complete. Evidence of self-mutilation and outright they succumb to the nexus, go to Vignette 7.
debauchery mar the corpses, and while some have
also been the victims of cannibalism the three
freshest of the corpses were slain via Lightsaber
and then flayed. These were final disciples that Darth
Angron killed in revulsion and worship to the dark Once the bridge has been investigated by the PCs
force that overtook his own mind. that went there, it is reasonably likely the PCs in engi-
neering will want to find out what happened in their
None of the Jedi or Sith Lightsabers can be found,
scene. Feel free to skip back to them and read the
in fact, the only piece of equipment anywhere is Darth
follow- ing;
Angrons Lightsaber, which is firmly imbedded into his
skull (the last act of a mad mind, Angron used Move
to imbed it there and then switched the activator on).
In fact, aside from scraps of clothing and the bodies
(and an exorbitant amount of blood everywhere)
there isnt anything on the bridge that isnt part of the
bridge workings itself.

This vignette is a constant danger that hunts the

players. Whenever a PC is alone, for whatever rea-
son they might choose, the dark side nexus (now that
it has power and access its body in the form of the
ship) attempts to subvert the mind of the PC. As the
PC sits or wanders the hall isolated, have the PC
make a Discipline check with a difficulty determined
as below;

# of Run Disciple has taken the rest of her body, and with-
Vignettes drawn into the depths of the ship before her head
Easy even stopped rolling. No trace will be found of him at
this time.
2 Average

3 Hard

4+ Daunting

Should the PC fail this roll, he or she becomes the

victim in vignette 5 The Airlock. Should the PC suc- This vignette can be run when the PCs get around
ceed on their roll, they experience a disturbing event to researching the ships operating files and crew log.
from their past - something that they wish they could The ship doesn't wish to give up its secrets easily, so
have taken back or done better. Choose something any attempt to access something other than naviga-
that happened in your campaign, a roll that went tion and star charts will require the PC to hack
spectacularly bad, or a villain or minion that defeated through the dark side nexus defenses. The difficulty

Force Explorer 12
for this check is only Average but it will have two Holo-log 3
setback dice to reflect the nexus interference.
Should the PC manage to crack this code, then they
can access all of the ships logs, learning the history of
what transpired through the series of holo-logs below.

Holo-log 1

Holo-log 4

Holo-log 2

Holo-log 5

The images of the final log can be cleaned up should

any of the PCs be brave enough. To do so will require

13 Force
5 Explorer
a Hard Computer check to work through all
the distortion. Once cleaned up, the PC may well
wish they had failed the roll. Make the PC take a
Daunting Discipline check, failure on this
roll results in the character being so shaken, that for
the rest of the Episode, all of their difficulty checks
are automatically upgraded by one. Should no PC
decipher the final holo-log, then Starck will complete
it herself just prior to the start of Vignette 7: The Ves-
sel Revealed. Should she be the one to decipher the
video log the horror of what she sees will result in her
committing suicide at the monitor after she finishes
watching it, clawing her own eyes out and chocking
on the orbs as he stuffs them forcefully down her own

Holo-log 5 Revealed

Any character can make the same Hard

Knowledge (Lore) check as before to trans-
late Angrons final words. Again, if no PCs can,
Romund will translate it. Now hearing the entire thing,
the PC (or Hethan) will realize that it wasnt Liberatis
Me meaning Save Me rather it was Liberatis tute-
met meaning Save yourselves. The phrase trans-
lated they finally realize means Save yourselves
from Hell.

So what killed Ripley? Well, that would be Disciple,

a droid and the first attempt by the dark side nexus to
develop a body that would sustain its power and al-
low it to spread out into the galaxy. A failed experi-
ment, Disciple was left with the desire to become the

Force Explorer 14
vessel if it can. As the nexus had correctly surmised Should the PCs hear him out, he will attempt to
that only a living body could serve as the vessel, it re- make a deal with the PC to lend it's parts and pro-
ceded its intelligence from Disciple shortly after creat- cessing core to become a cyborg with one of them
ing him, leaving a trace of the nexus sinister intelli- (letting it's brain core act as a Lobot style cyber-
gence behind. This intelligence refers to itself as implant) - this would vastly increase the PCs Intelli-
Disciple - a term that the intelligence would have gence characteristic, and give it complete access to the
maintained from its Sith origins. history of both the ship and the nexus. If asked why he
would do this, Disciple will explain that he only desires
Realizing that it needed to become more alive in
to become a living organism, so that he can experience
order to be the vessel, Disciple has taken the habit of
the Force for himself. If asked how he knows of the
covering itself in the flesh of the living, hoping that
Force, he will claim to be a droid that was in service to
should it shroud itself in the flesh of these inferior para-
Jedi Master who was on this ship, and when it was at-
sites that it will become a proper vessel for the nexus.
tacked, he was left unbothered, but over time without
Up until this point, however, it was only ever able to
maintenance or memory wipe he will acquiesce that his
use the flash frozen flesh of the Sith and Angron, and
programming has gotten a little skewed. This is of
so it was unable to resist the temptation of taking Rip-
course, all a ruse - Disciple knows exactly what he is
ley when the opportunity presented itself.
doing, though he will attempt to play the PCs sympa-
When the PCs search the ship in an ordered fash- thies.
ion, they will eventually find Disciple in his quarters in
Should a PC accept this offer they will know of Cali-
the maintenance accesses beneath the hyperdrive.
ban, the intelligence within the nexus, however the PC
The area he resides is a collection of odds and ends,
will meet a bad end as the addition of Disciples
but this is where the equipment that the previous resi-
memory core allows the Caliban to possess the charac-
dents of the ship went to, though its obvious that noth-
ter, turning the PC into the Vessel. Go to Vignette 7:
ing remains usable - Disciple was forced to use parts
The Vessel Revealed.
and pieces over time to repair his own body, leaving
the pile of equipment little more than spare parts. Also
in his quarters though, is the remains of Ripley, decapi-
tated and skinned, Disciple now wears her flesh in a
mockery of human life.
Depending on how long it takes for the PCs to go on
a droidhunt for Ripleys killer, they will encounter Dis-
ciple differently. Should the quickly (if not immediately)
search room by room for the killer, they will find Disci-
ple in his quarters putting the final touches on his new
body before he realizes he has failed even with the
new coverings. Should this be the case, he will be con-
siderably more violent in nature, angry that they would
interrupt his ascension to become the vessel with their
petty concerns for a single fleshling.
the Dis-
If they dont immediately hunt for him, and instead ciple
get embroiled in the other vignettes first, then Disciple
will have time to realize that merely covering himself in
skin and flesh isnt enough, and he must become more
of a living thing to fulfill the need that the nexus has. He
will then be far more willing to seek parley with the
PCs, though he will happily mow through them if they
turn violent (he is, after all the creation of a dark side
nexus who was in turn the creation of the most vile and Cruel Blades
debauched of Sith).

15 Force
5 Explorer
that what is going on is in the slicer's mind, and not
actually a real thing at all. If players do assist the slic-
After a PC fails their Discipline check to resist the er, describe to the assisting players that they aren't
ship's control while alone, they make their way to the slicing alongside the PC so much as talking the PC
airlock, and the rest of the PC's receive word that the through doing really simple things - "press enter on
airlock has been engaged. When the PCs arrive, they the datapad, Bail ... No, not that one ... the Enter but-
find the entranced PC inside the airlock without a suit, ton!" Once the PC's figure it out, let the slicer make
and the countdown to purge process already running. an Average Discipline check each slicing
attempt. If they succeed, then the difficulty pool be-
As it is an external facing door (even the interior
comes normalized based on a challenging difficulty
one as the airlock counts as both an interior space
for their skill level, but it won't be matched to their
and exterior space at the same time, the wall pos-
actions or talents anymore. The number of successful
sessing the inner airlock door is just as heavily built
slicing rolls to open the door should be set to match
as the exterior walls are as a safety measure) the
the countdown timer (assuming the slicer's skill
PC's would need a Lightsaber as blasting the door
against the normalized difficulty - this represents the
open won't be possible in time. If the PC's do have a
fact that if the slicer doesn't defeat Calibans mind-
Lightsaber, (such as Darth Angrons) then it will take
control, there is little chance they'll save the character
time to cut through. Set the countdown timer for the
in time).
purge to be one less round than it will take the aver-
age damage the Lightsaber wielder (s) would get to As all of this is going on, skip around to each PC,
breach the hull door - meaning the PC's life hinges on ask what each one of them is doing each turn. De-
the Lightsaber wielder (s) doing above average dam- scribe the situation each time, narrating the actions of
age - and if you want to really step up the danger, the previous PC's but not as the calm cool collected
factor the average damage off the PC(s) spending a action the PC described, but instead as the panicked,
Destiny Point. Even if they cut through in time, they twisted distraught version of it the PC sees (it's easy
will still then have an airlock door that is wide open as to say "I assist Bail in slicing the door controls" but
the outer airlock opens and vents the ship into space. the next PC in line would see "Padme screams at
Bail to hit the enter button, repeating 'the enter button'
The only way to reasonably save the PC is to have
over and over like a mantra, becoming more pan-
one of the PCs slice the door controls. In order to do
icked with each repetition as Bail, sweat beading on
so, then they will first need to fight Caliban for control
his forehead fumbles with his datapad as the pres-
of the airlock doors. This requires clearing security
sure of the moment mounts"). At some point, once
gates that Caliban is creating in the system first to
you as GM see it's clear that the PC's won't make it
access the deep systems and thus the door controls.
time, or you see that your difficulty was too low and
Make it so that each round the PC slicing the door
they will stop the airlock from opening, have the PC
has to successfully pass a Computer check with a
that is in a trance awaken - distracting the group as
difficulty & setback dice exactly equal to their own
they ask what is going on. Build up the confusion that
Computer skill (they aren't really slicing against
they PC has, they last remember being in another
security gates, they are really trying to work through
part of the ship, and not knowing how they got there,
the haze of Caliban and it's evil mind affect). Should
or what is going on. Describe to them that the airlock
the PC spend a Destiny Point to upgrade, then Cali-
door controls are locked out of the system for some
ban spends a Destiny Point to upgrade a difficulty die
reason (in reality they locked control of it themselves
to match. For every boost die that a PC receives
under Calibans influence and that is now what the
from their Talents, add a setback die and for eve-
slicer is attempting to undo).
ry setback die that a PC removes, add an additional
setback die to the base difficulty before the roll - the If the airlock opens, the PC will have to make re-
idea is that after the PC has removed all the dice and peated Hard Resilience checks until the
added their PERSONAL boost dice, they should find others can mount a rescue ... or the PCs give up and
they have a dice pool exactly equal to the difficulty let their friend float into the void of space. If this oc-
pool. The trick comes if any PC's assist them, the curs, feel free to be generous with conflict.
boost dice that get added ARE NOT matched by set-
back dice. The goal here is to give the players hints

Force Explorer 16
The final vignette of the Episode begins when either
one of the PCs succumbs to Calibans influence
through Disciples bargaining, time, or going over their
strain threshold while battling the nexus in private.
Should neither of these situations come to pass before
all the other vignettes have been run, then Hethan
Romund is the one who falls to the control of Caliban,
her knowledge of the Force providing a pathway for
Caliban to enter her mind.
In either case (PC or Romund) Captain Miller is the
unfortunate sacrifice used to seal the communion be-
tween the Vessel and Caliban, and the PCs are quickly
summoned to the frightening scene below;

Give a moment for each player to state what they

are doing (which will probably be to get to engineering)
then read the below once the PCs reach the entrance
to the hyperspace chamber.

17 Force
5 Explorer
physically intimidating or especially potent with the
Force, Calibans horrific nature has gone to consid-
ere we are, the end of the millennia long jour- erable lengths to bolster any shortcomings.
ney of the Force Explorer. For ages, the dark
To begin, consider the possessed character to
side nexus known as Caliban has waited and
have Force Rating 8, representing the fact that Cali-
schemed to birth itself into the physical, and now it
ban is a physical manifestation of the Force itself
has achieved all of its plans. The PCs face the unen-
(albeit a twisted and totally evil manifestation). Next,
viable task of defeating Caliban, though how they will
Caliban knows all Force powers, with all upgrades. In
do it may seem like a mystery to them. There does
combat (should the PCs frontally attack him) he will
exist a way to both banish Caliban and save their
use these powers in the following ways;
friend, though it will not be easy.
He will commit 2 Force Dice through En-
There are three possible conclusions to the adven-
hance to increasing the Brawn and Agility
of his vessel by 1 each (leaving him 6 Force
The PC's abandon their compatriot to the pre- Dice for powers)
dations of Caliban and run to their ship
He will attack with Bind, allowing him to deal
The PC's fight their friend and slay them, 1 wound for each spent on the power
sending Caliban back to the nexus where it (ignoring soak) and hitting additional targets
draws power from. They then blow the Force for 2 each in addition to immobilizing all
Explorer up while Caliban searches for a new targets
way out, hopefully destroying Caliban in the
He will increase his defenses with Foresee,
increasing his Melee and Ranged defense by
The PC's break their friend free of Caliban's 2 in the first round, and spending to get
influence and then either retreat to their ship additional successes on the initiative check
or blow up Force Explorer and a free maneuver

Once he has committed his Force Dice for

With so many combinations of outcomes at this Bind, hell use Harm to additionally attack
(this will be at 4 Force Dice after all his com-
point, this final episode is broken down in parts that
can be mixed and matched to produce different re-
sults and a climactic ending that can be built in re- Hell use Heal to restore his vessel as its in-
sponse to the actions of your players! jured

Hell use Influence to strike characters close

to their strain threshold, dealing 2 strain for
each spent on the powers activation as he
Caliban has completed his aims at gaining a vessel rends their mind with nightmarish visions of
capable of taking his evil outside of the Force Expor- the dark side
er, but he hasn't necessarily understood the dangers Once in each fight, he will use Protect to re-
this form accepts. As a being of flesh and blood, Cali- duce the damage of a powerful attack
ban is vulnerable to the attacks of the PCs and could
quickly find himself attacked. Hell commit 2 Force Dice to allow him to
twice each round use Sense to upgrade the
Luckily for him, being an extension of the dark side difficulty of an attack against him twice and
of the Force, he is a considerably intimidating oppo- upgrade his own attacks twice
nent. Though the body he possesses may not be

Force Explorer 18
The PCs will quickly find that Caliban is a deadly foe, her continued presence in the campaign and her spe-
the stats below are to be used if the vessel was Hethan cific role in it.
Romund, but if the vessel turned out to be a PC, use
their characteristics instead, adding the above and re-
placing the Willpower with a score of 6.

Darth Angrons Lightsaber stands as a direct link to

the actions that created the dark side nexus, and
through its attunement with Darth Angron, acts as a
tether to the consciousness that created Caliban. This
link still connects the Sith weapon to the evil intelli-
gence, and can be used to battle the dark side nexus.
Unfortunately, the ancient blade has long since run
out of power. In order to get it working again, an indus-
trious PC will need to make a Hard Mechanics
check to convert a power cell from and existing
weapon and attach it to the ancient blade. Once oper-
ating, the blade will provide protection to those holding
it. Immediately, the character holding the blade will feel
the oppressive and terrifying presence of the ship ease,
and will no longer have to make Discipline checks
when alone against Calibans influence.

Should a character use the Foresee force power to

get hints or direction about how to defeat the dark side
nexus, all their visions lead them back to the Lightsa-
ber. Hethan Romund (before she becomes pos-
Should the PCs defeat and kill the vessel that Cali- sessed) can explain that once a Jedi or Sith attuned
ban is housed within, his essence will return to the cen- the crystal within a Lightsaber, it was always tied to
tral computer core, and he will need to begin preparing them. She explains that it is possible that the Lightsa-
a new vessel to contain his essence. If the vessel took ber could be used as a sympathetic focus to undue the
Disciples deal, this will prompt Caliban to begin the nexus. Should one of the PCs be the Vessel, she can
process by one again building a droid to serve as Disci- explain that a direct hit from the blade should force Cal-
ple as he had once before, other wise, Caliban will not iban from the PCs body and free the control (in this
repeat that mistake. case, immediately upon a critical hit or reaching his
wound threshold, Caliban will leave the PCs body,
Should the PCs vanquish Caliban by using the relic which itself will not suffer the critical - in effect the criti-
(see Part 2: The Relic), then his essence will be cal result on Caliban was exorcism)
trapped within the computer core until it can regener-
ate, as the wounds received will follow Caliban as sys- Should the PCs already be in Episode 3 and Hethan
tem strain to the Force Explorer. Almost immediately, already be possessed, another character can gather
the ships power will fluctuate, evidence that the dark same information as Hethan by making a Hard
side nexus was damaged as they expected it would be. Knowledge (Lore) check.
Hethan Romund (or the PC) will be free of Calibans To use the Lightsaber as a sympathetic focus to
input, and as the last of Calibans presence fades, she clear the nexus, the PCs will need to use it to destroy
will use what little remaining connection to the Force both itself and the root of the nexus. Any character that
she has to perform a Heal power check on Captain has viewed the ships logs can make an Easy Per-
Miller - with the Mastery upgrade unlocked, she will ception check to realize that the focus of Darth An-
return him to life before finally losing her grip on the grons hatred and rage was the hyperdrive. From there,
Force. Whether she goes on to become Force Sensi- it the PCs are at a loss to identify the source of the
tive from this encounter you can determine based on nexus, an Easy Mechanics check will confirm that

19 Force
5 Explorer
the only system advanced enough to develop intelli-
gence is the nav computer housed inside it.
When the PCs are ready to leave, its time to run
From here the answer should be obvious - by us-
Part 4: Getting Outta Dodge. This may be because
ing the Lightsaber to destroy the nav computer, the
theyve rigged the hyperdrive to detonate and destroy
dark side nexus can be dissipated. Rigging the
the nexus, or it could be because theyre cutting their
Lightsaber to overload and explode will require either
losses and just want to go home. In either case, the
another Easy Mechanics check or an Easy
PCs will be fleeing through the ship as either explo-
Gunnery check once the characters are
sions rock the Force Explorer or Caliban chases after
ready to detonate it. If the Lightsaber is first activated
them, unleashing lightning and hell in their wake.
and driven into the hyperdrive, then the resulting ex-
plosion will dissipate the dark side nexus permanently To get from engineering (where they find Caliban
but it will also destroy the Force Explorer in the and Miller initially and where the ancient Hyperdrive
process. intelligence exists), they will need to navigate through
certain key areas that, when moving quickly, are very
Caliban will do everything in his power to stop this
from happening, including sending Disciple to kill the
PCs (should he still be around). If dissipated and sent First up is the oscillating hallway. This hallway, de-
back to the core, there isnt a lot that Caliban can do signed to act as a magnetic field generator to contain
directly, but if theyve been hiding from Caliban in the the hyperdrive as it powers up, is pictured on page
Vessel (see Part 3: Hide and Seek) then the proposi- 17. As the ship begins to destabilize, the gears that
tion may be more difficult. generate the magnetic field lose their cohesion, and
the magnets themselves begin attracting each other
and causing a chaotic mess of spinning blades and
metal shards. Characters moving through here must
make a successful Daunting Coordination
If the PCs get caught aboard the craft, do not elim- check or suffer a critical hit, with +10 being added
inate Caliban, and are forced into hiding, then the for each failure in excess of the first as metal shards
Hide and Seek scenario is appropriate. In this scenar- and bladed supports fling about the area. Characters
io, the PCs will need to navigate around the ship us- can stop and help those that have fallen, but every
ing side tunnels and maintenance corridors in an at- round they remain in the area, they need to make a
tempt to either get off the vessel, or plan an attack to new check, and if something is following them (either
blow it up or defeat Caliban somehow. an explosion or Caliban) they have
Caliban is susceptible to this tactic, as he is now
mortal and no longer ephemeral. While he has the
capacity to wield the Force on a more physical level,
he isnt able to access the omnipresence that he
could as the dark side nexus. He will attempt to use
the Sense force power to locate the PCs as he
searches for them, but he must still use his normal
skills to find them once in the right area. This grows
increasingly frustrating for him, and should be ex-
pressed through your descriptions of his searching.
PCs on the other hand can totally blind Caliban if
they have access to the talents that make invisible to
Force Powers. If not, then they can still hide success-
fully using Stealth checks, as Caliban (unless in a
PC) doesnt have either Perception or Vigilance.
Should Caliban catch the PCs, then see Part 1: Cali-
ban Ascended for details on how to run the combat.
The ancient hyperdrive of Rakatan and Duron design

Force Explorer 20
Once they clear engineering, they have the long
neck that leads to the mid-ship airlock that is closest
to their ship. The danger in this area isnt necessarily
that they are facing direct danger, but rather that what-
ever is chasing them has no care for how long the run
is. They must a Hard Resilience check or be-
come so tired and winded that they fall behind. A char-
acter can declare they are falling behind to assist a
winded character (thus allowing a second check) but
should the character fail this second check, both char-
acters fall behind, and unless both make a second
check immediately, they both are overcome by their
Finally, at the airlock, unless the characters are al-
ready in vac suits, theyll need to suit up in order to exit
the ship and get to their own craft safely. This requires
one of the two rolls; they can either make an Average
Coordination check, or they can make an Aver-
age Pilot (Space) check, as pilots are well used
to getting into and out of flight suits quickly. Characters
have two chances on this roll, failure on both results in
their being caught.
In the case of Caliban, this means that the charac-
ters are forced to face him and you should refer to Part
1: Caliban Ascended. In the case of the explosion of
the ship, then the characters are unfortunately con-
sumed in fire.

By this time, the story of either Darth Angron or your

PCs should have reached its end, and while some
questions may remain, well discuss what happens

21 Force
5 Explorer
here under the assumption that the evil didnt win.
For escaping the nightmarish ship, grant each player
15 experience. For each member of Captain Millers
salvage crew that survived, award an additional 5 ex-
perience, as it will be very tricky to keep them alive. For
each member of the salvage crew that died, assign 1
conflict to any Force Sensitive PCs.
Should Hethan have survived, award another 5 ex-
perience, but if she died (or worse) then assign 5 con-
flict to any Force Sensitive PCs as the loss of their
friend and mentor will be a heavy blow.

A few things still exist in regards to the Force Explor-

er. For one, the planet that she orbited is unlisted, and
surrounded in mists. Many story possibilities exist here;
was the planet removed from Imperial records
(indicating they were here themselves), was the planet
from some other place (as the mists of a nebula that
didnt exist suggest) that got pulled here when the ship
exited hyperspace?
And there is always the possibility that the con-
sciousness of Caliban wasnt destroyed - it might have
dissipated into the energy field of the nebular mists,
ready to haunt the PCs in a future adventure!

Force Explorer 22

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