The Drift Newsletter For Tatworth & Forton Edition 079

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February / March 2017 Issue 79

In 2011 Somerset County Council (SCC) asked Parish Councils to liaise with their residents, and volunteer
to take part in a 3 year experiment to switch their streetlights off between midnight and 5.00am.
Out of over 800 Parishes, 11 volunteered. During this reverting them back. So the 11 volunteer guinea pigs
3-year period did these parishes receive regular updates parishes will suffer Dark Age lighting for the foreseeable
on this experiment, and after 3 years did they receive the future. Well and truly kicked in the teeth. Old soldiers
results of the experiment? NO they did not. advice - Never Volunteer.
After 5 and 6 years were they informed of the results? Tatworth & Forton residents are even more unfortunate.
NO they were not? Tatworth & Forton Parish Council did not liaise with the
residents; they volunteered the parish to be part of this
Did any of them receive any thanks or accolades for their experiment without asking the +2500 people who live in
sacrifices? NO they did not. the parish. How do you unvolunteer when you did
Whatever happens in the future regarding the fitting of not volunteer in the first place. We want Tatworth
more efficient lamps, these volunteer parishes will streetlights on as all of the other Somerset Parishes have
remain blacked out at night. SCC has no intention of kept theirs on.
Roy Walsham

NEWS FROM THE MEMORIAL HALL Friday 24th March: A Street Cat named Bob (Cert 12A) based
on the best selling book starring Bob the Cat, Luke Treadaway
and Joanne Froggart.
T&F Movies
It is now 13 years since T & F Movies first started showing Friday 28th April: A United Kingdom (Cert 12A).
films chosen by residents. It has always been the aim to The story of Prince Seretse Khama s (David Oyelowo) marriage
show recently released films which residents would not to a white woman from London (Rosamund Pike). An absorbing
otherwise have a chance to see without a journey and also and moving love story.
as a means of raising funds for the Memorial Hall. The choice The Paperback Library
has always been wide but in the last year audiences, Now entering its fourth year, the paperback library in both
particularly in September and October dropped below the foyers at TMH continues to be very popular and a bargain at
break-even point. As a registered charity the Hall cannot only 20p a book. Warmest thanks to all who contributed or
knowingly undertake loss making activities. The films are borrowed books - to date the magnificent sum of 460 has been
expensive to hire - at least 100, so a profit relies heavily raised for Hall funds. Donations of books are always welcome -
on audience numbers of about 50 or so together with the bar just leave them by the bookcases if the Hall is open (Wednesday
and draw proceeds. It would be a great shame if T&F Movies is a good day) or ring Nick on 220339 and he will collect.
was forced to close. It is a friendly evening out close to
home and entrance is a mere 4. BASE STATION TOWER
The films start at 8pm and the doors open at 7.15. If you are concerned about the potential installation of
There is always a bar and raffle and the tickets are only 4 an eighteen metre high base station tower in New Lane,
- the best deal in the west! Tatworth the Parish Council needs to hear your views at
their meeting being held on Thursday 2nd February at
Please support the winter programme of films which are: 7.00pm in the Memorial Hall.
If you cannot attend the meeting but have strong views
Friday 17th February (note the earlier date): Bridget you can write to the Clerk, Tatworth & Forton Parish
Jones Baby (Cert 15) starring Renee Zellweger and Colin Council, Tatworth Memorial Hall.
Firth. Bridgets single life is over but who is the father?

Issue 79 The DRIFT 1

TATWORTH & FORTON PARISH COUNCIL used. Grant recipients are required to attend the Annual
Parish Meeting (normally March or April) after the grant has
Grants Available been awarded and mount a display or make a presentation.
At its December meeting, the Parish Council approved a This funding will be available from April 2017.
Grant Funding Policy for the financial year 2017-18. For full policy conditions please see the Parish Councils
website, where an application form can also be downloaded.
The Parish Council wishes to support activities and causes
which benefit the parish of Tatworth and Forton. A grant is Mole Crisis in Tatworth Cemetery
any payment made by the Parish Council for the specific The Parish Council has employed the services of a Mole
purpose for which it is claimed and for the well-being of the Catcher to deal with the sudden influx of moles in the
community. Cemetery. An invasion of moles in a public place can be
potentially quite dangerous as the tunnels near the surface
Any grant made by the Parish Council must directly benefit can cave in and cause a trip hazard. The situation will be
some or all of the residents of the parish of Tatworth and monitored.
Forton. Applicants must set out how the community in
Tatworth and Forton will benefit from the work funded by Christmas Tree Shredding
any grant. This is particularly important where an application Following a joint initiative with South Somerset District
is made by an organisation working regionally or nationally. Council, a compound in the car park area of Tatworth
Memorial Hall has been used to collect real Christmas trees
The following criteria must be met for a group to be for recycling which has proved to be extremely popular. SSDC
considered for a grant: have shredded the trees week commencing 16th January and
have left bags on site to be used by residents as mulch.
* The group must be a charity, voluntary or community
Annual Parish Meeting
* The group must be able to demonstrate that any funding Thursday 27th April 2017 is the date for the Annual Parish
from the Parish Council will directly benefit the residents Meeting, which is being held in the main hall of Tatworth
of Tatworth and Forton; Memorial Hall, where refreshments will be provided. Please
* The group must be formally constituted and have a contact the Clerk if you would like to make a presentation as
management committee made up of volunteers. this is an ideal opportunity for you to promote your activities
* Individuals, businesses, or political parties are not to the Parish.
eligible for grant funding.
* More than one application per organisation per financial CO RNER

year will not normally be considered.


Tatworth and Forton Parish Council,


* There will be a maximum grant of 400.00 per


The Parish Office, Tatworth Memorial Hall.



organisation in any Financial Year.

Telephone: 01460 221066



Grant recipients must submit a report 30 days following the


payment of the grant showing how the funding has been





David Bulmer (Mayor of Chard) writes: Sheila Harding writes:
As a recent traveller on the Exeter / Waterloo line I had We present the pantomime Little Jack Horner on
to catch the train from Crewkerne which is further away Thursday February 23rd - Saturday 25th at the Tatworth
from my home in Chard. My journey to London was Memorial Hall at 7.30pm. Matinee 2.30pm Saturday.
important in my capacity as Mayor of Chard to meet
representatives from one of our twin towns in Romania. Tickets are on sale at: South Chard P.O. & Stores,
These were a group of people visiting our country as part Herberts News, and Kennys Hairdressers in Chard.
of our 25th twinning anniversary. During my journey it Prices are: Adults 6, Concessions 4, Family ticket
struck me that as this train service was extremely
(2 adults 2 children) 18
crowded it occurred to me that so many people were
traveling for so many different reasons. Come along and see our local thesbians strutting the
boards with all the usual comedy, romance, good
Clearly the need to travel by rail has steadily increased overcoming evil etc. You are bound to have an enjoyable
over many years. Therefore there is a substantial need to
evening and a good laugh where you can cheer, clap boo
improve the service. One way to do this would be for South
West Trains provide and upgrade locations where the
& hiss and singalong in all the right places.
customer can catch a train. Chard Junction is ideally
located to do this given its proximity to Chard. Chard is a
town that has potential to expand in years to come, this in BINGO NIGHT AT FOOTBALL CLUB
turn will create more customers and travellers. Therefore Perry Street and Yonder Hill football club will be holding
the need to provide a working station again for rail a prize bingo, suitable for all the family, in the pavilion
travellers and customers needs to be provided.
Tatworth Playing Field on Friday March 17th. Eyes down
7.30pm, doors open 6.30pm.

Lesley Frankau writes:
Ken Johnson writes:
During Advent the company Sine
Nomine entertained a goodly number Now we have the welcoming sight of snowdrops and
with a Programme of Musicke entitled crocuses emerging with the early daffodils not, we hope,
Old Instruments, Fresh Sounds. The too far behind. February is the time of preparing the
evenings entertainment at St Johns ground for the Spring plantings. Spreading clear sheets of
certainly lived up to expectations polythene over the plots helps warm the soil, prevents
with a superb programme of early medieval carols, the ground from becoming over wet and encourages weed
English and German ballads, carols of antiquity germination thus allowing weeds to be removed from the
accompanied by crumhorns, shawms, rebecs, recorders plots prior to the Spring planting. Apple and pear tree
and psalteries to name just a few of the wonderful pruning should be finalised this month.
instruments used throughout the evening. By the time one reads this article we hopefully will have
The seven singers comprising of sopranos, altos, tenors enjoyed the Societys Annual Meal at Lakeview Manor,
and a bass certainly encompassed the statement The Dunkeswell.
whole company being disposed to singe and let forth A reminder that the first Spring meeting will be held at
with voice as needs muste. The entire audience were 7.30pm in Tatworth Memorial Hall on Thursday 9th
transfixed in delight and admiration at their rendition of February 2017. John Horsey will be our speaker on the
carols ancient and modern and it is not an exaggeration topic of Bulbs and Bulbous Plants. The second Spring
to state that all of us gave Sine Nomine a standing meeting - again at 7.30pm in Tatworth Memorial Hall -
ovation after their waits carols brought the evening to a will be on Thursday 9th March 2017. William Bennett,
glorious finale. One gentlemen described the evening as together with a colleague, will deliver Law and the
pure magic and I am sure most of us would agree with this Gardener.
Bookings are now being taken for the Societys Summer
We do hope to welcome them back at a different time trips commencing with a visit to Toby Bucklands Garden
of year to learn more of this talented groups vast Festival at Powderham Castle near Exeter. A coach will
repertoire. For the many people who missed the evening leave Tatworth Memorial Hall at 9.00am on Friday 28th
due to a clash of engagements, do come along and enjoy April 2017. The inclusive cost of the trip will be in the
their singing and playing next time. I can promise you will region of 14.00. For details of the other two trips, to
not be disappointed; only wish we could incorporate The Lost Gardens of Heligan and to Yeo Valley Organic
them into the choir at St Johns every week! Gardens please contact 01460 / 220221.


Gardeners Ahoy! Advance Notice that St Johns annual
Plant Sale in 2017 will take place on Saturday 6th May in Pet Portraits & Wildlife Art
the Memorial Hall, Tatworth. Any contributions from keen
gardeners gratefully received by Gloria and Chris Swain
nearer date. Further information will appear in the March
issue of The Link.


Hester Down writes:
Our 2017 programme began as in previous years with our
New Year Cheer Party which this year took the form of a
traditional afternoon tea party before which we were
entertained by Ellie Baer who sang songs she had written
I specialise and work in high quality coloured pencils
to create a portrait that will last a lifetime.
herself to her own accompaniment on the piano. During
the course of the afternoon a cheque for 557.00 was
Im available for commission to bring out the soul
presented to Tammy from The Munchkins (the
& character of your pet or favourite animal.

Miniature Shetland Pony Rescue at Southleigh, Devon)

which was our nominated project for 2016. Our chosen
Visit my website for Prints, Greeting Cards
fundraising project for 2017 will be Little Bridge House,
& Cushions:
the Childrens Hospice South West.
Our next meeting will be on Thursday 2nd February at
For Prices & Commissions contact:
2.00pm in the Tatworth Church Room when the speaker
will be Jan Morse whose talk will be Travels with Jan 07814 048911

Issue 79 The DRIFT 3

JUBILEE FIELDS ORCHARD somewhat ironically, saying that they could be replanted
elsewhere an action they do not believe suitable for fruit
The following are the personal opinions and comments of the trees). These broadleaf trees had been planted by volunteers
individual parish councillors whose names are attached to this more than two years ago in line with the project plan. Again this
letter, although the decision to replant part of the current action to remove the trees was totally without any authority
orchard in Jubilee Fields is council policy as voted for by the from the full council.
substantial majority of the parish council.
The Parish Council is an elected public body with certain
The parish councils stated aim is to develop Jubilee Field as a responsibilities and powers, not a group of volunteers. It may
public amenity by meeting residents aspirations, expressed in set up committees and working parties to progress projects
a consultation held in 2012, as an area where its ecology and or resolve issues and seek expert advice, but such groups or
the environment can be protected and enhanced through e individuals or groups of councillors have no authority to act
ffective management. It thereby aims to provide people with an independently they can only make recommendations to the
open access area where they may freely enjoy the benefits of council which has the sole authority to make decisions within its
its natural character. It also encourages residents to engage defined powers and responsibilities. This is to protect public
with its ecological well-being and future enhancements with money and, because parish council meetings are open to the
agreed projects. As a result of the 2012 consultation, a project public and topics to be discussed are published beforehand,
plan was designed by the District Council landscape architect to allowing residents to make their views known on any
incorporate the majority views expressed by residents. This proposal on its agenda before any binding decision is taken by
plan has subsequently been democratically adopted by the the council. Therefore, in open forum, the council determined
council. (by a vote of 8 to 3, with one abstention) that the fruit trees
will be carefully removed and re-planted in a setting more in
In following the expressed wishes of respondents to the 2012 keeping with the overall plan during their winter dormant
consultation, generally any future planting will favour native period (the original planting took place at the end of March/
species and be for the purpose of enriching the existing and beginning of April this year (2016)).
potential ecology of the area. It is not envisaged that Jubilee
Fields be a formal park or garden or, apart from the It is unfortunate that some residents appear to support those
allotments that have to be provided by law, as an area for crop whose actions are contrary to wishes of the majority of parish
production. councillors who are endeavouring to meet the aspirations of
residents who made the effort to complete a consultation
To this end, the parish council plan is being supported both with questionnaire in 2012. They have expressed their views in the
advice and finance by Blackdown Hills Futures Project through Drift rather than when it was possible to so do when discussed
the engagement of professional, specialist ecology experts. This in a session open to all residents and are perhaps not fully
has resulted in an aquatics consultant visiting the site to make aware of the unfortunate history where a couple of individuals
recommendations and a botanical survey has been undertaken have been so intent on getting their own way. However,
that will result in an ecology management plan. By invitation of hopefully the more suitable replanting will not irrevocably
the council, the Somerset Rivers Authority/Environment Agency damage the fruit trees, but should any damage occur, the
has also visited the site and it is hoped that this will result responsibility rests squarely upon the two councillors who
in a grant-aided project to cope with potential flood/water ignored the views of several other councillors and acted
management (at least one spring rises in the field) and the without any authority from the council.
possible construction of ponds that reduce high-level flows and
further enhance the bio-diversity in the fields. However, any John MacOmish (Cllr. coordinator of the Jubilee Field Working
future recommendations made by these experts or other Party), Cllr. Sandra Beattie, Cllr. George Beattie,
interested people will be discussed by the Jubilee Fields Cllr. Jane Davison, Cllr Richard Downs.
Working Party, which in turn will instigate formal proposals for
the full council to make a decision in an open-to-all session.
Some fruit trees planting an element within the overall FIELD COMMITTEE
project requested by some residents - is supported
unanimously by councillors. A meeting was held with the We would like to thank everybody for their
District Arborist to ascertain suitable sites for the orchard continued support throughout 2016. By
within the fields, but there is disagreement amongst those supporting our events throughout the year
councillors who attended this meeting as to the possible you have helped raise funds for the upkeep
planting recommended. Unfortunately two councillors chose to of Tatworth Playing Fields which is a self
totally ignore correct procedures (which are legally required of financed charitable organisation. We are looking forward
a council) by going ahead with the planting in its present form. to 2017, dates for your diary this year: The Beer Festival
In so doing they were ignoring the master plan and any on Good Friday 14th & Easter Saturday 15th April;
thought to the scale and shape of the orchard and its intrusion Tatworth Vintage Rally on Sunday 4th June; Party in the
into the area designated as wild flower meadow. The latter Park on Saturday 12th August and Bonfire Night on
project was one of the most popular aspirations expressed Saturday 4th November.
during the consultation. They did so without the authority of
the council and contrary to the views expressed to them by The Clubhouse can be hired for all occasions such as
several other councillors before the trees were planted. At the birthdays, christenings, childrens parties etc. (This does
time, to make space for this unauthorised orchard planting, the not include 18th or 21st birthdays) - Please contact Anna
two councillors also up-rooted a number of broadleaf saplings Allen, secretary for prices and availability on 01460
(some, but not all, of which were in a poor condition, and, 220742.

FEBRUARY GARDENER Umbelliferae Apiaceae family, parsnips, celery etc
require depth which also helps to stop carrot fly.
Spring is in the air. Narcissus (daffodils) and crocus are
popping their heads up - Winter aconite (Eranthis Soil and feeding - Acid Alkali or Neutral - try to do a
hyamelis), fragrant Hyacinths, even tulip bulbs are pH check with an inexpensive testing kit. Take a small
showing green shoots, Alliums and Anemonies are just sample of soil, add some distilled water and shake then
beginning to peep out of the soil, it really is an exciting use the indicator to see what soil pH you have. Also is it
time of year. Sarcococca - Christmas Box is very sandy or clay or is it nice and mixed and crumbly as a
fragrant, early flowering Camellia a great pleasure on a loam should be? Add plenty of fresh compost and manure
cold February walk around your garden and dont especially to Rose beds - your plants will soon respond.
forget winter honeysuckle Lonicera fragrantissima with I especially recommend slow release fertiliser granules
fragrant white and yellow flowers. Hellebores and from February onwards as soil starts to warm up, then
Pullmonaria will soon be emerging adding some welcome add liquid feed before and during flowering.
colour. Bees just love Pullmonaria so search for them to
plant you will be rewarded with pollinators . Plant size consider height, size, light and, often
omitted, space for air circulation. Also, often forgotten,
In the Kitchen Garden Plant bare root trees if soil is the spread of plants. Shrubs are small trees so plan and
warm. Fruit trees such as apple and cherry should be prune carefully but not until after Spring flowering.
planted in pairs for vital pollination. Leave plenty of
room for growth and add organic matter for the roots to The tough but attractive white flowers of Cerastium
establish over 6 to 12 months. Bare root cane fruits can (Snow in summer) complement the flowering bracts of
be planted in late February. Ensure canes are supported. Cornus canadensis and provide good ground cover for
Add lime to brassica beds, plant shallots and sow peas in especially difficult areas.
the greenhouse. Re-pot clumpy mint and over-wintered
Garden centres sell attractive climbers which lift colour
up above all the other plants and can be used for
How content are you with your garden? What do you covering up unsightly objects.
really want to achieve? Will a simple plan enable you
Containers can be used successfully for bulbs, summer
to make changes and improvements and provide
flowering bedding plants and annuals. Try some
interesting ideas for thought and discussion? Was last
vegetables such as new potatoes in a deep container if
years gardening experience up to expectation? Can you
you havent done so before, as well as specimen standard
remember ideas you thought might motivate you to make
shrubs and tender plants. Containers can be moved
those exciting changes you always wanted to? Its not too
around to achieve the best position, but do so before
late to make decisions for the coming gardening year -
adding water as they become too heavy. Keep them well
a good plant search may be required to add to your
watered during hot weather and add water crystals
planting for spring and summer.
before going away. They work well!!
Garden centres offer the plants that can be put in to
Coloured pictures of some of the plants mentioned are
your beds now and which are constantly changing with
available to view free on the Scienceforthegardener
the season so its well worth a pleasant trip out each
website February Gardener. Every month you will find
month to help with planning, plant choices and to enjoy
a wide range of garden science information. The
a good cuppa and slice of cake!
website is now also available as a Secondary Science
Structural and planting changes for your garden. Do you Resourse on the RHS School Gardening website.
want to create more space? Do some raised beds need
adding, especially if growing tap root vegetables, the Tony Arnold ACIHort

contact Nick to discuss your requirements

01460 220339

Issue 79 The DRIFT 5

Tatworths Local Garage - Please Support Local Traders!
What a nice,
General car repairs, ON
l and pleasant m , is.
Servicing, M.O.T.s, LABOU
he lp fu ch
Mo to te
M.O.T. work, Tyres, Exhausts,
ne r of
Mike, the ow
ch ar ge an d does
He does not over job...
a real ly go od Batteries, Air-Conditioning,
Mrs. J.M. Allaw
ay Car Diagnostics,
h Ch ar
So ut
Re-gas & repairs.
Call now on 01460 221313 to book your appointment:
Junction Garage, Station Road, Chard Junction TA20 4QJ

Celias Salon
Celia is passionate about showing women how a great hairstyle
makes you look great and feel fabulous.
~ Extra time to discuss the best styles to suit your face shape,
hair type and lifestyle.
~ Each haircut is created with care and precision.
Enjoy an extra special experience, at a highly professional,
peaceful countryside salon.
Braeside, Bugway lane, Chard Common TA20 4HH
Telephone: 01460 221444 / 07971 675577


From 5.00pm to 7.30pm
peter trotter
the window s p e c i a l i s t

Installation of PCVu, Repairs & replacement

Timber & Aluminium
patios sealed glass units
* Everyone welcome - No ned to book
* Good home-cooked food - friendly atmosphere
fascia boards locks

* Come along and enjoy lunch or a snack, coffee & cake etc.
guttering hinges
bi-fold doors

Every Wednesday 10.00am -2.00pm at TMH

triple glazing

Special offers available on selected doors and

windows. Check out the website and see what The Golden Fleece
our customers say. RESTAURANT - BAR - BED & BREAKFAST
Contact us for a free no hassle quotation on Open every evening and Sunday lunchtimes for delicious home
01460 220865 or 07771 761782 cooked food in a relaxed atmosphere.
Thursday Night is Pie Night. Join us for a selection of our
finest, homemade pies and a drink - for just 10.

The Golden Fleece, Perry Street, South Chard,

Somerset,TA20 4QH
Tel: 01460 220285
Free 10 year insurance backed guarantee as standard.

I hope you will enjoy this edition of The Drift and find the Please send copy to: Robin Munday, Printers Patch, Dyke Hill,
articles interesting and informative; it is important that Perry Street, Tatworth, TA20 2PY. Telephone: 01460 220819
you, the residents of Tatworth and Forton have your say or email to:
about things that matter to you - please contact me with Deadline for The DRIFT (no: 80): 14th March 2017
any items that you would like to see in the next issue. The terms for advertising in The Drift are:
Regarding the last issue apologies must be made about 90mm x 60mm: 5.00 & 110mm x 60mm: 10.00 per insert.
(Advertisers who are based in Tatworth & Forton receive a
this, due to a last minute technical problem urgent action 5.00 discount for the first insertion).
had to be taken and the finished article was not as we Classified Ads are 2.50 per insert and should be no more than
would have wished; it was a case of doing what we could 5 lines, plus a contact number.
to make sure the publication was produced, it was either All advertising proceeds go to support The Drift.
that Drift or no Drift at all; things are now back to
normal again thank goodness. CLASSIFIED ADS
Soon it will be time to look forward to Spring, with WET STONE GRINDER FOR SALE
better weather and things to do in our gardens after the Record Power Scan 100 - Good Condition and has
cold and wet winter! Much to look forward to, including presently been used to sharpen woodworking tools. 10 ono
many more issues of our much loved Drift. Tel: 01460 220819 or email: robin@perryprint,
Dyson DC33 Vacuum cleaner with all the tools. Excellent
Robin Munday condition: 30.00. Contact Sue on 01460 220339.


I wrote earlier in 2016 that the In January, W.I. members and friends heard all about the
volunteers were changing to another perils of living on the North Sea oil rigs from John Pearce.
organisation Blythswood Care for helping to send Now, at the meeting on the 16th February, they will hear
shoeboxes abroad, this year was Romania. about dealing with dangers much nearer home when
Peter Morgan of the Red Cross will talk about and
Can I say a big thank you to all those that helped in demonstrate First Aid in the Home. This is a subject
the warehouse, drivers, donated boxes, items and not that should be of interest and use to everyone and any
interested visitor will be made welcome. On the 6th
forgetting all the knitting & collecting that has gone on
February, Tatworth WI will host a Soup and Pudding
over the year. Steve & I were out in the lorry on a rota
Lunch in the Memorial Hall, on behalf of Somerset
with the other drivers/co-person between us we did County Federation and be hosts there again for a
over 700 miles. Federation Kurling morning on the 27th of the month.
During November a total of 8130 were processed by the The speaker on the 16th March will be Charlie Wheeler
warehouse volunteers and in the beginning of December from Bridport whose talk is entitled From Flight to
loaded on to the artic lorry with the help of RNAS again. Flight, A Year Through My Lens. Passionate about the
This number was made up from not only our area natural world and conservation, Charlie has a degree in
but Cornwall & Bristol we were helping out due to Animal Behaviour and has worked abroad but he now
illness Team Work. works at Abbotsbury Swannery, where he uses his other
passion, photography to record the swans, other birds
If anyone knows of a warehouse/space that would be and animals throughout the year. Members can look
large enough and available for us in November/December forward to seeing some beautiful photographs.
2017 could you let Ingrid & Peter know, it would be of
great help. Members can also look forward to the Fashion Show
(Bonmarche) on the 8th March, arranged by Somerset
To anyone involved with a group, as we know where they Federation, the Scrabble Tournament on the 18th and
are going in advance so it is an ideal way of looking at the going to one or more of the four Spring Annual
educational value Country, social side, language, dress, Road-shows that will take place throughout the month.
way of life to name a few ideas if you would like to In addition, Jessica has arranged for Tatworth Members to
know more again contact Ingrid & Peter. visit the BBC studios at Bristol on the 29th March. The
numbers of those able to tour the studio are limited
but the coach will have seats available for any other
Once again we are looking forward to this year working to
members who just want to visit Bristol centre and shop.
help Blythswood Care in November I have already started As usual there be the monthly lunches and Kurling and
collecting never too early. seated Volley Ball in the Memorial Hall every Monday
If you are interested in having a leaflet, would like to
help in any way you can contact me (Marion) 07813 358 Tatworth WI was formed in 1927, so this will be our 90th
530 or Ingrid & Peter on 01460 54353. year and we are hoping to make it memorable by having
even more, extras special speakers. If anyone has
Very best wishes to you all, suggestions for an outstanding speaker, the Committee
Marion & Steve Slyfield would love to hear from them.

Issue 79 The DRIFT 7

Date & Time Event Venue
Wed 1st Feb Tatworth WI - Antiques evening and Fashion Show at Horton
Thurs 2nd Feb - 2.00pm Tatworth Wives Group Meeting with speaker Jan Morse Ch Rm
Thurs 2nd Feb Tatworth Flower Club - Crafty Creations with Lisa Fowler TMH
Thurs 2nd Feb - 7.00pm T&F Parish Council Meeting concerning the proposed Base Station Tower TMH
Mon 6th Feb WI - Soup and Pudding Lunch TMH
Thurs 9th Feb - 7.30pm Tatworth & District Horticultural Society Meeting with speaker John Horsey TMH
Thurs 16th Feb WI - Meeting with guest speaker Peter Morgan TMH
Fri 17th Feb - 8.00pm T&F Movies Bridget Jones Baby TMH
Thurs 23rd Feb - 7.30pm Tatworth Amateur Pantomime Society - Little Jack Horner TMH
Fri 24th Feb - 7.30pm Tatworth Amateur Pantomime Society - Little Jack Horner TMH
Sat 25th Feb - 2.30pm Tatworth Amateur Pantomime Society Matinee - Little Jack Horner TMH
Sat 25th Feb - 7.30pm Tatworth Amateur Pantomime Society - Little Jack Horner TMH
Mon 27th Feb WI - Federation Kurling morning TMH
Wed 8th March WI - Somerset Federation Fashion Show TMH
Thurs 9th March - 7.30pm Tatworth & District Horticultural Society Meeting with speaker William Bennett TMH
Thurs 16th March WI - Meeting with guest speaker Charlie Wheeler TMH
Fri 17th March - 7.30pm Perry Street and Yonder Hill Football Club Bingo Evening TPF
18th March WI - Scrabble Tournament TMH
Fri 24th March - 8.00pm T&F Movies A Street Cat Named Bob TMH
Sat 29th March WI - Visit to BBC Studios in Bristol

Every Mon - 2.00pm Stretch and Relax Class Ch Rm
Every Mon - 2.00pm New Age Kurling & seated volleyball - 1.50 per session, including refreshments TMH
Every Mon - 7.00 - 8.00pm Celias Get Fit, Tone-up & Stretch Class TMH
Every Tues - 2.00 - 4.00pm Tatworth Craft Group - 1 each including refreshments - Brewer Room TMH
Every Tues - 5.00 - 6.00pm Under 10s Softball Cricket (up until19th April) HSH
Every Tues - 6.00 - 7.00pm School years 6 - 10 Hardball Cricket Up until 19th April) HSH
Every Wed - 10.00am - 2.00pm Wendys Kitchen TMH
Every Wed - 3.30 - 5.00pm Exercise Class TMH
Every Wed - 7.00pm Chard & District Lace Group - Brewer Room TMH
Every Thursday - 7.00pm Chard Karate Club - Juniors (R) PSC
Every Thursday - 8.00pm Chard Karate Club - Seniors (R) PSC
Every Sat - 5.00 - 7.30pm Traditional Fish & Chips van TMH
First Tues - Monthly Chiropodist - Mr Grimminger - Tel: 30114 TMH
First Thu - Monthly Tatworth & Forton Parish County Meeting TMH
First Thu - Monthly 2.00pm Tatworth Flower Club TMH
Third Thurs - Monthly WI Meeting TMH
Fourth Tuesday - Monthly Kents Fellowship KCR
Last Fri - Monthly Perry Street Social Clubs Monthly Big Quiz PSC
KEY: Ch Rm - St Johns Church Room, PSC - Perry Street Club, TMH - Tatworth Memorial Hall, TPF - Tatworth Playing Fields,
TPS - Tatworth Primary School, StJ - St Johns Church, KCR - Kents Common Room, SCC -South Chard Church.

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