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Knowledge Management

Collaborating for Success .

Presented By:
Vijay Nair

Copyright 2017 Assyst. All rights reserved.

Knowledge Management A Technical Issue ?

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What is Knowledge Management?

Knowledge Management is the explicit

and systematic management of vital
knowledge - and its associated processes
of creation, organization, diffusion, use and
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Knowledge Management Significance

Competitive Advantage
Cost Savings
Loss of Expertise, experience
Knowledge Half life ( approx. 500 days)
Cumulative cost over $ 115 Bn
Eg lost source code during Y2K issue cost approx. $ 1
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People and Systems
Knowledge Teams - multi-disciplinary, cross-functional
Learning Organization - personal/team/org development
Corporate Initiatives Chief Knowledge Officer and KM Strategy
Knowledge Data-bases - experts, best practice
Knowledge Centers - hubs of knowledge, Learning MS/LCMS
Technology Infrastructure - Intranets, Document Management, KMS

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Explicit Knowledge

As a general rule of thumb, explicit knowledge consists

of anything that can be documented, archived and
codified, often with the help of IT.

Examples of Explicit Knowledge include:

Any step-by-step process that has been documented
Company policies and manuals

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Source: The ABCs of Knowledge Management 6

Tacit Knowledge

The know-how contained in peoples heads.

Examples of Tacit Knowledge:

Knowing how to hit a helicopter shot
Knowledge in any job where you can skip steps/contacts to get what you
need more quickly

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Source: The ABCs of Knowledge Management and Reference 5. 7
Conversion Spiral

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What is Knowledge Management Trying to
The problem of spending more time trying to find
information than actually using it.
Increase consistency of information/standardization
of processes in order to improve efficiency and/or
Retain knowledge as workers retire or leave the
Avoid re-inventing the wheel.
Increase efficiency of accessing the specific
information that workers need.
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Seven Levers
Customer Knowledge - the most vital knowledge
Knowledge in Products - smarts add value
Knowledge in People - but people walk
Knowledge in Processes - know-how when needed
Organizational Memory - do we know what we know?
Knowledge in Relationships - richness and depth
Knowledge Assets - intellectual capital

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Implementing and Maintaining KM

Maintaining KMS
Why Implement KM?

Strategy for Implementing

Whos Responsible?
ITs Role in Implementing

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Why Knowledge Management?

Old Knowledge Equation:

Knowledge = Power, so hoard it.

New Knowledge Equation:

Knowledge = Power, so share it and it will multiply.

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Why Implement KMS?
IBM, Oracle, Cisco
Measure intranet value at over $1 billion

BT, UK telecommunications company

Employee ideas have saved 100 million

Sodexhos SuperSleuth
Cash reward for employees submitting sales leads
Led to over $90 million in sales volume

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Whos Responsible?

Leaders as knowledge champions

The Knowledgeable
Not a problem of knowing, but of access

End Users
Psychological barriers

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Role of IT in Implementation
The biggest contributor to this brilliant growth of the knowledge
management system is information technology.
Lee et al. also say, ...there are negative perspectives about
information technology.

According to a managing partner at a KM consultancy firm based in

New York, The biggest misconception that IT leaders make is that
knowledge management is about technology...Usually people begin
a KM project by focusing on the technology...But the key is

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Different Aspects of Knowledge Management

Creation and Capture of knowledge

Sharing of information
Codification of information
Protection of information
Retrieval of information
Ability to update information easily
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The KM Framework



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Aspects of Knowledge Management Strategy

MacroEconomic Conditions Globalization,

Organization Climate Structure, Goals, Culture
Technical Resistance, Compatibility issues,
Informational famine, glut, & fatigue
Personal Roles & Motivation

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Maintaining KM Systems

Provide Adequate Access

Psychological Barriers
Use it or lose it
Share knowledge
Knowledge is individual power, not group power

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Maintaining KM Systems

Big Idea
Organizational Sociology
Know your audience
Be flexible
No single recipe for success

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Copyright 2017 Assyst. All rights reserved.
Copyright 2017 Assyst. All rights reserved.

Thank You
Vijay Nair

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