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English Worksheet

Chapter: Going Places

1. Complete the following summary of the lesson using the words and phrases given in
the box:-

The story revolves around the life of Sophie, a teenager, who, like others of her age, was
filled with_________________. She came from a ____________background, but hoped to be
______________________in the future. Sophie dreamt of owning one day or of being an
actress or________________________, but her friend Jansie believed that both of them were
earmarked for the biscuit factory. Jansie, who was more____________________, tried to
make Sophie face the harsh reality, but it was in vain.

Sophie lived in a small house with her parents and brothers, Geoff and little Derek. Though
she voiced her feelings and desires, her family did not take her seriously, because they were
aware of her___________________________________.

Sophie _____________________her elder brother Geoff, who was tall, strong and handsome
and reserved. She _______________________and often wondered about his thoughts and the
areas of his life that she didnt know about.

In order to _____________________Geoff, Sophie made up a story about how she met

Danny Casey, an Irish football player, in a shopping arcade. Geoff, who was more sensible
than Sophie, did not really believe her, even if he wanted to. Geoff knew that
____________________for Sophie to have met the ____________________in a shopping
arcade, but when Sophie described the meeting in detail, he began to hope that it could be
true. She told him that Danny had promised to meet her somewhere again.

Sophie was upset when Jansie got to hear about this story because she knew that her friend
was ______________________and that she understood Sophie well enough to know when
she was lying. Therefore, Sophie only told her the bare details of her meeting with Danny

Sophie got so pulled into the story she had made up, that she_____________________ that it
was true. She waited for the Irish player, but he never arrived. Then, she made her way home,
thinking of how her brother would be disappointed on knowing that Danny Casey never
showed up. However, Sophie ___________________________about her hero, unperturbed.
very inquisitive fantasies and desires herself began to believe

continued to fantasise envied his silence prodigy fashion designer

poor financial realistic and practical tendency to make up stories it

was unlikely hero-worshipped

a boutique wealthy and famous gain the attention of

2. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each:-

a) Sophie was an impractical and unrealistic young girl. Justify with instances from the
b) Jansie was Sophie's classmate and friend, but doesn't entertain any 'wild dreams' like
her. Why?
c) Geoff was completely different from Sophie. Explain.
d) What was Geoffs unknown world that Sophie believed to have existed? Did this
world really exist?
e) Why did Sophie go to the park to meet Danny Casey even though she knew that her
story was a lie?


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