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International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 15 (2000) 283 289

Original article
The effect of ferrous sulphate and sucralfate on the bioavailability
of oral gemifloxacin in healthy volunteers
A. Allen a,*, E. Bygate b, H. Faessel a, L. Isaac b, A. Lewis c
Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, The Frythe, Welwyn, Herts AL6 9AR, UK
Clinical Pharmacology Unit, SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, Harlow, Essex, UK
Clinical Pharmacology Statistics Department, Harlow, Essex, UK
Received 11 January 2000; accepted 17 March 2000


Sucralfate is a cytoprotectant with antacid properties and ferrous sulphate is commonly prescribed for iron-deficiency anaemia.
This open, randomized, single-dose, five-way crossover study investigated the effect of sucralfate and ferrous sulphate on the
bioavailability of gemifloxacin, a novel fluoroquinolone antimicrobial. Twenty-seven healthy male volunteers received
gemifloxacin, 320 mg p.o., alone, 3 h after sucralfate (2 g) or ferrous sulphate (325 mg), or 2 h before sucralfate or ferrous
sulphate. Each subject received all five dosing regimens in random order with at least 6 days between regimens. Plasma samples
collected up to 48 h after dosing with gemifloxacin, were assayed for gemifloxacin to determine pharmacokinetic parameters.
Administration of gemifloxacin 3 h after sucralfate produced a marked decrease of 53% in the area under the plasma
concentrationtime curve from time zero extrapolated to infinity (AUC0 ), and a decrease of 69% in the maximal plasma
concentration (Cmax). Administration of gemifloxacin 3 h after ferrous sulphate resulted in only a modest reduction of 11% in
AUC0 and of 20% in Cmax, which was not considered to be clinically significant. In contrast, at the doses used neither sucralfate
nor ferrous sulphate altered gemifloxacin bioavailability when it was administered 2 h before either of these agents. Gemifloxacin
was well tolerated in all the regimens. The results of this study support the dosing recommendation that gemifloxacin can be safely
administered at least 2 h before sucralfate or ferrous sulphate, or at least 3 h after ferrous sulphate. 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.
and International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Gemifloxacin; Fluoroquinolone; Pharmacokinetics; Sucralfate; Ferrous sulphate; Drug interactions

1. Introduction ical microorganisms [57]. Furthermore, in studies of

its activity in vitro against clinical isolates, gemifloxacin
Gemifloxacin is a novel, synthetic fluoroquinolone was highly active against various Enterobacteriaceae
antibacterial agent with a broad spectrum of activity including those implicated in urinary tract infections
against both Gram-negative and Gram-positive organ- (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus
isms [13]. In vitro studies have shown that mirabilis), 90% of which were inhibited at gemifloxacin
gemifloxacin is 4- to 64-fold more active than reference concentrations of B 0.5 mg/l [2,8].
quinolones against Gram-positive cocci [4]. Its spec- Gemifloxacin is rapidly absorbed with a time to
trum of activity covers all the major respiratory tract maximum plasma concentration (Tmax) of 0.5 2 h in
pathogens including Streptococcus pneumoniae, healthy subjects and displays linear pharmacokinetics
Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis and atyp- over the dose range studied (20800 mg), with an
apparent plasma terminal half-life (t1/2) after single or
repeated administration of about 8 h [9,10]. A mini-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +44-1438-782598; fax: +44-1438-
782600. mum of 2030% of the oral dose is excreted unchanged
E-mail address: Ann (A. Allen). in the urine. Plasma protein binding of gemifloxacin is

0924-8579/00/$ - $20 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. and International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.
PII: S0924-8579(00)00187-4
284 A. Allen et al. / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 15 (2000) 283289

low (about 70%) [9,10]. Following repeated once-daily reactions or hypersensitivity to the study drug or drugs
administration, there is negligible accumulation of with a similar chemical structure; participation in any
gemifloxacin at doses up to 640 mg [10]. drug trial within the previous 4 months or in more than
Sucralfate is an aluminium containing cytoprotectant three clinical trials with different new drugs within the
with antacid properties used for patients with duodenal previous 12 months. Subjects who smoked were re-
or gastric ulcer or with gastritis. Ferrous sulphate or stricted to ten cigarettes a day during the study and
other iron salts are commonly given as a dietary supple- were asked to refrain from smoking during residential
ment for the treatment of iron-deficiency anaemia. periods in the study. Subjects were also asked to refrain
Many patients using either sucralfate or iron salts will from strenuous physical activity from 48 h before until
also be prescribed antimicrobials at some time. How- 48 h after each dosing day and from sunbathing or
ever as a class, oral quinolones interact with antacids using sun-beds from 24 h before until 48 h after dosing
containing di or trivalent ions (magnesium, aluminium on each dosing day.
and calcium), with sucralfate [11 18] and with iron
[19,20], probably as a result of the formation of poorly 2.3. Protocol
absorbed chelates [21]. If these agents are administered
concomitantly with a quinolone, a significant reduction A total of 31 subjects entered the study. Subjects
in plasma concentrations of antimicrobial may result were to receive each of five dosing regimens separated
with a consequent loss of efficacy. It is therefore impor- by a washout period of at least 6 days. The order of
tant to define a therapeutic time window within which regimens was randomized for each subject. The five
a quinolone antimicrobial can be co-administered with regimens were: sucralfate, 2 g, administered 3 h before
sucralfate or iron. This study was designed to investi- gemifloxacin; sucralfate, 2 g, administered 2 h after
gate the effect of sucralfate and of ferrous sulphate on gemifloxacin; ferrous sulphate, 325 mg, administered 3
the bioavailability of oral gemifloxacin, when adminis- h before gemifloxacin; ferrous sulphate, 325 mg, admin-
tered either 3 h before or 2 h after gemifloxacin. istered 2 h after gemifloxacin; a single dose of
gemifloxacin. In each case a single oral dose of 320 mg
gemifloxacin was administered. All study medication
2. Materials and methods was swallowed without chewing with 200 ml of water.
Subjects fasted from midnight the night prior to each
2.1. Study design dosing session and food was restricted until 3 h after
dosing with gemifloxacin when a light standard meal
This open, randomized, single-dose, five-way, was provided. Dinner was provided 910 h after dosing
crossover study in healthy male volunteers was con- with gemifloxacin. Drinking of mineral water only was
ducted in accordance with Good Clinical Practice permitted until 7 h after dosing, after which fluid intake
Guidelines and the amended Declaration of Helsinki. was unrestricted. Subjects abstained from alcohol, caf-
All participants gave written informed consent before feine-containing drinks and grapefruit juice from 24 h
any study procedures were performed. prior to the study start until 48 h after dosing on each
dosing day. Subjects were also asked to fast from
2.2. Subjects midnight the night before collection of blood and urine
samples for safety evaluation at 24 h after dosing.
Male subjects aged 18 60 years were eligible if they
were within 15% of ideal body weight for height, frame 2.4. Screening and safety e6aluation
and age and provided they exhibited no clinically sig-
nificant abnormalities on clinical examination, clinical All subjects who received at least one dose of study
chemistry, haematology or urinalysis. They were also medication were included in the safety evaluation.
required to have a normal 12-lead electrocardiograph Pulse, semi-supine blood pressure and 12-lead ECG
(ECG), a negative urine drug screen and a negative were measured before the study, before dosing, and at
hepatitis B surface antigen result. The exclusion criteria 2 h and 12 h after dosing on each dosing day, and at
were: use of antacids, sucralfate, medications contain- follow-up. Clinical laboratory assessments (haematol-
ing di- and trivalent cations (e.g. iron, zinc or calcium), ogy, clinical chemistry and urinalysis) were made before
zinc-containing multivitamins, or over-the-counter the study, before dosing, 24 h after dosing on each
medications within 48 h before the first dosing day of study day, and at follow-up. In addition, a urine drug
each study session; use of prescribed medications within screen was performed before the study and at random
14 days of the study start; a history of allergy to before dosing; each subject underwent a urine drug
quinolones; a history of any condition known to inter- screen on at least one occasion during the study. Ad-
fere with the pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics verse experiences were recorded before dosing, at 2, 12,
of drugs; a definite or suspected history of adverse and 24 h after dosing on each dosing day and at
A. Allen et al. / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 15 (2000) 283289 285

follow-up. Spontaneous reports of adverse experiences 2.7. Statistical analysis

were also recorded. Adverse experiences were graded
for severity and relationship to the study drug by the Assuming maximal within-subject CVs of 35% for
investigator. The follow-up assessments were made be- AUC and Cmax (from previous studies with
tween 7 and 15 days of the final dosing day. gemifloxacin), it was calculated that 27 evaluable sub-
jects would be required to provide at least 90% power
to detect a difference of 30% (true ratio 0.70 or 1.43) in
2.5. Blood sampling and assay methods AUC and Cmax. Adjustments were made for the four
multiple comparisons using Dunnetts procedure to en-
On each dosing day, venous blood samples of :3 ml sure the overall type I error rate was maintained at 5%
were obtained via indwelling cannula from each subject [23]. Thirty subjects were recruited with the aim of
before dosing and at 15, 30, 45, 60 and 90 min, then at obtaining evaluable data from at least 27 subjects.
2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 36 and 48 h after each single-dose The primary endpoints were AUC and Cmax and
administration of gemifloxacin. Samples were cen- these were loge-transformed and compared by analysis
trifuged at approximately +4C and the resulting of variance (ANOVA) fitting terms for sequence, sub-
plasma was transferred to plain tubes, frozen and ject within sequence, period and dosing regimen. The
stored at approximately 20C until analysis. Plasma point estimates and adjusted 95% confidence intervals
samples were assayed for gemifloxacin using a method (CIs) for the difference between the regimens (sucralfate
based on protein precipitation with acetonitrile, fol- 3 h before:gemifloxacin alone; sucralfate 2 h af-
lowed by high-pressure liquid chromatographic and ter:gemifloxacin alone; ferrous sulphate 3 h be-
mass spectrometric analysis using positive-ion spray fore:gemifloxacin alone; ferrous sulphate 2 h
ionization (SmithKline Beecham, unpublished data). after:gemifloxacin alone) were constructed using the
The calibration curve of the assay was linear over a residual variance from the model. The ANOVA indi-
plasma range of 0.01 0.5 mg/l (correlation coefficient, cated that the homogeneity of variance assumption
0.9980), and the intra-assay and inter-assay coefficients might have been violated due to higher variation on
of variation (CVs) over this range were B 10%. The regimen giving sucralfate 3 h before gemifloxacin rela-
lower limit of quantification for gemifloxacin was 0.01 tive to the other regimens.
mg/l using a 0.05 ml aliquot of human plasma. In order to address this regimen for sucralfate 3 h
before gemifloxacin was removed from the ANOVA
and revised point estimates and adjusted 95% confi-
2.6. Pharmacokinetic analysis dence intervals for the difference between the regimens
(sucralfate 2 h after:gemifloxacin alone; ferrous sul-
Gemifloxacin plasma concentration time data were phate 3 h before:gemifloxacin alone; ferrous sulphate 2
analysed by non-compartmental methods using Win- h after:gemifloxacin alone) were constructed using the
Nonlin Professional (version 1.5; Pharsight, Cary, NC, residual variance from the model and making the ap-
USA). The first occurrence of maximal plasma concen- propriate adjustments for the four multiple compari-
tration (Cmax) and the time to Cmax (Tmax) were sons using Dunnetts procedure. A paired t-test was
recorded. The area under the concentration time curve constructed for the comparison of sucralfate 3 h before
from time zero to the last quantifiable plasma concen- gemifloxacin with gemifloxacin alone, which does not
tration (AUC0 t) was calculated using the linear trape- assume equal variances between regimens. Appropriate
zoidal rule for each incremental trapezoid and the log adjustments were made for the four multiple compari-
trapezoidal rule for each trapezoid after Cmax [22]. sons using Dunnetts procedure.
AUC extrapolated to infinity (AUC0 ) was calculated
as the sum of the AUC0 t and C(t)/lz, where C(t) was
the predicted concentration from the log linear regres- 3. Results
sion analysis at the last quantifiable time point and lz
was the elimination rate constant. The percentage of 3.1. Patient demographics
AUC0 that was extrapolated was calculated as the
ratio of (AUC0 AUC0 t) to AUC0 . The appar- A total of 31 healthy, male subjects entered the study
ent terminal elimination rate constant (lz) was derived and received study medication, of whom 28 received all
from the log linear disposition phase of the concentra- five treatment regimens and 27 completed the study.
tion time curve using least-squares regression with vi- Twenty-nine subjects contributed to at least one com-
sual inspection of the data to determine the appropriate parison of interest and were included in statistical
number of terminal points to calculate lz. The appar- analyses. Two subjects were withdrawn due to adverse
ent terminal-phase elimination half-life (t1/2) was calcu- experiences and one subject who received all five dosing
lated as ln(2)/lz. regimens was lost to follow-up. Another patient was
286 A. Allen et al. / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 15 (2000) 283289

was 79.69 12.3 kg. Twenty-eight subjects (90%) were

white people.

3.2. Pharmacokinetics

The concentrationtime profiles for gemifloxacin

were similar in most subjects following oral adminis-
tration of gemifloxacin, 320 mg alone, with
gemifloxacin present in plasma within 1 h and gener-
ally remaining quantifiable for 30 h. The mean Cmax
of 1.05 mg/l was reached at 0.52 h, and
gemifloxacin plasma concentrations subsequently de-
creased bi-exponentially, with a mean t1/2 of 8.09 h.
Administration of sucralfate 3 h before gemifloxacin
considerably reduced Cmax for gemifloxacin (Fig. 1)
but there was large variability between subjects in the
concentrationtime profiles. Administration of ferrous
sulphate 3 h before gemifloxacin slightly lowered Cmax
for gemifloxacin, but administration of either sucral-
fate or ferrous sulphate 2 h after gemifloxacin had
negligible effect on Cmax for gemifloxacin.
Administration of sucralfate 3 h before dosing with
gemifloxacin significantly reduced the bioavailability
of gemifloxacin (mean decrease of 53% in AUC0
and of 69% in Cmax) compared with gemifloxacin
given alone (Tables 1 and 2). Administration of fer-
rous sulphate 3 h before dosing with gemifloxacin
only moderately decreased the bioavailability of
gemifloxacin (mean decrease of 11% in AUC0 and
of 20% in Cmax). The bioavailability of gemifloxacin
Fig. 1. Mean plasma concentrations of gemifloxacin following a
single oral dose of gemifloxacin, 320 mg, alone, or given 2 h before or
was not notably altered by administration of either
3 h after sucralfate (2 g) or ferrous sulphate (325 mg). sucralfate or ferrous sulphate 2 h after gemifloxacin
dosing (mean decrease of 810% in AUC0 and of
withdrawn before the final dosing session because the 24% in Cmax).
required number of evaluable patients had been Administration of sucralfate or ferrous sulphate be-
reached. For the 31 subjects who received at least one fore or after gemifloxacin dosing did not alter the
dose of study medication, the mean ( 9 SD) age was elimination phase and estimates of t1/2 were similar
34 9 10.7 years (range, 19 60 years), mean height was for all five dosing regimens (Table 1) with an overall
1.809 0.06 m (range, 1.66 1.94 m) and mean weight mean of : 8 h.

Table 1
Pharmacokinetic parameters for gemifloxacin following a single oral dose of 320 mg given alone or at various times relative to administration of
sucralfate (2 g) or ferrous sulphate (325 mg)a

Parameter Sucralfate 3 h Sucralfate 2 h after Ferrous sulphate 3 h Ferrous sulphate 2 h after Gemifloxacin
before gemifloxacin gemifloxacin before gemifloxacin gemifloxacinb alone

Cmax (mg/l) 0.5119 0.385 1.0609 0.488 0.843 9 0.320 1.020 90.375 1.050 9 0.409
AUC0 (mg 3.559 2.12c 5.519 1.78b 5.33 91.98 5.37 91.53 5.97 9 1.92
Tmax (h)d 1.50 (0.754.00) 1.00 (0.521.93) 1.02 (0.753.03) 1.00 (0.501.92) 1.00 (0.501.98)
t1/2 (h) 8.169 2.18c 8.31 9 1.78b 7.48 9 1.29 8.12 9 1.92 8.09 91.64

Values given are arithmetic means 9 standard deviation (29 subjects).
28 subjects.
27 subjects.
Median value (range).
A. Allen et al. / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 15 (2000) 283289 287

Table 2
Comparison of pharmacokinetic parameters of gemifloxacin following a single oral dose of 320 mg given alone or at various times relative to
administration of sucralfate (2 g) of ferrous sulphate (325 mg)

Parameter Comparison versus gemifloxacin alone Point estimate 95% CIa Within-subject CV

AUC0 Sucralfate 3 h before gemifloxacin 0.47 (0.29, 0.74) 78.3

Sucralfate 2 h after gemifloxacin 0.92 (0.77, 1.10) 27.6
Ferrous sulphate 3 h before gemifloxacin 0.89 (0.74, 1.06) 27.6
Ferrous sulphate 2 h after gemifloxacin 0.90 (0.75, 1.07) 27.6
Cmax Sucralfate 3 h before gemifloxacin 0.31 (0.17, 0.53) 104.2
Sucralfate 2 h after gemifloxacin 0.98 (0.79, 1.21) 33.2
Ferrous sulphate 3 h before gemifloxacin 0.80 (0.65, 0.99) 33.2
Ferrous sulphate 2 h after gemifloxacin 0.96 (0.77, 1.19) 33.2

Adjustments made for four multiple comparisons using Dunnetts procedure.

3.3. Safety and may result in therapeutic failure [26]. Consistent

with this, in the present study, administration of sucral-
No deaths or serious adverse experiences occurred fate before dosing with oral gemifloxacin resulted in a
during the study. The number of adverse experiences significant reduction in bioavailability of gemifloxacin
and the number of subjects with adverse experiences (mean decrease of 53% for AUC0 and 69% for Cmax).
were similar across all five treatment regimens. Two This reduction in bioavailability was similar in magni-
subjects were withdrawn because of mild adverse expe- tude to that reported for other fluoroquinolones given
riences (mild hyperbilirubinaemia and a mild rash). In orally with sucralfate, e.g. concomitant oral administra-
all, 49 adverse experiences were reported by 22 subjects tion of sucralfate with norfloxacin [15], ciprofloxacin
but none were considered to be probably related to [27], ofloxacin [28], enoxacin [29], sparfloxacin [30] and
study medication. Most adverse experiences were con- moxifloxacin [31] led to reductions in bioavailability of
sidered to be not related or unlikely to be related to 44100%.
study medication, but five were suspected with reason- The relative timing of administration may determine
able possibility to be related to study medication. The the effect of sucralfate on the pharmacokinetics of
most common adverse experience was headache (11 fluoroquinolones. In the present study, administration
headaches in eight subjects), followed by contact der- of sucralfate 2 h after dosing with gemifloxacin had
matitis, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. All the reports only a small effect on AUC0 (decrease of 8%) or
of contact dermatitis were related to application of Cmax (decrease of 2%), and similar results have been
ECG electrodes or occurred at the cannulation site and reported with ciprofloxacin [32], enoxacin [29] and
were not considered related to study medication. Three levofloxacin [33]. The lack of effect of sucralfate on
subjects developed a mild rash during the study, which gemifloxacin pharmacokinetics when it is administered
resolved spontaneously. One case of rash was suspected 2 h after gemifloxacin dosing reflects the relatively rapid
with reasonable possibility to be related to study medi- absorption of gemifloxacin (median Tmax about 1 h
cation and this patient was withdrawn. One subject after a single dose in healthy volunteers) [9], which
suffered a severe headache which was considered un- ensures that absorption would be complete by this time.
likely to be related to study medication and which
Conversely, administration of sucralfate 2 h before
resolved with appropriate therapy. All other adverse
norfloxacin [15] or enoxacin [29] reduced
experiences were of mild or moderate intensity.
fluoroquinolone bioavailability by 43 and 46%, respec-
There were no clinically important changes in blood
tively, compared with decreases of 98 and 87% when
pressure, pulse rate, ECG parameters or clinical labora-
the two types of agent were administered concomi-
tory parameters during the study. The hyperbiliru-
tantly. The present study, which found a decrease of
binaemia that led to withdrawal of one subject was not
53% in AUC0 and of 69% in Cmax when sucralfate
considered to be related to study medication.
was given 3 h before gemifloxacin, is consistent with
these findings. The pharmacokinetic parameters of
gemifloxacin given alone in the present study were
4. Discussion similar to those determined in previous studies [9,34
As reviewed by several authors, the interaction of The effect of ferrous sulphate has been investigated
quinolone antimicrobials with metallic di- and trivalent with various fluoroquinolones. Thus, the bioavailabili-
cation-containing agents is a class effect [21,24,25] ties of norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin and
which greatly reduces the bioavailability of these agents levofloxacin are decreased by 2573% when they are
288 A. Allen et al. / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 15 (2000) 283289

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