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Ships and Offshore Structures

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Studies of the buckling of composite plates in


B. Hayman , C. Berggreen , C. Lundsgaard-Larsen , A. Delarche , H.

Toftegaard , R. S. Dow , J. Downes , K. Misirlis , N. Tsouvalis & C. Douka

To cite this article: B. Hayman , C. Berggreen , C. Lundsgaard-Larsen , A. Delarche , H.

Toftegaard , R. S. Dow , J. Downes , K. Misirlis , N. Tsouvalis & C. Douka (2011) Studies of the
buckling of composite plates in compression, Ships and Offshore Structures, 6:1-2, 81-92, DOI:

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Ships and Offshore Structures
Vol. 6, Nos. 12, 2011, 8192

Studies of the buckling of composite plates in compression

B. Haymana , C. Berggreenb , C. Lundsgaard-Larsenb , A. Delarcheb , H. Toftegaardc , R.S. Dowd , J. Downesd , K. Misirlisd ,
N. Tsouvalise and C. Doukae
Det Norske Veritas AS, Hvik, and University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway; b Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark,
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark; c Materials Research Division, Ris National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Technical University of
Denmark, Roskilde, Denmark; d Marine Science and Technology, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom;
Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
(Received 15 December 2009; final version received 31 August 2010)

As part of the Network of Excellence on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT), a series of studies has been carried out into the
buckling of glass-fibre-reinforced polymer plates with in-plane compression loading. The studies have included fabrication
and testing of square, laminated panels with various thicknesses and initial geometrical imperfections, material testing,
advanced finite element modelling studies and finally parametric studies covering a range of slendernesses and imperfection
amplitudes. The paper provides an overview of the studies, which involved several participants in the Network.
Keywords: glass-fibre-reinforced polymer plates; material tests; geometric imperfections; ultimate strength

Nomenclature i, j, k Local coordinate system (subscripts 1, 2, 3).

a Unsupported panel length. m Matrix.
b Unsupported panel width. s Shear.
B Nominal panel width. t Tension.
d Damage variables associated with degradation
of material properties.
E Youngs modulus in the associated local (lam- 1. Introduction
ina) direction.
1.1. Background
G Shear modulus in the associated local (lamina)
plane. The application of composite materials in marine struc-
K Shear stiffness in the associated laminate tures is continuously increasing. Some examples include
plane. ship hull construction, lightweight superstructures in ship
L Nominal panel length. and offshore structures and wind/current turbine blades. For
t Section thickness. plates that are made of steel or aluminium, design strength
x, y, z Global coordinate system. curves have been established that specify the strength under
X, Y, S Material strengths in the fibre, transverse and in-plane compressive loading as a function of a slenderness
shear directions. parameter. Such curves take account of geometric imper-
o Amplitude of initial geometric imperfections. fections and have been established on the basis of extensive
, Normal and shear strain tensors, respectively. numerical, analytical and experimental studies. In contrast,
Major Poissons ratio (unless stated other- design of fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP) structures against
wise). buckling is almost invariably treated in terms of the elastic
, Normal and shear stress tensors. critical load of the ideal structure, at best modified by a
knock-down factor based on limited test data. A separate
check for local material failure is performed, but usually this
does not consider the interaction with buckling nor does it
Subscripts take account of imperfections in a systematic way. This is
c Compression. probably due to the fact that relatively few test results are
f Fibre. available for buckling of FRP structures, and there is little

Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN: 1744-5302 print / 1754-212X online
C 2011 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/17445302.2010.528283
82 B. Hayman et al.

published information on the manufacturing imperfections up to failure and to obtain comprehensive test data for use
that need to be taken into account. in validation of modelling approaches.

1.2. MARSTRUCT studies 2.2. Plate specimens

As part of the Network of Excellence on Marine Structures Plate specimens for three panel series were produced at the
(MARSTRUCT), a wide-ranging series of studies has been National Technical University of Athens (NTUA; Series
carried out into the buckling of glass-fibre-reinforced poly- 1 and 2) and by Vestas Wind Systems A/S on behalf of
mer plates with in-plane compression loading. The studies the Technical University of Denmark (DTU; Series 3). The
have consisted of the following: composite systems used by the two fabricators were similar
but not identical, and the production methods followed were
r A series of square laminated panels was fabricated at also different.
two locations, using similar lay-ups but two different The DTU material was a pre-preg E-glass fibre/epoxy
production methods. The panels were of three different system. The fibre reinforcement comprised two types of E-
thicknesses. Some were made as flat as possible, while glass fabrics: a 1200 g/m2 unidirectional (UD) fabric and
others were fabricated with intentional out-of-flatness a 600 g/m2 45 biaxial, knitted, non-crimp fabric. The
imperfections. NTUA material was a wet lay-up E-glass/epoxy system. The
r Extensively instrumented tests were performed on these fibre reinforcement comprised a 623 g/m2 UD glass fabric
panels with in-plane compressive loading. It was in- (with 50 g/m2 in weft direction) together with a 306 g/m2
tended that the test rig should provide effectively 45 biaxial, non-crimp fabric and an epoxy resin with low
clamped conditions at the panel edges, but some move- viscosity (600750 MPas at 25 C).
ment was observed. A digital image correlation (DIC) With UD representing the unidirectional layers and
system was used to measure the deformation of each BIAX the biaxial layers, the lay-ups of the three series
panel, including the movements at the edges. are the following:
r Material testing was performed in a round-robin study Series 1: [BIAX/4 UD/BIAX/3 UD]S
to establish the mechanical properties of the laminates Series 2: [BIAX/4 UD/BIAX/4 UD/BIAX/3 UD]S
(both elastic properties and strength). Series 3: [BIAX/4 UD/BIAX/4 UD/BIAX/2 UD]S
r Advanced finite element modelling studies were per-
formed at several institutions, and the results were com- All lay-ups are symmetrical, and the actual weight of
pared with the panel tests to validate the methods and the UD layers is 88% of the total weight of both the UD
establish the best practices for predicting the behaviour and biaxial layers for Series 1 and 2 and 87% of the total
up to ultimate failure. Various degradation models were weight for Series 3. The thicknesses of most specimens were
used in the range of non-linear material behaviour. measured using a 3-D contact digitiser, and the nominal
r Parametric studies of plates with idealised edge condi- thicknesses of Series 13 were approximately 9, 15 and 20
tions were performed, covering a range of slenderness mm, respectively.
ratios and imperfection amplitudes. Each plate had a nominal total length L of 400 mm
(parallel to the load direction) and width B of 380 mm
The experimental and numerical programmes per- (Figure 1). When the plate was mounted in the text fixture,
formed for the purposes of the MARSTRUCT Network its unsupported length a and width b were both 320 mm
have produced a systematic series of data for the assess- (Figure 1). Each of the three plate series comprised nine
ment of the effects from initial geometric imperfection on plates. Three of these plates were close as possible to being
the ultimate compressive strength of FRP panels. This infor- perfectly plane, three had a small maximum built-in im-
mation will be used as an integral part of establishing both perfection and the remaining three had a large maximum
the local and global collapse of the structure in a simplified imperfection. The values of the imperfection amplitudes o
methodology for longitudinally stiffened composite hulls. were defined as a function of the unsupported width of the
The paper provides an overview of the work done, together plate and were as follows:
with the main conclusions. Full details of each phase of the r small maximum imperfection: o = 0.01 320 = 3.2
work will be reported separately in future publications.
r large maximum imperfection: o = 0.03 320 = 9.6
2. Panel tests
2.1. Objectives The shape of the geometric imperfection was a scaled
Square panel specimens were tested with in-plane compres- first buckling mode shape of a corresponding fully clamped
sion loading. The objectives were to observe the behaviour plate with dimensions a= b= 300 mm (Figure 1). This left
Ships and Offshore Structures 83

Figure 1. Geometry of the test plates (top) and shape of geomet-

ric imperfections (bottom).

Figure 3. Hand lay-up in a double-sided mould used for DTU

panels (top, upper mould not positioned yet). Peel ply being re-
moved prior to positioning of upper mould (bottom).

a 10 mm wide plane strip near the plates clamped edges,

in order to ensure easy fitting into the test fixture.
All plates were produced using manual lay-up with vac-
uum bagging. For the NTUA plates with imperfections,
a convex mould, numerically machined from aluminium
plate, was placed under the composite lay-up. The glass
fabrics were laid up and impregnated with resin by hand
(Figure 2, top). Then the whole arrangement was covered
by the various vacuum materials, and the air and excessive
resin were pumped out (Figure 2, bottom). The vacuum
pressure used was 0.6 bar. The DTU panels (Figure 3) were
made with machined moulds against both faces. The lami-
nate was under vacuum of at least 0.9 bar, and curing was
performed for 2 hours at 120 C, ensuring at least 98% cure
and removing excessive resin from the specimen.

2.3. Test set-up

All panel tests were carried out at the DTU in an Instron
8508 5 MN servo-hydraulic test machine using a special test
Figure 2. Vacuum bagging technique followed by the NTUA. rig. Figure 4 shows a schematic 2-D view of the test rig.
84 B. Hayman et al.

Figure 4. Test rig (top) and actual plate boundary conditions

(bottom). Dimensions in millimetres. (This figure is available in
colour online.)

The test plates are inserted between the side flanges (No.
4 in Figure 4) of the two towers and are bolted between
the top and bottom flanges (No. 3 and No. 5 in Figure 4, Figure 5. The two sides of a plate specimen installed in the test
rig, ready for testing. (This figure is available in colour online.)
respectively). In this way, along the two vertical towers, the
test plate is free to move in x- and y-directions, whereas
out-of-plane movement and rotation are prohibited. Along
(concave) side. Figure 5 shows a plate mounted in the test
its horizontal edges (top and bottom flange), the test plate
rig, ready to be tested. Figure 5 (bottom) shows the con-
is considered rotationally fixed.
cave side of the plate with positions of LVDTs and strain
Figure 4 (bottom) presents a schematic view of the plate
gauges. In all cases, the compressive loading was applied in
clamping devices, with detailed dimensions as measured
the form of linearly increasing compressive displacement
from the test rig. Thus, as indicated, the effective dimen-
with a speed of 1 mm/min.
sions of the plate after being installed into the test rig are
a = 325 mm and b = 320 mm.
An advanced, non-contact DIC system (ARAMIS 4M)
was applied to monitor deformations during testing. Two 4 2.4. Test results
megapixel digital cameras monitor the same specimen area Table 1 represents the ultimate failure loads for the indi-
but with a relative angle to each other. A suitable speckle vidual tested panel specimens. Generally, all specimens,
pattern is sprayed onto the specimen surface so that the irrespective of imperfection magnitude, experienced
digital images can be analysed digitally and a surface 3-D out-of-plane deformations prior to ultimate failure; see
displacement field and a 2-D strain field can be generated the representative DIC out-of-plane measurements in
for each time frame. A frame rate of one frame per second Figure 6. They were thus influenced by a mixture of
was used for all specimens. The digital cameras and the bending deformations due to specimen imperfections,
specimen speckle pattern can be seen in Figure 5 (top). bending deformations due to test rig deformations and
The DIC system and its cameras were placed on one instability/buckling behaviour of the plate specimens.
side of the specimen (the convex side for plates with im- For the specimens in Series 1, which have a high slen-
perfections), while linear variable differential transformers derness ratio, the results in Table 1 indicate a decrease
(LVDTs) and strain gauges were placed on the opposite in compressive strength when an initial imperfection is
Ships and Offshore Structures 85

Table 1. Failure loads. drop in compressive strength can be observed when the
maximum imperfection magnitude is increased from 3.2 to
Imperfection Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 9.6 mm. However, comparing the compressive strength of
(mm) (kN) (kN) (kN)
the specimens having small imperfections with those hav-
0 N/A 1218 2250 ing no imperfection, a slight increase can be observed. This
415 1092 2070 is contrary to the expectation that the compression strength
390 1170 N/A of the specimens with no imperfection should be higher,
3.2 294 906 2380 with maximum imperfection sensitivity in this slenderness
213 882 2303
309 930 2327 range. However, as all specimens, and especially the Se-
9.6 294 750 1543 ries 3 specimens, are also influenced by test rig deforma-
320 780 1934 tions introducing displacements and rotations of the panel
N/A 792 1892 boundaries and thus acting as gradually increasing geomet-
rical imperfections, no general conclusion can be drawn
regarding the compressive strength of the specimens with-
introduced. However, approximately the same compressive out initial geometrical imperfections on the basis of the test
strength is observed for specimens with both small and large results. Furthermore, only two specimens have been tested
imperfections, suggesting a rather small imperfection sen- so that any conclusions have again to be taken with caution.
sitivity. It should be noted that these conclusions are based
on only two specimens for each of the cases with no imper-
fection and with large imperfection and must therefore be 3. Material testing
taken with reservations.
3.1. Objectives
For the specimens in Series 2 with a medium slender-
ness ratio, the compressive strength is seen to decrease con- Material testing was performed in order to provide reliable
sistently with increasing imperfection magnitude, and there ply properties for use in the modelling studies described in
is a higher imperfection sensitivity than for the specimens Section 4.
in Series 1.
Finally, for Series 3 with a small slenderness ratio, at
which the critical stress for elastic buckling is close to the 3.2. Materials and fabrication methods
compressive strength of the laminate material, a significant In order to establish in-plane ply properties for the plates
to be tested, a round-robin material characterisation test
programme was performed by the DTU and NTUA. Each
partner manufactured two identical sets of UD specimens
from its own material, using exactly the same UD materials
and fabrication method as for the panel test plates (see
Section 2.2). The first set was tested by the partner who
produced it, and the second was tested by the other partner.
The DTU material was a pre-preg E-glass fibre/epoxy
system. The plates from which the material specimens were
cut were made from 1200 g/m2 UD fabric by hand lay-up
and vacuum bagging in a double-sided mould. The speci-
mens produced by the DTU had, on average, a fibre volume
fraction of 0.62 and a ply thickness of 0.8 mm.
The NTUA material test specimens were made with a
623 g/m2 UD glass fabric (with 50 g/m2 in weft direction)
and the same low-viscosity epoxy resin as for the panel
specimens. The vacuum bag moulding method was used,
with a single-sided mould. The specimens produced by the
NTUA had, on average, a fibre volume fraction of 0.43 and
a ply thickness of 0.55 mm.
The testing programme included measurement of the
tensile, compressive and shear behaviours (moduli and
Figure 6. Out-of-plane displacement contour plot (measured
with DIC) for a Series 3 panel without imperfection for increasing strengths) of both the DTU and NTUA materials. Ten-
applied in-plane loads. The last contour plot (bottom right) is taken sile properties at 0 and 90 were measured in accordance
immediately prior to ultimate failure. (This figure is available in with the ASTM D3039M standard, compressive properties
colour online.) at 0 and 90 in accordance with ISO 14126 and shear
86 B. Hayman et al.

properties in accordance with ASTM D5379 (Iosipescu lower void content is normally expected for the DTU mate-
shear test). Three material characterisation plates were fab- rial due to the pre-pregs and the more advanced fabrication
ricated by each partner: one plate having a thickness of method followed. An additional reason may also be some
approximately 1 mm for the 0 tensile test specimens, one problems encountered with the curing of the NTUA epoxy
having a thickness of approximately 2 mm for the 90 ten- resin, which were discovered after the specimen fabrica-
sile and 0 compressive test specimens and one having a tion and testing. More specifically, hardness measurements
thickness of approximately 4 mm for the shear and 90 carried out on the tested specimens revealed that the epoxy
compressive test specimens. The DTU tests were carried resin might not had been fully cured.
out at Ris DTU (Ris National Laboratory for Sustain- Although the differences between the measured E1c
able Energy), while the NTUA tests were carried out at the values at the two laboratories were acceptable, the discrep-
Shipbuilding Technology Laboratory of the NTUA. ancies between the measurements of the same mechanical
property for the same material were significant for the rest
of the tests. In general, the NTUA measurements gave lower
3.3. Material property test results values than those of the DTU for the same material, with
The respective averaged results of the tests performed at the exception of shear modulus G12 . The greatest discrep-
the DTU and the NTUA are given in Table 2, where E ancies were noticed for the compressive tests normal to the
is the Youngs modulus, G is the shear modulus, is the fibres, which usually present the greatest sensitivity to test
Poissons ratio, X is the strength in the fibre direction, Y is conditions. A possible contributory factor could be that the
the strength normal to the fibres and S is the shear strength. quality of the bonding of the tabs to the specimens tested at
Subscripts 1 and 2 denote the directions parallel and normal the NTUA was not as good as that achieved at the DTU.
to the fibres, respectively, while subscripts t and c denote
tension and compression, respectively.
Table 2 reveals large differences between the proper- 4. Validation of finite element models
ties measured for the DTU and NTUA materials, as well as
4.1. Introduction
significant discrepancies between the measurements by the
two laboratories of the same property for the same material. In order to establish a valid modelling approach to be imple-
The measured properties of the DTU material are generally mented in the parametric studies, the Newcastle University
higher than those measured for the NTUA composite. This (UNEW) and the DTU performed a series of finite element
fact can be mainly attributed to the higher quality of the analyses (FEAs) to compare with the panel test results.
raw materials used by the DTU (pre-pregs against conven- All analyses have been performed using Abaqus Standard
tional composites) and the more advanced manufacturing and involved both geometric non-linearity and non-linear
method (use of a double-sided mould against a single-sided material behaviour using a progressive failure model. The
one). These two factors led generally to the manufacture outcome of these analyses is described in the following
from the DTU of thinner composite materials of much bet- paragraphs. Preliminary studies that focused especially on
ter quality, considerably higher fibre volume fraction (62% the modelling of the boundary conditions achieved in the
against 43%) and smaller thickness variations. Moreover, test rig are reported by Berggreen et al. (2007).
although void content measurements were not carried out, a

Table 2. Comparison of average material properties (in MPa). 4.2. Element selection
Owing to the anisotropic behaviour of fibre-reinforced lam-
NTUA material DTU material inates, with a fibre modulus much greater than that for
the matrix, the effects from transverse shear deformation
Property NTUA test DTU test NTUA test DTU test
are more significant than in isotropic materials. To predict
E1t 29658 (11) 33170 (4) 48634 (5) 56235 (9) these effects accurately in the large range of plate slender-
E1c 38671 (3) 37238 (6) 50619 (7) 56209 (34) ness ratios covered in the parametric study, the conventional
E2t 6563 (23) 9338 (7) 18535 (11) 20422 (4) eight-node quadratic quadrilateral thick shell element with
E2c 8501 (14) 9536 (7) 12325 (15) 15729 (6)
reduced integration (S8R type in Abaqus) and six degrees
G12 2034 (7) 2169 (22) 4800 (6) 4264 (4)
v12 0.290 (37) 0.268 (8) 0.274 () 0.284 (7) of freedom was chosen.
Xt 559 (21) 698 (10) 968 (11) 1141 (7) The S8R-type element represents thick shells that allow
Xc 253 (23) 191 (21) 915 (34) 952 (26) for large rotations and transverse shear deformation. First-
Yt 60 (20) 43 (14) 24 (33) 22 (23) order shear deformation theory is used which, together with
Yc 59 (17) 69 (12) 118 (14) 127 (2)
a Simpsons integration scheme for the constitutive relation-
S 31 (3) 30 (3) 65 (3) 64 (3)
ships through the shell thickness, allows for interlaminar
Note: Values in parentheses indicate the % coefficient of variation. stresses to develop (Abaqus 2007).
Ships and Offshore Structures 87

In the reduced formulation of the S8R element, a penalty ditional damage variable for shear; 21 = minor Poisson
method is applied in the integration scheme for the calcu- ratio; D = 1 (1 df ) (1 dm ) 12 21 .
lation of the transverse shear strains that prevents shear The material properties are then degraded linearly up
locking behaviour. The shear stiffness takes the form to failure, which occurs at a maximum strain of twice the
strain at the initiation of failure (Matzenmiller et al. 1995).
K = kGtAfp , (1) Additional investigations with alternative failure
methodologies developed by the partner institutions have
where k = correction factor based on experimental results, been performed and will be presented at future publica-
G = transverse shear modulus, t = section thickness, A = tions in detail. The results presented here are limited to
reference area assigned to an integration point and fp = the solutions obtained with the Abaqus failure methodol-
dimensionless factor defined as ogy. This demonstrated faster convergence of the solutions,
compared with instantaneous degradation models devel-
4 A
oped by the institutions, with small sacrifice to accuracy.
fp = 1 + 0.25 10 2 . (2) The post-failure methodology appeared to have a bigger in-
fluence in the ultimate strength predictions than the failure
criteria adopted, as long as the latter included interaction
terms between normal and shear stresses.
4.3. Progressive failure
Prior to damage initiation, the material behaviour is lin-
early elastic. Damage is initiated according to the Hashin
4.4. Finite element model
quadratic failure criteria (Hashin and Rotem 1973), the gen-
eral forms of which are as follows: Both sets of material property definitions described in Sec-
tion 3.3 were employed in the FEA models to predict the
11 collapse of the tested panels. The elasticity moduli from the
fibre tension: Fft = , (3a) tensile and compressive tests were averaged for the defini-
 2 tion of single properties in the longitudinal and transverse
11 directions. For the remaining material property definitions,
fibre compression: Ffc = , (3b)
Xc transverse isotropy has been assumed with the transverse
 2  2 shear modulus in the 23 planes equal to the in-plane shear
22 12 modulus to ensure stability in the analysis. Owing to limi-
matrix tension: Fmt = + , (3c)
Yt S tations on space, only results obtained with the NTUA data
 2  2 set are presented in this paper. These are the material data
22 12
matrix compression: Fmc = + , (3d) adopted in the parametric studies described in Section 5.
Yc S
The initial geometric imperfections imposed in the FEA
models are the same in magnitude and shape as those built
where Xt , Xc , Yt , Yc and S are as defined in Section 3.3;
into the test panels during fabrication. To nucleate buck-
ii , ij = effective stress tensors; i, j = 1, 2 represent local
ling in the case of the panels with no initial imperfections,
an imperfection with a magnitude ( o ) of 5% of the panels
At the onset of damage the material response is com-
thickness has been imposed. The effective panel dimensions
puted from
of 320 320 mm have been used in the models with sim-
ply supported and clamped boundary conditions. The area
included in the model was later reduced to 300 300 mm,
22 = and the displacements and rotations measured at the edges

12 of this region by the DIC system were imposed as boundary
conditions. This case is referred to as having non-linear
(1 df )E1 (1 df ) (1 dm ) 21 E1 0 boundary conditions in the results. The rotations imposed
sym. (1 dm ) E2 0
at the boundaries induce out-of-plane displacements in the
sym. sym. (1 ds ) GD panel. Thus, for the panels without imperfections, it was
unnecessary to introduce an initial imperfection to nucleate
buckling with these boundary conditions.
22 , (4)

A mesh refinement study was performed to determine
12 the number of elements required to achieve convergence of
the FEA model. From this study, it was concluded that a
where , = strain tensors; df , dm = damage variables mesh of 46 46 S8R elements would be used in the 320
corresponding to failure in the fibres and matrix; ds = ad- 320 mm models. For the case of the 300 300 mm models,
88 B. Hayman et al.

Table 3. Clamped boundary condition. Table 5. FEA correlation with panel tests when various boundary
conditions are assumed (failure stresses in MPa; deviations from
Loaded edge Reaction edge Unloaded edges test results in %).

X Displacement X 0 X Free Test FEA CC FEA SS FEA non-linear

Y 0 Y 0 Y 0
Z 0 Z 0 Z 0 Panel (MPa) (MPa) Dev% (MPa) Dev% (MPa) Dev%
RX 0 RX 0 RX 0
RY 0 RY 0 RY 0 S1-0-2 115 123 6.96 105 8.70 133 15.65
RZ 0 RZ 0 RZ 0 S1-32-2 106 111 4.72 104 1.89 100 5.66
S1-96-1 91 103 13.19 88 3.30 96 5.49
S2-0-2 183 184 0.55 113 38.25 256 39.89
S2-32-2 149 148 0.67 113 24.16 140 6.04
the same size of elements has been considered, and the S2-96-2 133 133 0.00 107 19.55 130 2.26
number of elements in the mesh was reduced accordingly. S3-0-2 287 517 80.14 289 0.70 564 96.52
The boundary conditions applied in the 320 320 mm S3-96-1 218 382 75.23 277 27.06 181 16.97
models are defined in Tables 3 and 4 with the axis direc-
Note: CC, clamped boundary condition; SS, simply supported boundary
tions defined in Figure 1. In order to define the non-linear condition.
boundary conditions in the smaller models, the nodes at
the edges were divided into sets of master and slave nodes.
The master nodes are the ones where the displacements as in the FEA models, more accurate solutions were obtained
measured during the tests are applied. These are located in most cases. Clear exceptions were the thick and medium
30 mm apart. The nodes located between two master nodes thickness panels with no initial imperfections (Figures 10
are grouped into a set of slave nodes with displacements and 13). For these panels, the initial part of the measured
linearly interpolated from their neighbouring master nodes. end-shortening response shows a stiffening behaviour that
is not seen for the other panels and is probably not well
represented in the modelling.
4.5. Numerical results The buckling loads as predicted from the linear eigen-
Eight cases were considered in total for the validation of value analysis for the first buckling mode are also presented.
the numerical models: six from the NTUA lay-up (thin The solutions for the panels with no initial geometric im-
and medium thickness panels) and two from the DTU lay- perfections demonstrate the influence of the deformations
up (thick panels). These are presented in terms of average of the test rig at the boundaries. The failure load of the thin
stress (in MPa) versus end shortening (in mm) in Figures 7 panel (Figure 7) is very close to the eigenvalue solution
14, and the values of average stress at failure are compared with clamped boundary conditions. As the panel thickness
in Table 5. is increased and the slenderness is reduced, the supports ex-
The solutions with the simply supported and clamped hibit significant deformations. The medium thickness panel
boundary conditions represent limiting cases between (Figure 10) fails between the critical loads from the simply
which the tested panels are expected to perform. This supported and clamped solutions. In the case of the thick
was observed in most cases; the main exceptions being
the cases where no initial geometric imperfections were
present (see Table 5). More representative modelling of the
actual boundary conditions can improve the solutions (as
in Figure 14, for the case when the panel is modelled with
simple supports at the loaded edges with the other edges
clamped), but these need further investigation before they
can be generalised for the full range of panels tested. With
the displacement measurements of the boundaries applied

Table 4. Simply supported boundary condition.

Loaded Edge Reaction Edge Unloaded Edges

X Displacement X 0 X Free
Y 0 Y 0 Y 0
Z 0 Z 0 Z 0
RX 0 RX 0 RX Free
RY Free RY Free RY 0
RZ 0 RZ 0 RZ 0 Figure 7. End shortening of Series 1 panel S1-0-2 with no initial
Ships and Offshore Structures 89

Figure 8. End shortening of Series 1 panel S1-32-2 with 3.2 mm Figure 11. End shortening of Series 2 panel S2-32-2 with 3.2
initial imperfection. mm initial imperfection.

Figure 9. End shortening of Series 1 panel S1-96-1 with 9.6 mm Figure 12. End shortening of Series 2 panel S2-96-2 with 9.6
initial imperfection. mm initial imperfection.

Figure 10. End shortening of Series 2 panel S2-0-2 with no initial Figure 13. End shortening of Series 3 panel S3-0-2 with no initial
imperfections. imperfection.
90 B. Hayman et al.

Figure 15. Applied boundary conditions for parametric studies.

ultimate strength, in comparison to alternative imperfec-

Figure 14. End shortening of Series 3 panel S3-96-1 with 9.6 tion shapes, have been investigated in preliminary studies
mm initial imperfection. (Misirlis et al. 2009) prior to their application here.
The three lay-up configurations are presented in Table 6.
In the triaxial lay-up (case A), the thicknesses for each layer
panel (Figure 13), the rigidity of the supports is further re- are scaled up to achieve the desired plate thickness and slen-
duced, relative to the plate, and the failure of the panel is derness. In the other two lay-up configurations [quadriaxial
very close to the critical load for simple supports. This is and woven (WR) roving], increased thickness is achieved
also demonstrated by the good correlation between the test by increasing the number of plies (X).
results and the non-linear solution with simply supported The material property definitions for the first two cases
boundary conditions. are the same as the NTUA data set for the DTU material
The validation studies are still in progress, as a number (see Table 2, average of tensile and compressive proper-
of issues require more detailed investigation. ties). For the woven roving material, properties have been
adapted from an earlier study referred to by Hayman and
Echtermeyer (1999). These are provided in Table 7.
5. Parametric studies
For the purposes of the parametric study, some features
5.1. Definition of parameters were modified in the FEA model in order to reduce the anal-
The parametric study is confined to the idealised case of ysis time. The mesh consists of the same size of elements
simply supported boundary conditions. It incorporates three as in the validation study. However, by examining the first
lay-up configurations for two plate geometries: an aspect buckling mode shapes for all configurations, it was con-
ratio of 1 (square plates) and an aspect ratio of 4 (long cluded that half symmetry would be applied about an axis
plates). The width b of the panels is set to 500 mm in parallel to the panels length (x-direction; see Figure 15).
all cases. The imposed imperfections for the square plates To simulate the effect of surrounding structure (stiffen-
have a half-sine waveform with amplitudes of 0.1%, 1%, ers and adjacent panels), the unloaded edge was constrained
2% and 3% of the panel width. For the long plates, the same to remain straight but free to displace in the y-direction.
amplitudes are assumed but for a combined imperfection
of 20% of the preferred buckling mode shape and 80% of a
half-sine wave. The preferred buckling modes for the three 5.2. Parametric study results
lay-up configurations have three half waves for case A and In Figures 1621, the ultimate strength (in MPa) for a range
four for cases B and C. of b/t values between 10 and 50 is presented. The re-
The imperfection shape imposed in the case of the long sults from the square plates are presented in Figures 16
plates has been based upon current knowledge from steel 18 and from the long plates in Figures 1921. These in-
structures. The effects of this assumption on the panels clude ultimate strength predictions for panel geometries

Table 6. Definition of lay-up configurations. Table 7. Assumed WR material properties (in MPa).

Case A: triaxial [45/+45/04 /+45/45/04 /45/+45/03 ]S E1 17180 12 0.17 G12 3520

lay-up E2 17180 13 0.27 G13 5150
Case B: quadriaxial [0/+45/90/45]X,S E3 10800 23 0.27 G23 5150
lay-up Xt 238.6 Yt 238.6 S12 80.9
Case C: WR [0]X Xc 324.5 Yc 324.5 S23 60.7
Ships and Offshore Structures 91

Figure 16. Case A: triaxial lay-up; aspect ratio = 1. Figure 19. Case A: triaxial lay-up; aspect ratio = 4.

Figure 17. Case B: quadriaxial lay-up; aspect ratio = 1.

Figure 20. Case B: quadriaxial lay-up; aspect ratio = 4.

Figure 18. Case C: WR lay-up; aspect ratio = 1. Figure 21. Case C: WR lay-up; aspect ratio = 4.
92 B. Hayman et al.

without initial geometric imperfections and their critical perform parametric studies for plates with given boundary
(buckling) loads as predicted from a linear eigenvalue conditions.
analysis. An advanced modelling approach, based on FEA, has
In these results, it is observed that in the case of the been described. With a few exceptions, this modelling ap-
square plates initial imperfections have very little effect proach appears to be able to reproduce the main aspects
on the panel strength for b/t values greater than 30. In of the behaviour of the panels tested with in-plane com-
the quadriaxial and WR lay-up configurations, this effect is pression, provided the boundary conditions are modelled
further extended down to b/t values of 25 or less. Similarly, correctly. This includes estimates of the ultimate collapse
for the long plates in the high b/t region (above 30), the loads. There is some uncertainty about the boundary con-
effects from initial imperfections are negligible. ditions in some of the tests, and some issues require further
In the lower b/t region (less than 30), long plates ap- investigation. However, sufficient confidence in the mod-
pear to have less sensitivity to initial imperfections than the elling approach was established to permit the conduct of
square panels. This, however, has been influenced by the limited parametric studies.
imposed imperfection shape. The preferred buckling mode Parametric studies performed on simply supported,
shape yields more conservative results than a single half- square and long plates with three different composite lay-
wave imperfection for a long plate or the combined shape ups indicated very little sensitivity to geometric imperfec-
of imperfection applied in this study. tions in sinusoidal shape, provided the b/t ratio is greater
For all cases considered in the high b/t range, the plates than a value in the range 2030, depending on the lay-up.
experienced significant post-buckling displacements prior For thicker plates, i.e. with lower b/t, however, the failure
to ultimate collapse. The shape of deformation followed the load is more appreciably reduced by the presence of such
preferred buckling mode shape whether that was applied imperfections and is dependent on their shape.
initially or not. In the case of the long plates specifically, Only a brief outline of the work has been presented
this change in the deformation shape was indicated with here. More detailed descriptions of the experimental and
a snap-through that is visible in the load/end-shortening modelling studies will be presented in future publications.
Note that the triaxial lay-up considered here has about Acknowledgements
87% of its reinforcement in the loading direction. This
This work has been performed within the context of the Network
contrasts with the quadriaxial lay-up, which is quasi- of Excellence on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT), partially
isotropic, and the WR lay-up, which is balanced, having funded by the European Union through the Growth Programme
equal amounts of reinforcement in the 0 and 90 direc- under contract TNE3-CT-2003-506141. The provision of test spec-
tions. imens by Vestas Wind Systems A/S is highly appreciated.

6. Conclusions References
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