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All Hello, folks! Were back!

And definitely cuter!!
And sometimes clueless!!
So, ladies and gentlemen
Sit back and relax
Were bringing to all
Near and far
The topic close to our hearts
Social Mediaaaa!
Middle Hey! Why so chirpy? Lets be a lil bit more proper and courteous.
All Good morning to the honourable judges, beloved teachers and dear
friends. Today, we wound like to share with you some interesting points
about social media.
Middle Yes, thats more like it.
Front Tweet, tweet tweet, tweet
Middle Tweet, tweet tweet, tweet (Robot voice) Your tweet was just retweeted.
Solo1 What is that? Is that a bird?
Back Retweeted? What is that?
Middle Twitter is one of the latest social media where you can tweet about almost
anything and share it with the rest of the world. You can share your
thoughts, jokes, food pictures..
Front Ahem!
Tweet a Lil tweet on Twitter
Any little thing will do
Every single Tweets a winner
You can do it too.. Yes! Tweet a Lil tweet on Twitter
Everyone will know whats new
Tweet a Lil tweet its up to you!

Middle Retweeted means, if you post something brilliant on your Twitter, your
followers, that is your friends, will share your post to their followers..
Front .. And their followers will share that post to their followers.
Solo1 Then the brilliant post will become VIRAL!!
Front Exactly!
All A girl looks like shes reading a book at her study table. Her father looks
on and asks.
Solo2 Daughter, what are you doing?
Solo3 Facebook, papa.
Solo2 Oh! My daughter is reading a book.
Solo3 Facebook, papa. Not the type of book where you can borrow from the
library. This is Facebook!
Solo2 Oh, Facebook? What is Facebook?

All Its a well known social network application. The creator of Facebook,
Mark Zuckerberg is now a young millionaire! It helps you to keep in touch
with your family and friends from all over the world. Nowadays, almost
everyone has a Facebook. You can access your Facebook from your..
Front Computers!
Middle Smartphones!
Back Tablets!
Solo3 And even watches!
All Wowwww!!!
Back Wait! Did you say smartphones? What are smartphones? How smart can
phones be?
Middle Smartphones are mobile phones with advanced operating system. In
other words, besides acting as a device to keep in touch with others, we
can also use smartphones as media players, find locations and of course,
snap pictures!
Back So in other words, smartphones connect us to people far away, too?
Front Exactly!
Solo4 However, nowadays people are clinging to their smartphones because of
the social media.
Front What is social media?
All Social media are websites and applications used for social networking.
Solo1 Twitter!
Solo2 Facebook!
Solo3 Instagram!
Solo4 YouTube!
Solo5 Whatsapp!
All However, without proper monitoring and ethics, social media can be a bad
influence. Albert Einstein once said,
Middle I fear the day that technology ill surpass our human interaction. The
world generation of Ee..
Front Bleeppppppp!!
All Gossips, lies, hoax and provocation spread like wildfire through these
social media. What a shame (heads hung low)
Left Hey! Do you want to know a story?
Right Oh, yes please! We all LOVEEEEE stories!
Left This is an example of how we misused the technology. One fine day, a
father asked his family to go out for dinner.
Solo5 Dear, let's go for dinner at Kenny Rogers!
Right Yayy!!
All Crick.. crick.. crick.. crick
Solo6 What would you like to have for dinner, sir?
Solo5 I would like to have the pasta and orange juice, please. Thank you. (Look
at gadget)
Solo6 What about you, Maam?
Solo2 I would like to have the same, please. (Look at gadget)
Solo6 Alright. What about the kids, maam?
Front We will have the combo set number 1, please. (Look at gadget)

Solo6 Great? Will that be all?
Front Yes, please! (Look at gadget)
Back At the dinner table, everyone was very focused on their gadgets (playing
Very.. very focus
Middle Crick.. crick.. crick.. crick
Back They were sitting together in the same space, at the same table, but
eeeeeveryone no longer communicate much with each other.
All What an irony! The purpose of having dinner together is to get closer to
each other. Not to grow apart and get lost in the virtual world of social
Middle We are supposed to chat over dinner with the family members, not the
whole of Facebook nation!
Solo6 The keyword is communication. C.O.M.M.U.N.I.C.A.T.I.O.N
Front Exactly!
Right The purpose of these communication gadgets is to help us to
communicate with someone.
Left However, the technology has taken over us.
All Tsk..tsk..tsk (hung head low and shake head)
Right We have misused the tools of communication.
Left We should use the tools to enhance our living quality.
Back We should not be addicted to.
Solo1 Twitter!
Solo2 Facebook!
Solo3 Instagram!
Solo4 YouTube!
Solo5 Whatsapp!
Middle We can't spread gossips, lies, hoax and provocation and let them go viral
on social media.
Solo5 Children, tell me, if you have a flat tire in the middle of nowhere, would
you ask for help on Facebook? Twitter?
All No, papa!
Solo5 So, remember your parents, family, relatives, teachers and real world
friends are very important people in your life.
Solo2 They deserve to be appreciated now before is too late.
All Oh! By the way, we hope if you are taking pictures and videos of us,
please do upload them on Facebook and YouTube and share with
Till then, goodbye and thank you for your kind attention.
So long!!! (Wave)
(Bow down.)
Choral Speaking Text Social Media

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