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Introduction to IF FAQ

Vincent Macri

General IF Questions

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a meal-timing protocol. It is not a diet, nor does it inherently dictate
what you can or cannot eat. Rather, it is simply a way-of-eating (WOE), alternating intermittent
periods of fasting with periods of feeding. In studies, you will often see it referred to as
intermittent calorie restriction (ICR).

What types of IF exist?

There are many types of IF. Most involve a daily fast with a daily feeding window. For
example, 16:8 is a 16 hour fast and an 8 hour eating window. 14:10, 23:1, 18:6 are also popular.

Another form is Alternate Day Fasting (ADF) in which one eats minimal calories (<500) or
completely fasts for a full day, and then eats normally the next day.

Once crossing over into fasting for multiple days, you are no longer fasting intermittently, but
are undergoing an extended fast, outside the scope of IF.

What can I consume during my fast?

Water, coffee, tea, diet drinks, chewing gum and anything else 0 calorie is acceptable.
Additionally, VERY small amounts of calories are allowed. Im not going to put a number on a
calorie limit, as 30 calories signifies a different load to a 250lb male and 125lb female, for

That being said, if you need a splash (notice I said splash, and not quarter cup) of milk in your
coffee, its not going to kill you.

Can I drink bulletproof coffee during my fast?

I hate that I have to make this its own question, but thats how often its asked. BPC definitely
breaks your fast, and can be a significant amount of calories, depending on how you prepare it. If
BPC keeps you full, great, just save it for your feeding window.

Weight Loss and Nutrition Questions

How do I lose weight?
No matter what magic pill is popular in the supplement magazines, or what the juiced-out bro at
your gym is telling you, there is one way to lose weight; you must burn more calories than you
consume. This concept (calories-in-calories-out CICO) is the basis of all body-recomposition
efforts, and cannot be understated. For a more in-depth explanation, read this:

How do I lose weight (practically)?

First, let me introduce you to some terms.
BMR Basal metabolic rate also known as basal energy expenditure. the amount of calories
you burn at rest
TEF Thermic effect of food the process of metabolizing the food you eat actually burns
calories. Protein has the highest TEF, followed by carbs, followed by fat.
TEA Thermic effect of activity consists of calories burned during vigorous activity, and
calories burned doing other activities (NEAT non-exercise activity thermogenesis)
TDEE total daily energy expenditure equal to BMR + TEF + TEA

How much should I eat to lose weight?

First, you need to know how many calories you burn per day on average. Online calorie
calculators are a good place to start. Then you need to eat in a deficit (i.e. eat less than you burn).
A 500 calorie DAILY deficit will yield WEEKLY weight loss of 1 pound, on average. This is
because 3500 calories (7 days x 500 calories) is approximately equal to one pound of fat.

Should I count calories?

Seeing that the only way to lose weight is to burn more than you eat, counting calories makes
losing weight more accurate, easy, and enjoyable (see next question for how).

Also, fasting is not a free ticket to eat whatever you want during your feeding window. If you
only eat one meal per day, but that one meal has more calories than your TDEE, you will gain

What are Macros?

Macros is short for macronutrients, of which there are three: protein, fat, and carbohydrates.
Protein and carbs have 4 calories per gram, and fat has 9 calories per gram. There also exists
alcohol, containing 7 calories per gram.

How much protein should I eat per day?

In accordance with the Helms review, one should eat 2.3-3.1 g/kg of LEAN BODY MASS when
muscle growth/maintenance is a concern. More protein is needed when eating in a deficit (losing
weight) and less is needed in a surplus (when gaining weight).

How much fat should I eat per day?

Fat should be a minimum of .35 g/lb. Short periods of low fat (i.e. a month at .25g/lb according
to Alan Aragon) is acceptable. Fat is important for hormonal function, and is not the devil it was
made out to be in the 90s.

How many carbs should I eat per day?

Once you have found out your protein and fat allotments based on the above, fill the remainder
of your calories as you desire (e.g. all carbs, some carbs some fat, some protein, etc.). Carbs are
non-essential, but very beneficial to active/exercising individuals.

Do carbs make you fat?

NO! A calorie surplus makes you fat. Keto and LCHF are no better than a diet that includes
carbs, assuming the total calories are the same.
Exercise Questions
Should I Exercise with IF?
Exercise is not inherently part of IF. However, exercise has beneficial effects on insulin
sensitivity, increases energy output, and results in improved health markers. Therefore, I
recommend you exercise.

When should I workout?

Whenever you have time/feel best to perform at your optimal performance. I like fasted
workouts soon after I wake up. My roommate prefers to workout late at night. The time of day
you workout is not a maker-or-breaker.

Do I need BCAAs?
I only recommend BCAAs when working out fasted. If working out fasted, 10g BCAAs
immediately before, and then every other hour after exercise until the fast is broken.

What kind of weightlifting routine should I do?

Any routine that focuses on increasing the volume performed over time (progressive overload).
Some good routines are 5/3/1, starting strength, generic bulking routine, and westside barbell.

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