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Anna Frebel!

G-GLEF SCience case!

Stellar populations
Clay Fellow (OIR & ITC)
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Chair of G-CLEF science working group
G-Clef Science case!
Anna Frebel!

Introducing G-CLEF
The folks behind it & all those specifications...

Two-pronged science
Higher S/N Farther & fainter
Precision abundances: Near-field cosmology:
Nuclear astrophysics, radioactive age Individual stars in GC, LG dwarf galaxies,
G-GLEF SCience case!

dating, isotope measurements, GC, ISM MCs, Andromeda: chemical/kinematic

abundances studies & connection to MW, formation of
Metal-poor stars, chemical evolution, MW Cosmology:
populations, Galactic structure GRBs+SNe, DLA abundances, fine-
structure constant measurements
Exoplanets, precision radial velocities,
transmission spectroscopy

GMT and E-ELT have high-res spectrographs as candidates

for first light instruments (TMT does not)
G-CLEF Who is who!
Anna Frebel!

PI: Andy Szentgyorgyi, CfA

Instrument people:
optical design: Stuart Barnes and Harland Epps (Lick)
project engineer: Ed Hertz (CfA)
project manager: Tim Norton (CfA)
instrument scientist: Gabor Furesz (SAO)
G-GLEF SCience case!

project scientist: Anna Frebel (CfA)

Science working group (preliminary):

Edo Berger (Low mass stars, Harvard) Joshua Simon (Local group, Carnegie)
David Charbonneau (exoplanets, Harvard) Guillermo Torres (Exoplanets, SAO)
Andrea Dupree (Stellar Astrophys., SAO) Ronald Walsworth (Calibrators, Harvard)
Anna Frebel (CfA, chair) Manuela Zoccali (Abundances, Catolica)
David Latham (Exoplanets, SAO) plus hopefully other distinguished
Michael Murphy (Cosmology, Swinburne) individuals...
Michael Rauch (IGM&AGN, Carnegie)
G-CLEF specifications!
Anna Frebel!

Magellan telescope
From the GMT site
G-GLEF SCience case!

Located at Las Campanas

Bench mounted, fiber-fed
Precision thermal control
High-dispersion and
3500-9500 A
precision radial velocity
optical spectrograph
G-CLEF Specifications!
Anna Frebel!

High Throughput
Precision Abundances
Precision Radial Vel.
High Resolution
G-GLEF SCience case!

Just the instrument..!

Anna Frebel!

Its versatile!
all weather conditions
no lunar restrictions
natural seing limited
G-GLEF SCience case!

broad range of science

... and you can buy
G-CLEF Tshirt now!
What data quality is
needed for the science?!
Anna Frebel!

S/N (pp) Spectral feature/comment

600-1000 6Li/7Li measurements
500+ Pb detection
350+ U detection in r-process stars
G-GLEF SCience case!

150+ weak Fe lines in HE1327-2327

100 for important objects, full analysis
50 for survey work
30 minimum...
50-100 quasar absorption lines (min is 5-10)

Reminder: S/N sqrt(counts) sqrt(exposure time)

texp 10(mag/2.5) (=factor 2.5 for every magnitude)
Current Reality!
Anna Frebel!

Lowest metallicity (Fe-) stars (discovery spectra)

12.0mag; 13h AAT 1984: CD-38 245 w/ [Fe/H] = -4.0 (Bessell & Norris)
15.2mag; 5h VLT 2002: HE0107-5240 w/ [Fe/H] = -5.2 (Christlieb et al.)
13.6mag; 7h Subaru 2005: HE1327-2326 w/ [Fe/H] = -5.4 (Frebel et al.)

Stars with strong r-process enhancement (Th, U detections)

13.2mag; 8h CTIO 1995: CS22892-52 w/ [Fe/H] = -3.1, [r/Fe] = 1.6 (Sneden et al.)
G-GLEF SCience case!

11.7mag; 14h VLT 2001: CS31082-01 w/ [Fe/H] = -2.9, [r/Fe] = 1.6 (Cayrel et al.)
11.1mag; 7h VLT 2007: HE1523-0901 w/ [Fe/H] = -3.0, [r/Fe] = 1.9 (Frebel et al.)

Current high-resolution brightness limitations:

6-10m telescope brightness limit: ~18mag for individual stars only

BUT we observed a 19.2 mag star in 10h, spectrum barely useful
(=doesnt mean we observe these stars frequently or light-heartedly..)

HST brightness limit (for high-res UV spectra; STIS) ~ 14 mag

This would be 16th mag star & !
twice the annual
CfA 8-10m telescope!
allocation of the
Anna Frebel!

exp. time exp. time S/N Spectral feature/comment
[nights] [hours]
40-111 400-1110 600-100 6Li/7Li measurements
28 278 500+ Pb detection
G-GLEF SCience case!

14 136 350+ U detection in r-process stars

2-3 25 150 weak Fe lines in HE1327-2327
~1 11 100+ for important objects, full analysis
0.3 3 50+ for survey work
0.1 1 30 noisy minimum...

These are no feasible exposure times!!!

S/N for t_exp=3600sec!
Anna Frebel!

G2: 5600A M2: 6600A

S/N per res.elm
16mag 125 190

18mag 50 75
G-GLEF SCience case!

20mag 20 30

21mag 12 19

new moon, 1.6 airmass, 0.6 seeing, PA mode

total throughput = 10% (incl. telescope and atmosphere)
V~21.5 (sky limited)
Precision abundances!
Anna Frebel!

... at the highest level!

Sun shows a characteristic
signature with a 20% depletion
of refractory elements relative to
the volatile elements in
G-GLEF SCience case!

comparison with the solar twins.

Same of twins with planets, not
so for twins without (not known)
Signature of terrestrial planets

Discovery space
Current magnitude limit=6mag.. Melndezet al. (2009)
(need S/N ~450 pp at 600 nm) see also Ramrez et al. (2009,2010)
Gonzalez et al. (2010)
6Li/7Li abundances!
Anna Frebel!

In metal-poor stars:
Spite plateau, discrepancy
Is there a stellar 6Li
G-GLEF SCience case!

In the ISM:
Interstellar Li in low metallicity environments
as probe of the primordial & pre-galactic
production of Li, incl. the 7Li/6Li ratio (indep.
of the systematics associated with stellar
First measurement of gas-phase Li in the
SMC suggests larger Li abundance than in
halo stars of similar metallicity => It is
consistent with the BBN predicted primordial
abundance, but may not rule out the lower
stellar abundance (Howk+ 10 subm.)
Globular clusters!
Anna Frebel!

Although extensively studies, their formation is still unknown

Very detailed abundance studies reveal abundance spreads in some
There is the issue with the mulitple main-sequence turnoffs: what
does it mean?

Why does Andromeda have so many more GCs?

G-GLEF SCience case!

Globular clusters w. integrated light

Cluster MS stars are actually really faint...

Discovery space
There is lots to learn (still!) from studying
GC and what role they play in the
Formation of larger (spiral) galaxies
Chemical tagging!
Anna Frebel!

About the formation history of the Galaxy:

Check for subtle chemical differences in diff. populations!

Discovery space
The outer halo is spectroscopically large unexplored!
G-GLEF SCience case!

Detailed cluster abundances -- do all stars really

have the same origin?

Detailed abundances of inner and outer halo stars --

where do they come from?

Study stars with distances >15kpc

-- how do they fit in?
The formation of !
MW components!
Anna Frebel!

Understand the assembly and

enrichment history of the
bulge & thin/thick disk
Bulge: the subgiant population
is now in reach (V>19)
This enables us to describe
the age-metallicity relation:
G-GLEF SCience case!

locate subgiants (defined

age), chemical tagging
several hundred stars -
explore substructure and
hence assembly of bulge.

Same for the Magellanic Clouds!

A new model (Besla+ 10,subm)
suggests prev. interactions with the
cloud that would predict scrambled
stellar pops. Knowing ages pins
down merger history of the MCs. Bertelli et al 1994
In search for the
holy grail...!
Anna Frebel!

Find the closest relatives to the first stars!

... and we will be prepared to do so!

just need big telescopes with high-res spectrographs :)
G-GLEF SCience case!
Stellar archaeology!
Anna Frebel!

Galactic chemical evolution

Look-back time
G-GLEF SCience case!

Abundances are derived from

integrated absorption line strengths
equals 1/250,000th
[Fe/H] = log(NFe/NH) - log(NFe/NH)" of the solar Fe
How much iron is in there?!
Anna Frebel!

Star is a million times 100 x less

bigger than earth HE1327-2326
(300,000 more massive) (most Fe-poor star)

100 x more
G-GLEF SCience case!

10x less

Earth, Moon & Mercury to show size of Fe core

What I expect from the
extremely large telescopes!
Anna Frebel!
G-GLEF SCience case!

by accretion over ~Hubble time

2010 2020

1-2m 4m ~8m 25m

The Lowest observable
metallicity in the Galaxy!
Anna Frebel!

Assuming a top-heavy IMF (~100 M);

crit. metallicity for low-mass SF: [C/H]min = 3.5 (Bromm & Loeb 03)

Max. [C/Fe] in any metal-poor star: [C/Fe]max = 3.8 (HE1327-2326; Frebel+ 08)
[Fe/H]min = [Fe/C]min [C/H]min = 7.3

Max. [Mg/Fe] in any metal-poor star: [C/Mg]min = 2.5 (HE0107-5240; Collet+ 06)
G-GLEF SCience case!

[Mg/H]min = 6.0

And it is technically feasible to measure

Fe and Mg abundances this low!

This is an important prediction for what

may be discovered with the
next generation of optical 20-40m telescopes!

(Frebel, Johnson & Bromm 2009)

Stellar archaeology!
Anna Frebel!

Metal-poor stars are a great tool for near-field cosmology because they
are the local equivalent of the high-redshift Universe!

Low-mass stars (M < 1 M) w/ lifetimes > 10 Gyr


Using fossil metal-poor stars to reconstruct...

Origin and evolution of chemical elements
G-GLEF SCience case!

Involved nucleosynthesis processes and sites

Chemical and dynamical history of the Galaxy
Lower limit to the age of the Universe

... and to provide constraints

Nature of the first stars & initial mass function
Nucleosynthesis & chemical yields of first/early SNe
Early star & early galaxy formation processes
Hierarchical merging of galaxies (observed abundances are end product that have to be
reproduced by any comprehensive gal. form. model)
Formation of the galactic halo by detailed understanding of its stellar content

Skymapper will provide lots of new stars and dwarf galaxie

BUT, many are too faint to now be followed up with high-resolution!
Probing the first star yields
(in the halo & dwarf galaxies)!
Anna Frebel!

e.g. HE 1327-2326
Big Bang

2nd generation stars

Primordial First star First chemical forming from
gas cloud exploding enrichment enriched material
G-GLEF SCience case!

Heger & Woosley 2008

Tominaga et al. 2007

Why important?
Metal-poor stars provide the only available diagnosis for zero-
metallicity Pop III nucleosynthesis and early chemical enrichment
r-Process Enhanced Stars!
(rapid neutron-capture process) !
Anna Frebel!

Responsible for the production of the heaviest elements

Most likely production site: SNe II => pre-enrichment
Chemical fingerprint of previous nucleosynthesis event
(only visible in the oldest stars because of low metallicity)

~5% of metal-poor stars with

G-GLEF SCience case!

[Fe/H] < - 2.5 (Barklem et al. 05)

Only 15-20 stars known so
far with [Eu/Fe] > 1.0
SN star -- decay -- today
Nucleo-chronometry: obtain
stellar ages from decaying Th, U and
stable r-process elements (e.g. Eu, Os)

[Th and U can also be measured in the Sun, but the chemical evolution has
progressed too far; required are old, metal-poor stars from times when only very few
SNe had exploded in the universe]
Our Cosmic Lab!
Anna Frebel!
G-GLEF SCience case!

Many of the neutron-capture species have their only lines

blueward of 4000A! Need brighter, suitable stars and a good
blue camera to measure precision heavy element abundance
crucial for nuclear astrophysics!
Uranium in !
metal-poor stars!
Anna Frebel!

t = 46.8 * (log (Th/r)

Synthetic 0 - log that
spectrum (Th/r)obs )
includes Element
NO ratio
uranium Age [billion yrs]
t = 14.8 * (log (U/r)0 - log (U/r)obs) Synthetic spectrum with U11.5
abundance if it had NOT decayed
Th/Os 10.7
t = 21.8 * (log (U/Th)0 - log (U/Th)obs)
Th/Ir 15.0
U/Eu 13.2
U/Os 12.9
G-GLEF SCience case!

U/Ir 14.1
U/Th 13.0
average age ~13 billion

This is the most

reliable U detection! Frebel et al. (2007)
Only two more stars
Best fit synthetic spectrum
have measured U
Lead in HE 1523-0901!
Anna Frebel!

S/N~200-250 spectrum
V=11.1 includes
NO lead
R=85K (!)
G-GLEF SCience case!

Frebel et al. (2010c), in prep.

more UVES

Prelim. results!
Discovery space!
Anna Frebel!

The origin of the (heavy) elements:

Is the r-process really universal?
Does the r-process hold on an isotopic level?
With more U stars: predict initial production ratios
Detailed/better Pb measurements important for:
G-GLEF SCience case!

Understanding the Th-U-Pb combo (really only available

in one star so far) that best constraints the nature and
site of the r-process (which is NOT known at present!)

Reminder: r-process stars are only experimental data

source for the heavy n-cap nuclei!
Hence, important science justification for the DOE-funded
billion $$ FRIB which will tackle lighter n-cap nuclei
Dissecting galaxies !
with supergiants
Anna Frebel!

Extragalactic stellar astronomy: Low-resolution spectroscopy (w/

GMACS: R=1400-2700 with 0.7 slit)
Use blue A, B supergiants (abs. visual
But also suitable for higher-res (20K)
mag up to MV = 9.5) of spirals beyond
the Local Group to do quantitative stellar studies for better chemistry
spectroscopy: get t_eff, log g, metallicities,
radii, luminosities, masses for each Currently out to 10 Mpc
individual supergiant target (Kudritzki et al. Limiting mag can be pushed to V=24.5
G-GLEF SCience case!

2008) => d = 30 Mpc (mM=32.5 mag)

=> chemical composition of young stellar

populations/metallicity gradients
=> provides an alternative very accurate
way to determine extragalactic distances

=> constraints on evolution of galaxies

and the expanding universe!

Also important for compositions of RRLy

stars at large distances
NGC300, Sculptor Group spiral (d=1.9 Mpc)
The CDM universe
Anna Frebel!

CDM simulations of galaxy assembly show that very few larger halos plus
many smaller halos merged to form the Galactic halo (hierarchical growth).

Many small halos survive this process and are predicted to be around today.

~134 Mpc
G-GLEF SCience case!

BUT, what about the stellar

content of these dark halos??

Springel et al. (2007)

The Milky Way satellites!
Anna Frebel!

Dwarf galaxies are useful tools to study SF and chemical evolution in small systems,
early galaxy formation and the build-up of the Milky Way

dSph = gas poor dwarf gal. dIrr = gas rich dwarf gal.
G-GLEF SCience case!

22 of 23 known dSPhs!
G-GLEF SCience case! Anna Frebel!

THe local Group!

Formation of galaxies!
Anna Frebel!

Among ~400 billion galaxies in the Universe, there are only 2

galaxies - Andromeda and Triangulum - whose history can be revealed
to us in great detail through the study of their "galaxy archaeology".
DM haloes merge to form
galaxies, some halos (=dwarf
galaxies) get ripped
apart to produce streams
G-GLEF SCience case!

=> they are fossilised remnants

of the formation of a galaxy

PAndAS (McConnachie et al):

observing Andromedas streams/
stellar substructures their
Discovery space
=>reconstruct the formation of Spectroscopy of individual stars in other
the Galaxy (spiral) galaxies: resolved populations
=> constrain models of galaxy Adding a detailed level of chemical
formation and evolution
evolution to kinematic/morphological info
Also, crucial to better understand the MCs!
relation in dwarf galaxies!
Ultra-faint dwarfs
Anna Frebel!

archaeology with
the most metal-poor
stars in MW satellite
galaxies Classical dSphs
G-GLEF SCience case!

Ultra-faint dwarfs

Martin et al. (2007)

What can we learn from the
existing dwarf galaxies?!
Anna Frebel!

Stellar archaeology: examine the chemical history in

search for their oldest population to learn about
- early chemical evolution in small systems
-chemical signatures that relate dwarf galaxies to MW
G-GLEF SCience case!

If surviving dwarfs are analogs of early MW building

blocks then we should find chemical evidence of it!

Stellar metallicities & abundances of metal-

poor stars in dwarf galaxies should
agree with those found in the MW halo

BUT, most of the stars are too faint! We have exhausted all of the
<18mag and most of the <19mag
dwarf galaxy stars!
Anna Frebel!
G-GLEF SCience case!

Frebel et al. 2010a

HIgh-res observations of
stars in dwarf galaxies!
Anna Frebel!

Ultra-faint dwarf galaxies

Keck/HIRES, Feb 2008, R=34k (Frebel et al. 10, ApJ )
Six brightest (16.8<V<18.2) stars in Ursa Major II & Coma Berenices
Two stars have [Fe/H] < 3.0 (texp = up to 5.3h per star)

Magellan/MIKE, Mar 2009, R=19k (Simon, Frebel et al 10, ApJ)

The brightest star (V=19.2 !!) in Leo IV (at 154 kpc in the outer halo)
[Fe/H] = 3.1 (texp = 9h)
G-GLEF SCience case!

High-res. observations of fainter

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -stars
- - is- very challenging...

Classical dwarf spheroidal galaxies
Magellan/MIKE, Jul 2009, R=36k (Frebel, Kirby & Simon 2010,Nature)
Star (V=18.2) in Sculptor (selected from Kirby et al. 09)
[Fe/H] = 3.8 (texp = 7.5h)
HIgh-res observations of
stars in dwarf galaxies!
Anna Frebel!

Ultra-faint dwarf galaxies

Keck/HIRES, Feb 2008, R=34k (Frebel et al. 10, ApJ )
Six brightest (16.8<V<18.2) stars in Ursa Major II & Coma Berenices
Two stars have [Fe/H] < 3.0 (texp = up to 5.3h per star)

Magellan/MIKE, Mar 2009, R=19k (Simon, Frebel et al 10, ApJ)

The brightest star (V=19.2 !!) in Leo IV (at 154 kpc in the outer halo)
[Fe/H] = 3.1 (texp = 9h)
G-GLEF SCience case!

Magellan/MIKE, Mar 2010, R=19k/25K (with less than perfect seeing)
Segue I: 3 stars, V=17.7/18.6/19.2, [Fe/H] ~< 3.0 (texp = 4h/17h/8h)
Bootes I : 1 star, V=18.1, [Fe/H] ~3.0 (texp = 7.3h)
Bootes II: 1 star, V=19.2, [Fe/H] ~3.0 (texp = 15h)
Classical dwarf spheroidal galaxies
Magellan/MIKE, Jul 2009, R=36k (Frebel, Kirby & Simon 2010,Nature)
Star (V=18.2) in Sculptor (selected from Kirby et al. 09)
[Fe/H] = 3.8 (texp = 7.5h)
Formation of the !
MW Halo from Mergers!
Anna Frebel!

V=18.2 metal-poor star with

[Fe/H] = -3.8 in the classical Linking dwarf galaxies
dwarf galaxy Sculptor to halo building blocks
8 hr exposure at Magellan with the most metal-
poor star in Sculptor
Frebel, Kirby+Simon
2010b, Nature
G-GLEF SCience case!
ultra-faint dwarf
galaxy abundances!
Anna Frebel!

Very faint stars -- existing facilities are

not sufficient for any statistically significant samples!!
G-GLEF SCience case!

Frebel et al. 20010a

assembly of the !
metal-poor tail of the halo!
Anna Frebel!

More massive,
Magellanic Ultra-faint dwarfs
Cloud-sized objects L ~ 104L
contribute mass [Fe/H]min~3.5 (Norris+: med-res data)
G-GLEF SCience case!

metal- classical
poor s
Maybe all of the most metal-poor halo L ~ 106L
stars have been deposited by dwarf galaxies!?! [Fe/H]min= 3.8 (NEW!)
Anna Frebel!

The aim of the game: find an earth-like planet

through cm(?)-precision radial velocities.
See Chris Tinneys talk
G-GLEF SCience case!

CfA is working on a laser comb calibration

system (astro comb) to achieve high-precision
Preliminary designs being tested as the MMT
composition of !
planetary atmospheres!
Anna Frebel!

Na measured in transmission spectrum

of HD189733b (e.g. Redfield et al. 2007)

Water (H2O) and methane (CH4)

observed also (e.g., Swain et al. 2008)
G-GLEF SCience case!
Interstellar medium
Anna Frebel!

ISM is in all galaxies..!

=> galaxy evolution: feedback, infall/outflow of ISM material

Location and three-dimensional morphology of the ISM

(= bubbles/shells, planetary nebulae, SNe remnants, star-forming regions, etc.)

=> measure density, temperature, turbulence, kinematics, shock structure, dust

G-GLEF SCience case!

content & composition, molecular/atomic abundances, etc.

Discovery space
- Whole new ISM environments: Milky Way halo, nearby galaxies
- More details of Galactic ISM (local ISM, canonical nearby low-mass SF
clouds, Galactic bubbles/shells/fountains, high-mass star-forming regions)

MOS crucial for anything beyond a simplistic generalization of ISM properties

=> data cubes of absorption line measurements through the ISM of the Galaxy

Needs R > 100K

DLAs & quasar
absorption line systems !
Anna Frebel!

Chemical abundance measurements of the damped Ly systems (DLAs)

Commonly measured: Fe, Si, Ni, Zn, Cr
Occasionally measured: N, S, P, Ti, Ar, Mn
Rarely available: C, O, Al, Mg, Co, Kr, Ge, Cl!!
B, Cu, Ga, Sn, Pb, As
Need blue wavelength capabilities!

Near-field cosmology:
Compare abundances with
most metal-poor stars
G-GLEF SCience case!

in the outer halo, variou s

dwarf galaxies and MCs.

Discovery space
Higher S/N and larger samples at high
redshift will show whether there really is a
carbon/oxygen floor at [C,O/H]~-3.5 that is
currently hinted at in halo metal-poor stars
and DLAs (and predicted by some theory

=> learn about cosmological importance of

the first elements and their quantities Penprase et al. 08
Using stars to testing early
star formation theories!
Anna Frebel!

Bromm & Loeb 2003 Frebel, Johnson & Bromm 2007

Condition for formation of low mass Observationally testable criterion:
stars in the early Universe: Dtrans = log10(10[C/H] + 0.3x10[O/H] ) > -3.5
Cooling of ISM by C II and
I fine-structure lines
=> critical metallicity
G-GLEF SCience case!

C,O floor also seen

in DLAs, quasar
abs.line systems and
high-z IGM!

Dust crit. metallicity"

Forbidden zone

Frebel, Johnson & Bromm 2007

One sky !
connects us all!!
Anna Frebel!

planet metal-poor
signature in stars in the
solar twins halo stars
stars in the solar stars in diff. in dwarf
neighborhood MW populations galaxies

G-GLEF SCience case!

galaxy evolution formation

of galaxies

subgiants ISM GRB

supergiants abundances host galaxy
stars in DLA
Andromeda abundances
G-GLEF SCience case! Anna Frebel!
G-GLEF SCience case! Anna Frebel!

G-CLEF specifications!

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