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Name__Drew________ Period __2_____

Frog Dissection Pre-lab

Directions: Search American Bullfrog and find the answers to help us prepare for dissection on

1. Kingdom ____animalia_________________________
2. Phylum______chordata___________________________
3. SubPhylum ( didnt find and didn't show up on line )
4. Classification_____amphibia_____________________

5. Why are frogs said to have two lives?

That is said because when they are tadpoles they live in water and
Then they grow and develop into the regular bullfrog we see and they it gets gills in its
Development and the gills allow it to breath out of the water that's why a frog is said to
have two lives

6. How are amphibians different from reptiles?

The difference between them is that amphibians have smooth skin and reptiles have scaly skin
Reptiles lay eggs with shells or a hard surface where amphibians are more soft and delicate

7. What are 3 adaptations that frogs have that make them amphibians?
They can swim in water breathe under or above water and lay eggs underwater

8. List two ways in which tadpoles (immature frogs) and frogs differ from each other?
Tadpoles have a tale and frogs have legs also frogs lay eggs and tadpoles are the slowly
developing eggs

External Anatomy
9. Dorsal means?
Near an upper surface of an animal
10. Ventral means?
A relation to the underside of an animal
11. Anterior means?
Front of body or close to head.
12. Posterior means?
Near the rear end.
13. Head means?
The front or top of a body
14. Torso means?
The trunk of a body
15. Frog lungs are poorly developed. How does this relate to their skin being thin and moist?
the thing is that frogs can respire through their moist skin.I think that is an replacement to their
underdeveloped lungs.
16. Name 2 ways forelimbs are different than hind limbs.
1. hind limes tend to be sturdier, stronger and longer
2. the hind limbs are more goodly attached to the spine

Critical Thinking Questions

17. Frogs produce a huge number of babies at one time WHY do you think this is (HINT: Finding
Because most of the time they get eaten. ??????????????????????
18. The frogs tongue is anchored in the very front opposite to the orientation and anchoring of
humans. Why do you think this is so? Maybe the tongue unfolds and shoots out really long so it
can catch flies.

Instructions for Internal Anatomy

Please label these parts. (NOT B, E, F, M , G, or P as they are not relevant to our studies)



C pancreas

D tissues

H kidnis

I heart

J lungs

K eggs

L Small intestine

M Large intestine

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