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Figure 26-5 The Blood Supply to the Kidneys.

(a) A sectional view, showing major arteries and veins;
compare with figure 264. (b) Circulation in the renal Conical radiate vein
cortex- (() A llowchart of renal circulation. ATLAS:
Pl;iei 53(,c;6ia*( Cortical radiate artery

Arcuate artery

Arcuate vein

Juxi:.--: -
Cortical . e ah-a



afteflole c3p 3:S
At erent
a*eriole Drs::

Renal -
iio: a

. ouc:
. ca:lrra:
:- Nephron
' lmp
(b) Corticai nephron

Renal cortex

Renal medulla -

lnner layer of -
Renal pyramid
fibrous capsule co.rcl! t:c
Peritubular t!brle rPa -
Fenal sinus
Ccnnection to Glomerulus
minor calyx D,sra
Ad jpose tissue allli tr i.ia:
Minor calyx
in renal sinus
Major calyx
Fenal pelvi6
Hilum Hilur
Henal lobe
Benai papilla
Uretet Collecting
Renal columns
- Peritubular
Fibrous capsule toop

(c) Juxiamedullary nephron


D.ite tO .Teb . 2ot6

l\natori i. Ti* i G"1"1

: Fun4s, ukrnrcr qr.'{ - irnnc(nog ' d ,m ?ntdo*ho.r, Oioial

( Ltkrus, penqoluaur ?rodut :' 9,scr I mtrabolrr lrbui. i oorq6bdomi,'ulr I
urtlr vcna rencrtis
i] Etirtnast , {l,n dirchonqt of i\u," or:stt 1ot\vck lntz, fl.t 'u#}IJ

{ Horneostast. 1 reSut&si Lt<oimbangan vot{mt r lconssokztsi ?4t a - s{qm

, @n tall s

I &otote) dtm damh 9 i , , ,.uu i a! vI \

| ,r",^^ a- lnlzrtobani Y. lnterlt,bani

0' jmlh unh
r,Dlrr" & telcaoan

t(kr'si E?O * icnin

I t
v. arL,:akr
A - arcuat-ut

. Eonskari
Edlsitfl'ot a
[il;;- (Na+, ct-, r.*, &'*, Hn , Hcor- , ?oq'', a.
v. lnterioh[ans /
Soqt- , M42+ ) "-t mcitiq , :bn C! L/a -LorhGqtis mdr'ata) raciu tcr


" 9{..bitirari pH damh -> konhol eVskresi +r+ & N6:ai-

@ uno arl"rto[ a(ern veorth
. kor,rr-rori nuln'en barhaqa tf
- *{RoM - --*r;"";,i;rub.,r"i_l
. 'Dlafop"ci .acun r olz*{ : , adrtf nratcanao , LLn -,*l:_-9
\I alomeillo
l\, .a
',- !- :

eks6qe5 666 notn'tr(

{?yt-1ey-- --)^--
o) [RofVaVr : Njarvus tenalt's
-,n*I + hurinarius c)
' ( ureter )

be,tgg r,,b al: f4s nli-inorr' ur;,

( tJBrvrsr / M,r.-ruRtct )

xd,?,,l t fud)
) jatr.,r a. renaiir hinqqa .agcu malrng ! npfon

:' l-etat , - eTf,^na verl-cbra T, - Lr 6 [t.' :. ko#t +,rbol,

- refogcrrtonza! [cLntarr^ otot Punqqung * f:+arurt\ r - atur Lcohn @nrasr un'n d4n ubah ([au: 9 yrcssurt
J ql. sogmrcnal dtaft"s t,ap gtn3a-Q @ noJ.zn

drgoteksi 1fiL,asi , 3 r#l kolsuto 6b*sa t"* e'L stimr.rtasi Do\epasan ro.nto--a--) retensi Na{ t air

\a . phr. adigaca I
. NErrorrl
c. (tscra onoJG oua,,

r) rormajnq^ tdo^lasa). rnemh lcecok[atan, t l0crn { F'Scm t Zca, *n( fungsiona\ qi,rja-Q. C *n,t i.,tzec,l d["r
/ ' -::-- suafu o,nao Vg
J isog (O-? : izs-t1oqr ; o* ' t,t-,ofi i nr*p" taLscrnalzan reorua 6/aqs\ otqan kb )

,) Sinus ronatr! : intrna-[ cavit5 b?-+.*)

dlm gmiaO ( dr-q0fsi J haq
a. afureo r efirm
crrprfr\io.[ qinja-t , io q,ow) af ) t
.> hlortzkr rgnaLr ' baq. @ KonrPone.n varLula'- + +r.,;gnhubvlu5

rcddirh brou..rn tr grz.nalar @ Komuo,*. luht c + rLP + fli[ " rro .r

fr&dr.rlla rena[t! tdo 6-16 ?

b = lnvoq.msi baddq mnqka? t
k amrU rcnalts ghuttur / ln'crng,.rtar Q>-" n",l Popilla
" tcnhe aLo dr hinqqq I ne(on bM

rrun;ooL k- *. .inrs r.nol,\/

h6lo*na renal{q : jor.l.orhka\ pmfsah aht-arz1 11*,14
: ;) ./ &jr,nts BfL nefron brWg
. otoqen)lus^,ja
Lrlor rencr.l{i : I piumtct t tcol,rnna ren+t,\ & *** O,*\i*Oo L-.e t"p luar Lortelcs , Aua henle Vt&k
l" nr6stlta ftr reols }. ,sckretonic
/ "dismginq"
(diLs o{nor - cvg - shrrgecl drai''r c\. di-rLhs dt,n nrsq! gagilla lf/o nefron "7g!i;"arto'.i
fforq.) sqh$tlvsg
+ q -i
mayoc --
1.r\runqa,. cr\u< trinot- ' e W . dln Lo/.*s, .lrmpfng medlrtta ,
anm henlt

Pelvrrunat i qcrbu.q6,r e -3 -.- maiJor i#,T l#t;. tri"g hi"qqa m&{^ --+ kpiicr fedtubotr,tnua *'
Lobr\us : \nrfton 'i I dubiug h\ebtilus Cdianto* 2 a . kod adtht*) . u-' nasLotar
baalcunq RECrh "
-r ... - Pt i,5,
meq-bnenkcsi 't-n (r"IiLtron) *.0

Glommlar capsule L)
capsular Glomsurur
tc"p"rr*-liooJ Podocyte
sprce capillary epithelium epithslium

aderiole Capillary
Di5lal cell
convolu'ted Dense
l!bule lay.'r

I-Macuta densa
[l Juxlaglomerular
II cells


Figure ?6-8 The Renal (orpuscle. (a) lmportanl structural features of a renal corpuxle- (b) This cross section throuqh a \c(11x1rl el llrr'
glomerulus shows the componenis of the filtration membrane of the nephron.

Proximal convoluted tubule Distal convoluted tubule

ReaDSo.otio" o'' \',4:e'. . Se3'e'o,' Jf o'.s ac ds.

rons. and ali drugs.
organic nutner.rts . Var abie reabsorption of
'u,iater. sodiufil ions. and
calciur-.r ions lunder
lrornronal controiJ

Renal tubule
i; Collecting duct
Capsular space
Efferent arteriole
Afferent arteriole Variable reabsorption
of water and
Glomerular capsule
reabsorption or
Ascending secretion of sodlunr.
limb of potassium, hydrogen.
limb of
loop ends and bicarbonate ions
loop begins

Production of filtrate Thick

descending ascending
limb linrb


Descending Ascending
llmb limb

Delivery of urine
Solutes to minor calyx
Fr ltrate Minor
Furlher reabsorption of $/ater calyx
(descending limb) and both
cr secretiou
sodium and chloride
ions (ascending limb)

Date it teb zoto

L) korp,.,s n'olph.a6'' ? nrciabot0 I otryc^o,c uasl< Dkr irn d eicr(t res, :

L to-2roiim Cdtana*cr) \;-URe^ { : t1q ptq bqk , orostiS r hasrl. pe.mecaha-i as -amiro

L, tapisan panzk^! = uPit"l sdaPrs gzp,^g . X,. C,zahniu-_ =D r Lsl y.mecahan

lcrzahirin &sfat @ eal olnl sVeltld.

\ ,;{'#' = peges_ii- --.7 ada pedflca{ Cffi"e r a, t-lric .ao&-5-' tJ;trrE-EaF ir ulang basa nihoqen n o1ul61i KNA

\\.yzrr/aot Jt
L Sgu stxnto,at >) @ antara t*tit".' !-rro/a^,) 4*o *qr(n.,
L r' Gtor-, vnirip arctin _-) br \ronfrol dr'anetzr krpri'o-r ?.

) altmn darah ta;u (t"t

L, hryir.. g\ornewtue ' ondoka..fl pnerwata + mgmbran tasc"ttS 3 ?-ro, e{ e G*;a-Q, ( Pumb"nfrl','" L["' )
gg bs meltngtcupi >t uot1;G.

Proximal cglrvo juted luouie Distal ffivohted tubule @ trilkas,"

TKP l^ .) Kid6eg gamb drnding tcagtter qiomerutos (enaotol)

,;,ffIi'.i Bbod.
#-b.o* basat,:1
L> [61r5m : zpi \
Y1[' r.)''=., 't "edah \prr'.""' "
L absortsi nuki
\l i-t -)/podori{ '*,
dr cctiran {rr ii l.:i
t:: s-" I
L Ansrr. l,o'.\t
I.--- dasanclinc
if Colletirg drct +i

il *:i
,i: .e'
'L.gon boru. ,)grrrruobc( {hd HLO

eaf ta{nruk \^inn*o

& , -- tctp,lan galalinosa

*d^ BlhSgS e
4sTlolar ,


il { l i Woata" skrubtuca.t J,-r^* durr^,

\\ atencl,n q {{ hc.m$at g.otttn
olasma,ktc .4lbumin
-l iis \ I +dl(
'oanolrrlc' atbuoin g grot p6nra taio
{}. r9DM
I ['- ., cth ' DM qloruxutoro-{nh:
t}] * s.boq peng-' ginjol dgn atbominona car-'std b4 6t rwntaa Q @
Ndphron l6p .i 4,.
.f$ membrrn !asc& sht pc*nbmq qtomerlrlus ) qecmcabe( ttrd atbumio

7 TkD L'Iltru(us LonLothus Distaa ) evm thouqh uJzvran pod blrir X berubah

Lz diamghcr <'tgp x :r miEmvi(i

Lr f p6sesyftaQ: L!) Sekrest atch{ ion],&samr, obat,toksln 4 Sinjai lennra 2D -z;o[u dt fol.aJ- Cardto6 69arr3
G) Reobs seteLh-( Alit \- Cat{ zrZ hrftrr, inko kagsota boornan :) Fl nnnt
f- ",{"
(9) sc\tLttf air &) pon,a\catan rrrin Lao% nqrltr 41* a.ekx,4.^ G\ k"p- penfubtilus
Fro"bs O nornol "ga
LrJru\.^^ot" anhaua a,aftrcn I a,efercn => frpp"*lrt ],'^lr,gto'^e., *L lr*t,
*'S'5*'* --/*
[eOO Fr(kari ,

o*unt"- O fYlo,vuh. l*rwa .ogftr,t Tro u >I & @,uvr*r^4o eW '""/','n
?@ t0l$Eoqb*rlar-. modlf"d srabut aloF yolos @a-a$-renogcn
y,?o e- @ gil gotLfon Ltu,as / nuanqth.Q e*qhaXlornt,tlar)
' '- -- / @ ReabsorQei
j "- ',,- =per,rioc{ahonse(elch{bohao}beroa"["r"t drtomen fubu{uEkemheti
\r. ylam* kagier 7erifub*rloe ---r t}Z}.o -7 )tg tresirL,,'tari)
1 sa\masang,a{ t-eu,h%6* --/ *^'lll,E/n". t*ri['tl^'*
\ rnhogto-=fgsi , S,qosiFosis , g-ngokong paosrf , U d, LBD-yh,; + =V
ssk*riatDtcfo (trt,gpqp;, toq.rl^,; L,^rl-;)
d ' "
rzgutaci blood (too qramrru[,.,s,

I @ go'*i

l, lrUrfr, koletchv,.rs CCot(ecii.g duct) , ganinclohao szleLh( tohanr d. k p gartubotus ft tu-u, frbrlrs
L" qrtct kolrrno,1 - doo/o '4q
x rZ6tt*si
Lt afur [a&tr*) l.omposi.i 6p.lran * tentulron lroocmkrasi osorohlc

$"rt * uc(ume unn abhir. @)-@ *@ 'V EkeLreti tn'n

- p",rgalri.a. bairan I dc lul,oir kir dlm t^n,'r

Date tt tcb 2Ot6

ko,1,-,s rn,^ipl" ia6'' l{o Tnnsport * Z mclabotrt forqc.nic pastt pq Uq hrs dir[cshres,:
L t<l - 2to ijrr)
( bn, lons Urea
, rnostig ; harrl pgmerahar: as .Gmino
. Na,al < K-, H', CA] 'vVater l
lcreohhin ps@t @ eal oLot sLeleia{
1- f c" , .,r
Po,t Urob;iinogen

\ v.so_,'.
HCC Bilip"bin rr viqng ba:a nihagen polekoi trNA
L, SEL MxAN6tA M","boti,", Ammonia 't+ro^x1*
L v 6t*n", o'':"t" Organi{ aclds and bares
\ - Ar:aO a( d5

L, h0,,..
NPurofiansilil10rs 3 ?*ro, c\ e Gi^;a-a- ( P"mb"nlrko" L[..o )
iACl, NE, t, dopamine)

@) tritt'"sr"
--? 1-Kp tT.rLuLs konlortus Pok-etmaA / P.. convo[,rled - fub,.,b ) "l Bbod Kdd6ral Barrio. K-- clmdio6 tcagiter qtomerr.rtus Cena*oi)

L, [a?ts"o '. egifel schpu tubs + milcrpvr'li basatr]

\ :J-t,='* 1

L, absorLsi nuFn'en orna-nrlc
, bnt , 4(r ' Frot'Pttsrnq (Trrada)
'-,-, [ra'' "

d.r caiun +t)t ula, G;:-\ calrz.o perifubokr J

'L.qon botot ,)qrrncabo{ {hd HLO & u -- t.,g,!on ge.lalioosa asslolql ,
ttarr]c: tcubaid' i +ht! : q'o?nq lda q
[nsa. [,a,nk 7a[ te(nrut \.ionga t<ghqzn qlil@vateio
( 'o *ct- , w.w rrht 61,o. **^ s?ntvtn'*t --'-;,).!)f *,r,
\-\ Vft\o ^,,t'P ,,J*;:-,
oscendtngn rl \U"7
\lb,{" 7 yemenlod tu (ur
yemenlod T(.,
t(nd a-tr
ar. o{or.aul".otbr*in
*tT;rJ'" .oenolale,atb,
-^, ptf;rna
o g.ot ^,{.1^,,,,^
I vu,.o rEv
vlt'rtcr( J tu
I .rcth'DM'qloruxutoru$tir
.L+t i" * s"bas peng-' 6iniol dgn atbom(nonh car-,so,cl bg 6," n..rlltao Q @

-a-bmr barcrq sht mo*nbmq gtarrrzrutus ) pmcabel thd atbumfo

L: TfD L-Iirbotus Lontortus U\ta-A ) e-vcn thouqh irt uran ?or{ x brubah

L: d{arnsLo. < TEP 1 :A niLmrnli

b3?*r"ru,lr,.Q., fu) leLrosf crth( tonr,&saml,obat,tokan '7$in16\tm'ma 2o'L,o[b &totd GrdfacOotpc't

u) Rzobs seteuh'f Mit \- Ca"{ rZ U^ lrrfi'ttras; into hfsota $oonran ;) H nnAl

z f-
(3) Frabs sctekt'f atr &) paora\catao trrin Lao'6 n@ff. {h* a.efeczt, \ k"?- pentubulus\, W "qa
LrJrn\,^^la,t antara a,otr^ e a.o-fercn => ,{ppo*tu, }vxhglor'.eru
[Q,O *L L*t', ._ frtkasi ,

*#',:^t"t'* -/ "'"%a us,Ft1^)

**,int.- () llllabu(a, Ar*o ,@pft{,t -ftsD u6 > I & @,uu*rnto tuW
Wl +@ Ma$Etoatr*.tar. modlf"d ombur alol- Tolos @a-a\:.,"aga
E?D e- @ &,t gotL{sr,n (tbds / nuanq,\ul otrfianlown1ar) ! 't / @ Freabso*ei

xsz\masonq,ar ,-"*w^-)
\ ,^*n*=f1<i , pd,ostl, *^'r+a,rL/ur". + *'\j['t/^'*
$qosrForis , p-r,r.1otong U a, Bo-t/u,i +
sdcrzsigftolcl. (tL1 ,foep), tttlrll^;n)
reguta.i blood (too 4rawuru(o, "'
1f, luUur* Ieolalchvus Ccottecting d.uct ) "*' . ganindohao selerchf tohqn
r d. kug garitubulus ft lrmun frbrlrs

L' a?it l l.oturnnor - Boo/o '4q * $'flv*i

L7 6\u1 [dl{7u() itornposist ccLi!-an :" knfukan iaooqrehzq( oJo}ohlc

i uir{,rt trno akl'r-. 6-@ n@ ,V fkrLresi

uar-an ba.han - di lubuh br dlm unlr


Region Length Diameter Primary Fun<tion Histological characteristi(s


i 50-250 pm 150-250 irnr Filtralion oi plasma Glomerulus (capillary knot),

Capsular " (spherical) mesangial cells, and dense layer,
space enclosed by the glomerular
Uapsular capsule; visceral epithelium
epithelium - i (podocytes) and capsular
epithelium separated by
Capillaries capsular space
oi glomerulus

Renal tubule
;l:rrnal cortvciuted '14 mnr 60 pnr Reabsorption o{ rons, Cuboidal cells with microvii i
-,.r.rie lPC i) organic molecules,
vitamins, water; secretion
of drugs, toxins, acids

l.:-"oirrcr: loop Squamous or low cuboidal cetis

1 5 ir.m Descending limb: reabsorption
of water from tubular fluid
30 pm fucendin g limb: reabsorption
of ions; assists in creation of a
concentration gradient
in the medulla

Diiiai .on,loiLrted trrbLrle iDCT' 30-50 pm Reabsorption of sodium ions Cuboidal cells with few
and calcium ions; secretion if any microvilli
of acids, ammonia, drugs,

ioltcc:.rrrq duct 'I
5 mm 50-i 00 pm Reabsorption of water, Cuboldai to colun nar cel,:
sodium ions; secretion or
'-a.. reabsorption of bicarbonate tatic &lood)
: ions or hydroqen ions rcross capillary
;e layer.

r.:p larv ciuai 5mm 10G-200 pm Conduction of tubular fluid Columnar cells r,ransport, including
to minor calyx; contributes
! It (glucose, amino
to concentration gradient ,; (glucose, ions), and
of the medulla :with secretion of H')
: or osmosis (water)
with sodium ions
ions. lipid-soluble materlals, water
Secretion: HYdrogen ions,
ammonium ions. creatinine,
drugs, and toxins (as at DCT)
water Reabsorption" Sodium and Active transport via Nar-K./2 Cl*
I'lt.lllrron loop Reabsorption ol 25o/o of the
(45 Udai) and 20-25% of the chloride ions transporter
sodium and chloride ions present in Water Osmosis
the original filtrate; creation of the
concenlration gradient in the medulla
I )i\ convoluted Reabsorption of a variable amount Reabsorption" Sodium and Cotransport
ttrbule (DCT) of watei (usually 5%, or 9 Uday),
- chloride ions
lOl stimulation, and a Sodium ions (variable) Countertransport with Potassium
ions; aldosterone-regulated
variable amount of sodium ions,
stimulation Calcium ions (variable) Carrier-mediated transPort
under aldosterone
stimulated by ParathYroid
hormone and calotriol
Water (variable) Osmosis; ADH regulated
Secretion'. Hydrogen ions, Countertransport with
ammonium ions sodium ions
Creatinine, drugs, toxtns C arrier-mediated transport

Reabsorption of a variable amount of Reabsorption: Sodium ions (variable) Countertransport with Potassium
Collecting system
water (usually 9.3%, or 16.8 UdaY)
or hydrogen ions; aldosterone-
under ADH stimulation, and a
variable amount o{ sodium ions. Bicarbonate ions (variable) Diifusion, generated within tubular cells
Water (variable) Osmosis; ADH*egulated
under aldosterone stimulation
Urea (distal portions only) Diffusion
Seffetron: Potassium and Carrier-mediated transPort
hydrogen ions (variable)
Return of water and solutes osmosis and diffusion
Peritubular caPillaries Redistribution of water and solutes
reabsorbed in the cortex to the general circulation
Return of water and solutes to Osmosis and diffusion
Vatarecta Redistribution of water and solutes
reabsorbed in the medulla and the general circulation
stabilization of the concentration
gradient of the medulla
Region Length Diameter Primary Fun(tion Histological Characteristics

'l5S-250 pm
Renal corpuscle
150-250 pm Filtration of plasma Glomerulus (capillary knot),
space mesangial cells, and dense layeq
enclosed by the glomerular
Capsular -:.' capsule; visceral epithelium
(podocytes) and capsular
Capillaries epithelium separated by
ot glomerulus \ capsular space
y;"s.;d _)
:! lrel Lltr

Renal tubule
: .,. ..1 atrt,,C tieCl 14 mm 60 pm Reabsorption of ions,
ir. .:,.i ri l Cuboidal cells with microvilti
organiC molecules,
vitamins, water; secretion
of drugs. toxins, acids
i.lrcrov rlli -....-.......-

| ,urun.ry I,rblr, 26 4 Hcnal Structures and Their Function

GGneral Functaoc Specific Functions Mechanisms
r,,rrl ,,'r1l..rlr. Filtration of plasma; generates Filtration of watet inorganic ind Glomerular hydrostatic (blood)
approximately 180 Uday of organic solutes from plasma; pressure working across capillary
filtrate similar in composition to retention of plasma proteins and endothelium, dense layer,
blood plasma without plasma blood cells and filtration slits
t r,,,.ln.rl r ortvolulr,<l Reabsorption of 60-70% of the Active reabsorptlon: glucose, Canier-mediated transport, including
trrlrill, (l't I) water ('108-1 16Udayl, other simple sugars, amino acids, facilitated transport (glucose, amrno
99-1 00% of the organic vitamins, ions (including sodium, acids), cotransport (glucose, ions), and
substrates, and 60-70% of potassium, calcium, magnesium, countertransport (with secretion of H r)
the sodium and chloride phosphate, and bicarbonate) Diffusion (solutes) or osmosis (water)
ions in the original filtrate Passive reabsorption: urea, chloride Countertransport with sodium ions
ions, lipid-soluble materials, water
Secretlon: Hydrogen ions,
ammonium ions, creatinine,
drugs, and toxins (as at DCT)
I'jr,pltron loop Reabsorption oI 25% of the water Reabsorption: Sodium and Active transport via Na'-K /2 Cl
(45 Uday) and 20-25% of the chloride ions transporter
sodium and chloride ions present in Water Osmosis
the original filtrate; creation of the
concentration gradient in the medulla
l)i,,lnl convoluted Reabsorption of a variable amount Reabsorption'. Sodium and Cotransport
tulrtrle (DCT) of water (usually 5%, or 9 Uday), chloride ions
under ADH stimulation, and a Sodium ions (variable) Countertransport with potassium
variable amount of sodium ions, ions; aldosterone-regulated
under aldosterone stimulation Calcium ions (variable) Carrier-mediated transport
stimulated by parathyroid
hormone and calcitriol
Water (variable) Osmosis; ADH regulated
Secretion'. Hydrogen ions, Countertransport with
ammonrum rons sodium ions
Creatinine, drugs, toxins Carrier-mediated transport
Collecting system Reabsorption of a variable amount of Reabsorption: Sodium ions (variable) Countertransport with potassium
water (usually 9.3o/o, or 16.8 Uday) or hydrogen ions; aldosterone-
under ADH stimulation, and a regulated
variable amount of sodium ions, Bicarbonate ions (variable) Diffusion, generated within tubular cells
under aldosterone stimulation Water (variable) Osmosis; ADH-regulated
Urea (distal portions only) Diff usion
Secretrbn: Potassium and Carrier-mediated transport
hydrogen ions (variable)
Peritubular capillaries Redistribution of water and solutes Return of water and solutes Osmosis and diffusion
reabsorbed in the cortex to the general circulation
Va5a re(ta Redistribution of water and solutes Return of water and solutes to Osmosis and diffusion
reabsorbed in the medulla and the general circulation
stabilization of the concentration
gradient of the medulla


@ Aoro<equLasi (wto,o'ne niryn&c)
G saa* b? (btmd ?cessure) \ : t . Aifo;la;i a- aferen
:. re{qt.sasi sc( yenyoVmg r d(aFasi

lapiter gloaerrtbe

3. lcoFstnlci a-eQrn
Lrroo.t.g,t' ; @nstnki a.aferal \ 6fn

@ Qqdarr rlormona.( ( avbrequtasr , nLt@a,,1e+d)fif#"

' has,1 lrzbe.adr,tr sr,,sgensi grolern , enderung{c air te lihtban agpmkus /csraltomeota.
-r a1:"1t =) sistm Mft
d.r fttfrat '\ glasma I U.,Q aepdeonq ginc{ah ...1r,:r'1 i clradt(-'. ti ki4g<t- eglL;6t:* h( :

[-PnlanYvasitr,la sairrlr'i ) t. Y \ volorne darah , 1 tet-sictp$g^

EC6tomerutos aEito,t
gumbatan @ a'rcnahs / hqian"ng
[64lc'r o,,b
/-\ ; laAcdr'Jxr4nl
'l?f . t-{tl.ostatr. Kapoh Baoman C *e;
d"lt'lot l tsrnmH, X- Stimulasi tg_fqgbfugy!* d ioervaEi simgratis 1"ea^i a" tU-

' dftrbrlkoo coican @ aroai tubutos I olrtz;t tzsrslensi ahean a. % Lonscnkusi osmohk calran fubuler @ qqtq!6( &n'*':i:l:'2
catcan sqanjcmg ,retrcn & 'condoclf

efstem oq'
'r q** *-f :| makora deasa,fszvrerib- f1)lu*t^'
1v ade oo s in

FP = G\1? - CBcop+GHp) , [Dn,nH5

lxb4asq p^-kri, nrto.* @ a . af-r-a egl tanstnksi

* Ho,rnon ek*nnrtk , od'"itt ,frlo

,lirzk.e,i; ofou( \a r.nrne..t
*AlU nrIRASr 6t0MsRuu-ls ( LFe l cFR ) i tzti n1 d,lce[uorkao i 4 s".ar / drspnrl ddq ?q ok 6^t
BP / vduore dcrcr.h
t ftL ' - d.a\ast '
1, rarbsipsl .cn A/on , J p,odokii unn
- e \ Vjunre
- " i,larmr.
no..'ot*go LrG , ! tLe nlr;n (d) ( J rir,Tmtn (e)
1Q ltquloi
,7 ?engr:trorao LFQ umomntaa Qorakao r

L"Tj+g:a- r ? *,bfo*
Geauniu C\zaan s- =- 2m[h unn n
t, / onk ksr'
) G
k&r glosma
\ e rr<
{\'l ir.r^sitiv(tcm s{rum c( J
*rt*l hnqoik6varftzo-tto'[,
dab6 irrom?Q.rlanrLal t"Ju p,;&L*- 61hr.&
) ,t"p dan ka1,i{ct
g > arorut t9 = Jnottn c[eoraoce , h ) tq dttotcuk*"t d.f d mqlffisme aukareg,-.r!rir'
Lr"r g,*.ftto.r' 1

fr eftrt' b ao,na{k"{;];';,il
n @ Vrod'aon noroal , AHP 19 {* Atalur ; ,C / "\ Lrq
I qa uoaoon c GHP ig bs bonlbah sh9 itut
pnqorutri ^1 L-i:-q @,1 iL rr peru6. {c\., a.rltx csia6 dr' [r,,ar Lieatz.,r rrufo, , rntka,rLlire

&utoreq 'c. * bs Lomqx.rari ,+ h iz.rt il f (8ommug / >tBammlg)

, ?L 6RP \ htnqqa took (4o-conmrtq) ---r FP--O

-t x 0thasi . ar<on crabrcao \ 1/ LFG 5asuai perub kL. a.len k5.

maLa J weLanisilre rzgutasi 91 ahn dr&tctr(&an

@ Podorit fo v Lonkakh't minp abuo qlut @ta: llh1tsi qr'XX

fita,rer. -)
Mefibantu memprMiki

ffi ;isii.ffi#

han teLih
di c6E


oleh tubukcs

Vasopresrn Haus I Vasokonstriksi
_t afteriol

I Reabsorpsi H2O
oleh lubulus ginlal

"Faktor lain yang berkaitan

dengan keseimbangan
cairan juga meriimbulkan
respons-respons ini.

Gambar 14*tE
Sistem renin-angiotensin-aldoJteron'(SRAA). Ginjal mengeluarkan hormon renin sebagai respons terhadap r.o NS,
volume CES. dan tekanan darah arteri. Renin mengaktifkan angiotensinogen. suatu protein plasma yang dr h.rh,
rrrenjadi angiotensin l. Angiotensin I diubah menjadi angiotensin ll oleh angrotensin-conveiting enzylne drqrod,-rrr dr

paru. Angiotensin ll merangsang korteks adrenal untuk mengeluarkan hormon aldosteron, yang merangsa*q Ua+
oteh ginlat. Rentesi Na' yang teriadi menimbulkan efek osmotik yang menahan lebih banyak HrO di CES. Be{S!
t(onservasi Na'dan H.O membantu mengoreksi rangsangan semula yang mengaktifkan sistem hormon ini. rxs 3 lrg.,
rrremitiki efek lain yang membantu mengoreksi rangsangan semula, misalnya dengan mendorong

E-ft.k primer AbIqtDTENStN 1 :

O dr.nO P.".Jrittr, sa\ rNa+ {1a1r1,.
e &\^ $ - konshrtcsi a{enbt e|cran => "r GFR s Filtohbn rates d[m ormLran tum.ira?
7 tse

- shmutasi reabs. loo l\la+ !' l[,D @ 11.P / @ p*^ pemharra N-lat-kr ATPcree
kt dlm memt'ran b,so tatera^e4iko
i. kote{cliws

@ 6l.r,rgcarunol { eHmutasi scrresi alclost:stzo J L'orietr

akcaterari mabc tuo. @ i-fD g baq.pgrizic,q sist, koltLtivus

eCNS St"sunsasi ha"s

2 - cefusLan gclegosan AD( Lt\nh Diurenc,nL ) 1vo.r1x..,n
3. n} lonus nroton\c simpa.hs :) moNlrJa s. 6aio\-c\ar vzoA
i vmous "uu,-i )
s V
stimotasi vaso ko nstn lcsi
pori(e.r d G.d,* oirtp,rt [cu.r^rr rq)

O ?^.hit , g"''f- Q VasoLoosknlcsi sirgkat n

,fffi\ arfanbta. P
s$'nqter (ubo+du =) d teJ.. **d.,1;,Y:|.,

r- Eunc\ameni-n\! o( AnaFomg \ Phryroiagg i{arh',i { tUath - 3th"6 ?.crrror,

j - hetotoq, fi16nvsra L Slr',i.oora /,ih cd. Crngc,g"\ -,EGC 7o\L

)1. .

Dare l2 . Feb . 2016

= PentaLL 6o*wlu, =
'- giome,zirs =i-q Lrn mzkarr&nrr i,rrun (e.p.hruro*l )

hge 1 + ln situ 1m.rne Grgt", Do4osihbn u)cio . tr'mhl abrl , I1*toni (6tiyio(ik Rtsc) add, ?f'nh'
G lcjar tm anhbodfglzredar dlm drh bz.x dgn annqen@g{oorerulos b:ffiI1*
D ti0onh
'nfnri N6* $ftrnoiar

L) &nhlrn
@ .lhY ne[tr,s Masugi, anti - &BM (sinci,o,>a d) 4h ktast . 6!jco!p?y jlqtatoL
rohzinuna 6nngm
- < Lglao,,r)

i'tk"hDo'4 )
Goodr,racfuiz), neftrtis Helnrr,r
) '\,
eLstinsrl/ (anhQen o:cng / L>inl'denc , t.u @ anaL 6- iO thn
ioLrl., si-{.rto,i u",3 o,|amtatus Lr etioloqi : ciic(qhotoi i!li, slgl ro P - hcmc(rhicus grup r+
clh : ohat , Uua lsq51- , ,rt Caianaoi
^l tiltr Aso l Asro

st6 k lofl' h bpQene* , h?q 2

\ mo*tg HFZ
tpe 2 =) GrcurtaHaq Immune @mplex Qgocihbn L> nlaLmdopr\ : grnja0 crd&rt men:barar-r rynnr.{raan
kortee tanrpalc

L, ).:* t - cndagrn lcoarplzics anhqo -anhbodt Xlaner-ulus khn , nrcmh lrr.robtop1o + trbL ptccftiae hal,,rs

L- anr'qeJZ;q;7 . .Jr^ DNA (stE) / Lr milcorkotrr! : miLraskog chg : 0toeha-- rhinlbecar , hipexelolnr,
\ + -r
.'{_gtr,j,C , ct{a 6ru Eoc" (hqloLokus ,ll l\ alirao /6qb barkoana
, matorrh
l\ otn..,.l. ,.ur.^r,?*
I \r rio. l'-F ' . andapr" \9G qraootqa di {rl'"i ,el
' K l,rstnrr^si Im,?r.etfmn: qumplan amotf subeprfukie{ t'ffi:i
. iu sca skePtD
'p \>as cv;ot.oq
- 6N Vnn*r 1 , 6N prolrfcctif dtps aLot ( nDD -pasa tu

" QN cresa.olic l rapid\ prcgressive TRPON)

" 6N mzmbeoosa C MG N) ROMA NJEFROTI

' Minina.( changr ch'rar< Cuco) f flft(t ,) ciri i- etLcrminunh nar(

. Focal co4mtat"Q 6tornerulosclerosrr CfsGS) higeatLominznr tq

" 6N membran,Xqrll5lf Z. oQd.h^ Aaasa:cca

i, J]la ''l) e{,otaq9 . tnqk
, Mfugati EgA ' 6N Vroltfutati( lotr,-Q L hipertlpi&-ta

' GhJ bmnrk- 9' Lgiduno'

r'r .."rbin I trrus bictn tipil .

,Y {itffi ( qmtcio onh-hoogrrho ,{q ,qa Pq 11 -.ri.. ;ocorllotuw

- Gtr/ sdruedr : arcibar pcng. srsrtmik r 0g,jro;o?li,&'t, #, ry*'t'
Firrarg run
-Wd;L* = s[elb61a Afgegl , ryng. kbrg ,) z-holoqp : i,@aa4k =r{r3rr, ,@", rnhbilnos

r. @ dr-i,xua =) @scicun&r dr polg.-ssitmr'L asLE, D^1,

a\Z P(r' rtuPto

6 bd* ron,1t t Sindorna oc(th'f. : kutt poli(totive.6[V (po,r,infzcr,ars 4miloidolts , korrbor,\ 6cna1i5 )
Ltinila -- r-\
il\- n" poqr-uifcrpctt tRPoN) e's1-sn pi'n2,- ( uol, t
Q9 r,
/ \\ s"a,* ufroh. r MoN, McD , Fs6s , MPa^,
,\ I
/ lsot"tca (n'mn1 Abru'uatrhee : ne$apah XgA , At1lotl t,and, @o*1 , neghth'c neghroht
thh -ihto
f Lklainao ) baswnt marbmne dtsgart
I6rU k.n,ir. t&n'go Imitru! {leruronu) .1.

krusalcan scl V"usqVtn I keh,langa. )

rudnl'l, 6La{. enbtol ollont-
*r-rtrf,ir ?oPo9{r
@ surnber gustaka n$4. mlang (faot pmcenrrsnq*)
slndom ne{totrk
tain qN gota noo sgglrfl6 KBC ,..
bs (mt \ ogk ls Lcna mcmbta.
. MpeNJ . --,r+.o,ogrolProht) [hrrolrrnhc \rfl) hsatlcnga

sorrir**t tffJ,U;enhr siun'a) 1^.!,y^Y,

% hrsrogototoq.k \ r qe &M
KBC x h, le.(,a.
^, non-gmt,(mh[ ] MCD, FS69 , MqN) oliqunh i Ln lops,l imon
hatarsr pmukam u ?a(eS
.ftkai chq l.,n(? jq \4

Dr-gr. , f:) Bonnn \c,.ririrrr di . S?Fo ?o e NU O -roobt e !q Med. (mor v,dtcx, " [\rep!roh-< vs lVef hn'hr \nd Erolunecl tiearl4
fO i?D (q'"i*l Hixrknri ) 9*t' n4 O, tu.l-ubc b9 USMuE i\h\ar Cnq . 6lonreruiooephrrh! l\kfin'h, lynritt,.u * U!qLE
@ Ro'bbint I Co{no falholoqic ba$ oe D,vox. gthea 1,. t\ .- Nlphoh? ,,

AcuLe. ?ostsl.ep lo ror.oJ. Qlo* u-lone Ph n lit

C6rua - Ps )

A c 1 6 is) -A,j aldr'wsi bast6a& Lor?l"rn* jatur attcrnah'f => tffif*
o) dfdahutri inf skcgtokotros p-'trenr\rhlcus 6rup LUdq ?A
- n;b,i%^
us qdlor nt(ffbogtnit< --+ 9o% Scrotige t2 , 4 ,

L, !r* pu*. tg rltm ptcq.nolis QN*^ R

f Vaiun-As/ Y
ki.,ztiTcori ui^ -skcTtolcoLus b<^Ti'un :

krinqrhs . gotain M . gotein kahbn,k , (AP,fr


[-; tr y"u-o3aA gioct-ocma / i.pnh'go . 49 . ncuraminfJacr . EPS 13

, endoshcp;in tfn-q; . sk{tt lanart -, uh! qtorminq3napt^rrnin


f,!,tuylr,-l :--li'
,) {t% anatc ao [rnn(eksi gator neFitoqentt str-ephoLotc ') QNA L9t',i t"oa flle(@nisme t?s^usqtan ckjEr.i irnur" I

5 Vt-ndnLa ft,ingrhi -;) 6run
to'/u 1
fasrlo ,a.ilb'qo
olo Lrr4anlung saoh'pe I fu.nPae io&k,i
' |- 7Z

dqn anh'6tn gtomerutus norma{.

f* tr1"r!i -/ @ f-wp& A! icut'dens \ lP 57.,5O)Uow rouncu[ @ c. qernbenfulrao [<omp\cbs lmun in st']v atlatq. antibodi aotir]rzptokokos

ne4aw: lcurang kr{conrlnnq '. Ainto, ltcaur frrqoh, ffi dg. Otomo.,,to. &pstted ant\oo
L', fr"ArU dqo slafus nrrtnli , hig-err?a s t d. atctivari \:omplruo /,irtcF 6 anhgen sf,-cpto^ gg tz,{qosisi
?o,ngqu?aan Utf:tf,
H rouncu{ b.rrooro* ogn $on$}Eot" bfi hfort'a
")G\4r.{atlns I MorllttGas . Kli,ri5
Vft.n,-ttrLot FI,r'5| qnboh &

to eorlr4 dto*l^ , ll'L @ a"au! , )5o1o @ du'tatcn o) umuo.qA si.don ntfttis atur m\;nco\ l-1 u'E ?ctscalg;ngihs /
I ..*.crhvc
oatcfuot Ci'e
'"f azotetnia
,- Z'L u*. fn gi,rde...a- stw4tato*a
La prcteinunh nzphcoht -,-anqc. . 2oolo a&)19 , tt,'loob chtld.e" j) {qt- dc.ra3clt b?ralu;n kcf,usakan gtnjalnga I
lpnqfuria norrul aross h(metun'^
" d4n
nLro*"pilc l4o n*I
carrnptornofilc 0tr A1<1
-) Usca t gcn&^-

L? ::1-i2 th,, f s'l, @ <2-+h^) , @B -to ilro

h cre,4l -- \'"7 br " bb d.*:or ademc. , bSg.!.ll
--7- , r. oliSlrna
&et loUsik --{hleavobmia
o) musim , .@trt qrls IANAPS) :) @ musr'-1 dinqin L arra{ rnusirn rzmi
on'tl'qr :trr4to z/bhmhBi}'r--,

ic'ftIcci Lortrt la) :) @ nruim ganas I murim qrrgur

#;tr;;s7xt")yrgp "1te"4 f,b*
Jr. tonsi&raii ini @ g.ecico rig,. , - pandanqon Lab*r
sbnoq n1! btm i"tcl
I sant?ui
[o-r,a@r om+ r."tffi#.B)
- saidt tcrqtr"\rr ?arah
irrfoLsi ( @.nnahc 1 irpefu) - porub skaius nrqta'l

- n{LU slzure9
Jgn>dt\oha lcm grodo{tri anHbodit dmun botu6 arattv
ry X e[rna gulrnor"r. J q1t:
:kruLoran l9nm [et"qto ' ton, t = rnr) raspiiatonl dt.h-tt9, of\hopnecr , tTArDk
- -\
@ch(d.e^ porir Gt3t"t CQlome.rtr bsnaL aeabtae) t/l-a n- )

\____--.' Ir
@ fu*s : { - {-s nm )nvdal lukak d&i.i %omlztatc i.mnqa .) g1\'Aon spsifuk ')q umunt 6tcln :

- rna\a{rt * ng,Ln abdomina{ - (er,, u n**

?.r",.l- sktcio kationrlc o!y[r\4b-plts#!gq-E. - f^o pat f ngcn' @ uggcr oba I a'rp'5 /
vV rtsoploc
cheTtotuLue -\eihaq5

/ L7"(o h. berlc*brnt ri sinc\om tr<$oh1c

; potdn pnqikat g{arnio dqo ekso-B ) 6,lL
qlisrntdchie psp( d*ta-oA- hun@l scr bong&t@
lLdq antibdr
IusL iq d,la/d{ Jn p**1",."0 q^ng^ /?*'q9 +M PA-49
$ '^-
* a?9 4 , UGol-ousir froq.o,k streprckolcur l] t$frry" lrekote6* (zgPs 9) . --9=.h ad\k pokin pngila^t pr,emin /
(tL q.,.-.cL ! \n,'. ulO*n 9/t'shs?toccot potctnac" ?qroryr" (4k,h, ,b geeqrDr
* NAPt7: Nethritr'u - asgoctatcd sheptoVoroJ Ttaroio rateploe ?tarmin


Date 2, . ELb . z016

, hipe.tgn., ,
Lrauro (n'ut'l
.' 3 d**.a =) onscL ) ahprrcaQ ,) Urinan*tcrt:s sllo abnonna-Q i slkr r' hernahrnh. U ;;,
) -)
tsqx /BqrP . sedimen ,n^ ,-l@, si(r'n&r EBc, q,Bc , e,l,n&- q*;r*,
," r eilindtr [rBc F@\
)uvror(t \--/"P
ac alcJt ttoro .eda (rnsolucs) <il"r 6 9lc.
L1 a(atresi gotzin orin & hiTa.iznrt barz id oorml btara'a - g6to(nun'r : vnild gvcre C cinc{. u.frorrlc ) ,
_-- q{'h*'n*t1q*/aa) b,ir* h,loE
Pk rtlh orrreF
4 -0 dl- ;-;"- .
\-r h.mak no rrakrostcoptlc !'ltn t^lj-h
,k Fzrs*ten a&
I rq.s.dniilan @leo'L yaian yd fuxat"t
g1i cioa-Q Lp bt*...le rada J.\nr 1-6 bln) n Strotoqpl / I hmbali norr,o!. 6-B dk ct-ih orrcet
-p&^) - \ \rorsenkas ? so-. hemolyht @tnpr,r-ot c*tD
trr1") Qj9
rnontpstari ,imQ bn:o.nqa. : DORK uetuE cbrlwn-tea-/a,la doo,ed) L.> alchvari,iolur a{tetnatr( ot[. bmplemeo dr'&rga brt09 jub atas

r* atobat hemottsrs RbC 16g *"tnroy' 6erobmn hsa( qtomerulus & il,ttotonapLEMENEMrA
+tb "?G4c Uoah' slteo tobulr.r
- @ btr? Vttf.. C" L gq 59 bs \ > in&-Lastlran yrqablivan
-,t [,,;an"1 nr.ur, , tr{*" ,,.a; 'rt #,![ ?Tt"\?4,
(,prrentioq compldnt)

"r c.doma ,f @ Aa -So'L Vrrsus , : Lomploro ulama @ 6o% *

ko"rplelcs imun bzwirLr.rtari
-558- & crgqqqlolin
*tiT drkrn,.rkan @ 6o"L Ln*t,
| lcajug
i..> hifrsrliank"s
gtomrnttus -l
1.4,.tux Falrtor r{:zumalo,"d @ 4ZYo Vasvs

*.5 d#rd,h inka'qto. 'rehuwi a;, & gortn'

,!u fI
:i\s / A tu,s geoanp,lg Bi.rki r larca in t
. skep\'a
inursi goqra,(
\ alr* d*al^ "
)t 7'7 1fl p';,n
bgilr -) htcr anhtodi akrlrarelulcir a1p1r1, @) @(
- qrodut
vLhos 30"[, pasiea
. e&rnn r) , l.o cql nenon-
ge.iadita.Q Orrrot ngg ,nerld.rdai< ,nF. Lul,t

>i @ Pati hari c"tth Fqil hciur , Q ,-o5 ' ASO Cflntr' Strepratiicdn 0) 1$Ur*^@@ go,^@.ir6,tr
iL posioh sgt archf bs surui,' @ sorz 'anh'-N&D ( Anhnrcohmmt&oa&ninc ) ( (i e ao%)

" AHas" ( Anti flgaturonidasc )

li;gur+"ltr nruncui @ u'to% kasvs. , ) sr6 ,r@ ,'::- j ' -gvovs u

--r anh'- DNAq.B
' ?o,* in(.b(.fr
( "oe soao%)
G vmunrnXa kanstrznt C ! 'lnt aii normaQ 21c el'a it \enrlati N ) ( :z\ {- 1u :.

jd geuR
+? ,n"[o ts ,,,efl,-o &- U, ) sr6 d(alcr.,ba.o *r J ug ) seosrft'f , Straplozq-a 4z.t
tovel p'n'g tG)
:) [:;'';'hf i i6" o.cli g l^ilh stm I mipgqp
L, ror ind&asrrrqn < i stth a.r-(a. r.&tsi
1e*isten btn
I [gunraLog . @ Lrd. aL ) -
L? Oliquna m.rncui @ to-so% Lasus (pd 2o06 [cawt 9 ni\a, norma-Q @ anak 6101. - 2[hn , ED 1;dd *,T/rt
,nnr outgul (zoo mu )
r''t [-Q*hn'16O
,q * ltt ntreo , diuresis ntuncul dlm I- 2 ili. .

/bt @.e psrlrvt iL J
5 - 12 iLn : l7o.?to
dlaaso- -- lg)
[l lemat ligogrotetn P darah
t qit Lt,ir,r + mamrusis + \,
2 pmdolcsinS bs dr'tehan i
antibioh'lc & st?-id
Pr L".t

ljvts5! D Exqgi rernQ - : -,-;,< ..twr a'' ce,r,m J@ 00o[6 Tartan iNAPs
,/ t i^LBur'l I
Lr \ &FP d&andai o krzahntn ssrum
-Lp a,',hbo.l, ig(r thd fuu^r C gotain M e?rcptc'
dr Uq ) realt'rh\ otl" 6ud,Pl brrn
Wd^- W '^Jq aveo Ladr anhSodi EtrePFa {ab
sdt oorma{ .

j" ti t:.
1, r { .ra,r'-
tT -_' eln" iA- e
rno* altlg
\J - un'oaralinri:

"i bUp. ,"no!- k"g d'thkan / dt"garttrnbanqlcon nt J

AE! , ohdtom oe@r'lc , x bokli in[. straC*o l : cooplek r.coveg hnq dtn- 'tuapi lutntuva,hf
, lzvol kotnpterrznL0, do4t"
nshik'i dirtffam
, 1k lrmaluna & pofroioonh - \ f1. :v.t,aQ - L | \ Cz Lr ro-c urrencer : EcrREMguy RARE

?ed*en htnq64 ) r-b[o stih

onsl- "

.) ( r
[o(o anaL =7 x mzobailc , malah $ d,!un:a goraf' ?
il"-lk:rmrt trAh l fert rrnt>aq U Vei {rt prrS,"rt\ 6lorroo\o'r,r[rhs
- Vt.rdarahen inttaLranra-Q [oLifit hiperknsi ierugan]ateqan)

- qrto,t 1t9 n lotunuria berat p.rvistco lcrhp,,rlanXan & AFR abr.orrrra-t =: d,Xrtg

: higerLa\cmru , hiyerQrfatrnra 7 higoLittcamm

- osido.i n erszfo\sqrfr hgatarri hn'1 m,p6.ri <;-to"L prsicn & tir...g^

- p"FoO - insufisienri rana\ Lon't & ESDR (eocl- prla.tol ql{ liA {nnga eeqvo\u neoro{ac5B .

- uramia elag rena.Q ciierag)

t -.nvkrhon'sr
I dw\fiat simt-omahL dqrr +ljuao crtama Loohoi
' nahaloQt9
hiper{e,rsi ). edzrro tqa .

t @ B* 6r'toF =) rc*tribri air L qamn L\l/dr\ s. /c' N"/n*;


=) diuraht ttoop) -)
,leAorna t hrgertensi srl6orflcan FURDSEMD
lt .(AO?F-IL/
@ higeransi gq r + :^.,f,,{,ril?-i' E"ALepRru
{zr{onkat dgn diorchlc
@ hgertensi ma\nan =) nitroPrusside i.v,l 6ga V*,tnlud loin ' I ilLiljilllllllE

{*g.;f - drill

.) indi,.tr'dtoltq\ = lrtqerlaten,,a Uq menqancom jioa , rnanitirftasl'


") s\arDlil, agn lomunoso[rtsr{ , & gtasrnafizrecr] / lrmurn diindikasrlon

"7 put{r,r st roL hn4qorck l.s I ik {cr!'-,kh' tenhf2bsi '

- Panisilin 6 oraQ t2sD,,g fla t ?-rohan ) /
Eritro nriun L ) ri pasien aleqi ful

o) bP CTt drh ) +iry btn sLn 6 Ltn 8 h"p 6 L{n rF[hruga
t BqM l lovel lrreahnr'n sarum hirp a bto (srih farc aLuf ) slm
I +h" k {*t\ after thaF
o) Kompl".en s"*,.r @ 6-0 wk- u- cel ,,,cr fiocma\ I l;{n , ]Lllf

o) -IGt- urine C hamafuna I proheinunh) hat a-6 btn

i pasim . ' i. - pu ttt '=) gclahlcao V*ono9. kgqtzr-rit
') @ Lusus. egidemrtc , sch?e^ borrkr\c persona? B, aq6oFrt Velv4n4a

hrs qrvan yengobalrr rro$1akri5, in[. strcpl-o

r,,1 tra{ sa+

{entbooL of
@ {}--,.rj" So . Skudu. Sei Strt?tokorus dao ?at'4.4nts
PasrockE*obe. $.i Pcdiahi .2oo1; lr(i) : 5c- d5.
C9 Robbtns ancl ?a*rotoo,. lltsk of &reo.r. Blh ed. ?0ro .p.qL? @ 6eeth^D - Post Q G'oratnloruvhnhS-. Mcdc6nge , r4d FeL ll'
avai : erudtcie . 2-4a77+
un 1a.tlcla i -a\ofliu)

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