Technology ("Science of Craft", From Greek: Forgetting The Basic Way of Studying

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Technology ("science of craft", from Greek in them having poor study habits and developing a

, techne, "art, skill, cunning of hand"; lazy attitude toward their education.
and -, -logia) is the collection of
techniques, skills, methods and processes Forgetting the Basic Way of Studying
used in the production of goods or services They would no longer rely on the books that are lent
or in the accomplishment of objectives, such by their teachers for them to study since they are
as scientific investigation. already interested to study using the computer. Even
Educational technology is defined by the simple problems and homework that they need to
Association answer, they are more of seeking the assistance of
for EducationalCommunications computers already.
and Technology as "the study and ethical
practice of facilitating learning and Discovering Unusual Things in the Computer
improving performance by creating, using, Allowing the students to surf the internet doesnt
and managing necessarily mean that all the things that they are
appropriatetechnological processes and going to discover are good for their mind and studies.
resources." There are several things that are found in the internet
ADVANTAGES OF TECHNOLOGY IN which are not good for the students hence they need
EDUCATION to be properly guided by their teachers and parents
every time they are going to use the computer.
Promotes Independent Learning for the
Students Learning Resource Centre (LRC) is a
Students can already learn from their own even
term which is used in the United
without the assistance of their parents and
Kingdom to describe a type of library
teachers. They are just going to surf the internet
in order to look for the lessons they need to that exists within an educational setting
study. Quick accessibility and well-equipped such as Secondary Schools, Further
with the skills and knowledge in operating a Education Colleges and Universities.
computer would be very helpful for the students.
1) provides for independent and cooperative
group learning.
Easier Access To Information 2) encourages participation in book clubs,
The need for heavy books to be brought back literature circles, student book blogs, and
and forth from school and home is no longer library reading programs (e.g. Kentucky
needed with technology. The books can stay in Bluegrass Awards, Battle of the Books)
the classroom because the information that they A display board is a board-shaped
need is easily accessed on a computer.
material that is rigid and strong enough
to stand on its own, and generally used
Promotes Exciting Way to Educate Students paper or other materials affixed to it.
Since there are lots of images, videos and other Displays are a vital component to any
graphics and text that may be found in your learning environment. Most schools
computer, more students would feel the have wall mounted notice boards in
excitement in studying through the use of the classrooms, corridors and halls but have
gadget. This is very important in order to arouse you thought of using a portable display
their interest in studying. board? Display boards are the perfect
way to show off anything, from the
DISADVANTAGES OF creativity of your students to important
TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION visitor information and news.
(flexibility, range style, easy to
Laziness in Studying
Computers make is so easy to find answers that
students barely have to look for them. This may result

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