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HIST 270: History of China S.


Topic: The Ming Dynasty

Purpose: The Ming dynasty is a fascinating time period of Chinese history. It is the first Chinese dynasty following
the rule of the Mongols. As they were not able to recover all aspects of the Song, many changes and innovations
took place. In terms of governing structures, we begin to see the rise of Chinese despotism as the emperors
increasingly concentrate power in their own hands. Following the disastrous fourteenth century, China benefits
from the Columbian Exchange leading to an increase in food production and population growth but also
environmental disasters such as flooding and erosion. Close on the heels of the import of New World and
European crops, come the Europeans themselves. The Europeans will bring Christianity and Silver; the Chinese
readily trade silk, porcelain, and tea for silver but they are not so keen on the foreign religion.

In the early period of the Ming, when Chinese culture is proud and self-confident, the dynasty expands outward
with massive maritime expeditions led by the eunuch Zheng He. However, these expeditions were abruptly halted.
Finally, it is during the Ming that we see flourishing of vernacular fiction it is to this fiction that we will turn to
understand Ming dynasty society and culture.

o Chinese Civilization: A Sourcebook, pp. 203-204, 226-252.
o Raise the Red Lantern, Dir. Zhang Yimou.
o Complete the following worksheet and come to class prepared to discuss the assigned
o Participate in classroom discussion; submit assignment to Canvas


1. True/False Wang Jin initially lied to the old man about his identity.
2. Why was Wang Jin running from Commander Gao? ______________________________________________
3. How did the Chinese demonstrate reverence and respect in Ming dynasty China? ________________________
4. What did Shi Jins tattoos symbolize? _________________________________________________________
5. How do the Chinese show hospitality or celebrate special occasions? __________________________________
6. Describe Ming dynasty funeral rituals. Would L Cai be impressed? __________________________________
HIST 270: History of China S. Austin

7. What did Shi Jin mean by A tiger does not eat a piece of offered meat? ______________________________
8. What scheme did the bandits use to secure the release of their second in command? ____________________
9. Shi Jin invited the bandits to join him for wine and viewing
the full moon. What festival was he celebrating that continues
to be an important part of Chinese culture today? ___________
10. You dont want to make Shi Jin mad; his enemies do not fare
well. How did it end for his servant and the hunter?
a) Wang Si: ____________________________________
b) Li Ji: _______________________________________
11. At the thin horse market a client would lift the girls skirt
to view her _________________________________________
12. What significant event did Mao Xiang have to complete
before he could take Dong Xiaowan as his concubine? ________
13. In the novel Jin Ping Mei, which wife was responsible for
social duties such as paying visits, receiving guests, and handling
the household budget? _______________________________
14. Snow, the fourth wife, assumed Lotuss spiteful behavior was
Figure 1 Ming Dynasty fiction became widely popular
throughout East Asia. This is a Japanese print of Shi Jin motivated by what? __________________________________
with his cudgel.

15. Carefully read Family Instructions (Chapter 54) until you can discern the pattern of this genre. Following the
pattern set in this Ming Dynasty document, write your own Family Instructions for the benefit of your posterity.
Demonstrate in your essay that you understand the genre by using the same pattern and elements, but do not reflect
Confucian values (unless of course you are a Confucian). Rather, make it your own address those virtues and
values that you want passed down to your children. Support these by quotations from the sacred texts of your
religious or cultural tradition.

(Complete question 15 using a word processor. Save your file. You will upload it as an attachment to the prepwork

Discussion Day _________

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