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Atty. Domingo T. Aonuevo

DLSU College of Law

This course is about the legal relations of employees and their
employers as delineated by the employees rights to self-
organization, collective bargaining, and concerted activities,
including the right to strike, on one hand, the employers
management prerogatives and right to lock-out, on the other
hand, as well as the various other modes of labor dispute


On completion of the course, the student is expected to be able
to restate and discuss:
1. the State policies on labor relations;
2. the meaning, scope, and bases of the rights to self-
organization, collective bargaining, and concerted
activities, including the right to strike, as well as the
meaning, scope, and bases of management prerogatives;
3. the rules regulating organization, management, and activities of
labor organizations;
4. what an appropriate bargaining unit is, how it is determined,
and how its bargaining representative is selected;
5. the process of collective bargaining and negotiation and how a
collective bargaining agreement is administered;
6. what unfair labor practices are;

* This syllabus is intended to be used only in Atty. Aonuevos Law204M class. It should
not be reproduced for any other purpose, nor uploaded to any internet site, without his
express authorization.
7. the meaning, basis and limitations of strikes and other union
concerted activities as well as employer lock-out; and
8. the rudimentary rules of labor relations in the public sector;
9. jurisdiction and procedures in settling labor disputes


The student will be assessed during the term by the following:

Class recitation
Individual or a pairs report on any of the following
a. a labor organization registered in 2015 or 2016 (with
emphasis on the process of union organization and
registration, and the particular legal and practical
challenges the organization faced in the process).
b. a CBA registered in 2015 or 2016 (with emphasis on how 10%
the union got certified as bargaining agent, how the
collective bargaining negotiation went, and the particular
legal and practical challenges the parties met faced in the
c. a notice of strike that was filed in 2015 or 2016 (with
emphasis on the dispute involved, how it was resolved, and
the particular legal and practical challenges the union met
faced in the process).
d. a case study on the worth of collective bargaining and
negotiations as a mode of settling a 2015 or 2016 labor
e. a case study on the worth of voluntary arbitration as a
mode of settling a 2015 or 2016 labor dispute;
f. a case study on the worth of conciliation and mediation as
modes of settling a 2015 or 2016 labor dispute;
g. How united and strong is the labor movement now?
h. How enlightened are the workers concerning their rights
and obligations as union members and as employees?
i. current problems and prospects regarding the Labor
Codes compliance with the ILO conventions on the right to
self-organization and concerted activities;
j. current problems and prospects regarding public sector
k. current problems and prospects regarding the
implementation of tripartism as a state policy.
l. current problems and prospects with the implementation
of the SeNA.

Due on: _________________

Handwritten case digests 10%
Due on the day of the final examination
Periodic Quizzes 35%
Final examination 35%

1. 1987 Constitution of the Philippines;
2. P.D. No. 442 (the Labor Code of the Philippines), as amended;
3. D.O. No. 40-03, as amended;
4. Executive Order No. 180 (1987);
5. Amended Rules Governing the Exercise of the Right of Government
Employees to Self-Organization the Implementing Rules;
6. labor relations law textbooks
1. Sibal, Jorge. 2004. A Century of the Philippine Labor Movement.
2. EILER.1987. GTU: kurso sa tunay na unyonismo.
3. Ofreneo, Rene. 2006. Globalization and Unionism: The SMU
4. Bitonio, Benedicto Ernesto. Workers Representation Amidst Labor
Flexibility: Insight from the Philippine Experience.
5. Aganon, Marie, et al., 2009. Union Revitalization and Social
Movement Unionism in the Philippines: A Handbook. Friedrich Ebert
Stiftung and U.P. School of Labor and Industrial Relations.
6. Manuel, Marlon. The Revised Rules on the Right to Self-Organization:
A Critique to Department Order No. 40, Series of 2003.

Course Outline
A. Voluntary/democratic modes of
dispute settlement

1. Labor dispute Labor Code (LC), Art. 219(l); San

Miguel Corp. Employees Union v.
Bersamira, G.R. No. 87700, June
A. Policy LC,
13, Art.
1990;218A(b), (c), &v.(g)
Halaguea PAL, G.R.
B. Definitions: No. 172013, October 2, 2009;
1. Labor organization Portillo
LC, Art. v.219
(g); Lietz,
IR, BookInc.,V,G.R.
196539, October
I, Sec. 1 (cc) 10, 2012)

Union modes of dispute IR, Book V,
CONST., Rule
Art. XIII,I,Sec.
1 (zz)
par. 3;
Workers Association LC,Book
IR, Art. 218 A & I,B;Sec.
V, Rule Kiok1Loy v.
NLRC, G.R. No. L-54334, January
4. Legitimate labor organization LC,
22, Art.
1986;219 (h); IR,
Scout BookV.V,
Ramon Rule
Sec. 1 (ee)
College v. Noriel, 85
5. Legitimate workers association IR,
Rule I, Sec. 1 (ff);
Cebu Seamen's Association,
Collective bargaining Inc. vs. 218
LC, Art. Ferrer-Calleja,
B; Arts. 262 212 264;
SCRA 50(1992)
Arts. 99, 122(b), 123 (par. 3), &
6. Company Union 124Arts.
LC, (pars.
2194& (i)5)
& 259 (d)
C. Union Rationale
Resort to grievance machinery Guijarno v. CIR&, 52
LC, Art 224 274SCRA 307
D. Government and mediation LC, Art. 234(a)
1. Union Registration:
Voluntary arbitration LC, Arts. 224, 274; & 278(h)
a. Definition IR, Book V, Rule I, Sec. 1(qq);
3. Non-interference by PAFLU
LC, Art.v.218Secretary,
B G.R. No.
government L-22228, February 27,
B. Trade unionism LC, Art. 218 A(b) & (c)
b. Requirements Arts. 240, 241, 244 & 249; IR,
C. Worker enlightenment LC, Arts. 218 A(d), 250 (p) & 292
Book V, Rule III, Sec. 2; San
Miguel Corp. Employees Union v.
D. Adequate machinery for CONST.,
SM Packing,Art.533
Sec. 16;
125LC, Arts.
expeditious dispute settlement 218 A(e)
(2007); & 219(l); Development
Progressive Art. 234; Arts.
227 & Art. 292(i) & E.O.
Corp. v. Secretary of Labor, 26 (1992)
E. Industrial Peace & Tripartism SCRA 802218
LC, Arts. (1992);
290, & 292 (g);
Art. 220 (2 par.); Arts. v.121
ndCorporation BLR,(2nd
G.R. No. 196276, June 4,
par.), 122 (4th par.), & 182(a)2014
c. Action
F. Worker on Application
participation in decision LC, Arts. 218
LC, Arts. 242 A(g),
& 243; IR, Book
& 267, par. 2;V,
and policy making processes Rule IV, Secs.
R.A. No. 6971,4-7Sec. 5; Philippine
affecting rights,ofduties
d. Effect and welfare
Registration Airlines,
IR, Book V,Inc. v. NLRC,
Rule 225
IV, Sec. 8&SCRA
301 (1993)

Contra: Management Prerogatives

III, Sec. 2, par. E; Legend
International Resorts Limited v.
Kilusang Manggagawa ng
Legenda, G.R. No.169754,
February 23, 2011
e. Acquisition of Legal LC, Arts. 240 & 241; IR, Book V,
Personality Rule III, Sec. 2 E.
f. Rights of Legitimate Labor LC, Art. 251; Acedera v.
Organization International Container Terminal
Services, Inc., G.R. No. 146073,
January 13, 2003
g. Effects on Non-Registration IR, Book V, Rule IV, Sec. 8;
Tropical Hut Employees Union v.
Tropical Hut Food Market, Inc.,
181 SCRA 173 (1990)
2. Cancellation of Union LC, Arts. 245, 246, 247; 250(j),
Certificate of Registration Last 2 par., & 248; IR, Book V,
Rule I, Sec. 1(g) & Rule XIV; Air
Phil. Corp. v. BLR, 492 SCRA 243
(2006); S.S. Ventures
International, Inc. v. S.S. Ventures
Labor Union, G.R. No. 161690,
July 23, 2008; Mariwasa Siam
Ceramics, Inc. v. The Secretary of
the Department of Labor and
Employment, et al., G.R. No.
183317, December 21, 2009; The
Heritage Hotel Manila v. National
Union of Workers in the Hotel,
Restaurant and Allied Industries-
Heritage Hotel Manila
Supervisors Chapter (NUWHRAIN-
HHMSC), G.R. No. 178296,
January 12, 2011; Takata
(Philippines) Corporation v. BLR,
G.R. No. 196276, June 4, 2014
E. International Activities of Union LC, Arts. 284-286
F. Union Member Relations LC, Arts. 250 & 260(a); UST
Faculty Union v. Bitonio, G.R. No.
131235, November 16, 1999
1. Admission and Discipline of LC, Arts. 260(a), 250(a), (e) &
Members 292(c); Salunga v. CIR, 21 SCRA
216 (1967); Villar v. Inciong, 121
SCRA 444 (1983)
Due Process Bugay v. Kapisanan ng mga
Manggagawa sa MRR, 4 SCRA
487 (1962)
2. Election of Officers LC, Art. 250 (c), (f) & (k); Book V,
Rule XII
a. Qualifications LC, Art. 250 (c) & (f)
b. Manner of Election LC, Art. 250 (c)
c. Tenure LC, Art. 250 (c)
d. Compensation LC, Art. 250(k)
e. Who may vote LC, Art. 250 (c); Tancinco v.
Calleja, 157 SCRA 203 (1988)
F. Effect of election Kapisanan v. Trajano, 134 SCRA
236 (1985)
3. Major policy matter LC, Art. 250 (d)
4. Union funds LC, Arts. 250(a) (b) (c) (g) (h) (i)
(j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o); IR, Book V,
Payment of attorneys fees and LC, Arts. 250 (o) (n) & 228 (b);
special assessments Gabriel v. Secretary of Labor, G.R.
No. 115949, March 16, 2000
5. Mandatory Activity LC, Art. 250 (o); Galvadores v.
Trajano, 144 SCRA 138 (1986)
6. Union Information /Obligation LC, Art. 250 (p)
7. Enforcement and remedies LC, Art. 250 penultimate and last
Intra-union disputes; par., and Art. 245; IR, Book V,
jurisdiction; procedure and Rules XI, XII, XIII, XIV & XV;
sanctions: Diokno v. Cacdac, 526 SCRA 440
(2007); Employees Union of
Bayer Phils. v. Bayer Philippines
Inc., G.R. No. 162943, December
6, 2010; Rodriguez v. Director,
G.R. Nos. 76579-82, August 31,
1988; Duyag v. Inciong, 98 SCRA
522 (1980)
G. Union Chartering and Affiliation:
Local and Parent Union Relations
1. Affiliates and chartered locals, IR, Book V, Rule I, Sec. 1(a) (i) (w)
national unions and (kk);
IR, Book V, Rule III; Progressive
2. Registration Development Corp. v. Secretary
of Labor, 205 SCRA 802 (1992)
Progressive Development Corp. v.
2. Purpose; nature of relations Secretary of Labor, 205 SCRA 802
(1992); Filipino Pipe & Foundry
Corp. v. NLRC, G.R. No. 115180,
November 16, 1999
3. Affiliation of both supervisory LC, Arts. 255 & 256
and rank-and-file unions with
one mother union
4. Local union disaffiliation: National Union of Bank
nature of right and legality Employees v. Philnabank
Empoyees Association, G.R. No.
174287, August 12, 2013;
When a local union should Alliance of Nationalist and
disaffiliate Genuine Labor Organization v.
Samana, 258 SCRA 371 (1996)


A. Law and Definition IR, Book V, Rule 1, Sec. 1(d); LC,
Arts. 267& 268; Belyca
Corporation v. Calleja, 168 SCRA
184 (1988)
B. Determination of Appropriate
Bargaining Unit
1. Factors Unit Determination U.P. v. Ferrer-Calleja, 211 SCRA
451 (1992); San Miguel Corp. v.
Laguesma, 236 SCRA 595
(1994); San Miguel Foods, Inc. v.
San Miguel Corp. Supervisors
and Exempt Union, G.R. No.
146206; August 1, 2011.
2. Unit Severance and Globe Mechanical Depart Labor Union
Doctrine v. CIR, 24 SCRA 925 (1968)
3. Size of Unit and Effect on Self- Filoil Refinery Corporation v.
Organization Filoil Supervisory and
Confidential Employees
Association, 46 SCRA 512 (1972)
4. Effect of Prior Agreement General Rubber and Footwear
Corp. v. BLR, 155 SCRA 283
C. Determining Agency Filoil Refinery Corporation v.
Filoil Supervisory and
Confidential Employees
Association, 46 SCRA 512
(1972); LC, Art. 232; IR, Book V,
Rule I, Sec. 1(ii); Rule VIII, Sec. 2


A. Pre-Condition: Employer-Employee Allied Free Workers Union v. Cia
Relationship Maritima, 19 SCRA 258 (1967)
B. Methods of Establishing Majority
1. Policy/Rationale IR, Book V, Rule VI, Sec. 1; LC,
Art. 218 (b); CONST., Art. XIII,
Sec. 3; Reyes v. Trajano, 209
SCRA 484 (1992); National Mines
and Allied Workers Union v.
Secretary of Labor, 277 SCRA
821 (1993); Samahang
Manggagawa sa PREMEX v.
Secretary of Labor, G.R. No.
10772, March 2, 1998
2. Voluntary Recognition LC, Art. 251(c); IR, Book V, Rule I,
Sec. 1 (bbb), Rule VI, Sec. 2, &
Rule VII
Effects IR, Book V, Rule VII, Sec. 4
3. Elections
a. Certification election LC, Art. 268; IR, Book V, Rule I,
Sec. 1 (h) (ll); VIII, IX & X
b. Consent election IR, Book V, Rules I, Sec. 1 (h) &
VIII, Secs. 10, 11, 23
Effects IR, Book V, Rule VIII, Sec. 23
c. Run-off election LC, Art. 268, par. 1, penultimate
sentence; IR, Book V, Rule I, Sec.
1 (ss) & Rule X
4. Venue of Petition IR, Book V, Rule VIII, Sec. 2;
Cruzvale Inc. v. Laguesma, 238
SCRA 389 (1994)
C. Certification Election Process: IR, Book V, Rules VIII, IX & X
1. The Union as Initiating Party LC, Art. 251 (b); IR, Book V, Rule
VIII, Sec. 1
a. Organized Establishment LC, Arts. 268 & 264; IR, Book V,
Rule I, Sec. 1 (ll)
i) Petition Before Freedom LC, Arts. 264 & 268; Book V, Rule
Period VIII, Sec. 3 (d); Sec. 13, par. 1;
Atlantic Gulf and Pacific Co.
Manila Inc. v. Laguesma, 212
SCRA 281 (1992)
ii) Petition Beyond Freedom National Congress of Union in
Period Sugar Industry v. Ferrer-Calleja,
205 SCRA 478 (1992)
iii) Filing Party IR, Book V, Rule VIII, Sec. 1
Misrepresentation by Union DHL Phil. Corp. United RAF
Officers Association FFW v. Buklod ng
Manggagawa, G.R. No. 152094,
July 22, 2004
iv) Form of Petition IR, Book V, Rule VIII, Sec. 4;
National Mines and Allied
Workers Union v. Secretary of
Labor, 227 SCRA 821
v) Substantial Support LC, Art. 268; IR, Book V, Rule VIII,
Sec. 4(g); Sec. 14(f); 1997 IR,
Rule XI, Sec. 11, ll(e); Port
Workers Union etc. v. DOLE, 207
SCRA 329 (1992); Oriental Tin
Can Labor Union v. Secretary of
Labor, 294 SCRA 640 (1998)
vi) Forced Intervention/ IR, Book V, Rule VIII, Secs. 7 & 8;
Motion for Intervention Phil. Assn. of Free Labor Union v.
Calleja, 169 SCRA 491 (1989)
b. Unorganized Establishment LC, Arts. 247 & 262; Sugbuanon
Rural Bank v. Laguesma, G.R. No.
116194, Feb. 2, 2000;
2. The Employer as Initiating LC, Arts. 270 & 271; IR, Book V,
Party/ Bystander Rule Rule VIII, Sec. 1, par. 2; Hercules
Industries, Inc. v. Secretary of
Labor, 214 SCRA 129 (1992)
3. Responsible Agency IR, Book V, Rule VIII, Sec. 2
4. Requisite for Validity of Election/ LC, Art. 268; IR, Book V, Rule I,
Failure of Election Sec. 1 (q) & Rule IX, Secs. 17, 18,
19; Benguet Electric Coop. Inc. v.
Calleja, 180 SCRA 740 (1989)
5. Nature of Proceeding Port Workers Union etc. v.
DOLE, 207 SCRA 329 (1992)
6. Certification Election Process IR, Book V, Rules VIII & IX
and Procedure
a. Effect of Private Agreement PLUM Federation of Industrial
and Agrarian Workers v. Noriel,
119 SCRA 299 (1982)
b. Posting Notice IR, Book V, Rule I, Sec. 1 (o); Rule
IX, Sec. 6; Jisscor Independent
Union v. Torres, 221 SCRA 699
c. Voters List IR, Book V, Rule IX, Sec. 5; Rule I,
Sec. 1 (q)
d. Dismissed employees Yokohama Tire Phil., Inc. v.
Yokohama Employees Union, 539
SCRA 556 (2007)
e. Voting Day/Venue IR, Book V, Rule IX, Sec. 2; Asian
Design and Manufacturing Corp.
v. Calleja, 174 SCRA 477 (1989)
f. Conduct of Election IR, Book V, Rule IX, Secs. 1 & 15;
Hercules Industries, Inc. v. Sec.
DOLE, 214 SCRA 129 (1992)
g. Protest Period IR, Book V, Rule IX, Secs. 12 and
13; Rule I, Sec. 1 (p); Samahan
ng Manggagawa v. Laguesma,
267 SCRA 303 (1997)
h. Appeal; Period LC, Art. 272; IR, Book V, Rule VIII,
Secs. 17-21
i. Nullification of Election results United Employees Union of
Gelmart Industries v. Noriel, 67
SCRA 267 (1975)
D. Certification of Designated LC, Art. 267 & 268; IR, Book V,
Majority Union Rule I, Sec. 1(t) & Rule IX, Secs.
16 & 20; Militante v. NLRC, 246
SCRA 365 (1995); Phil. Diamond
Hotel and Resort, Inc. (Manila
Diamond Hotel) v. Manila
Diamond Hotel Employees Union,
G.R. No. 158075, June 30, 2006
E. Bars to Certification Election
1. One Year Bar/Certification year IR, Book V, Rule VIII, Sec. 3(a) &
Rule 14(c); R. Transport Corp. v.
Laguesma, 227 SCRA 827
(1993); Kaisahan ng
Manggagawang Pilipino v.
Trajano, 201 SCRA 453 (1991)
2. Negotiation Bar Rule IR, Book V, Rule VIII, Secs. 3(b) &
3. Deadlock Bar Rule IR, Book V, Rule VIII, Sec. 3(c)
&14(d); Divine Word University
of Tacloban v. Sec. Of Labor and
Employment, 213 SCRA 759
4. Contract Bar Rule LC, Arts. 238; 268; 265, 2nd
sentence & 261; IR, Book V, Rule
VIII, Sec. 3(d), 14(b) & Sec. 24;
Colegio de San Juan de Letran v.
Assoc. G.R. No. 141471,
September 18, 2000; Samahan
ng Manggagawa sa Permex v.
Sec. of Labor, 286 SCRA 692
(1998); Samahan ng
Manggagawa sa Pacific Plastic v.
Laguesma, 267 SCRA 303 (1997)
F. Effect of Petition For Cancellation of IR, Book V, Rule XI, Sec. 3, 2nd
Trade Union Registration par., Samahan ng Manggagawa
sa Pacific Plastic v. Laguesma,
267 SCRA 303 (1997)


A. General Concept
1. Policy Declaration LC, Arts. 218(A) (a) & 218(B);
CONST. Art. XIII, Sec. 3
2. Nature and Purpose Kiok Loy v. NLRC, 141 SCRA 179
B. Bargainable Issues LC, Art. 263; Manila Fashions v.
NLRC, 264 SCRA 104 (1996);
Union of Filipro Employees-
Drug v. Nestle, G.R. No.
158930-31, August 22, 2006
Samahan ng Manggagawa sa
Top Form Manufacturing v.
NLRC, 295 SCRA 171 (1998)
C. Bargaining Procedure IR, Book V, Rule XVI
1. Private Procedure LC, Art. 262
2. Labor Code Procedure LC, Arts. 261, 268, 238 & 265;
Caltex Refinery Employees
Association v. Brillantes, 279
SCRA 218 (1997)
3.Conciliation/preventive mediation LC, Arts. 255 (c), (d), (e) & 239;
E.O. 251, Sec. 4; Tabigue v.
International Copra Export
Corp., G.R. No. 183335,
December 23, 2009; IR, Book V,
Rule XXII, Secs. 1 & 9;
Hotel Nikko Chapter v. CA,
G.R. No. 163942, November
11, 2008
4. Duty to Bargain LC, Arts. 262-264; 251(c);
259(g); 254(c); P.I. Mfg. Inc. v.
P.I. Mfg. Supervisors and
Foremen Association, 543 SCRA
613 (2008); Colegio de San
Juan de Letran v. Assoc., G.R.
No. 141471, September 18,
2000; Faculty Association of
MAPUA v CA, 254 SCRA 709
D. The Collective Bargaining
1. Definition/Contents IR, Book V, Rule I, Sec. 1(j); LC,
Art. 273
2. Registration LC, Art. 237; IR, Book V, Rule
XVII, Secs. 1-3
3. Beneficiaries LC, Art. 267; Mactan Workers
Union v. Aboitiz, 45 SCRA 577
4. Minutes of Negotiation Samahan ng Manggagawa sa
Top Form Manufacturing v.
NLRC, 295 SCRA 171 (1998)
5. Interpretation, Administration Norkis Free and Independent
and Enforcement Workers Union v. Norkis Trading
Co., G.R. No. 157098; June 30,
2005; University of San
Agustin, Inc. v. USAEU-FFW,
G.R. No. 177594, July 23, 2009.
a. Nature Pantranco North Express, Inc. v.
NLRC, 259 SCRA 161 (1996);
Dole Phils. Inc. v. Pawis ng
Makabayang Obrero, G.R. No.
146650, January 13, 2003
b. Grievance Procedure LC, Arts. 267 & 274; USAEU-
FFW v. CA, G.R. No. 169632,
March 28, 2006; Atlas Farm,
Inc. v. NLRC, G.R. No. 142244,
November 18, 2002
c. Contract Ambiguity Holy Cross of Davao College,
Inc. v. Holy Cross Faculty
Union- KAMAPI, G.R. No.
156098; June 27, 2005
d. Contract Duration and Renewal LC, Arts. 265 & 264; IR, Book V,
Rule XVII, Sec. 7 & 8; New
Pacific Timber v. NLRC, G.R. No.
124224, March 17, 2000;
Rivera v. Espiritu, G.R. No.
135547, January 23, 2002;
Meralco v. Sec. Quisimbing G.R.
No. 127598, August 1, 2000
e. CBA and 3rd Party Liability Associated Labor Unions v.
NLRC, 204 SCRA 913 (1991)
f. CBA and Disaffiliation Elisco-Elirol Labor Union v.
Noriel, 80 SCRA 682 (1977)
g. Jurisdiction of Voluntary LC, Arts. 274, 275 & 224(c)


A. In General
1. Definition and General Concept LC, Arts. 219(k) & 258
Culili v. Eastern
Philippines, Inc., G.R. No.
165381, February 9, 2011;
Galaxie Steel Workers Union v.
NLRC, G.R. No. 165757,
October 2006; Sterling
Products International, Inc. v.
Secretary of Labor, 7 SCRA 446
2. Requisites
a. Employer-Employee American President Lines Inc.
Relationship v. Clave,114 SCRA 826 (82)
b. Act must be specifically LC, Arts. 259 & 260
defined in the law
3. Burden of proof. Tiu v. NLRC, 227 SCRA 680
(1997); Central Azucarera De
Bais Employees Union-NFL v.
Central Azucarera De Bais,
Inc., G.R. No. 186605,
November 17, 2010; Union of
Filipro Employees-DFA-KMU v.
Nestle Philippines, Inc., G.R.
Nos. 158930-31
4. Interpretation Caltex Filipino Managers and
Supervisors Assn. v. CIR, 44
SCRA 350 (1972)
5. Inter-relations of UPL Acts LC, Arts. 259 & 260; Republic
Savings Bank v. CIR, 21 SCRA
226 (1967)
B. Acts Violative of Right to Self-
1. Interference, Restraint and LC, Arts. 259(a) & 292(g) & (h),
Coercion & 254 (a); Hacienda Fatima v.
National Federation of
Sugarcane Workers-Food, G.R.
No. 149440, January 28, 2003;
a. Interrogation Scotys Department Store v.
Micaller, G.R. No. L-8116,
August 25, 1956; Philippine
Steam Navigation Co. v. Phil.
Marine Officers Guild, 15 SCRA
174 (1965)
b. Speech, Espionage, Economic The Insular Life Assurance Co.
Coercion Ltd., Employees Assn. v.
Insular Life Assurance Co. Ltd.,
37 SCRA 243 (1971)
c. Concerted Activities Philippine Blooming Mills
Employees Organization v.
Philippines Blooming Mills, Co.,
51 SCRA 189 (1973); Republic
Savings Bank v. CIR, G.R. No. L-
20303, September 27, 1967
2. Non-Union Membership or LC, Art. 259(b); Visayan
Withdrawal from Membership Stevedore Trans. Co. v. CIR,19
as a condition of Employment SCRA 426 (1967)
(yellow-dog contract)
3. Contracting out to Discourage LC, Art. 259(c); Bankard, Inc. v.
Unionism NLRC, G.R. No. 171664, March
6, 2013
4. Company Domination of Union LC, Art. 259(d); Progressive
Development Corp. v. CIR, 80
SCRA 434 (1977)
5. Discrimination to Encourage/ LC, Art. 259(e)
Discourage Unionism
a. Valid discrimination: union Alabang Country Club, Inc. v.
security clause requisites NLRC, 545 SCRA 351 (2008);
Del Monte v. Zaldivar, G.R. No.
158620, 11 October 2006; BPI
v. BPI Employees Union Davao
Chapter, Federation of Unions
in BPI Unibank, G.R. No.
164301, August 10, 2010 &
October 19, 2011
b. Collection of agency fees LC, Art. 259(e); Del Pilar
Academy et al., v. Del Pilar
Academy Employees Union,
G.R. No. 170112, April 30,
6. Retaliation: Testimony Against LC, Art. 259(f); H.G. Henares
Employer/Indirect & Sons v. National Labor Union,
discrimination G.R. No. 17535, December 28,
1961; Mabeza v. NLRC, G.R.
No. 118506, April 18, 1997;
Itogon-Suyoc Mines, Inc. v.
Baldo, G.R. No. 17739,
December 24, 1964.
7. Illegal Exaction LC, Art. 260(d)
8. Management Prerogative and Shell Oil Workers Union v. Shell
Unfair Labor Practices Co. of the Phils. Ltd., 39 SCRA
276 (1971); San Miguel Corp.
Employees Union v. Bersamira,
186 SCRA 496 (1990)
C. Acts Violative of Right to Collective
1. Violation of Duty to Bargain LC, Arts. 259(g), 260(c), & 262-
264; Shell Oil Workers Union v.
Shell Co. of the Phils. Ltd., 39
SCRA 276 (1971); General
Milling Corp. v. CA, G.R.
146728, February 11, 2004;
Central Azucarera De Bais
Employees Union-NFL v.
Central Azucarera De Bais,
Inc., G.R. No. 186605,
November 17, 2010; St. John
Colleges, Inc. v. St. John
Academy Faculty and
Employees Union, G.R. No.
167892, October 27, 2006;
Union of Fillipro Employees
DFA v. Nestle Phil. Inc., G.R. No.
158930, March 3, 2008
2. Negotiation or Attorneys Fees LC, Arts. 259(h) & 260(e)
3. Gross Violation of Collective LC, Art. 259(i), 260(f), & 274;
Bargaining Agreement Arellano University Employees
and Workers Union v. CA, G.R.
No. 139940, September 19,
2006; San Miguel Foods, Inc. v.
SMC Employees Union-PTGWO,
535 SCRA 133 (2007);
Employees Union of Bayer
Phils. v. Bayer Philippines Inc.,
G.R. No. 162943, December 6,
D. Motive, Conduct and Proof
1. Employer Motive and Proof Phil. Metal Foundries, Inc. v.
CIR, 90 SCRA 135 (1979)
2. Totality of Evidence Royal Undergarment
Corporation of the Phil. v. CIR,
186 SCRA 278 (1990)
E. Enforcement, Remedies and
1. Parties Against Whom ULP LC, Arts. 258 -260, & 219(e),
Committed (f), & (g)
2. Parties Liable for Acts
a) Employer LC, Arts. 259 & 303-304
b) Labor Organization LC, Arts. 260 & 303-304;
National Labor Union v. CIR,
116 SCRA 417 (1982)
3. Prosecution and Prescriptive
a) Civil Aspect LC, Art. 260, pars. 2-4 & 306
b) Criminal Aspect LC, Arts. 259 & 305
4. Compromise CCLC E.G. Gochangco Workers
Union v. NLRC; 161 SCRA 656
5. Remedies and Sanctions
a) Civil Remedies LC, Arts. 259, 2nd & 3rd par.;
Quadra v. CA, G.R. No. 147593,
July 31, 2006
b) Penal Remedies LC, Arts. 259, 303-305


A. Basis of Right to Engage in
Concerted Activities

1. Constitution CONST., Art. XIII, Sec. 3; Bisig

ng Manggagawa sa Concrete
Aggregates, Inc. v. NLRC, 226
SCRA 499 (1993)
2. Statutory LC, Arts. 218-A(a), (b), & (c), &
268(a) & (b); IR, Book V, Rule
XXII; Ilaw at Buklod ng
Manggagawa (IBM) v. NLRC,198
SCRA 586 (1991)
3. Limitations Batangas Laguna Tayabas Bus
Co. v. NLRC, 212 SCRA 792
B. Strike
1. Definition LC, Art. 219(o); IR, Book V, Rule
I, Sec. 1(uu); G&S Transport
Corp. v. Tito S. Infante, 533
SCRA 288 (2007); Bukluran ng
Manggagawa sa Clothmen
Knitting Corp. Solidarity of
Unions v. CA, G.R. 158158;
January 17, 2005; Diwa ng
Pagkakaisa-PAFLU v. Filtex
International Corp., 43 SCRA
217 (1972)
2. Nature and Purpose Batangas Laguna Tayabas Bus
Co. v. NLRC, 212 SCRA 792
3. Rationale for Regulation by Law Lapanday Workers Union v.
NLRC, 248 SCRA 95 (1995); Sta.
Rosa Coca-Cola Plant
Employees Union v. CCBP, G.R.
No. 164302-03, 24 January
4. Effect on Work Relationship LC, Art. 218(o); Escario v.
NLRC, G.R. No. 160302,
September 27, 2010
5. Types and Conversion
a. Unfair Labor Practice LC, Art. 278(c); Master Iron
Labor v. NLRC, 219 SCRA 47
(1993)Shell Oil Workers Union
v. Shell Co. of the Phil., 39 SCRA
276 (1971)
b. Bargaining Deadlock LC, Art. 278(c); Consolidated
Economic/ULP Labor Association of the Phils.
v. Marsman and Co., 11 SCRA
589 (1964)
6. Grounds IR, Book V, Rule XXII, Sec. 5
a. Allowable Strikes LC, Art. 278(c)
b. Prohibited Strikes LC, Arts. 278(b), 278(g),
279(a), & 280; Ilaw at Buklod
ng Manggagawa(IBM) v.
NLRC,198 SCRA 586 (1991);
Philcom Employees Union v.
Philippine Global, G.R. No.
144315, July 17, 2006; Biflex
Phils., Inc. Labor Union (NAFLU)
v. Filflex Industrial and
Manufacturing Corporation and
Biflex (Phils.), Inc., G.R. No.
155679, 19 December 2006
c. No Strike Clause Malayang Samahan ng
Manggagawa s M. Greenfield v.
Ramos, G.R. No. 113907,
February 28, 2000
7. Striking Party IR, Book V, Rule XXII, Sec. 6
8. Procedural Requirements IR, Book V, Rule XXII, Secs. 5-11
a. Effort to Bargain LC, Art. 279(a), 261-264
b. Filing of Notice of Intention LC, Art. 278(c) & (d); IR, Book V,
Rule XXII, Sec. 7
c. Observance of Cooling-Off LC, Art. 278(c) & (e)
d. Strike Vote LC, Art. 278(f) & (a); Pilipino
Telephone Corp. v. PILTEA, 525
SCRA 361 (2007); Sukhothai
Cuisine and Restaurant v. CA,
G.R. No. 150437, July 17, 2006
9. Test of Legality
a. Legal Strikes
i) Purpose and Means Test Reliance Surety and Insurance
Co., Inc. v. NLRC, 193 SCRA 365
ii) Defenses Good Faith Master Iron Labor Union v.
NLRC, 219 SCRA 47 (1993);
National Union of Workers
Hotels, Restaurant and Allied
Industries v. NLRC, 287 SCRA
192 (1998)
b. Illegal Strikes
Philippine Diamond Hotel and
i) Basis of Illegality Resort, Inc. (Manila Diamond
Hotel) v. Manila Diamond Hotel
Employees Union, G.R. No.
158075, June 30, 2006
ii) Effect of Illegality Sukhothai Cuisine and
Restaurant v. CA, G.R. No.
150437, July 17, 2006; Arellano
University Employees and
Workers Union v. CA, G.R. No.
139940, September 19, 2006;
Nissan Motors Philippines, Inc.
v. Secretary of Labor and
Employment and Bagong
Nagkakaisang Lakas sa Nissan
Motor Philippines, Inc. (BANAL-
158190-91, June 21, 2006;
Yolito Fadriquelan, et al. vs.
Monterey Foods
Corporation/Monterey Foods
Corporation v. Bukluran ng mga
Manggagawa sa Monterey-
ILAW, et al., G.R. No.
178409/G.R. No. 178434, June
8, 2011
iii) Effect of LC, Art. 278(g); Union of the
Assumption/Certification order Filipro Employees-Drug v.
Nestle, G.R. No. 158930-31,
August 22, 2006; Manila Hotel
Employees Association and its
members v. Manila Hotel Corp.,
G.R. No. 154591, March 5,
2007; Steel Corporation v. SCP
Employees - NAFLU, G.R. Nos.
169829-30, April 16, 2008; FEU-
No. 168362, October 16, 2006;
10. Employment of Strike Breakers LC, Art. 279 (c); 219(r)
11. Improved Offer Balloting and LC, Art. 280; IR, Book V, Rule
Strikes XXII, Sec. 12
C. Strikes in industries indispensable LC, Art. 278(g); IR, Book V, Rule
to the national interest I, Sec. 1(gg);

1. Rationale of Compulsory Manila Cordage Company v.

Arbitration; CIR, 37 SCRA 288 (1971;
University of Immaculate
Concepcion Inc. v. Sec. of
Labor, 448 SCRA 190 (2005)

2. Definition and Nature of Dispute LC, Art. 278(g); GTE Directories

Subject to Compulsory Corp. v. GTE Directories Corp.
Arbitration; Employees Union, 197 SCRA
452 (1991); Phimco Industries
Inc. v. Brillantes, 304 SCRA 747
(1999); Trans-Asia Shipping
Lines Inc. v. Court of Appeals,
433 SCRA 610 (2004);

Union of Filipro Employees v.

3. SOLEs assumption/certification Nestle Phils., 192 SCRA 396
order is constitutional; (1990); Philtread Workers Union
v. Confesor, G.R. No 117169,
March 12, 1997;

Suggested readings: Senate Bill

No. 3210,
3210; House Bill No. 1564,
1564.pdf; Position Paper of_the
Employers Confederation of the
philippines (ECOp) on Senate
Bill No. 532 (Limiting the Power
of Assumption or Certification
of Labor Disputes),
%20Services.pdf; New Labor
secretary told: Hands off on
assumption of jurisdiction,
org/ news/2010/07/new-labor-

Trans-Asia Shipping Lines, Inc.-

4. SOLEs assumption/certification Unlicensed Crews Employees
order is plenary Union v. CA, G.R. No. 145428,
July 7, 2004; Manila Diamond
Hotel Employees Union v. CA,
447 SCRA 97 (2005)

LC, Art. 278(g); Philcom

5. Effect of Certification and Employees Union v. Philippine
Violation of Order Global Communications, 495
SCRA 214 (2006); Manila Hotel
Employees Assn. v. Manila
Hotel Corp., 517 SCRA 349
(2007); Grand Boulevard Hotel
v. Genuine Labor Organization,
406 SCRA 688 (2003); Toyota
Motor Phils Corp. Workers Assn.
v. NLRC, 537 SCRA 171 (2007);
Sarmiento v. Tuico, 162 SCRA
676 (1988); Union of Filipro
Employees v. Nestle Phils., 192
SCRA 396 (1990)
C. Slowdown as Concerted Activity Ilaw at Buklod ng Manggagawa
(IBM), 98 SCRA 598 (1991);
Yolito Fadriquelan, et al. vs.
Monterey Foods Corporation/
Monterey Foods Corporation v.
Bukluran ng mga Manggagawa
sa Monterey-ILAW, et al., G.R.
No. 178409/G.R. No.
178434, June 8, 2011.
D. Picketing IR, Book V, Rule XXII, Sec. 13
1. Definition
2. Nature and Purpose of Picket Insular Life Assurance Co. Ltd.
Line Employees Assn. v. Insular Life
Assurance Co. Ltd., 37 SCRA
243 (1971); Sta. Rosa Coca-
Cola Plant Employees Union v.
CCBP, G.R. No. 164302-03,
January 24, 2007
3. Picketing and Libel Laws Philippine Commercial and
Industrial Bank v. Philnabank
Employees Assn., 105 SCRA 314
4. Curtailment Nagkahiusang Manggagawa sa
Cuizon Hotel v. Libron, 124
SCRA 448 (1983)
5. Regulation/Restrictions, Innocent Liwayway Publishing Co. Inc. v.
Third Party Rule and Liabilities Permanent Concrete Workers
Union, 108 SCRA 161 (1981)
6. Prohibited Activities Peaceful LC, Art. 279(b); IR, Book V, Rule
Picketing XXII, Sec. 13
E. Labor Injunction
1. Injunction prohibited LC, Arts. 266 & 219(l); Caltex
Filipino Managers and
Supervisors Association v. CIR,
G.R. Nos. L-30632-33, April 11,
2. Exceptions LC, Arts. 225(e) & 278(g)
A. Right to Organize
1. Basis CONST., Art. III, Sec. 8; Art. XIII
F. Role of Peace Officers During StrikesSec. 3; Art. IX-B, Sec. 2(5);
and Picketing Executive Order No. 180 (1987);
1. Escorting Amended Rules Governing the
LC, Art. 279(d)
Exercise of the Right of
2. Arrest and Detention of Law LC, Art. 281Employees to Self-
Violators Organization the Implementing
Rules (Amended Rules); ILO
Part IX - EMPLOYER Convention
LOCK-OUT No. 151, Preamble,
Arts. 1-9; International
A. Basis, Limitation and Definition LC, Arts. 278(b),
Covenant on&Economic,
219(p); IR,Social
Book V,
Rule and
I, Sec. 1(gg) Rights, Art. 8;
B. Effect on Work Relationship LC, Art. 219p)
International Covenant on Civil
C. Ground and278(c)
LC, Art. Political Rights, Art. 22;

D. Prohibited Lock-out LC, Arts. 278(b) & (g), 279(a)

2. Activities EO 180, Rule III; Amended
E. Procedural Requirements LC, Rules,
Arts. Rule
279(a), (c),3; (d), & (e),
II, Sec.
278(e); IR, Book V, Rule XXII, Secs. 5-
11; Philtread v. NLRC, 218 SCRA 805
B. Officers and Employees with Right EO 180, Secs. 2 to 4; Amended
to Self-organization Rules, Rule II, Sec. 2, and Rule I
F. Effect of Illegal Lock-out LC, Art.
(k), (z),par. 3, 1st sentence
& (aa);
C. Protection of Right EO 180, Sec. 5 & Sec. 6;
Amended Rules, Rule XVI, Secs.
1 & 2;
D. Registration EO 180, Sec. 7 & 8; Amended
Rules, Rule I, Sec. 1 (u), (jj) &
(ll), and Rules V to VII;
E. Accreditation as Negotiating Agent EO 180, Sec. 10; Amended
Rules, Rule I, Sec. 1 (a), (b), &
1. Voluntary Recognition EO 180, Sec. 11; Amended
Rules, Rule VIII, Secs. 2-8;
2. Certification Election EO 180, Sec. 12; Amended
Rules, Rule I, Sec. 1 (g), Rule
VIII, Sec. 8, & Rules IX to XI;
Assn. of Court of Appeals
Employees v. Ferrer-Calleja, 203
SCRA 596 (1991); Bautista v.
CA, 452 SCRA 406 (2005);
3. Bargaining unit EO 180, Sec. 9; Rule I(j); Rule I,
Sec. 1 (gg) & (hh);
4. Responsibility of Bargaining Amended Rules, Rule VIII, Sec.
Agent 12;
Part XI: Labor Dispute Settlement Machinery
C.A. No. 103 (1936) & C.A. No. 213
A. Historical backdrop of the (1936); R.A. No. 875 (1953); Proc. No.
present labor dispute 1081 (1972), G.O. No. 5 (1972), P.D. 442
resolution system (1974) & P.D. No. 823 (1975)
Suggested reading: Hans Leo J. Cacdac,
B. Methods of resolving labor Tiers of Resolution in Philippine Labor
disputes Dispute Settlement,

a. the preferred free,

voluntary and democratic
Kiok Loy v. NLRC 141 SCRA 179 (1986)
i. collective bargaining
NCMB Guidelines, Rule II, Secs. 1(g) and
ii. grievance machinery (h); LC, Arts. 273 & 267; USAEU-FFW v.
CA, G.R. No. 169632, March 28, 2006;
Atlas Farm, Inc. v. NLRC, G.R. No.
142244, November 18, 2002
LC, Arts. 234; 261 (c), (d), (e); E.O. 251,
iii. conciliation and Sec. 4; IR, Book V, Rule XXII, Secs. 1 & 9;
mediation LC, Arts. 263 (h) and 221;
Nissan Motors Phils. Inc. v. SOLE, 491
SCRA 607 (2006); Pentagon Steel
Corporation v. CA, G.R. No. 174141, June
26, 2009; Tabigue v. International Copra
Export Corporation (INTERCO), G.R. No.
183335, December 23, 2009;
Supreme Court Administrative Circular
No. 14-93; Montoya v. Escayo, 171 SCRA
Department Order No. 107-10;
1. the Single Entry
Approach (SEnA) to Arnold de Vera, Fairer, Faster, and
dispute settlement Cheaper A Proposal to Enhance the
Philippines Labor Dispute Settlement
System (
LC, Art. 233;
2. compromise Mindoro Lumber and Hardware v. Bacay,
agreement/waiver 459 SCRA 714 (2005); Land and Housing
Development Corp. v. Esquillo, G.R. No.
152012, September 30, 2005; Ilagan v.
CA, G.R. No. 162089, July 9, 2008; Hotel
Enterprises of the Philippines, Inc. v.
Samahan ng mga Manggagawa sa Hyatt-
National Union of Workers in the Hotel

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