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Website Description

Team performance is service company that offers installation, repair, modification of car

stereos and audio system. With the hype of the internet usage today, the company needs a new set

of marketing strategy to adjust with the contemporary marketing approaches

The purpose of the creation of www.teamperformance .com is to develop an online

presence for the Team Performance Car Audio Services. With the prevalent importance of

internet-based marketing strategy, this website plan is the businesss innovative move to adapt

the current marketing norms

Many people are using the internet to conduct preliminary searches for the services or

products that they wanted to have. With the creation of, the business

will reach out these potential individuals, who may not be influenced by the traditional print

advertisements and ads placed physically in public. In effect, the business will gain a competitive

advantage among the other car audio services enterprises

. The company wanted to enter new markets and to add targeted market groups to

increase possible revenues. In the creation of the website, the company wanted it to have this


1. A section for production description

2. A section for companys contact information
3. Appointment setter capabilities
4. Search engine optimization capabilities

The webpage should be capable of collecting inquires and feedback as requested, to help

the company generate innovative ideas, adjust the company policies and quality of services to

gain more clients and to retain them as well

. II. Planning the Website

1. Why does Team Performance need a website?

Given the convenience that the cyber world introduced to the world, many people are

using the internet to search of the services that they wanted. The company needs the website to

reach these potential customers. The website will also act as a promotional strategy to make

people know of the services that Team Performance would offer.

Furthermore, the website will also act as a customer satisfaction grid with its capability to

store customers feedback and testimonials which will help the company develop effective

strategies and make important management decision towards the success of the business.

2. Who is the main audience(s) for the website?

The main audience for the website are car enthusiast individuals which will be a

combination of previous and new/potential customers.

3. What are the needs of these audience(s)?

The needs of these audiences are services for audio setup modification for cars, repair of

car audio system, and audio system items. The website will provide information regarding the

services that they wanted.

4. Who are the main stakeholders of these website?

The owner, Mr. Ronnel Hilay will be the primary stakeholder for the website. Other key

stakeholders are the creditors/suppliers, customer, and the government. In developing the

website, third party service providers like, content writers and web developers will be involved
5. How will you involve your stakeholders in the development of the website?
A. The Owner.

Mr Ronnel Hilay, the primary stakeholder, will be the source of the basis of each

functionality that will be included in the website. His goal, which is to generate more income,

through effective web-marketing strategy, will be the main objective of the construction of the

websites framework.

B. Customers

The needs and convenience of the customers will play a big role in the construction of the

site. A simple inquiry among the existing clients will be conducted to know what are the areas of

improvement that they wanted the company to fix.

Some of the concerns highlighted during some of the inquiries conducted:

1. Product/Services Description
2. Correspondence with the business other than actually visiting the enterprises office

The customer will be greatly affected as this project will provide a more convenient way

of making transactions with the company. The website will also clarify the services being

offered, the availability of the services

With the introduction of the appointment system, the customer will be sure that their

concerns will be taken care of as the time frame and the scheduled date will set a proper

customer expectation. They will not waste time of going to the branch for inquiries as this will be

also available at the website.

C. Creditors/Suppliers

Creditors and suppliers will be affected by these marketing strategy. By the construction

of the website, the level of confidence that the creditors will have for the company will increase.

This will provide a financial fluidity for the business.

The involvement of the suppliers is only on the provision of the products database so we

could add a product list on the website to make it more informative for the customers


D. Government

The state policies and statutes will provide limitation in the website creation. The website

should be compliant with the guideline provided by the government. For example: misleading

contents and fraudulent web practices should be avoided.

E. Third party service providers Content Writers and Web developers

The company will be hiring writers and developers in the construction of the website. The

company should hire competent individuals who can provide the desired website result. This will

play a paramount effect of the efficiency of this marketing strategy.

To improve the sites traffic (the statistics of how many people actually visit the sites)

SEO article writers are needed. They will be the one who will update the blog/news section of

the website. This will increase the number of site visitors.

6. Who will be responsible for the establishment of the website?

Researchers, will be responsible of data collection for the necessary information needed

for the project.

Team Performance will be hiring EZcribblers Writing and SEO services for the

construction of the website. The guidelines formed from collected information from the key

stakeholders will be used to ensure the quality of the website.

These are the important information necessary as cited in the previous text:

1. Owners Specification
2. Customers Expectation
3. Product/Service Database
4. Restrictions Laws, Statutes, Ordinance Etc.
5. Capability of the developer

Internet domains are quite expensive to date, so EZcribblers will be using a third-party

web application ( in the construction of the site.

7. What functionality do you want to have on the website?

The owner wanted to have this features:
a. A section for production description
b. A section for companys contact information
c. Appointment setter capabilities
d. A Search engine optimization capabilities
8. How will ensure that the website will be regularly update?
EZcribblers will be contracted with Team Performance to conduct monthly

website inspection to check possible hacking vulnerabilities, adding additional

functionalities. It is also suggested that the site will have some Holiday Interface, during

promotional periods.
9. What services/information will only be accessed in your website?

I. Product descriptions

The owner wanted to have an inventory list of the possible car

audio/stereo speaker for the customer to browse. However, the data is not yet

available and the EZcribblers opted to use a general description of the services

offered: Free Check UP, Repairs, Installation/Modifications.

II. Companys contact information

Ezcribblers will dedication a section containing the phone number,

address, email address as well as a google map section for this concern.
III. Appointment setter:
Appointment setter will be included in the website. Wix, have the features

available for free. The purpose is to schedule transactions for better monitoring

and customer accommodation. Although customer can always have a walk-in

transaction, this setting will create a more organize business operation

IV. Search engine optimization

The website includes a section for blogs to post events and other

promotion in connection of the business. The links will be posted in different

social media networks to improve the sites visitor traffic.

V. Additional Request

The owner requested a section for testimonials and feedbacks for website and

policy development purposes

10. Do you have any ideas for making the website more sticky: (reasons for visitors to
keep coming back to the website?)

Ezcribblers, headed by Mr. Raymond Arancillo, decided to make these following

strategies to improve the sites traffic:

a. SEO optimization
Blog for events and promotion section will be posted in the different social media

sites. How tos and Instructional Videos/ Articles will be posted in the blog to

attract visitors.

b. Vivid Pictures

Pictures of modified cars done by Team Performance will be posted in the site

c. Customer coupon (monthly).

Coupons for car enthusiast will be offered to those who visits the site regularly or

those clients who makes positive reviews. It will also be offered to the customers

who will make valuable feedbacks.

d. Author Links

This is done by adding the site links to relevant articles

e. Updates and improvement

11. How will you make sure your website complies with the law? (at least 5- Discuss how

each of this internet law can protect customers visiting your site.)


The information posted on the Department of Justice website includes hypertext

links or pointers to information created and maintained by other public and/or private

organizations. The Department of Justice does not endorse the organizations or views

represented by outside websites and take no responsibility for, and exercises no control

over, the accuracy, accessibility, copyright or trademark compliance or legality of the

material contained on outside websites.


Publish information in ways that make it easy to find, access, share, distribute,

and re-purpose; Structure content and tag with standard metadata. Make open data,

content, and application programming interfaces (APIs) the new default, and make

existing high-value data and content available through APIs. Use challenges and prizes to

promote open government, innovation, and other national priorities.

3. 1

Implement security and management controls to prevent the inappropriate

disclosure of sensitive information. Provide service through a secure connection. Provide

a link to your privacy policy on every page, or in your overall site policies. Conduct a

privacy impact assessment of your website. Post a Privacy Act Statement that explains

your legal authority for collecting personal data and how the data will be used.

1 A Strategy for American Innovation (PDF, 1.22 MB, 120 pages, October 2015)Executive OrderMaking Open and Machine Readable the New Default for
Government Information (May 2013) OMB M-13-13 Open Data PolicyManaging Information as an Asset (PDF, 5.83 MB, 12 pages, May 2013) OMB M-10-06,
Open Government Directive (December 2009)Guidance on the Use of Challenges and Prizes to Promote Open Government View all Open Government policies on
4. 2
Comply with existing laws that prohibit federal public websites from being used

for direct or indirect lobbying. Consult your agencys legal staff for guidance to ensure

that your site does not advertise for, nor provide preferential treatment to, private

individuals, firms, or corporations.

Implement security and management controls to prevent the inappropriate

disclosure of sensitive information. Provide adequate security controls to ensure

information is resistant to tampering, remains confidential as necessary, and is available

as intended by the agency and expected by users. Implement management controls to

prevent the inappropriate disclosure of sensitive information. Provide general information

to the public about your security protocol

2Requirements for Accepting Externally Issued Identity Credentials (PDF, 166 KB, 4 pages, October 2011)OMB M-0322, Guidance for Implementing the Privacy
Provisions of the EGovernment Act of 2002 (September 2003)Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA)Privacy Act of 1974

3 s. OMB M-04-15 Reporting Instructions for the Federal Information Security Management Act
III. Designing the website Planning Template

Home Page
Site Functionality

This will be the main interface of the website. This will include the tabs for the suggested

sections: Home Page Tab, Services Tab, Scheduler Tab, About Us Tab, Contact us Tab, and

Blog and Events Tab. It also has company slogan.

Sample Headers:

Company Slogan:
Content Summary

The home page shows the general information about the company and its offered services.

Embedded in the page is a video of a car show held here in Iloilo City. Disclose the companys

promise to its patrons and potential customers and the general description of services offered.

Image of setting customer expectation:

General description of services

Images and Media used, External Links

The home is embedded with a video of a car show held here in Iloilo City. Other photos provided

is from the Owner and Wix free icon sets.

Credits: Simple Iloilo

Service Page/Product Description

Site Functionality

The page is intended to provide information about the services offered by Team Performance

Example service image

Content Summary

The page describes and promotes the services that the company has to offer.

Images and Media used, External Links

Icons used are from WIX pool of images. No external links used on the page, however, the

scheduler link is assigned on the contact button to route visitors to the scheduler app of the


Appointment Setter page

Site Functionality
The page is intended for scheduling appointment for customers

Content Summary

The content of this page includes the services icons and the scheduler app. This will be used by

the customer in reserving the transaction dates.

Sample Scheduler app:

Images used in this section is also from WIX, no external links added.

About Us

Site Functionality
This page is intended to describe or cite companys vision or history

Content summary

Throughout our history, we have always provided our customers with top quality

products at the best value. While the pace of technological development is unprecedented, the

keys to our success over the years havent changed. We constantly improve our business

practices, stock the latest car stereo products and designs, and grow our knowledgeable and

passionate team of professionals.

Testimonials section is also included.


Media used in this section are owned by WIX. No external Link included.

Contact us

Site Functionality
The page is intended to provide the companys contact information, addresses and mapped

location to assist customer in making transaction with Team Performance

Content Summary

The page includes these information:

Company Address: Calumpang, Molo Iloilo City


Phone: 033 -335 4471/0906 410 9944

Images include are owned by WIX.

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