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Arenas, Johnny

Jesalva, Sophia Colleen

Paraguya, Micaela Pauline

Tiglao, Alyssa

De Guzman, Veeber


Introduction: All about traveling.


- How can traveling makes Filipino lives worth living?

- How to connect to other people?
- To find selfs purpose
- To gain a new perspective
- For us to appreciate the glory of nature


This question drills down several layers beneath external conditions and put the inquiry smack dab in the

middle of a gold mine. It invites you to enter the realm of what lives in your heart of hearts and soul of
souls. I think that any question of what makes life worth living has to start with an inward look at ones

self, not an outward look at the people and things one surrounds ones self with so by means. Traveling

makes Filipinos lives worthy by simply connecting to other people, finding self's purpose, gaining new

perspective and for us to appreciate the glory of nature. Traveling is actually life changing. Its beautiful,

mind-boggling, eye opening, raw, and even nerve wracking at times. Travel tests your judgment, patience

and your tolerance levels incessantly. In some cases, We, Filipinos will learn how to leave that cushy little

comfort zone of ours by starting to open our mind and acknowledge other peoples viewpoints on life.

Traveling teaches you to take in the moment of awe and make the most of it. Traveling is a feast for your

eyes and it makes you stop and live in that second, minute and moment. Its hard to be thinking about

your latest text message when youre half way across the world visiting places youve never been to

before and seeing spots youve only read about. Traveling teaches us to unplug, explore and discover new

parts of ourselves. Travel forces you to slow down and to become still for a moment. You put everything

back at home on pause and learn not to worry about everything. These are the moments when we

appreciate how amazing life truly is. In those quiet moments of reflection its great to grab your tablet and

write about what youve seen thus far on your trip.

I. Most of us Filipinos, were so used to being independent adults taking care of ourselves but

traveling is the one experience that brings us back to a childlike state. Everything is new and

unknown and you look at everything with a sense of wonder and curiosity. You ask for

directions or tips on where to go around town and realize a big part of your journey is relying

on the kindness of stranger. You will learn so much about yourself while on the road. Its an

introspective process that forces you to reflect on your life and who you are. When you put

on your headphones and tune out the rest of the world you start thinking about everything

going on in your life and what youd like to do differently when you get back home. They

often say its the journey, not the destination that makes a trip and thats one of the greatest

truths about traveling. You can make a connection with someone youre sitting next to on a
bus or while waiting to board your next flight. You learn to find joy in the small moments in

your trip even if its just pulling your tablet out and sharing funny videos with the person

sitting next to you. Traveling helps us to connect in different kinds of people, you will be able

to rethink your opinions and reevaluate your belief systems. You become more open-minded

and curious about ways of living and thinking that it is way too far different from your own.

When you have a more pliable mind, you can connect with the people around you in much

easier way than if you adhere to rigid notions about the world. Travel teaches you that

whether you're meeting someone new or deepening an existing relationship, the most

authentic and organic connections abound when you are absorbed with whatever is right in

front of you. Unless you want other people to stereotype for your clueless behavior, make an

effort to do as the locals do. Traveling also teaches you the importance of adapting to your

environment, and adopting the rituals and manners that best suit the local lifestyle. Traveling

is about learning. Taking time to learn what people around you value, then trying to align

your behavior with these values shapes you into a more self-aware, considerate person.

Travel will transform you into the friend or acquaintance who says yes to new adventures.

You know from your travel experience that stepping outside your comfort zone usually leads

to adrenalin rush, intellectual highs or hilarious stories. You create deeper, more profound

connections with the people around you by opening yourself up to fresh, unexpected

possibilities. Travel is so important that you will discover the new things. You will meet the

people of the different culture. You will see how they are living. And it will help in

broadening your mind and vision. Going out and traveling will help you in meeting new

people. If you havent meet your special someone yet or the person youre looking for, maybe

your search will eventually end up in some other country while traveling. You can also make

new friends. Making new friends is surely going to help you in learning new things and new

culture. Refresh your mind go somewhere you dont know, you will regain your energy by

leaving your cellphone at home, just take your camera and start to discover new things.
II. Traveling is the best way to break our daily routine. Its actually something everyone should

be able to do at least once in their lives. Whether you choose to spend a few years or just a

couple months traveling this beautiful planet, its important to see whats out there. If you are

in a bustling city, go ahead and experience the country life. If you are in a rural place, travel

to a bustling city and experience its madness it has to offer. Traveling can also gain new

perspective in our life. We usually can think about other things that we want to pursue. For

pursuing our passion is something that most people don't do because they are afraid to do so.

It takes courage to pursue our passion and for us to find the genuine happiness that we want

to do. Traveling the world puts things into a much clearer perspective and can help us gain

our clarity on what our passion actually and really is. Traveling gets a person out of their

comfort zone, away from all their normal pleasures and comforts and way of doing things.

This forces them to be adventurous, to live life to the fullest, to take the most of this precious

gift of life and use the time they have to discover new things, meet new people and

experience a completely different life, much like Filipinos experience when reading fictional

stories. They get to become whoever they are reading about, just like in travel they get to

become the citizens of the country they are visiting, even if for just a short time. They live

outside themselves. Being in a breathtaking place has a very interesting way on making us

think differently about things. It helps us bring out all of the creativity inside of our minds

and it can help us make the decision to follow our dreams. If you are feeling like you are just

going through the motions in your life, pack your bags, take a trip and see how traveling can

bring clarity to our life and how it can help us figure out what we should really be doing. One

of the most mind blowing things about traveling to the places we've never been before is the

new perspective that it gives us on our life. It shows us how privileged we are if we came

from a country that has a wide variety of resources in every couple of blocks. It can make us

appreciate life much more and it will give us a new outlook on life. Traveling to new places

humbles us in many ways and will improve our attitude towards life in general. If we have a
negative outlook on life, try traveling to a new place and see how it can dramatically change

our perspectives.
III. Here are some self-purposes of traveling: First, you cant plan every detail. Things happen,

circumstances change and you change. We started off planning many details ahead of time,

such as booking accommodations and the amount of time we would stay in different places.

We soon realized that this wasnt working very well because things looked very different

once we got to that moment in time and we ended up spending a lot of money to change

things. Plan less and dare to go with the flow. Second, not getting what you want or getting

what you didnt want can be a blessing in disguise. The countries we hadnt planned to

visit but ended up visiting rewarded us with some of the most amazing experiences. In the

same way, getting a job each of us hated, motivated us to quit it and go traveling in the first

place. Third, youll attract what you need. Its true! If you are willing to look for the lessons

you are meant to learn from ending up in certain situations, youll always come to the

realization that it may not have been what you wanted but certainly what you needed. Fourth,

the best things in life can come from the worst experiences. Literally! For example: When

my husband and I came down with a horrible case of Montezumas Revenge in the middle

of nowhere, we grew closer than ever. Again, its certainly not a situation I would have

wished to experience but in hindsight it has been great for our relationship. Fifth, a sense of

humor is indeed an essential First Aid item. What helped us most in dealing with the

situation described above was humor. Sometimes its a choice between breaking down

sobbing and breaking into hysterical laughter. Wed always choose the latter and we honestly

havent laughed as much as then any other time on the entire trip. Sixth, sometimes you just

have to set things out. When you are traveling, you encounter many situations that are out of

your control, like a power cut of indefinite time, or natural disasters like a volcano ash cloud

that prevent you from continuing your journey. Resisting this situation with lots of aversion is

not helping at all so you might as well surrender to it, enjoy yourself in the meanwhile and
wait for things to change in their own time. In everyday life, we also sometimes hit a wall and

rather than exhausting ourselves by trying to make a doorway where there simply isnt one,

its easier to just wait for a door to open. Everything changes and nothing lasts forever.

Seventh, dont follow other peoples footsteps; find your own path. On some of our jungle

hikes, the path was narrow and difficult so we walked in line one behind the other. For

example: As I had my eyes glued to the ground anyway to avoid tripping up or stepping on a

snake, I automatically started to follow the footsteps of whoever was walking in front of me.

Experience taught me that this isnt a good idea as I soon realized that they were also just

stumbling along not necessarily knowing the easiest path to take. Seeing the analogy to real

life was a powerful realization for me. Everyone is just stumbling along trying to find their

way so its better to walk your own way and trip over your own pitfalls than over someone

else`s. Eighth, price and value are two different things. Some of our best experiences in life

didnt cost anything and sometimes we paid a lot of money for very disappointing

experiences. It doesnt have to be expensive to be great and its the simple things in life that

often provide us with the most valuable experiences. Try to find them and do them more

often. Ninth, wherever you go, there you are. You can be on a beautiful island surrounded

by natural beauty of the place and have a horrible time if your mind is plagued by negative

thoughts and feelings. Equally you can be suffering from Montezumas Revenge in a cold,

dark, horrible place in the middle of a rainy cloud forest and feel full of love because you are

in a positive state of mind. It really doesnt matter where you go or what your external

circumstances are, in the end, it will always depend on your state of mind whether you

experience happiness or not. Tenth, lastly, theres no light without a shadow. Sometimes we

feel like adding a disclaimer when we upload photos from our travels onto Facebook because

they obviously only portray the good sides of traveling. They dont show you the disgusting

toilets we sometimes have to use, the feeling of being eaten alive by mosquitoes and ants, the

bed that always feels wet when you get in because of the high humidity, the agony of a 7 hour
bus ride through Nicaragua with a broken air condition, the fear that sometimes creeps up on

you out of nowhere, the days when you are sick and just want to be at home, and so on.

Wherever you are and whatever you do, things will never be perfect or just positive. We

wouldnt be able to enjoy the good if we didnt have the bad to compare it with and life tends

to make sure to provide us with a nice balance of both. The more we accept this and the less

we try to fight it, the happier we will be able to be, regardless of what life throws at us.

IV. We travel, initially, to lose ourselves; and we travel, next, to find ourselves. We travel to open

our hearts and eyes and learn more about the world than our newspapers will accommodate.

We travel to bring what little we can, in our ignorance and knowledge, to those parts of the

globe whose riches are differently isolated. Traveling around the world for the last few years

has brought incredible experiences. Filipinos enjoys traveling because there is no right way in

our country to travel. There are newbies and those afraid of adventure that travels with fanny

packs and extra security features. There are the adventurous that leave everything to the

unknown. There are travelers right in between, young and old, experienced and not

experienced. We live in a society of customs, expectations, and a society that expects us to do

certain things. For the rest of us, the freedom of traveling comes from the fact that it whirls

you around and turns you upside down, and stands everything you took for granted on its

head. The first lesson we learned along the road, whether we like it or not, is how provisional

and provincial are the things we imagine to be universal. Travel spins us around in two ways

at once: it shows us the sights, values, and issues that we might ordinarily ignore. But it also,

and more deeply, shows us all the parts of ourselves that might otherwise grow rusty. For in

traveling to a truly foreign place, we inevitably travel to moods and states of mind and hidden

inward passages that wed otherwise seldom have caused to visit. The most exciting

opportunity in traveling is to experience new things. They may get to experience a different
religion, perhaps. Doing so may attract them towards an area of study to possibly pursue in

the future. Also, when in a different part of the world, many geographical areas have their

own unique food choices. This will give the voyager a chance to try some new cooking. In

addition to these opportunities, each society has their own exclusive celebrations and

festivities. When traveling, the tourist gets a chance to take part in celebrations and festivities

which enhances their experience in their current destination. Traveling makes Filipino lives

worth living by having new experiences because it is the best way of having new experiences.

For there are infinite possibilities traveling opens up for you. Traveling around the world for

the last few years has brought incredible experiences. Everyone enjoys traveling because

there is no right way to travel. There are newbies and those afraid of adventures that travel

with fanny packs and extra security features. There are the adventurous that leave everything

to the unknown. There are travelers right in between, young and old, experienced and not

experienced. It gives us time to think about some big questions in our lives. Because in our

daily life, we dont have some time to think about things that matter and traveling gives you

the time to think about, to reflect, to wonder, about the big questions of your life and the big

questions of the universe. Traveling make us gain new perspectives. Another thing is, there is

educational side to traveling. Travelers gain and expand their knowledge of the outside world

when visiting new locations. It widens their perspective of the world so they do not think all

corners of the land are the same. The adventurers will discover similarities and differences

between cultures. They will learn the history and background of cultures and geographical

areas. And furthermore, the new experiences help to expand ones resourcefulness and

provides marvelous insights. It is the best way of gaining for it has new point of views about

leading our lives. We meet so many people along our journey and the influence us in some

way. In that way we forget about ourselves and our petty problems for a small amount of time

and understand that there are a lot of people who are struggling for bare necessities in life.
V. Traveling doesnt completely mean visiting far off lands places. It also helps us in

appreciating nature in all its glory. The chirping sounds of the birds, the songs of the rivers,

the howling of animals, and we might just miss it all if it was not for travel. You learn to

appreciate aesthetic beauty because of travelling. While travelling you will come across

several sights that will just blow your mind. Theres nothing quite like being deep in a forest,

completely separated from the touch of humankind. The only sounds are those of your own

footsteps, the wind, rustling trees and the movements of the creatures who call the wild home.

But the fact of the matter is that too many of us rarely get to experience this. More and more

people, particularly millennials, are moving into cities and away from nature playing video

games, watching television etc. We travel for us to experience all the things that cannot be

found in the city. Like horseback riding, bamboo rafting, mountain biking, seeking out

botanical gardens and nature preserves, smelling fresh air, exploring the unknown, and many

more. Exploring worlds cultures and natural wonders makes us appreciate nature even more.

Indeed, we would all benefit a great deal if we made a more concerted effort to leave our

urban dwellings and spend time in nature. In fact, there is a solid evidence that people who

appreciate nature, and make the effort to spend time in it, are happier, healthier and more

creative. Nature is a powerful anti-depressant. Travel helps us to appreciate nature because it

opens our eyes, allows us to adapt to change, and most importantly, it teaches us to view

ourselves and others as global citizens. Humans were never meant to be confined by concrete

and steel 100 percent of the time. Within these environments, its easy to feel like just another

face in the crowd. But when we step into nature, we are reminded all living organisms are

connected. Nature, in the purest sense, is where both serenity and wildness coexist in

harmony. When we visit it, we feel both peaceful and uneasy all at once. Perhaps this is

because all life began in nature and all life ends there. Nature is the universes greatest

teacher it whispers to us that even in the midst of chaos, life finds a way to carry on. We

travel through the world with our mind in confusion filled with the endless problems, big
and small of our lives. How much beauty do we miss because our mind is too restless to

attend to what is there? To stop, look and listen, we have to take the world as seriously as we

take our selves. No readings, no questions, just paying attention and staring at the beauty of

nature. We will not only gain more joy and delight in the beauty of the world, but we might

also learn that many of our problems are the creations of our own mind. When you travel and

see with your own eyes a bigger sun than youve seen before disappear beyond a new

horizon, vast skies with more stars than you knew existed, a misty morning over ancient

temples, wild mountain gorillas living happily in a lush rainforest, waterfalls meandering

through glistening rocks, elephants strolling over vast plains, enormous views from the top of

a proud mountain and the myriad colors of people and goods in bustling markets all of this

this might not immediately change you, but will enrich your senses and adds up another dot

that makes up you. Appreciate the splendor of nature. Discover quirky things that make a

place unique and similarities that weave a common thread through humanity. Develop a

deeper sense of desire to be part of protecting our planets beauty and diversity for

generations to come. Explore the ecosystem of mountains, rivers, rainforests, waterfalls,

oceans, desserts, savannah, people, music, buildings, and whatever vistas. This world is

indeed incredible and full of surprises. While we travel we also connect ourselves to nature

and thats where we are going to find peace in our very own lives.

To conclude, traveling is good for a person of any age. It not only helps people to form a better

understanding of themselves, their beliefs and their lives, it also provides people with a better

understanding of the world in which they live, even if it's beyond their immediate environment. And it

may even help a person to feel connected to the many people living in the world, even if their lives never

meet, even if their lives are so completely different that they may as well be from different planets. It will

experience the different traditions present in our own country, we can be able to discover the beauty of

our own country, we can fully understand that how much natural resources we have in our country, and

the important thing, we can realize the problems of people in our country. Life happens at this precise

moment. There is no routine while you travel. Every day is different, exciting and youll want to live it

with intensity. Every minute and every second are precious, because you know they wont last forever. By

traveling around the world, we can experience a new path of discoveries and experiments. We think more

vast and precise by traveling to different countries of the world. It has tremendous educative, informative

and social value. It widens peoples mental horizon, improves health, adds thrill and relaxation to life,

dispels boredom and helps promoting national integration. Traveling and exploring other cultures will

always teach you one lesson and that is were all one. It doesnt matter where you were born, the color of

your skin, your social class or religion. Human beings might come from all sorts of different

backgrounds, but at the core of our heart, were all the same. Travel is incompatible with prejudice and

racism. Your understanding of the world will change once you start traveling, and youll learn diversity is

the spice of life. If you avoid the trap of all the inclusive resorts, youll experience some of the most

valuable moments in your life. The learning and growth youll go through, could have never been

experienced back home, in the security of your comfort zone. And once your adventure is over, youll

learn how to appreciate home more. Youll appreciate the freedoms you took for granted, the comfort you

never noticed you had, the opportunities you had in life because of where you come from. Youll look at

the world with more compassion and youll see home with more appreciation than ever. And if you find

out that home is actually not where you want to be, then go back to point two, home is where your heart


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