Pohick Post, February 2017

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Pohick Episcopal Church

9301 Richmond Highway Lorton, VA 22079
Telephone: 703-339-6572 Fax: 703-339-9884

Let your light so shine (Matt. 5:16)

February 2017
From The Rector since we have been offering three Sunday morning
services at Pohick for nearly sixty years.
The Reverend When I was first called as Rector in 2001, the
Donald D. Binder, PhD Vestry did present me a rationale to adjust service
times: the then-existing 8:00 am, 9:15 am and 11:15

A t our January Vestry retreat, after some time for

fellowship, worship, and reflection, we spent the
bulk of our sessions discussing two strategic concerns:
am service configuration was not allowing enough
time for Sunday school, including adult education,
with students having only 35 minutes for classes.
1. Our task-list from the Generations Forums, Sur- After some parish discussions and surveys, in Fall
veys, and Meetings of the previous year; and 2. Our of 2002, I implemented the change to our current
current configuration of Sunday service times. schedule, increasing class time for our students to a
With regard to the first of these, we gave thanks full 50 minutes.
for the successes of the past year, including the rede- As it stands, we presently offer only two Sunday
sign of the website and Anne Powells generous be- morning services for nearly a third of the year, and
quest to the Robert and Bernice Scholarship Fund. when we do, our overall attendance suffers by 20-
At the same time, we also noted some items that 25% - and not all of that is attributable to summer
need more attention, such as the exploration of offer- vacations, since those two-service numbers include
ing a preschool or parents day out program at Pohick huge parish celebrations such as Youth Sunday, the
during the week. We also brainstormed several new Bishops Visitation, the Christmas Pageant, and Les-
ideas, which are still in the process of being collated sons & Carols. Whats more, a good portion of our
and further evaluated. congregation take weekend getaways all year round,
The impetus for the second of our session topics not just in the summertime.
- Sunday service times - came from three to four Ves- In this regard, Church Growth experts note that
trygrams weve received over the past several years, Sunday attendance (which is usually linked to overall
suggesting that we offer only two Sunday morning membership) is directly proportional to the number
services all year round (rather than just during sum- of services offered. My own recent research on this
mers and Christmastime) and/or offer a Saturday or question supports this position. Back in December,
Sunday evening service, potentially to attract Millen- using Diocesan statistics from 2013, I examined the
nials and GenXers. Sunday service time offerings of all corporate-sized
Being canonically charged with setting service Episcopal parishes in Northern Virginia (which I de-
times as one of my duties as Rector, I have been hesi- fined as an average Sunday attendance of 200+) such
tant to make any changes in this regard unless I dis-
cern a compelling rationale for doing so, especially Continued on page 2
Page 2 February 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church

From the Rector: continued f rom page 1

as Pohick Church. By examined, I mean not just can address the underlying concerns that led to this
checking websites, but calling each parish and talking matter being raised, while at the same time looking
at length with a member of the church staff to get for a way to advance our outreach to the community.
more detailed up-to-date figures and historical back- In the meantime, if you werent able to be present at
ground. the forum, please let us know your thoughts! And for
Of these fifteen churches, ten of them offered everyone, please continue to keep the mission of our
three (in one case, four) Sunday morning services, church in your prayers.
with seven of them also offering a Sunday and/or
Saturday evening service as well. Of the five churches Junior Wardens Report
that only offered two Sunday morning services, four Fred Crawford, Junior Warden
had previously offered three Sunday morning services
but then dropped to two because they were between Thanks: To Rodger Jones for getting to the
rectors. Influenced by both these factors, their aver- point of installation on the new dishwasher. The
age Sunday attendance declined by 10-30%. Only in first dishwasher delivered from Hobart was dam-
one case has a corporate-sized parish consistently of- aged and had to be replaced. The installer has re-
fered only two Sunday morning services, but in that ceived the replacement dishwasher from Hobart
instance, it also has a Saturday evening service (whose and is doing the shop evaluation and pre-installa-
numbers are included in their overall attendance sta- tion checks. The installation should be completed
by the time this Post goes to press.
When I was called to Pohick Church, like most
To Jeff Parker for his work on getting the
new rectors, I was charged to grow the congrega-
tion. With our parishs revolving military population,
replacement door for the boiler room. The part
coupled with Christianitys general decline among which was damaged has been replaced and as
the younger generations, this has been an ongoing soon as the reasonable weather materializes the
challenge that we continue to address. door will be fit and installed. It will probably be
Nevertheless, from the foregoing research, I can done in two stages: the fit up and determination
only conclude that dropping to two services during of needed support parts and the best approach,
the full nine months of the program year would be then the actual installation once all the needed
counterproductive to this charge. Similarly, dropping supporting material has been purchased.
to two Sunday morning services but then adding a What has been done: There have not been any
Sunday or Saturday evening service would likely pro- major issues in December or January so there will
duce a wash, with the added problem that those be continued planning and minor repairs and up-
families attending the evening services would not grades. The feet were replaced on the new chairs in
have access to Sunday school. the Common Room. The original feet were leav-
The outright addition of an evening service might ing marks on the new tile floors. The new chairs
potentially advance that charge, but this has to be
used in the upstairs classrooms (about 16), which
weighed against imposing further time demands on
are on carpet will retain their original feet.
clergy and volunteers, particularly since the need for
volunteers for our existing services remains a stew-
What is planned: Installation and startup of the
ardship challenge. new dishwasher by early February. Complete in-
By the time you read this column, we will have stallation of the boiler room door. Continue plan-
gathered in a parish forum where I will have pre- ning on the proposed conversion of the Sanctuary
sented some of the above-summarized research, and to all electric heat and ventilation of the under-
parishioners will have had a chance to discuss these floor area. Continue trouble shooting and repair
findings with respect to our circumstances at Pohick. of the courtyard lamp by the Vestry House. The
It is my hope that through these discussions, we opening in the circuit has not been found.
Pohick Episcopal Church February 2017 Page 3

ner being, and to find a fulcrum point in the midst of

From The Assistant Rector swinging emotions and unsettling events, God invites
The Reverend us into prayer. One of the paradoxes of Christianity
Dr. Ruth E. Correll, Ed.D. is that the more we gaze upon God, the more whole
we become. When I hear God listening to the cries of
the oppressed, I begin to hear those cries, too. When
Breaking out of the
Jesus groaned deeply in anger at the death of his be-
Ministry of Calm Presence loved friend Lazarus, he gives us permission to ache
Knee slapping hilarity, ear splitting wailing, red observably at the death of those we love. The more I
faced foot stomping anger, hip jiggling dance - those know God is smiling on actions that bring pleasure to
in holy orders must avoid these expressions of deco- our heavenly Father, I begin to take pleasure in what
rum smashing spontaneity at all costs. We are to mod- pleases Him. Just imagine wisdom rejoicing daily in
el the ministry of calm presence in the midst of any Gods process of creation and overcome with delight at
crisis. We are to be the rock to which others can cling the formation of the human race. Really?! [See Prov-
until the storm passes. The same kinds of demands for erbs 8:30.]
composure face parents, medical personnel, and public When I pray a psalm back to God including its ar-
figures in various circumstances. ticulation of misery, anxiety, anger, fear, sorrow, as well
The slow, deliberate movements of worshipful so- as its expression of delight, awe, joy, beauty, and adora-
lemnity are designed to quiet the hearts of the con- tion, something happens inside me. A balance point
gregation and focus their minds on the Divine Three starts to take form that resembles wisdom. Often a
in One. Over the years, it slowly dawned on me that psalm starts with complaints but ends with praise for
the measured motions of worship and pastoral pres- the power and glory of God. Psalm 73 comes to mind.
ence could become dangerously close to routine, rote, The Psalm concludes, For me it is good to be near
and remote. Or worse, the demand for appearances of God: I have made the Lord GOD my refuge, to tell of
composure could build a wall closing out genuine em- all your works. Telling those stories may just happen
pathy. to include knee slapping hilarity, ear splitting wailing,
In my formative adolescent years, Jackie Kennedy red faced foot stomping anger, hip jiggling dance and
earned the admiration of millions of deeply shaken who knows what else. When our emotions are aligned
viewers for her calm demeanor when Jack was assas- with Gods, contagious Communion happens. Amen!
sinated. Her remarkable emotional control in public
remained throughout the events surrounding the fu- Music Schedule February 2017
neral. Yet there is something enviable about people
Sunday, February 5 Epiphany 5
who cry without the least self-consciousness. What
9:00 am Choir of Pohick, St. Cecelia St. Alban Choir
to do? In actuality, I am not as concerned about pub-
11:15 am Soloist
lic demonstrations of emotion as my ability to stay in
touch with my own feelings and those of others. Sunday, February 12 Epiphany 6
Not long ago, I asked myself when was the last 9:00 am Choir of Pohick, Pohick Pickers
time I had allowed myself a really good, soul cleans- 11:15 am Early Church Music Ensemble
ing cry, complete with weeping and sobs and dripping Sunday, February 19 Epiphany 7
nose. I was appalled at the sparsity of such occasions. 9:00 am Choir of Pohick, Pohick Pickers
Had I gone dead inside? Why didnt the calamities and 11:15 am St. Cecelia St. Alban Choir
atrocities around the world move me? Could only the Sunday, February 26 Last Sunday after the Epiphany
superb actors and skilled cinematographers of a dra- 9:00 am Choir of Pohick, Pohick Bell Choir
matic movie complete with heart rending background 11:15 am Pohick Bell Choir
music release tears in a darkened theater? On the other Wednesday, March 1 Ash Wednesday
hand, did John Waynes eyes ever even glisten suspi- 7:00 pm Choir of Pohick warm up;
ciously? Heaven forbid! 7:30 pm Imposition of ashes and Eucharist
To sort myself out, to regain touch with my in-
Page 4 February 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church

Historic Pew Bench Links Pohick Church and Sydenstricker UMC

By Annette Tison, Sydenstricker Church Historian and Rev. Tom Costa, Pohick Communications Associate
When you enter the Narthex at Sydenstricker, you will at Pohick Chapel. The wooden bench was one of its pews.
see a new addition - a simple wooden bench just to the left Rev. Meade preached monthly at the Chapel until October
of the doors that lead to the Sanctuary. The bench served 17, 1909 when the Vestry decided there were not enough
two congregations for 54 years before being donated to the Episcopalians in that area to sustain a mission. By that time,
Upper Pohick Community League and used in the historic Methodist minister Rev. Christopher Sydenstricker had held
school house for another 60 years. It was recently returned a revival on John Quincy Halls land that is now considered
to Sydenstricker Church as gift from the Friends of Syden- the genesis of Sydenstricker United Methodist Church.
stricker Schoolhouse. On March 5, 1910, Caleb Hall donated the land near the
The connection between Sydenstricker Methodist Schoolhouse on which Sydenstricker Chapel was built with
Church and Pohick Church and the old Schoolhouse on the cornerstone laid on August 10, 1910. During construc-
Hooes Road in Springfield dates back to 1897 when Barney tion, the congregation again met in the Schoolhouse. Many
Deavers - who would later become of Pohick Chapels furnishings - in-
a charter member of Sydenstricker cluding the benches - were donated
Church - donated the land on which by the Vestry of Pohick Church to
the Schoolhouse was eventually the new Sydenstricker Chapel.
built. The first recorded use of the The Chapel was refurbished in the
one-room Schoolhouse by a congre- mid-1950s, and new pews were pur-
gation was on April 15, 1900, and on chased through a memorial program.
that day, Rev. Everard Meade, rector In August 1956, church trustees do-
of Pohick Church preached at the nated the old benches, including the
Schoolhouse for the first time. Response was so great that a one now in the Narthex, to the historic Schoolhouse. The
Sunday school was organized that evening. Rev. Meade con- bench represents over 116 years of faith by members of Po-
tinued to hold regular services at the Schoolhouse. In Janu- hick and Sydenstricker Chapels, and just as many years of
ary 1902, Barney Deavers again donated land, for the pur- continuing interaction and friendship between their congre-
pose of establishing a mission chapel of Pohick Episcopal gations and the Schoolhouse.
Church and a burying ground for the community. Trustees The historic Pohick/Sydenstricker bench can be seen
included four members of Pohick Church as well as Bar- at Sydenstricker United Methodist Church at 8508 Hooes
ney and John Quincy Hall. While Pohick Chapel was be- Road, which is just off the Fairfax County Parkway in
ing built, somewhere on Gambrill, Sydenstricker or Hooes Springfield. Sydenstricker Chapel and the historic School-
Roads (exact location unknown), its congregation continued house are still used for services and community events, and
to meet at the Schoolhouse. are located right across the road from the larger church cam-
On August 17, 1902, Rev. Meade held his first service pus that was built in 1981.

Chili Cook-Off and Bingo Night p SAVE THE DATE P

Saturday, May 6, 2017
February 11, 2017 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Martha Guild Wine Tasting
Come and enjoy an evening of food, fun, Details to follow next month, but mark
and fellowship. Tickets available for sale the calendar now for this fun, fantastic event!
on February 5 during Coffee Hours.
$10 per person (Children 10 and under are free) Send News for March
($5 discount with chili entry) Articles for the March 2017 Pohick Post
are due no later than February 15!
Bingo Prize Baskets:
Forward input by email in Word compatible
Garden, Valentine, and Cat Lovers
format to Lori Buckius, raebuck@aol.com.
POCs: Wendy Remaly, wendy. Design concerns & items for the Sunday
remaly@gmail.com and Angela Service Volunteers page should be addressed
Edgemon, Aedge619@aol.com to Carmel Hodge, cchodge@aol.com.
Pohick Episcopal Church February 2017 Page 5

The Persecution Corner

By Bob Munson
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:10)

Tucked between India and Bangladesh to the of Bibles in indigenous languages was prohibited
west and Thailand to the east is the still mysterious and religious publications censored. The persecution
Union of Myanmar. The military government of the of Christians existed as part of the militarys control
country adopted the Myanmar name in 1989 but the of society.
U.S. still recognizes it as Burma. Now Myanmar sits on the edge of evolution
Myanmar became independent from Britain in toward a more liberal, democratic culture, but the
1948 and has been dominated by the military since shadows of history still remain. While the opposi-
1962. In 1990, the military junta held legislative tion won big in the 2015 legislative elections, minor-
elections, which it annulled after the opposition won ity parties did poorly so even fewer Christians sit in
handily. Subsequently, the military government put the legislature. The military still maintains effective
the opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi (1991 No- influence behind the scenes and the democratic gov-
bel Peace Prize recipient) under house arrest until ernment has yet to truly show it can govern while
2012. also respecting international norms in the treatment
Over the years, the military held several legis- of minorities. As the government matures, it bears
lative elections of various qualities. In November watching as to whether it will represent all people
2015, the opposition again won a large majority and or fall back on the militarys simple Myanmar/Bud-
subsequently was able to take power. The legislature dhist nationalism to retain the support of the largest
selected the first credibly-elected civilian president groups.
who took office on March 30, 2016. In the last few months, the world press has re-
Myanmars 57 million people (in an area slightly ported on the militarys persecution of the Rohingya
smaller than Texas) are primarily Buddhist (87.2%) Muslim minority, claiming they are not citizens. The
with Christian (6.2% with an Anglican community Rohingya live on the west coast near Bangladesh and,
of about 64,000 people or .13%) and Muslim (4.3%) according to the military, supposedly migrated after
minorities. The government recognizes the special Myanmars independence. The UN and the press
status of Buddhism, and constitutionally, freedom of have detailed how the army burned villages, killed
religion exists. The military government has promot- people, and forced others across the border into Ban-
ed Buddhism as a unifying religion and has lashed gladesh. A lesser known element of the story is that
out at minorities who express separatist views. As within the Rohingya Muslim minority, some Chris-
in many countries where a government feels under tian converts have been expelled from refugee camps
threat, religious minorities are often viewed as sup- or had their homes destroyed because of the minor-
ported by the outside world and persecuted to limit itys fears of the spread of Christianity.
the suspected external influence. As the political evolution continues in Myanmar,
In years past, the army targeted the Karen and remember the people in prayer. Only when a country
Chin groups due to their Christian beliefs and sepa- respects and protects the rights of all peoples, are the
ratist militias. While the press has never had ready rights of a small Christian minority safe. Please pray
access to Myanmar, reports emerged of the burning for the Burmese people that they can truly enjoy all
of hundreds of villages, large numbers of deaths, and the benefits of democracy and freedom. Pray for the
other atrocities. The government did not just com- refugees and displaced within Burma and the neigh-
bat Christian influence through violence but also re- boring countries, especially Thailand, that they will
strained the practice of Christians by mandating the be able to return to peaceful homes. Finally, pray for
registration of churches and seminaries and declaring missionaries in Myanmar, especially local converts,
independent house churches illegal. In keeping with who wish to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to
the governments attempted control, the importation all the Burmese people.
Page 6 February 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church

Update on Issues in the Anglican Communion

Don Brownlee, Member of Policy and Planning Commission
This monthly report is part of the Vestrys ongoing effort to in- tent of our commonality and exploring our deep dif-
form and update the Parish about the ongoing controversies ferences, ensuring they are held between us in the love
within The Episcopal Church (TEC) and the Anglican Com- and grace of Christ.
munion. These controversies largely involve the blessing of same- As was the case with last January, Abp. Justin has
sex unions, ordination of non-celibate homosexuals, interpreta-
called them to gather in October only as Primates
tion of Scripture, and breakdown of traditional boundary lines
of the Communion, rather than an official Primates
between Provinces.
Meeting. The semantic difference is important, as a
And they were filled with great awe and said Primates Meeting has certain legal ramifications
to one another, Who then is this, that even the wind that a meeting or gathering of the primates does
and sea obey him? (Mark 4:41) not. It also allows primates who have said they will
not attend an official meeting with The Episcopal
The Archbishop of Canterbury quoted this pas- Church to participate.
sage from Mark as he invited the primates of the An- Abp. Justin returned to the theme of storms: We
glican Commuion to meet in Canterbury early in Oc- are all in the one boat. There is no other boat than the
tober. church, because only there do we find the presence of
I have been reminded of this pas- Jesus and only from the boat are we able to witness to
sage as I reflect on the leadership we the Kingdom of God. Even in the fiercest storm the
are called to exercise, he wrote them. safest place to be is in the boat, where Jesus is.
There are many storms in the Anglican The letter was not immediately made public. The
Communion. As always so many Prov- website Anglican Ink, which has close ties to the
inces are struggling with war and persecution, with Global African Futures Conference of theologically
poverty, governmental corruption and political strug- conservative Anglicans, obtained a copy.
gles which weigh heavily on the church. ***
Across the Communion I treasure our fellow- The Episcopal Church revised its doctrine of mar-
ship, even in times of difficulty and internal conflict, riage in 2015, and last summer the Anglican Church
because in it I find the rebukes and encouragements of Canada likewise changed its cannon to open mar-
of those who seek truly to testify to the Kingdom of riage to all persons who are duly qualified by civil law
God. to enter into marriage and has now consecrated its
As last time, it will be for the Primates attending first openly gay bishop (see below).
to decide on the agenda, and I will be consulting with There have been strong pressures from within the
you about this over the next year. From my own point Church of England for it to do the same, and its bish-
of view, it seems to me that a serious consultation on ops have been holding conversations on the issue for
the shape of Lambeth 2020 would be in order, as well two years.
as how we meet (all together or regionally or both) be- Their conclusion, set out in a report
tween October 2017 and the Lambeth Conference. to the upcoming General Synod they is-
When the primates met in January of last year, sued late in January, is that there is little
they agreed to impose consequences on The Epis- support among the bishops for changing
copal Church for our decision to change the marriage the Churchs formal teaching on marriage, but there is
cannon, removing specific references to marriage as a strong sense that existing resources, guidance and
being between a man and woman. They also asked tone needed to be revisited.
Archbishop Justin to create a Task Force to to main- They recommended Interpreting the existing law
tain conversation among ourselves with the intention and guidance to permit maximum freedom within
of restoration of relationship, the rebuilding of mutual
trust, healing the legacy of hurt, recognising the ex- Continued on page 7
Pohick Episcopal Church February 2017 Page 7

Update on Issues in the Anglican Communion, and inclusive future, bringing the message of Christ
continued from page 6 alive in the present day.
GAFCON UK, the British branch of the Global
it, without changes to the law, or the doctrine of the Anglican Futures Conference, said it was grateful the
Church. Bishops have taken seriously the views of the global
In practical terms they said this would mean es- Anglican Communion and the need to maintain con-
tablishing across the Church of England a fresh tone sistency with historic and apostolic teaching, while
and culture of welcome and support for lesbian and admitting the serious differences in interpretation of
gay people, for those who experience same sex attrac- this deposit.
tion, and for their families, and continuing to work However, we do not have confidence that this
toward mutual love and understanding on these issues document will guarantee the maintenance of ortho-
across the Church. doxy within the Church of England for the future.
They also called for a substantial new Teaching We need to express our serious reservations about the
Document on marriage and relationships, replacing many ambiguities in the text relating to how we as
(or expanding upon) the Houses teaching document Anglicans understand truth and goodness, sin and sal-
on marriage guidance for clergy about appropriate vation, and how we should carry
pastoral provision for same sex couples; andnew out pastoral and liturgical prac-
guidance from the House about the nature of ques- tice.
tions put to ordinands and clergy about their lifestyle. Elsewhere:
The House of Bishops report also took note of the The Diocese of Toronto in
fact that the overwhelming majority of Churches (in the Anglican Church of Canada
the Anglican Communion) subscribe to the tradition- consecrated three people in Jan-
al teaching on marriage reflected in our own doctrine uary as suffragan bishops. One
and teaching. Moreover, the Church of Englands own of them, Bp. Kevin Robinson, is in a partnered gay re-
position in the Anglican Communion - membership lationship. At the time of his election last fall, he said,
of which is defined by being in communion with the Its no secret that Im the first openly gay, partnered
See of Canterbury - inevitably means that any depar- bishop-elect in the diocese and perhaps in the Cana-
ture from its doctrine and teaching would have impli- dian church as well, and I know that for some people
cations for the Communion. thats a real challenge and for others its the fulfillment
Those within the Church of England who had ad- of what theyve been hoping and praying for for a very
vocated for a change in doctrine called the report an long time. The peace and unity of the church is re-
almost complete betrayal of the trust that has been ally important to me and I will work to continue that
placed in you by faithful disciples of Christ. There is peace and unity as a bishop.
no space for good disagreement. The old lines of dis-
It is important to remember that despite all these contro-
honesty remain intact. Not an inch has been given to versies, the work of the Church - globally, nationally, and lo-
support LGBTI+ inclusion. cally - goes on. In the first six months of 2016, Pohick has do-
We have to tell you that this is completely unac- nated more than three tons of food to the Lorton Community
ceptable. Action Centers food pantry, helping feed mothers, fathers and
Saying Your actions and inactions will not com- children who would otherwise go hungry. Over the same pe-
mend your church to ordinary people, the group Les- riod, Pohick provided nearly 1,400 lunches to residents of the
bian and Gay Christian Movement said it would use Eleanor Kennedy Shelter at Ft Belvoir. The annual December
the levers of power available to us and will oppose and New Hope Housing Dinner provided dinner to over 100 peo-
ple, and Breakfast with Santa later that week was attended by
challenge your stance where it is intransigent at ev-
approximately 75 LCAC clients. Through youth mission trips,
ery opportunity. Those of us who are members of the food donations to LCAC, donations of school supplies and back-
Church of England will remain in communion with packs, and the Community of Hope, Pohick continues to leak
you and will insist on making our protests and acting the love of God to those in need. As Bp. Ted reminded us dur-
in ways that seek to hold the Church of England to- ing his episcopal visit in June, the Christian lives we lead may
gether. We will work to help it move to a more diverse be the only Bible some of our neighbors ever read.
Page 8 February 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church


Sunday, February 5, 2017
Music Notes
Linda Egan, Minister of Music
We have a wonderful opportunity at Pohick for
Following ALL THREE SERVICES children in kindergarten through third grade: the St.
in the Common Room Francis Choir.
Led by Barb Lynn, who is a music teacher at Cam-
Proceeds benefit the eron Elementary School and who formed the choir,
Senior High the children learn to sing in tune using clear diction
EYC Mission Trip. and develop a sensitivity for loud and soft, fast and
slow, steady rhythm and participating in worship, all
Contact Rusty Booth for more the while encouraging those of us who listen to them
information: 703-339-6572 or
with their enthusiasm and budding musicianship. In
addition to singing, they use puppets and play instru-
Coffee Hour Fellowship Ministry The choir rehearses each Wednesday, 6:00 pm -
The Coffee Hour Fellowship Ministry for the 6:30 pm in room C/D. They sing on the second Sun-
9:00 am service is short-handed this spring day of the month at the 9:00 am service, beginning
with a warm up at 8:30 am in room A.
and needs volunteers for March 5 and March
Your child is welcome to join the choir at any time.
12. Each service needs a volunteer (or a couple You can get more information and register with Barb
of people working together) to make the cof- Lynn by calling the church office and leaving a mes-
fee, set out light refreshments, and wash up sage for her.
afterwards. An inexperienced person can be
paired with an experienced person and part-
ners can be found for those
EYC News
Rusty Booth, Youth Minister
who would like to help but
not be in charge. Please con- February is a busy month for the EYC groups.
tact Lucy Look lucylook00@ On February 5, the annual Mission Trip Bake Sale
gmail.com or 703-704-5105. fundraiser is being held after all three services in the
Common Room. Come and enjoy the goodies while
supporting the Sr. High Mission Trip to Middletown,
Senior Wardens Report
Helen Parker, Senior Warden Ohio this summer.
That evening is the annual EYC Super Bowl Party
At the Annual Parish Meeting held on January 15, held at the Rectory starting at 6:00 pm. All youth in
Jane Albertson, Beth Altman, Anne Derbes, Carney Mc- grades 5-12 are invited to attend for the game on the
Cullough, and Emily Elston (Youth Representative) were big screen and pizza!
elected to complete the 2017 Vestry. All are welcoming, tal- The annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper is
ented, intelligent, and dedicated Pohickians with a desire to on February 28, from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm. The dinner
serve Christ! Pohick is blessed to have their leadership. is prepared and served by all three youth groups and
The sale of the six lots in Louisiana donated by the Fer-
is a great way to support the youth group program
lazzo family was authorized by a congregational vote at this
meeting. Additionally, Dan Derbes, the outgoing Treasurer,
and discover new friends. Please
reported a good 2016 for Pohick financially. come out to one or more of the
At the January Vestry Meeting, a balanced budget was upcoming EYC events and expe-
passed for 2017. The following officers were elected: Senior rience the fun and fellowship of
Warden, Fuzzy Thurston; Junior Warden, Fred Crawford; youth group. Friends are always
Treasurer, Doug Smith; and Register, Susan Pehrsson. welcomed, so dont come alone!
Pohick Episcopal Church February 2017 Page 9

Pohick Church Activities February 2017

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
JAN 29 30 31 FEB 1 2 3 4
Winter Trip 6p Marriage 9:30a Staff Mtg 2p HE, the Fairfax 6:15p Bell Choir 8a Brotherhood
Epiphany 4a Course 7p Tutoring 6p St. Cecelia St. 7p Boy Scouts of St. Andrew
7:45a HE I Alban Choir 7:30p Choir of 11a Yoga
7p EFM
9a HE II 6p St. Francis Choir Pohick 1p 1st Sat
10:30a Parish Forum 7:30p Healing Service 8:30p AA Docent Tour
11:15a HE I 7:30p Martha Guild
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Scout Sunday 7p EFM 9:30a Staff Mtg 2p HE, the Fairfax 6:15p Bell Choir 8a Brotherhood of
Bud Vase Sale EYC Bake Sale 4:30p Golden 6p St. Cecelia St. St. Andrew
7p Boy Scouts
Epiphany 5a Dove Mtg Alban Choir 11a Yoga
7:30p Choir of Pohick 6p Chili Cook-off/
7:45a HE I 7p Tutoring 6p St. Francis Choir
9a HE II 8:30p AA Bingo
7:30p Healing Service
10:15a Inquirers Class
10:20a Alpha
11:15a HE I
6p EYC Super Bowl Party
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Fairfax Valentine Visit 6:15p Docent Valentines Day 2p HE, the Fairfax 6:15p Bell Choir 8a Brotherhood
Epiphany 6a Board Mtg 6p St. Cecelia St. 7p Boy Scouts of St. Andrew
7:45a HE I 7p EFM 9:30a Staff Mtg Alban Choir 7:30p Choir of 11a Yoga
9a HE II 7p Docent 9:30a Ann Ma- 6p St. Francis Choir Pohick
10:15a Inquirers Class Gen Mtg son Guild Mtg 7:30p Healing Service 8:30p AA
10:20a Alpha 7p Tutoring
11:15a HE II
Pohick Post Deadline
5p Confirmation Class
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Epiphany 7a Office Closed 9:30a Staff Mtg 2p HE, the Fairfax 6:15p Bell Choir 8a Brotherhood
7:45a HE I Presidents 7p Tutoring 6p COH COC 7p Boy Scouts of St. Andrew
9a HE II Day Service & 7:30p Vestry 6p St. Cecelia St. 7:30p Choir of 10a Happy Hats
10:15a Inquirers Class Breakfast Mtg Alban Choir Pohick Workshop
10:20a Alpha 7p EFM 6p St. Francis Choir 8:30p AA 11a Yoga
11:15a HE I 7:30p Healing Service
6:30p Jr/Sr High
26 27 28 MARCH 1 2 3 4
Epiphany Last, Year A 6p Marriage 9:30a Staff Mtg Ash Wednesday 10a Diocese Exec Mtg 8a Brotherhood
7:45a HE I Course 5p Pancake Sup- 2p HE, the Fairfax 6:15p Bell Choir of St. Andrew
9a HE II per 6p St. Cecelia St. 7p Boy Scouts 11a Yoga
7p EFM
10:15a Inquirers Class Alban Choir 7:30p Choir of 1p 1st Sat
10:20a Alpha 6p St. Francis Choir Pohick Docent Tour
11:15a HE II 8:30p AA
5p Confirmation Class
6:30p EYC
Contact the Parish Secretary, Susan Hayward-Costa, to list group meetings or events on the calendar, shcosta@pohick.org.


To commemorate Shrove Tuesday, the annual EYC Pancake Supper will be held in the
Common Room on Tuesday, February 28 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Ticket costs: $8 for age 13 to adult, $3 for ages 6-12, and children under 6 eat for free.
Proceeds to benefit the annual EYC Spring Retreat.
Contact Rusty Booth for more information: 703-339-6572 or rusty@pohick.org
Page 10 February 2017 Pohick Episcopal Church


7:45 Mike Zane Tony Marsico Don Cooke Rodger Jones Mike Zane
Mike Vaughn Alan Mayberry Becky Wagner Stew Remaly Mike Vaughn
9:00 Scout Sunday Edwardene Pitcock Matt Gurrola Dru Hodges Tom Bland
John Pasour, Bill Pat- Dan Derbes Brent Goeller Beth Altman Chris Brown
ton, Scout #1, Scout Jim Foster Fuzzy Thurston Bob Munson Grant Hodges
#2, Scout #3, Scout #4 Ron Schow Hal Yarwood Dennis Myers Bill Patton
11:15 Kathy Kirkland Dave Billingsley Sandra Caesar Rick Nelson Hank Foresman
Bill Bland Ed McGovern Rita Smith Paul Walden Mike Wooten
7:00 E. Thorson K. Kirkland E. Thorson F. Crawford F. Thurston
1:00 B. Altman C. McCullough S. Pehrsson C. Cockroft D. Smith
12:15 M/M Thurston Pasour/Remaly M/M Brown Pitcock/Schmid Bartlett/Remaly
AM J. Sunderland J. Sunderland J. Wells J. Wells BJ McPherson
B. Altman B. Altman N. Sage N. Sage A. Powell, J. Schmid
N. Bireley N. Bireley C. Foster C. Foster M. Tonkin
V. Jones V. Jones J. Geschickter J. Geschickter S. Caesar
J. MacDonald J. MacDonald J. Mullins J. Mullins E. Pitcock
R. Teale R. Teale H. Parker H. Parker A. Marsico
B. Wagner B. Wagner R. Stankwitz R. Stankwitz M. Yezek
AM J. Brimmer M. Harding M. Bartholomew R. Stankwitz TBD
7:45 M/M Biddlecomb M/M Jacobus M/M Jacobus M/M Jacobus M/M Remaly
9:00 Arnhart/Duggin/Folen M/M Yarwood M/M Leon M/M Lynn TBD
11:15 Sandra Caesar Ryan Ickes Darling/Antonelli M/M Nelson Susan Pehrsson
7:45 J. Byrne M. Holmes M/M Bartholomew S. Yarwood C. Wylie
9:00 M/M Matt Johnson P. Moyers M/M Edmond R. Lamin Choi Family
11:15 B. Atkinson M/M Bill Poad C. Hodge L. Aqueron M. Kanu
9:00 H. Parker J. Wells P. Kind E. Pitcock F. Crawford/L. Vretos
11:15 D. Hamly H. Foresman T. Costa Laurie Kittle TBD
7:45 Marsico (R) Thorson (P) Foresman (R) Thorson (R) TBD
Wagner (P) Wagner (R) Marsico (P) Arning (P)
9:00 Egan (R) Egan (P) Cockroft (P) Sage (R) TBD
TBD (P) Sage (R) Pasour (R) Faber (P)
11:15 Nelson (R) Nelson (P) Arning (R) Pasour (P) TBD
Gastrell (P) Cockroft (R) Gastrell (P) Foresman (R)
The Sunday Service Volunteers Schedule is also available at Pohick Churchs website, www.pohick.org, under Ministries.
Pohick Episcopal Church February 2017 Page 11

Golden Dove Gift Shop Martha Guild News

Thanks to all who supported Pohick and impor-
Connie Myers
tant outreach programs through purchases at The
Golden Dove gift shop during the holidays.
There are handmade Pohick tote bags, ceramic The Martha Guild will meet on Wednesday, Feb-
coffee mugs, framed sketches, and gifts for Valentines ruary 1 beginning at 7:30 pm in Classroom B. There
Day! will be discussion and planning for upcoming ac-
Reminder: tivities and plans for the group. All Women of the
Golden Dove Gift Shop Hours Church are cordially invited to attend. Any ques-
Between Sunday Morning Services tions, please contact Connie Myers, 703-201-2204 or
1st Saturdays from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm jetskiing@hotmail.com.
During docent tours and special events
North end of the Vestry House - follow the signs! Glories Happy Hats Workshop
The Martha Guild is sponsoring another Glo-
ries Happy Hats Workshop on Saturday, February 25
from 10:00 am - 12 noon in the Common Room
Annex. During the workshop, Happy Hats will
be made for delivery to hospitals and hospices for
children facing hair loss from chemotherapy, life
threatening illnesses, or those in pediatric intensive
care units or burn centers.
What are Happy Hats? Happy Hats are soft,
adapted, wonderfully silly hats made from color-
ful material. When you wear a Happy Hat you think
happy thoughts! Glories believes that the happiness
created by a Happy Hat can help stimulate favor-
able psychological motivation for sick children to
feel better.
The Director of this program, Susan Khorsand,
will guide the workshop and share experiences from
the program. All materials are supplied. All that
Golden Dove Volunteer Schedule is needed are helping hands to assist in putting as
February 5, 2017 many Happy Hats together as possible. Everyone
8:15 am to 9:00 am Leon/Leon in the congregation is cordially invited - women,
10:15 am to 11:15 am Pehrsson/Nelson men, and teenagers. No need to know how to sew!
Just bring a smile and a pair of willing hands.
February 12, 2017 This is a great way for students to earn ser-
8:15 am to 9 am Knipling/TBA vice hours as well as a great project for scouts. See
10:15 am to 11:15 am TBA/TBA
the signup sheet with the
February 19, 2017 display in the Common
8:15 am to 9 am Morgan/Mitchell Room. PLEASE feel free
10:15 am to 11:15 am TBA/Jackson to come even if not signed
up. If there are any ques-
February 26, 2017
tions, please contact Con-
8:15 am to 9 am Myers/TBA
10:15 am to 11:15 am TBA/Crawford nie Myers, 703-201-2204
or jetskiing@hotmail.com.
The Purpose of Pohick Church is to be a nourishing community where Christs love is experienced and taken beyond its walls.
Non-Profit Org.

Permit No. 2
U.S. Postage

Lorton, VA

Date: _____________________ Subject: _____________________

To: The Vestry
Pohick Church Staff Pohick Church Vestry
Rector: The Revd Donald Sr. Warden: Fuzzy Thurston
Binder, PhD Jr. Warden: Fred Crawford
Assistant: The Revd Dr. Ruth Treasurer: Doug Smith
E. Correll, Ed.D. Register: Susan Pehrsson
Lorton, Virginia 22079-1519

Seminarian: Wesley Arning Members: Beth Altman, Amanda Choi,

9301 Richmond Highway

Minister of Music: Linda Egan Caroline Cockroft,

Return Service Requested

Director of Anne Derbes, Isabel Hogg,

Christian Ed: Frances Sessums Kathy Kirkland,
Pohick Church

Youth Minister: Rusty Booth Carney McCullough,

Parish Secretary: Susan Hayward-Costa Edwardene Pitcock,
Finance Admin: Mike Morgan Eric Thorson
Sexton: John Sessums
Telephone: 703-339-6572 Fax: 703-339-9884
Church Office Email: shcosta@pohick.org Web Site: www.pohick.org

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