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Journal of Macromolecular
Science, Part C: Polymer
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Sukumar Maiti & MD. Safikur Rahman
Materials Science Centre, Indian Institute of
Technology, Kharagpur, 721302, India

Available online: 03 Jan 2007

To cite this article: Sukumar Maiti & MD. Safikur Rahman (1986): APPLICATION
OF SHELLAC IN POLYMERS, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part C: Polymer
Reviews, 26:3, 441-481

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JMS.REV . MACROMOL . CHEM . PHYS., C26(3). 441-481 (1986)

Application of Shellac in Polymers

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Materials Science C e n t r e
I n d i a n I n s t i t u t e of Technology
Kharagpur 721302. I n d i a

I. INTRODUCTION .................. 442

A . Composition of Shellac . . . . . . . . . .
... 442
. ...
B Structure of Major C o n s t i t u e n t s of Shellac 444
I1 . MODIFICATION O F SHELLAC ........... 445
APPLICATIONS .................. 447
VII . POLYMER BLENDS WITH SHELLAC . . . . . . . . . 452
A . A d h e s i v e Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
B . V a r n i s h . L a c q u e r . and Polish . . . . . . . . . 459
C . .......
C o a t i n g Formulations w i t h Shellac 461
I X . MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . 463
A . P r i n t i n g Ink Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
B . Control Release Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
C . O t h e r Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465

*To whom correspondence should be addressed .


C o p y r i g h t 0 1986 by Marcel D e k k e r . I n c 0736-6574/86/2603-0441$3.S0/0

X. CONCLUSION ..................... 467

REFERENCES ..................... 468


Lac is the only known natural resin of animal origin. It is

the secretion of a tiny insect known as Kerriar lacca (formally
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called Laceifer lacca). The lac-forming tiny insect grows on

some types of trees, mostly abundant in tropical countries, in-
cluding India. The secretion of the lac insect hardens in air
and forms a covering on the body of the insect [ 1, 21. This
covering or the nest forms a continuous incrustation on the
branches of the host trees. Lac is collected by scraping the
incrustation from the branches of the trees.
Lac has a unique combination of various desirable properties
due to its novel and complex chemical structure. Lac can be
used as a film-forming material, a thermoplastic, an adhesive
and sealant, an insulating material, and in various other applica-
tions. It is said that this natural resin has much untapped
potential [ 11.
A. Composition of Shellac

Shellac is the refined form of the lac resin. The composition

of shellac is as follows [21 :

Resin 94-94.5%
Wax 4.5-5%
Dye ,I4 1%

Dewaxed, decolorized lac is almost the pure form of shellac.

The resin portion of shellac can easily be separated into a pure
or hard resin (70%) and a soft resin (30%) by extraction with
ethyl ether. The ether-soluble portion is the soft resin and the
insoluble part is the hard resin. The soft resin acts as the
natural plasticizer for the hard resin. The properties of both
fractions are shown in Table 1.
The wax obtained from shellac is a mixture of esters of dif-
ferent high molecular weight acids and alcohols v i z . , C H COOH
25 51
and C H O H , as well as a hydrocarbon, C H
25 51 25 52'
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Physical and chemical constants

Constants Shellac Pure or hard resin Soft resin 0

Specific gravity 1.143- 1.207 1.028-1.031 1.028-1.029
Refractive index at 2OoC 1.5210- 1.5272 1.5248 1.4976 r
Softening point in OC 40- 50 - - *n
Melting point in OC 75-80 - - Z
DieIectric constant at 3.6 - -
infinite frequency in
cgs electrostatic units
Acid value 65-75 55-60 103-110
Saponification value 220- 230 218-225 207- 229
Iodine value, W i j ' s ( 1 h) 14- 18 11- 13 50- 55
Molecular weight by Rast's method 1006 1900-2000 513- 556
~ ~-
Adopted from Physical Properties and Chemical Constants of Lac, Shellac Export
Promotion Council, Calcutta.
444 M A l T l AND RAHMAN

Dye from shellac consists of two major components. One,

laccaic acid, is soluble in water, and the other, erythrolaccien,
is insoluble in water.


H o \
0 OH OH 0
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6. Structure of Major Constituents of Shellac 1 2 , 41

Shellac is considered to be a complex ester of polyhydroxy

polybasic acids. Various hydroxy acids such as aleuritic acid,
shellolic acid, kerrolic acid, butolic acid, and jalaric acid have
been isolated by chemical degradation of the hard resin portion
of shellac. Among them, aleuritic acid and the shellolic acid are
the most important.



The soft resin portion, having an iodine value (Wij's) of

50-55, has a molecular weight ranging from 513 to 556 as de-
termined by Rast's method. On the basis of these and other
properties (Table 11, the following formula for the soft resin
has been suggested:

-(CH2$- - COOH
CH - (CH&-CH(OW- E0

The molecular weight of shellac has been determined to be

1006 by Rast's method. On the basis of various chemical con-
stants and the structure of its constituents, the following struc-
ture for shellac has been postulated [ 2 1 :

HO-(Ct+)&H - CH

9 p
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However, the unsaturation site in the shellac molecule has not

yet been pinpointed.


Apart from the use of shellac a s such, it is subjected to a

variety of modifications according to the purpose of use.
Shellac polymerizes either on heating o r aging. Chemical
treatment, such as the use of traces of hydrochloric acid, fa-
cilitates the self-polymerization process [ 31. On heat treatment,
shellac first softens and melts like thermoplastic substances,
but after a certain period of heating it becomes thick and passes
through a rubbery stage, which on cooling becomes a hard and
tough solid, insoluble in alcohol [ 4 , 51. The polymer obtained
by aging differs markedly from those obtained by heat treat-
ment [ 41.
Esterification of shellac is another process for the modifica-
tion of shellac. A number of esterification processes with vari-
ous alcohols, organic acids, acid anhydrides, rosin, etc have
been reported [ 4 1 . The extent and quality of esterified shellac
depends on such conditions as temperature of the reaction and
pH of the solution. For example, bleached shellac tends to
esterify faster than orange shellac because in bleached shellac
the pH of the solution is lower due to the presence of residual
chlorine [ 51.
Chemical modifications of shellac are carried out by chemical
reactions with a number of compounds such as phenol and for-
maldehyde, formaldehyde [ 61 , urea [ 71 , thiourea, hexamethylene
tetramine, cyanamide, dicyandiamide [ 81 , guanidine , melamine
[ 91 , ethylene and propylene oxide under suitable conditions,
and toluene diisocyanate [ 101 . All these modifications a r e made
on shellac in order to use it in specific ways [ 41. Other
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Shellac w i t h Formaldehyde-Based Resin Composition

Formaldehyde-based resin Additives Application


Phenol- formaldehyde - Coating sand for shell molding

Di- or trihydroxybenzene Flexoprinting ink
+ amine
Epoxy resin (as stabilizer) Binder for grinding wheels
Sodium hydroxide (as medium) Adhesive for plywood

Urea- formaldehyde Moisture, chemical, and abrasion-

resistant varnish
Ammonia, maleic anhydride Varnish, as aqueous French polish

Melamine -formaldehyde Styrene-acrylate latex emulsion Improved quality aqueous paper


B utylated urea- formaldehyde Jute stick dust and calcium Molding powder

Butylated melamine- Molding powder, improved quality

formaldehyde varnish for wood

l12-Bisphenol A-formaldehyde Castor oil Surface coating

Naphthol- formaldehyde Di- or trihydroxynaphthalene Flexoprinting ink

+ urea

important modifications are caused by heating shellac with cashew

nutshell liquid as well as with cashew nutshell liquid-linseed oil
for application as varnishes 141.
Besides the modifications mentioned above, shellac has been
successfully modified with such synthetic resins as alkyd resins,
epoxy resins, urea-formaldehyde resins, and phenol-formalde-
hyde resins [ 41. Such modifications give product with improved
properties (Table 2 ) .
Modifications of shellac have also been carried out using
drying oils. For such modifications, the oils themselves are
Downloaded by [National Chemical Laboratory] at 00:30 12 June 2012

first modified in order to make them compatible with shellac in

suitable solvents. These modifications impart elasticity and
weather-resistant properties to the film-forming characteristics
of shellac.
Monomers, such as vinyl monomers, acrylates , and styrene,
have been used to modify shellac for coatings and other
The various modifications outlined above are discussed later.



Shellac is the only resin of animal origin, and therefore the

composition of this resin is totally different from other natural
resins. The uniqueness of this resin is revealed in the fact
that it does not contain any one of the oxidized polyterpenic
acids, aromatic acids, phenolic compounds, resinals , resinotan-
nols, or resenes that are common constituents of the other
natural resins. On the other hand, shellac is a mixture of
polyesters made up of various hydroxy aliphatic and sesquiter -
penic acids [ 41.
The functional groups responsible for modification of shellac
are hydroxyl, carboxyl, and '
Polymerization of shellac
and other modifications of shellac with polymer involve one or
another of the above functional groups. It is interesting to
note that shellac on heating undergoes a transformation similar
to conversion of the A-stage to the B - and C-stage 1111 resin
of phenol-formaldehyde, but complete insolubility and infusibility
cannot be achieved by heating shellac 151. About 5-10% of
shellac remains alcohol soluble even after prolonged heating,
indicating that shellac is not a true thermosetting resin. It is
equally interesting to note that this insolubility due to polymer-
ization of shellac is reversible by heating the insoluble polymer-
ized shellac with water under autoclave conditions [ 121 .
448 M A l T l AND RAHMAN

Graft copolymerization of shellac has been carried out with

oxygen or oxidizing agents in aqueous ammonical medium. The
reaction is believed to proceed via hydroperoxide formation,
which later decomposes under heat in the reaction medium, re-
sulting in grafting to the radical site on shellac [ 131 :


.+ .
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RO' -RO+M%

OH - M
Graft polymer of shellac

where M = vinyl monomer, RH = shellac.

It appears that modification of polymers by shellac involves
either the reaction between the carboxylic group or the hydrox-
ylic group of shellac with the corresponding reacting group of
the polymer. Modification of shellac with a drying oil involves
the esterification reaction between the hydroxyl group of shellac
and a carboxyl group of the drying oil. On the other hand,
when shellac is heated with cashew nutshell liquid, a reaction
between the carboxyl group of shellac and the hydroxyl group
of cashew nutshell liquid occurs [ 41.


Since shellac is available in India, one of the earliest reports

for the use of shellac in polymers was of an investigation at the
Indian Lac Research Institute. A molding powder composition
was obtained by mixing shellac with dimethyl urea and refluxing
the mixture with ethanol at 132-140C for 3 h. This was mixed
with wood flour and Al-stearate, and the resulting mixture was
dried at room temperature to obtain a molding powder [ 141.
There are other reports of phenol-formaldehyde condensate in
a mixture with shellac to produce a low-cost liquid resin suitable
for coating sand for the shell molding process [ 151. Another
molding and laminating composition was reported from the con-
densation products of aldehydes and triazines [ 161.
Cation-exchange resins have also been prepared from an
acid catalyzed reaction of a sulfonated shellac-furfural conden-
sate [ 171. An alkali-soluble condensation product has been pre-
pared from a phenol-formaldehyde or naphthol-formaldehyde

condensate and di- or trihydroxy benzene or di- o r trihydroxy

naphthalenes along with amines or ureas. This condensation
product is used a s a flexoprinting ink [ 181. The following di-
or trihydroxy compounds have been used : pyrogallol; resorcinol;
catecol ; 1,5- ; 1,8- ; 2,3- ; and 2,7-dihydroxy naphthalene, etc.
A thermosetting surface coating was obtained from a shellac-
castor oil composition and a bisphenol A - formaldehyde conden-
sate. Although each film has satisfactory water, alkali, and
organic solvent resistance, and good adhesion, they suffer from
poor impact strength [ 191. Butylated urea-formaldehyde resin
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[ 201 and butylated melamine-formaldehyde resin [ 211 have been

used for modification of shellac to obtain a molding powder.
When alkyd resins are modified with urea and shellac, the flow
properties are enhanced [ 2 2 ] . There is also a report that ad-
dition of a small amount of a phenol-formaldehyde resin to
shellac makes it suitable as a principal binder for grinding
wheels [ 231.


Angier , Watson, and Ceresa reported the preparation of

graft polymers by mastication of such vinyl monomers a s methyl
methacrylate, styrene, and vinyl acetate with shellac or other
synthetic resins in the presence of nitrogen [ 241. Another
method for the preparation of graft copolymer, specifically using
vinyl monomers with shellac in the presence of oxygen in an
aqueous ammonical medium, was reported in 1963 [ 251. Misra
and co-workers studied the graft copolymer of shellac with ethyl
acrylate o r a mixture of ethyl acrylate and methyl methacrylate
[26]. The graft copolymer showed improved heat, water, i m -
pact, and chemical resistance, superior adhesion, flexibility,
and gloss compared to unmodified shellac f i l m s . However,
scratch resistance of the graft copolymer is inferior. Another
graft copolymer of shellac with ethyl acrylate, styrene, and
acrylamide was also reported [27, 281. Superior solvent and
water resistance is obtained in the shellac film prepared b y graft
polymerization of shellac with methyl methacrylate or styrene
through hydroperoxide formation. First, the hydroperoxide is
formed in the shellac molecule by oxygen through an aqueous
solution of dewaxed bleached shellac containing ammonia [ 291 .
The authors showed that graft copolymerization may be initiated
by alkaline KMn04 1301. Water-soluble salts of shellac a r e
modified by graft polymerization with 30-90% esters of metha-
crylic and acrylic acid to produce films with high gloss, good
water resistance, and flexibility [ 311.
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Graft and Other Copolymers of Shellac

Monomer used for

copolymerization Method of preparation of copolymer Improvement of properties

Graft Copolymers
Methyl methacrylate, Mastication in the presence of
styrene, or vinyl acetate nitrogen
Vinyl monomers Grafting in the presence of oxygen Copolymers of outstanding film
in aqueous ammonical medium properties
Ethyl acrylate or styrene Through hydroperoxide formation Films with superior adhesion,
and acrylamide of dewaxed , decolorized shellac flexibility, heat, water, impact,
and chemical resistance
Methyl methacrylate or Through hydroperoxide formation Films with superior solvent and
styrene of shellac by bubbling oxygen water resistance
in an aqueous solution containing
ammonia or by alkaline KMnO
Esters of methacrylic and Water-resistant f i l m s of high
acrylic acids gloss and flexibility

Other Copolymers
Butadiene or styrene Persulfate initiation in aqueous Interpolymer f i l m s of improved
medium mechanical properties
AcryIonitriIe and acryIate Persulfate initiation Coating for electrical wire and

Shellac interpolymers have also been synthesized by copolym-

erizing shellac, butadiene, and styrene in the presence of per-
sulfate initiator in aqueous medium [ 321 Such interpolymers
have improved mechanical properties like tensile strength and
elongation. Table 3 summarizes these properties.


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Banerjee and co-workers were the first to initiate the use

of shellac in the compounding and processing of rubber [ 33-38].
These authors showed that the addition of 25% shellac to oil-
extended styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) gum stock improved
the tear resistance, tensile strength, and hardness [ 3 3 ] . The
addition of shellac and shellac ester to styrene-butadiene rub-
ber-oil of the extended and nonextended variety reduces the
time of optimum cure in the case of shellac ester. Tensile
strength is increased about 34-66%, depending on the rubber
stock used. Hardness is increased but abrasion resistance is
decreased [ 341. Incorporation of shellac is found to increase
the aging characteristics of oil-extended SBR [ 3 5 ] . Compound-
ing nitrile rubber with shellac has been studied to determine
the reinforcing effect of shellac on this rubber stock [ 36-38].
The effect of incorporating shellac into nitrile rubber on vul-
canization and aging behavior was studied. It was reported
[38] that shellac brings about reduction in the curing rate and
the crosslinked density. Such a modified rubber stock showed
maximum improvement when 40 parts of shellac were incorporated.
Banerjee and co-workers also studied the mechanical properties
of oil-extended SBR loaded with different fillers 13'71. In general,
the modulus, tensile strength, tear resistance, hardness, and
resilience of the filled stock increased on adding shellac.
Shellac modified with ethylene glycol or epoxy resin has
been used as a modifier for SBR [ 3 9 ] . Shellac or shellac ester
(modified with ethylene glycol) has been used for modification
of natural rubber. This enhances the Mooney viscosity, scorch
time, modulus, tear resistance, and aging properties of natural
rubber [ 40- 421 . When cumarone-indene resins are replaced by
shellac as a compounding ingredient for SBR , improvement in
tensile strength, tear resistance, hardness, and hydrocarbon
solvent resistance is noted [ 4 3 , 441. Use of the Zn-salt of
shellac in rubber composition containing natural and synthetic
rubber stock was reported to increase the mechanical properties
[ 451. Shellac has also been used to prepare latex copolymer dis-
persion in aqueous medium with styrene and butadiene [ 4 6 ] .
Zn- and Al-salts of shellac acids have been prepared and used

as tackifiers in solvent cements based on rubber and rubber

derivatives. Adhesion is improved [ 471 . I t is reported that
the dielectric properties of natural butadiene-styrene rubber
(vulcanized) are improved by incorporation of shellac [ 481 .
Shellac has been used to modify the properties of polyurethane
foams and compositions [ 49- 511. Shellac-modified polyurethanes
have been found to be useful for waterproofing and the bonding
of textiles and electrical insulating varnishes [ 511.
Shellac has also been used as a curing agent for trans-1,4-
polyisoprene [ 521.
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Resins of superior electrical properties and good storage

stability have been obtained by preparing blends of shellac with
epoxy resins [ 531. The advantage of such blends is that they
do not require any curing agent, unlike epoxy resin systems.
However, the curing of the blends can be accelerated by the
addition of such epoxy curing agents as dicyandiamide.
Modification of shellac with epichlorohydrin resulted in a
product which, unlike polymer blends with epoxy 1531 , requires
curing by incorporating a phenol compound [ 541. Epoxy resins
have also been used with shellac for preparing laminating com-
positions. Thus, epoxy resin, shellac, and polybutadiene having
30% 1,2-polybutadiene units were mixed to obtain a laminating
composition with improved flexibility and bond strength. This
laminating composition can be cured with dicumyl peroxide at
125-175OC. The curing can be enhanced by incorporating di-
cyandiamide [ 551 .
An epoxy resin has also been used for formulation of a mica
binder 1561. The resin composition for this use contains shellac,
bisphenol A-epoxy resin, melamine resin , epoxy resin curing
agent, and curing catalyst , which gives better slip resistance
and low compressivity at high temperatures. Use of a BF com-
plex and methyl melamine has also been recommended [57] for
epoxy, and alkyd resins have been used for the preparation of
fine; uniform vinyl polymer granules [ 581 .A metal coating
composition has been prepared from a mixture of epoxy resin,
shellac, and 2-butoxy ethanol along with xylene. The insoluble
coating thus prepared is superior to epoxy coatings [ 591.
Gupta et al. [60, 611 studied the electrical and thermal
properties of polymer blends of shellac and amino (butylated
melamine) resins, and they compared the results with urea-
formaldehyde resin. It was reported that the addition of china

clay or asbestos as filler increases the dielectric strength, dis-

charge resistance, mechanical strength, and dielectric constants.
The breakdown strength of this blend is about 3 times that of
unmodified shellac [ 611. Blends of shellac with interpolymers
have also been reported with acrylamide polymer, which provide
thermosetting properties, flexibility, and better color-holding
properties I621 .
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A. Adhesive Application

Adhesives are currently prepared from modification of natural

products, and shellac is one of the natural and oldest types of
known adhesive which either itself or through modification has
still retained its importance (Table 4 ) . Dewaxed shellac, dis-
solved in ethyl alcohol in combination with ammonia, serves as
an adhesive for bonding polyethylene to paper [ 6 3 ] . A solution
useful for bonding wood, paper, and leather can also be pre-
pared by heating hydrolyzed lac with polyethylene glycol, rosin,
and shellac [ 6 4 ] . Shellac can be used for preparing adhesives
in bonding metals. For the three grades of shellac, i . e . , Kusumi,
Rangeeni, and dewaxed shellac, the adhesive strength in the
bonding of iron, brass, and copper substrates has been deter-
mined at various combinations of temperature, pressure, and
time, and it has been found that dewaxed shellac has the max-
imum adhesion irrespective of the substrate and that iron is the
best surface for adhesion [65]. Shellac, in combination with
alicyclic epoxy resin and melamine resin, produces an adhesive
useful for bonding mica rectifier pieces 1661. The bonded pieces
have good slip resistance and low compressibility at high temper-
atures. The adhesion of patina on the copper alloy can also be
improved by adding 3-7% shellac to the composition 1671. More-
over, a De-Khotinsky type of cement used as an adhesive for
bonding metal and metals with wood has been prepared by treat-
ing shellac with polyethylene glycol in the molten state in the
presence of NaOH 1681.
Shellac with nitrocellulose, in a mixture of ethyl alcohol and
propyl acetate, forms an adhesive top coat for polyethylene lam-
inates 1691. Shellac may be used as an extender for phenol-
formaldehyde resin adhesives in plywood, resulting in satisfactory
strength properties [70]. Aqueous solutions of shellac with
casein may be prepared by using polyethylene oxides. These
clear, gel-free, viscous, and stable solutions may be employed
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Use of Shellac in Adhesive and Coating Industries

Shellac or
derivatives Additive or other components Field of application

Shellac Polyethylene glycol, rosin, and hydro- Adhesive for bonding paper, wood,
lyzed lac leather, etc.
Shellac Alicyclic epoxy resin and melamine resin Adhesive for bonding mica
Shellac Polyethylene glycol and sodium Adhesive for bonding metals and
hydroxide metals with wood
Shellac Nitrocellulose Topcoat adhesive
Shellac Casein and polyethylene oxide Bonding adhesive, printing ink, etc.
Shellac Powdered rosin and methyl alcohol Cheap varnish
Shellac Tung oil or linseed oil Chemical- and solvent-resistant varnish
of excellent adhesion
Shellac Propylene oxide and basic catalysts Varnish for metal or plastic f i l m s
Shellac Butylated methacrylate- methacrylic Moisture- resistant lacquers
acid copolymer
Shellac Polyvinyl acetate, dialkylamino acetate, Stable nail lacquers
and epoxy resin
Shellac Chloroethane and dichlorofluoroethane Sprayable lacquers
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Shellac Amy1 alcohol and castor oil Lacquers

Shellac Alcohol, spirit varnish, wax lacquer, Self-polishing wax for wooden floor
and acetate and furniture
Shellac Lacquer for overshoes
Shellac Styrene-acrylic acid copolymer, Scuff - resistant polish
oxidized polyethylene, and dimethyl
Shellac Phosphoric acid and chromium oxide Water- resistant coating
Shellac Borax Binder for hard refractory coating
Shellac Cashew nutshell liquid Weather-resistant and anticorrosive
varnish for surface
Shellac Organic hydroxamic acid and ethyl Glossy coating
methyl ketone
Shellac Asphaltum, gilsonite , and SiO powder Durable, corrosion-resistant , and
quick-drying coating
Shellac PVC, polyvinyl acetate, and benzyl Ironed-on , plastic-baked coating for
butyl phthalate textile
Shellac Nylon 8 Tough coating formulations
Shellac Cottonseed oil, carbon black, and Pressure- sensitive copying paper

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TABLE 4 (continued)

Shellac or
derivatives Additive or other components Field of application

Shellac PVC and a filler like talc or starch Anticling coating of polyolefin film for
food wrapping
Shellac Cellulose ether, aqueous colloidal S i O p Antifog coating of polyolefin film for
food wrapping
Shellac Polyethylene oxide, p-buty1-p- Sprayable lacquer for waterproof
(m-hexyloxy) azoxy benzene coating
Shellac 2-Mercapto ben zothiazole and triet hyl- Coating for metals
Shellac Sodium lauryl sulfate, styrene, dibutyl Aqueous coating
maleate, and potassium persulfate
Shellac Organic isocyanate Various coating applications
Shellac Glycol ether Coating on jute canvas to form
artificial leather or oil cloth
Shellac Castor oil and toluene diisocyanate Film coating on glass and tin panels
Shellac Linseed oil, propylene glycol, Film coating on glass and tin panels
conaphthenate and toluene
Shellac Leveling agent, pigment, PVP, and Moisturepmof tablet coating
sucrose syrup
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Shellac Lauric acid, myristic acid, palrnitic acid, Moistureproof coating for drugs
or stearic acid
Shellac Hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose Improved coating for tablets
phthalate, d l - a-tocopherol, talc
acetone, and ethyl alcohol
Ammonical shellac Oleic acid Intestine juice soluble but gastric juice
insoluble tablet coating
Arnmonical shellac Water-soluble phenolic resin and tung Water-based coating formulation

Arnmonical shellac Morpholine salt of tallow, cornauba wax, Water-soluble paints for inhibiting
and oxidized polyethylene corrosion on metal surfaces
White shellac Oil-modified polyurethane and drying oil Varnish for wood
White shellac Casein, linseed oil, ZnO, TiOq, cellulose Casein paints
flour, Mg montmovillonite, Na V 0
2 4 7
oleic acid, and water
White shellac Epoxy resin and Ti0 Coating for fluidized bed or electro-
static spray
Dewaxed shellac Ammonia Adhesive for bonding
Dewaxed shellac A.B .T.N. shellac and P.W .S. manila Decorative and protective varnish

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TABLE 4 (continued)

Shellac or
derivatives Additive or other components Field of application

Dewaxed shellac Barium potassium chromate, talc, ortho- Etch primer

phosphoric acid, MeOH, and BuOH
Dewaxed shellac Denatured isopropyl alcohol Coating for polyethylene sheets
Dewaxed shellac PVP and carbowax Easily swallowable tablet coating

as bonding adhesives along with some other uses 711. Shellac,

a fire-retardant additive, may be used as an intumescent ad-
hesive for preparing fire-resistant laminates [ 721. A t high
temperature, shellac will foam and char to form a solid multi-
cellular, fire-retardant insulating layer. Finally, shellac has
been successfully applied in polymeric adhesives. A thin film
of shellac interposed between a polyolefin film and an adhesive
ink or support improves the retention of the second layer on
the film. This application is used in packaging applications [ 731.
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B. Varnish, Lacquer, and Polish

Shellac is a very important natural substance used in pre-

paring varnishes and lacquers. Varnishes are generally solu-
tions of resinous substances in a solvent used as a surface coat-
ing which becomes hard after application on the surfaces. I t is
used on the surface of such bulk materials as wood and metal
to change the surface properties without changing the appearance
or the bulk properties. Varieties of varnishes with distinguish-
able qualities are prepared from shellac itself and from shellac
in combination with different substances under different condi-
tions. For shellac itself to be used as a varnish, a mixture of
isopropyl alcohol and water or acetone is substituted for methyl-
ated spirits as the solvent.
A wood-finishing composition is prepared from w h i t e shellac,
alcohol, an oil-modified polyurethane, and a drying oil [ 741.
Shellac, together with powdered rosin and MeOH, produces a
cheap, nontoxic, glossy, and protective varnish 1751. In con-
trast to the conventional composition, this varnish is a mobile
liquid, applicable without preliminary cleaning, planing, or
pumicing and can be successfully applied to wood floors, furni-
ture, boat hulls, rigging, and other wood surfaces. Dewaxed
. . . .
shellac in combination with A . B T N shellac and P. W. S manila
gum gives a decorative and protective varnish for application to
wooden furniture with minimum labor requirement [ 761. In order
to use shellac as a varnish, it may be modified in a number of
ways, e. g. , with butylated melamine-formaldehyde resin, phe-
nolic resins, urea resins, and especially with urea-formaldehyde
resin. A sprayable, hard, smooth, glossy, and water- and
liquorproof shellac varnish having good adhesion to wooden
furniture, glass, and metals is produced by modifying shellac
with butylated melamine-formaldehyde resin in combination with
a number of alcohols [ 77, 781. By modifying with phenolic
resin, shellac produces a glossy, hard, and smooth varnish
without phenolic odor. It is applicable to tin, glass, and wooden
460 M A l T l A N D RAHMAN

surfaces [ 791 With urea resin, it also forms varnishes [ 801
which possess good chemical and solvent resistance; e. g. , a
varnish containing 20%by weight of shellac, when baked on steel
panels, develops no rust spots for over 20 days in a humidity
chamber. These varnishes can be applied to metal as well as
on glass surfaces and produce tough smooth and glossy films.
Urea-formaldehyde resin is also useful in modifying shellac, and
esters of H3P04 are supposed to be good catalysts for producing
a varnish [81, 821 with a shelf-life of > 9 months with good re-
sistance to abrasion and water. A varnish which can serve
Downloaded by [National Chemical Laboratory] at 00:30 12 June 2012

satisfactorily as an aqueous French polish can be prepared with

shellac modified with urea-formaldehyde resin and a maleic
anhydride-rosin adduct in the presence of ammonia and alcohol
[ 831. Varnishes may also be prepared by incorporating an ap-
propriate portion of tung oil 1841 or linseed oil 1851 to an aque-
ous shellac solution. Lac-linseed oil varnishes having a 2 :1
1ac:oil ratio produce hard, smooth, and glossy films on metal,
glass, and wood. They possess excellent adhesion and flexibility,
and good resistance to water, chemicals, and solvents. In con-
junction with the red oxide of iron as a pigment, this lacquer
produces excellent primers. Shellac, together with propylene
oxide and basic catalysts, produces a flexible, transparent, non-
plasticized adherent varnish for metal, e.g., Al, or plastic films
1861. Shellac lacquer is successfully used as an alternative to
the primer emulsion, polyvinyl alcohol and the urea-formaldehyde
lacquer Mch-52, to coat chairs in a one-step operation in an
electrostatic field 1871
In addition, shellac is very important in preparing shellac
varnish for use as a means of protecting dental pulp from the
harmful effects of filling cements [ 881 , for protecting lacquer
for silvering mirrors [891, and for stable nail lacquers 1901.
Moreover, shellac, in combination with chloroethane , may be used
to propel lacquers, oils, and perfumes in pressure spray con-
tainers 1911, and in combination with amyl alcohol and castor
oil it forms a resin plasticizer suitable as a lacquer ingredient
Shellac can be used for self-polishing floor waxes. For
improving color stability, the shellac may be purified 1931. The
process of purification to obtain refined, bleached lac, useful in
self-polishing floor waxes, is to agitate it by adding sodium
carbonate solution and then washing it repeatedly with the latter
until it is colorless. It is then dissolved in hot water to remove
natural waxes and dirt, and finally bleached with sodium hypo-
chlorite solution [ 931. Shellac may be used as a polish for
wooden furniture and floors 194, 951.

Rubber overshoes are lacquered by immersing them in a

solution of shellac [ 961. Shellac can also be used for improving
the quality of other polishing agents 197. 981.

C. Coating Formulations with Shellac

Shellac has long been used as one of the chief components

of coating formulations. It is the primary constituent in French
polish for coating wood surfaces. Unmodified shellac offers a
Downloaded by [National Chemical Laboratory] at 00:30 12 June 2012

coating formulation which suffers from a number of limitations,

such as solvent crazing, poor adhesion to glass and metal, and
the use of a nonaqueous medium as a solvent. In order to over-
come these difficulties and impart improved properties, shellac
obtained from natural sources has long been modified for coating
applications (Table 4 ) .
One such early modification was made by treating shellac in
an organic solvent with phosphoric acid and chromium oxide
[ 991 . By the use of borax, a shellac solution in alcohol has
been used as a binder for a hard, refractory coating such as
silicon carbide and tungsten carbide on metal surfaces [ 1001.
A weather-resistant and anticorrosive varnish was prepared by
a combination of shellac and cashew nutshell liquid [ l o l l . To
improve the gloss of a shellac coating, shellac was made to react
with an organic hydroxamic acid [ 1021. To improve durability
and corrosion resistance, shellac was mixed with asphalt [ 1031 ;
by sintering a mixture of plastic particle (PVC or polyvinyl
acetate), shellac and plasticizer 1041 plastic-baked coating for
textiles was prepared. Shellac was also used in etch primer
[ 1051, adherent elastic coating [ 1061 , as a tough coating agent
for a middle coat 11071, as metallic finishing of leather with
graphite [ 1081 , in mold-wash compositions [ 1091 , for coating
self-degradable sensitive copying paper 1101 , as an intermediate
coating material 11111, in casein paint coatings [ 1121, as coatings
for food and confectionary [113, 1141, for the preparation of
polyethylene-coated films [ 1151, and as powder coatings [ 116,
1171. Shellac is also used as one of the primary components of
various lacquer compositions such as a colored nitrocellulose-
shellac coating on wood [ 1181, as liquid crystal-based lacquers
to be used as temperature indicators in printing inks [ 1191, and
in multilayered lacquer structures [1201. Shellac has also been
used in making a number of aqueous coating compositions [121-
1291. Examples of such compositions include aqueous dispersions
of polyepoxides by shellac soaps [ 1211, shellac-acrylonitrile
acrylate copolymer coating compositions [ 122, 1231, lac-tung oil
phenolic resins [ 1241 , shellac-alkyd formulations [ 1251 , shellac

melamine-formaldehyde resins, and styrene-acrylate latex emul-

sions [ 1261. Water-soluble paints for inhibiting corrosion of
metals have been formulated with shellac [ 1271. Epoxy resins
have also been used for formulating coatings with shellac and
shellac derivatives [ 130- 1321 .
Stable coating compositions have been prepared from shellac
and isocyanates [133, 1341. This type of coating does not re-
quire heat for curing [133]. The resultant coating has greater
toughness, reduced water sensitivity, and excellent abrasion
and chemical resistance. These are used in treating textiles
Downloaded by [National Chemical Laboratory] at 00:30 12 June 2012

and paper to improve water repellency and stiffening, and as

waterproofing agents [ 1331 . Coating compositions for electro-
photography [ 135- 1381 have been prepared by incorporating an
ammonical shellac solution to improve dispersing and the stabiliz-
ing and sensitizing effects of the coating. Shellac has been
used for coating jute fabrics 11391 and in the modification of
urethane coatings [ 140-1431, as well as in wear-resistant coat-
ings [ 1441 and dispersion coatings [1451. Pandula and Kovacs
studied the influence of additives on softening and the solubility
properties of coatings of shellac films. It was reported that
additives such as castor oil and oleic acid reduce the softening
point. Polyvinyl pyrrolidone, oleic acid, castor oil, Tween 20,
etc. increase the solubility of shellac films in artificial gastric
juice [146, 1471.

1. Coating of Pharmaceutical Products

The applications of shellac have been extended to the coat-
ing of pharmaceutical products in a form for oral administration.
A process for stabilizing such coatings has been reported [ 1481.
Shellac coatings are used on pharmaceutical tablets and pills for
resisting gastric juice in vivo. Shellac has been used in con-
junction with pentaerythritol phthalate solution in alcohol to give
acid-resistant coatings for tablets I1491 A shellac coating has
also been used to seal coated tablets against moisture and con-
sequent decomposition [ 150- 1541. In all such coatings, the
coated product was stable in a gastric juice environment (pH
1.2-5) but was soluble in intestinal juice (pH 7.5) [1551. p-Ami-
nosalicylic acid (PAS) coated with shellac was more stable and
showed no change in PAS content over 5 years and retained the
bacteriostatic action of the drug for a longer time than did an
uncoated tablet [1551. Mammalian toxicity of many pesticides is
reported to be decreased by the use of shellac-coated formula-
tions [ 1561. In some cases, undesirable effects of coating ma-
terials used for pharmaceutical formulations are eliminated by
the use of shellac. For example, the tackiness of poly(viny1
pyrrolidone) (PVP) used for the coating of tablets is removed

by the addition of ethyl cellulose and shellac which blocks the

hygroscopicity of the film former (PVP) [ 1571. Other coating
applications of shellac in pharmaceutical formulations are in the
prevention of the loss of color of coated vitamin tablets [158],
retention of physical and chemical properties of tocopherol tab-
lets [ 1591 , preparation of readily absorbed medical formulations
[ 1601 , in controlling the disintegration rate of granules and
tablets [ 1611 , and in formulations for oral administration [ 162-
1671. Moreover, shellac along with other ingredients such as
castor oil, fatty acids, and guaiac resin can be used for coating
Downloaded by [National Chemical Laboratory] at 00:30 12 June 2012

tablets, pills, granules, and other preparations to make them

more soluble in intestinal fluids [ 1681.
Dispersions of shellac in organic solvents are used to en-
capsulate pigments, crystal violet, aspirin, hemoglobin, and
enzymes, e . g. , pronase, pancreatin, lipase , and a-amylase [ 1691.


A. Printing I n k Formulation

Photographic-process printing plates are usually protected

during the etching process by means of an acid-resistant coating.
Shellac along with poly(viny1 chloride) and asphalt is used as a
coating material for such plates [ 1701. A number of flexographic
ink formulations contain shellac as one of the key materials
[ 171- 1761 In these ink formulations, acrylates, polyamides ,
and cellulose esters are used along with shellac. Shellac pro-
vides gloss, moisture resistance, and better adhesion to the sub-
strate. In the printing of pharmaceutical tablets and other food
surfaces, edible inks are used. The use of shellac in such ink
formulations has been reported [ 177- 1821 . Water-based varnishes
for printing inks have been prepared from shellac and other
components [ 183-1851. The use of shellac in light-sensitive
compositions such as diazoprinting plates [ 186, 1871 , in reverse
lithographic processes [ 1881 , in green ink composition [ 1891 , in
printing on glazed sugar-coated tablets [190], in hot printing
foil [ 1911, and in other ink formulations [ 192-1961 has been re-
ported. One of the primary functions of shellac in ink formula-
tions is to provide good wettability of the formulations into the
surface which in turn helps to keep the tinctorial strength un-
changed [ 1971.
Gupta and Sankaranarayanan found that single-pack shellac
etch primers containing Zn-chromers (particularly those contain-
ing high percentages of chromic oxide) are unsuitable due to
gelling of shellac during grinding with the pigments. This draw-
back may be removed by incorporating malic acid which imparts

excellent flexibility, shelf-life, and adhesion [ 198, 1991 In
photosensitive compositions, shellac increases sensitivity [ 2001
As a result, shellac finds application in xerographic binder
plates [ 2011, electrophotography recording compositions [ 2021 ,
etching on silicon and germanium plates [203], and in pigments
for electrophotographic toners 12041 .
B. Control Release Agent
Downloaded by [National Chemical Laboratory] at 00:30 12 June 2012

Controlled releasing of a substance is a desirable process in

various fields of practical applications, especially in the case of
pharmaceutical drugs. A number of controlled release pharma-
ceutical preparations have been made with the help of shellac
and are effective in sustaining the release of drugs [ 2051. Thus,
the release of analgesic medications, e g , aspirin salicylamide ,
salicyl salicylic acid, and acetophenetidine, over an extended
period of time is accomplished by coating the particles with shel-
lac, a permeable, solution-resistant material [ 2061. Shellac coat-
ings are used on tablets to release a relatively uniform quantity
of medication or odor-masking material into the oral cavity for a
prolonged time period. The coating material is a mixture con-
taining shellac in oil in a 1:l ratio, and dissolution of the tablet
in the mouth requires 5-10 h 12071. Shellac resin particles
(diameter 5- 5000 p m ) are used in preparing controlled-release
materials in which water-soluble particles are dispersed. A
typical preparatory method [ 2081 involves a solidified, pulverized,
and separated mixture of white transparent shellac resin and
vitamin C as the Na-salt in a 4 : l ratio into 32-60 mesh and
100-170 mesh particles. Each set of particles is contacted with
Ca-stearate (a plasticizer) and treated at 90C for 10 min. Shel-
lac is effective in sustaining the release of papaverin HC1 from
tablets when beeswax or cetyl alcohol is incorporated [209]. I t
may be used as a controlled-release binder for the release of
drugs such as thioridazine-HC1 12101 , antazoline-HC1 [ 2111 , and
xanthinol-nicotinate [212] from their tablets. In the case of
antazoline-HC1, the release time increases with an increase in
the shellac solution concentration, and it is more effective than
ethyl cellulose in reducing the release time of the drug. Shellac
is superior to dextran , poly(viny1pyrrolidone) , and cellulose
acetate phthalate in controlling the release of xanthinol nicotinate
from its tablet. Shellac, either alone or in combination with
castor oil, silicon varnish, etc., may be added to prepare a
gelatin film to retard the diffusion rate of pholedrine sulfate
through the film while it is dissolving in an artificial gastro-
intestinal liquid [2131. Shellac is useful in controlling the

release of KC1 [214] and NaCl [215[ from their tablets. In the
case of NaCl tablets, the use of several coated layers gives a
time release of up to 5 h.
Apart from the pharmaceutical uses just mentioned shellac
is used in the fertilizer industry to coat urea to reduce its toxic
effects. The coated urea slows the release of N H 3 , and no toxic
signs have been seen in animals fed coated urea [ 2 1 6 ] . K i r i lac
powder obtained by extracting K i r i shellac manufactured residues
may be used for coating urea prills. The product obtained is
Downloaded by [National Chemical Laboratory] at 00:30 12 June 2012

free flowing and does not cake [ 2171. Shellac coating is also
useful for controlling the release of an atomized spray of BRL
50216 [ 2 1 8 ] .

C. Other Applications

Shellac has been used in a number of applications to modify

the properties and characteristics of polymer and polymeric
compositions. Among the earliest uses of shellac were in vulcan-
ized fiber from cellulosic raw materials [ 2 1 9 ] , improving the foam-
ing characteristics of styrene polymers 12201, imparting a self-
polishing protective coating on an alkali-soluble resin [ 2211, and
in making foam plastics flameproof [ 2221. Shellac has also been
used in polymerization media [ 2231 , in plastic dispersions [ 224-
2261 , and in wax dispersions [ 2 2 7 ] . One of the ingredients of
many polymer emulsions is either shellac or shellac derivatives
[ 2281.
Shellac has also been used in film-forming polymers such as
acetyl cellulose 12293, in the manufacture of paper and card-
board materials [ 2301, in the modification of castor oil-based
resins [ 2 3 1 ] , in the modification of alkyds [232] and ally1 ether
esters 12331, as an emulsifying agent for the polymerization of
conjugated diene 12341, as a surface treating agent for water-
repelling materials [ 2351 , in quick dissolving compositions of
water-dissolving polymer 12361, in electrical insulation 12371, in
the strengthening of paper corrugated boards [238] and in vari-
ous resin compositions [ 239- 2491 .
Other fields of application of shellac are floor wax formula-
tions, hair spray, binders, and sealing wax. In floor wax for-
mulations, shellac is used to polish the floor in order to impart
high gloss and resistance to solvents. The formulation is pre-
pared from a mixture of polymers, shellac, and other ingredients,
and is used mostly in the form of a latex 1250-2521. Dewaxed
shellac is used in floor cleaning compositions [2531, as a clean-
ing polish for leather [ 2 5 4 ] , in instant high gloss polishes for
tiles [2551, and in foam compositions for grinding and polishing

[ 2561. The floor polishing compositions generally exhibit high

gloss, are resistant to scuff and dirt pick-up as well as water
spotting, and possess good antislip properties.
Sealing knots of deodar wood with shellac in MeOH prevents
discoloration of paints by weathering [ 2571. Sealing wax com-
positions 12581 of cold setting sealing wax [259] in paste form
contain shellac or hydrolyzed sheallc. To increase the strength
of brazed joints, shellac has been used as a plasticizer in paste
solder compositions [260]. Shellac has been used as a binder
[261] for making paste for soldering aluminum and to increase
Downloaded by [National Chemical Laboratory] at 00:30 12 June 2012

protective and fluxing properties [ 2621.

Sharpening wheels used for steel tools for wood working are
prepared from a mixture of elastic binder and 20-50% abrasive;
shellac has been used as the binder [ 2 6 3 ] . Shellac is also used
as a binder for abrasive tools 12641, and for grinding disks and
abrasive papers [265]. It is used as a binder in making pencils
for use at high temperatures 12661. H a i r spray formulations
and shampoos contain shellac and shellac derivatives as an in-
gredient [267-2691. The role of shellac in hair spray and sham-
poos is to act as a compatibilizing agent with a number of syn-
thetic resins included in such formulations. It also neutralizes
the alkalies added to hair sprays and shampoos [ 2701.
An interesting application of shellac has been reported in a
Japanese patent 12711. It is claimed that improved moisture re-
sistance and increased sweetness (by 20%) of sugar can be ob-
tained by coating granular sugar particles with 2 parts of re-
fined shellac solution (40% in E t O H ) . Pure white or orange
shellac has been used to produce a stable emulsifiable gel which
is useful as a protective coating for corrosion-susceptible metals
such as brass, Al, Cu, Ni, and galvanized metals 12721. A
water solution of shellac or a combination of shellac and borax
retards the setting of concrete; concrete treated with this re-
tarder is washable after 3 days 12731. In organic fertilizers,
powdered shellac is used for improving the air permeability of
soils 12741. When felt is treated with an aqueous solution of
shellac and borax, the shellac acid liberated by the borax pro-
duces the stiffening effect needed for the modification of hat
felts [275, 2761. Miscellaneous applications of shellac and shellac
derivatives are in the following fields: cleaning oil-coated alu-
minum surfaces [2771, stabilizing vitamin C and B microgranules
for cattle food [ 2783, enriching rock salt for electroseparation
12791 , creating artificial turbidity for soft drink formulations
12803, as a thermoplastic stiffener for chrome-tanned leather
[2811, as a dispersant for coloring compositions for polyesters
12821 , in polyethylene glycol-based deicing and anti-icing compo-
sitions [2831, in improving the water repellency of shoes [ 2 8 4 ] ,

in matchhead compositions [ 2851 , and in silicone-based, water-

repellent, nonadhesive surgical dressings [ 2861. Shellac com-
bines with methacrylate and forms a semipermeable membrane
which can be used for microencapsulating betahistine methane
sulfonate I2871 A shellac-poly(viny1pyrrolidone) mixture has
also been tested for microencapsulation in a fluidized bed [ 2881.
Modified shellac may be used for encapsulating sulfur trioxide
[289-2911. The shellac coating is heat-sealable and impermeable
to SO and water vapor. Encapsulated sulfur trioxide is stable
in storage for several weeks and easy to transport.
Downloaded by [National Chemical Laboratory] at 00:30 12 June 2012


The price of crude oil and various petroleum fractions has

increased by about 20 times during the last decade. It is ex-
pected to increase further. With the increase of price, avail-
ability has also become uncertain. This has, in t u r n , led to
competition between the use of oil as fuel and oil as feedstock
for petrochemicals. This has put a severe strain on the pros-
pects of polymers and polymer chemicals. Crude oil and other
conventional energy-cum-feedstock sources are finite and, there-
fore, will be exhausted one day.
Polymer scientists are engaged in finding alternative feed-
stocks for polymers and polymer chemicals, It is preferable that
these prospective feedstocks be renewable. Farm and forest
products and wastes have attracted serious attention for develop-
ment as renewable resource materials for petrochemicals [ 2921.
Plant exudates, such as rosin [293-2971 and various gums, and
waste products, such as lignin, bagasse, spent lye from the
casein industry, molasses, etc. are important in this research.
Conventional as well as newer methods have been developed to
tap these renewable resources for polymers and the petrochem-
icals industry.
Viewed in this light, shellac appears to be promising as a
raw material for the polymer and allied industries. Shellac is
used as an addition material, supplimentary to man-made surface
coatings, varnishes, printing inks, etc. The unique structure
of shellac makes it interesting in applications as a component in
synthetic polymers. Polymer modification by shellac is an i m -
portant area which is expected to offer new products. Polymer
blending with shellac is another recent area of R and D which
is very promising 12981. The graft copolymerization of various
vinyl monomers onto shellac has been reported recently [ 2991.
468 M A l T l AND RAHMAN


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521 British Patent 1,069,828 (1967) ; Chem. Abstr., 6 7 , 44615
531 L. T . Bonjoch, Spanish Patent 270,430 (1961); Chem.
Abstr., 5 9 , 11729 (1963).
[ 541 S . R. Srinivasan and S . L. Kapur, Indian J . Technol..
2 , 7 1 (1964).
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551 R . G. Flowers, U.S. Patent 3,228,901 (1966); Chem.

Abstr., 6 4 , 11408 (1966).
[ 561 K . Shibayama, H. Ono, and E . Jidai, Japanese Kokai
74 23,833 (1974); Chem. Abstr., 81, 154015 (1974).
571 K . Shibayama, H. Ono, and E. Jidai, Japanese Kokai
74 23,834 (1974); Chem. A b s t r . , 81, 154016 (1974).
581 K . Ohe, D . Nishio, S. Sadamatsu, and H . Kaneko, German
Offen. 2,025,104 (1970); Chem. Abstr., 7 4 , 54377 (1971).
591 M . Jakubowska and I. Zassowski, Polimari, 15(6), 295
(1970); Chem. Abstr., 7 4 , 43583 (1971).
t 601 T . R . Lakshminarayanan and M. P. Gupta, Res. I n d . ,
19, 4 (1974).
1611 . . .
T R Lakshminarayanan , Y Sankaranarayanan , and
M. P. Gupta, Indian J. Technol.. 1 2 , 67 (1974).
621 C . L. Lynch, U . S . Patent 3,219,606 (1965); Chem. Abstr.,
6 4 , 6835 (1966).
1631 F. Studencki, K . Wybraniee, and W . Grad, Polish Patent
107,082 (1981); Chem. Abstr., 9 4 , 209723 (1981).
1641 R. Bhattacharya, Indian Patent 69,596 (1961); Chem.
Abstr., 5 7 , 1096 (1962).
t 651 N . Prasad, P. K . Ghosh, and T . Bhowmik, Res. I n d . , 1 7 ,
98 (1972).
661 K . Shibayama, H. Ono, and E. Jidai, Japanese Kokai
74 28,631 (1974) ; Chem. Abstr., 81, 122135 (1974).
I671 L. Aronberg, U.S. Patent 3,434,890 (1969); Chem. Abstr.,
7 0 , 108686 (1969).
681 R . P. Coyle, U . S . Patent 3,625,933 (1971); Chem. Abstr.,
7 6 , 100693 (1972).
[ 691 A . Rudolph and J. T. McShane, U.S. Patent 3,389,036
(1968) ; Chem. Abstr., 6 9 , 36802 (1968).
r 701 N . C. Jain and R . C . Gupta, R e s . I n d . , 1 0 , 99 (1965).
1711 .
H Pichlmayr , German Patent 1,168,000 (1964) ; Chem.
Abstr., 6 1 , 836 (1964).
721 J. D. Marshall and M. C . Kuklies, U . S . Patent 4,058,643
(1977); Chem. Abstr., 88, 24032 (1978).

. .
H H Mahler , French Patent 1,542,907 ( 1968) ; Chem.
A b s t r . , 71, 31123 (1969).
S. Kostic, U.S. Patent 4,240,939 (1980); Chem. A b s t r . ,
94, 85789 (1981).
L . Barthes , French Patent 1,467,672 (1967) ; Chem.
A b s t r . , 67, 74562 (1967).
J. A . Oltra, Spanish Patent 333,700 (1967); Chem. A b s t r . ,
68, 31158 (1968).
R . N. Majee and S. Kumar, Res. I n d . , 1 5 , 192 (1970).
R . N. Majee and S. Kumar, Paintindia, 20(10), 19 (1970).
Downloaded by [National Chemical Laboratory] at 00:30 12 June 2012

S. Kumar and Y. Sankaranarayanan, I b i d . , 15( 1) , 119

S. Kumar and Y . Sankaranarayanan, I b i d . , 15( 1) , 123
J. J. Clancy, J . Drougas, and D . W . Lovering, U . S .
Patent 3,215,655 (1965); Chem. A b s t r . , 64, 3844 (1966).
British Patent 963,608 (1964) ; Chem. A b s t r . , 61, 9678
A . K . Dasgupta and S. Kumar, Paintindia, 20(9), 23
S. Kumar, Paint Technol., 29(12), 15 (1965).
S. Kumar, I b i d . , 31(1), 15 (1967).
H . Schmalz, German Patent 1,241,926 (1967); Chern. A b s t r . ,
68, 41062 (1968).
M. A . Timechko and G . V. Kharabaruk, Derevoobrab.
Prornst., 17(3), 19 (1968); Chem. A b s t r . , 69, 11451
0. I. Kruglyakov, V. I . Mitina, and A. P. Zaitseva,
Stomatologia, 48(3), 43 (1969); Chem. A b s t r . , 71, 94732
K . Bolewski, A . Zoremba, and B . RycNy, Polish Patent
64,755 (1972); Chem. A b s t r . . 78, 138057 (1973).
Japanese Kokai Tokkyo Koho 82 50,908 (1982); Chem.
A b s t r . , 97, 44157 (1982).
F. Huber, German Offen. 2,404,778 (1975); Chern. A b s t r . ,
84, 6593 (1976).
R. Bhattacharya, Paintindia S u p p l . , 12( 1) , 9 (1962).
M. Weiss, S. Beinfest, P. J . Gregory, and P. Adams,
U.S. Patent 3,366,618 (1968); Chem. A b s t r . , 68, 60598
J. C . Lasserre, German Offen. 2,259,265 (1973); Chem.
A b s t r . , 79, 80456 (1973).
S. Kumar, Paintindia, 20(12), 19 (1970).
G. B . Balabir, V. V. Anisiforov, V . L. Alekseev, P. M.
Lapko, and T. M. Troitskaya, U .S.S . R . Patent 254,754
(1969); Chem. A b s t r . . 72, 133918 (1970).

[ 971 . .
A , Balcunaite , D Gedvilaite , S Navardavskaite , and
L. P. Chazova, U.S.S.R. Patent 338,539 (1972); C h e m .
A b s t r . . 7 7 , 128465 (1972).
H. L. Pfluger and C . G . Gebelein, U.S. Patent 3,234,158
(1966); C h e m . A b s t r . , 6 4 , 16144 (1966).
H. N . Johnston, U.S. Patent 2,991,262 (1961); C h e m .
A b s t r . . 55, 22868 (1961).
C. H. Dawson, U.S. Patent 3,024,128 (1962); C h e m .
A b s t r . , 5 6 , 15276 (1962).
S . S. Chopra and Y . Sankaranarayanan, P a i n t i n d i a ,
Downloaded by [National Chemical Laboratory] at 00:30 12 June 2012

15(1), 136 (1965).

I. Skeist, R. F. Martel, and W . R. Kuebler, U.S. Patent
3,216,842 (1965); C h e m . A b s t r . , 6 4 , 3855 (1966).
E. Baxter, U.S. Patent 3,262,800 (1966); C h e m . A b s t r . .
65, 13955 (1966).
French Patent 1,460,661 (1966); C h e m . A b s t r . , 6 7 ,
22857 (1967).
C . P. Gupta and Y . Sankaranarayanan, R e s . I n d . , 15,
13 (1970).
M. Mukherjee and Y. Sankaranarayanan, P a i n t i n d i a ,
20(8), 32 (1970).
G. Kato, Japanese Patent 72 51,563 (1972); C h e m .
A b s t r . , 80, 16532 (1974).
K . J. Kedlaya and D . Mukherjee, L e a t h e r S c i . , 20(6),
216 (1973).
N. C. Howells, U.S. Patent 3,770,465 (1973); C h e m .
A b s t r . , 80, 51266 (1974).
T. Amamiya, Japanese Kokai 74 56,713 (1974); C h e m .
A b s t r . , 82, 45273 (1975).
M. Nozaki and H. Kondo, Japanese Kokai Tokkyo Koho
78 105,538 (1978); C h e m . A b s t r . , 90, 7773 (1979).
U. Janke, German Offen. 3,003,918 (1980); C h e m . A b s t r . ,
93, 169763 (1980).
J. W. Martin, A m . C h e m . S O C . , D i v . O r g . C o a t i n g P l a s t .
C h e m . , P r e p r . , 26(2), 74 (1966).
J. E. Hammond, U.S. Patent 3,205,077 (1965); Chem.
A b s t r . , 63, 15069 (1965).
J. Y . Thomas, U.S. Patent 3,380,871 (1968); C h e m .
A b s t r . , 68, 115789 (1968).
A. D. Yakovlev, I. A . Tolmachev, and I . S . Okhrimenko,
P l a s t . M a s s y , p . 69 (1967); C h e m . A b s t r . , 6 7 , 118176
A . J . Van de Werff and F. Visser, German Offen.
2,165,702 (1972); C h e m . A b s t r . , 77, 128284 (1972).
N . 1. Yaremchuk, U.S.S.R. Patent 255,083 (1969);
C h e m . A b s t r . , 7 2 , 134255 (1970).

R . Hesse, G . Edler, and H . Keller, German Offen.

2,201,121 (1973); Chem. Abstr.. 80, 5037 (1974).
R. J . Sheppard, German Patent 1,162,731 (1964); Chem.
Abstr., 61, 2060 (1964).
H . S. Cockeram, U.S. Patent 3,015,639 (1962); Chem.
A b s t r . , 56, 11747 (1962).
R. E . Zdanowski, W . W . Toy, B . E. Larrson, and
B . B . Kine, U.S. Patent 3,061,563 (1962); Chem. A b s t r . ,
58, 5896 (1963).
R. E. Zdanowski and W . W . Toy, U.S. Patent 3,061,564
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(1962) ; Chem. A b s t r . , 58, 5899 (1963).

P. K . Kundu and S. Kumar, Paintindia, 16(6), 27 (1966).
S. S. Chopra and Y . Sankaranarayanan, Indian J .
Technol.. 5 , 190 (1967).
E. C . Scholl, U . S . Patent 3,350,329 (1967); Chern.
Abstr., 68, 22883 (1968).
K . Morimoto and H . Yoshimizu, Japanese Patent 70 29,760
(1970) ; Chem. Abstr., 74, 127694 (1971).
S. Guruswamy, S. Krishnamoorthy, and V . Yegnaraman,
Paintindia, 21( 5), 22 (1971).
F. Tanimoto, H. Uotani, and H. Kitano, Japanese Kokai
74 66,790 (1974); Chem. A b s t r . . 82, 74592 (1975).
H. S. Cockeram, U.S. Patent 3,267,059 (1966) ; Chem.
Abstr., 65, 15672 (1966).
S. H . Ahmad, S. M . Shamim, and S. A . Abbas, Pak.
Sci. Ind. R e s . , 14(3), 282 (1971).
S. K . M . Tripathi, Y . Sanakaranarayanan, and S. C .
Sengupta, Paintindia, 24(6), 17 (1974).
I. Skeist, R. F. Martel, and W. R . Kuebler, U.S. Patent
3,228,782 (1966); Chem. A b s t r . , 64, 8489 (1966).
I. Skeist, R. F. Martel, and W. R . Kuebler, U.S. Patent
3,215,551 (1965); Chem. A b s t r . , 64, 3844 (1966).
F. W. Sanders, U.S. Patent 3,306,743 (1967); Chem.
Abstr., 66, 116805 (1967).
Netherlands Patent 6,500,021 (1966); Chem. A b s t r . , 65,
14703 (1966).
T. Kubota and A . Kojima, Japanese Kokai 75 98,328
(1975) ; Chem. Abstr., 84, 114188 (1976).
Indian Patent 137,618 (1975); Chem. A b s t r . . 92, 155882
( 1980).
S. R. Sengupta, Colourage, 14(7), 25, 38 (1968).
S. K . M. Tripathi and G . S. Misra, Res. I n d . , 13, 129
( 1968).
S. K . M . Tripathi and G . S. Misra, Paintindia, 17(10),
7 (1968).
S. K. M . Tripathi and G . S. Misra, Res. I n d . , 14, 114
474 M A l T l AND RAHMAN

11431 N . D. Ghatge and S . R. Srinivasan, T e x t . R e s . J . ,

41(1), 78 (1971).
11441 V. V. Furman, L. M . Apininskaya, V. N . Klimenko,
V. A. Maslyuk, and I. D. Radomyselskii, U.S.S.R.
Patent 635,158 (1978); C h e m . Abstr.. 90, 88877 (1979).
11451 A. - G . Metallgesellschaft , Netherlands Patent 6,508,232
(1965); C h e m . Abstr., 64, 19984 (1966).
11461 E. Pandula and B . Kovacs, Acta P h a r m . Hung., 40(1),
25 (1970).
11471 E. Pandula and B . Kovacs, Zbid., 41(2), 58 (1971).
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11481 G. W. Johnston, R. I. Malani, and M. W . Scott, U.S.

Patent 3,274,061 (1966) ; C h e m . Abstr., 65, 18861 (1966).
1491 W . Bold, R. Skarnitzl, and L. Vynohradnik, Czecho-
slovakian Patent 118,131 (1966) ; C h e m . Abstr., 66,
22212 (1967).
11501 St. Nikolov, L. Nedeleva, and E. Velikova, Farmatsia.
17(3), 60 (1967); C h e m . Abstr., 67, 111383 (1967).
11511 C. A . Signorino and T. E. Jamison, U.S. Patent
3,524,756 (1970); C h e m . Abstr., 73, 102062 (1970).
[ 1521 C . A . Signorino and T . E . Jamison, U.S. Patent
3,576,663 (1971) ; C h e m . Abstr., 75, 40455 (1971).
11531 H. Hess and H. J . Janssen, German Offen. 2,051,301
(1971); C h e m . Abstr., 75, 38058 (1971).
11541 T. Kawai, T . Azuma, T. Makino, and F. Weda, Japanese
Patent 74 16,608 (1974); C h e m . A b s t r . , 82, 47750 (1975).
11551 S. A . Minina, L. S. Efimova, N . V. Abramova, V. D .
Raisyan, and A . S. Bril, K h i m . -Farm. Z h . , 12(2), 120
(1978); C h e m . Abstr., 88, 158396 (1978).
11561 J . H. F. Smith and P. K . Nargund, German Offen.
2,718,719 (1978); C h e m . Abstr., 90, 67758 (1979).
1571 A . S. Alam and E . L. Parrott, J . P h a r m . Sci., 61(2),
265 (1972).
1581 St. Nikolov, L. Tomasini, R. Ionova, E . Velikova,
D. Naplatanon, and K . Radeva, Farmatsiva, 17(1), 22
(1967); C h e m . Abstr., 67, 57259 (1967).
[ 1591 Japanese Kokai Tokkyo Koho 80 162,715 (1980); C h e m .
Abstr., 94, 109370 (1981).
11601 S. Ohno, F. Sekigawa, and M. Harayama, Japanese
Kokai 75 132,120 (1975); C h e m . Abstr., 84, 35337 (1976).
11611 A. A . Kassem, A . M . Fouli, and A . H. Assasi, Bull.
Fac. P h a r m . , 9(1), 129 (1970); C h e m . Abstr., 77, 39139
1 1621 D. H . Ferris and A. S . Arambulo, German Offen.
2,343,570 (1974) ; C h e m . Abstr. , 81, 96437 ( 1974).
1631 A. Pescetti, U .S. Patent 3,939,259 (1976) ; C h e m . Abstr. ,
84, 126782 (1976).

[ 1641 K . Smith, British Patent 1,086,150 (1967); C h e m . A b s t r . ,

68, 6190 (1968).
11651 F. Gstirner and Th. Kaempgen-Botten, A r c h . P h a r m . ,
300(8), 684 (1967); C h e m . A b s t r . , 67, 93954 (1967).
11661 F. E. $elles and B. M. Cordoba, G a l e n i c a A c t a , 23, 111
(1970) .
1671 L. S. Efirnova and S . A . Minina, Farrnatsia, 18(4), 16
1681 H . Sawai and Y . Iwayama, Japanese Kokai 75 129,725
(1975); C h e m . A b s t r . , 84, 35333 (1976).
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1691 M. Kitajima, A. Kondo, T. Yamaguchi, and N . Muroya,

German Offen. 2,001,726 (1970); C h e m . A b s t r . , 73,
78221 (1970).
1701 A. Barth, H. Jeschkeit, H. Lenk, and 0. Lowisch,
East German Patent 37,600 (1965); C h e m . A b s t r . , 64,
920 (1966).
11711 N . Dzyuba, V. Ionchev, V . Levchenko, L. Shepotinnik,
and A . Nakonechnyi, K h i m . I n d . , 48(4), 169 (1976);
C h e m . A b s t r . , 85, 144831 (1976).
[ 1721 V. 0. Gary, A m . Ink Maker, 45(12), 26, 30, 72 (1967).
11731 H. Hadert, C o a t i n g , 2(9), 287, 290 (1969); 2(11), 366,
370 (1969) ; 3( 1) , 19 (1970) ; 3(2), 50 (1970) ; 3(3), 82,
84 (1970).
11741 V. T. Levchenko, V. I . Min'kov, and L. I. Moroz,
P o l i g r a f i y a . 4 , 11 (1972); C h e m . A b s t r . , 77, 63474 (1972).
[ 1751 E. L. Marx, D e f a z e t - A k t u e l l , 26(2), 105 (1972); C h e m .
A b s t r . , 77, 76777 (1972).
[ 1761 S. A. Satushev, N . M. Dzyuba, and V . T. Levchenko,
U.S.S.R. Patent 704,973 (1979); C h e m . A b s t r . , 92, 95780
11771 J. C. Brown, U.S. Patent 3,258,347 (1966); C h e m . A b s t r . ,
65, 15678 (1966).
11781 C . J. Piotrowski, U.S. Patent 3,694,237 (1972); C h e m .
A b s t r . , 77, 143797 (1972).
[ 1791 T. Sasaki, A. Mukio, Y . Mori, Y . Morishita, and T. Ikeda,
Japanese Kokai 77 146,307 (1977); C h e m . A b s t r . , 88,
154535 (1978).
1801 D. Fell, German Offen. 2,906,758 (1979); C h e m . A b s t r . ,
92, 24512 (1980).
1811 Japanese Kokai Tokkyo Koho 82 83,569 (1982); C h e m .
A b s t r . , 97, 164724 (1982).
[ 1821 Japanese Kokai Tokkyo Koho 82 98,576 (1982) ; C h e m .
A b s t r . , 97, 184148 (1982).
[ 1831 T. Watanabe and M. Mizuguchi, Japanese Kokai 73 101,205
(1973); C h e m . A b s t r . , 80, 97531 (1974).
[ 1841 T. Watanabe and I. Ozawa, Japanese Kokai 73 93,403
(1973); C h e m . A b s t r . , 80, 97530 (1974).
476 M A l T l AND RAHMAN

[ 1851T . Yoschii, H. Yamada, T. Watanabe, M. Mizuguchi, and

T . Harada, Japanese Patent 74 27,127 (1974); C h e m .
Abstr., 8 2 , 126760 (1975).
1861 British Patent 1,350,521 (1974); C h e m . Abstr., 8 1 ,
19294 (1974).
[ 1871 H. Miratsuka and M . Takimoto, German Offen. 2,164,167
(1972); C h e m . Abstr., 7 8 , 36332 (1972).
[ 1881 L. U. Berman, U.S. Patent 3,532,532 (1970); C h e m .
Abstr., 73, 132059 (1970).
[ 1891 Y . Mori, T. Sasaki, and Y. Morishita, Japanese Kokai
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Tokkyo Koho 78 127,010 (1978); C h e m . A b s t r . , 9 0 ,

105902 (1979).
[ 1901 Y. Ikegami, T. Kobayashi, and H. Tachibana, Japanese
Kokai 74 19,018 (1974); C h e m . Abstr.. 8 1 , 6277 (1974).
[ 1911 V. 1. Yankin, G. M. Levin, V. N. Fefilov, and B. I.
Korzheva, U.S.S.R. Patent 889,485 (1981); C h e m . A b s t r . ,
9 6 , 182371 (1982).
1921 B. D. Philip and T. W . Eric, U.S. Patent 4,021,252
(1977); C h e m . Abstr., 8 7 , 7677 (1977).
[ 1931 I. R. Mansukhani, U.S. Patent 4,177,075 (1979); C h e m .
Abstr., 92, 78348 (1980).
[ 1941 K . K . Gifuserakku Seigosho, Japanese Kokai Tokkyo
Koho 80 102,663 (1980); C h e m . A b s t r . , 94, 17277 (1981).
1951 R. J . Walbrun, South African Patent 77 05,618 (1978);
C h e m . Abstr., 9 0 , 170346 (1979);
[ 1961 S. Scheller and Z. Paradowski, Polish Patent 76,509
(1975); C h e m . Abstr., 8 4 , 61489 (1976).
[1971 W. Kaiser, DEFAZET Dtsch. Farben-Z., 28(8), 381
(1974); C h e m . Abstr., 8 2 , 32567 (1975).
1981 P. C. Gupta and Y. Sankaranarayanan, Indian J. Tech-
nol., 4, 187 (1966).
11991 P. G . Gupta and Y . Sankaranarayanan, Ibid., 4 , 243
[ 2001 I. D. Obygraikin and E. I. Gurova, U.S.S.R. Patent
684,489 (1979); C h e m . Abstr., 9 2 , 86012 (1980).
[ 2011 A. J. Cole, U.S. Patent 3,307,942 (1967); C h e m . Abstr..
66, 116808 (1967).
[ 2021 F. W. Sanders, British Patent 1,069,739 (1967); C h e m .
Abstr., 6 7 , 59629 (1967).
"2031 British Patent 1,117,228 (1968); C h e m . Abstr., 6 9 , 69341
2041 K . Tsufuko, T. Kurotori, and T. Kimura, Japanese
Kokai 76 82,626 (1976); C h e m . A b s t r . , 8 5 , 151817 (1976).
[ 2051 J. H. Bell and A . P. Solomon, British Patent 1,153,324
(1969); C h e m . Abstr.. 71, 53600 (1969).
[ 2061 V. M. Hermelin, British Patent 1,019,196 (1966); C h e m .
Abstr., 64, 14039 (1966).

G . F. Defoney, D. S. Mayes, and H. S. Brenman, U.S.

Patent 4,039,653 (1977); Chem. A b s t r . , 8 7 , 141289 (1977).
K . K . Asahi, Japanese Kokai Tokkyo Koho 8 1 118,480
(1981) ; Chem. A b s t r . , 96, 20853 (1982).
A . A . Kassem, A . I. El-Assasy, S. A. Said, and M. R .
El-Nagger, Bull. Fac. Pharm., 14( 11, 101 (1975).
T . Smazynski, W. Grzegorzewiez, and J . Suroweiecki,
Acta Pol. Pharm., 30(4), 425 (1973).
A . A . Kassem, A . E . El-Assasy, and S. F. El-Kady,
Bull. Fac. Pharm., 1 4 ( 1 ) , 187 (1975).
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E . Pawlak, B . Chodkowska-Granicka, and J. Surowiecki,

Acta Pol. Pharm., 2 8 ( 1 ) , 43 (1971).
H . Moldenhauer and H . Kala, Pharmazie, 28( 11- 1 2 ) ,
773 (1973); Chem. A b s t r . , 80, 87477 (1974).
A . E . El-Assasy and A . El-Halim, Bull. Fac. Pharm.,
1 5 ( 2 ) , 145 (1978).
M. M. Ghorab, H. Mahrous, A . S. Genidi, and A. A .
Kassem, I b i d . , 1 1 ( 1 ) , 259 (1972).
V. Ya. Maksakov, V . B . Moshkevich, and E . S. Mosolova,
Veterinariya, 46(1), 79 (1970) ; Chem. A b s t r . , 73,
22865 (1970) .
T . Bhowmik, Fert. News, 25(5), 17 (1980).
H. Seager and P. Baker, 3. Pharm. Pharmacol., 214
(Suppl. ) , (1972).
C . J . Sawhney, Indian Patent 64,505 (1959); Chem.
A b s t r . , 54, 917 (1960).
M . H. Roth, U.S. Patent 2,911,381 (1959); Chem. A b s t r . ,
54, 4046 (1960).
S. 0. Greenlee, U.S. Patent 2,890,189 (1959); Chem.
A b s t r . , 54, 4046 (1960).
F. Stastny, K . Buchholz, and H . M. Tamm, German
Patent 1,067,586 (1959) ; Chem. A b s t r . , 55, 10960 (1961).
R . J . Ceresa, U . S . Patent 3,110,695 (1963); Chern.
A b s t r . , 60, 3169 (1964).
H . F. Schmalz, Farbelack. 70, 121 (1964); Chem. A b s t r . ,
60, 16099 (1964).
H. S. Cockeram, U.S. Patent 3,267,088 (1966); Chem.
A b s t r . , 65,15672 (1966).
N . P . Shpenzer, Ts. B . Gurvich, and S. L. Talmud,
T r . Leningr. Tekhnol. Inst. Tsellyul. -Bum Promsti, 21,
256 (1978); Chem. A b s t r . , 71, 62430 (1969).
M. 0. Brunson, Def. Publ. U . S . Patent Office 772,435
(1969) ; Chern. A b s t r . , 71, 14413 (1969).
V. V. Subramaniam, S. Srinivasan, and Y . Nayudamma,
Indian Patent 117,677 (1970); Chem. A b s t r . , 7 6 , 73667
( 1972).
478 M A l T l AND RAHMAN

12291 V . Ya. Makasakev and V . B . Moshkevkh, Khim. Selsk.

Khoz., 4(11), 855 (1966); Chem. A b s t r . , 66, 44622
12301 R . A . Petters and H. F. Arledter, German Patent
1,254,448 (1967); Chem. A b s t r . , 69, 20580 (1968).
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2681 R . Drakoff, U.S. Patent 3,964,500 (1976); C h e m . A b s t r . ,
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