Booz Allen Penetration Testing For ICS

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Embrace the Exponential


INTRODUCTION precautions must be taken when testing

OT systems because traditional methods
The Industrial Control Systems Cyber
could have serious adverse effects
Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT)
on infrastructure and operations.
reported 245 cybersecurity incidents
between September 2014 and February Penetration testing is often used to
2015, including at least 154 incidents validate the findings from a vulnerability
affecting critical manufacturing, assessment, which is an exhaustive
energy systems, and chemical and search to identify as many vulnerabilities
nuclear facilities (see Exhibit 1). as possible within an environment. Both of
these methods contribute to an overall risk
These incidents are increasing in
assessment, which measures and rates
frequency, complexity, and severity. Last
the level of risk that potential scenarios
year, more than half of the incidents
could present to a system or environment.
involved advanced persistent threats.
At Booz Allen Hamilton (Booz Allen), we
But despite an increasing need for
combine the results of all of these
improved security controls, monitoring,
and detection capabilities, the rise Exhibit 1: Reported Cyber Incidents, Sept. 2014 to Feb. 2015
of the Industrial Internetalong with
progressively sophisticated threat COMMUNICATIONS | 14, 6%
actorshas considerably increased the COMMERCIAL FACILITIES | 7, 3%
CHEMICAL | 4, 2%
number of exploits available in the past UNKNOWN | 6, 2%
5 years. In this constantly evolving cyber WATER | 14, 6%
environment, knowing your risk surface
is critical. Penetration testing allows you TRANSPORTATION | 12, 5%
to validate your cyber processes and NUCLEAR | 6, 2%
investments to protect your operational INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY | 5, 2%

technology (OT) in the Industrial Internet. CRITICAL

65, 27%
A penetration test or pentest simulates
an actual cyber attack by employing FINANCE | 3, 1%
the same techniques and methods FOOD AND AGRICULTURE | 2, 1%
79, 32%
used by hackers. Pentests can be very
invasive, because the objective is often
to gain unauthorized access to systems
by exploiting vulnerabilities. Special

components into a comprehensive Security you cannot assess the efficacy of these
Analysis Framework for ICS Security approaches, nor test your mitigation
(SAF-ICS, pronounced Safe ICS), which we strategies, without penetration testing. The
apply to help our clients prioritize and bottom line is that you must understand
mitigate risks in the Industrial Internet. the techniques and methods attackers use
to exploit your vulnerabilities, how malware
WHEN AND WHY TO PERFORM A infects your systems, and whether or
PENETRATION TEST not your countermeasures are effective.
Penetration testing provides you with that
Penetration testing in OT environments intelligence.
is often met with skepticism, fear, and
even outright rejection. Without the Penetration testing should be conducted
necessary precautions, penetration throughout your risk assessment lifecycle,
testing can pose significant risks to including:
production systems. However, the only + Validating vulnerability assessment
way to accurately assess the resilience findings to weed out false positives
of your cyber defense strategy is to + Evaluating existing cybersecurity controls
test it against a strong offense. at the beginning of the project
If you use American football as an example, + Assessing controls and responses after
a coach would never send their defense remediation and mitigations have been
into a game without first holding a deployed
scrimmage. The team could have the most
athletic players in the most strategic Ultimately, penetration testing should be
formations, but defensive strategies part of a complete risk management
depend on the ability of the players to lifecycle, which also includes creating
react as the offensive plays develop. attack scenarios and providing critical
Likewise, you can blanket your OT risk rating data to create more efficient
environment with best practices and and cost-effective risk mitigation/
multiple layers of in depth defense, but remediation plans.

Asset owners and operators often want One of the most specialized and technical
the confidence provided by using method- aspects of penetration testing is 0day,
ologies and processes backed by industry or zero-day, vulnerability research and
standards. While common industrial discovery. A task suited for only the most
security standards (e.g., NERC CIP, NIST highly skilled penetration testers, zero-
SP800-82, ISA-99/IEC 62443) have day vulnerability research is the process
matured to provide excellent guidance on of finding vulnerabilities that have not
OT cybersecurity best practices, there is yet been reported or even discovered,
still limited guidance for OT penetration much less patched. The vendor has
testing. NIST SP800-115 provides signif- had zero days to fix the vulnerability.
icant guidance on vulnerability assess- Vendors and advisors, such as ICS-CERT,
ment and penetration testing, but it is not help facilitate vulnerability discovery,
specific to OT systems. As a result, OT patching, and reporting processes for
penetration testers must formulate their enterprise IT, but when it comes to OT
strategies by combining their traditional vulnerabilities, the industrial community
penetration testing skills, actual indus- lags behind for several reasons:
trial experience, and implied guidance + OT devices and protocols were not
from industrial security standards (ideas originally developed with security in mind
interpreted from general OT cybersecurity and therefore have several decades of
guidance). The lack of industry standards catch up, patching, and redesign to
should not be an impediment to deploying complete.
penetration testing as a part of your
overall risk assessment lifecycle, but + Many vendors are reluctant to patch
you should ensure that your penetration these vulnerabilities or redesign their
testers possess the right mix of expertise products with more security in mind
and experience with OT systems to prevent because of lack of resources or disrup-
inadvertent effects on your infrastructure. tion to operations.

Attackers think differently. + Most of the vulnerabilities that are STRATEGIES
discovered are not necessarily being
When you lock all your In addition to the rules of engagement, the
reported to the information sharing
doors, they will get the spare specific testing strategies are a critical
and advisory services, such as ICS-
consideration that set an OT penetration
key from your unlocked CERT and the Information Sharing
testing project apart from a traditional
and Analysis Centers (ISAC).
neighbors house. When you enterprise IT penetration test. These
When it comes to OT vulnerabilities, you strategies are relevant to the specific
change the locks, theyll come
should not rely solely on ICS-CERT and design and functionality of OT systems,
in through a window. When the ISACs (by no fault of their own) to get applications, protocols, and devices,
you lock all the windows, they the most up-to-date vulnerability adviso- and attempt to take advantage of flaws,
will clone your garage door ries and information. Perform zero-day weaknesses, and vulnerabilities in that
vulnerability research on the devices design and functionality. As part of the
opener. Once theyre in your and systems that are specific to your SAF-ICS process, it is important to ensure
garage, they will have access organizations operations, in conjunction that all of the penetration testing findings
to all your power tools, as well with monitoring ICS-CERT and the ISACs, constitute a valid and realistic risk to OT
for the most accurate and relevant systems. For example, gaining access to
as your hidden spare key.
vulnerability situational awareness. a particular asset with limited impact on
The only way to validate your critical systems, or no communication
security is to have it checked RULES OF ENGAGEMENT path to these systems, provides little
by a trained penetration The rules of engagement are one of the overall value to the risk assessment
first considerationsand one of the most resultsaside from establishing that
important aspectsof any penetration particular asset and/or communication
MICHAEL WATERS, testing project. This statement could not path as a low risk. Strategies and findings
Manager of Enterprise Information that have value will demonstrate a
be any more accurate when considering
Security, Booz Allen Hamilton realistic potential for a successful attack
OT systems. The rules of engagement
describe what methods and techniques to negatively or even critically affect
are allowed and what is prohibited to keep safety, production, or brand reputation.
from disrupting business and operations.
These rules are the cornerstone of OT
penetration testing projects when it comes Finding useful information about the
to maintaining safety and production. target on the Internet, also known as
Rules of engagement are unique to footprinting (aka recon, open source
each project and are determined based intelligence, or OSINT), is not specific to
on the needs and requirements of the just OT systems; however, it is typically the
project, systems, and organization. first step and a critical part of the overall
process that provides data to be used
in subsequent strategies. The methods

Exhibit 2: Recreation of the Purdue Model, as illustrated in ISA-99/IEC 62443

5 Enterprise Network Enterprise
Level Enterprise Servers
Web Historian Terminal Application Security
Services (Mirror) Services Server Server

used in footprinting are no different

from any other penetration test, such as Production Optimizing Engineering
Control Control Historian Workstation
researching company information on the Level
Internet and discovering IP address blocks 3
and URLs associated with the target. Operations and Control
EXTERNAL TESTING Supervisory Supervisory
Control HMI HMI Control Control
Level Zone
External penetration testing refers to 2
testing Internet-facing environments Supervisory
from the Internet. This can include tradi-
tional enterprise IT systems, as well as Level

1 Batch Discrete Continuous Hybrid
OT systems. However, we want to avoid Control Control Control Control Control
actively pentesting production OT systems Level Process
and devices, even if they are directly 0
accessible from the Internet. Instead,
we use Internet-facing adjacent networks,
such as the enterprise network, as a
pathway to the OT networks. The idea is and other limitations imposed by the
that, in the absence of Internet-facing compromised system could also prevent
OT systems and devices, attackers can certain tools from being installed. However,
attempt to gain access to these other pivoting allows the attacker to use the
enterprise networks and work their way into compromised system as a relay, or
the OT networks through connected paths. essentially a router, to continue attacks
within the inside network while using
Pivoting is a term that refers to using
the entire arsenal of their original attack
a compromised system as a relay
platform. The goal is to gain access
for further attacking the network.
to the OT networks. According to most
What makes pivoting so effective and
industrial security standards, especially
useful is that it keeps the attacker from
the Purdue Model (Exhibit 2) found in
having to download additional tools
ISA-99/IEC 62443, not only should the
onto a compromised system. Using
network architecture separate the OT
a compromised system directly often
networks from the other networks, but
has complications, such as additional
data should typically not flow from higher
network traffic that could be detected
zones (levels 4 and 5) to lower zones
by an intrusion detection system (IDS)
without a properly established trust
or antivirus. The host-based IDS could
conduit. Systems should communicate
detect and/or prevent the activity,

using a push model from the OT network and social engineering, can provide
(levels 0 to 3) to higher zones. additional alternative attack vectors for
There are still a few limitations to network your OT systems. Comprehensive red
Everything is about team testing, which includes physical
segmentation strategies that make adja-
attempting to take control cent networks a viable attack vector to the attack vectors, simulates threats that will
seek to gain access to your OT systems.
of or affect OT processes in OT networks. OT network architects do not
always adhere to this network segmenta- Social engineering takes advantage of
a way that could pose a one of the weakest links in any security
tion and data communication standard.
meaningful risk to safety Engineers often bypass these restrictions program: the human factor. Technical
and production. by creating a dual-home workstation, social engineering methodssuch as
which is a workstation with two network spear phishing, social media vectors,
interface cards, one connecting to the OT and planting infected social media
network and one connecting to an adja- combined with specialized tools, allow
cent network. This effectively negates any penetration testing teams to test some of
firewalls. Due to the nature of transmission the most effective attack vectors used by
control protocol communication, sessions modern threats today. The use of social
can potentially be hijacked, allowing an engineering, insiders, and planted devices
attacker to gain access to the communi- renders perimeter-focused layered
cating system in the OT network. Internet defense relatively useless. Layered
control message protocol (ICMP) commu- defense needs to be comprehensive and
nication is often allowed through to the OT also include elements such as network/
network, which creates an opportunity for intrusion monitoring, end-point protection,
an attacker to launch ICMP-related attacks and awareness training designed to
or use the ICMP protocol as a data tunnel. counter social engineering threats.


When formulating attack strategies or At this point, we are staging the test
considering defensive countermeasures, as if the attacker is on the OT network.
it is important to look beyond the obvious Everything is about attempting to take
attack vectors, such as the Internet and control of or affect OT processes in a
adjacent connected networks. Other attack way that could pose a meaningful risk to
vectors, such as physical weaknesses safety and production. If exposures were
found in adjacent networks, we do not

recommend continuing to pivot onto the stack is often unable to handle traffic
production OT systems. Most, if not all, of that it is not intended to receive. Other
the strategies and techniques at this stage hardware components of the device
should be performed in a lab or a test and also have limited thresholds that can be
development network that most accurately exploited, for example, by creating a load
represents the actual production systems. that causes a spike in processor utilization.
It does not have to be to scale. As long Scenarios such as this have been known to
as a sampling of each type of device, cause devices to malfunction, reset, and
server, workstation, configuration, and fault. To further complicate things from a
version is tested, you should end up security perspective, most of the IP-based
with a reasonable representation of the industrial protocols these devices use are
exploitable risks that exist within your OT equally weak. Due to the lack of encryption
systems. One of the best ways to achieve and authentication mechanisms in many
thisbesides physically including each of these protocols, they are susceptible
device type, model, and versionis to to being altered, hijacked, or even crafted
virtualize the servers and workstations. from scratch to potentially manipulate,
Many asset owners use virtualized images disrupt, or even control OT devices.
for their backups, so creating a virtual
replica of the systems and network should TESTING OT SERVERS AND
be straightforward. For environments W O R K S TAT I O N S
that do not produce virtualized backups, The vast majority of OT servers and
it is best to start with a test and workstations are now Microsoft Windows-
development network and go from there. based, while a scattered few still remain
UNIX- or Linux-based. Regardless of the
TESTING OT DEVICES operating system used, there is nothing
OT device control or disruption is the unique about exploiting an OT computer
end goal of a threat determined to cause versus those in the traditional enterprise
maximum impact. Unfortunately for asset IT world. The use of Windows actually
owners, causing these devices to behave presents an even larger security issue
in a way that is outside of their designated when considering the limited patching
function is not that difficult, since security availability and extended lifecycles of
was probably not an inherent design legacy systems. Outdated and unpatched
consideration. For example, a network versions of Windows are known for

being quite insecure, and we continue + If possible, employ an OT engineer as a
For More Information to see even Windows XP workstations subject matter expert.
still in production to this day. While + Know, study, and understand existing OT
BRAD MEDAIRY this provides a ripe penetration testing vulnerabilities, and stay up to date on
Senior Vice President environment, it also means an ample
the trends and techniques of OT-focused
target-rich environment for real-world malware campaigns.
threats and big problems for asset owners.
+ Perform zero-day vulnerability research
on your organizations specific systems
Chief Technologist SUMMARY
(do not rely on advisories and ISACs to
While the keystroke-by-keystroke details be a definitive source of information).
of an entire penetration testing project
+ Ensure that attack scenarios and
CLINT BODUNGEN would be too extensive for a single
findings represent meaningful, realistic,
Lead Associate article, this discussion should help asset
and actual risk to OT systems (e.g., risks owners conceptualize OT specific threats,
to safety, production, and company
+1-281-832-3129 attacks, and risks when considering
defensive strategies and mitigations. Here are a few key takeaways you should The need for special precautions when
consider when building, managing, or conducting penetration testing for OT
hiring a penetration testing team: systems cannot be overemphasized.
At Booz Allen, our OT security experts
+ Ensure penetration testers have the
apply their cybersecurity and industrial
necessary pertinent skills commensu-
systems expertise through our proven
rate with traditional penetration testing
models to help our clients identify
techniques and strategies.
and mitigate potential risks before
+ For OT penetration testing, ensure the they expose critical assets to threat
testers have a thorough understanding sources. As part of that overall strategy,
of OT systems, devices, and applications. our SAF-ICS incorporates penetrations
+ Establish clear rules of engagement and testing to optimize OT security through
avoid performing active, potentially a complete risk assessment lifecycle.
harmful, penetration testing techniques
on production systems.

About Booz Allen

Booz Allen Hamilton has been

at the forefront of strategy and
technology for more than 100
years. Today, the firm provides
management and technology
consulting and engineering
services to leading Fortune 500
corporations, governments, and
not-for-profits across the globe.
Booz Allen partners with public and
private sector clients to solve their
most difficult challenges through
a combination of consulting,
analytics, mission operations,
technology, systems delivery,
cybersecurity, engineering, and
innovation expertise.

With international headquarters in

McLean, Virginia, the firm employs
more than 22,500 people globally,
and had revenue of $5.27 billion
for the 12 months ended March
31, 2015. To learn more, visit (NYSE: BAH)

2016 Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.


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