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Declaration of bibliography Benjamin

volution/benjamin-franklin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin helped draft the Benjamin Franklin was born on January
Declaration of Independence, in which the n-franklin-revolutionary-war-fd05659d663
17,1706 in Boston. Benjamin Franklin was
13 American colonies declared their freedom known for discovering electricity, as well as the
from the British rule. France gave the United Constitution of the United States.He was part
States millions of dollars to help support them. of a five member committee that helped draft the
Benjamin Franklin - America's Sto`ry from
To help with the revolutionary war. Declaration of Independence.
America's Library



Benjamin Franklin - Diplomat, Scientist,

Inventor, Writer -

Congress appoints Committee of Five to

draft the Declaration of ...
Benjamin Franklin had seven children with his wife Benjamin Franklin became famous from inventing Benjamin Franklin,Thomas Jefferson,John
Anne Child. And his second wife Abiah Folger and electricity and being part of a five member Adams,Roger Sherman and Robert R. that helped
he had 10 more children. Benjamin Franklin was a committee,that helped create the Declaration of draft the Declaration of Independence.It did not
scientist he invented electricity.And helped draft the Independence and the Constitution.benjamin really change his life after the Declaration of
Declaration of Independence.benjamin franklin was franklin helped write the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution was
born on january 17,1706,in boston.his brother was independence.` drafted.travled to seek the colinist.
15 years old. He was the oldest.

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